HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-19-25 - Supplemental - 0039 Bowdoin Street (10)Page 1 of 16 Logic Supply PUD –Lot 7 Statement of Compliance Industrial Open Space Design Standards 6.04 INDUSTRIAL-OPEN SPACE DISTRICT IO A. Purpose. The Industrial-Open Space IO District is established to provide suitable locations for high quality, large-lot office, light industrial and research uses in areas of the City with access to major arterial routes and Burlington International Airport. The IO District regulations and standards are intended to allow high-quality planned developments that preserve the generally open character of the district, minimize impacts on natural resources and water quality, and enhance the visual quality of approaches to the City while providing suitable locations for employment and business growth. The location and architectural design of buildings in a manner that preserves these qualities is strongly encouraged. Any uses not expressly permitted are prohibited, except those which are allowed as conditional uses. B. Comprehensive Plan. These regulations hereby implement the relevant provisions of the City of South Burlington adopted comprehensive plan and are in accord with the policies set forth therein. C. Review Procedures. All proposed development within the IO district shall be reviewed initially pursuant to the planned unit development provisions of these regulations. The DRB may condition PUD approvals involving the creation of individual lots for development to allow subsequent applications for development of individual lots to be reviewed pursuant to the standards and procedures for site plan review in Article 14 of these regulations.This project is proposed to be reviewed under the PUD and site plan application standards and supporting narrative is included in this application package. D. Uses.In the IO District, principal permitted uses and conditional uses shall be those shown in Table C- 1, Table of Uses.The proposed light manufacturing land use is an approved land use in the IO District. E. Area, Density, and Dimensional Requirements. (1)In the IO district, area, density, and dimensional requirements shall be those shown in, Table C-2, Dimensional Standards.We have included compliance summaries as it relates to the dimensional standards set forth in the LDRs. (2)The minimum lot size of an individual lot within a PUD may be modified by the Development Review Board provided the overall tract of land involved in the PUD complies with the minimum and average lot size requirements for the IO district.This opportunity is not being requested as part of this application. F. Additional Standards. All applications within the IO District shall be subject to the supplemental standards in Section 6.05.Acknowledged and outlined on the following page. Page 2 of 16 6.05 Supplemental Standards for Industrial and Airport Districts A. Site plan or PUD review required. Development according to industrial and airport district regulations shall be subject to site plan or planned unit development review as specified above, the purpose of which shall be to encourage innovation of design and layout .The proposed Logic Supply Planned Unit Development has been designed so as to integrate the expansion goals of Logic Supply with the environmental features associated with Lots 7 (proposed development lot with this application), Lot 10 (the existing Logic Supply manufacturing facility) and Lot 12 (undeveloped property to the north of the existing facility). promote shared parking opportunities As the surrounding properties are either previously developed or the parcels are bounded by streets, there is limited opportunity for shared parking except among its own employees working in the multiple buildings. provide coordinated access to and from commercial developments via public roadways the project will utilize the 3 public roads that the PUD fronts on to move passenger vehicles and delivery trucks amongst its facilities,and maintain service levels on public roadways with a minimum of publicly financed roadway improvements The Meadowland Business Park Owners Association is responsible for installing a traffic signal at the intersection of Meadowland Drive and Hinesburg Road (Route 116) when the signal warrants are met. B. Multiple structures and uses permitted. Multiple structures, multiple uses within structures, and multiple uses on a subject site may be allowed, if the Development Review Board determines that the subject site has sufficient frontage, lot size, and lot depth. Area and frontage requirements may be met by the consolidation of contiguous lots under separate ownership.Construction of a new public street may serve as the minimum frontage requirements. Where multiple structures are proposed, maximum lot coverage shall be the normal maximum for the applicable districts.The applicant is not looking to take advantage of this project flexibility. C. Parking, Access, and Internal Circulation (1)Parking requirements may be modified, depending in the extent of shared parking, the presence of sidewalks or recreation paths, and residences lying within walking distance (defined as no further than one-quarter (¼) mile for purposes of these districts). Any requirements for shared access and/or parking must