HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0070 Ethan Allen DriveFebruary 17, 1993 CHITTENDEN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Following input received from patrons about proposed route and service changes in the system, the following are revised plans for implementation in FY94. Plans for the next several years, pending available funding, are summarized on the reverse side. SUMMARY OF ROUTE AND SERVICE CHANGES TO BE MADE IN JULY, 1993 1. North Avenue/UVM Shuttle: no change in current route. As with last year, UVM Shuttle will operate on limited (early morning and late evenings only) schedule while the "Waterfront/College St. Shuttle" is in operation. No change in service hours. 2. Waterfront/College St. Shuttle: will operate between Memorial Day and Columbus Day: Mon - Sat between Boathouse and UVM, Sunday between Boathouse and So. Winooski Ave. 3. Airport Route: route will go straight up Main St./Williston Rd. to University Mall. No change on Dorset/Kennedy/Hinesburg part of route. See map on attached page showing extension of North/South Circulator to Cliff/Prospect area. No change in service hours for Airport Route. 4. South End: All run diversions to Flynn/Pine/Home area are dropped. Regular route continues as at present along same route and during same service hours. 5. Riverside/Winooski: --2 additional runs on weekdays as far as Champlain Mill only: 9:15am and 10:15am. 7 additional runs on saturdays as far as Champlain Mill only: 6:15am, 7:15am, 8:15am, 9:15am, 10:15am, 11:15am, and 6:15pm. On weekdays, ttris' route will operate on a half-hour frequency during peak hours and hourly frequency off-peak. On Saturdays, this route will operate on an hourly frequency. --The routing pattern in Burlington changes as shown on attached map. No change in route path in Winooski, with exception of the runs (listed above) which only go the Champlain Mill --they will do Mill Loop and return to Burlington. 6. Essex Route: --In September/October when 2nd left hand turn lane is completed at intersection of Rte. 15/Susie Wilson Rd., Essex bus will go into Pinecrest/Pioneer/Abare in Essex on outbound as well as inbound runs during peak hours (6am-8am; 4pm-6pm). --In September/October when new Racquets Edge Facility for Rehabilitation is completed, Essex bus will go via Susie Wilson/Kellogg Rd. in Essex to the new facility during off-peak hours (loam-2pm). --Starting in July, Essex Route will follow Marketplace Loop in Burlington on inbound runs only during morning commuter runs (6:30am-9:30am), otherwise will take Pearl St./St.Paul Street path to Cherry St. Terminal. 7. North/South Circulator (formerly Old North End Loop): Route will operate on half-hour headways M-F between 6:45am and 6:15pm; on hourly headways on Saturday between 6:45am and 5:45pm. See attached map for specific routing Pattern. 8. Essex Center Route: --On all but two runs, Essex Center Route will operate with the same routing pattern as at present. --On two runs, Route will divert to Rivendell/Brickyard on the way to AMTRAK to pick up school children going to Fleming and Summit schools, taking students as far as AMTRAK. 9. Lakeside Route: Route path will alternate on half-hour headways between the current route "Lakeside/South Meadows" and "Ledgewood/Lakeside" . See attached map. SERVICE PLANS FOR THE NEXT SEVERAL YEARS Ir The following changes are proposed for the next several years, pending receipt of additional funding. High priority improvements are marked with an asterisk(*). Multiple "hub" system CCTA currently operates a traditional "hub and spoke" system with routes starting at the Cherry St. Terminal in Burlington and radiating outward to various destinations. CCTA plans to have five "hubs" in operation in the future: Cherry St. Terminal, Champlain Mill, AMTRAK*, University -Mall*, and Southland/K-Mart* which would be further connected by new routes, creating a "web" of routes which would offer more direct and convenient service between Route 7 and U-Mall*, between U-Mall and AMTRAK* (via Williston), between U-Mall and Colchester/ Winooski, extending the Lakeside route to the Southland/K-Mart hub*, with connections between AMTRAK and new service areas in Colchester, with extensions in service along Kennedy Drive* (between Hinesburg and Williston Roads) and along Corporate Way* in South Burlington. (Note: Colchester and Williston must formally vote to join the transit system). Later evening service CCTA would provide later evening service on routes which currently cease service before 9:15pm*. Later, with further funding,CCTA would add route service after 9:15pm along existing routes. Increased frequency of service CCTA would increase service as follows: --along routes which currently operate at less than one hour frequency -- increase to hourly frequency. --along routes which currently operate at hourly frequency --increase to half-hour frequency. --along routes which currently operate at half-hour frequency --increase to 15 minute frequency. Highest priority for 15 minute frequency: North Avenue*, Airport (as far as University Mall), South End (as far as Southland/K-Mart), Essex (as far as Champlain Mill), North -South Circulator, and Lakeside. Extension of seasonal service "Waterfront -College St. Shuttle" would be extended to year -long service and Sunday service would connect UVM and the Boathouse*. "Feeder" route service Implementation of "feeder" route service between the Gazo area and "North Avenue" route*. Possible additional "feeder" service in Essex to "Essex Route" and in neighborhoods off of Shelburne Road to "South End Route". Further alterations in routing patterns With implementation of route improvements mentioned above: --new transfer patterns may be established at hubs, i.e. certain route segments may be added to others for "through -routing" at the hubs, or transfers may be required at the hubs for connection to other route segments; --feeder services may replace present diversions off routes, making "trunk line" routes more direct between hubs; In Winooski, routing patterns may change: --pending retail and residential development planning in Winooski; --pending implementation of routing to I-89 (Exit 16) industrial park area in Colchester*; With added frequency, loop routes may be reversed in direction on alternating runs. 01,.4 e•RA M : r *&rp 1S4fV rN C /AC&A.A WC *.- J - � i.rcn Ef._ 1r r 1 T � NCILTN C T KEY r Ncc:N :r _ a �"IV ckrN�Sa✓rN 2 ei�c.af-e/c•� G : W �, ee ,✓ I s .�� R.'vf,:: a E�fu rN. py (ni/3✓,E c.-e.. ioA�) re.'E 2 PLP PL iT. ' —.- (.C.F✓L ,<ECc,�•b R C.,crp r sr. � Te G ry r;..t [. ? A i 1 r:f«E 7 Ce lv p1wi-RAM . LAKESIDE RcLIMS CHITTENDEN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PROPOSED ROUTE AND SERVICE HOUR CHANGES FOR FY94 AND DURING THE NEXT SEVERAL YEARS January 8, 1993 January 8, PROLOGUE CCTA has been working with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and an outside consultant for a year and a half to develop recommendations for service changes in the CCTA's transit system network. Service changes included in this document address changes proposed to go into effect in July, 1993 (FY94) as well as in the next several years, pending the availability of additional revenue sources. Proposals have been reviewed with municipal officials in each affected community and reflect changes and/or priorities for change developed in those discussions. CCTA now seeks input from the general public concerning proposals for short term and longer term implementation. Following public input, CCTA will establish its FY94 transit service program and will be prepared to implement other proposals in whole or in part at such time as additional funding may become available. Part I of this report summarizes proposed changes for implementation in July 1993 (FY94) in Burlington, South Burlington, Essex, Winooski, and Shelburne. Part II summarizes proposed changes for implementation in the future within member communities and connecting to adjacent communities at such time as additional funding sources become available. Part III addresses additional issues including extension of service to Colchester, Williston, and other communities in Chittenden County, funding availability, priorities in implementation, route/route segment linkages and route names, concurrent planning efforts/plan changes, and the ADA paratransit service area. January 8, 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item PART I: PROPOSALS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN JULY, 1993: A. IN BURLINGTON ` Page 1. "College St./Waterfront Shuttle" ... ...........................1 2. "Old North End" / "North/South Circulator".......................1 3. "Lakeside Route"................................................1 4. "North Avenue Route"............................................2 5. "Riverside/Winooski Route"......................................2 6. "Airport Route".................................................3 7. "South End Route"...............................................3 8. "Essex Route"...................................................3 B. IN SOUTH BURLINGTON 1. "Airport Route".................................................3 C. IN ESSEX 1. "Essex Route"...................................................4 2. "Essex Center Route"............................................4 D. IN SHELBURNE 1. "South End/Shelburne Route"_....................................4 E. IN WINOOSKI 1. "Riverside/Winooski Route"......................................4 PART II: PROPOSALS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN MEMBER COMMUNITIES AT SUCH TIME AS FUNDING MAY BECOME AVAILABLE A FIVE TRANSIT CENTERS/"WEB" ROUTE SYSTEM ...........................5 B INCREASED FREQUENCY/EXTENDED SERVICE HOURS 1. Extension of "College St/Waterfront Shuttle" toyear-round service.........................................5 2. Expansion of half-hour and hourly headways .......................5 (a) Riverside/Winooski.........................................5 (b) SouthEnd/Shelburne.........................................5 3. Fifteen minute headways..........................................5 4. Later evening hours..............................................6 C NEW ROUTE SERVICE CONNECTING TRANSIT CENTERS/TO ADJACENT TOWNS .... 7 D. FEEDER SERVICES...................................................8 PART III: ADDITIONAL ISSUES A. EXTENSION OF SERVICE TO COLCHESTER WILLISTON, AND OTHER COMMUNITIES IN CHITTENDEN COUNTY...............................9 B. FUNDING AVAILABILITY.............................................9 C. PRIORITIES IN IMPLEMENTATION....................................10 D. ROUTE/ROUTE SEGMENT LINKAGES AND ROUTE NAMES....................11 E. CONCURRENT PLANNING EFFORTS/PLAN CHANGES ........................11 F. ADA PARATRANSIT SERVICE AREA....................................12 MAP OF CCTA ROUTE NETWORK (FY94 AND FUTURE)........................13 „anuary 8, 1993 1 I PART 1. PROPOSALS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN .,_-Y, 1993: A. SERVICE IN BURLINGTON (1) "COLLEGE ST/WATERFRONT SHUTTLE” In the spring of FY92, CCTA began seasonal regular route trolley shuttle service along College St. between the UVM campus and the Waterfront. This seasonal service proved to be very popular with patrons and wfth downtown merchants. PROPOSAL: Extension of service from Labor Day to Columbus Day. (Service currently runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day). Monday through Saturday route service runs from the Boathouse via College St., Williams, Pearl, South Prospect and back via College St. to the Boathouse. Monday - Saturday hours of service: 11AM-6PM--10 minute headways (w/2 vehicles); 6PM-9PM--20 minute headways (w/1 vehicle). Sunday and holiday route service runs from the Boathouse via College St., So. Winooski, Main St., Church St. and back via College St. to the Boathouse. Sunday/holiday hours of service: 12PM-9PM--15 minute headways (w/1 vehicle). (2) "OLD NORTH END" ROUTE Pursuant to interest expressed by the Burlington City Council in having CCTA review services provided in the Old North End, CCTA developed the following service proposal in order to address interest expressed by Old North End residents in direct connections to the UVM Campus and increased frequency of service. The extended route (described below) also addresses requests received related to lack of service in the lower Maple St. area. Changes in this route are expected to increase productivity (measured in ridership per hour and mile) along this route. PROPOSAL: "Old North End" Route service would be replaced with a new "North/South Circulator" route which would connect the Old North End of Burlington with the UVM Campus and provide service via Maple St. to Champlain College and lower Maple St., serving the Bobbin Mill and Maple/King St. Dock areas. CCTA has proposed to the Burlington Finance Board that the new "North/South Circulator" be provided on half-hour headways (as compared with hourly headways on the current "Old North End" route) The Finance Board has made no decision to date on funding the proposed increased frequency of service in FY94. Similar to the current "Old North End" route service, service on the "North/South Circulator" would begin at 6:45am_and end at 5:45pm (last run) Monday - Saturday. A diagram of the proposed route is shown below. If half-hour headways are approved for funding, the last run would leave the Cherry St. Terminal at 6:15pm. This route change is proposed to go into effect in FY94. If funding becomes available pursuant to Burlington Finance Board action, half-hour headways would also become effective on some or all of the "North/South Circulator" runs. CVc/So P.0 OS VCcT (3) LAKESIDE ROUTE :tRN P_--f---- is4. Syr a 4 fC wr.o ^ i V aarr�,e y In keeping with half-hour frequency of service provided along other routes within the City and in view of the high productivity of current service along this route, service is proposed to be extended and expanded as follows: PROPOSAL: Half-hour headways, with route variation in alternating runs ("Lakeside/South Meadows" and "Lakeside/Ledgewood" to extend service in the South End. Alternating configuration of route is shown below. CCTA has proposed to the Burlington Finance Board that Lakeside service be provided on half-hour headways (as compared with hourly headways at present). The increased frequency of service in FY94. Should additional funding not be approved, the current route (identical to "Lakeside/South Meadows) would continue to operate on hourly headways from 6:15am through 6:15pm (last run) Monday - Saturday. Should additional funding be approved, the alternating configuration ("Lakeside/Ledgewood") shown below would run rn hourly from 6:45am through 5:45pm (last run). Thus alternating runs would provide half hour headways along St.Paul/Pine Streets. January 8, 1993 N 1 Diagram: LakesideiSouth Meadows (1*) : Lakeside/Ledg, wood 2* 7-C Z ✓ �a L ai1t�/1Ykv r`L tAK unt �tyud � p4�,or+D _ ut Notes: (1) route configuration is identical to present service, is proposed to run on current hourly headways. _(2) pending funding, this service would alternate hourly runs with "Lakeside/Meadowns, creating half-hour headways along St.Paul and Pine St. (*) It is anticipated that when a "Southland/K-Mart" Transit Center is developed (see page 5), "Lakeside/South Meadows" and "Lakeside/ Ledgewood" runs would extend to the Transit Center, thus enhancing transfer potential to other route services. (4) NORTH AVENUE ROUTE The North Avenue Route currently terminates at Westward Drive/North Avenue. The following proposal has been developed to meet service requests in the area of expansion and to provide a more safe turning -around for the terminus of the route on North Avenue. PROPOSAL: extension of the North Avenue Route to Derway Drive, through the Northshore Development, and via Westward Drive to North Avenue as shown below. Service hours would remain the same as at present in FY94. �yv.eTN 4 ✓�— Q n, n,eT N s Hn,e£ W (5) RIVERSIDE/WINOOSRI ROUTE (WITHIN BURLINGTON CITY LIMITS)* The "Riverside/Winooski Route" would be extended on outbound and inbound runs to serve residents of Riverside Apts. and others in areas formerly served by the "Old North End" route. Riverside/Winooski Route service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present: 16 runs Monday through Friday, starting at 6:45am and ending at 6:15pm (last run) --with half hour headways between 6:45am and 8:15am and between 2:15pm and 6:15pm, with hourly service between 11:15am and 2:15pm; 6 runs on Saturday starting at at 12:15pm and running hourly through 5:15pm. A diagram of the route is shown•below**. NOTE: oH�Z RRw 06ACD \ /✓ivoa �/ $R�6 HT 7�12HiuAL see Section E (page 4) for proposed changes in Riverside/ Winooski Route in Winooski. ALTERNATE ROUTE (shown in pink) may be more productive from a ridership standpoint and thus more attractive to Old North End residents. This option would serve the H.O. Wheeler School and a section of the Old North End most distant from current route services. INPUT FROM THE PUBLIC IS REQUESTED ON THE MERITS OF ONE OR THE OTHER OF THE TWO ROUTE OPTIONS SHOWN. 