HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee - 09/11/2019 Bike & Pedestrian Committee Meeting Agenda Wednesday, September 11, 2019 5:30 p.m. South Burlington City Hall, Champlain Room 575 Dorset Street 1. Welcome and directions on emergency evacuation procedures (5:30 p.m.) 2. Changes or additions to the agenda (5:35 p.m.) 3. Comments from the public not related to the agenda (5:40 p.m.) 4. Consideration of minutes from the previous meeting(s) (5:45 p.m.) 5. Updates from the City - Ashley (5:50 p.m. - 20min) a. General Updates b. P4P Project Status Updates i. South Dorset ii. Jug Handle iii. Upper Allen iv. Airport Parkway 6. Major - September Symposium Discussion - All (6:10 p.m. - 15min) a. Ashley will provide specific guidance from City b. Objective: Committee definition of poster topics c. Objective: Committee definition of City Council Presentation 7. Major - Review new Google Drive & Laser Fiche repository - Shawn/Ashley (6:25 p.m. - 20min) a. Objective: General committee awareness of the new repositories and how to use them. b. Objective: Define questions or concerns for Coralee Holm (if necessary) 8. Major - Rec Path Signage - Donna or Bill (6:45 p.m. - 15min) a. Objective: Working group to make initial recommendations on 1st-phase of signage. 9. Minor - SB Resident Education/Communication Discussion - Cathy (7:00 p.m. - 10min) a. Objective: Discussion on how to educate the community on new stuff (like bike boxes). 10. Minor - Proposed Agenda Format Changes - Shawn (7:10 p.m. - 10min) a. Note: Continuation of discussion from August Meeting. Need to define the standards for the “Ongoing Committee Work” as well as discussion of any other questions or concerns about the schedule/process for creating the agenda. b. Objective: Define standards for “Ongoing Committee Work” updates. 11. Minor - Bike/Ped Project Tracking - All (7:20 p.m. - 10min) a. Objective: Finalize list of all major/active projects or efforts. 12. Updates: Ongoing Committee Work (7:30 p.m. - 25min) a. Monthly DPW meeting - Bob b. CCRPC Update - Amanda & Donna c. Interim Zoning - Amanda & Donna d. DRB Update - Cathy & Shawn e. Communications - Cathy f. Safety - Bob g. Way to Go Schools - Donna h. City Bike/Ped Rankings (People for Bikes / League of American Cyclists) - Nic i. General Business - Shawn 13. Confirmation: Next meeting Wednesday, October 9, 2019 @ 5:30pm 14. Adjourn (8:00 p.m.) Bike & Pedestrian Committee Meeting Agenda August 14, 2019 5:30 p.m. South Burlington City Hall, Champlain Room 575 Dorset Street 1. Welcome and emergency evacuation procedures (5:30 p.m. - 5min) - Started at 5:35pm. a. Attendance: Shawn, Bill, Donna, Ashley, Dana, Cathy (called in), Amanda arrived at 5:40pm. b. Three public members attended - Deb Sachs, Richard Shrake, Sue Fletcher. 2. Changes or additions to the agenda (5:35 p.m. - 5min) a. Dana official timekeeper 3. Comments from the public not related to the agenda (5:40 p.m. - 5min) a. Richard Shrake - member of the energy committee. Introduced himself b. Deb with Go! Vermont & Way to Go! 4. Consideration of minutes - see SBBPC Mintues 07-10-19_DRAFT (5:45 p.m - 5min) a. Objective: Motion to adopt final draft of July minutes ■ Dana motioned to adopt minutes ■ Donna to second ■ No motioned to change draft minutes ■ Motion passed by attending members. 5. Minor - Kimball/Community/Greggory Intersection - Cathy (5:50 p.m. - 10min) a. Objective: Official committee comment on design preference for DRB 8/20/19 ■ Upgrade intersection because Fedex is building there. ■ Planning department wants to know if a roundabout is better than a signal intersection. Looking for feedback from BPC. 1. Data is inconclusive a. We are not in a position to recommend one or the other. 2. Striping rules now allow for bike boxes at intersections 3. Anything we implement will require education for drivers 4. Ashley - no crossing on west side of kimball drive in roundabout plan. Should it be added to plan? 5. Shawn - Data mixed for U.S. on roundabout and bike safety. A lot of work to be done to go with the round-a-bout. Traffic speeds have to be very slow - 15mph. 6. Bill - would the signal intersection be safer as the lane lines wear away? 7. Cathy - people won’t go out of their way to follow the correct path around a round-about. We don't have the infrastructure to educate people. 