HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Form Based Codes Subcommittee - 09/16/2019 Form Based Codes Subcommittee Subcommittee of the Planning Commission 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4131 www.sbvt.gov Meeting Monday, September 16, 2019 4:00 – 5:30 pm Champlain Room, 2nd Floor South Burlington City Hall, 575 Dorset Street AGENDA: 1. Directions on emergency evacuation procedures from conference room (4:00 pm) 2. Agenda: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items; 3. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda; Minutes; 4. Discuss possible amendments to the City Center Form Based Code; 5. Discuss possible Regulating Plan / Master Plan and amendments to City Center Portion of Official Map; 6. Adjourn (5:30 pm) Respectfully submitted, Paul Conner, AICP Director of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com TO: South Burlington Form Based Codes Subcommittee FROM: Paul Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning SUBJECT: FBC Subcommittee Staff Memo DATE: September 16, 2019 Subcommittee Meeting Thanks for your patience in setting up this meeting. Staff has a few materials for you. As a reminder, when the PC received the proposed Open Space-related amendments previously, a couple of key conflicts between two sets of amendments were uncovered. Most importantly, it appeared that that there may be a conflict between the allowance for Open Space in the T4 to be placed further away from a site (ie, within ¼ mile) and the table of permitted open spaces (which was moving forward as a separate amendment), where certain open space types might not be allowed as discussed. In reviewing that, staff also took a step back to consider two related subjects and perhaps find a better way to address the topic overall: First, in the previous draft, any property in the T4 district could have open space be located up to ¼ mile away, regardless of whether it was part of a larger planned development. Meaning a single building lot redevelopment could have its required 1,000 s.f. open space ¼ mile away and that would be considered “nearby”. That seemed to counter the other standards of the LDRs that give other means of addressing open space that is not on the property itself. So instead, the options to have open space be located further away from properties are unlocked by larger developments. Second, there was an opportunity here to solve a few related issues in the FBC that stem from what is considered “on site” and “off-site”. We have seen several examples of developments coming in with 2 or more parcels that function essentially as one development, and the FBC doesn’t really contemplate this. Examples: 1. David Shenk built four 3-plexes along Market Street. The FBC requires each 3-plex to be on its own lot, but the stormwater treatment facility for the development is a single entity. 2. Proposed projects have shown parking on a separate lot from one or more buildings In reviewing these issues, staff is therefore proposing the following: A. Create a “Large Project” option for open space, where an area can be designated and show where commonly used open space will be installed and how it will be accessed. 2 B. Create a “Development Pod” option, where an area of up to 6 acres can be designed as a single entity, resulting in everything within that area being considered “on-site” for open space purposes and Frontage Buildout being able to be counted for an entire street, not lot by lot. C. Modifications to the Open Space chart to clarify where Enhanced Wetlands/Stormwater Facilities may be located and to note that Open Space types are applicable in the district in which they are proposed to be built. In addition to these modifications, please note that the Planning Commission received a handful of specific questions/requests for other changes related to the Open Space chart. These are included in your packet. The remainder of the proposed amendments to the FBC – related to landscaping, window height, and location of parking, are unchanged. LDR-19-09 Open Space Location Draft for FBC Committee Review September 16, 2019 | 1 LDR-19-09: Establish greater allowance for location of open space off-site for residential buildings in FBC T4 District, clarify definitions 8.08 Open Space Requirements Table 8-1 Open Space Requirements Transect Zone Residential /Non- Residential Parcel Size Qualifying Open Space Required Additional Restrictions, Requirements, or Allowances Public Realm Requirement T5 Non- Residential All 5% of non- residential building gross floor area May locate qualifying open space off-site or purchase open space credits Whether on or off site, 100 % must be part of the public realm Residential, Less than 10 Units All 100 Square Feet Per Unit May locate qualifying open space off-site pursuant to BES or purchase open space credits No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 10-19 Units All 85 Square Feet Per Unit May locate qualifying open space off-site pursuant to BES or purchase open space credits No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 20 or more Units All 60 Square Feet Per Unit May locate qualifying open space off-site pursuant to BES or purchase open space credits No public realm requirement for residential component T4 Non- Residential <20,0 00 SF 6% of non- residential building gross floor area May locate qualifying open space off-site or purchase open space credits Whether on or off site, 75% must be part of the public realm Non- Residential >20,0 00 SF 6% of non- residential building gross floor area Qualifying Open Space must be located on-site or within 150’ of the site and directly accessible from the site Whether on or off site, 75% must be part of the public realm Residential, Less than 10 Units All 100 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying Open Space must be located on-site or within 150’ of the site and directly accessible from the site; 50% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 10-19 Units All 85 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying Open Space must be located on-site or within 150’ of the site and directly accessible from the site; 50% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 20 or more Units All 60 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying Open Space must be located on-site or within 150’ of the site and directly accessible from the site; 50% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component T3/T3+ Non- Residential All 6% of non- residential building gross floor area Qualifying open space must be located on site Minimum 30% must be part of the public realm Residential, Less than 10 Units All 100 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying open Space must be located on site No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 10-19 Units All 100 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying open Space must be located on site; 25% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 20 or more Units All 90 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying open Space must be located on site; 40% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component LDR-19-09 Open Space Location Draft for FBC Committee Review September 16, 2019 | 2 … E. Open Space Location (1) For the purpose of this Section 8.08, “On-site” shall mean the lesser of (1) the area subject to the approved area of the site plan or (2) 800’ distance from the corner of a proposed building, and “off-site” shall mean property located elsewhere within the City Center Form Based Code district. (2) (E) Locating Open Space Off-Site (a) (1)Qualifying open space may be located off-site, or on a parcel other than the one where the subject use is located, as in areas designated in Table 8-1. Designated off-site