be secured by permanent legal agreements acceptable to the City Attorney.No shared parking is required for the project at this time except that at high demand periods Logic Supply employees may park at either of the two parking facilities and walk to their office (2)Parking shall be placed to the side or rear of the structures if possible.All parking has been placed to the rear or side of the building. (3)Parking areas shall be designed for efficient internal circulation and the minimum number of curb cuts onto the public roadway.The proposed internal circulations around the proposed building has been maximized with the two proposed curb cuts. This proposal is consistent with that approved by the Development Review Board for the Phase II Page 3 of 16 expansion at the parent facility on Lot 10 at the intersection of Thompson Street and Meadowland Drive. (4)Access improvements and curb cut consolidation may be required.Site lines are very good at the two proposed intersections. D. Buffer strip.Properties in the Airport, Mixed Industrial Commercial, Industrial Open Space and Airport Industrial districts that abut residential districts shall provide a screen or buffer along the abutting line, as per Section 3.06(I) (buffers).This is not applicable. 3.06 Setbacks and Buffers H. Front Setbacks for Non-Residential Uses.In the case of nonresidential uses, not more than thirty percent (30%) of the area of the required front setback shall be used for driveways and parking The two proposed curb cuts create a usage of 6.7% of the total lot frontage 30-foot width. and the balance shall be suitably landscaped and maintained in good appearance Landscaping will be designed as part of the later phases of this project to satisfy this requirement. Design approaches that that use landscaping elements in the front setback which enhance stormwater infiltration or management are encouraged Acknowledged.No portion of the required front setback shall be used for storage or for any other purpose except as provided in this section.None is proposed other than the curb cuts.In addition, a continuous strip fifteen (15) feet in width traversed only by driveways and sidewalks shall be maintained between the street right-of-way line and the balance of the lot, which strip should be landscaped and maintained in good appearance.No activities are proposed within the 15-foot strip other than the proposed curb cut (and a future sign to be reviewed under a separate ordinance)This provision shall apply also to yards that abut a right-of-way designated for a future street.The project does not abut any future rights-of-ways. I. Buffer Strip for Non-Residential Uses Adjacent to Residential District Boundaries. (1)Where a new non-residential use is adjacent to or within fifty (50) feet of the boundary of a residential district, or where an existing non-residential use, structure or parking area that is adjacent to or within fifty (50) feet of the boundary of a residential district is proposed to be expanded, altered or enlarged, the required side or rear setback shall be increased to sixty-five (65) feet. A strip not less than fifteen (15) feet wide within the sixty-five (65) foot setback shall be landscaped with dense evergreens, fencing, and/or other plantings as a screen. New external light fixtures shall not ordinarily be permitted within the fifteen (15) foot wide buffer area.Not applicable. (2)The Development Review Board may permit new or expanded nonresidential uses, structures and/or parking areas, and new external light fixtures, within the setback and/or buffer as set forth in (1) above, and may approve a modification of the width of the required setback and/or landscaped buffer as set forth in (1) above.A reduction in the front yard setback on Lot 7 is being sought in support of the proposed layout. The proposed reduction is from 50-frrt to 35-feet.In doing so the DRB shall find that the proposed lighting, landscaping and/or fencing to be provided adjacent to the boundary of the residential district will provide equivalent screening of the noise, light Page 4 of 16 and visual impacts of the new non-residential use to that which would be provided by the standard setback and buffer requirements in (1) above. However in no case may the required side or rear setback be reduced below the standard requirement for the zoning district in which the non-residential use is located. 13.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading The light manufacturing parking requirements are 0.5 spaces per 1,000 GSF plus 1 space for each employee.This requirement is odd in that the only parking demands at the Logic Supply Facilities are the employees and visitors. The visitor spaces are found to be adequate at a 20:1 ratio or regular spaces to visitor spaces.The 21,570 SF facility will require 10.8 spaces plus employees.Logic Supply envisions that there will be 50 employees on the property yielding a total requirement of 61 spaces. The applicant is seeking a waiver of the 11 spaces that are randomly required due to the square footage of the building. 