HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Chamberlin Neighborhood Airport Planning Committee - 03/16/2016DRAFT CHAMBERLIN NEIGHBORHOOD-AIRPORT PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 16 MARCH 2016 The South Burlington Chamberlin-Airport Planning Commiee held a meeng on Wednesday, 16 March 2016, at 6:30p.m., in the Training Room, South Burlington Police Staon, 19 Gregory Drive. MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Sargent, Chair; P. Clemins, K. Robison, K. Schlenter, P. Nowak, G. Maille, L. Brakel, J. Simson, M.Companion ALSO PRESENT: P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; L. Krohn, C. Forde CCRPC; M. Smith, S. Smallridge, J. B. Hinds,Consultants; members of the public. 1. Agenda: Addions, deleons or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the agenda. 2. Open to the Public for items not related to the agenda: No issues were raised. 3. Minutes of 18 February 2016: Ms. Nowak moved to approve the Minutes of 18 February 2016 as presented. Mr. Schlenter seconded. Moon passedunanimously. 4. Report of Noise Sub-Commiee: Mr. Maille reported that the sub-commiee connued its discussion of goals with a focus on draing a noise and planningcommiee to follow this commiee. Mr. Maille noted a concern that sub-commiee members Dave Hartne had not aended any of the sub-commiee’smeengs. This has created a quorum concern as there are 6 members of the commiee, which requires 4 members for aquorum. A meeng had to be postponed because 4 members were not available. Mr. Maille then moved to remove Mr. Hartne from the Noise Sub-Commiee for the reasons stated. Ms. Brakelseconded. Moon passed unanimously. Mr. Companion voiced his concern that there should be a plan in process in the event this neighborhood becomesincompable for residenal use. He noted that a number of enes in the state deal with such an effect on a region. Heasked whether a “preparedness plan” could be put in place for this neighborhood, which hopefully would never beneeded. Mr. Simson felt it was the sub-commiee’s work to do this. Mr. Maille felt there was a me issue as they have only unlJune to do the sub-commiee’s work. He felt that should be part of the work of the commiee that survives CNAPC. Mr.Companion recommended that the City Council explore this concept with other officials. 5. Overview and Commiee review of dra concept neighborhood enhancements in the Chamberlinneighborhood: Mr. Smallridge reported on the enhancements that received a “high score.” These included: 1. Whimsical crosswalks2. Playful bike racks3. Pubic art (he showed examples using things with a local connotaon)4. Banners/logos5. Gateways (he showed examples from other communies). Enhancements to exisng paths/trails that were favored included: 1. Benches 2. Plant and tree labels 3. Fitness trails 4. “miniature museum” for local art work 5. Free lending library 6. Birdhouses (commiee members also suggested bath houses and involving students in the building of these) Mr. Smallridge then addressed the queson of whether to allow for front porches. Mr. Conner noted the maximum allowable now is for steps that are 5 feet in depth. Mr. Smallridge showed a typical street secon with 20 and 30 foot roads, with 5-deep steps. He then showed what it would look like with 12 foot porches and then with 12 and 6 foot porches. He said it could be anything in between. He showed pictures of houses with porches, both covered and uncovered, one and two-stories. He noted that it would take a change in the zoning regulaons to allow porches. Mr. Snallridge said that even with porches there is sll a lot of land from the street to houses. If people were to put in street lights, they would have to be 3 feet back from the road, then another 6 feet for snow storage. He showed examples of lights 18 feet and 14 feet tall and noted that not everyone wants street lights as they prefer to see the night sky. Mr. Smith noted lights can be downcasng. Ms. Sargent said that on her street, lights are far apart and not very helpful for pedestrians. It can get “spooky.” A commiee member asked about solar. Ms. Hinds said there is more flexibility with LED. She suggested the town of Essex as a resource for this. Mr. Conner noted that the general policy now is that all street lights must be LED. Mr. Smallridge said that even with lighng there can be decorave fences or hedges at the property line with landscaping on the house side of the fence or hedge. This can be done in the city right-of-way with a “license agreement.” He showed pictures of planng strips and front yard gardens in the public right-of-way. Mr. Simson noted this is good for control of stormwater.. Mr. Companion noted that a good thing about the Chamberlin neighborhood is that it is all sand. Mr. Smallridge