HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Dog Park Task Force - 03/27/2018 Dog Park Task Force March 27, 2018 FINAL Attendance: Linda Ciasson, Betty Milizia, Barbara Sirvis, Elizabeth-Walker-Bennett, Maike Uetzmann, Katie Lenox Regrets: Catherine Young, and Paul Connor (staff) Staff: Maggie Leugers Meeting was called to order 5:35PM Betty showed a YouTube video of the 5 types of dog people you’ll have in parks. Reviewed site homework from additional members of task force with conclusion: Highest score Veterans Memorial Park behind solar panels lowest score Lime Kiln, following DRAFT matrix. Conclusion is that the matrix works, however there is a need for tweaking. Betty presented a simple matrix “score card”. Group thought it was important to keep original matrix and add “score card” as a hybrid with original matrix. Betty volunteered to work with staff on this project and have ready for next meeting for all to review. Discussion on size and shapes, surfaces of parks to consider from research when designing parks. Katie expressed concern with introduction a fee structure. Her concern was accessibility to those that would take their dogs to parks. Adding a fee or (membership) fee was of concern to other members for same reason and group tabled this idea for now, however may consider it as a talking point when finalizing presentation to City Council. Some of the members felt that all size/weight dogs need ample room to run and play. Group discussed having a “Friends of the Dog Parks” all fully agreed that this should be include in presentation to City Council. Discussion of possible NEW site for Dog Park in partnership with Burlington Airport as a new development was discussed and all members thought it would be a positive and exciting opportunity for the community at large. Discussions will be continue with the airport Director and staff. Meeting adjourned 7:30PM pm. Minutes submitted by clerk: Linda Chaisson Next Meeting: Tuesday April 10, 2018 City Hall 5:30PM