13.03 Airport Approach Cones –The proposed Lot 7 building is located inside the airport approach cone and will conform with these requirmeents. A. General Restrictions.Notwithstanding the provisions of any other section(s) of these regulations, the uses permitted in any district in the Airport Approach Cones, as shown on the Official Zoning Map and Overlay Districts Map, shall be permitted subject to the following limitations: (1)No use shall be permitted which will produce electrical interference with radio communication or radar operations at the airport. (2)No use shall be permitted which could obstruct the aerial approaches to the airport. (3)All uses shall comply with applicable FAA or other federal or state regulations. (4)No lights or glare shall be permitted which could interfere with vision or cause confusion with airport lights. 13.06 Landscaping, Screening & Street Trees Please see the site plan review narrative to be submitted at a later permitting phase of the project. 13.07 Exterior Lighting Please see the site plan review narrative to be submitted at a later permitting phase of the project. 13.14 Bicycle Parking and Storage A. Purpose.These standards for short term parking and long term storage of bicycles are intended to recognize and promote cycling as a viable means of transportation and recreation for residents, consumers, visitors, and employees. B. Short Term Bicycle Parking (1) Applicability.These standards apply to any application for development that requires site plan approval under Section 14.03 of the LDRs, and all applications for development of parcels located in the City Center Form Based Codes District. Page 5 of 16 (a) In order to facilitate a reasonable nexus between land development and bicycle parking requirements, applications for development to which these standards apply on parcels with existing development shall be permitted to phase in required short term bicycle parking as follows: (i) For the first application, the applicant shall propose and install at least 50% of the required number of bicycle parking spaces. (ii) Thereafter, any applications for development of the same parcel shall comply with all standards for Short Term Bicycle Parking. (b) Where pre-approved bicycle racks exist on the site at the time of application they may be permitted to remain and count towards the minimum requirements of this Section provided: (i)They are compliant with 13.14 B(2)(d)(i) and 13.14(B)(2)(d)(iv) of these regulations; (ii) The bike frame can be attached in at least one place and the bike is supported to stay upright; (iii) The rack is not constructed of wood; (iv) Each space on a rack where a bicycle frame can be attached in at least one place and supported to stay upright shall be considered a bicycle parking space; (v) If parking is on the end or outside of a rack, the parking space must be clear of obstructions in compliance with Appendix G and not obstruct passageways. Please see the site plan review narrative to be submitted at a later permitting phase of the project. (2) Standards for bicycle parking spaces (bps). (a) The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces shall be as indicated on Table 13-10. Please see the site plan review narrative to be submitted at a later permitting phase of the project. 1May request waiver from minimum per building for buildings with less than 6 units if Development Review Board finds the need is adequately met for visitors. (b) Bicycle parking shall utilize the ‘Inverted U’ style or as shown as acceptable in Appendix G. The rack may not be constructed of wood. (c) If an applicant wishes to install something different, any bps shall meet the following specifications: (i) Allow secure locking of the frame and wheel; (ii) Support a bicycle frame at two points of contact; (iii) Meet the intent of the examples provided in Appendix G. (d) Location & Serviceability. Each bps shall be: (i) Securely anchored to the ground and on a hard, stabilized surface of at least six feet in length and a width sufficient to satisfy the remainder of these regulations;The hard surface will be created per the detail in Appendix G of the LDRs. Page 6 of 16 (ii) Spaced to allow easy access to each bicycle (iii) Spaced sufficiently away from obstructions, including walls, doors, posts, columns, landscaping, and other racks, in accordance with Appendix G. (iv) Easily accessible from the street or multi-use path and protected from motor vehicles; (v) Visible to passers-by and well-lit to promote usage and enhance security; especially in retrofitted areas, or where good visibility is not achievable, an applicant may be required to install directional signage. (vi) Located at or nearby principal entrances where reasonably practicable, unless doing so compromises the other directives of this subsection, including visibility and accessibility. (vii) Where existing vehicle parking is replaced with bicycle parking in accordance with Section 13.01, note 6, bicycle parking must still meet the standards herein and shall be safely separated from vehicle parking spaces using striping, bollards, islands or other similar measures deemed adequate by the reviewing party. (e) Bicycle parking serving buildings with multiple entrances shall be dispersed so that all principal entrances are served. (f) For office building use, up to 50% of short term bicycle parking requirements may be met by supplementing the (indoor) long term bicycle parking requirements with the required short term bicycle parking spaces. C. Long