HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Form Based Codes Subcommittee - 09/23/2019 Form Based Codes Subcommittee Subcommittee of the Planning Commission 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4131 www.sbvt.gov Meeting Monday, September 23, 2019 4:00 – 4:30 pm Champlain Room, 2nd Floor South Burlington City Hall, 575 Dorset Street AGENDA: 1. Directions on emergency evacuation procedures from conference room (4:00 pm) 2. Agenda: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items; 3. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda; 4. Review and consider approval of possible open space amendment to City Center Form Based Code; 5. Adjourn Respectfully submitted, Paul Conner, AICP Director of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com TO: South Burlington Form Based Codes Subcommittee FROM: Paul Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning SUBJECT: FBC Subcommittee Staff Memo DATE: September 23, 2019 Subcommittee Meeting At this meeting the Committee is encouraged to review two proposed simplified amendments from items previously discussed. The objective, should the Committee be comfortable with language, will be to advance this round of FBC amendments to the Planning Commission for their 9/24 meeting and for the Committee to recommend the Commission warn a public hearing on the same. See below for a status/action associated with each of the amendments: • LDR-19-08: Reduce first story minimum window heights and establish privacy standards in FBC T4 District Status: previously approved by the FBC Committee, no further action needed • LDR-19-09: Modify City Center Open Space locational criteria and options Status: A prior version of this amendment was approved but then returned to the Committee for additional review. The Committee reviewed a draft on 9/16 and requested simplified language. Current draft: The updated draft is a streamlined amendment. It addresses the following items: o Allows for designation of one or more open spaces within larger properties, connected by pedestrian access, and affords buildings within ¼ mile of such open spaces to count up to ½ of the open space requirement from such open spaces. o Remove language regarding the use of pre-existing park land to qualify o Clarifies that where impacts to natural resources have been approved by the DRB, those lands may count towards open space if they meet all open space requirements. o Removes requirement that Enhanced or Recreational Wetlands/Stormwater Treatment Area be located on an applicant-owned property Recommendation: Consider, adjust if necessary, and approve updated language as shown • LDR-19-10: Allow greater proportion of Landscaping Budget to be used off-site and to be used for hardscapes in FBC district 2 Status: previously approved by the FBC Committee. Following approval, staff noted the use of the term “off-site” in this text. With ongoing discussion of the use of the term, staff has made very minor proposed changes to the language to remove reference to that term (all changes shown in yellow highlight). Recommendation: Consider, adjust if necessary, and approve updated language as shown in yellow highlight. • LDR-19-11: Reduce size of reserved width for future buildings in FBC T4 and T5 Districts Status: previously approved by the FBC Committee, no further action needed • LDR-19-12: Modify Upper Story Glazing Standards in FBC T4 and T5 Districts Status: previously approved by the FBC Committee, no further action needed Staff recommends that all other amendments or related subjects be addressed at a later time in order for these proposed five amendments to move forward. LDR-19-08 T4 Window Heights Draft for Planning Commission Review September 24, 2019 | 1 LDR-19-08 Reduce first story minimum window heights and establish privacy standards in FBC T4 District Section 8.13 T-4 Urban Multi Use Building Envelope Standards (7)Glazing (a)First Story Min. 40% of the Width of the Building, and Min. 7.5' in height for non-residential and 6' in height with Min. head height of 7.5' for residential Min. 20% of the Width of the Building, and Min. 7.5' in height for non-residential and 6' in height with Min. head height of 7.5' for residential (b)First Story, percent of glazing required to be transparent 75% Min.75% Min. (c )Upper Stories (d)Upper Stories, percent of glazing required to be transparent (d)Ground story residential privacy Ground story facades facing a street or public park shall be designed to provide privacy to the interior of the units through either establishing a window sill height of at least 36" above the adjacent sidewalk or a combination of landscaping and hardscaping to create the same effect. See Note 2 See Note 2 LDR-19-09 Open Space Location Draft for FBC Committee Review September 23, 2019 | 1 LDR-19-09: Establish greater allowance for location of open space … Section 8.08 Open Space Requirements E. Open Space Location (1) (E) Locating Open Space Off-Site (a) (1)Qualifying open space may be located off-site, or on a parcel other than the one where the subject use is located, in areas designated in Table 8-1. Designated off-site qualifying open space must be located within City Center FBC District boundaries and must meet the standards articulated herein. Designated off-site open space must qualify under the palette of options listed in Table 8-2. (b) (2)Designated off-site qualifying open space shall be located on developable land. For the purposes of this section 8.08, developable land is an area of land within the City Center FBC District that feasibly can be developed with residential uses or mixed uses in accordance with the Code as determined by the DRB. Developable land area shall not, except where otherwise specified, include (a) (i) Land area that was already substantially developed, including existing parks and dedicated, perpetual open space within such substantially developed portion; (b) aAreas of contiguous