HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Open Space and Natural Areas Task Force - 08/31/2016 Open Space and Nature Areas Task Force August 31, 2016 9:30-12 NOON Agenda AMMENDED FINAL 1. Review Agenda (5 minutes) 2. Approve minutes (5 minutes) 3. Discussion of Matrix changes made from last meeng (15 minutes) 4. Finalize discussion of priories with financial numbers in place(50 minutes) 5. Next steps in preparaon for presentaon to City Council. (15 minutes) Aending: Maggie Leugers, Travis Ladd, Larry Kupferman, Glenn Sproul, Rebecca Poquee, Bey Milizia, Sophie Quest, Sean Devine& Lisa Yankowski Agenda reviewed, accepted. We did not have any formal minutes from our past meengs just changes to the excel spreadsheets. Maggie menoned that the spreadsheets had been updated with new informaon from the consultant, Greg Guyee. He is able tocomeback in if the Task Force Group has any further quesons. Agenda numbers 3 & 4 were combined in to discussion including changes, moving priories around and costs. Maggie included somenew informaon that was not previously included in our documentaon regarding work that was done by the VYCC (Vermont YouthConservaon Corp) and college students. Some good work, some not so good. VYCC spent most of their me at Wheeler, doingwater bars and removing a bridge. Only 2 weeks were at Red Rocks replacing water bars. The group was asked our opinion regarding connuing working with the Winooski Valley Park District. It would be $30,000/yr, andthey would oversee and do work in the parks too complicated for the VYCC to perform and our city staff unable to do. Sean asked forbeer clarificaon of what we got for the cost. Further discussions centered on the individual parks. RED ROCKS - Next year the VYCC needs to start working here first.- Larry brought up the cut-through trail from the parking lot and had hoped it had been blocked. It has several es andthe blocks keep being removed. Need to work on a more permanent soluon. Further discussion lead to the quesonof changing the whole front facade of the park.- Glen asked about the total dollar amount, if it was accurate due being over half of our $1.3 million. The group hadpreviously decided that a larger chunk of the funds would be needed for red Rocks. It has had a lot of wear and tearwith lile maintenance over many years.- Bey felt we needed to delineate costs that should become general fund budget.- Items already in the works were moved to the top of the list under Priority 1, ie: signage & bike racks.- Discussion went to the bathhouse and Glen thought it should be brighter & possibly larger- it is our only waterfrontpark. Verb-age has been modified to include opons for possible new design and concession. For the presentaon to the city: invest in expansion of programs & promoon of the park – great walking trails and a beach. (we used to have lifeguards & swimming lessons). WHEELER -Adjusted the Priority 1 list, same as above, to indicate work currently in progress. -moved wildlife monitoring from Priority 1 to 2.- Discussed that there were some items that are in the management plan, paid from the allocaon but would need to beadded to the city budget for the future. HOMESTEAD -Lots of discussion regarding the house and does this group really determine what spending needs to be done on it and if itneeds to from our allocaon.- We resolved quesons regarding trail improvements and possibility of ADA Compliant walkway to the tree house. We needsignage to the trails. UNDERWOOD - We decided not to discuss Underwood at this me- the Master Plan sll needs to be done, (we have allocated funds forthis).- Glenn thought we should allocate addional funds of $185,000 to be set aside for when the plan is done. We do have atemporary, paral list that was done by the SE Group. At the city presentaon we need to be sure and specify the itemsare not final, they are pending the Master Plan. THE NEXT MEETING IS TUESDAY 09/13/16 9:30am-12:00 at South Burlington City Hall