Term Bicycle Storage (1) Applicability.These standards apply to: (a) Construction of new mixed use or commercial buildings and any new residential building with more than 3 dwelling units; Please see the site plan review narrative to be submitted at a later permitting phase of the project. (b) Structural alterations involving the replacement, relocation, or removal of, or other similar changes to, more than 50% of all load bearing walls shall require compliance with all standards for long term bicycle storage. (c) Building additions of more than 5,000 gross square feet in area. (2) Standards (a) For Residential Buildings –Not applicable (i) Secure Storage in bicycle locker, bicycle storage room or private enclosure outside of the private residence that protects entire bicycle, including components and accessories against theft and weather. (ii) Garages which are private to each unit may count towards parking requirements. Page 7 of 16 (b) For Non-Residential Buildings (i) Secure storage in bicycle locker, bicycle storage room or enclosure that protects entire bicycle, including components and accessories against theft and weather, allows secure locking of the frame and wheel and supports a bicycle upright. (ii) Where indicated in Table 13-11, clothes lockers shall be lockable with the following minimum dimensions: 12” wide, 18” deep, 36” high. Lockers do not need to be in same place as bicycle storage; (iii) Secure office space (private offices) may account for up to 50% of the required indoor parking areas and lockers provided they are located on the ground floor of the building, accessible and of sufficient size; (iv) Shower and changing facilities dependent on the number of bicycles required to be stored and as indicated on Table 13-10. Please see the site plan review narrative to be submitted at a later permitting phase of the project. 13.19 Signs A. General Requirements.No signs shall be erected or maintained except in conformance with the Sign Ordinance of the City of South Burlington.Acknowledged. 14.06 General Review Standards Except within the City Center Form Based Code District, the following general criteria and standards shall be used by the Development Review Board in reviewing applications for site plan approval. They are intended to provide a framework within which the designer of the site development is free to exercise creativity, invention, and innovation while improving the visual appearance of the City of South Burlington. The Development Review Board shall not specify or favor any particular architectural style or design or assist in the design of any of the buildings submitted for approval. The Development Review Board shall restrict itself to a reasonable, professional review, and, except as otherwise provided in the following subsections, the applicant shall retain full responsibility for design.Acknowledged. A. Relationship of Proposed Development to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Due attention by the applicant should be given to the goals and objectives and the stated land use policies for the City of South Burlington as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan.All components of the Comprehensive plan that provide clear written unambiguous specific standards will be Page 8 of 16 integrated into the application. Otherwise it will be anticipated that the LDR’s represent the application of the Comprehensive Plan’s goals and objectives. B. Relationship of Proposed Structures to the Site. (1)The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas.Acknowledged. (2)Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection.All proposed parking has been located accordingly. (b) The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street Not requested (forward to section c)one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. (i) The parking area is necessary to meet minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act; (ii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home; (iii) The lot has unique site conditions, such as a utility easement or unstable soils, that allow for parking, but not a building, to be located adjacent to the public street; (iv) The lot contains one or more existing buildings that are to be re-used and parking needs cannot be accommodated to the rear and sides of the existing building(s); (v) The principal use of the lot is for public recreation; or (vi) The lot is located within the Mixed Industrial-Commercial Zoning District and meets the following criteria: (I) The lot is located in an approved subdivision where the parking on each lot in the subdivision is proposed to be located between the building or buildings on each lot and the public street so that a significant greenspace surrounded by buildings may be incorporated similar to a college campus style “quad”, as detailed below. (II) The parking on any lots that include a part of the greenspace shall be aligned in a similar fashion so that the buildings are located between the greenspace and the parking and so that the parking is located between the buildings and the public street to maintain the integrity and continuity of the greenspace.Prior to gaining approval from the Development Review Board, the applicant for each lot is required to provide a written