land that are unsuitable for development because of topographic features or for environmental reasons, per chapter 12 of these regulations, unless approved for impact under said chapter. (c) (3)Wetlands and wetland buffers shall not be designated as off-site qualifying open space areas, unless the DRB makes a finding that the wetland and/or wetland buffer is improved and can be actively and explicitly used as a qualifying Open Space pursuant to this Article and Appendix F. In considering whether to make this finding, the DRB may wish to consider the reasonable and expected use of the wetland, and refer to the specifications for “Enhanced or Recreational Wetlands” in Appendix F of these Regulations. If the DRB makes such a finding, that wetland and/or wetland buffer shall not count as more than 50% of the minimum required qualifying open space. (d) (4)Pre-approval of open space. An applicant that constructs a greater area of open space than the minimum required area may apply that additional open space that exceeds the minimum towards the required open space for a future building. In doing so, the applicant shall demonstrate with each such building that the off-site open space is qualifying for the proposed building in question. (3) Large Development Area Open Space Option. Purpose: To provide larger properties within the City Center Form Based Code District the ability to provide a portion of their required open space in a coordinated, consolidated manner. (a) Requirements: At the time of site plan application for any building proposed to make use of an Open Space under this section, or at the applicant’s discretion as a separate miscellaneous application, the following shall be submitted: (i) A plan delineating the geography involved and indicating the location of existing parcel lines, public pedestrian or roadway easements, and public rights-of-way on the property(ies). All such properties must be contiguous with one another, excepting public rights-of-way. LDR-19-09 Open Space Location Draft for FBC Committee Review September 23, 2019 | 2 (ii) A demarcation of area(s) to be designated as open space and the type(s) of open space for each area. (iii) Any such open space shall consist of at least ½ acre of qualifying land and shall include an entrance directly fronting a public street. (iv) Demonstration of common ownership, control, or legal agreement among involved areas, totaling a minimum of fifteen (15) acres of land; (v) Demonstration of pedestrian connectivity, showing that existing or proposed buildings seeking to use the Open Space will have uninterrupted pedestrian access (save for street or driveway crossings) to open space(s) designated under this section. Access may consist of paved or unpaved surfaces but shall be intended for pedestrian and/or bicycle use. Pedestrian access shall be constructed to any open spaces serving to meet a building’s Open Space requirement prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for such building. (b) Effect: Approval of a Large Property Open Space Option shall afford the applicant the following, in addition to the options available in Table 8-1: (i) Any open space designated under this section shall be eligible for use in meeting open space requirements for any buildings located within ¼ mile walking distance of the open space within the delineated area. Distance shall be measured from the nearest corner of the building to the entrance to the open space via pedestrian connection; and, (ii) Any open space designated under this section shall be eligible to account for up to 50% of the total open space required for a building. (c) Ongoing accounting. The property owner / controlling entity of a large property open space shall maintain an ongoing tally of open space required and provided for all development within the designated area which shall be submitted whenever a change in the Open Space or its applicably by buildings is applied for. Appendix F: Open Space *** Enhanced or Recreational Wetlands/Stormwater Treatment Area *** *** *** *** *** Other *** Must be located on applicant- owned property. *** LDR-19-10 Off-site Landscaping Draft | 1 LDR-19-10: Allow greater proportion of Landscaping Budget to be used off-site and to be used for hardscapes in FBC district 8.08 Open Space Requirements … G. Landscaping Requirements (1) Per Section 13.06(G), new development must meet a minimum landscaping budget equal to 3% of the first $250,000 of construction costs, 2% of the next $250,000, and 1% of remaining construction costs. This section requires that this investment be in trees and shrubs, and on-site. (2) WithinFor the City Center FBC District, a portion of the minimum landscaping budget may be used applied to for other non-bulb perennial vegetation, art, decorative hardscapes, or other publicly welcoming amenities, as detailed in Table 8-3 and Appendix F, as part of a cohesive landscape plan that provides adequate planting of trees and shrubs appropriate to the site., and when located within the public realm as defined in these Regulations. (3) Off-site landscaping. Where Open Space is approved to be located off-site or within a specified distance of the site pursuant to Section 8.08(E), up to eighty-five (85) percent (30) percent of the required landscaping budget may also be located off-site. Prior to the application of any landscaping budget off-site as permitted in this subsection, the In such instances, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Administrative Officer that the site that is the subject of the building application site has been adequately landscaped with trees, shrubs, and other non-bulb perennial vegetation, to provide a cohesive landscape plan. When off-site use of landscaping is proposed off-site or within a specified distance of the site, the total required landscape budget shall increase by fifteen (15) percent. Table 8-3. Landscaping Options Zone Maximum use of Minimum Landscaping