HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Dog Park Task Force - 02/27/2018 Dog Park Task Force February 27 2018 Approved Attendance: Maike Uetzmann, Linda Chasson, Elizabeth Walker-Bennett, Barb Sirvis, Betty Milizia, and Catherine Young Regrets: Katie Lenox Staff: Maggie Leugers, Paul Connor Also present: JoAnne Nichols (Animal Control officer) Meeting was called to order 5:35PM Joanne Nichols explained what her roll is with city as animal control officer. She said she deals mostly with animal bits and noise complaints from public. Her hours are limited to 10 during winter and 14 during summer. Paul reviewed new matrix from last meetings including changes from additional input from group. Several task force members did homework requested over weekend to take previous matrix and score at two dog parks Farrell and Starr Farm. Discussion about scores: Linda said Starr Farm too close to Community Garden and horse farm, size good, close to neighbors with no complaints she observed. Katie Lenox visited both parks and from previous matrix she had no concerns and scored same. She did express Staff Farm was big and owners may not have voice control over their dogs, whereas Farrell seemed a little small with commercial building around not presenting noise issues. She also expressed no fee for both parks was nice for in town and out of towners. Both dog park entrance were very wet and muddy. Discussion by group that onsite dog training important and to give consideration of having a volunteer dog welcoming committee. Discussion to support having more hours for animal control officer to patrol morning and evenings. How to pay for additional hours was discussed (increase license fees, swipe cards and other options will continue to be investigated). Betty suggested group study more dog parks from across the country and be prepared to present at next meeting. Betty will work with Maggie on presenting this at next meeting. Discussion that group is making progress but not prepared to present on March 19, 2018 to City Council. More research and improving matrix needed. Maggie will talk with City Manager to have group present late April and let group know outcome. Meeting adjourned at 7 pm. Minutes submitted by clerk: Linda Chaisson Next Meeting: Tuesday March 13, 2018 City Hall 5:30PM