qualifying open space must be located within City Center FBC District boundaries and must meet the standards articulated herein. Designated off-site open space must qualify under the palette of options listed in Table 8-2 Appendix F for the transect zone in which it is to be located. (b) (2)Designated off-site qualifying open space shall be located on developable land. For the purposes of this Ssection (8.08(D)), developable land is defined as land that is free of natural resources regulated under Articles 10 and 12 of these Regulations or has obtained approval for impact under those Articles. developable land is an area of land within the City Center FBC District that feasibly can be developed with residential uses or mixed uses in accordance with the Code as determined by the DRB. Developable land area shall not, except where otherwise specified, include: (i) Land area that was already substantially developed, including existing parks and dedicated, perpetual open space within such substantially developed portion; (ii) Areas of contiguous land that are unsuitable for development because of topographic features or for environmental reasons, per chapter 12 of these regulations. (3) Wetlands and wetland buffers shall not be designated as off-site qualifying open space areas, unless the DRB makes a finding that the wetland and/or wetland buffer is improved and can be actively and explicitly used as a qualifying Open Space pursuant to this Article and Appendix F. In considering whether to make this finding, the DRB may wish to consider the reasonable and expected use of the wetland, and refer to the specifications for “Enhanced or Recreational Wetlands” in Appendix F of these Regulations. If the DRB makes such a finding, that wetland and/or wetland buffer shall not count as more than 50% of the minimum required qualifying open space. (c) (4)Pre-approval of open space. An applicant that constructs a greater area of open space than the minimum required area may apply that additional open space that exceeds the minimum towards the required open space for a future building. In doing so, the applicant shall demonstrate with each such building that the off-site open space is qualifying for the proposed building in question. (3) (F)Purchase of Off-Site Open Space Credits (a) Applicability. In lieu of providing Open Space as required by these Regulations, an applicant may contribute to a designated City Fund that shall be used to acquire Open Space and/or for Open LDR-19-09 Open Space Location Draft for FBC Committee Review September 16, 2019 | 3 Space capital improvements, both within the City Center FBC District, subject to the following conditions and requirements: (i) In the T5 and T4 Transect Zones, a contribution may be provided in lieu of Open Space for any parcel of less than two (2) acres in size existing as of the date of adoption of these regulations (or where two or more smaller parcels are merged at any time and the total remains less than two (2) acres). (ii) In the T5 Transect Zone, a contribution may be provided in lieu of no more than 50% of the minimum required qualifying Open Space for any parcel of two (2) acres or more. (b) Amount of Contribution. The amount of contribution shall be calculated as follows: the minimum required percentage of qualifying Open Space per Table 8-1 multiplied by the mean current assessed value of the land of all parcels of two (2) acres or less within the T5 and T4 Transect Zones. (4) Large Development Area Open Space Option. Purpose: To provide larger properties within the City Center Form Based Code District the ability to provide a portion of their required open space in a coordinated, consolidated manner. (a) Eligibility: In order to qualify for this option, the parcel or parcels must: (i) Include a minimum of 15 acres of developable land, as defined under this Section, under common ownership, control, or legal agreement; and, (ii) Where multiple parcels are included, be contiguous with one another, excepting public rights-of-way. (b) Application Requirements: An applicant seeking approval for this option shall submit the following as a part of a miscellaneous application: (i) A plan delineating the geography involved and indicating the location of existing parcel lines, easements, public rights-of-way, and natural resources on the site; (ii) A demarcation of area(s) to be designated as open space and the type(s) of open space for each area. More than one type may be proposed and approved for a selected area for the purpose of this application. All such areas shall be demonstrated to located on developable land as defined in this section. Open spaces types 1-8 from Appendix F shall be eligible to be demarcated open spaces under this section; (iii) Demonstration of common ownership, control, or legal agreement among involved areas; (iv) A pedestrian connectivity plan, demonstrating how users of the open space(s) can access the areas from throughout the designated area. This should include both sidewalks/recreation paths along streets but connections between buildings or from the rear of sites / open spaces to foster usage of these open spaces; and, (v) Where applicable, existing or proposed Development Pods. (c) Effect: Approval of a Large Property Open Space Option shall afford the applicant the following: LDR-19-09 Open Space Location Draft for FBC Committee Review September 16, 2019 | 4 (i) Any open space designated under this section shall be eligible for use in meeting open space requirements for any development within the designated area, without regard to distance from the building, any on-site requirement in table 8-1, rights-of-way; and, (ii) Any open space designated under this section shall be eligible to account for up to 50% of the total open space required for a building or designed Development Pod. (d) Ongoing accounting. The property owner / controlling entity of a large property open space plan shall maintain an ongoing tally of open space required and provided for all development within the designated area (5) Development Pods Purpose: To allow for small-area coordinated open space design amongst contiguous parcels. (a) Eligibility: In order to qualify for this option, the parcel or parcels must: (i) Include a maximum of 6 acres of developable land, as defined under this Section, under common control or ownership. (ii) Where multiple parcels are included, be contiguous with one another, excepting public rights-of-way (b) Application Requirements: An applicant seeking approval for this option shall submit the following as a miscellaneous application: (i) A concept plan of the entire area to be included, indicating anticipated locations of buildings, parking areas & infrastructure, open spaces, and planned pedestrian connectivity within the Development Pod; (ii) The concept plan shall provide sufficient information to assure that overall site plan requirements can be met, including building frontage buildout and open space requirements; and, (iii) Demonstration of common ownership, control, or legal agreement among involved areas. (c) Effect: Approval of a Development Pod shall afford the following: (i) All areas within the Development Pod shall be deemed to be “on-site” for the purposes of Open Space requirements in this Section 8.08; and, (ii) Frontage Buildout requirements may be calculated across the entire frontage of a Development Pod’s length along each street. (d) Ongoing accounting: The property owner / controlling entity of a Development Pod shall maintain an ongoing tally of building frontage and open space required and provided for all development within the designated area APPENDIX F Open Space Requirements LDR-19-06 Neighborhood Park Green Dog Walk and Play Area Courtyard Plaza/Square Wooded Area Enhanced or Recreational Wetlands/Stormwater