3 January 8, 1993 (6) AIRPORT ROUTE (WITHIN BURLINGTON CITY LIMITS)* In order to both simplify the Airport Route, providing a more direct connection between the Cherry St. Terminal and South Burlington, and to improve on -time performance along the route between Burlington and South Burlington, the following change is proposed. PROPOSAL: The Airport Route would send buses directly via Main St./ Williston Rd. to the University Mall and follow the same route pattern on the inbound run, rather than diverting to Redstone Campus/Champlain College area. Service to the vicinity of the Redstone Campus/Champlain College is proposed to be provided by the new "North/South Circulator" (see description on page 1. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. NOTE: * see Section B (page 3 below) for proposed change in Airport Route in South Burlington. (7) SOUTH END ROUTE (WITHIN BURLINGTON CITY LIMITS)* In order to improve on -time performance along the route and to reduce duplication of service, the following is proposed: PROPOSED: The current diversion on the South End Route to the Flynn, Pine, Home Ave. area at 6:45am, 7:45am, 8:45am, and 7:15pm is proposed for discontinuation. See the Lakeside Route (page 2) for more information about route service to this area. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. -------------------- ----- NOTE: * See Section D (page 4) for possible changes in level of service in Shelburne along "SouthEnd/Shelburne" Route. (8) ESSEX ROUTE (WITHIN BURLINGTON CITY LIMITS*) In order to improve on -time performance for the Essex Route in making transfer connections at the Cherry St. Terminal, the following is proposed: PROPOSED: On inbound runs, the Essex Route would go directly to the Cherry St. Terminal via Pearl St/St. Paul rather than around the Marketplace on inbound runs after 8:55am Monday through Friday, and on all runs on Saturday. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. ---------- ---------- ------- NOTE•• * See Section C (page 4) for changes in service on the Essex Route in Essex. B. SERVICE IN SOUTH BURLINGTON (1) AIRPORT ROUTE In order to attract more ridership on the Airport Route, by routing closer to residential areas such as Grand View, Twin Oaks, Cardinal Woods, County Park, etc. and the industrial park on Hinesburg Rd., the following is proposed: PROPOSAL: The "Airport Route" is proposed to go from University Mall via Dorset St., Twin Oaks/Hayes Ave. to Hinesberg Rd. and then to the Airport and back via the same route, rather than using Kennedy Drive between Dorset St. and Hinesberg Rd. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. See diagram below. poeazi �i January 8, 1993 C. SERVICE IN ESSEX (1) ESSEX ROUTE In order to provide more direct and safe access to the Ames Shopping Center/Marketplace area along Susie Wilson Road and to meet time -restraints along the Essex Route, the following change is proposed. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. PROPOSAL: The "Essex Route" would turn onto Susie Wilson Road and turn around at the "Marketplace" on specified outbound and inbound runs. Current inbound service along Pioneer and Abare would be discontinued. (2) ESSEX CENTER ROUTE (a) In order to provide more direct access by the residents of the Saxon Hollow area and improve ridership along the Essex Center Route, the following is proposed. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. PROPOSAL: The "Essex Center Route" is proposed to go via the Saxon Hollow area (shown in the diagram below) rather than via Sand Hill and River Road between the intersections shown on all runs. (b) In order to assist school children in the Village of Essex Junction by reducing the length of walk to Fleming and Summit schools, and to thereby increase ridership along the Essex Center Route, the following is proposed: PROPOSAL: The "Essex Center Route" would divert on one or two runs (as necessary to meet school schedules) in the morning, routing via Rivendell and connecting streets to the Brickyard and AMTRAK. See diagram below. ----- -- d R,c,C yA-b �y �V O Amre,46 � /2ivre Rn D. SERVICE IN SHELBURNE (1) Service extension(s) from the Short Stop in South Burlington may be made to Shelburne to increase frequency of service. In the event funding levels are adequate, one or more of the following "South End" runs (as identified by Cherry St. Terminal departure time) may be extended to Shelburne. Runs are listed in order of proposed priority of implementation: --7:45am --to Village/Harbor Rd. --2:45pm --to Village/Harbor Rd. --8:45am --to Teddy Bear Common or Village --1:45pm --to Teddy Bear Common or Village --5:45pm --to village --9:45am --to Teddy Bear Common or Village --3:15pm --to Teddy Bear Common or Village (2) The Town of Shelburne may be interested in funding a "free - fare" demo project for persons boarding within Shelburne Municipal limits in FY94. This topic is being discussed with Town Selectboard members. E. SERVICE IN WINOOSKI (1) In the event that present funding levels may be adequate to the purpose, further extensions to the upper Main St, Tigan, Weaver St. area may be implemented. January 8, 1993 PART II: PROPOSALS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN MEMBER COMMUNITIES AT SUCH TIME AS FUNDING MAY BECOME AVAILABLE CCTA's plans for the next few years, pending availability of funding, include: A. Development of FIVE TRANSIT (transfer) CENTERS in the Greater Burlington Area and related "WEB" ROUTE SYSTEM. In addition to the transit system's major Transit Center at the Cherry St. Terminal, and smaller transfer centers at the Champlain Mill in Winooski and at AMTRAK in Essex, two additional Transit Centers are planned for sites in South Burlington: (1) one at or in the vicinity of University Mall (referred to as U-Mall in further references); (2) one in the vicinity of Southland/K-Mart*. With the addition of two Transit Centers, CCTA would move from a traditional "hub and spoke" system to a "web" system or network of routes connecting the various transit centers. See further discussion of connecting routes in Section C (page 7) below. NOTE• * "Southland" is a newly proposed development area in South Burlington adjacent to K-Mart. It is envisioned that the two properties will be connected to allow entrance to one property from Shelburne Road and exit from the other property to Shelburne Road. B. INCREASED FREQUENCY OF SERVICE/EXTENDED SERVICE HOURS 1. Further extension of "College st /Waterfront Shuttle" service Proposed extension of seasonal "College St./Waterfront Shuttle" service to year -long service. Proposed change in Sunday and Holiday routing patterns to be identical with route pattern provided Monday - Saturday. 2. Expansion of half-hour and hourly headways: (a) Riverside/Winooski Route Pending funding availability, proposed expansion of route service to half hour headways between 6:15am and 6:15pm, with hourly headways from 7:15pm to 9:15pm (last run) Monday through Friday. Service until 7:15pm (last run) on Saturdays. (b) Southend/Shelburne Route Pending funding availability, proposed expansion of route service to half hour headways during peak hours (6:45am - 8:45am, and 2:15pm to 6:15pm) Monday - Friday, and hourly headways between the peaks. 3. CCTA would augment service by introducing FIFTEEN MINUTE HEADWAYS along the following routes or route segments from 6.15am until 7:00Pm. A. Highest Priority Routes or route segments for 15 minute headways: --North Avenue Route (entire route) --Airport Route (between Cherry St.Terminal and U-Mall.l --Lakeside Route (alternating half hour headways on South Meadows and Ledgewood spurs). --South End Route (between Cherry St.Terminal and new Southland/K- Mart Transit Center). --Essex Route (between Cherry St.Terminal and Champlain Mill). --North/South Circulator (entire route) January 8, 1993 B. Additional 15 minute headways as funding becomes available: --Riverside/winooski Route* --Essex Route (between Champlain Mill and AMTRAK) --Airport Route** (between University Mall and Airport) --South End Route*** (between Southland/K-Mart Transit Center and vicinity of Short Stop) ------------------------ NOTES: * See subsection C(4) below concerning connections at the Champlain Mill with service to Route 7 in Colchester. Once implemented Riverside and Winooski segments of the current Riverside/Winooski Route may be divided into two separate routes connecting for timely transfers. The Winooski portion may be reversed in direction on alternating runs. The division might also be made at the time of introduction of 15 minute headways between the Cherry St. Terminal and Champlain Mill (discussed earlier). ** See subsections C(1) and C(2) below concerning connections at U-Mall between U-Mall and the Southland/K-Mart Transit Center on Shelburne Road and between U-Mall and Williston. Once either or both connections are made it is envisioned that the current "Airport Route" may be divided into two distinct segments connecting at U-Mall for timely transfers. The segment of the current Airport Route between Cherry St. Terminal and U-Mall and the new segment between the U-Mall and Williston may then be joined as one route or the two "interlined" or "through -routed". *** Introduction of 15-minute headways between the Southland/K-Mart Transit Center and the vicinity of "Short Stop" may be possible through funding sources related to the proposed Shelburne Road widening highway project. Once a new Southland/K-Mart Transit Center is developed and 15 minute headways introduced between the Cherry St. Terminal and the Transit Center or between the Terminal and Short Stop, it is likely that the current "Southend/Shelburne Route" would be divided into two segments: "Southend" and "Shelburne" connecting, for timely transfers. 4. Later evening hours Pending funding availability, CCTA proposed to expand evening service hours as follows: Highest priority: Increasing hours on the following routes to match current service hours on the North End, Essex, and Airport Routes (i.e. with last departure from Cherry St. Terminal at 9:15pm). --"North/South Circulator" --"Lakeside" --"South End" --"Riverside/Winooski" Pending further funding availability: Increasing hours on all routes until approximately 12 midnight. January 8, 1993 C. NEW ROUTE SERVICE CONNECTING TRANSIT CENTERS/TO ADJACENT TOWNS Pending receipt of additional funding, the following route services are proposed: (1) "south Burlington Circulator" A route connection is proposed to link the two South Burlington Transit Centers--i.e. to run between Southland/K-Mart and U-Mall.' Pending the development of a new South Burlington Recreation Area near the intersection of Swift and Dorset Streets, it is likely this route would follow Swift and Dorset to U-Mall*. See Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. (2) "U-Mall/Williston Route" --PART A See PART III for further discussion of service to Williston. Once Williston membership and funding availability issues are resolved, it is envisioned that service between U-Mall and Williston would be provided. Several route options are possible including connections via Kimbell/Shunpike Road or Route 2*; links to Williston Park & Ride or not, connections to portions or all of Industrial Parkway, etc. Further Route Study work will be done with Regional Planning/Town of Williston to determine appropriate route*. See subsection (3) below concerning connection between Essex and Williston. Also see Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. (3) "AMTRAK/Williston Route" --PART B See PART III for further discussion of service to Williston. Once Williston membership and funding availability issues are resolved, it is envisioned that service between AMTRAK and Williston would be provided --completing the connection between AMTRAK and U-Mall Transit Centers. Several route options are possible including Route 2A, Mountain View Road, via IBM Williston to IBM Main Lobby and AMTRAK; or Route 2A. Further Route Study work will be done with Regional Planning/Town of Williston to determine appropriate route. Once the two "PARTS" of the Williston Route are on line (i.e. A & B described above), the two sections may be interlined or through -routed between U-Mall and AMTRAK, and would otherwise be designed for timely transfer. See Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. (4) "Colchester -Route 7 Route" See PART III for further discussion of service to Colchester. once Colchester membership and funding availability issues are resolved, it is envisioned that service between the Champlain Mill and the industrial park areas of Colchester in the vicinity of I89 Exit 16 would be provided. Several route options are possible. Further Route Study work will be done with Regional Planning/Town of Colchester to determine appropriate route.See Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. (5) "south Burlington -Colchester Route" See PART III for further discussion of service to Colchester. Once Colchester membership and funding availability issues are resolved, it is envisioned that service between the U-Mall and Champlain Mill would be provided. Several route options are possible, including service via the Limn Kiln Bridge/St. Michaels College/Champlain Mill or service via I-89. Further Route Study work will be done with Regional Planning, and municipal officials in the communities of Colchester, Winooski, and South Burlington to determine appropriate route. See Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. (6) "Essex -Colchester Route" See PART III for further discussion of service to Colchester. Once Colchester membership and funding availability issues are resolved, it is envisioned that service between AMTRAK and Colchester -Route 7 might be made or that connections between the Marketplace (on Susie Wilson Road) and the Colchester -Route 7 might be made. Several route options are possible. Further Route Study work will be done with Regional Planning and the municipalities of Colchester and Essex to determine appropriate route. See Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. NOTE: * Once the "South Burlington Circulator" connection is made to U-Mall, it is envisioned that parts of the current Airport Route might be joined or interlined with it. Once the Williston Route (PART A) connects to U-Mall, it is envisioned that service might be provided along Kennedy Drive between Hinesburg and Williston Road (providing access to Kimball Ave) and along Corporate Way (providing access to new South Burlington City Center). See diagram on page 11 for possible routing patterns in this