8. Shawn - suggests Cathy go to DRB with BPC concerns (intended speeds, how will drivers know there are pedestrians crossing? Community and outreach resources). 6. Major - Updates from the City - Ashley (6:00 p.m. - 15min) a. New Agenda ■ Committee process: 1. Shawn - Once minutes for August BPC are posted by 8/19, move over to new Google drive system. 2. Cannot edit documents in Google drive ‘space’. Need to download by one user at a time to prevent quorum. a. Also looking into if documents can be “locked” by one user to edit one at a time in drive folder. b. Amanda - is it okay to delete files used for research, but not included in drafts. Ashley to find out. ■ Ashley - suggested more outreach for helmet use. b. Laserfiche ■ Ashley: link on BPC webpage links to committee meeting agenda documents. 7. Major - VT Way to Go Schools Presentation - Debra Sachs (6:15 p.m. - 25min) a. Objective: Motion to add Way to Go Schools to the committee priorities (already existing). ■ Behavior and infrastructure sides of Way to Go! Program. 1. Can we get deeper involvement and participation when partnering with BPC’s? Yes, from previous projects. a. Work together for common goals/projects. i. Grants, infrastructure, etc. b. Include sponsorships from local companies. 2. Program starts Sept 1st, through remainder of school year. 3. Deb created list of ways BPC can help - see handout. ■ Note: LocalMotion can help purchase bike racks. ■ Go! Vermont as resource for travelers - share on BPC website and social media. ■ Donna - schools need to tell us what they need from us to help make this work and successful. 1. Create baseline data for each participating school. ■ Objective: Motion to create a subgroup to work on Way to Go Schools ■ Donna makes a Motion to make Way to Go! An active project, create sub-work group 1. 2nd by Amanda 2. All in favor ■ Shawn makes a motion to nominate Donna to head sub-work group. 1. Dana 2nd 2. All in favor. 8. Major - FY19 Annual Report & FY20 Work Plan - Shawn & Bill (6:40 p.m. - 20min) a. Objective: Motion to approve final version to submit to the City on 8/16 ■ Summarize action plan and prioritizes for FY2020. 1. Align with city goals ■ Amanda had notes from first draft of FY19 Annual Report, we reviewed. ■ Moving all quantitative data information to correct section. ■ Shawn to complete Annual Report, Bill to complete FY20 Work Plan. 1. Committee to send suggestions to each. ■ Need to submit to Ashley by 8/15. ■ Dana Motion to allow Shawn to finalize the report based on the committee feedback. 1. Amanda 2nd 2. All in favor ■ Amanda motions to authorize Bill to draft and ensure he gets specific updates from work groups to finalize Work plan, based on 2017/2018 priorities 1. Bill to 2nd. 2. All in favor 9. Minor - September Symposium Presentation & Poster - Group (7:00 p.m. - 10min) a. Objective: Identify sub-group(s) to develop materials for Committee Symposium on 9/26 ■ Ashley - don’t stress, pull out bullets from annual report and work plan to put on a poster, send info to Ashley. Will print at city hall. ■ Request for an image to use on the Poster - committee group, action shot, project, etc. ■ When Shawn sends out final Annual report, request committee members to highlight bullets for poster. Send comments to Shawn. 10. Minor - CIP Updates - Submitted by Bob (7:10 p.m. - 10min) a. Objective: Motion to approve final recommendations on CIP updates to the City ■ Dana motions we approve Bob’s updates 1. Donna 2nd 2. All in favor ■ Shawn to attend next work section for CIP ■ Ashley - next approval in December. 11. Minor - Proposed Agenda Format Changes - Shawn (7:20 p.m. - 10min) a. Objective: Review & informal approval on new proposed format ■ Limit number of major topics to 2-3. ■ Limit number of minor topics to 3-5. ■ Updates from sub-groups - 1 to 2 sentences. If bigger discussion, would become a major or minor topic. 