agreement, such as a shared parking, greenspace and use agreement, from each lot owner in the approved subdivision whose lot will include a portion of the greenspace that Page 9 of 16 provides that each lot owner will comply with this general parking, building and greenspace alignment layout and design in the future development of each of their lots. (III) The minimum required total area of the greenspace shall be 150,000 square feet. For purposes of this subsection 14.06(B) (2)(b)(vi), “greenspace” shall be defined as a consolidated and continuous landscaped area located across more than two lots in the approved subdivision, similar in nature to a common open space, largely surrounded by buildings, but shall not include building or impervious parking areas. The greenspace may extend between buildings, but shall not extend beyond the building line of the principal building on each lot that includes a portion of the greenspace. The greenspace shall consist of pervious surfaces such as lawns, trees, plantings, wetlands, and gardens, and may include impervious landscape features, such as path networks, sculptures, gazebos, water features,footbridges, sitting areas, stone walls, and other features and amenities that may be built within and throughout the greenspace in order to create a more attractive and enjoyable environment. The area of the greenspace shall be calculated by measuring and adding the portion of the total greenspace defined on the site plan for each lot in the approved subdivision that includes a portion of the greenspace. (IV) Any parking located between a proposed building and a public street shall include landscape screening at least three (3) feet in height above the grade of the adjacent public street, , except as necessary to maintain adequate sight distances. (vii) The lot is located within the Mixed Industrial-Commercial or Industrial & Open Space Zoning Districts, and it is clear that the circulation and layout of the lot cannot reasonably be designed in a manner to avoid conflicts between visitors / employees and the inherent operations of the use(s) on the lot; (I) In order to further reduce the likelihood of such conflicts, this exception to the general requirements for parking is only available when the uses of the lot(s) are limited to: 1. Distribution and related storage 2. Light manufacturing 3. Manufacturing 4. Processing and Storage 5. Warehousing and Distribution (II) The parking shall be limited as follows: 1. No more than 25% of the total parking on the lot shall be located between a public street and the building(s); 2. Parking shall be predominantly screened from the roadway with landscaping features, and separated from the roadway’s sidewalks or multi-use paths by one or more of the following Qualifying Open Spaces (as defined in Appendix F, except for the location standards which are superseded by this subsection): Pocket/Mini Park; Wooded area; Community Garden; Enhanced Rain Garden; or Streetfront Open Space.The size of this Open Space shall be sufficient to (1) create or extend a pleasant pedestrian experience on the adjacent public sidewalk or recreation path, (2) largely screen parking from the Page 10 of 16 street right-of-way, and (3) provide for additional usable open space on the parcel. The open space shall represent a minimum of 35% of the total square footage of the parking spaces (not including circulation infrastructure) proposed to be located in front of the building. 3. The minimum required landscaping budget established by the Development Review Board pursuant to Section 13.06 shall increase by a percentage that is equivalent to the percentage of the total parking that is proposed to be located between a public street and the building(s) on a lot. Of this total increased landscaping budget, the percentage that must be dedicated to installation of landscaping in the front yard shall be equivalent to the percentage of the total parking that is proposed to be located between a public street and the building(s) (e.g., if the minimum required landscaping budget before any increase was $100,000, and if 10% of the total parking for the lot is proposed to be located between a public street and the building(s), then the minimum required landscaping budget shall increase by 10%, for a new total landscaping budget of $110,000,and no less than 10% of the new total landscaping budget, or $11,000, must be dedicated to installation of landscaping in the front yard). 4. The applicant shall construct a safe, paved pedestrian access from the street to the building’s main entrance. 