Treatment Area Playground Pocket/Mini Park Numbering 1 2 3 4 5 6A 6B 7 8 Applicability as Qualifying Open Space (PUD Types or Zones)* All districts except FBC T5 All districts except FBC T5 FBC T-3 and T3+ All districts All FBC Districts; UDO district All districts except FBC T5 All districts except FBC T5 All districts All districts Description & Service Intent Park intended to serve immediate neighborhood and those within 1/4-1/2 mile radius. Shall have several different elements of play and leisure, which may include athletic fields or courts, playgrounds, picnic areas, pump tracks, skating facilities, and similar. Informal and centralized public, civic space or common/shared private space for residential use or campus-style development. Fenced dog play areas in private and public spaces; separate spaces for small and large dog Common Open Space area on a portion of a lot. Primarily hard-surface space. Intended to serve public, allowing people to congregate, sit, walk, or access adjacent businesses. Should be context-sensitive. Naturally occurring area with predominance of canopy trees with enhancement and public access. An existing wetland buffer or new stormwater treatment area which offers public amenities that exceed those minimally necessary for water resource management. Programmed space and/or structure that serves the active recreational needs of children in the immediate vicinity. Small open area. May be tucked adjacent to or between buildings, or adjacent to roadway. on a separate lot or portion of a lot.. Intended to primarily serve public or residents within 1/4 mile radius. Size Minimum 0.5 acres Residential: 0.25-2 acres; Campus- style Development: 0.5-3 acres. 1/4 acre minimum size. 5,000-20,000 sq. ft.Minimum 5,000 sq.ft. 2,500 sq. ft. minimum; Shall include the land of the improvement (such as enhanced path, viewing platform, etc) and no more than 50 feet to either side; combined total area of this, and "Enhanced or Recreational Wetlands/Stormwater Treatment Area" shall not count as more than 50% of the minimum required qualifying open space. Shall include the land of the improvement (such as enhanced path, viewing platform, etc) and 50 feet to either side; combined total area of this and "Wooded Area" shall not count as more than 50% of minimum required qualifying open space. Total play area shall be a minimum of 2400 square feet. Play space should include a buffer area around any play structures. 2,000-10,25,000 sq. ft. Location & Access Must be open to the public. Must be pedestrian accessible (sidewalks or paths). Some provision for public vehicle parking. Should be located such that it is accessible to a majority of users. For residential: Centralized; Accessible to all tenants/residents via pedestrian walkway or direct frontage (cottage court development). For campus-style development: Centralized; Accessible from a public right-of- way via direct walkway; Access from several locations encouraged. Accessible to residents. Encouraged to be separated from ground floor residential units. Physically defined by surrounding buildings on three sides (outer) or four sides (inner) Outdoors and within Public Realm. High Visibility from public rights of way. Accessible from a public street at grade or 3' above or below street level connected to street with wide, shallow stairs. May include space for a farmer's market Must be accessible, at minimum, by residents, tenants, or customers of site. Must be onsite. Offsite wooded areas shall not be considered qualifying open space even where the LDR permit open space to be located off-site. Must be visible to public or tenants and users of building. Direct pedestrian access from adjacent public street type. Accessible from Public Right-of-Way or adjacent to private sidewalk. Should be centrally located and visually accessible to the greatest extent practicable. Fronts on and is accessed from a street right-of-way. Pedestrian accessible. Seating*, Tables, Etc. One seat for each 750 sq.ft. of park size. Must include amenities which differentiate the space from basic lawn area. Examples include benches, bike racks, trash receptacles, gazebos, playgrounds or public picnic tables. Shall have signage in accordance with City sign design guidelines. Provide formal and informally arranged seating, on sculptured lawn. Moveable chairs desirable. Three seats per quarter acre, rounded up. Benches required. Minimum seating for 6. One seating space for each 500 sq.ft. of courtyard area, with a minimum of 10 3. Minimum one seating space for each 500 sq.ft. of plaza area. Minimum 10 seats. Seating is encouraged to be of a variety of types, high quality, and socially oriented. Light enhancement expected. Must include improvements, including cleared paths and benches. If functional for sitting and viewing, seating can be ledges, benches, and/or stairs. Must provide benches or formal seating areas at one space for each 500 square feet, rounding up, as well as at least 200 square feet of level, grassed, informal seating. One seat for each 750 sq.ft. of park size. Must include amenities which differentiate the space from basic lawn area. Examples include benches, bike racks, trash receptacles, gazebos, playgrounds fixed play equipment, or public picnic tables. Landscaping, Design- Shall offer areas of open grassed field as well as some shaded seating areas. Integration with natural environment encouraged. Features for wildlife encouraged, including pollinators, bird feeders, and bat houses. Provide lush landscape setting with predominantly lawn surfaces and planting such as: trees, shrubs, ground cover, flowers. Canopy trees should provide substantial shade. Fenced. Sloped; larger areas for longer runs; effective drainage; Natural agility & play structures encouraged. If paved, area shall be amended throughout with substantial planted areas or large planters of trees and lush greenery. If grassed, area should be articulated at perimeter with lush greenery. Landscape is secondary to architectural elements. Use trees to strengthen spatial definition. Shall include attractive paving material or pattern to create unique space. Encouraged use of lush, dense plant material. Shall incorporate art, sculpture and/or water feature. Majority of area must be covered with canopy trees. Light enhancement expected. Must include cleared paths, benches, and/or other amenities. LID techniques; no fencing permitted. Appropriate ground material- rubber or woodchips. Plantings for articulation of space to complement active play ingredients encouraged. Flat paved or concrete area for wheeled toys encouraged. Paved areas including space for basketball or other sport courts are encouraged and may be counted towards minimum required area of qualifying open space. Shade shall be provided in consultation with the Recreation Director. Turf and landscape plantings. to Should promote shade over at least 25% a portion of the area. Commercial Services, Food Permitted but not counted towards open space requirement. 