HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-19-16 - Supplemental - 0000 Market Street (7)CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD SD-19-16_0 Market St_Snyder Braverman_Sketch_2019-06-04.docx DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Report preparation date: May 31, 2019 Plans received: May 13, 2019  0 Market Street Sketch Plan Application #SD-19-16 Meeting date: June 4, 2019  Owner South Burlington City Center, LLC P.O. Box 2204 South Burlington, VT 05407 Applicant Snyder Braverman Development Co., LLC 4076 Shelburne Rd, Suite 6 Shelburne, VT 05482  Property Information Tax Parcel 0450-00002 Form Based Code Transect Zone 5, Transect Zone 4 21.74 acres Engineer Latitudes Land Surveying 1 Mill Street, Suite 169 Burlington, VT  Location Map /   PROJECT DESCRPTION Sketch plan application #SD-19-16 of Snyder Braverman Development Properties, LLC to subdivide an existing 21.74 acre lot into five lots of 0.42 acres (Lot M2), 1.89 acres (Lot M1), 1.35 acres (Garden Street), 5.86 acres (Lot N) and 12.22 acres (Lot L), for the purpose of constructing a project south of Garden Streeton on Lots M1 and M2 which will be reviewed under separate site plan application, 0 Market Street. CONTEXT The Applicant is proposing to subdivide one existing parcel into five lots in preparation for development on two lots (Lots M1 and M2) near the center of the existing parcel and creation of a public right of way bisecting the existing parcel into a north half and a south half. The owner plans to further subdivide the larger remaining lots in the future. The development of the subdivided lots will be subject to administrative review through the Form Based Code process. The DRB is responsible for review of subdivisions within the Form Based Code district to ensure that the proposed lots are legal and developable. Therefore these staff comments focus on those elements of the proposed subdivision and omits discussion of the proposed development except as relevant to the DRB’s authority. COMMENTS Development Review Planner Marla Keene and Planning and Zoning Director Paul Conner, hereafter referred to as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted by the applicant and have the following comments. ZONING DISTRICT & DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS There are no minimum lot dimensions within the T5 and T4 districts. Staff has no concerns with the proposed lot dimensions. Block lengths and perimeter standards are exempt for this location (LDR Section 8.04B(1)(a)). The applicant is proposing to access Lots M1 and M2 via a driveway on the east side of Lot M2 which will be shared with the future development to the east of Lot M2. Curb cuts on Garden Street in the T4 are limited to a minimum 400-ft spacing on the proposed right of way. The centerline of the access drive appears to be located approximately 450 feet from the Market Street right of way. With this location, Staff notes the applicant will not be able to propose an additional curb cut on the south side of Garden Street unless it qualifies as a street. Staff considers that without an overall plan, it is not possible to evaluate whether this proposed access will present a problem for future development of the remaining parcel. Staff recommends the Board discuss the curb cut standards with the Applicant. OFFICIAL MAP The Proposed City right of way for Garden Street is shown on the official map. Staff has no concerns with this project’s compliance with the official map. Staff notes there are other roads within the proposed lot shown on the official map. Pursuant to 24 VSA 4421, Official Map, planned public facilities must be accommodated in a proposed development. In a recent decision, #MS-19-02, the Administrative Officer denied an application for stormwater facilities to be constructed on the western segment of Lot L. The reason for the denial is that pursuant to 24 VSA 4421 the applicant failed to accommodate planned public facilities. That action has triggered the City Council’s obligation to consider whether to acquire a planned roadway segment. That decision is pending. For the purposes of this Sketch Plan application, staff considers that the proposed subdivision does not at this time appear to preclude the future development of other planned streets within the parcel and therefore considers it not necessary for the Board to require dedication of the other streets at this stage. Staff recommends, however, that the Board revisit this subject at the Preliminary/Final Plat stage as the City Council’s determination and other planned facilities reviewed in application #MS-19-02 may have relevance to the Board at that time. Staff recommends the Board include a condition in the final subdivision approval that requires subdivision and identification of street type at the time of subdivision of Lot N, north of Garden Street. SUBDIVISION STANDARDS Subdivision standards pertain to water and wastewater capacity, natural resource protection, traffic, visual compatibility with the surrounding area, open space, fire protection, relationship to the Comprehensive Plan, and public infrastructure. (3) The project incorporates access, circulation and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. In making this finding the DRB may rely on the findings of a traffic study submitted by the applicant, and the findings of any technical review by City staff or consultants. The applicant has not provided any information about the planned use of Lots M1 and M2 therefore it is not possible to evaluate whether the proposed subdivision will result in unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Acknowledging that site plan review of the buildings themselves will be conducted administratively, Staff recommends that in order to evaluate compliance with Subdivision Criterion #3, the Board discuss with the applicant what the anticipated use of the lots will be. Roads, recreation paths, and sidewalks. The applicant has proposed a 64-foot ROW for the future Garden Street. The approved Garden Street cross section includes two drive lanes, two parking lanes, street trees, sidewalk on each side of the street, stormwater treatment and a separated bike path. This application proposes to discontinue the existing dead end of Garden Street between Healthy Living Market and Trader Joe’s. The roadway alignment appears to jog near the transition point, with parking being transitioned out approximately 100 ft from the edge of the property. Staff recommends the Board invite the applicant to describe the proposed alignment at the transition point, and discuss the configuration of the on-street parking. Protection of Natural Resource Areas Natural resource area impacts associated with Lot B were approved under #CU-18-01. Stormwater from the development associated with the proposed subdivision is proposed to be treated off-site. SUBDIVISION STANDARDS Staff notes it appears the applicant is proposing one building to span two lots. Since the last discussion of this topic, Staff has researched whether this is allowable and has not identified any barriers to allowing one building to cross two lots, though Staff notes the lot will be considered one lot for taxation purposes. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board discuss the project with the applicant and conclude the meeting. Respectfully submitted, / ____________________________________ Marla Keene, Development Review Planner