area of South Burlington. January 8, 1993 D. FEEDER ROUTE SERVICES Route services described above are for the most part "trunk lines" --i.e. routes that follow main roads or connect Transit Centers, although certain segments of those routes might be classified as feeder services such as the Winooski segment of the Riverside/Winooski Route and the segment of the current "Airport" route beyond U-Mall. Feeder routes connect to trunk lines and often serve residential areas. Service is often provided in vans or small buses reflecting seating capacity needs. Further study with assistance of Regional Planning will pursue development of strategies for "feeder route" applications in the Greater Burlington area including: Highest planning and implementation priority: NOTE: Implementation of the following feeder service routes becomes practical only after implementation of 15 minute headways along North Avenue, as they would otherwise not provide timely two-way transfer connections to the North Avenue Route. --The Ethan Allen Parkway/Gazo Avenue area of the new North End; --other residential areas located off of North Avenue in the new North End. Further studies: --Essex area. Several years ago CCTA reviewed possible feeder routes in Essex with Town and Village officials. Funding was not available at the time to consider implementation in the near future. Further work would be done in adjusting proposals and setting priorities for implementation. --South Burlington/Shelburne areas off of Shelburne Road. January 8, 1993 PART III: ADDITIONAL ISSUES A. EXTENSION OF SERVICE TO COLCHESTER, WILLISTON, AND OTHER COMMUNITIES IN CHITTENDEN COUNTY 1 MEMBERSHIP IN THE CHITTENDEN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY/DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS CCTA is organized under State enabling legislation. It provides fixed route and paratransit service with revenues generated from the farebox and auxiliary income (from contracts, advertising, etc.), and with revenues from local municipalities, the state, and federal government. Income from local community assessments is currently about 38% of fixed route revenue. After other revenues are deducted (estimated farebox, auxiliary, federal, and state funding), Communities are assessed the balance of cost based on the proportionate share of service provided in the community (as measured by mileage for fixed route service). Current member communities include Burlington, South Burlington, Essex, Winooski, and Shelburne. Communities become members by means of an affirmative vote by the residents at a special or regular election. Normally, membership is required before fixed route service can be provided in order to provide the level of local funding necessary to cover the cost of service provided. In the event special funding sources become available (i.e. demonstration project funding, etc.) service can be provided in advance of membership. In the past one CCTA-member community (Shelburne) became a member following a demonstration project funded by the federal government. CCTA currently provides rideshare (carpool) and medicaid transportation services in all Chittenden County communities. Those services are fully funded by the applicable programs. CCTA places highest priority on membership by Colchester and Williston in order to be able to put in place transit services which will connect those communities to member communities. Residents of Colchester and Williston and of the entire urbanized area would be well -served by having those route connections on line. As for rural communities in Chittenden County, CCTA will work with CCRPC to assist in development of alternative modes of transportation as may be appropriate for those communities and as those communities indicate interest. 2. DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING ROUTE SERVICES Several proposals are made in the body of this report concerning route services in Colchester and Williston. Further discussions will be held with those communities to further define specific route connections and to discuss other potential route services (in Malletts Bay for example) in which those communities may be interested. B. FUNDING AVAILABILITY CCTA has been severely restricted in its ability to increase service in the past due to falling federal revenues for operating purposes. While farebox and auxiliary income has increased substantially in the past ten years, reflecting growth in ridership, new service contract revenues, etc., and state revenue has increased, increases have been sufficient only to cover the loss of federal funding and to keep up with normal increases in the cost of service. Local communities have been hard pressed to increase funding from their only source of income --the local property tax, because those taxes are already high. In FY94 as in years past, communities have expressed enthusiasm for increased service (such as these plans propose), but have been for the most part unable to increase funding for new service. CCTA and CCRPC have been working together to seek federal demonstration project funding from the federal government. While no such funding has been available in recent years, it may become available under the new federal administration. "Demo" project funding would give CCTA the opportunity to establish and market new services, such that the most successful elements of new service might be funded by communities in the future. I January 8, 1993 ' While some communities might be willing and able to fund some new services which have proven successful during a demonstration project period, the problem of continued funding is ever-present. There has been discussion in Chittenden County about the possibility of county fuel or sales taxes. Such taxes could be very helpful in providing a new and stable funding source for public transit, providing a mechanism by which elements of this plan could be introduced over a period of years. occasionally, new funding sources become available in limited amounts for special projects, example --Airport Commission funding for free -fare demo projects along the Airport Route (in FY91) and for K-12 students (in FY92). As such funds become available they can be applied to implementation of some of the elements of this plan, if consistent with the objectives of the benefactor. Sometimes such funding sources specify applications which are not tied to elements of a plan, but which nevertheless contribute to the quality and success of public transit services in general. C. PRIORITIES IN IMPLEMENTATION During the planning process, discussions were held with municipal officials and staff to obtain insight into priorities within communities for order of implementation of elements of this plan. Further prioritization discussions will be held. It should be noted that sometimes either a funding source or the amount of fundina available dictates priority of implementation. It should be re -stated that communities support the use of any demo project or other source of revenue other than local assessments as they may become available. Proposals for substantive increased local assessment for new services would be discussed with communities and approval obtained for implementation. # 1 priority: Any elements of services proposed for implementation in FY94 but which are not implemented due to lack of adequate funding become first priorities for implementation in the future. Priorities within communities: The following priorities were identified by specific communities for services within those communities: In Burlington• (1) Extension of seasonal "College St./Waterfront Shuttle" service for longer period of time during the year. (2) Bringing service levels along the "North/South Circulator" and "Lakeside" routes up to parity in frequency and evening hours with most other route services in Burlington. (3)•15 minute headways along the North Avenue route. (4) feeder service in the new North End, specifically in the Ethan Allen/Gazo area. (5) 15 minute headways on other routes serving Burlington. In South Burlington: (1) service extension from U-Mall to Williston; (2) service extension from the proposed Southland/K-Mart Transit Center to University Mall, with related changes in current segment of Airport Route between U-Mall and Airport --see footnote on page 7. (3) 15 minute headways on Airport Route between the Cherry St. Terminal and U-Mall. (4) 15 minute headways on the Southend Route between the Cherry St. Terminal and Southland/K-Mart Transit Center. (5) further discussion concerning possible connecting link between U.-Mall and the Champlain Mill Transit Center. 11 January 8, 1993 In Essex: (1) Completion of the new AMTRAK station transit center. Note: many discussions have been held with Village Municipal officials, CCRPC, AMTRAK, CV Railway, etc. concerning the development of a new AMTRAK station in Essex which would also serve as a comfortable Transit (transfer) Center. SYSTEM PRIORITIES System priorities are those which CCTA feels would facilitate implementation of this plan and/or benefit the service area as a whole, in addition to priorities above -cited. These do not co-opt other priorities but need to kept in mind for implementation as funding sources may become available. (1) Development of transit system infrastructure (expansion/ renovation of office/garage facility, acquisition of rolling stock and support equipment, funding for development of Transit Centers --emphasis on AMTRAK, U-Mall and Southland/ K-Mart, and passenger amenities) to meet implementation needs of service expansion proposals. Note: Funding for capital improvements is usually much easier to acquire than funding for service operation. (2) Colchester and Williston membership in Chittenden County Transportation Authority, with related service extensions to Colchester (Route 7-I89 industrial park), and Williston (priority 11: U-Mall to Williston, priority #2: AMTRAK to Williston, or one route to bridge U-Mall- AMTRAK). Note: development of a successful"web" system with multiple Transit Centers serving the urbanized area depends on participation by Colchester and Williston in the transit system for implementation of connecting service. D. ROUTE/ROUTE SEGMENT LINKAGES AND ROUTE NAMES As shown on the map on page 13, the "web" route system with multiple Transit Centers provides occasion for many links between routes. In the future segments of current route formations may be separated from current routes and joined to others to provide more direct access for heavily traversed corridors, with timely transfers provided for other route segments. Names of future routes may reflect segments serving Transit Centers (examples: "South Burlington/U-Mall", "Winooski/Champlain Mill", "Essex-AMTRAK", "Route-7/Southland", etc.) or be named for interlined or through -routed services for longer distances, examples: North Avenue/U-Mall or Winooski/South End via Cherry St. Terminal via Cherry St. Terminal An Example of•possible re -linking of route segments is shown in the following diagram for routes connecting at U-Mall: ��isr°� �i a RPCAr 41N,,, � o �oP Po rn71 � JORsiT sf E. CONCURRENT PLANNING EFFORTS/PLAN CHANGES, h 1. City of Winooski The City of Winooski is currently involved in a planning effort for re -development of the area between the Champlain Mill and Hillside industrial complex. As elements of that plan crystalize, changes may be appropriate in routing patterns in Winooski. 2. Elsewhere Planning efforts are continuous in all member communities, Colchester, and Williston. As plans crystalize, route changes may be appropriate in any or all communities for improved integration of public transit and municipal infrastructure. 1. January 8, 1993 As a result of changes in communities, service plans outlined in this proposal will likely evolve over time. Simple changes related to reduction of street directional limitations can be an excellent opportunity to improve route services. F. ADA PARATRANSIT SERVICE AREA The rule of thumb for meeting federal requirements for ADA Paratransit service (door-to-door service for disabled people unable to use the lift -equipped fixed route bus system): the paratransit service area must follow any expansion of fixed route services. The official ADA map must show a minimum 3/4 mile paratransit service area from each point along either side of a fixed route and "holes" (i.e areas surrounded by fixed routes) must also be served. MAP: Chittenden C Ity Transportation Authority ROUT_ )ETWORK Key: solid line = proposed route network in FY94 shaded and crosshatched: areas where route network to be expanded in future (connecting transit centers), specific routing subject to further discussion. • five proposed transit centers 0 f T�q .yl�sc C. CHITTENDEN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Proposed Route and Service Hour Changes for FY94 and the next several years January 8, 1993 January 8, PROLOGUE CCTA has been working with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and an outside consultant for a year and a half to develop recommendations for service changes in the CCTA's transit system network. service changes included in this document address changes proposed to go into effect in July, 1993 (FY94) as well as in the next several years, pending the availability of additional revenue sources. Proposals have been reviewed with municipal officials in each affected community and reflect changes and/or priorities for change developed in those discussions. CCTA now seeks input from the general public concerning proposals for short term and longer term implementation. Following public input, CCTA will establish its FY94 transit service program and will be prepared to implement other proposals in whole or in part at such time as additional funding may become available. Part I of this report summarizes proposed changes for implementation in July 1993 (FY94) in Burlington, South Burlington, Essex, Winooski, and Shelburne. Part II summarizes proposed changes for implementation in the future within member communities and connecting to adjacent communities at such time as additional funding sources become available. Part III addresses additional issues including extension of service to Colchester, Williston, and other communities in Chittenden County, funding availability, priorities in implementation, route/route segment linkages and route names, concurrent planning efforts/plan changes, and the ADA paratransit service area. January 8, 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item PART I: PROPOSALS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN JULY, 1993: A. IN BURLINGTON Page 1. "College St./Waterfront Shuttle" .... ...........................1 2. "Old North End" / "North/South Circulator".......................1 3. "Lakeside Route"................................................1 4. "North Avenue Route"............................................2 5. "Riverside/Winooski Route"......................................2 6. "Airport Route".................................................3 7. "South End Route"...............................................3 8. "Essex Route"...................................................3 B. IN SOUTH BURLINGTON 1. "Airport Route".................................................3 C. IN ESSEX 1. "Essex Route" ..................................................4 2. "Essex Center Route"............................................4 D. IN SHELBURNE 1. "south End/Shelburne Route"_....................................4 E. IN WINOOSKI 1. "Riverside/Winooski Route"......................................4 PART II: PROPOSALS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN MEMBER COMMUNITIES AT SUCH TIME AS FUNDING MAY BECOME AVAILABLE A FIVE TRANSIT CENTERS/"WEB" ROUTE SYSTEM ...........................5 B INCREASED FREQUENCY/EXTENDED SERVICE HOURS 1. Extension of "College St/Waterfront Shuttle" to year-round service........................................5 2. Expansion of half-hour and hourly headways .......................5 (a) Riverside/Winooski.........................................5 (b) SouthEnd/Shelburne.........................................5 3. Fifteen minute headways..........................................5 4. Later evening hours..............................................6 C NEW ROUTE SERVICE CONNECTING TRANSIT CENTERS/TO ADJACENT TOWNS .... 