20% of space may be used for restaurant seating taking up no more than 20% of the sitting facilities provided. Not permitted 20% of space may be used for restaurant/cafe seating, taking up no more than 20% of the sitting facilities provided. Not permitted.Not permitted. Permitted but not counted towards open space requirement. Not permitted Sunlight and Wind No requirements Sunlight to most of the occupied area from mid-morning to mid- afternoon. Shelter from wind. Some natural or built shelter from sun or inclement weather Sunlight to sitting areas for most of day. Sunlight to most of the occupied area from mid-morning to mid- afternoon. No requirements Appropriate to the plant species selection. Sunlight to most of the occupied area from mid-morning to mid-afternoon. Mix of sun and shade. No requirements Other Bicycle parking is permitted in this area and may be counted towards the open space size requirements. Must be located on applicant- owned property. Shall include minimum components:3 low child-sized swings; 1 toddler sized swing; 2 slides; one or more play houses. Shall include added amenities specifically intended for play by toddlers and young children, to the satisfaction of the Administrative Officer in consultation with the Director of Recreation and Parks. Creativity in design strongly encouraged. Notes: Seating dimensions: *Required dimensions for one seating space or one seat are as follows: Height: 12" to 36"; ideally 17"; must allow user to bend knees and have feet below knees Depth: 14" one- sided; 30-36" double-sided Width: 30" of linear seating are counted as one seat Materials All products installed in qualifying open spaces shall be of high quality materials intended to be used for commercial application. ** Refers to the District in which the Open Space may be installed. For example, a building in the T5 District that is authorized and chooses to install open space on land in the T3 District may only install open space types permitted in the T3 District. 1 APPENDIX F Open Space Requirements LDR-19-06 Numbering Applicability as Qualifying Open Space (PUD Types or Zones)* Description & Service Intent Size Location & Access Seating*, Tables, Etc. Landscaping, Design- Commercial Services, Food Sunlight and Wind Other Notes: Seating dimensions: Materials ** Indoor Park/Atrium Snippet/ Parklet Sun Terrace Rain Garden Community Shared Garden Space Outdoor Café/ Restaurant Seating Private Yard Space Pedestrian Pass Streetfront Open Space 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 FBC T4 and FBC T5; Any non- residential or mixed use building in UDO. All FBC districts All buildings having 3 or greater stories; residential buildings must have a minimum of 12 units. All FBC districts All FBC districts.All districts which permit restaurant (or similar dining) use FBC T-3 and T3+ FBC T4 and FBC T5 All FBC districts Interior open space where at least one wall facing the street consists entirely of glass. Small sitting area clearly intended to provide welcoming respite between or adjacent to buildings. May serve general public, employees, residents, or customers. Accessible and open area on upper story with seating and gathering amenities. A shallow depression planted with native plants that captures rainwater runoff from impervious urban areas. Land set aside and maintained for production of food to be used primarily for participating gardeners. An open-air seating area provided by a restaurant located on the subject or adjoining property, where restaurant patrons can eat or drink Private yard space associated with residential units Narrow pedestrian right of ways that cut through blocks in residential and/or commercial areas. Liner open space area to secondary streets, as permitted per the Regulations. Minimum area 1,500 sq.ft. Minimum ceiling height 20'. Area to be counted as qualifying open space shall not exceed twice the area of the glass wall projected onto the floor plane. 500-3,000 sq. ft 500-3,000 sq.ft; total area shall not count as more than 50% of the minimum required qualifying open space. Maximum size of 3,500 sf; shall not count as more than 50% of minimum required qualifying open space. Minimum 400 square feet. Encouraged to serve at least 20% of units in multifamily developments. Minimum 100 sq. ft.As directed by minimum requirements. 8' minimum width; 24' maximum width. 50' minimum depth from closest public street line; or if private, 50' minimum depth from edge of pavement or sidewalk as applicable. Building interior adjacent to sidewalk or public open space. Direct access from street level. Provide several entrances to make the space available and inviting to the general public. Must be directly adjacent to public right of way and sidewalk or building entry. Designers are encouraged to consider safety in design. Second floor or above. Encourage location in places which have spectacular views. Accessible directly from the sidewalk or public corridors. For T5 Non-Residential, must provide adequate signage about location and accessibility in hallways and elevators. The garden should be positioned near a runoff source like a downspout, driveway or sump pump to capture rainwater runoff and stop the water from reaching the sewer system. May not be located in any class wetland or wetland buffer. Shall have proper drainage. Highly visible, directly adjacent to public right of way. See additional public realm standards below. Directly adjacent to and accessible to at least one entry of dwelling unit it is associated with. No vehicular traffic. Must connect two public streets. Storefronts and restaurants are highly encouraged to access the pedestrian pass. If in FBC districts, must be immediately adjacent to qualifying secondary street. See Chapter 8 for additional regulations. Must be on each side of roadway, unless a complying building is located on the opposite side. Provide one seat for every 100 sq.ft. of floor area, one table for every 400 sq.ft. of floor area. At least one half of seating to consist of movable chairs. Seating shall be the main focus of the space and is required. Seating shall be present year- round and composed of high quality materials. Fixed seating is required unless the applicant demonstrates that moveable seating will meet the stated goals of the type and meet standards of high quality (examples could include adirondack style furniture). One seating space for every 50 sq.ft. of terrace area. The space must serve as a visual amenity which can be enjoyed through paths or seating. Adjacent seating, proportionate with the size of the garden and number of users, intended to enhance the garden is are required and can be counted as part of the required open space. None required. Seating material shall be of moderate to high quality in order for café space to be considered qualifying open space. No requirements. One seating space for each 150 sq.ft. Seating is encouraged, but there shall be no minimum requirement. Provide attractive paving material to create interesting patterns. Use rich plant material. Incorporate sculpture and/or water feature. Landscaping shall also be a primary component of the space. Because the space is inherently small, it shall be carefully landscaped in a higher proportion than larger spaces. Landscaping should not interfere with seating, but instead complement it. Spaces should appear warm and inviting and permanent rather than temporary. Terrace may take one of the following forms: complex architectural setting which may include art works; flower garden; space with trees and other planting. Planted roofs are permitted provided area is also a functional seating space. Deep rooted native plants and grasses. Must have adequate planting soils, tested for pH balance, drainage, nutrients, etc. (proof provided prior to Certificate of Occupancy). Where they are inadequate, soils shall be amended for more suitable farming. Shall have water service directly to gardens. Raised planters or other semi-permanent infrastructure encouraged. For optional separated seating areas, use planting boxes of interesting patterns of plants, open fences of less than 3 feet in height, or decorative and moveable bollards with decorative chain connectors. No requirements. Landscaping, lawns or planned seating/dining areas (patios and decks) are encouraged. If paved, area shall provide trees or large potted plants at no more than 530 foot intervals. If grassed, area shall be accented with intermittent trees or public art. Slight, gentle, and undulating berms from 1-3 feet in height are encouraged to block views of parking areas. Ever-green landscaping is required. Include canopy trees whose branches are above the average visual line of sight, located throughout the space, with no more than 40 feet between any two such trees or between a tree and the street or parking area. Landscaping should aim to distract from parking beyond, but should not create dense walls of shrubbery or trees. Artwork is also highly encouraged. 