Budget Acceptable Palette of Options T5 60% 90% Palette includes commissioned sculptures (excluding signss), fountains, ornamental planters, ornamental or commissioned benches*, decorative hardscapes, and ornamental or commissioned bicycle racks* T4 40% 80% Palette includes same as T5. T3/T3+ 30% Palette includes same as T5; also includes structural or enhanced soils for community gardens, gazebos for common use, and rain gardens (as restricted in Appendix F). *credit may be given for the difference incremental value by which the proposed amenity exceeds the specified requirement for the district, at the discretion of the Administrative Officer or the Development Review Board where applicable s As defined in the South Burlington Sign Ordinance Credit will not be given for the value of the land under which any of the above are constructed. LDR-19-11 Reserved building space Draft for Planning Commission Review September 24, 2019 | 1 LDR-19-11: Reduce size of reserved width for future buildings in FBC T4 and T5 Districts 8.05 Parking A. On Street Parking. The selection of diagonal or parallel parking along any section of road shall be determined by Street Type and Street Typology and consultation with the Department of Public Works. B. Off-Street Parking placement. (1) Where all Frontage Buildout requirements have been met, off-street surface parking shall be permitted, but shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the closest street line. (2) On a lot that complies with all requirements of the applicable BES, the Development Review Board may approve surface parking which is within the 25-foot setback and which is not hidden from view from the street by a building, provided: (a) the subject parking represents the smallest practicable portion of the total parking required for the property; and, (b) the area encompassed by the subject surface parking represents a significantly minor incursion with the 25-foot setback. (3) Notwithstanding (1) above, no parking shall be permitted within one hundred and forty feet (140’) of an existing, planned or proposed qualifying street unless the Frontage Buildout requirements for all areas between the street right-of-way and proposed parking have been met, regardless of whether such areas are on one or multiple lots with one or multi ownerships. (a) This figure shall be reduced to eighty sixty-two feet (62’ 80’) where the applicant demonstrates that this area has a shared parking agreement that would allow for the development of the area without parking within this eightysixty-two-foot (62’80’) area. Screening with vegetation or a non-plastic fence or wall of at least three (3) feet in height shall be installed along the street frontage until such time as the area is developed. The Administrative Officer may approve the screening to be at the rear of the area, adjacent to parking, where it presents a better overall landscape treatment for the site. LDR-19-12 Upper Story Glazing Draft for Planning Commission Review September 24, 2019 | 1 LDR-19-12: Modify Upper Story Glazing Standards in FBC T4 and T5 districts 8.13 T-4 Urban Multi-Use Building Envelope Standards … (C) Building Standards … (7) Glazing … (c) Upper Stories See Note 2 (d) Upper Stories, percent of glazing required to be transparent See Note 2 8.14 T-5 Building Envelope Standards … (C) Building Standards … (7) Glazing … (c) Upper Stories See Note 2 (d) Upper Stories, percent of glazing required to be transparent See Note 2 T4 Notes (1) (2)Upper Story Glazing Shall comply with the following standards: (3) (e) A minimum of 85% of all required glazing shall be transparent (b) 80% of glazing on upper stories shall be taller than wide (c) The required percentage shall be achieved by multiple openings. Windows may be ganged horizontally if each grouping (maximum five per group) is separated by a mullion, column, pier or wall section that is at least 7 inches wide. (a) Upper story glazing shall be a minimum of 30% percent of the façade area below the roofline on the primary building facade and 20% on secondary building facades. If a corner lot is 100’ or less in width along the street containing the primary building facade and greater than two (2) times that width in depth, the required frontage buildout on the BES shall be reduced by 50% on the street containing the secondary building facade. Standard does not apply to a building façade abutting an Intertstate or Interstate ramp (d) Glazing on upper stories shall not be flush with building surface material and shall be recessed a minimum of 3 inches, except for bay windows and storefronts. LDR-19-12 Upper Story Glazing Draft for Planning Commission Review September 24, 2019 | 2 T5 Notes (1) (2)Upper Story Glazing Shall comply with the following standards: (3)Building Break Standards also apply to any façade facing a Qualifying Open Space (e) A minimum of 85% of all required glazing shall be transparent (d) Glazing on upper stories shall not be flush with building surface material and shall be recessed a minimum of 3 inches, except for bay windows and storefronts. (e) Upper story windows/glazing (not doors) shall be no closer than 30 inches to building corners (excluding bay windows and storefronts). If a corner lot is 100’ or less in width along the street containing the primary building facade and greater than two (2) times that width in depth, the required frontage buildout in the BES shall be reduced by 50% on the street containing the secondary building facade. (a) Upper story glazing shall be a minimum of 30% percent of the façade area below the roofline on the primary building facade and 20% on secondary building facades. (b) 80% of glazing on upper stories shall be taller than wide (c) The required percentage shall be achieved by multiple openings. Windows may be ganged horizontally if each grouping (maximum five per group) is separated by a mullion, column, pier or wall section that is at least 7 inches wide.