5. The parking layout and circulation shall not interfere with safe pedestrian access from the street to the building’s main entrance. (c) Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot not applicable,the total width of all parking areas located to the side of building(s) at the building line shall not exceed one half of the width of all building(s) located at the building line. Parking approved pursuant to 14.06(B)(2)(b) shall be exempt from this subsection. (d) For through lots, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s)or to the front of the building adjacent to the public street with the lowest average daily volume of traffic. Acknowledged.Where a lot abuts an Interstate or its interchanges, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front adjacent to the Interstate. Parking areas adjacent to the Interstate shall be screened with sufficient landscaping to screen the parking from view of the Interstate.Not applicable (3)Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or anticipated adjoining buildings. Acknowledged. C. Relationship of Structures and Site to Adjoining Area. (1)The Development Review Board shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics (e.g., rhythm, color, texture, form or detailing), landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different Page 11 of 16 architectural styles.Please see the site plan review narrative to be submitted at a later permitting phase of the project. (2)Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures.The building has been oriented to the intersection grades .Please see the site plan review narrative to be submitted at a later permitting phase of the project. 14.07 Specific Review Standards In all Zoning Districts and the City Center Form Based Codes District, the following standards shall apply: A. Access to Abutting Properties.The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area.The applicant has not proposed a physical cross lot access at this time as the Homeland Security facility has no historical interest in enabling improved access to the property due to security concerns. The applicant will show a reservation for a future access easement to Lots 8&9 to the north (Homeland Security) in case there was ever a change in land use that would benefit from that circulation opportunity. B. Utility Services.Electric, telephone and other wire-served utility lines and service connections shall be underground insofar as feasible and subject to state public utilities regulations.All of the proposed conduit/wire for power and communications will be installed underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Standards of Section 15.13, Utility Services, shall also be met. C. Disposal of Wastes.All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling,composting, or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s).Acknowledged. Please see the site plan review narrative to be submitted at a later permitting phase of the project.Small receptacles intended for use by households or the public (ie, non-dumpster, non- large drum) shall not be required to be fenced or screened. D. Landscaping and Screening Requirements.See Article 13, Section 13.06 Landscaping, Screening, and Street Trees.Please see the site plan review narrative to be submitted at a later permitting phase of the project. E. Modification of Standards.Except within the City Center Form Based Code District, where the limitations of a site may cause unusual hardship in complying with any of the standards above and waiver therefrom will not endanger the public health, safety or welfare, the Development Review Board Page 12 of 16 may modify such standards as long as the general objectives of Article 14 and the City's Comprehensive Plan are met.However, in no case shall the DRB permit the location of a new structure less than five (5) feet from any property boundary and in no case shall be the DRB allow land development creating a total site coverage exceeding the allowable limit for the applicable zoning district in the case of new development, or increasing the coverage on sites where the pre-existing condition exceeds the applicable limit.Acknowledged.A proposed front yard setback waiver from 50-feet to 35-feet is part of this application. F Low Impact Development.The use of low impact site design strategies that minimize site disturbance, and that integrate structures, landscaping, natural hydrologic functions, and various other techniques to minimize runoff from impervious surfaces and to infiltrate precipitation into underlying soils and groundwater as close as is reasonable practicable to where it hits the ground, is required pursuant to the standards contained within Article 12.The south and east sides of the site closest to the public roads has implement LID grass lined swales. Further review of the opportunity for accelerated treatment of this runoff will be reviewed prior to submittal of the next level of plans. G. Standards for Roadways, Parking and Circulation.Standards of Section 15.12 Standards for Roadways, Parking, and Circulation shall be met.There are no public or private streets proposed but we have outlined below those sections that are applicable to the development of private lots. 15.12 Standards for Roadways, Parking and Circulation There are no public or private streets proposed but we have outlined below those sections that are applicable to the development of private lots. G. Emergency Access.Paved access for emergency vehicles shall be provided to within one hundred (100) feet of the principal entry for multi-family dwellings, and commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments. All streets and highways shall be of sufficient width and suitable grade and shall be so located to facilitate fire protection and coordinated so as to compose a convenient system properly related to the plan.The project has been designed to provide suitable road width so as to allow ready emergency access and passing of vehicles. H. Standards for Internal Circulation and Parking.The design of internal circulation patterns and parking areas shall meet the criteria for site plans in Article 14 of these Regulations. For applications in the City Center FBC District, the design shall meet the standards in Article 8 of these regulations. 