HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Design Review Committee - 11/12/2014SOUTH BURLINGTON DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 12 NOVEMBER 2014 1 The South Burlington Design Review Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, 12 Novemberber 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: Jean-Sebastien Chaulot, Adam Davis, Sheema Fahim, Nicolas Jaramillo, Marcel Beaudin Also Present: Cathyann LaRose, City Planner; Allie Beck, St. Michael’s College The meeting was called to order at 7:05. 1. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items There were no changes to the agenda. 2. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda No comments or questions from the public unrelated to the agenda. 3. Review and discuss Draft City Center Form Based Code Ms. LaRose reminded the Committee that they agreed at the October 15th meeting to take another look at chapter 8 of the proposed bylaw amendments, especially the City Center Form Based Code District. Members began with a discussion of the T3 standards. Mr. Beaudin wondered if the façade standards, such as windows and shutters were too restrictive, but expressed that he thought it was a good place to start, and let any fixes follow as necessary after implementation. Members discussed the review process outlined in the code. Members expressed concern that the code left little room for review based on good taste, something that is admittedly hard to regulate. Ms. LaRose stated that the courts have been very clear that an applicant must have a fair and predictable understanding of what can be permitted and what cannot, and it would be difficult and perhaps even not legal to deny a project based on something not clarified in the explicit text of the regulations. Members understood but wished to continue to find ways to improve aesthetic elements. Members discussed the idea of a pre-application meeting between the applicant and a design body. Members agreed that they did not want to write the specifics of this, but generally require a meeting between applicants of new construction and a group of design professionals assigned by the City, either as the current DRC or a subset. Members agreed that the results of this meeting would be informal and non-binding, but would hopefully open up a discussion about good design aesthetic. Mr. Beaudin moved that the Design Review Committee recommend that the Planning Commission consider language that would require a pre-application meeting between the applicant and a design body, with a non-binding outcome. Mr. Davis seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Members next discussed their concern for the future of parking in City Center area. Members asked if there were any limitations or parking maximums. Ms. LaRose said the only maximum amount for parking would be for residential uses; otherwise, the land would be constricted only by the remaining standards for open space, landscaping, and similar. Members discussed and agreed that there was reason for concern. Mr. Choulot expressed his concern that the parking plan was not in line with the rest of the goals of the City Center plan that is walkable and pedestrian oriented. Members stated that urban buildings close to the street would not make an area walkable if there were many large surface lots. Members did not wish to pursue a straight parking maximum, but felt there could be another way to minimize surface parking and encourage structured parking to meet reduced needs. Members also discussed their concerns for the future of the TIF district if so much potential income for investment was tied up in parking lots which did not lend to an increased tax base. Mr. Choulot moved that the Planning Commission should consider a plan that would align the future of parking with the spirit of the City Center goals, including pedestrian orientation and efficient use of land. Mr. Davis seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. With no further business, the Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 pm. , Clerk