HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/15/2019CITY COUNCIL 15 JULY 2019 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 15 July 2019, at 6:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: H. Riehle, Chair; M. Emery (by phone), T. Barritt, T. Chittenden, D. Kaufman Also Present: K. Dorn, City Manager; T. Hubbard, Deputy City Manager; H. Rees, Recreation Department Head; J. Kochman, D. Crawford, T. Zylka, T. McKenzie, P. DeMichele, Rep. J. Killacky 1. Instructions on exiting building in case of emergency: Mr. Dorn provided instructions on emergency evacuation of the building. 2. Recognition and remembrance of former City Manager and City Engineer, Bill Szymanski: Ms. Riehle cited Mr. Szymanski’s incredible service and his love for the community. Mr. Hubbard noted that during Mr. Szymanski’s term South Burlington became a city. He also suggested a plaque with a photo of Mr. Szymanski be placed at Szymanski Park with an event to go with it. 3. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the Agenda. 4. Comments and Questions from the public not related to the agenda: No issues were raised. 5. Announcements and City Manager’s Report: Council members reported on meetings and events they had attended in recent weeks. Mr. Dorn: Recognized Ms. Rees, Ms. Kochman and Travis Ladd for the marvelous SoBu Night Out at Veterans Park. About 1000 people attended and enjoyed food and music. There are 7 more such events on Thursday evenings during the summer. The City has received a proposal for payment in lieu of taxes from UVM for taxable UVM properties Two new police officers have joined the team and will be heading to the Police Academy. There will be a press release regarding the completion of the Hadley Road sewer project. Rate payers will see significant savings in addition to the addressing of environmental issues. There will be a very rapid payback on the project which also includes great new bike facilities on Farrell Street. CITY COUNCIL 15 JULY 2019 PAGE 2 Demo has been completed for the Food Bank project. Committees are working on food. Peter Carmoli has been hired as part time Executive Director. The aim is to open in September. 6. City and School Collaboration: Mr. Dorn advised that good progress is being made. Mr. Barritt asked if it is possible to close the DRB application tomorrow night. Ms. Riehle said it is. Ms. Riehle also noted receipt of an email from the School Board Chair regarding re-appraisal and the amount the city will need to fund the state education fund. She felt the Council should have gotten the School Board’s input. Ms. Riehle noted that it is state law that homes and commercial properties be reappraised every 10 years or so. At present, businesses in South Burlington are appraised at 86% of fair market value and homes at 92%. When reappraisal is done, the state will take the Grand List and increase it to 100%, so there will be no impact. This can be a topic of discussion at the next Steering Committee meeting. 7. Consent Agenda: a. Consider and sign disbursements b. Approve minutes for 6 May and 3 June 2019 Mr. Kaufman moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mr. Barritt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Presentation, discussion and possible council action related to updating South Burlington Parks’ Management Plans: Ms. Kochman introduced Tami Zylka, the new Chair of the Parks and Recreation Committee. Ms. Rees said that she and Ashley Parker have been discussing the lands that should be cared for. There is a plan for Red Rocks and one for the Wheeler Nature Park, but they were done differently, and they are looking to have a consistent management plans. Ms. Rees then directed attention to a list of nominees for a Task Force. Mr. Crawford said the Natural Resources Committee can be very supportive of management plans. They have not specifically discussed this proposal yet. Ms. Rees said the Red Rocks plan is due to be updated, CITY COUNCIL 15 JULY 2019 PAGE 3 and the hope is to add management plans for the Underwood and City Center parks. Mr. Kaufman cited Ms. Kochman for all the work she has done over the years, particularly her attention to detail. Mr. Dorn noted that the proposed task force would be a public body and would have to comply with all open meeting laws. Mr. Chittenden moved to support the formation of a parks management task force. Mr. Barritt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Update from Recreation & Parks Committee on current activities: Ms. Zylka said they are still refining NRPA information. She cited the need for indoor facilities, noting that the city has miles of trails but need indoor space for winter months. Ms. Rees noted that this year Vermont did something similar to the NRPA survey, and she will get the results to the Council. Ms. Kochman said not much has changed in the survey results from 2 years ago. The recreation budget is low compared to other communities as is indoor space. The hope is that there will be added indoor space at Veterans Park. Ms. Rees said the Recreation Department now has 2 planners, and the new magazine will be out in September/October. Ms. Riehle commented that the numbers look good for open space, but not for staff and indoor facilities. She noted that the city is also a growth center (per CCRPC), so when the population increases, the ratios may not look as good. Ms. Kochman praised the work of city staff. 