HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-16-14 - Supplemental - 0150 Swift StreetCITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: January 13, 2017 SD_16_14_150SwiftStreet_EasternDevelopment_PUD_sket Application received: May 20, 2016 ch Owner Martin Thieret 210 Maquam Shore Rd. Swanton, VT 05488 Applicant Eastern Development Corp. 300 Swift St. South Burlington, VT 05403 Location 150 Swift Street Sketch Plan Application #SD-16-14 Meeting Date: January 17, 2017 fnntart 1 Nathan Dagesse EIV Technical Services 55 Leroy Rd., Suite 15 Williston, VT 05495 Property Information Tax Parcel 1700-00150 Residential 1 with Planned Residential Development District CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING AND SD 16 14 150SwiftStreet EasternDevelopment PUD sketch lan 17 2017 mtg ZONING Proiect Description Sketch plan application #SD-16-14 of Eastern Development Corp. to develop a 12 unit planned unit development on 21.8 acres consisting of six (6) two-family dwellings, 1S0 Swift Street. Zoning District and Dimensional Requirements R1-PRD1 Min. Lot Size Max. Building Height Max. Building Coverage Max. Overall Coverage Min. Front Setback Min. Side Setback Min. Rear Setback Required Proposed 217,800 SF 914,760 (21 acres) 25 ft. (flat), 28 ft. (pitched) Unknown 15% Unknown 25% Unknown 50 ft. 50 ft. 25 ft. >25 ft. 30 ft. >30 ft. 'Section 4.01(F)(1) states that for lots within the Residential 1 District that are five (5) acres in size or more and designated as RI-PRD a PUD may be permitted at a maximum of four (4) units per acre. The applicant is applying under this provision. Eighty-four (84) units are possible given the size of the property and the number of units allowed per acre. Eight (8) units are proposed. If the applicant were not applying as a PUD under R1-PRD and instead under R1 then one (1) unit per acre would be allowed for a total of 21 units. In both scenarios, the applicant is presenting a project which is less than the maximum density allowed. � Zoning compliance Comments The staff notes herein reflect a review of the major land use regulations impacting this development and are, at this stage, intended to provide feedback on the basic concept and site design, as well as to advise the applicant as to any potential problems and concerns relating to those major issues. Staff has narrowed the topics of discussion to the central issues that seem to present themselves at this early stage of the project: lot configuration, access and street configuration, wetlands impact, open space planning, and building orientation. The current plans are an update from plans which were reviewed by the Board in October 2016. The applicant is now proposing two (2) four unit multi -family dwellings. Planned Unit Development Standards Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) are intended "to encourage innovation in design and layout" and "efficient use of land." Staff appreciates the efficient use of land that results from the shared parking and single driveway. Staff acknowledges that the property has certain restrictions, including topography, wetlands, and the need for onsite septic, that limit the development of the property. At the October 18, 2016 meeting some Board members indicated that townhouse/row-house development on this section of Swift Street was not their preference and suggested a pocket neighborhood would be a more innovative approach that would be more in keeping with the area. The applicant indicated that style of development was difficult on the site, because of the site limitations. 2 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING AND SD 16 14 150SwiftStreet EasternDevelopment PUD sketch Jan 17 2017 mtg ZONING The current design reduces the number of buildings from three (3) to two (2) and pushes the buildings further back from the road, which the Board had also indicated a preference for when last reviewing the project. 1. Staff recommends the Board discuss with the applicant how the project is innovative and/or could be more innovative given the site limitations. A. Lot Configuration Lots are to be laid out in such a way as makes it possible for the lot to be developed in full compliance with the land development regulations and "giving consideration to topography, soils, and drainage conditions" (Section 15.10). There are no new lots proposed at this time. B. Access, Street Configuration, and Parking The development is accessed from Swift Street by a driveway which enters the property between the two (2) proposed buildings. Staff considers that the driveway between the two (2) buildings would be better placed at either end of the proposed buildings, rather than breaking up front yard. 2. Staff recommends the Board request the applicant move the driveway so it is not breaking up the front yard and putting traffic between the two buildings. A sidewalk is proposed in front of the housing units and along the driveway. At a future stage of the review process staff recommends the applicant discuss with the Bike/Ped Committee and/or Parks & Recreation Committee whether this area of Swift Street should have a sidewalk or a recreation path, which is typically 10 feet wide. Staff considers that extending the sidewalk along Swift Street to the west would provide the residents of the proposed development with easier, safer access to the adjacent University of Vermont property where there is a woodland trail system. Additionally or alternatively, a network of trails on the applicant's site which could connect to the UVM trail system would also be positive. These types of pedestrian connections and recreation opportunities could help the project be more innovative in its design, which is a component of being a PUD. 3. Staff recommends the Board discuss with the applicant how the property could best be used to meet the recreation needs of the residents. The applicant is proposing surface parking as well as garages on the backside of the units, which will be at basement level. C. Wetlands Impact Section 12.02(E) of the Wetland Protection Standards and Review Procedure reads E. Standards for Wetlands Protection (1) Consistent with the purposes of this Section, encroachment into wetlands and buffer areas is generally discouraged. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING AND SD 16 14 150SwiftStreet EasternDevelopment PUD sketch Jan 17 2017 mtg ZONING (2) Encroachment into Class 11 wetlands is permitted by the City only in conjunction with issuance of a Conditional Use Determination (CUD) by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation and positive findings by the DRB pursuant to the criteria in (3) below. (3) Encroachment into Class 11 wetland buffers, Class 111 wetlands and Class 111 wetland buffers, may be permitted by the DRB upon finding that the proposed project's overall development, erosion control, stormwater treatment system, provisions for stream buffering, and landscaping plan achieve the following standards for wetland protection: (a) The encroachment(s) will not adversely affect the ability of the property to carry or store flood waters adequately; (b) The encroachment(s) will not adversely affect the ability of the proposed stormwater treatment system to reduce sedimentation according to state standards; (c) The impact of the encroachment(s) on the specific wetland functions and values identified in the field delineation and wetland report is minimized and/or offset by appropriate landscaping, stormwater treatment, stream buffering, and/or other mitigation measures. The applicant has submitted a sketch plan which shows the location on the property of Class II wetlands. The applicant stated in the submitted Project Narrative dated May 19, 2016 that the project would have no wetland impacts and no permanent impacts on the wetland buffers. D. Parks and Open Space Planning The project shows an area to the rear of the buildings and parking which is labeled as "community recreation area" and contains garden plots. At this stage details about the recreation area and design of the gardening area are unknown. As mentioned earlier in these comments, staff would consider it positive if there were an onsite network of trails, especially if they connected to the UVM property to the west. 4. Staff recommends the Board provide guidance to the applicant as to what types of onsite recreation amenities the Board would view as positive and discuss with the applicant how the gardening area would be designed (for example: would these be raised beds with a tap for watering?). E. Building Orientation The buildings will be oriented towards Swift Street with parking to the rear through a single access point. Given the topography of the site and presence of wetlands, staff considers this layout to be an efficient use of the space. Orienting the buildings in a row along the street will allow the applicant to take advantage of a steep drop-off to the rear and place parking below the height of the street. F. Stormwater Comments 4 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING AND SD 16 14 150SwiftStreet EasternDevelopment PUD sketch Jan 17 2017 mtg ZONING Staff received an email June 13, 2016 from the Stormwater Section: The Stormwater Section has reviewed the "Overall Property Plan with Proposed Development — 150 Swift Street" prepared by EIB Technical Services, dated 5112116. We would like to offer the following comments: 1. The overall lot coverage proposed is currently below 0.5 acres of impervious surface. Should future site plan submissions evolve to include 0.5 acres of impervious surface, the applicant will need to meet the requirements of 12.03 of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. Section 12.02(E)(2) of the City's Land Development Regulations indicates that encroachment into Class 11 wetlands is permitted by the City only in conjunction with issuance of a CUD by the Vermont DEC. The applicant is encouraged to confirm the Class II Wetland Boundary as delineated by S. Hance of EIV, December 2015 with the State. Since receiving these comments the applicant's plans have changed; however, the comments of the Stormwater Division remain relevant. 4. Staff recommends the Board request the applicant confirm the Class II Wetland Boundary as delineated by S. Hance of EIV, December 2015 with the State prior to the next stage of the review process. G. Energy Standards Staff notes that all new buildings are subject to the Stretch Energy Code pursuant to Section 3.15: Residential and Commercial Building Energy Standards of the LDRs. H. Other Staff notes that the applicant is proposing onsite wastewater treatment. Requirements for such systems should be reviewed with the Public Works Department by the applicant prior to the next stage of the review process. RECOMMENDATION The Board should seek clarification on the issues identified above. Respectfully submitted, Ray Belair, Administrative Officer 5