HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Sustainable Agriculture Subcommittee - 07/07/2015 DRAFT MINUTES Sustainable Agriculture/Food Security Subcommittee of the Planning Commission. Meeting Time/Date: 7:00 PM, Tuesday, July 7, 2015 Location: Healthy Living upstairs conference room 222 Dorset Street Present: Sarah Dopp, Betty Goldberg, Rosanne Greco, Kindle Loomis, Sophie Quest, Allan Strong Visitors: Chris Shaw, Tom Chittenden, Lee Ann Lee ? NOTE: Rosanne said she would start recording all of the SusAg meetings, and did so for this meeting. Agenda: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items Sarah motioned to change the order of items discussed by moving item #10 (minutes) to item #3. It was seconded by Sophie and unanimously approved. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda a. Rosanne opened the meeting by quoting from recent Burlington Free Press articles. In the Innovate section on 9 April 2015, two UVM students, Leah Schulz and Meghan Whirley, wrote “Paths to sustainability can be found everywhere.” And in a My Turn from 18 May 2015, UVM student, Hannah Brady, wrote “Food system for food, not profit.” b. Tom Chittenden presented a letter stating his concerns with the draft minutes from the 2 June meeting. c. Minutes of 5/5/15 were motioned and unanimously approved. d. Minutes of 6/2/15 were discussed for a long time. Although there were some areas in which some individuals’ remembrances were sketchy, the majority of committee members remembered Councilor Chittenden words, and these committee members took away a feeling of being devalued and demeaned by Councilor Chittenden’s remarks Councilor Chittenden was not able to stay for the SusAg meeting, and so was not present for this discussion. Rosanne offered to annotate the 2 June 2015 minutes to reflect the views of those present. These annotated draft minutes will be reviewed at the August meeting. She also offered that, according to Vermont law, city minutes need only record motions and votes in order to be compliant. But some committee members expressed their wishes to record more of the discussions for historical reasons and to remind current and future committee members of the reasoning behind some decisions. SusAg committee member announcements Kindle reported on the approval of the MOU by City Council for a test plowing and planting on the Underwood Park property. She will report the final plan to the SB Land Trust since it will need modification due to the late start. Sarah said that some of the money could be held for next year if the project only required a portion of the money this year because of its late start. Discuss future of SusAg a. In an email to Rosanne, Jessica Louisos, the chair of the Planning Commission, requested the subcommittee study the Open Space matrix for the FBC document being studied by the Planning Commission, which can be found in the 5/4/15 Agenda of the PC. Rosanne will check with Paul to make sure this is the last version of the Matrix. b. Jessica also requested that the subcommittee work now on the Comprehensive Plan. It was noted that the SusAg committee has been doing that for sometime. Additionally, the SusAg committee reaffirmed the five SusAg related tasks assigned to the Planning Commission, as shown on the city staff review committee matrix. c. Kindle asked how she could help.. Sophie suggested that she study the references to the Farmers' Market and to school food education, since these are initiatives of Common Roots. It was decided that all of the SusAg committee members are to review the 5/4 draft of the Comprehensive Plan and the Open Space Matrix, and be ready to discuss it at the August SusAg meeting. Rosanne will send an email to all SusAg members alerting those not present of this requested ‘homework’ assignment. 5. Discuss Planning Commission tasks to SusAg: This was addressed in the previous agenda item. Update on the UVM student work on the Underwood Property (Allan) a. Allan reported on the UVM students' appraisal of natural resources on the Underwood Park property. He was very satisfied with their work, and summarized their accomplishments. 1. In surveying the birds, trees, animals, using camera traps, they found Northern Harrier raptors using the site. Kindle inquired whether Common Roots agriculture efforts might disturb these birds. Allan said that could possibly be an issue. 2. The students did a public opinion survey from nearby residents on use of the Underwood Property. This was done via Front Porch Forum. 3. The students made a map of the natural resources. All of these reports will be sent to Sus/Ag, to the Natural Resources Committee and, to Recreation and Parks Department. Because of changing directors, the students, who now have all graduated, were not able to give an oral report to the Recreation and Parks Department. b. Chris Shaw asked Allan about the Bobolink project with farmers. 540 acres in the state, mostly around Rutland and Addison counties, are now enrolled in this project. Farmers receive $90/acre if they agree to do their last spring haying before 5/31 and then wait for 65 days to do any more hayings. Update on website development (Bronwyn) Bronwyn not present. Update on Growing Connections (Rosanne) Rosanne wrote an article for the Other Paper on the Sharing Economy and the SusAg initiative,, “Growing Connections.” Seven Days has recently interviewed her to talk of her own garden exchange. 9. Other business None Approval of minutes from May 5, and June 2, 2015: Addressed in Item #3 Suggest next agenda topics Review SusAg tasks as cited above. Report on the May 2015 No-Mow session with the public. Next Meeting: August 4, 2015. Adjourn Bushel Basket Topics: a. Development of SusAg Website & Facebook b. Farming projects in SB technology parks c. Composting plans d. Education classes on solid waste initiatives e. City Food Hubs initiative f. City Maple sugaring initiative g. Edible Landscaping initiative Respectfully submitted, Sophie Quest Clerk, Sustainable Agriculture Sub-committee