10. Consider and possibly award a contract for design services for a proposed South Burlington Recreation Facility: Mr. Dorn reviewed the history. The facility being considered would be in Veterans’ Park. There were 6 responses to the RFP which staff narrowed down to 3. The 3 were interviewed to find the one that provided the most experience, outreach and price. The candidate that staff supports is Freeman, French, Freeman at an estimate of $175,000. The funds will come from CITY COUNCIL 15 JULY 2019 PAGE 4 recreation fees. Mr. Dorn recommended a motion to negotiate a contract with the chosen company. Mr. Kaufman moved to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and award a contract to Freeman, French, Freeman as discussed. Mr. Barritt seconded. Mr. Chittenden cited the difficulty in finding recreation space for children in the winter. Mr. Dorn said the proposed work will provide more of the details of the design and confirm the public needs and programs. Ms. Emery noted this has been in the works for a long time. Ms. Riehle was concerned with how this will be perceived by the School Board in light of their visioning work. She didn’t want them to be caught unaware, but she stressed the city’s need to do due diligence, and the public has been very vocal about this need. Mr. Kaufman suggested that this facility could also meet some of the school needs. In the vote that followed, the motion passed unanimously. 11. Council interviews and possible appointment to South Burlington Boards, Committees and Commissions: The Council interviewed Paula DeMichele for appointment to the Affordable Housing Committee. Following the interview, Mr. Chittenden moved to appoint Ms. DeMichele to the Affordable Housing Committee. Mr. Kaufman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Council consideration and possible action related to proposed changes to the South Burlington Official Map and possible purchase of property: Ms. Riehle noted receipt of a letter from the Planning Commission advising the Council not to purchase the property in question. The Commission is asking a Form Based Code sub- committee to review other options. Mr. Dorn noted that if the city doesn’t buy the property, the roads are removed from the map automatically. CITY COUNCIL 15 JULY 2019 PAGE 5 Mr. Barritt moved that the City Council not plan to purchase the property in question. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dorn noted that will allow the stormwater pond application to move forward. 13. Council discussion and possible action on a draft letter from the Council to members of the City of Burlington Council related to their approval of changes to Burlington zoning bylaws for the South End of Burlington: Mr. Kaufman said he liked the most recent draft. Ms. Emery said she felt the city’s objections are well-founded. She cited the dangers of people who might get into Red Rocks Park after a night in one of the proposed establishments and jump off cliffs, etc. She hoped the two communities could get together and find a solution. Ms. Riehle said she told Mayor Weinberger about the letter. He wasn’t surprised. He was concerned with discussing issues through the media. Ms. Riehle also suggested softening the beginning of paragraph 2 to “We are disappointed that no Burlington official responded…” rather that “We object to the fact that…” She also suggested the last paragraph should simply state “We want to meet with you.” Mr. Barritt said he would shorten the letter as he feels it contains a lot of conjecture. Ms. Emery said she felt the media is there for people who feel they are not being heard. Mr. Chittenden moved to approve the proposed letter with the suggested amendments. Mr. Kaufman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Update and Council discussion regarding proposed draft Memorandum of Understanding between the City of South Burlington, City of Winooski, and City of Burlington related to relationships between the 3 communities on matters involving the Burlington International Airport and the Noise Compatibility Program (NCP): Ms. Riehle reviewed the history. She noted that Mayor Weinberger has agreed to develop some language by the end of August and there could be a draft that the 3 Council can approve. CITY COUNCIL 15 JULY 2019 PAGE 6 Ms. Riehle noted that Burlington has said “no” to a request that South Burlington and Winooski have veto power. The Mayor said he would work on language that would allow the other 2 communities to read final documents that go to the FAA regarding sound mitigation. Those communities could say they don’t agree. Ms. Riehle also noted that the numbers of potential costs are increasing. The 10% match is an issue for people who have to pay for something they didn’t cause in the first place. The Mayor said he “hadn’t thought about that.” He will also look at a “second bite of the apple” if the noise increases significantly. Ms. Emery suggested adding that there should be a new mapping of the NCP when there is a new NEF. 15. Update on Consensus polling application: Mr. Dorn directed attention to the report from Consensus for the 3 weeks in June. 580 people are now registered for the ap, and 184 have attempted verification (to verify that responders are South Burlington residents), but many people don’t want to provide their picture driver’s license. The city is not asking for verification at this point. Mr. Dorn suggested members address any ideas for other questions to Coralee Holm. 16. Councilors’ Reports from Committee assignments: Mr. Chittenden: He is now Chair of Green Mountain Transit Board through the end of the year. Mr. Barritt: There is no date set as yet for the next TDR committee meeting. Ms. Emery: The IZ Open Space Committee is refining how to weight data. The next meeting is 1 August. Ms. Riehle: The Airport Commission meets on Wednesday. 17. Other Business: CITY COUNCIL 15 JULY 2019 PAGE 7 Rep. Killacky said he was very taken with the public art projects, and the Legislature is considering honoring Katie when they reconvene. Ms. Riehle noted the Council did honor her. She also felt there might be a “go fund me” effort to pay for paint. Mr. Kaufman felt the Council should be able to find a few hundred dollars for paint. Mr. Barritt asked about a $5500 item in the warrants. Mr. Hubbard explained it is for Hickok & Boardman to do programs for human resources. As there was no further business to come before the Council, Mr. Kaufman moved to adjourn. Mr. Barritt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.