15 Subdivision & Planned Unit Development Review 15.10 Lot Layout –No new lots are poroposed. Page 13 of 16 15.11 Relation to Scenic View Protection Overlay District (Article 10) The Development Review Board may approve a proposed subdivision, though development of one or more lots in the proposed subdivision with construction of a structure would exceed the limitations of the Scenic View Protection Overlay District in these regulations ("view restrictions") in accordance with the provisions in Article 10.This is not proposed. 15.12 Standards for Roadways, Parking and Circulation (Previously Reviewed) 15.13 Utility Services A. Utility Easements.Easements of sufficient width shall be provided in locations acceptable to the City Engineer so as to serve both the proposed subdivision and existing and anticipated development outside the subdivision.There are no proposed supplemental easements to be conveyed to the City as part of this private development project. B. Public Water Service. (1)The existing public utility system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. Construction shall conform to City Water Department requirements as outlined in "Water Department specifications", adopted March 8, 1978 (or as may be amended from time to time). All proposed off-site water line construction plans shall be approved by the Water Department prior to installation.The applicant will be installing a water service line across a portion of Lot 7 to serve the domestic and sprinklerrequirements for the Lot 7 project. (2)The subdivider or developer may be required to design and install water mains and appurtenances of larger sizes than the immediate need for his development would require in order to conform to the City Water Department and/or Champlain Water District master plan for water main sizes.Not applicable as this project is not designed to provide successive benefits to other properties. C. Private/On-Site Water Service.Not applicable A community system or other means of providing water to the subdivision may be approved by the DRB and shall be designed and installed in accordance with all applicable municipal and state regulations and standards. Community water systems shall be designed in such a way that they may eventually be connected to the municipal water supply system. Evidence of the location and availability of potable water in adequate quantities shall be provided. Due consideration in the location of community or individual water systems shall be given with respect to building sites, roadways, septic systems, flood water levels, and other factors affecting the potability of water supplies. D. Public Wastewater Service (1)The subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off-lot wastewater is proposed. The subdivider or developer is required to provide such pumping and other facilities as may be necessary.A gravity sewer service is proposed for this project. Page 14 of 16 (2)If, due to planning for future subdivision or future users, the subdivider or developer is requested by the Development Review Board to over-design and over-build said utilities or portions thereof so that future users may connect onto the system, the City shall pay the difference between the cost of the improvements necessary for the subdivision and the cost of over-designing and over-building. Acknowledged but not proposed. (3)Any such Development Review Board request to over-design and over-build said utilities shall be submitted by the Development Review Board to the City Council for approval. If the Council fails to approve the over-design and over-build request within the time set out for preliminary approval, it shall be deemed rejected and the developer or sub-divider shall not be required to so over-design and construct as requested by the Development Review Board.Acknowledged but not proposed. (4)Applicants shall comply with applicable provisions of the South Burlington Sanitary Sewerage and Stormwater Ordinance with regard to public wastewater capacity, allocation and fees. In the event there is insufficient capacity for new wastewater connections at the time of a PUD or subdivision application, the Planning Commission may approve a Sewer Policy containing administrative guidelines for review of any proposed subdivision that are awaiting certification of sufficient sewer capacity.Acknowledged. E. Utility Lines.New electric, telephone, outdoor lighting and cable TV distribution systems shall be underground.All of the proposed utility lines will be placed underground.The subdivider or developer shall coordinate subdivision design with the utility companies to insure adequate and suitable areas for underground installation, both for the proposed subdivision, and area adjacent to the subdivision.The applicant is coordinating with GMP, Vt Gas Systems, Comcast and Consolidated Communications in arranging service for this project. F. Stormwater Management.Any new subdivision or PUD shall meet the City’s standards pursuant to Article 12 of these regulations.Please see the future Article 12 compliance narrative. 