HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0007 Farrell Street7 r=,)9jr- CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT MEETING AUGUST 7, 1974 The South Burlington City Council and Planning Commission held a joint meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, 1175 Williston -Road South Burlington on Wednesday, August 7, 1974. Council Chairman Flaherty called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Council members present were Chairman Flaherty, Paul A. Farrar, Catherine M. Neubert, William J. Cimonetti, and Duane E. Merrill. Planning Commissioners present were Chairman Mary Barbara Maher, Sidney B. Poger, William B. Wessel and John B. Dinklage. MEMBERS ABSENT Planning Commissioners Robenstein and Levesque. OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Adminis- trator; Richard Spokes, City Attorney; Fred Mitchell, City Planner; Frederick G. Blais, Alfred Calcagni, Paul L. Flinn, Attorney Richard C. Blum, Paul R. Casavina, Jr., William Schuele, Paul D. Heald, Nancy Neubert, Charlotte Marsh, Arlene Krapcho, Richard Bodette, Richard Myette and Jack Tabaka, Free Press Reporter. VIEWING OF CORRECTIONS CENTER Chairman Flaherty announced that he had heard from Peter A. Profera, Director of Community Correctional Centers for the State of Vermont, who invited the Council members to meet on Monday, August 12, 1974, at 4:30 P.M. to view the new facility on Swift Street. Dr. Farrar said he would not be able to make it and Mr. Merrill was not sure, but it was agreed that all the members who could make it� would be present. CONSIDERATION OF ARTICLE XII, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING REGULATIONS - SECTION 2.002, STANDARDS AND i CONDITIONS Chairman Flaherty outlined the method to be followed during the meeting, saying that each -of the 14 points would be considered separately, that questions and remarks should be kept pertinent to the point being considered, and that there would be no vote until all items had been reviewed. If the Planning Commission approves what has been submitted the City Council will wait one week to see if they want any additional information. If the Planning Commission votes 0, negatively the matter will not come back before the Council. 0 STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUILDINGS TWO GOVERNOR AIKEN AVENUE MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05633-5801 TEL: (802) 828-3314 FAX: (802) 828.3533 January 22, 1992 Mr. Joe Weith, City Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street SouLi Burlington, Vermont 05403 RE: Chittenden Community Correctional Center Dear Mr. Weith: Pursuant to Condition number 1 of the South Burlington Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Decision and Conditions signed January 7, 1992, I am sending a sketch of the revised site plan showing the proposed plantings at the Visitor's parking area. Please review the plan to determine if it meets with your requirements. I will contact you shortly to discuss it with you and to pick: up our building permit if approved. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 828-3314. Sincerely, A,Lze4211S-� Michael f. Kuhn Project Architect MJK/beb cc: Edgar M. Weed, DSB James A. Richardson, DSB ARCHITECTS Project G G C C A P IAA 1 N 15 T E /a -r f VS A C101 11 Q to Proj No. fr� F "✓ Date J- Drawn By-121AA Sheet No. A D 1-.0 / - -V J A- O cc l G N rA 1A // /� \ ,,A I/ F V-VL�AMT� t fLA t15 a v t,�-5 TO TFT KP�A�ITp 1 - i \ 1 - 1 Q N1�— w AF,BO� uITA- - -- -- NL�- Y4 . A- F,(?,' -0 F\ v 17 A W W Li W y pAVly T L? � cM,Go.. � — _ � er r A�h061A-reh, u/F- a h_6,A-L �� �cj = �0 etc Project G G C C ADM 1 N� 5 T P, A I"r p t r t ON ARCHITECTS b Prol No. F Date �- Drawn By M A Sheet No. A i � 1 — � , � ��,�- —��\ _ � �I D\eta � fi �,� c�lY1 T � ►3 �: � u1 9 i roR rA1zK1 N a -rz.p Pa A ry t, fk. -5 ro -TITS I F[IT�l�;l WVW ARF-�oI,VITA G- PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 October 15, 1991 Mr. Michael Kuhn Vermont Department of State Building's 2 Governor Aiken Avnue Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Re: Zoning appeal Dear Mr. Kuhn: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at. the City Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street on Monday, Oc-L.ober 28, 1991 at. 7:00 P.M. to consider your request for a zoning variance, and/or conditional use. Please plan to attend this meeting. Very truly, 11.1� Iidl :i UV zl-L U , Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 TEL (802) 658-7953 FAX (802) 6584748 OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER CHARLES E. HAFTER October 23, 1991 Mr. Fred Blais, Chairman Zoning Board of Adjustment City of South Burlington South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Application from Chittenden Community Correctional Center; Comments from Liaison Committee Dear Fred: The City Council has established a Chittenden Community Correctional Center Liaison Committee to represent and advise the city in matters relating to the state facility on Farrell Street. The Liaison Committee has met several times to review the plans for the administrative expansion of the facility, including a meeting on -site with the facility supervisor, and a tour of the center. This letter addresses the expansion plans through the following ^omments : 1. Any additional traffic created by the construction process should be required to travel via Shelburne Road and Swift Street and not through the residential neighborhood of East Woods. This should include workers coming to or from the site. 2. There is no proposed net increase in population or beds. This should be a requirement. Since the original facility was permitted for 77 inmates but grew rapidly above that number, it is incumbent upon the city to monitor the level of population. The permit should require a census count at least semi-annually. It should be noted that the conditional use application to the Zoning Board lists 197 as the maximum inmate population. We believe this is exceeded on a regular basis. 