30% of area may be used for restaurant seating taking up no more than 30% of the seating and tables provided. Permitted Dependent on Transect, may possibly be used up to 100% for commercial food services. See Table 8-1. Not permitted.Not permitted. May serve as seating area for adjacent restaurant/food service, or be space provided for those bringing their own meals. Not permitted. 40% of area may be used for restaurant seating taking up no more than 30% of the seating and tables provided. Not permitted. No requirements except as noted for street façade to be wall of glass. Encouraged to be south-facing. No requirements No requirements Appropriate to the plant species selection. Full sunlight. Sunlight encouraged to most of the occupied area at lunchtime. Exterior to building. Sunlight to most of the occupied area at lunchtime. Shelter from wind. No requirements. Bicycle parking may be permitted within these areas; however, the space dedicated to bicycle parking shall not count towards meeting the open space requirements. See LID language for additional standards. Plan shall be established and submitted to ensure continual use and maintenance of the gardens, whether by residents, association, property owner or property manager. Separate travelled way from parking areas; shall create pedestrian environment. 2 LDR-19-06 Open Space Types & FBC applicability Draft for Planning Commission Public Hearing August 13, 2019 | 1 LDR-19-06 Modify Table of Open Space Types (Appendix F) and Applicability in the City Center Form Based Code District 8.08 Open Space Requirements … C. Qualifying Open Space. Qualifying Open Space is defined per the palette of options included in Table 8-2, and specifically excludes areas also intended for motor vehicular use, such as parking areas, driveways, travel lanes, etc. Table 8-2. Qualifying Open Space Transect Zone Allowable Open Space (see Appendix F for standards) T5 Pocket/Mini Park Plaza/Square Outdoor café/restaurant seating (not within the public right -of-way) Sun Terrace (as restricted in Appendix F) Courtyard Pedestrian Pass Indoor Park / Atrium T4 All Open Space listed as allowable in T5 and; Playgrounds Green (residential and campus style development only) Community gardens Rain Gardens (as restricted in Appendix F) Wooded area (as restricted in Appendix F) Enhanced or recreational Wetlands/Stormwater Treatment Area (as restricted in Appendix F) T3/T3+ Pocket/Mini Park Courtyard Green- residential with more than 7 units only Private yard space (respecting common space requirement indicated in Table 8-1) Playground Community gardens Wooded area (as restricted in Appendix F) APPENDIX F Open Space Requirements LDR-19-06 Plaza/Square Green Pocket/Mini Park Neighborhood Park Playground Outdoor Café/ Restaurant Seating Sun Terrace Indoor Park/Atrium Courtyard Wooded Area Community Shared Garden Space Applicability as Qualifying Open Space (PUD Types or Zones) All FBC Districts; UDO district All districts except FBC T5 All districts All districts except FBC T5 All districts All districts which permit restaurant (or similar dining) use All buildings having 3 or greater stories; residential buildings must have a minimum of 12 units. FBC T4 and FBC T5; Any non- residential or mixed use building in UDO. All districts Onsite in FBC T3 and T3+ unless counting as off-site open space for T4 and T5 and meeting all of the requirements and limitations of 8.08E. All FBC districts. Description & Service Intent Primarily hard-surface space. Intended to serve public, allowing people to congregate, sit, walk, or access adjacent businesses. Should be context-sensitive. Informal and centralized public, civic space or common/shared private space for residential use or campus-style development. Small open area. May be tucked adjacent to or between buidlings, or adjacent to roadway. on a separate lot or portion of a lot.. Intended to primarily serve public or residents within 1/4 mile radius. Park intended to serve immediate neighborhood and those within 1/4- 1/2 mile radius. Shall have several different elements of play and leisure, which may include athletic fields or courts, playgrounds, picnic areas, pump tracks, skating facilities, and similar. Programmed space and/or structure that serves the active recreational needs of children in the immediate vicinity. An open-air seating area provided by a restaurant located on the subject or adjoining property, where restaurant patrons can eat or drink Accessible and open area on upper story with seating and gathering amenities. Interior open space where at least one wall facing the street consists entirely of glass. Common Open Space area on a portion of a lot. Naturally occuring area with predominance of canopy trees with enhancement and public access. Land set aside and maintained for production of food to be used primarily for participating gardeners. Size Minimum 5,000 sq.ft. Residential: 0.25-2 acres; Campus- style Development: 0.5-3 acres. 2,000-10,25,000 sq. ft.Minimum 0.5 acres Total pPlay area shall be a minimum of 2400 square feet. Play space should include a buffer area around any play structures. Minimum 100 sq. ft.500-3,000 sq.ft; total area shall not count as more than 50% of the minimum required qualifying open space. Minimum area 1,500 sq.ft. Minimum ceiling height 20'. Area to be counted as qualifying open space shall not exceed twice the area of the glass wall projected onto the floor plane. 5,000-20,000 sq. ft.2,500 sq. ft. minimum; Shall include the land of the improvement (such as enhanced path, viewing platform, etc) and no more than 50 feet to either side; total area shall not count as more than 50% of the minimum required qualifying open space. Minimum 400 square feet. Encouraged to serve at least 20% of units in multifamily developments. Location & Access Outdoors and within Public Realm. High Visibility from public rights of way. Accessible from a public street at grade or 3' above or below street level connected to street with wide, shallow stairs. May include space for a farmer's market For residential: Centralized; Accessible to all tenants/residents via pedestrian walkway or direct frontage (cottage court development). For campus-style development: Centralized; Accessible from a public right-of- way via direct walkway; Access from several locations encouraged. Fronts on and is accessed from a street right-of-way. Pedestrian accessible. Must be open to the public. Must be pedestrian accessible (sidewalks or paths). Some provision for public vehicle parking. Should be located such that it is accessible to a majority of users. Accessible from Public Right-of- Way or adjacent to private sidewalk. Should be centrally located and visually accessible to the greatest extent practicable. Highly visible, directly adjacent to public right of way. See additional public realm standards below. Second floor or above. Encourage location in places which have spectacular views. Accessible directly from the sidewalk or public corridors. For T5 Non-Residential, must provide adequate signage about location and accessibility in hallways and elevators. Building interior adjacent to sidewalk or public open space. Direct access from street level. Provide several entrances to make the space availble and inviting to the general public. Physically defined by surrounding buildings on three sides (outer) or four sides (inner) Must be accessible, at minimum, by