7 D. FEEDER SERVICES...................................................8 PART III: ADDITIONAL ISSUES A. EXTENSION OF SERVICE TO COLCHESTER WILLISTON. AND OTHER COMMUNITIES IN CHITTENDEN COUNTY...............................9 B. FUNDING AVAILABILITY.............................................9 C. PRIORITIES IN IMPLEMENTATION....................................10 D. ROUTE/ROUTE SEGMENT LINKAGES AND ROUTE NAMES....................11 E. CONCURRENT PLANNING EFFORTS/PLAN CHANGES ........................11 F. ADA PARATRANSIT SERVICE AREA....................................12 MAP OF CCTA ROUTE NETWORK (FY94 AND FUTURE)........................13 January 8, 1993 PART - 'PROPOSALS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN . `Y, 1993: A. SERVICE IN BURLINGTON (1) "COLLEGE ST/WATERFRONT SHUTTLE" In the spring of FY92, CCTA began seasonal regular route trolley shuttle service along College St. between the UVM campus and the Waterfront. This seasonal service proved to be very popular with patrons and ;1ith downtown merchants. PROPOSAL: Extension of service from Labor Day to Columbus Day. (Service currently runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day). Monday through Saturday route service runs from the Boathouse via College St., Williams, Pearl, South Prospect and back via College St. to the Boathouse. Monday - Saturday hours of service: 11AM-6PM--10 minute headways (w/2 vehicles); 6PM-9PM--20 minute headways (w/1 vehicle). Sunday and holiday route service runs from the Boathouse via College St., So. Winooski, Main St., Church St. and back via College St. to the Boathouse. Sunday/holiday hours of service: 12PM-9PM--15 minute headways (w/1 vehicle). (2) "OLD NORTH END" ROUTE Pursuant to interest expressed by the Burlington City Council in having CCTA review services provided in the Old North End, CCTA developed the following service proposal in order to address interest expressed by Old North End residents in direct connections to the UVM Campus and increased frequency of service. The extended route (described below) also addresses requests received related to lack of service in the lower Maple St. area. Changes in this route are expected to increase productivity (measured in ridership per hour and mile) along this route. PROPOSAL: "Old North End" Route service would be replaced with a new "North/South Circulator" route which would connect the Old North End of Burlington with the UVM Campus and provide service via Maple St. to Champlain College and lower Maple St., serving the Bobbin Mill and Maple/King St. Dock areas. CCTA has proposed to the Burlington Finance Board that the new "North/South Circulator" be provided on half-hour headways (as compared with hourly headways on the current "Old North End" route). The Finance Board has made no decision to date on funding the proposed increased frequency of service in FY94. Similar to the current "Old North End" route service, service on the "North/South Circulator" would begin at 6:45am_and end at 5:45pm (last run) Monday - Saturday. A diagram of the proposed route is shown below. If half-hour headways are approved for funding, the last run would leave the Cherry St. Terminal at 6:15pm. This route change is proposed to go into effect in FY94. If funding becomes available pursuant to Burlington Finance Board action, half-hour headways would also become effective on some or all of the "North/South Circulator" runs. - (3) LAKESIDE ROUTE CRA[ P_--_____ N/[! jl F C ,SOS wiA) 4 -X- £6A1""b 4 1� j?A77 e y In keeping with half-hour frequency of service provided along other routes within the City and in view of the high productivity of current service along this route, service is proposed to be extended and expanded as follows: PROPOSAL: Half-hour headways, with route variation in alternating runs ("Lakeside/South Meadows" and "Lakes ide/Ledgewood" to extend service in the South End. Alternating configuration of route is shown below. CCTA has proposed to the Burlington Finance Board that Lakeside service be _provided on half-hour headways (as compared with hourly headways at present). The increased frequency of service in FY94. Should additional funding not be approved, the current route (identical to "Lakeside/South Meadows) would continue to operate on hourly headways from 6:15am through 6:15pm (last run) Monday - Saturday. Should additional funding be approved, the alternating configuration ("Lakeside/Ledgewood") shown below would run an hourly from 6:45am through 5:45pm (last run). Thus alternating runs would provide half hour headways along St.Paul/Pine Streets. January 8, 1993 Diagram: Lakesid, Louth Meadows (1*) • Lakeside/Led,_ )ood 2* ' t ✓ T PA�t C T F/al �n iNr �,a L aartc/LYL3 hDR^�" ,_4"rxmx 'I o4�pnD Notes: (1) route configuration is identical to present service, is proposed to run on current hourly headways. _(2) pending funding, this service would alternate hourly runs with "Lakeside/Meadowns, creating half-hour headways along St.Paul and Pine St. (*) It is anticipated that when a "Southland/K-Mart" Transit Center is developed (see page 5), "Lakeside/South Meadows" and "Lakeside/ Ledgewood" runs would extend to the Transit Center, thus enhancing transfer potential to other route services. (4) NORTH AVENUE ROUTE The North Avenue Route currently terminates at Westward Drive/North Avenue. The following proposal has been developed to meet service requests in the area of expansion and to provide a more safe turning -around for the terminus of the route on North Avenue. PROPOSAL: extension of the North Avenue Route to Derway Drive, through the Northshore Development, and via Westward Drive to North Avenue as shown below. Service hours would remain the same as at present in FY94. �,FTN A ✓� sNnp£ W (5) RIVERSIDE/WINOOSKI ROUTE (WITHIN BURLINGTON CITY LIMITS)* The "Riverside/Winooski Route" would be extended on outbound and inbound runs to serve residents of Riverside Apts. and others in areas formerly served by the "Old North End" route. Riverside/Winooski Route service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present: 16 runs Monday through Friday, starting at 6:45am and ending at 6:15pm (last run) --with half hour headways between 6:45am and 8:15am and between 2:15pm and 6:15pm, with hourly service between 11:15am and 2:15pm; 6 runs on Saturday starting at at 12:15pm and running hourly through 5:15pm. A diagram of the route is shown•below**. UfalurT � "' -- l2i✓F�sibL 06A LD ri /,Ji vaOS,e/ g2�6A NOTE: * see Section E (page 4) for proposed changes in Riverside/ Winooski Route in Winooski. **: ALTERNATE ROUTE (shown in pink) may be more productive from a ridership standpoint and thus more attractive to Old North End residents. This option would serve the H.O. Wheeler School and a section of the Old North End most distant from current route services. INPUT FROM THE PUBLIC IS REOUESTED ON THE MERITS OF ONE OR THE OTHER OF THE TWO ROUTE OPTIONS SHOWN. 3 January 8, 1993 (6) AIRPORT ROUTE (WITHIN BURLINGTON CITY LIMITS)* In order to both simplify the Airport Route, providing a more direct connection between the Cherry St. Terminal and South Burlington, and to improve on -time performance along the route between Burlington and South Burlington, the following change is proposed. PROPOSAL: The Airport Route would send buses directly via Main St./ Williston Rd. to the University Mall and follow the same route pattern on the inbound run, rather than diverting to Redstone Campus/Champlain College area. Service to the vicinity of the Redstone Campus/Champlain College is proposed to be provided by the new "North/South Circulator" (see description on page 1. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. ------------------------- NOTE: * see Section B (page 3 below) for proposed change in Airport Route in South Burlington. (7) SOUTH END ROUTE (WITHIN BURLINGTON CITY LIMITS)* In order to improve on -time performance along the route and to reduce duplication of service, the following is proposed: PROPOSED: The current diversion on the South End Route to the Flynn, Pine, Home Ave. area at 6:45am, 7:45am, 8:45am, and 7:15pm is proposed for discontinuation. See the Lakeside Route (page 2) for more information about route service to this area. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. -------------------- ----- NOTE: * See Section D (page 4) for possible changes in level of service in Shelburne along "SouthEnd/Shelburne" Route. (8) ESSEX ROUTE (WITHIN BURLINGTON CITY LIMITS*) In order to improve on -time performance for the Essex Route in making transfer connections at the Cherry St. Terminal, the following is proposed: PROPOSED: On inbound runs, the Essex Route would go directly to the Cherry St. Terminal via Pearl St/St. Paul rather than around the Marketplace on inbound runs after 8:55am Monday through Friday, and on all runs on Saturday. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. --------------------------- NOTE: * See Section C (page 4) for changes in service on the Essex Route in Essex. B. SERVICE IN SOUTH BURLINGTON (1) AIRPORT ROUTE In order to attract more ridership on the Airport Route, by routing closer to residential areas such as Grand View, Twin Oaks, Cardinal Woods, County Park, etc. and the industrial park on Hinesburg Rd., the following is proposed: PROPOSAL: The "Airport Route" is proposed to go from University Mall via Dorset St., Twin Oaks/Hayes Ave. to Hinesberg Rd. and then to the Airport and back via the same route, rather than using Kennedy Drive between Dorset St. and Hinesberg Rd. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. See diagram below. January 8, 1993 C. SERVICE IN ESSEX (1) ESSEX ROUTE In order to provide more direct and safe access to the Ames Shopping Center/Marketplace area along Susie Wilson Road and to meet time -restraints along the Essex Route, the following change is proposed. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. PROPOSAL: The "Essex Route" would turn onto Susie Wilson Road and turn around at the "Marketplace" on specified outbound and inbound runs. Current inbound service along Pioneer and Abare would be discontinued. (2) ESSEX CENTER ROUTE (a) In order to provide more direct access by the residents of the Saxon Hollow area and improve ridership along the Essex Center Route, the following is proposed. Service hours in FY94 would remain the same as at present. PROPOSAL: The "Essex Center Route" is proposed to go via the Saxon Hollow area (shown in the diagram below) rather than via Sand Hill and River Road between the intersections shown on all runs. (b) In order to assist school children in the Village of Essex Junction by reducing the length of walk to Fleming and Summit schools, and to thereby increase ridership along the Essex Center Route, the following is proposed: PROPOSAL: The "Essex Center Route" would divert on one or two runs (as necessary to meet school schedules) in the morning, routing via Rivendell and connecting streets to the Brickyard and AMTRAK. See diagram below. o Ri✓rz RD �1MrRRC � '------- D. SERVICE IN SHELBURNE (1) Service extension(s) from the Short Stop in South Burlington may be made to Shelburne to increase frequency of service. In the event funding levels are adequate, one or more of the following "South End" runs (as identified by Cherry St. Terminal departure time) may be extended to Shelburne. Runs are listed in order of proposed priority of implementation: --7:45am --to Village/Harbor Rd. --2:45pm --to Village/Harbor Rd. --8:45am --to Teddy Bear Common or Village --1:45pm --to Teddy Bear Common or Village --5:45pm --to Village --9:45am --to Teddy Bear Common or Village --3:15pm --to Teddy Bear Common or Village (2) The Town of Shelburne may be interested in funding a "free - fare" demo project for persons boarding within Shelburne Municipal limits in FY94. This topic is being discussed with Town Selectboard members. E. SERVICE IN WINOOSKI (1) In the event that present funding levels may be adequate to the purpose, further extensions to the upper Main St, Tigan, Weaver St. area may be implemented. 5 January 8, 1993 PART II: PROPOSALS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN MEMBER COMMUNITIES AT SUCH TIME AS FUNDING MAY BECOME AVAILABLE CCTA's plans for the next few years, pending availability of funding, include: A. Development of FIVE TRANSIT (transfer) CENTERS in the Greater Burlington Area and related "WEB" ROUTE SYSTEM. In addition to the transit system's major Transit Center at the Cherry St. Terminal, and smaller transfer centers at the Champlain Mill in Winooski and at AMTRAK in Essex, two additional Transit Centers are planned for sites in South Burlington: (1) one at or in the vicinity of University Mall (referred to as U-Mall in further references); (2) one in the vicinity of Southland/K-Mart*. With the addition of two Transit Centers, CCTA would move from a traditional "hub and spoke" system to a "web" system or network of routes connecting the various transit centers. See further discussion of connecting routes in Section C (page 7) below. ---------------------- NOTE: * "Southland" is a newly proposed development area in South Burlington adjacent to K-Mart. It is envisioned that the two properties will be connected to allow entrance to one property from Shelburne Road and exit from the other property to Shelburne Road. B. INCREASED FREQUENCY OF SERVICE/EXTENDED SERVICE HOURS 1. Further extension of "College St./Waterfront Shuttle" service Proposed extension of seasonal "College St./Waterfront Shuttle" service to year -long service. Proposed change in Sunday and Holiday routing patterns to be identical with route pattern provided Monday - Saturday. 2. Expansion of half-hour and hourly headways: (a) Riverside/Winooski Route Pending funding availability, proposed expansion of route service to half hour headways between 6:15am and 6:15pm, with hourly headways from 7:15pm to 9:15pm (last run) Monday through Friday. Service until 7:15pm (last run) on Saturdays. (b) Southend/Shelburne Route Pending funding availability, proposed expansion of route service to half hour headways during peak hours (6:45am - 8:45am, and 2:15pm to 6:15pm) Monday - Friday, and hourly headways between the peaks. 