HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-95-0000 - Decision - 0010 Farrell StreetFINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application of 10 Farrell Street Corporation to amend a previously approved site plan to: 1) specifically approve a new tenant requesting parking and traffic waivers, and 2) make minor site modifications to add parking spaces, 10 Farrell Street. On the llth day of July, 1995, the South Burlington Planning Commission approved the request of 10 Farrell Street Corporation for site plan review under Section 26.10 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations based on the following findings: 1. This project consists of amending a previously approved site plan to: 1) specifically approve a new tenant requesting parking and traffic waivers, and 2) make minor site modifications to add parking spaces. This site was last reviewed on 2/14/95. 2. This property located at 10 Farrell Street lies within the C2 District. It is bounded on the north by undeveloped land approved for an office building separated from this property by Potash Brook, on the east by East Woods, on the south by Swift Street and on the west by Farrell Street. 3. This property is approved for a number of permitted and conditional uses which can change with the approval of the City Planner as long as the use fits within the parking, traffic and sewer limits. 4. The tenant breakdown proposed at this time is as follows: PARKING SEWER P.M. PEAK USE SQ. FT. REQ'D REQ'D VTE'S Keene Medical 2,000 7 60 11 Domino's Pizza 1,650 11 280 30 Bakery 4,300 10 450 19 Babyland 15,625 34 (1) 75 43 (2) Unknown 2,365 21 1275 20 25,940 * 83 123 * This number represents gross leasable area. (1) Assumes a 55 space parking waiver (2) Assumes a 32 trip end waiver 1 5. Access/circulation: Access is via two (2) curb cuts on Farrell Street, a 45 foot wide curb cut to the north and a 52 foot wide curb cut to the south. The curb cuts are existing and no changes proposed. 6. Circulation is adequate. There is one-way traffic along the south and east sides of the building and two-way traffic along the north side. A "DO NOT ENTER" sign is located at the north-east corner of the site to discourage vehicles from going in the wrong direction. 7. Coverage/setbacks: Building/coverage is 26% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage is 60.4% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage along Farrell Street is 57.9% and along Swift Street is 81.1% (maximum allowed is 30%). This is an existing situation which will not be made worse. Setback requirements are met. 8. Parking: The existing and proposed uses require a total of 127 spaces and 83 spaces including three (3) handicapped spaces are available. The applicant is requesting a waiver of 44 spaces or 34.6% for one (1) new tenant. The new tenant submitted an analysis of their projected parking demand which indicates that their peak parking demand is 34 spaces and our standard requires 89 spaces. A condition should be included that a change in this new tenant be approved by the Planning Commission unless the replacement tenant can fit into our normal parking standards. Staff reviewed this report and agrees with the methodology used and the assumptions made to reach the report's conclusions. A bike rack is provided as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations. 9. Traffic: This site is approved for 120 P.M. peak hour trip ends and ITE estimates that the proposed uses would generate 146 vte's. The applicant is requesting approval for three (3) additional vte's for a total of 123 vet's for the entire property. The applicant presented information at the meeting to justify the requested 23 vte waiver for one (1) new tenant. A condition should be included that a change in this new tenant be approved by the Planning Commission unless the replacement tenant can fit into our normal traffic standards. 10. Landscaping: There is no minimum landscaping requirement, based on building costs, for this project. Site is well landscaped and no additional landscaping proposed or recommended. 11. Sewer: The site is currently approved for a sewer allocation of 2140 gpd. No additional allocation requested. 12. Lighting: Any additional lighting should be consistent with the lighting approved as part of the 4/27/93 approval. Any changes 2 in lighting should be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 13. Dumpsters: The existing dumpster storage area is adequately screened. No additional dumpster storage area proposed. DECISION & CONDITIONS Based on the above Findings of Fact, the South Burlington Planning Commission approves the site plan application of 10 Farrell Street Corporation to amend a previously approved site plan to: 1) specifically approve a new tenant requesting parking and traffic waivers, and 2) make minor site modifications to add parking spaces, 10 Farrell Street, as depicted on a plan entitled "10 Farrell Street, South Burlington, Proposed Revised Parking Plan", prepared by Derrick Davis, dated June, 1995, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. This approval is conditioned on a maximum of 83 parking spaces, 2140 gpd sewer allocation, and 123 P.M. peak hour trip ends. 3. The applicant shall obtain approval from the City Planner prior to the change of any tenant in the building. The City Planner shall approve the proposed new tenant only if the proposed combination of uses fits within the limitations established in stipulation #2 above. In making his determination, the City Planner shall utilize the parking standards contained in Appendix A in the Zoning Regulations, trip generation rates contained in the I.T.E. Trip Generation Manual, and sewer flow guantities used by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. If a use is proposed which does not fit clearly within any of these standards, or if a shared parking concept is proposed in order to meet the parking limit, the applicant shall obtain approval from the Planning Commission for the proposed use. 4. Pursuant to Section 26.256(b) of the zoning regulations, the Planning Commission grants a parking space waiver of 44 spaces or 34.6% for one (1) new tenant. It is the Planning Commission's opinion, based on a peak parking demand analysis prepared by the applicant, that 34 spaces is adequate for the tenant in space "A" (i.e., Kidstown) and 83 spaces are adequate for the entire property. 5. The Planning Commission estimates that the "A" (i.e., Kidstown) will generate 43 vte's hour which represents a 32 vte waiver from I.T the Planning Commission opinion, based o assessment prepared by the applicant, that 3 new tenant for space during the P.M. peak .E. standards. It is n a trip generation this specific tenant will not generate more than 43 vte's during the P.M. peak hour. This results in a total of 123 vte's approved for the entire site. 6. Due to the parking and trip generation waivers granted in stipulation's #4 and #5 above, the applicant shall obtain approval from the Planning Commission for a change in the tenant of space "A" unless the replacement tenant can fit into the normal parking and traffic standards identified in stipulation #3 above. 7. For the purpose of calculating required road impact fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Commission estimates that the proposed uses will generate 3 additional vehicle trip ends during the P.M. peak hour above the 120 vte's approved on 2/14/95. 8. Any new exterior lighting or change in existing lighting shall consist of downcasting shielded fixtures so as not to cast light beyond the property line. Any change in lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 9. The applicant shall obtain a zoning/building permit within six months or this approval is null and void. 10. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of any new tenant space. 11. Any changes to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. Chairman o Clerk South Burlington Planning Commission ate .19