residents, tenants, or customers of site. Must be onsite. Offsite wooded areas shall not be considered qualifying open space even where the LDR permit open space to be located off-site. May not be located in any class wetland or wetland buffer. Shall have proper drainage. Seating*, Tables, Etc. Minimum one seating space for each 500 sq.ft. of plaza area. Minimum 10 seats. Seating is encouraged to be of a variety of types, high quality, and socially oriented. Provide formal and informally arranged seating, on sculptured lawn. Moveable chairs desirable. Three seats per quarter acre, rounded up. One seat for each 750 sq.ft. of park size. Must include amenities which differentiate the space from basic lawn area. Examples include benches, bike racks, trash receptacles, gazebos, playgrounds fixed play equipment, or public picnic tables. One seat for each 750 sq.ft. of park size. Must include amenities which differentiate the space from basic lawn area. Examples include benches, bike racks, trash receptacles, gazebos, playgrounds or public picnic tables. Shall have signage in accordance with City sign deisgn guidelines. Must provide benches or formal seating areas at one space for each 500 square feet, rounding up, as well as at least 200 square feet of level, grassed, informal seating. Seating material shall be of moderate to high quality in order for café space to be considered qualifying open space. One seating space for every 50 sq.ft. of terrace area. Provide one seat for every 100 sq.ft. of floor area, one table for every 400 sq.ft. of floor area. At least one half of seating to consist of movable chairs. One seating space for each 500 sq.ft. of courtyard area, with a minimum of 10 3. Light enhancement expected. Must include improvements, including cleared paths and benches. None required. Landscaping, Design- Landscape is secondary to architectural elements. Use trees to strengthen spatial definition. Shall include attractive paving material or pattern to create unique space. Encouraged use of lush, dense plant material. Shall incorporate art, sculpture and/or water feature. Provide lush landscape setting with predominantly lawn surfaces and planting such as: trees, shrubs, ground cover, flowers. Canopy trees should provide substantial shade. Turf and landscape plantings. to Should promote shade over at least 25% a portion of the area. Shall offer areas of open grassed field as well as some shaded seating areas. Integration with natural environment encouraged. Features for wildlife encouraged, including pollinators, bird feeders, and bat houses. Appropriate ground material- rubber or woodchips. Plantings for articulation of space to complement active play ingredients encouraged. Flat paved or concrete area for wheeled toys encouraged. Paved areas including space for basketball or other sport courts are encouraged and may be counted towards minimum required area of qualifying open space. Shade shall be provided in consultation with the Recreation Director. For optional separated seating areas, use planting boxes of interesting patterns of plants, open fences of less than 3 feet in height, or decorative and moveable bollards with decorative chain connectors. Terrace may take one of the following forms: complex architectural setting which may include art works; flower garden; space with trees and other planting. Planted roofs are permitted provided area is also a functional seating space. Provide attractive paving material to create interesting patterns. Use rich plant material. Incorporate sculpture and/or water feature. If paved, area shall be amended throughout with substantial planted areas or large planters of trees and lush greenery. If grassed, area should be articulated at perimeter with lush greenery. Majority of area must be covered with canopy trees. Light enhancement expected. Must include cleared paths, benches, and/or other amenities. Must have adequate planting soils, tested for pH balance, drainage, nutrients, etc. (proof provided prior to Certificate of Occupancy). Where they are inadequate, soils shall be amended for more suitable farming. Shall have water service directly to gardens. Raised planters or other semi-permanent infrastructure encouraged. Commerical Services, Food 20% of space may be used for restaurant/cafe seating, taking up no more than 20% of the sitting facilities provided. 20% of space may be used for restaurant seating taking up no more than 20% of the sitting facilities provided. Not permitted Permitted but not counted towards open space requirement. Permitted but not counted towards open space requirement. May serve as seating area for adjacent restaurant/food service, or be space provided for those bringing their own meals. Dependent on Transect, may possibly be used up to 100% for commercial food services. See Table 8-1. 30% of area may be used for restaurant seating taking up no more than 30% of the seating and tables provided. Not permitted Not permitted.Not permitted. Sunlight and Wind Sunlight to most of the occupied area from mid-morning to mid- afternoon. Sunlight to most of the occupied area from mid-morning to mid- afternoon. Shelter from wind. No requirements No requirements Sunlight to most of the occupied area from mid-morning to mid- afternoon. Mix of sun and shade. Sunlight encouraged to most of the occupied area at lunchtime. No requirements No requirements except as noted for street façade to be wall of glass. Encouraged to be south-facing. Sunlight to sitting areas for most of day. No requirements Full sunlight. Other Bicycle parking is permitted in this area and may be counted towards the open space size requirements. Shall include minimum components:3 low child-sized swings; 1 toddler sized swing; 2 slides; one or more play houses. Shall include added ammenities specifically intended for play by toddlers and young children, to the satisfaction of the Administrative Officer in consultation with the Director of Recreation and Parks. Creativity in design strongly encouraged. Plan shall be established and submitted to ensure continual use and maintenance of the gardens, whether by residents, association, property owner or property manager. Notes: Seating dimensions: *Required dimensions for one seating space or one seat are as follows: Height: 12" to 36"; ideally 17"; must allow user to bend knees and have feet below knees Depth: 14" one-sided; 30-36" double-sided Width: 30" of linear seating are counted as one seat Materials All products installed in qualifying open spaces shall be of high quality materials intended to be used for commercial application. 1 APPENDIX F Open Space Requirements LDR-19-06 Applicability as Qualifying Open Space (PUD Types or Zones) Description & Service Intent Size Location & Access Seating*, Tables, Etc. Landscaping, Design- Commerical Services, Food Sunlight and Wind Other Notes: Seating dimensions: Materials Rain Garden Snippet/ Parklet Pedestrian Pass Streetfront Open Space Enhanced or Recreational Wetlands/Stormwater Treatment Area Private Yard Space Dog Walk and Play Area All FBC districts All FBC districts FBC T4 and FBC T5 All FBC districts Onsite in FBC T3 and T3+ unless counting as off-site open space for T4 and T5 and meeting all of the requirements and limitations of 8.08E. FBC T-3 and T3+ FBC T-3 and T3+ A shallow depression planted with native plants that captures rainwater runoff from impervious urban areas. Small sitting area clearly intended to provide welcoming respite between or adjacent to buildings. May serve general public, employees, residents, or customers. Narrow pedestrian right of ways that cut through blocks in residential and/or commercial areas. Liner open space area to secondary streets, as permitted per the Regulations. An existing wetland buffer or new stormwater treatment area which offers public amenities that exceed those minimimally necessary for water resource management. Private yard space associated with residential units Fenced dog play areas in private and public spaces; separate spaces for sm and lg dog Maximum size of 3,500 sf; shall not count as more than 50% of minimum required qualifying open space. 