HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Sustainable Agriculture Subcommittee - 03/11/2015SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 11 MARCH, 2015 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________ The Sustainable Agriculture Subcommittee of the Planning Commission held a regular meeting on the 11th of March, 2015 at 7:00pm at Healthy Living Upstairs Conference Room, 222 Dorset Street Members Present: Rosanne Greco, Sarah Dopp, Rebecca Adams, Allan Strong, Sophie Quest, Bronwyn Dunne 1. Agenda: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items. None 2. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda. None 3. SusAg committee member announcements: Sophie recommends attending these events: March 12-”Edible Landscaping” at SoBurlington Library, 5:30pm; March 16-Presentation of the Underwood consultants' report to City Council-City Hall, 6:30pm; March 24-Energy Committee event; SoBurlington Library, 6pm; March 29-Land Trust Annual Meeting and Potluck, Ridgewood Estates, 5:30pm-7:15pm; March 31-Master School Visioning Committee Public Hearing-Tuttle School, 6:30pm. 4. Discussion of status of the UVM students/interns. Allan reported on the students doing a Natural Resource Inventory of the Underwood Property. They will be looking at invasive species, wildlife, and soil (if they can get the funds for a soil analysis). They have already set camera traps on the property. They may be interviewing the Underwood sisters and adding their history to the report. (It was noted that Judy Kearns could put this in the Other Paper as SoBurlington history.) The students will make presentations of their findings, probably around April 20, both to the Recreation and Leisure Arts Committee and to the public. (Before Betsy left her job as head of Recreation, she cleared the work of the students with the city staff.) In regard to getting a student intern to develop either a webpage or a Facebook account, Allan isn't sure that he can do this in the middle of the semester. Bronwyn is working with a student on her webpage and she will ask about the possibilities from this student. 5. Update on meetings with landowners. Because of everyone's vacations, this has not taken place yet. Sophie will call them to make an appointment after Rosanne has given her her schedule. 6. Discussion of the ideas presented at the February meeting regarding the next tasks to accomplish. a. “Growing Connections” (matching up garden space owners with garden space stewards; and garden space owners with young farmers.) We will have a presentation at the South Burlington Library on April 16, Thursday. In preparation we will make a flyer for this new program: write an article for the Other Paper. (Needs to be in by Thursday, April 2); write a blurb to send out to all Front Porch Forums; create a poster. The week of March 16-21, Rosanne, Bronwyn and Sophie will be writing and sharing ideas for these. Becky will ask Carol McQuillan if her children might want to do drawings for the flyer and create poster ideas for this. SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 11 MARCH, 2015 2 The poster also needs to go out at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Sophie will contact the people leading two gardening courses in SoBurlington Recreation Department so that people taking the course will be notified of this exchange possibility. We'll ask about giving a 3 minute talk to the classes. [It was suggested that we put April 16 on the Recreation Dept. website, but Sophie spoke to them and they say it is not possible.] b. Update on the Marceau Orchard. This orchard is now being pruned and managed by the “Gnarly Food Collective”, including property owners and managers. The goal will be to sell apples to the local hard cider makers who especially appreciate the heritage apple brands. (There is a possibility that the sheep of “Sheepandpicklefarm” might graze there in the spring.) Another project might be to plant currents and gooseberries under the solar panels. John Hayden of The Farm Between in Jeffersonville and part of the Gnarly Food Collective is looking for the right person to take on this project. The corn field next to the orchard is in flux now as the owners deal with more pressing matters. They are talking with Stacey at the Intervale Center in case some day there might be a good match with Intervale farmers to work there. c. Codifying the saving of topsoil from construction. We looked at the language from the Sus/Ag's consultant's report (pps. 65 or 71) and also Cornell University website language. (prevent compaction, redistribute, uniform thickness.) We'll be doing further work on this, understanding that the Planning Commission is not ready to discuss LDRs outside of City Center at this time. 7. Create and add items to a “bushelbasket”. Rosanne will write this up for the next agenda. Already mentioning are “raising money” and “creating a website.” 8. Other Business None 9. Approval of minutes from February 3, 2015. Approved with corrections 10. Adjourn Respectfully submitted: Sophie Quest, Clerk