HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Underwood Property Task Force - 11/25/2014Underwood Property Task Force Meeting Minutes 25 November 2014 1 Underwood Property Committee Members present: Karen Whitby, Russ Agne, Michael Simoneau, Glenn Sproul, Sophie Quest, Cathy Frank, Dan Albrecht Members absent: Joshua Phillips, Kindle Loomis Others present: Paul Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; Betsy Terry, Interim Director of Recreation and Parks; Drew ***, SE Group; Mark Hamelin, SE Group. 1. Site visit – The Committee took a site visit onto various areas of the property: the center of the parcel, the ridgeline, a north-south trail near the woods, and trails into the woods. 2. Meet back at City Hall Mr. *** gave an overview of the process. At the next meeting, the committee will discuss the property under three themes: recreation, agriculture, and natural communities. Following that, SE Group will develop concepts for the Committee to consider. He added that the City’s Comprehensive Plan calls for about 7.5 acres of developed parkland per 1,000 residents. The Plan says that the city was ahead but is now slightly behind. Mr. Hamelin asked members for their first impressions of the property. Ms. Frank said that she would like to see connectivity in the form a recreation path and trails from the south. South Village is in the process of building recreation paths, and they can connect north. At present, there is no safe way for pedestrians and cyclists to reach the path on Nowland Farm Road. Also, there are no playgrounds in the area. Ms. Whitby said she thought there were recreational opportunities on the site. Access to the trails in the woods was very easy, she said. There is an opportunity for community gardens on the site. Mr. *** noted that there is a trend today in parks design to have “wild play” areas. Ms. Quest said that there could be a wonderful picnic spot where people could look over the lake, and bathrooms that serve as demonstration, agricultural facilities tied with the schools, trails. Also fields. Also buffers of native plants at edge of property. Mr. Sproul asked about minutes. Mr. Conner said that as a committee established by the City Council, that it is subject to the Open Meeting Law. He provided a brief overview of the law for the committee. 2 Mr. Sproul – active parks. Had originally looked at as need. Now maybe 2 multi-use fields to take pressure off, plus many other uses. Something original, such as a tree-fort. Trails present a great opportunity. Also noted that the Comprehensive Plan sets a goal of having recreation facilities within ¼ mile of residents. Mr. Agne said he and the Natural Resources Committee have worked on Wheeler Nature Park Management Plan. Committee in process of planning a meeting for what use to put to the area around the Wheeler Homestead. With some of the challenges in that area, there is an opportunity for a reproachment in addressing some of the items on the Underwood property. Mr. Agne said that he would like to see some component of the property be used for an agricultural use He liked the woods. Ms. Whitby said that as a member of the community gardens steering committee, that she wouldn’t see the Wheeler plots being moved, but instead having Wheeler serve as the “master” with additional gardens in various parts of the city including Underwood. Mr. Sproul said he doesn’t want to see this park become another Dorset Park, aka Veterans Memorial, with wall to wall ball fields. Having a couple of multi-purpose recreation fields, to allow for some rest time at Dorset Park, and for informal use, would be useful. Mr. Agne said that with about 6.8 acres of prime agricultural soils, that that there should be some kind of agricultural component. This could include a lease to a farmer. Mr. Hamelin asked about parking. Ms. Quest said that if there was to be parking on the property, it should be pervious. Mr. Conner said that there may be an opportunity to have some of the parking provided on Nowland Farm Road. This may slow traffic on the street and be a benefit to the adjacent neighborhood, but may also been seen as infringing on the neighborhood. Mr. Simoneau noted that there would need to be some design improvements to calm traffic. Mr. Sproul said that he’d like to minimize parking. He noted that there will need to be parking near any community gardens, though, and that this might need to be near Spear Street. Mr. Hamelin said that this site and the discussion was reminding him of Mills Riverside Park in Jericho. Ms. Quest asked about what kind of housing Mr. Simoneau was considering. Would it be affordable? Mr. Simoneau said he was probably thinking affordable, but didn’t want to preclude ideas. He said he wasn’t on a crusade, but wanted to keep an open mind on the maximum community benefit. As there no further business before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 4:20 pm.