500-3,000 sq. ft 8' minimum width; 24' maximum width. 50' minimum depth from closest public street line; or if private, 50' minimum depth from edge of pavement or sidewalk as applicable. Shall include the land of the improvement (such as enhanced path, viewing platform, etc) and 50 feet to either side; total area shall not count as more than 50% of minimum required qualifying open space. As directed by minimum requirements. 1/4 acre minimum size. The garden should be positioned near a runoff source like a downspout, driveway or sump pump to capture rainwater runoff and stop the water from reaching the sewer system. Must be directly adjacent to public right of way and sidewalk or building entry. Designers are encouraged to consider safety in design. No vehicular traffic. Must connect two public streets. Storefronts and restaurants are highly encouraged to access the pedestrian pass. If in FBC districts, must be immediately adjacent to qualifying secondary street. See Chapter 8 for additional regulations. Must be on each side of roadway, unless a complying building is located on the opposite side. Must be visible to public or tenants and users of building. Direct pedestrian access from adjacent public street type. Directly adjacent to and accessible to at least one entry of dwelling unit it is associated with. Accessible to residents. Encouraged to be separated from ground floor residential units. The space must serve as a visual amenity which can be enjoyed through paths or seating. Adjacent seating, proportionate with the size of the garden and number of users, intended to enhance the garden is are required and can be counted as part of the required open space. Seating shall be the main focus of the space and is required. Seating shall be present year-round and composed of high quality materials. Fixed seating is required unless the applicant demonstrates that moveable seating will meet the stated goals of the type and meet standards of high quality (examples could include adirondack style furniture). One seating space for each 150 sq.ft. Seating is encouraged, but there shall be no minimum requirement. If functional for sitting and viewing, seating can be ledges, benches,and/or stairs. No requirements. Benches required. Minimum seating for 6. Deep rooted native plants and grasses. Landscaping shall also be a primary component of the space. Because the space is inherently small, it shall be carefully landscaped in a higher proportion than larger spaces. Landscaping should not interfere with seating, but instead complement it.Spaces should appear warm and inviting and permanent rather than temporary. If paved, area shall provide trees or large potted plants at no more than 530 foot intervals. If grassed, area shall be accented with intermittent trees or public art. Slight, gentle, and undulating berms from 1-3 feet in height are encouraged to block views of parking areas. Ever-green landscaping is required. Include canopy trees whose branches are above the average visual line of sight, located throughout the space, with no more than 40 feet between any two such trees or between a tree and the street or parking area. Landscaping should aim to distract from parking beyond, but should not create dense walls of shrubbery or trees. Artwork is also highly encouraged. LID techniques; no fencing permitted. No requirements.Land scaping, lawns or planned seating/dining areas (patios and decks) are encouraged. Fenced. Sloped; larger areas for longer runs; effective drainage; Natural agility & play structures encouraged. Not permitted.Permitted 40% of area may be used for restaurant seating taking up no more than 30% of the seating and tables provided. Not permitted.Not permitted. Not permitted. Appropriate to the plant species selection. No requirements Sunlight to most of the occupied area at lunchtime. Shelter from wind. No requirements. Appropriate to the plant species selection. Exterior to building. Some natural or built shelter from sun or inclement weather See LID language for additional standards. Bicycle parking may be permitted within these areas; however, the space dedicated to bicycle parking shall not count towards meeting the open space requirements. Separate travelled way from parking areas; shall create pedestrian environment. Must be located on applicant- owned property. 2 LDR-19-09 Open Space Location Draft for Planning Commission Review August 13, 2019 | 1 LDR-19-09: Establish greater allowance for location of open space off-site for residential buildings in FBC T4 District, clarify definitions 8.08 Open Space Requirements … Table 8-1 Open Space Requirements Transect Zone Residential/No n-Residential Parcel Size Qualifying Open Space Required Additional Restrictions, Requirements, or Allowances Public Realm Requirement T5 Non-Residential All 5% of non- residential building gross floor area May locate qualifying open space off-site (1) or purchase credits Whether on or off site, 100 % must be part of the public realm Residential, Less than 10 Units All 100 Square Feet Per Unit May locate qualifying open space off-site (1) pursuant to BES or purchase credits No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 10- 19 Units All 85 Square Feet Per Unit May locate qualifying open space off-site (1) pursuant to BES or purchase credits No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 20 or more Units All 60 Square Feet Per Unit May locate qualifying open space off-site (1) pursuant to BES or purchase credits No public realm requirement for residential component T4 Non-Residential <20,000 SF 6% of non- residential building gross floor area May locate qualifying open space off-site (1) or purchase credits Whether on or off site, 75% must be part of the public realm Non-Residential >20,000 SF 6% of non- residential building gross floor area Qualifying Open Space must be located on-site or within close proximity (2) within 150’ of the site and directly accessible from the site Whether on or off site, 75% must be part of the public realm Residential, Less than 10 Units All 100 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying Open Space must be located on-site or within close proximity (2) within 150’ of the site and directly accessible from the site; 50% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 10- 19 Units All 85 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying Open Space must be located on-site or within close proximity (2) within 150’ of the site and directly accessible from the site; 50% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 20 or more Units All 60 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying Open Space must be located on-site or within close proximity (2) within 150’ of the site and directly accessible from the site; 50% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component LDR-19-09 Open Space Location Draft for Planning Commission Review August 13, 2019 | 2 T3/T3+ Non-Residential All 6% of non- residential building gross floor area Qualifying open space must be located on site (1) Minimum 30% must be part of the public realm Residential, Less than 10 Units All 100 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying open Space must be located on site (1) No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 10- 19 Units All 100 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying open Space must be located on site (1); 25% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component Residential, 