3. C_CTA would augment service by introducing FIFTEEN MINUTE HEADWAYS along the following routes or route segments from 6:15am until 7:00pm._ A. Hiahest Priority Routes or route segments for 15 minute headways: --North Avenue Route (entire route) --Airport Route (between Cherry St.Terminal and U-Mall.l --Lakeside Route (alternating half hour headways on South Meadows and Ledgewood spurs). --South End Route (between Cherry St.Terminal and new Southland/K- Mart Transit Center). --Essex Route (between Cherry St.Terminal and Champlain Mill). --North/south Circulator (entire route) January 8, 1993 B. Additional_15 minute headways as funding becomes available: --Riverside/Winooski Route* --Essex Route (between Champlain Mill and AMTRAK) --Airport Route** (between University Mall and Airport) --South End Route*** (between Southland/K-Mart Transit Center and vicinity of Short Stop) NOTES: * See subsection C(4) below concerning connections at the Champlain Mill with service to Route 7 in Colchester. Once implemented Riverside and Winooski segments of the current Riverside/Winooski Route may be divided into two separate routes connecting for timely transfers. The Winooski portion may be reversed in direction on alternating runs. The division might also be made at the time of introduction of 15 minute headways between the Cherry St. Terminal and Champlain Mill (discussed earlier). ** See subsections C(1) and C(2) below concerning connections at U-Mall between U-Mall and the Southland/K-Mart Transit Center on Shelburne Road and between U-Mall and Williston. once either or both connections are made it is envisioned that the current "Airport Route" may be divided into two distinct segments connecting at U-Mall for timely transfers. The segment of the current Airport Route between Cherry St. Terminal and U-Mall and the new segment between the U-Mall and Williston may then be joined as one route or the two "interlined" or "through -routed". *** Introduction of 15-minute headways between the Southland/K-Mart Transit Center and the vicinity of "Short Stop" may be possible through funding sources related to the proposed Shelburne Road widening highway project. Once a new Southland/K-Mart Transit Center is developed and 15 minute headways introduced between the Cherry St. Terminal and the Transit Center or between the Terminal and Short Stop, it is likely that the current "Southend/Shelburne Route" would be divided into two segments: "Southend" and "Shelburne" connecting, for timely transfers. 4. Later evening hours Pending funding availability, CCTA proposed to expand evening service hours as follows: Highest priority: Increasing hours on the following routes to match current service hours on the North End, Essex, and Airport Routes (i.e. with last departure from Cherry St. Terminal at 9:15pm). --"North/South Circulator" --"Lakeside" --"South End" --"Riverside/Winooski" Pending further funding availability: Increasing hours on all routes until approximately 12 midnight. January 8, 1993 C. NEW ROUTE SERVICE CONNECTING TRANSIT CENTERS/TO ADJACENT TOWNS Pending receipt of additional funding, the following route services are proposed: (1) "South Burlington Circulator" A route connection is proposed to link the two South Burlington Transit Centers--i.e. to run between Southland/K-Mart and U-Mall.' Pending the development of a new South Burlington Recreation Area near the intersection of Swift and Dorset Streets, it is likely this route would follow Swift and Dorset to U-Mall*. See Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. (2) "U-Mall/Williston Route" --PART A See PART III for further discussion of service to Williston. Once Williston membership and funding availability issues are resolved, it is envisioned that service between U-Mall and Williston would be provided. Several route options are possible including connections via Kimbell/Shunpike Road or Route 2*; links to Williston Park & Ride or not, connections to portions or all of Industrial Parkway, etc. Further Route Study work will be done with Regional Planning/Town of Williston to determine appropriate route*. See subsection (3) below concerning connection between Essex and Williston. Also see Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. (3) "AMTRAK/Williston Route" --PART B See PART III for further discussion of service to Williston. Once Williston membership and funding availability issues are resolved, it is envisioned that service between AMTRAK and Williston would be provided --completing the connection between AMTRAK and U-Mall Transit Centers. Several route options are possible including Route 2A, Mountain View Road, via IBM Williston to IBM Main Lobby and AMTRAK; or Route 2A. Further Route Study work will be done with Regional Planning/Town of Williston to determine appropriate route. Once the two "PARTS" of the Williston Route are on line (i.e. A & B described above), the two sections may be interlined or through -routed between U-Mall and AMTRAK, and would otherwise be designed for timely transfer. See Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. (4) "Colchester -Route 7 Route" See PART III for further discussion of service to Colchester. Once Colchester membership and funding availability issues are resolved, it is envisioned that service between the Champlain Mill and the industrial park areas of Colchester in the vicinity of I89 Exit 16 would be provided. Several route options are possible. Further Route Study work will be done with Regional Planning/Town of Colchester to determine appropriate route.See Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. (5) "South Burlington -Colchester Route" See PART III for further discussion of service to Colchester. Once Colchester membership and funding availability issues are resolved, it is envisioned that service between the U-Mall and Champlain Mill would be provided. Several route options are possible, including service via the Limn Kiln Bridge/St. Michaels College/Champlain Mill or service via I-89. Further Route Study work will be done with Regional Planning, and municipal officials in the communities of Colchester, Winooski, and South Burlington to determine appropriate route. See Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. (6) "Essex -Colchester Route" See PART III for further discussion of service to Colchester. Once Colchester membership and funding availability issues are resolved, it is envisioned that service between AMTRAK and Colchester -Route 7 might be made or that connections between the Marketplace (on Susie Wilson Road) and the Colchester -Route 7 might be made. Several route options are possible. Further Route Study work will be done with Regional Planning and the municipalities of Colchester and Essex to determine appropriate route. See Map on page 13 for proposed future route network. NOTE: * Once the "South Burlington Circulator" connection is made to U-Mall, it is envisioned that parts of the current Airport Route might be joined or interlined with it. Once the Williston Route (PART A) connects to U-Mall, it is envisioned that service might be provided along Kennedy Drive between Hinesburg and Williston Road (providing access to Kimball Ave) and along Corporate Way (providing access to new South Burlington City Center). See diagram on page 11 for possible routing patterns in this area of South Burlington. January 8, 1993 j D. FEEDER ROUTE SERVICES Route services described above are for the most part "trunk lines" --i.e. routes that follow main roads or connect Transit Centers, although certain segments of those routes might be classified as feeder services such as the Winooski segment of the Riverside/Winooski Route and the segment of the current "Airport" route beyond U-Mall. Feeder routes connect to trunk lines and often serve residential areas. Service is often provided in vans or small buses reflecting seating capacity needs. Further study with assistance of Regional Planning will pursue development of strategies for "feeder route" applications in the Greater Burlington area including: Highest planning and implementation priority• NOTE: Implementation of the following feeder service routes becomes practical only after implementation of 15 minute headways along North Avenue, as they would otherwise not provide timely two-way transfer connections to the North Avenue Route. --The Ethan Allen Parkway/Gazo Avenue area of the new North End; --other residential areas located off of North Avenue in the new North End. Further studies: --Essex area. Several years ago CCTA reviewed possible feeder routes in Essex with Town and Village officials. Funding was not available at the time to consider implementation in the near future. Further work would be done in adjusting proposals and setting priorities for implementation. --South Burlington/Shelburne areas off of Shelburne Road. January 8, 1993 PART III: ADDITIONAL ISSUES A. EXTENSION OF SERVICE TO COLCHESTER, WILLISTON, AND OTHER COMMUNITIES IN CHITTENDEN COUNTY 1 MEMBERSHIP IN THE CHITTENDEN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY/DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS CCTA is organized under State enabling legislation. It provides fixed route and paratransit service with revenues generated from the farebox and auxiliary income (from contracts, advertising, etc.), and with revenues from local municipalities, the state, and federal government. Income from local community assessments is currently about 38% of fixed route revenue. After other revenues are deducted (estimated farebox, auxiliary, federal, and state funding), Communities are assessed the balance of cost based on the proportionate share of service provided in the community (as measured by mileage for fixed route service). Current member communities include Burlington, South Burlington, Essex, Winooski, and Shelburne. Communities become members by means of an affirmative vote by the residents at a special or regular election. Normally, membership is required before fixed route service can be provided in order to provide the level of local funding necessary to cover the cost of service provided. In the event special funding sources become available (i.e. demonstration project funding, etc.) service can be provided in advance of membership. In the past one CCTA-member community (Shelburne) became a member following a demonstration project funded by the federal government. CCTA currently provides rideshare (carpool) and medicaid transportation services in all Chittenden County communities. Those services are fully funded by the applicable programs. CCTA places highest priority on membership by Colchester and Williston in order to be able to put in place transit services which will connect those communities to member communities. Residents of Colchester and Williston and of the entire urbanized area would be well -served by having those route connections on line. As for rural communities in Chittenden County, CCTA will work with CCRPC to assist in development of alternative modes of transportation as may be appropriate for those communities and as those communities indicate interest. 2. DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING ROUTE SERVICES Several proposals are made in the body of this report concerning route services in Colchester and Williston. Further discussions will be held with those communities to further define specific route connections and to discuss other potential route services (in Malletts Bay for example) in which those communities may be interested. B. FUNDING AVAILABILITY CCTA has been severely restricted in its ability to increase service in the past due to falling federal revenues for operating purposes. While farebox and auxiliary income has increased substantially in the past ten years, reflecting growth in ridership, new service contract revenues, etc., and state revenue has increased, increases have been sufficient only to cover the loss of federal funding and to keep up with normal increases in the cost of service. Local communities have been hard pressed to increase funding from their only source of income --the local property tax, because those taxes are already high. In FY94 as in years past, communities have expressed enthusiasm for increased service (such as these plans propose), but have been for the most part unable to increase funding for new service. CCTA and CCRPC have been working together to seek federal demonstration project funding from the federal government. While no such funding has been available in recent years, it may become available under the new federal administration. "Demo" project funding would give CCTA the opportunity to establish and market new services, such that the most successful elements of new service might be funded by communities in the future. 10 January 8, 1993 ! While some communities might be willing and able to fund some new services which have proven successful during a demonstration project period, the problem of continued funding is ever-present. There has been discussion in Chittenden County about the pospibility of county fuel or sales taxes. Such taxes could be very helpful in providing a new and stable funding source for public transit, providing a mechanism by which elements of this plan could be introduced over a period of years. occasionally, new funding sources become available in limited amounts for special projects, example --Airport Commission funding for free -fare demo projects along the Airport Route (in FY91) and for K-12 students (in FY92). As such funds become available they can be applied to implementation of some of the elements of this plan, if consistent with the objectives of the benefactor. Sometimes such funding sources specify applications which are not tied to elements of a plan, but which nevertheless contribute to the quality and success of public transit services in general. C. PRIORITIES IN IMPLEMENTATION During the planning process, discussions were held with municipal officials and staff to obtain insight into priorities within communities for order of implementation of elements of this plan. Further prioritization discussions will be held. It should be noted that sometimes either a funding source or the amount of funding available dictates priority of implementation. It should be re -stated that communities support the use of any demo project or other source of revenue other than local assessments as they may become available. Proposals for substantive increased local assessment for new services would be discussed with communities and approval obtained for implementation. # 1 priority: Any elements of services proposed for implementation in FY94 but which' are not implemented due to lack of adequate funding become first priorities for implementation in the future. Priorities within communities: The following priorities were identified by specific communities for services within those communities: In Burlington: - (1) Extension of seasonal "College St./Waterfront Shuttle" service for longer period of time during the year. (2) Bringing service levels along the "North/South Circulator" and "Lakeside" routes up to parity in frequency and evening hours with most other route services in Burlington. (3)•15 minute headways along the North Avenue route. (4) feeder service in the new North End, specifically in the Ethan Allen/Gazo area. (5) 15 minute headways on other routes serving Burlington. In South Burlington: (1) service extension from U-Mall to Williston; (2) service extension from the proposed Southland/K-Mart Transit Center to University Mall, with related changes in current segment of Airport Route between U-Mall and Airport --see footnote on page 7. (3) 15 minute headways on Airport Route between the Cherry St. Terminal and U-Mall. (4) 15 minute headways on the Southend Route between the Cherry St. Terminal and Southland/K-Mart Transit Center. (5) further discussion concerning possible connecting link between U.-Mall and the Champlain Mill Transit Center. 