HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Dog Park Task Force - 06/14/2018 Dog Park Task Force Meeng Thursday, June 14, 2018 DRAFT MINUTES Present: Linda Chiasson, Bey Milizia, Barb Sirvis Staff: Maggie Leugers Others in Aendance: Mark Dickinson The meeng was called to order at 4:35 p.m. Safety Procedures: Maggie reviewed safety procedures. Minutes of May 31, 2018: Linda moved approval, Bey seconded. Approval unanimous. Thank you and acknowledgments: Maggie thanked the members of the Task Force for their hard work and presented each with a token of her appreciaon. Maggie acknowledged the stress at mes during the process and her appreciaon for the professional behavior, will, and tenacity of the task force members. The Task Force presented Maggie with a gi as a token of respect and appreciaon for her professionalism and many hours of dedicated service to the work of the task force. Barb acknowledged the work of the three members of the Task Force who chose to resign aer the May 21st City Council Meeng. She noted—for the record—the resignaons were not as a result of the City Council decision but rather as a response to the three members’ feeling their integrity had been publicly aacked during the City Council Meeng. Reflecons from the May 21st City Council Meeng: The Task Force members were unanimous in their assessment that the Veterans Park sites were not given an objecve review. Dorset Park neighbors intervened before next steps of the Task Force could be specified. There would have been a forum/community meeng before a site was finalized, but neighbors didn’t give it a chance. Councilor Emery’s resoluon tried to address concerns about the structure and mission of the new Dog Park Commiee. The new DPC will review all issues including Veterans Park and bring back to the City Council at a future date. Tasks and topics for the new Dog Park Commiee: The remainder and majority of the meeng focused on development of two lists that would be the basis for the final report to the South Burlington City Council and provide guidance for the new Dog Park Commiee. TASKS COMPLETED by the Dog Park Task Force · Full Task Force met beginning in January o Eleven meengs o Two community forums o Four BTV meengs o Mulple on-site reviews · Reviewed basic literature and dog park websites across the country · Brainstormed criteria and other elements for scoring matrix · Created inial matrix · Evaluated exisng and potenal sites in and out of SB with scoring matrix in order to evaluate · Revised matrix · Reviewed exisng ordinances, leash and off-leash areas · Jaycee Park site review o Community Forum o Report/recommendaon to SBCC · Worked in collaboraon with BTV on potenal site o Site and configuraon review o Community forum o Final recommendaon for other placement · Veterans Memorial Park site review o Walk site opons with SoBu personnel § Matrix applied o Recommendaons to SBCC · Unresolved discussion issues o Weight of dogs for small vs. large dog park o Fees vs. accessible to all o SoBu residents vs. accessible to all · Three PowerPoint presentaons for South Burlington City Council SUGGESTED TASKS for the new Dog Park Commiee · Organizaonal tasks o Mission and vision o Operaonal guidelines (“ways of work”) o Review work of Task Force o Inial dra of short-term and long-term goals/strategic plan · Review basic literature/websites about dog parks o Size/locaon o Safety management o Financial support · Review and revise matrix · Review exisng ordinances · Community input opons o Survey Monkey o Front Porch Forum o The Other Paper o Rec. Dept. link o Email address · Community Forum re: dog parks · Community Forum re: Veterans Memorial Park site · Recommendaon to City Council re: Veterans Memorial Park site · Prepare o Cost esmates § Facility structure · Gang · Perimeter fencing · Visual barriers? · Sound buffers? · Surface materials? · Amenies o Shade o Water o Training and technical assistance o Other opons § Private and public funding · Sponsorships · Grants · Fees · Friends groups o Operaonal policies/procedures § Maintenance · Sanitaon § License requirements § Rules and regulaons · Dog/owner equee § Safety § Hours of operaon · Locking · Security · Animal Control · Who to call? § Volunteer monitoring/coverage · Dra proposed city-wide master plan for South Burlington dog parks o Consult with SoBu personnel o Walk sites o Dra plan o Report to SBCC o Community forums o Final recommendaon to SBCC · Complete wrien document formalizing commiee work and recommendaons The meeng adjourned at 5:55 p.m. Clerk: Barbara P. Sirvis