20 or more Units All 90 Square Feet Per Unit Qualifying open Space must be located on site (1); 40% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component (1) For the purpose of Section 8.08, “On-site” shall mean the area subject to the approved area of the site plan, and “off- site” shall mean any other land within the City Center Form Based Code district. (2) For the purposes of Section 8.08, “Close Proximity” shall mean that a pedestrian entry to a Qualifying Open Space is within ¼ mile of the nearest common entrance on a primary or secondary façade, measured along pedestrian infrastructure such as sidewalks, trails, recreation paths, and marked crosswalks. Where no common entrance exists on a primary or secondary façade, the mid-point of a building’s primary or secondary façade shall be used for this calculation. Close proximity shall be measured for each building, though open spaces may serve multiple buildings provided the overall area requirements are met. … E. Locating Open Space Off-Site (1) Qualifying open space may be located off-site, or on a parcel other than the one where the subject use is located, in areas designated in Table 8-1. Designated off-site qualifying open space must be located within City Center FBC District boundaries, must meet any locational requirements of Table 8-1, and must meet the standards articulated herein. Designated off-site open space must qualify under the palette of options listed in Table 8-2. (2) Designated off-site qualifying open space shall be located on developable land. For the purposes of this section (8.08(D)), developable land is an area of land within the City Center FBC District that feasibly can be developed with residential uses or mixed uses in accordance with the Code as determined by the DRB. Developable land area shall not, except where otherwise specified, include: (a) Land area that is already substantially developed, including existing parks and dedicated, perpetual open space within such substantially developed portion; (b) Areas of contiguous land that are unsuitable for development because of topographic features or for environmental reasons, per chapter 12 of these regulations. (3) Wetlands and wetland buffers shall not be designated as off-site qualifying open space areas, unless the DRB makes a finding that the wetland and/or wetland buffer is improved and can be actively and explicitly used as a qualifying Open Space pursuant to this Article and Appendix F. In considering whether to make this finding, the DRB may wi sh to consider the reasonable and expected use of the wetland, and refer to the specifications for “Enhanced or Recreational Wetlands” in Appendix F of these Regulations. If the DRB makes such a finding, that wetland and/or wetland buffer shall not count as more than 50% of the minimum required qualifying open space. (4) Pre-approval of open space. An applicant that constructs a greater area of open space than the minimum required area may apply that additional open space that exceeds the minimum towards the required open space for a future building. LDR-19-09 Open Space Location Draft for Planning Commission Review August 13, 2019 | 3 In doing so, the applicant shall demonstrate with each such building that the off-site open space is qualifying for the proposed building in question. F. Off-Site Open Space Credits (1) Applicability. In lieu of providing Open Space as required by these Regulations, an applicant may contribute to a designated City Fund that shall be used to acquire Open Space and/or for Open Space capital improvements, both within the City Center FBC District, subject to the following conditions and requirements: (a) In the T5 and T4 Transect Zones, a contribution may be provided in lieu of Open Space for any parcel of less than two (2) acres in size existing as of the date of adoption of these regulations (or where two or more smaller parcels are merged at any time and the total remains less than two (2) acres). (b) In the T5 Transect Zone, a contribution may be provided in lieu of no more than 50% of the minimum required qualifying Open Space for any parcel of two (2) acres or more. (2) Amount of Contribution. The amount of contribution shall be calculated as follows: the minimum required percentage of qualifying Open Space per Table 8-1 multiplied by the mean current assessed value of the land of all parcels of two (2) acres or less within the T5 and T4 Transect Zones. LDR-19-10 Off-site Landscaping Draft for Planning Commission Review August 13, 2019 | 1 LDR-19-10: Allow greater proportion of Landscaping Budget to be used off-site and to be used for hardscapes in FBC district 8.08 Open Space Requirements … G. Landscaping Requirements (1) Per Section 13.06(G), new development must meet a minimum landscaping budget equal to 3% of the first $250,000 of construction costs, 2% of the next $250,000, and 1% of remaining construction costs. This section requires that this investment be in trees and shrubs, and on-site. (2) WithinFor the City Center FBC District, a portion of the minimum landscaping budget may be used applied to for other non-bulb perennial vegetation, art, decorative hardscapes, or other publicly welcoming amenities, as detailed in Table 8-3 and Appendix F, as part of a cohesive landscape plan that provides adequate planting of trees and shrubs appropriate to the site., and when located within the public realm as defined in these Regulations. (3) Off-site landscaping. Where Open Space is approved to be located off-site or within a specified distance of the site pursuant to Section 8.08(E), up to eighty-five (85) percent (30) percent of the required landscaping budget may also be located off-site. Prior to the application of any landscaping budget off-site, the In such instances, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Administrative Officer that the site has been adequately landscaped with trees, shrubs, and other non- bulb perennial vegetation, to provide a cohesive landscape plan. When off-site use of landscaping is proposed, the total required landscape budget shall increase by fifteen (15) percent. Table 8-3. Landscaping Options Zone Maximum use of Minimum Landscaping Budget Acceptable Palette of Options T5 60% 90% Palette includes commissioned sculptures (excluding signss), fountains, ornamental planters, ornamental or commissioned benches*, decorative hardscapes, and ornamental or commissioned bicycle racks* T4 40% 80% Palette includes same as T5. T3/T3+ 30% Palette includes same as T5; also includes structural or enhanced soils for community gardens, gazebos for common use, and rain gardens (as restricted in Appendix F). *credit may be given for the difference by which the proposed amenity exceeds the specified requirement for the district, at the discretion of the Administrative Officer or the Development Review Board where applicable s As defined in the South Burlington Sign Ordinance Credit will not be given for the value of the land under which any of the above are constructed. 1 Paul Conner From:Ken Braverman <kb@bravermancompany.com> Sent:Monday, August 12, 2019 3:04 PM To:Paul Conner Cc:Chris Snyder Subject:Sun Terraces in proposed FBC changes Hi Paul…     Hope you’re good.. See that the PC is reviewing the proposed changes to the open space categories within the  FBC.  Quick question.  Sun Terraces:  Would like to better understand why changes are being proposed to only grant  open space credit to buildings with 12 or more units?  Pls let us know.      We’d like to request that Sun Terraces be considered for all multiple‐family buildings, in T‐4 and T‐5, regardless of  building size or number of units; as originally contemplated.      Let us know your thinking.  Talk soon,    KB         Ken Braverman The Braverman Company LLC bravermancompany.com 802.343.6330