11 January 8, 1993 In Essex: (1) Completion of the new AMTRAK station transit center. Note: many discussions have been held with Village Municipal officials, CCRPC, AMTRAK, CV Railway, etc. concerning the development of a new AMTRAK station in Essex which would also serve as a comfortable Transit (transfer) Center. SYSTEM PRIORITIES System priorities are those which CCTA feels would facilitate implementation of this plan and/or benefit the service area as a whole, in addition to priorities above -cited. These do not co-opt other priorities but need to kept in mind for implementation as funding sources may become available. (1) Development of transit system infrastructure (expansion/ renovation of office/garage facility, acquisition of rolling stock and support equipment, funding for development of Transit Centers --emphasis on AMTRAK, U-Mall and Southland/ K-Mart, and passenger amenities) to meet implementation needs of service expansion proposals. Note: Funding for capital improvements is usually much easier to acquire than funding for service operation. (2) Colchester and Williston membership in Chittenden County Transportation Authority, with related service extensions to Colchester (Route 7-I89 industrial park), and Williston (priority #1: U-Mall to Williston, priority #2: AMTRAK to Williston, or one route to bridge U-Mall- AMTRAK). Note: development of a successful"web" system with multiple Transit Centers serving the urbanized area depends on participation by Colchester and Williston in the transit system for implementation of connecting service. D. ROUTE/ROUTE SEGMENT LINKAGES AND ROUTE NAMES As shown on the map on page 13, the "web" route system with multiple Transit Centers provides occasion for many links between routes. In the future segments of current route formations may be separated from current routes and joined to others to provide more direct access for heavily traversed corridors, with timely transfers provided for other route segments. Names of future routes may reflect segments serving Transit Centers (examples: "South Burlington/U-Mall", "Winooski/Champlain Mill", "Essex-AMTRAK", "Route-7/Southland", etc.) or be named for interlined or through -routed services for longer distances, examples: North Avenue/U-Mall or Winooski/South End via Cherry St. Terminal via Cherry St. Terminal An Example of,possible re -linking of route segments is shown in the following diagram for routes connecting at U-Mall: t,Sro✓ T� ri e. /t2 kwlrr C o ' y° i E. CONCURRENT PLANNING EFFORTS/PLAN CHANGES, `C• 3 h 1. City of Winooski The City of Winooski is currently involved in a planning effort for re -development of the area between the Champlain Mill and Hillside industrial complex. As elements of that plan crystalize, changes may be appropriate in routing patterns in Winooski. 2. Elsewhere Planning efforts are continuous in all member communities, Colchester, and Williston. As plans crystalize, route changes may be appropriate in any or all communities for improved integration of public transit and municipal infrastructure. 12 January 8, 1993 As a result of changes in communities, service plans outlined in this proposal will likely evolve over time. Simple changes related to reduction of street directional limitations can be an excellent opportunity to improve route services. F. ADA PARATRANSIT SERVICE AREA The rule of thumb for meeting federal requirements for ADA Paratransit service (door-to-door service for disabled people unable to use the lift -equipped fixed route bus system): the paratransit service area must follow any expansion of fixed route services. The official ADA map must show a minimum 3/4 mile paratransit service area from each point along either side of a fixed route and "holes" (i.e areas surrounded by fixed routes) must also be served. MAP: Chittenden Ck ly Transportation Authority ROUTi ETWORK Key: solid line = proposed route network in FY94 shaded and crosshatched: areas where route network to be expanded in future (connecting transit centers), specific routing subject to further discussion. • five proposed transit centers PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 November 29, 1993 Mr. Arthur Shields 337 College Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Zoning Appeal, 70 Ethan Allen Drive Dear Mr. Shields: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Offices Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street on Monday, December 13, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the application of the Chittenden County Sheriff's Department. Please plan to attend this meeting and address the enclosed review criteria. Verytruly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp SHIELDS, Arthur 70 Ethan Allen Drive d.b.a. Chittenden County Sheriff's Area zoned I-C District. Section 13.20 Conditional uses, sub section 13.216 State & Municipal facilities (Section 19.05 applies). Existing structure 60'x100' = 6,000 square feet (30'x60', 1,800 square feet finished, general office area, balance storage). Use: Sheriff Department, storage and parking. Lot, .91 acres with 180 foot frontage. Present use "Property Management". ems/ <z e�,Je'Jsiv, o 4/0o; M ysUe,/rr JBSJJ6vrJ A v O 6vBJs�°O S 9 4Jn j '�'4J6? Ose J ' oO 9Jne 4j Aoe o(iii86;v'A �09J �ge� Q S[, i0 B eol o pJ/e JASJ d s/JBJepe6U/(sJs41iM es'A's/p°O e v�Uo s�Ob o 4o(O-' ee oeUp,��e/A9 o� J to 4oy Q�ssr oeJse .°ga/ J 9 Ts!�er�/ !e,� psgdsps l�p��os ar4y o L s �e 7 °Jy 10 /eaeJSU/use S �O A4�ssAaUoe �04/JAG UD Jg� p 6 1,0 e. e4J `O/J s9,0 Goo 8jr� s' /�espBO6 J�ssUW eO/ Ao oUe (g BJ °pe k'0J st p7O�JA 6�,0/8 �A9,°vo, r ra bq q0, ve�6eJ Uos°Ji pia �i4M 1-0 UB°!J vBUdgyJ�0�t B1°r 80 0 p, l6 5D4,& sloe B / A 4U foe Jo p/ J �JB r �eU/�eeas e Ue Jeers °O pea % .o'snb seo BJ 6os°Oi .UBB '�!/n Js A mop /AJbssnO�Jee'J9 e JOo Jpo s 6�0� yve�0o9 M f 9�4Jern6e °fJsvOJ �� b � � �f 'os sf ��iJwUo eobe Uoso f` J s'ojs�`�soe,GSo / fo � 6BJ /ego Jy Tebock psO rs /JsJJ ��Ja riroe 1 6 B apy°OJo '4,, 0 -Izsaa v �o9je4 e O e pJswU/ J s !p e� e e og J A�rJ4js 9 Vey rygallo 410 o„B0 ppp �rlg8o00/o1eJ oog/ o sr e 8!ker 7pJ sg -./0 tied aao o �eees JdJ � pbe o 90 0, BJen eoe6 ss °JSBAVAO f a/� sY^vojsoop;U 6U seJ°UJ ,'� r�a9 yab B s,°6 UossU,is���9 8s�'eo e s Io %/Z Igoe /9� £Jf 00 e4J /e ad�so 4o,°°rJ e0� Jg Je'0 J S so00 64 ' Je f °.i Sls woos Jvpw�v, r 'y J!'JsJ6U1/Je�'S! °OG, 2% e�I vj,, JUg eq 48 O 9° JS JB aJ b2 oJsn/p/4i�aJ° S a�� e s4i'UoZO pU ��'/ nB AJe /o4J 41iN Uo,+6v svo/J!� 4JUp°9 h �j s°o�J�grJei��/ S O��N ��� AJpppAJ�OS �1�j City of _)uth Burlington Application t Board of Adjustment Date (�( Applicant Chittenden County (Sheriff's Dept) Owner, leasee, agent Official Use AF ICATION # HEARING DATE FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT Address 70 Ethan Allen Drive Telephone # 863-1855 Landowner Arthur F. Shields Address 337 College St., Burlington, VT Location and description of property6,000 SF commercial building located on .91 + acre lot with 17 parking spaces. Existing preapproved facility. Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer( X )request for a conditional use ( ) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Approval for municipal office use with associated interior storage in commercial/industrial zone. Reason for appeal s- The owner or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and any other additional information which will serve as support evidence to the Board. /l 1 V/ l n ._/�> '- l ., l' e Hearing Date — Signature of Appellan Do not write below this line SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Co ference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on /%%/}'" T Day of Week 044&�� /­'� at Month and Date Appeal of to consider the following: Time seeking' from Section of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to 4 FA, OC.) City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 January 13, 1994 Charles Delaney Assistant Judge 175 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: County Facility, 70 Ethan Allen Drive Dear Judge Delaney: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project approved by the Planning Commission on December 14, 1993. Please note the conditions of approval including the requirement that a zoning/building permit be obtained within six (6) months of the approval date. If you have any questions, please give me a call. S'n ere y, .04 J Weith, City Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 January 11, 1994 Charles Delaney Assistant Judge 175 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: County Facility, 70 Ethan Allen Drive Dear Judge Delaney: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the December 14, 1993 Planning Commission meeting minutes. Please note the conditions of approval including the requirement that a zoning/building permit be obtained within six (6) months of the approval date. If you have any questions, please give me a call. i cerely *2- Jo Weith, City Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp PLANNING COMMISSION 14 DECEMBER 1993 page 6 Inc, dated October, 1985 with a last revision date of 7/30/86, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. All exterior lighting shall be downcasting and shielded so as not to cast light beyond the property line. Any change in existing lighting or new lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 3. Applicant must submit a letter to the City, prior to issuance of a zoning/building permit, from the adjacent condominium association agreeing to the play area which is proposed to be on the condomin- ium property. 4. An additional sewer allocation of 500 gpd is granted. The ap- plicant shall pay the required sewer allocation fee prior to is- suance of a zoning/building permit.j 5. The applicant shall obtain a zoning/building permit within six months or this approval is null and void. 6. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the day care facility. 7. Any changes to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. 8. As expressly represented by the applicant, the applicant will install a 4 foot high fence around the play area which will consist of a mixture of wood picket and wire mesh. Mrs. Maher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Site plan application of Chittenden County for conversion of an existing 6000 sq. ft. building from property management use to a state/county facility (i.e., County Sheriff's facility), 70 Ethan Allen Drive; Mr. Shields said there will be no changes to the building or lot, only a change in use. They got permission from the Zoning Board for the new conditional use. Mr. Weith said there are no outstanding issues. Mr. Austin moved the Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Chittenden County for conversion of an existing 6,000 sq. ft. building from property management use to a state/ county facility (i.e, County Sheriff's facility), 70 Ethan Allen PLANNING COMMISSION 14 DECEMBER 1993 page 7 Drive as depicted on a plan entitled 1170 Ethan Allen Drive," with a stamped "received" date of 12/3/93, with the following stipula- tions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. Any change in existing lighting or new lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 3. The applicant shall obtain a zoninq/building permit within six months or this approval is null and void. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the new use. 5. Any changes to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. Mr. Craig seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Site plan application of J. Robert McCarroll for removal of an existing approximate 500 sq. ft. structural canopy and construction of a 192 sq. ft. porch, 72 sq. ft. open portico and enclosure of ill sq. ft. of office area, Anchorage Inn, 108 Dorset Street: Mr. McCarroll said the overhang will be moved back and become a large dormer. They will bring one section of the building out 6 ft. to line up with the other side of the building. There will be a porch in the center front of the building under the existing overhang. The small portico will be on the 100 Dorset St. side of the building. The are currently doing a "cosmetic facelift" on the building including siding, dormers, etc. The question of additional landscaping was raised, and the applicant noted they had just added $500-600 work of shrubbery. Parking spaces will be lengthened to 22 ft. as required. The dumpster will be fenced in. Mr. Austin moved the Planning Commission approve the site plan ap- plication of J. Robert McCarroll for removal of an existing approx- imately 500 sq. ft. structural canopy and construction of a 192 sq. ft. porch, 72 sq. ft. open portico and enclosure of 111 sq. ft. of office area, Anchorage Inn, 108 Dorset St., as depicted on a plan entitled "Project Name: Anchorage Inn - 108 Dorset St.," prepared by J. Robert McCarroll, dated November 4, 1993, with the following stipulations• City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 January 7, 1994 Ernest P.Christianson Regional Engineer Agency of Natural Resources 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Re: Sewer Allocation, 70 Ethan Allen Drive Dear Mr. Christianson: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Pleased by advised that the South Burlington Planning Commission at their meeting held on December 14, 1993 approved a county facility (Sheriff's facility) at 70 Ethan Allen Drive. There is adequate capacity at the Airport Parkway Treatment facility for the 320 gpd of sewer allocation being requested. The property owner has requested permission to connect the floor drains to the sewer system. The City authorizes this connection subject to the requirement that oil separators will be used. It is our understanding that these separators are currently in place. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, .,_ t" Jv` e Weith, ity Planner JW/mcp cc: Doug Nedde 1993 CwT e - 70 Ethan Allen Drive Lot size .91 acres -Building 15% coverage -Landscaped area 62% coverage -Building, parking, storage 38% coverage -Front yard set -back, 26% coverage Exterior Lighting -Three 150 watt sodium quartz lights Employees -Twelve Total Building 6,000 SF -Office space, 1,800 SF -Storage 4,200 SF Landscaping -See attached plant list Scale 1 " = 20' F�, E 12/14/93 MOTION OF APPROVAL CHITTENDEN COUNTY I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Chittenden County for conversion of an existing 6,000 square foot building from property management use to a state/county facility (i.e., County Sheriff's facility), 70 Ethan Allen Drive, as depicted on a plan entitled 1170 Ethan Allen Drive" with a stamped "received" date of 12/3/93, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. A11 exterior -lighting shall"be downcasting and shielded sos"° aot-ta ast light -beyond the property Tine. Any change in existing lighting or new lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 3. The applicant shall obtain a zoning/building permit within six (6) months or this approval is null and void. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the new use. 5. Any changes to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. Memorandum - Planning December 14, 1993 agenda items December 10, 1993 Page 3 This property located at 200 Twin Oaks Terrace lies within the R-7 District. It is bounded on the north by Kennedy Drive, on the east by Twin Oaks Terrace, on the south and west by the Grand View residential development. Access/circulation: Access is provided via a 30 foot curb cut on Twin Oaks Drive. No access changes proposed. Circulation is adequate. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 11.4% (maximum allowed is 25%). Overall coverage is 47.9% (maximum allowed is 60%). Front yard coverage is 30.8% (maximum allowed is 30%). This is an existing situation which will not be made worse by this application. Setback requirements are met. Parking: This project requires a total of 74 parking spaces and 78 spaces are being provided including four (4) handicapped spaces. Landscaping: There is no minimum landscaping requirement, based on building costs, for this project. The existing landscaping is shown on a separate plan. Landscaping is adequate. Sewer: The applicant is requesting an additional 500 gpd of sewer allocation. The applicant will be required to pay the per gallon fee prior to permit. Lighting: No additional lighting proposed. Existing exterior lighting consists of the following: --- thirteen (13) downcasting and shielded 70 watt high pressure sodium lamps on 15 foot poles. --- eight (8) 70 downcasting and shielded watt high pressure sodium lamps mounted on the building. Other: Applicant should submit a letter from the condo association agreeing to the play area. A CHITTENDEN COUNTY - COUNTY FACILITY - SITE PLAN This project consists of converting a 6,000 square foot building from property management use to a county facility (i.e., Sheriff's Facility). The Zoning Board of Adjustment will hear a request from Memorandum - Planning December 14, 1993 agenda items December 10, 1993 Page 4 the applicant on December 13, 1993 for a conditional use permit to change the use. This property located at 70 Ethan Allen Drive lies within the I-C District. It is bounded on the west and north by Lime Rock Road, on the south by Ethan Allen Drive and on the east by an office building. Access/circulation: Access is provided via one (1) 20 foot wide curb cut on Ethan Allen Drive. No access changes proposed. Circulation is adequate. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 8% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage is 38% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is 26% (maximum allowed is 30%). Setback requirements are met. Landscaping: There is no minimum landscaping requirement, based on building costs, for this project. The site is currently well landscaped. Staff does not recommend any additional landscaping. Parking: The proposed use requires a total of 12 parking spaces and 17 spaces including one (1) handicapped space are being provided. Sewer: No additional sewer allocation needed. Lighting: Exterior lighting consists of three (3) 150 watt building mounted sodium quartz lights. 7) L&M PARK - INDOOR RECREATION/RETAIL BUILDING - REVISED FINAL PLAT This project consists of an amendment to the L&M Park PCD to change the use of the previously approved 22,000 square foot retail building to: 1) 11,000 square feet of indoor recreation use, 2) 200 seat quality restaurant (7000 square feet), 3) 3,500 square feet retail use and 4) reduce size of building to 21,500 square feet. The sketch plan reviewed by the Planning Commission on 10/12/93 (see enclosed) was for a 12,000 square foot indoor recreation proposed to replace the 22,000 square foot retail building. 4 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON SITE PLAN APPLICATION 1 ) OWNER OF RECORD (name, address, phone # ) Arthur F. Shields A. F. Shield R.E., 337 College Street, Burlington, VT 2) APPLICANT (name, address, phone # ) Chittenden County 3) CONTACT PERSON -- D4e ^ qh ' (name, address, phone #)--�o� , 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 70 Ethan Allen Drive 5) LOT NUMBER ( i f applicable) Lot #8, Ethan Allen Farms 6) PROPOSED USE(S) Office and related office use and storage of sheriff's cruisers 7) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e. total building square footage, # units, maximum height and # floors, square feet per floor) 6,000 SF, approximately 17' high 8) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 12 9) LOT COVERAGE: building 8 %; landscaped areas 73 % building, parking, outside storage 27 % 10) COST ESTIMATES: Buildings $ N/A Landscaping $ Other Site Improvements (please list with cost') $ 0 11) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: N/A 12) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in and out) 4.5.cars N/A Estimated trip ends (in and out) during the following hours: Monday through Friday 11-12 noon__; 12-1p.m. 3 ; 1-2 p.m. 2 ; 2-3 p.m. 1 3-4 p.m. 2 4-5 p.m. 3 ; 5-6 p.m. 3; 6-7 p.m. 2 13 ) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 14) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: DATE OF SUBMISSION DATE OF HEARING SIGNATURE OF// PPLICANT PLEASE SUBMIT FIVE COPIES AND ONE REDUCED COPY (11 X 17) OF THE SITE PLAN WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Lot drawn to scale (20 foot scale if possible.) Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping. Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways. Proposed landscaping plan (number, variety and size) equal to of greater than the required amount in the Zoning Regulations. Number and location of Parking Spaces: (9' x 18') with 22 or 24 foot aisles as required. Number and location of compact car spaces. (This requires sepa- rate Planning Commission approval). Number and location of handicapped spaces as required. (13 feet by 20 feet in size, one per every fifty spaces). Location of septic tanks (if applicable). Location of any easements. Lot coverage information: Building footprint, building, parking and outside storage, and landscaped areas. Location of site (Street # and lot. #). North arrow Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date. K Landscaping Plant List, 70 Ethan Allen Drive 1. 4" maple 2. 8" maple 3. 6" maple 4. 6" maple 5. 4" maple 6. 8" maple 7. 4" maple 8. 4" maple 9. white pine 10. red twig dogwood 11. white pine 12 red twig dogwood 13. white pine 14. red twig dogwood 15. white pine 16. spruce 17. spruce 18. spruce 19. white pine 20. white pine 21. white pine 22 white pine 23. birch clump 24. 8" maple 25. 8" maple 26. 8" maple 27. 8" maple 28. 8" maple 29. 6" maple 30. 2" maple 31. blue spruce 32. blue spruce 33. 2" maple 34. blue spruce 35. blue spruce 36. blue spruce Foundation Planting 24 mugo pines 4 gold drop potentilas 2 crab apple 4 linden trees PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1985 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 9, 1985 at 7:30 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present Sidney Poger, Chairman; John Dooley, Judy Hurd, Mary -Barbara Maher, William Burgess, Peter Jacob Member Absent John Belter Others Present Jane Bechtel, Planner; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Ira Tate, M. R. Gaffney, Edwin Henry, Art Shields, Gary Mertens, Gerald Milot, A. Kieslich, Daniel J. O'Brien, Doug Fitzpatrick, Andrew Brunell, Walt Adams, Steve Crampton Minutes of March 26 and April 2, 1985 The minutes of March 26, 1985 were approved on a motion by Mrs. Maher, a second by Mr. Dooley and a unanimous vote. The minutes of April 2, 1985 were approved on a motion by Mrs. Maher, a second by Mr. Dooley and a unanimous vote. Review Sketch Plan application of Edwin Henry for subdivision of 2.5 acre parcel into 3 lots located at 119 Swift Street Mr. Henry explained the proposal. Mrs. Hurd came in at this time, as did Mr. Burgess. Mr. Henry said a right of way would be put in to serve the three lots. Mrs. Maher asked why the drive had been extended to the Brakely property next door and was told it was to provide more parking area. Ms. Bechtel noted that the drive location was the best one possible. Mr. Poger said the applicant would have to put in a hydrant along the frontage once the Chief determined the site. Mr. Poger said the plan looked fine. Review site plan application of Property Management Consultants for construction of a 4800 sq. ft. building for operation of real estate management business located on lot 8, Ethan Allen Farm Mr. Art Shields explained that the proposed 4800 sq. ft. building would have the potential to add another 6,000 sq. ft. if needed in the future. The septic system design has been approved. There is room to add the necessary parking spaces. The building will contain 1500 sq. ft. for offices and 3300 sq. ft. for the maintenance area for equipment. Access will be off Ethan Allen Drive. Mr. Poger wanted the parking spaces striped. Mri. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Property Management Consultants for the construction �f a 4800 sq: ft. building on lot #8 Ethan Allen Farm as depicted on a plan entitled "P.M.C. - lot 8 Ethan Allen Farm". rreparedtby Fitzpatrick -Llewellyn, Inc., dated April 1984 and stamp dated March 26,° 1985 with the following stipulations: 2. PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1985 1. The plan shall be revised showing 15 parking spaces with 24 foodaipleg. 2. A $2250 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit._ 3. The landscaping plan shall be made congruent with the site plan'and show the proper placement of the landscaping. 4. The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion and all voted aye. Final plat application of Leland and Patricia Calkins for industrial subdivision of 12.8 acre parcel into 6 lots located north of 2073 and 3017 Williston Road Mr. Poger noted for the record that the light which had burned out over the area where plans are displayed had been replaced. He was not sure who to thank for this generous gesture. . Mrs. Maher asked why, as mentioned in Ms. Bechtel's 4/5 memo, this plan had never received final plat approval, although development had proceeded as if it had. Shed Eold it appeared to be an administrative mistake. Mrs. Maher asked whether the foundation had been removed and was told it would be taken out when the building on lot 1 was built. Mr. Crampton said the road had almost been completed and that the untilites were in. 3 buildings have been constructed. The fact that final approval had never been granted was only discovered recently. The old barn on the property will be removed as soon as construction starts. The two hydrants mentioned.by the Chief have been installed. Ms. Bechtel noted that only the 50' strip of land needed to be discussed. She noted that the Planner in 1978 had suggested a 50' strip of land for a possible service road to the parcel next door. This strip would be between lots 2 and 3. The property next door is occupied by the Pet Lodge and the road would be within 20' of that building. Mr. Adams said he remembered that the intent of the road was to be a service road to tie into the Pete's Trailer Mart area, to relieve traffic on Williston Road. He said the Calkinses did not want to see this area left. Mr. Poger noted that the Commission had not required a similar area on the Pet Lodge land through an oversight. Mr. Crampton noted that parking was already existing in the area proposed for the access. He asked that it be deleted in light of the changed circumstances. After some discussion, Mr. Dooley said he felt it was the responsibility of the people seeking to have approval to get everything in order, but he did not feel the issue was worth fighting about now and the Commission agreed. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the of six lots J depicted on plans entitled "Calkins Subdivision" hn Marsh and "Final Plat: Development P an for Le M. Ada.ms, last revised 3 83 with the following sti ted t 1. Curb cuts for lots 1 and 6 shall be off Calkins Court only. 2. A 12' strip of land for the widening of Williston Road shall be deeded to the Cif Legal documents shall be filed within 90 days. 3. Calkins Court shall be completed by September 1 1985 as foll a complete the cul-de-sac by adding gravel, curbs and paving; b lace the final 1 inch surface on the entire road; c install rip -rap at culvert outfall; d) move compound fence out of the street right-of-way. m City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 December 10, 1993 Charles Delaney Assistant Judge 175 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: County Facility, 70 Ethan Allen Drive Dear Mr. Delaney: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Jim Goddette were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, December 14, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Joe Weith,� City Planner Encls JW/mcp City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 November 22, 1993 Kevin McLaughlin 408 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: County Facility, 70 Ethan Allen Drive Dear Mr. McLaughlin: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find some preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Jim Goddette and myself. Please respond to these comments, if appropriate, with additional information and/or revised plans by no later than Friday, December 3, 1993. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sinc ely, Raymond J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant Encls RJB/mcp Preliminary Memo - Planning December 14, 1993 agenda items November 17, 1993 Page 3 ANCHORAGE INN - ADDITIONS -SITE PLAN --- plan must show dumpsters and must be adequately screened. --- exterior lighting must be shown on the plan and details submitted. CHITTENDEN COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - COUNTY FACILITY - SITE PLAN Site plan must be revised to show the following information: --- all existing and any proposed landscaping on the property. --- dumpster must be shown and screened. --- exterior lighting locations. --- paved area at the rear of the building. Other comments: --- provide exterior lighting details including type of light, wattage, etc. --- provide front yard coverage percentage along Ethan Allen Drive. --- remove septic system from plan and indicate sewer line. --- submit revised overall coverage percentage as a result of the pavement in the rear. --- provide square footage breakdown for office and non -office area. --- provide number of employees for current property management use. --- indicate square footage of lot. --- indicate handicapped parking space. Preliminary Memo - City Engineer December 14, 1993 agenda items November 15, 1993 Page 2 ANCHORAGE MOTOR INN - DORSET STREET Site plan dated November 4, 1993 prepared by J. Robert McCarroll is acceptable. PROVENCHER SUBDIVISION - CENTRAL AVENUE - QUEEN CITY PARK Survey plan prepared by Warren Robenstein with latest revision dated 9/25/93 is acceptable. LOT NO. 8 - EHTAN ALLEN FARM - ETHAN ALLEN DRIVE 1. Building is on sewer. The service line should be shown on the plan. 2. Site plan received November 17, 1993 is acceptable. PAGE: #2 PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY DECEMBER 14,1993 AGENDA ITEMS 7. LOT #8 ETHAN ALLEN FARM PROJECT # 8424 CHANGE OF USE CHITTENDEN COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT THE PLAN HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND AT THIS TIME I DO NOT FEEL THE CHANGE OF USE WOULD EFFECT EMERGENCY PROTECTION., i l� SITE PLAN CHECK LIST 11W_$�� 04M --- Lot drawn to scale --- Survey data (distances and lot size) --- Contours (existing and finished). --- Existing vegetation and natural features. --- Proposed landscaping (number, variety and size) equal or greater than the required amount in section 19.104 of the Zoning Regulations. --- Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings. --- Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways. - Zoning boundaries --- Number and location of parking spaces. (RV parking for multi- family projects over 25 units). --- Number and location of handicapped spaces as required. --- Location of septic tanks (if applicable). --- Location of any easements. --- Lot coverage information: Building, overall and front yard. --- Location of site (Street # and lot #). --- North arrow --- Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date. --- Exterior lighting details (must be downcasting and shielded). --- Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened). --- Existing and proposed sidewalks (public). --- Sewer calculation --- Height of new construction. --- Setbacks (residential district, planned r.o.w., Interstate). --- C.O. Zone --- Bike racks --- Traffic generation --- PUD/PCD standarads --- Airport Approach Cone --- outside storage/display --- F.A.R. No Text Da t(., Application Completed and Received By -- - BY CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVILIq 1) NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF: (a) Owner of Record Alfred J. Martell, Gary H. Mertens and Arthur F. Shields (b) Applicant owners DBA: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS (c) Contact Person Arthur F. Shields 864-6336 2) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: Lot 8, Ethan Allen Farm, Ethan Allen Drive. 3) PROPOSED USE(S): Real Estate Office and storage and maintenance of our own equipment 4) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e., # of units, floor area, etc.) 4800 sq. ft.; one story 33DD with -1-2 1` sq ft of office space and 36-OT sq. ft. for storage and maintenance. 5) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (full & part time) 10 but all do not report to the office daily 6) COST ESTIMATES: (a) Buildings $75, 000.00 (b) Landscaping $ 5 , 000.00 (c) All Other Site Improvements (i.e., curb work) $10,000.00 7) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE August 1, 1985 8) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in & out) 20 9)- PEAK HOUR(S) OF OPERATION 7-8 AM; 3-4.30 PM 10) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION Mon. - Friday. 