HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 08/20/2019 South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Tuesday, August 20, 2019 Approved Minutes In Attendance: Jennifer Kochman, Jean Sebastien Chaulot (vice chair), Penne Tompkins Also in Attendance: Ilona Blanchard (Staff) 1. Call to order Jean Sebastien Chaulot called the meeting to order at 5:50 PM. 2. Staff liaison Ilona Blanchard described emergency evacuation procedures. 3. No members of the public attended. 4. Minutes Jennifer Kochman moved that the minutes of July 30, 2019 be approved. Penne Tompkins seconded; the motion passed unanimously. 5. Discuss and consider Recommendations for the FY2021-2030 Capital Improvement Program Committee discussed the purpose of the CIP in relation to our committee’s work. Jennifer suggested we might research the value of public art to communities to support our request for funds in the general budget for public art, beyond the normal scope of our committee projects, as assigned by the city. Jean Sebastian will share some findings with the group on this topic. Penne moved that we request $20,000 in the CIP for FY21 and the years thereafter; Jennifer seconded; the motion passed unanimously. 6. Committee Symposium (September 26, 4:30 – 9:30 PM)  Committee discussed preparation of materials for the all committee presentations. Penne and Jean Sebastian will develop the poster which will explain the process for selection, highlight the work of our committee, and include photos of the public art the team has helped to select for the community. A draft will be sent to Ilona to share with all by September 10.  A need for a committee photo was identified. Ilona will initiate a doodle poll to find a common time for us to get together for a photo in the new City Center park.  Ilona reminded the group that this is the same meeting at which our committee makes its presentation to the City Council of our Annual Plan (which was completed last month).  The committee decided that Trice (Chair) and Jean Sebastián (Vice chair) would make the presentation to City Council. 7. Other: Ilona will also send a doodle poll to schedule a follow-up for the committee with Philip Godenschwager. The next meeting was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday September 17 at 5:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. 7:00 PM Adjourn Respectfully submitted, Penne Tompkins