then showed a concept of what a street could look like with different amenies, including the possibility of a linear trail. He showed possibilies for this as well. Ms. Nowak noted how aracve it now looks in front of Technology Park. Mr. Maille said the land was acquired for Airport use and is private land and can’t be open to public use. He asked if there is investment in trails/parks on this property, whether it puts the investment at risk. Could the Airport one day say “it’s gone.” Mr. Conner said that’s a very important queson and must be considered. There is, however, no harm in proposing the idea. He noted that if Airport Drive is redone, the city has typically invested in rec paths, and there are many ways that can happen. There are also requirements for landscaping when the Airport does major projects. Ms. Hinds noted the use of the history of a neighborhood in public art (as with the Healthy Living Project). Mr. Conner said there is a history of a trolley line in the Airport neighborhood. Mr. Simson cited a project in Oakledge Park in Burlington where there are plaques to explain the history of the area. He felt it wasn’t very expensive to do. Ms. Sargent said they should try to capitalize on the fact that the Airport is there, not try to deny it is there. She noted the possibility of a museum with the history of aviaon in the area. 7. Overview and Commiee review of dra concept suggesons/improvements for instuonal arrangements: Ms. Hinds suggested seng up a framework regarding things that can enhance/affect the neighborhood, including: 1. Groups to contact 2. A “point person” 3. Audiences for different informaon 4. How to communicate (different kinds of communicaon) She drew aenon to worksheets which ask such quesons as: 1. What do you want to be nofied about? 2. From whom should noce come? 3. What is the best way to get informaon? 4. How oen would you like to be informed? 5. “My level of interest would change if….” 6. Discussions should be moderated by…. 7. Other opons to consider With regard to the Airport, what should be the geographic noce, and should there be ongoing discussion with Airport officials? With regard to schools, Ms. Hinds said there is probably a long-me horizon before anything is done with Chamberlin School. Quesons to consider are: 1. What is most important about the school’s operaon to your quality of life? 2. How might the School Board assure there is area representaon on master planning? It was noted that there is a meeng on the future of school on 22 March at 6:30 p.m. at the High School. Ms. Sargent recommended that members aend that meeng. Mr. Maille asked if easements are needed for trails to cross private property. Ms. Hinds said they are. Mr. Krohn added that state law protects private property owners from liability in these types of situaons. Ms. Sargent said something for the public to think about is where they would like to see connecons. Mr. Maille said this is parcularly important if Elizabeth and/or Patrick Streets are terminated. Mr. Conner stressed the importance of having this start at the neighborhood level. Ms. Hinds then addressed “resilience planning,” working through the “what ifs” with loss of power and other disrupons. People should consider building a local network for communicaon and support. Ms. Hinds noted there is always a beer “bounce back” when those networks are in place. Other things to consider are outreach to seniors, the disabled and those with specific medical needs. Ms. Hinds noted that transportaon enhancements are also important as there is the expectaon that there will be changes to road networks in the area and possible road closures. Does the neighborhood want to be nofied of these changes in advance? How much community involvement/parcipaon should there be? Should there be noficaon of things happening on/to Williston Road? Etc. With regard to visual enhancements, Ms. Hinds said these will require an engaged group who can determine who will make judgments, what materials should/can be used, possible links with the school, etc. Ms. Sargent suggested the Vermont Council on the Arts for potenal funding and a study commiee to get some of these things done. Mr. Maille cited the need to maintain the stockade fencing. 8. Next Steps: Mr. Smith said at the next meeng (April 14) there will be discussion on previous ideas received from the commiee. At the 2 meengs in May, discussion will focus on neighborhood enhancements, etc. The last community meeng will be on 7 June. The last commiee meeng will be on 16 June. As there was no further business to come before the Commiee, Simson moved to adjourn. Ms. Nowak seconded. Moon passed unanimously, and the meeng was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ___________________________________