2/28/85 -Jl---- DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT t PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1985 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 9, 1985 at 7:30 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present Sidney Poger, Chairman; John Dooley, Judy Hurd, Mary -Barbara Maher, William Burgess, Peter Jacob Member Absent John Belter Others Present Jane Bechtel, Planner; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Ira Tate, M. R. Gaffney, Edwin Henry, Art Shields, Gary Mertens, Gerald Milot, A. Kieslich, Daniel J. O'Brien, Doug Fitzpatrick, Andrew Brunell, Walt Adams, Steve Crampton Minutes of March 26 and April 2, 1985 The minutes of March 26, 1985 were approved on a motion by Mrs. Maher, a second by Mr. Dooley and a unanimous vote. The minutes of April 2, 1985 were approved on a motion by Mrs. Maher, a second by Mr. Dooley and a unanimous vote. Review Sketch Plan application of Edwin Henry for subdivision of 2.5 acre parcel into 3 lots located at 119 Swift Street Mr. Henry explained the proposal. Mrs. Hurd came in at this time, as did Mr. Burgess. Mr. Henry said a right of way would be put in to serve the three lots. Mrs. Maher asked why the drive had been extended to the Brakely property next door and was told it was to provide more parking area. Ms. Bechtel noted that the drive location was the best one possible. Mr. Poger said the applicant would have to put in a hydrant along the frontage once the Chief determined the site. Mr. Poger said the plan looked fine. to of Prone of real estate mana.�,_�ent bus located on lot 8, Ethan Allen Farm struction Mr. Art Shields explained that the proposed 4800 sq. ft. building would have the potential to add another 6,000 sq. ft. if needed in the future. The septic system design has been approved. There is room to add the necessary parking spaces. The building will contain 1500 sq. ft. for offices and 3300 sq. ft. for the maintenance area for equipment. Access will oe off Ethan Allen Drive. Mr. Poger wanted the parking spaces striped. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Property Management Consultants for the construction if a 4800 sq. ft. building on lot ##8 Ethan Allen Farm as depicted on a plan entitled "P M C - lot 8 Ethan Allen Farm" prepared by Fitztpqttrick-Llewellvn Inc., dated April 1984 and stamp dated March 26, 1985 with the following stipulations: 2. PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1985 1. The plan shall be revised showing 15 parking spaces with 24fgot ajes• 2. A $2250 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit. 3. The landscaping plan shall be made congruent with the situ and__ show the proper placement of the landscaping. 4. The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion and all voted aye. Final plat application of Leland and Patricia Calkins for industrial _subdivision of 12.8 acre parcel into 6 lots located north of 2073 and 3017 Williston Road Mr. Poger noted for the record that the light which had burned out over the area where plans are displayed had been replaced. He was not sure who to thank for this generous gesture. Mrs. Maher asked why, as mentioned in Ms. Bechtel's 4/5 memo, this plan had never received final plat approval, although development had proceeded as if it had. She^:Cold it appeared to be an administrative mistake. Mrs. Maher asked whether the foundation had been removed and was told it would be taken out when the building on lot 1 was built. Mr. Crampton said the road had almost been completed and that the untilites were in. 3 buildings have been constructed. The fact that final approval had never been granted was only discovered recently. The old barn on the property will be removed as soon as construction starts. The two hydrants mentioned by the Chief have been installed. Ms. Bechtel noted that only the 50' strip of land needed to be discussed. She noted that the Planner in 1978 had suggested a 50' strip of land for a possible service road to the parcel next door. This strip would be between lots 2 and 3. The property next door is occupied by the Pet Lodge and the road would be within 20' of that building. Mr. Adams said he remembered that the intent of the road was to be a service road to tie into the Pete's Trailer Mart area, to relieve traffic on Williston Road. He said the Calkinses did not want to see this area left. Mr. Poger noted that the Commission had not required a similar area on the Pet Lodge land through an oversight. 114r. Crampton noted that parking was already existing in the area proposed for the access. He asked that it be deleted in light of the changed circumstances. After some discussion, Ar. Dooley said he felt it was the responsibility of the people seeking to have approval to get everything in order, but he did not feel the issue was worth fighting about now and the Commission agreed. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the of six lots as depicted on plans entitled "Calkins Subdivision" dated prepared by John Marsh and "Final Plat: Develo went Plan for Leland C nrenured by W.M. Adams. last revised 3 83 with the following_stipulati 1. Curb cuts for lots 1 and 6 shall be off Calkins Court only. 2. A 12' strip of land for the widening of Williston Road shall be deeded to the City. Legal documents shall be filed within 90 days. 3. Calkins Court shall be completed by September 1 1985, as follows: a nomnlete the cul-de-sac by adding gravel, curbs and paving; b dace the final 1 inch surface on the entire road; c install rip -rap at culvert outfall; d) move compound fence out of the street right-of-way. I P6, 11 aR nR M City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PLANNER 658.7955 April 11, 1985 Arthur F. Shields Property Management Consultants 595 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Re: Property Management Consultants, lot #8 Ethan Allen Farm Dear Mr. Shields: Enclosed are the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting at which your site plan was approved. I will send you the Findings of Fact under separate cover. Please be sure to meet all of the stipulations before applying for a building permit. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg Encl 4/5/85 JSB MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the Site Plan application of Property Management Consultants for the construction of a 4800 square foot building on lot #8 Ethan Allen Farm as depicted on a plan entitled "P.M.C. - lot 8 Ethan Allen Farm", prepared by Fitzpatrick -Llewellyn, Inc., dated April 1984 and stamp dated March 26, 1985 with the following stipulations: 1) The plan shall be revised showing 15 parking spaces with 24 foot aisles. 2) A $2250 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit. 3) The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months. April 5, 1985 Arthur F. Shields Property Management Consultants 595 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Property Management Consultants, lot #8, Ethan Allen Farm Dear Fir. Shields: Enclosed are the agenda and a copy of my memo to the Planning Commission regarding your application. Please be sure someone is present to represent your application on Tuesday, April 9, 1985. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg Encls M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner Re: April 9, 1985 agenda items Date: April 5, 1985 2) HENRY, 119 SWIFT STREET, 3 LOT SUBDIVISION The applicant proposes to subdivide a 2.5 + acre parcel into 3 lots. There is an existing duplex on this lot. It is located on Swift Street approximately 1500 feet cast of Farrell Street. The area is zoned R4 and the minimum lot size is 9,500 square feet for single-family and 12,000 square feet for a two-family dwelling. One lot will be.one acre, the 2 others will be approximately 30,000 square feet. The existing house has on -site sewer. Any building on these new lots will either be on -site or the sewer line must be extended up Swift Street from Farrell Street. The applicant proposes to serve the 3 lots from the one exist- ing driveway on Swift Street. This meets the minimum require- ment for a private roadway. A public street is required if more than 3 lots are served. This plan avoids any additional curb cuts. The steep slope on the western side of the property is not buildable. This lot includes an area large enough to build on in addition to the sloped area. See Goddette's and Szymanski's memos. 3) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LOT #8, ETHAN ALLEN FARM The applicant proposes to construct a 4800 square foot building for the real estate management business on lot #8. The structure will contain 3300 square feet for storage and equipment maintenance and a 1500 s.f. office. The lot is 39,740 square feet. Parking: Fifteen parking spaces must be designated on the plan at 9'xl8' each with 24' aisles. There is sufficient paved area for these spaces, but they must be delineated on the plan. Circulation: A 20' curb cut is shown off of Ethan Allen Drive. Landscaping: The plan shows sufficient landscaping valued at above the $2250 required. Other: Sewage will be on site. See Bill's memo. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: James Goddette, Fire Chief Re: April 9, 1985 agenda items Date: 4/5/85 3) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LOT 8, ETHAN ALLEN FARM Plans were reviewed by the fire department for lot #8 Ethan Allen Farm. At this time I am please to inform you that I did not see a problem with giving proper fire protection. 4) LELAND AND PATRICIA CALKINS, 3017 WILLISTON ROAD Plans were reviewed by the fire department on the Leland Calkins Development. My records show that the plans were reviewed by us on Wednesday, July 19, 1978. And our only request was for two hydrants to be installed - one on the corner of Williston Road and Calkins Court and the second at the end of the street by the circle. If developed as per the 1978 review I do not see any problems with giving proper fire protection. 5) YING AND JOSEPHINE LIU, 40 HIGHLAND TERRACE Plans have been reviewd by the fire department on the two lot subdivision for Mr. Liu on Highland Terrace. Overall I do not see a problem except there is no hydrant. With Mr. Dubois' development and a new water main installed and the value of the homes built on Highland Terrace, a hydrant should be provided. The location will be spotted by the fire department 2) 119 SWIFT STREET I Plans have been reviewed by the fire department on the 3 lot subdivision at 119 Swift Street. My only concern at this time is that there is no hydrant in this location. The City has in- stalled a water line and I feel with the homes in that area at least one hydrant should be installed on Swift Street by the new road that goes to the back lot. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Planner Re: Next week's agenda items Date: 4/5/85 2) EDWIN HENRY, 119 SWIFT STREET 1. The proposed lot south of the existing duplex should show its north boundary. The record drawing shall show all lot dim- ensions and angles. 2. I am not in favor of private roads however, at this location additional curb cuts would present a hazard. The deeds shall clearly define who is responsible for maintenance of the private road including snow removals. 3. Proposed building lots shall be connected to the municipal water system. 4. On site sewage disposal plans shall be submitted to the City for review. 3) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LOT 8 ETHAN ALLEN FARM 1. Layout and sewage disposal system is acceptable. 4) CALKINS SUBDIVISION 1. Complete the road which includes the following: (a) Complete the cul-de-sac by adding gravel curbs and paving. (b) Place the final one inch surface course on entire road. (c) Install rip -rap at culvert outfall. (d) Move compound fence out of street rights -of -way. 2. I would like to see old barn removed. This structure is in bad shape and is a safety and fire hazard. 5) YING LIU SUBDIVISION, HIGHLAND TERRACE 1. Private water systems (wells) should be diiscouragedfor lots smaller than the regulations limit of 10 acres. Residents are experiencing problems where this exists. 2. Manhole of sta. 11+92 shall have a stub for extending line westerly on Highland Terrace. 3. Sewer services if constructed as shown will require easements from adjacent owners. &-," L4 0 0 It Lai '--) 1 Ze- L ut -4 % wcp-- a 13Y,\_ �y rAA � 45 --.�ea a 4 5k 7 S" -'r CAA 70 Ethan Allen Drive Lot size .91 acres -Building 15% coverage -Landscaped area 62% coverage -Building, parking, storage 38% coverage -Front yard set -back, 26% coverage Exterior Lighting -Three 150 watt sodium quartz lights Employees -Twelve Total Building 6,000 SF -Office space, 1,800 SF -Storage 4,200 SF Landscaping -See attached plant list Scale 1 " = 20' 1993 I City of so., n Z► Z2 CZ�I i i �N- 71 I O \ \ I , O CI) SCHEMATIC PROFILE -- WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM NTS NOV 17 1993 )f So. Burlington MAT ION c.. r >c- a sa•.Jc tiJ _.aJ y TYPICAL SECTION WASTEWATER DISPOSAL TRENCH N-S GENERA. NOTES 1. Per,mater property line information taken from a plan entitled 'A Portion of Ethan Allen Far., Ethan Allan Drive, South Burlington. Ver.ont, Plat of Lots 1-B•, dated April, 1983. revlsed Dec. 6. 19Ba by Ft tTPatr i[k-Ll awl lyn lncorpor at ad. Sail test pi to and percol atlon tests perfumed bI F;t: Patri ck-Llewellyn Incorporated. S. Topagr wph,c murvey of lot performed by others. 9. Proposed building size and location as directed by Owner. BASIS OF DESIGN --------------- 1. B employees twexi aim) r. I5 gpd/e.ployew • 120 gpd 2. Design percpl at._ rate . 3 .inotes/inch 3. Wastewater applicat, — rate at design p.rcol.tfon rate - 1 3a gpd/sq. 1t. ♦. Required Dwd area 120 gptl /1.3/ gpd/sq. {t. B9 sq. f<. 5. Actual area provided . 3 ft. x 30 ft. BO aq. {t. CONSTRl1CTION NOTES ----------------- SEPTIC AK - to be . 1.000 gallon, precast concrete tank wit interior ba7ffles or tees, conatructad and fnst.I h s to be watwrtight. Any used 'knockouts', drain holes, tank section )olnts. and pipe penetrations Nall be sealed weterti ght. Final gr.de shall be 12 to 18 inches above the tank tap. T.n k, shall be wet level on A least 6 Inches of comp.cted granule wt—ial. BUILDING SEVER - If- building ltll nq to septic tank) shall be a -inch c .at — ductile iron pipe with watertight Jpints 1 nls. Nlni—a slope ahall be 1/♦ Inch per font, and Mxi.u. slope for the f0 feet pre[edirp the septic tank shall be 1/4 inch par foot. No 90 degree elbows are .Ilowed: u e 43 degree alb— 3. 9EIIEA RM 9EPTIC TAW. TO DISPOSAL AREA -+hall be solid 1-I nth PVC or PE pipe c—#—.,ng to ASTN D-2729, D-3033, — D-3034 with. —tertf ght Joints. Min, mum slope shall be 1/8 Inch per font. It ,s prefbab1 to u e m.3 degrw elbow+ rather loan 90 degree elbows. a. DI STRIFUTION PIPE - In the wastwatar df fp— I the pipe shall be 4-inch perfor.ted PVC or PE pipe con(—■i nq to area 0-27; 9, D-3033, or D-3034. I All pelf— atad pipe In the—.tew.1— d,.po.l (laid shall be I.id level '-1 Inch. S. Shpuld the proposed structure — wastewater di spool (ecillt, ce have {Iel d-neceesitat wd IocNlm ad]wt.n,is' all .l nlwm sepal at.— dist antes shorn shall bF r/ntafnW. 6. The Contr.ct— shall show, oncopy of this plan to. left With the Omer, all as-bu,,t .ur comma to septic tank, di stributim box, wastewater disposal area corners, and/— other pertinent c Deponents. 7. iha water supply sour shall be as an_ on the plans, and all nd,cat,M ..p.ratP .i distances to the wastewater dlslD i :stem %hall'be ..intained. - -LEGEND - - O 1sow.11 DIVISION OF PPOTECnON wTE--�eLa/g46 By sy Thrs appoval W wDject to the teMS SCALE : 1' • 20' pdcmd , j �� f +-"y'FI!` to ro o to ao eo ro6 ,rp