12. Updates: Ongoing Committee Work (7:30pm - 25min) a. Update: P4P Project Updates - Ashley b. Update: Monthly DPW meeting - Shawn c. Update: CCRPC Update - Amanda & Bob ■ No updates. d. Update: Interim Zoning - Amanda & Donna ■ Still going on. No updates. e. Update: DRB Update - Cathy & Shawn ■ No updates this month. f. Update: Article on bike boxes - Cathy ■ Cathy submitted article to the “Other Paper” and city website. 1. Ashley - it is on the list of items to get website updates. g. Update: General Business - Shawn h. Donna - trying to figure out rec path directional signage, can’t find city signage design research article. ■ Sub work group members for way-finding: Donna, Bill, Dana. ■ Possibly add new meeting topic for next months meeting to go over sub-group and any related topics. ■ Questions about where current signs could be, as well as regulator signage locations and designs (https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/ standards). 13. Confirmation: Next meeting Wednesday, September 11, 2019 (7:55 p.m.) 14. Adjourn (8:10 p.m.) MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Bike & Pedestrian Committee FROM: Deb Sachs, Consultant on the Way to Go! Team RE: 2019/20 Way to Go! to School DATE: August 14, 2019 1) Way to Go! To School Challenge opportunity for South Burlington Schools and Safe Routes to Schools. (See attached program flyer). 2) I’d like to encourage a brief dialogue about how SBBPC might support SB schools to increase walking and biking and shared transportation as a lifestyle. 3) What are the drivers and barriers to a more sustainable transportation future? a. Engagement comes in many forms, offering interested school officials and students the opportunity anytime throughout the school year is good. We’re looking for incremental improvements, no matter how small, from Walking Wednesdays, to walking school buses, to commute surveys. We’re developing several stories and examples from both rural and urban schools. b. We pair school projects with partners depending on what project they envision. c. Often a community group is key as in the case of a sidewalk project to Cambridge School. RPC and municipality worked together with staff and students to design and construct the project. d. Behavior change incentivized and we bring together sponsors and businesses to help support the program. We will send a presentation, and encourage continued dialogue. Suggested ways SBBPC can help. 1. Engage the Superintendent and Principals of each school 2. Identify coordinators 3. Bring information and talent of SBBPC to the school to help identify priority projects 4. Think about short term and long term projects that will effect change in behavior and infrastructure investments. 5. Engage the team at Go! Vermont and Way to Go! to help achieve your vision and mission. 6. Solicit business sponsors to help incentivize local school activities 7. Go! Vermont has $500 mini-grants to help seed and advance your outreach efforts. Q&A Bike/Ped Staff Update – 9/11/2019  The Committee Symposium: o September 26th, 4:30 PM – 9:00 PM, City Hall o Content for poster:  Full Committee member name list  Stated Mission  Accomplishments from FY19  A current project to highlight  What’s the plan for the year ahead  Member Highlights or Funniest Moments  3-10 bullets/sentences for accomplishments and plan ahead sections  Committee photo (if possible)  Need by 9/16 (Coralee)  Bike/Ped CIP: o I have been revising the Bike/Ped CIP and plan on meeting with Shawn & Bob and other City staff to review the document (hopefully week of 9/9). o I would like to present the final document to the Committee at its October meeting. o Justin and I will be recommending that we go after the loan in the new year so that we have enough funds to initiate the Dorset Street project and any/all construction projects we get lined up for next year. Penny for Paths Projects Updates – 8/14/2019  Jug Handle Sidewalk: UVM has accepted our project plans, and we are working on finalizing the license agreement. Once that is completed and signed, we can begin constructing the sidewalk.  