15.14 Required Public Facilities and Improvements A. General Standards.All required improvements shall be designed and installed in accordance with the design standards, development requirements, specifications and procedures set forth in these regulations and other applicable City regulations and standards. Typical plans and sections are attached to these regulations. Said installation and design standards apply to both public and privately owned required improvements. Proposed privately owned streets and other improvements shall be marked as such on the final plat.Acknowledged. B. Reference Monuments.Permanent reference monuments shall be set in concrete for all corners and angle points of the boundaries of the subdivision and as required by the City Engineer for new roads. Lot corner markers shall be set at corners and angle points of all lots, plots, or parcels, and located in the ground to finish grade.There are no proposed public roadways or lots. C. Modification of Design or Improvements.If at any time after approval before or during the construction of the required improvements, the subdivider demonstrates that unforeseen conditions make it necessary or preferable to modify the location or design of structures, utility cabinets, curb cuts, Page 15 of 16 roads, parking lots, lighting, or landscaping, such minor alterations may be authorized by the Administrative Officer pursuant to the standards in Section 14.05(I) for as-built plans and field changes, upon the advice of the City Engineer. Such authorization may be provided if the proposed changes are within the spirit and intent of the Development Review Board's approval and that they do not waive or substantially alter the function of any improvements previously required by the Development Review Board. The modification of minor engineering or construction details or improvements may be authorized by the City Engineer without further approval, provided such changes do not alter the approved function, location or design of structures, curb cuts, roads, or parking lots.Acknowledged. D. Inspection of Improvements. (1)At least seven (7) days prior to commencing construction of any required improvements(s), the subdivider shall advise the City Engineer, in writing, when the construction of required improvements(s) shall begin and thereafter shall conform to any inspection schedule as may be set forth by the City Engineer. Inspections shall be carried out so as to assure satisfactory completion of improvements or stipulations required by the Development Review Board. A written record of inspections shall be maintained.Work with the public rights of way will be limited to the construction of the new driveway intersections.The proposed water service lines will need to be inspected per the standard requirements of the DPW. DPW will be noticed as outlined above. (2)The City Engineer may, at his discretion, designate a qualified inspector other than himself to perform inspections as needed during the installation of required improvements and attest to the satisfactory completion of such work.Acknowledged. E. Proper Installation of Public Facilities and Improvements (1)Prior to construction of required public facilities and improvements, the subdivider or developer shall submit contract documents and working drawings, certified by a licensed engineer, for the required improvements to the City Engineer or his designee for approval. The City Engineer or his designee shall give his approval or denial within a period of two weeks. If requested by the subdivider or developer, the City shall make reasonable periodic inspections and, as soon as possible, in writing, notify the subdivider or developer of any deficiencies found.Plans for work within the public rights-of-way will be provided to DPW for review and approval prior to commencing work. (2)Within fourteen (14) days of completion of the public facilities and improvements, the subdivider or developer shall submit to the City Engineer as-built construction drawings, certified by a licensed engineer. The City Engineer shall then inspect the required public facilities and improvements within forty-five (45) days after said submission and determine if all the required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the submitted drawings and the final plat approval. He/she shall report findings within thirty (30) days, in writing, to the Administrative Officer with a copy to the subdivider or developer. In the event deficiencies are found and are not remedied by the subdivider or developer, within two (2)weeks of receipt of notice, or within an alternative period of time mutually agreed upon by the Administrative Officer and the subdivider or developer after receipt of notice, the Administrative Officer shall notify the holder of the surety and take all necessary steps to preserve the City's rights under any performance bond, escrow account, or letter of credit. If all required public Page 16 of 16 facilities and improvements are found to be properly completed, the Administrative Officer shall recommend that the City Treasurer release or close the performance bond, escrow account, or letter of credit in accordance with Section 15.15 of these Regulations.Acknowledged.