Allen Road Rec Path: We have final plans. We have a strategy for the spring easement ROW issue. I will be connecting with two separate landowners to discuss. Once the ROW issue is completed, we can begin discussing construction. Justin will be connecting with SD Ireland to talk about building the plan. We have received cost estimates from our engineer to provide them.  Airport Parkway Sidewalk & On-Road Bike Lanes: The engineers are still working on the conceptuals for this project. I will provide project plans once I have them.  South Dorset Street Shared Use Path: We have received a grant award from VTrans for the design and construction of the Shared Use Path along the Dorset Street gap (past the Cider Mill). We are going to be receiving about 661K in funds, for a total project cost of 827K. I am waiting to hear back from VTrans regarding a project manager on their end. Once we have that, we can initiate the consultant selection process. Hopefully, we can get someone on contract by the end of the year.  Swift/Spear Intersection: Justin’s team completed the programming associated with the new intersection at Swift/Spear. That project is complete. Header w/meeting information - Unchanged 1. Welcome & Emergency Info (5:30 p.m. - 5min) 2. Changes or additions to the agenda (5:35 p.m. - 5min) 3. Comments from the public (5:40 p.m. - 5min) Opening Committee business - Unchanged 4. Consideration of minutes - see Link to draft minutes (5:45 p.m - 5min) a. Objective: Motion to adopt final draft of July minutes -Add objective 5. Updates from the City - Liaison (Start Time - Nmin) a. Topics itemized with objectives if necessary -Itemize topics -Objectives as appropriate 6. Major - Major Topics - Primary Owner (Start Time - ~15-30min) a. Objective: Explicit objective for this discussion -Classify topic as Major/Minor. -Major topics require ~15-30m -Require an objective. -Docs part of meeting package -Target a maximum of 3 7. Minor - Minor Topic 1 - Primary Owner (Start Time - ~5-10min) a. Objective: Explicit objective for this discussion -Minor topics require ~5-10m -Require an objective -Docs part of meeting package -Target a maximum of 5 8. Informational Updates - Primary Owner -No update -> item not listed -Links to documents with updates sufficient -Verbal updates (if necessary) limited to 1-2min maximum -No objective (if objective required, topic = minor) -THIS SECTION IS OPTIONAL 9. Review: Homework for next meeting - Liaison 10. Confirmation: Next meeting Date 11. Adjourn Closing Committee business - Essentially unchanged. Note: We will adjourn no later than 8pm. ● Agenda due by Thursday before meeting - required for warning. ● Proposed agenda topics must be submitted to chair no later than prior Sunday (i.e. 10 days ahead of meeting). Earlier is better. ● Agenda topic owners define which documents should be included the meeting packet ● Documents associated with Major/Minor topics must be completed & in folder by Friday morning before the meeting if they are to be included in the meeting packet. ● Eliminate Talking Points - Major/Minor topics each have a folder with all documents & link in agenda. Informational updates also linked in agenda to a document or folder (if >1 doc) Project / Ongoing Activity Start DateEnd Date / OngoingPrimary(ies) Other Team Members CommentsCIP Input Ongoing Bob Britt Shawn GoddardDPW Interface & Maintenance Ongoing Bob Britt Shawn GoddardP4P Priority Projects - Jug Handle Sidewalk August, 2018 Ashley ParkerP4P Priority Projects - Upper Allen Road August, 2018 Ashley ParkerP4P Priority Projects - Airport Parkway Sidewalk August, 2018 Ashley ParkerP4P Priority Projects - South Dorset St Rec Path August, 2018 Ashley Parker VTrans Grant approved August, 2019P4P Priority Crosswalks August, 2018 Ashley ParkerP4P Signage 2019 Ashley ParkerRec Path Signage 2019 Bill Wooden / Donna LebanCommunications Ongoing Cathy Frank Bob BrittMapping - CCRPC Ongoing Amanda HollandMapping - OpenStreets Nic AndersonPeople for Bikes Ranking 2019 Nic AndersonLeague of American Cyclist RankingWay To Go Schools August, 2019 Donna Leban Working with Energy CommitteeSafety Ongoing Bob BrittDRB Represenatitve Ongoing Cathy Frank Shawn GoddardInterim Zoning Amanda Holland / Donna Leban Temporary assignment.