3. The landscaping requirement should be implemented as with other developers. Any new landscaping would improve the visitors parking 1pt on Farrell Street. Correctional Center Liaison Committee October 23, 1991 Page 2 4. During construction parking will be restricted in the usual lot. Overflow should be required to park in the visitors' lot on Farrell Street. 5. The height of the new fence should not exceed -including the razor wire. 6. Any outside lighting should be reviewed to insure compatibility with the neighborhood and nearby roads. 6. The plans show that construction is for a new administrative area only. This should be followed. Overall the Liaison Committee feels that the Correctional Center has been a good neighbor and does not object to these plans. However, all plans should be reviewed with the understanding of the impacts on the nearby residential neighborhoods. A representative of the committee will be at your meeting to discuss these and/or other issues. Sincerely, ED J 4 Chuck Hafter City Manager CH/peh cc: Dick Ward, Zoning Administratorr� SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE #5 Appeal of Eugene J. Ward, Deborah Jarry, agent seeking a variance from Section 19.00 Non- conforming use extension and Section 19.65 Mul- ' tiple uses of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to convert an existing ga- rage into a craft/antique shop (800 square feet) in conjunction with a resi- on- dential use (single-family dwelling) on a lot quare taining 38,180 sq feet, located at 3065 WII- liston Road. #6 Appeal of Victoria Curtis, seekingg appproval from Section 9.20 Condi- tional uses sub section 9.202 day care center of the South Burlington Reg- ulations. Request is for permission to operate a day care center (approxi- mately 12 children) in con- junction with a single- family dwelling, located at 67 Barrett Street. #7 gppeal of Vermont Department of State Building's, seeking apppro- val from Section 12.20 Conditional uses sub sec- tion 12.207 State and mu- nicipal facilities of the South Burlington Regula- tions. Request is for per- mission to construct a 4965 square foot adminis- tration office addition to the Chittenden Commu- nity Correctional Center, located at 7 Farrell Street. #8 Appeal of Richard Jar- vis, seeking a variance from Section 19.40 Home bccupPtians of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to convert an existing 18'x19' detached garage i into an insurance office, located at 111 Hinesburg Road. Richard Ward Zoning Administrative f'Off- October 12. 1991 In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Reggulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Mu- nicipal Offices, Confer- ence Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, Oc- tober 28, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the fol- lowing: -#1 Appeal of Lou Rozzi, seeking appproval from Section 19.65 Multiple uses of the South Burling- ton Regulations. Request is for permission to occu- py an area of 300 square feet as a specialized con- tractor in conjunction with a catering business, d.b.a. Delaire Tile and Coffee Express. Property in question presently occu- pied by a medical office, storage and retail facility, parcel containing approxi- mately 2 acres, located at 2041 Williston Road. #2 Appeal of Rexford Bell, seeking a variance from Section 18.00 Di- mensional requirements of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to convert an existing single-family dwelling into a two-family dwelling on a lot con- taining 13,500 square feet with sixty (60) feet front- age located at 132 Hines- burg Road. #3 Appeal of Ernest C. Hoechner seeking a vari- 1 ance from Section 18.00 Dimensional requirements . ] and Section 19.00 Non i complying structures of . the South Burlington Reg- ulations. Request is for permission to construct a 40'x65' pump island cano- py with a zero front yard setback, located at 793 Shelburne Road. #4 Appeal of John L. ' Wolff, III seeking a vari- ance from Section 19.104 Landscaping require- ments sub section (b) I front yard buffer of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to con- struct an 18'x28' addition which will result in a de- crease of approximately I three (3) percent, total ' front yard coverage fifty ' four (54) percent of the front yard landscaped area located at 1683 WII- . liston Road. City of South Burlin °f A9ton Official Use Application to Board APPLICATION # Date on D l,�h�te r APPlicanKu h HEARING DATE t ,; ti Owner, lessee FILING DATE ,2 A1hE/V A\/5A16(e nt Address i lie 7, t l,F�.�� _ FEE AMOUNT Vi ©S� " Telephone Landowner vT vE�F STATE gU�LDIIv yp one # /�jpZ J. c,.:..�.3 i r- Location and Address '� 3 description of e V Property TYPe of a Officer( check one ( r " X )request for a conditionalpuse from I understand decision of Administrative 44u of tand the presentation ( ) request for the PlanningProcedures re a variance. month (second and & Development Act)required by State a minimum fourth Mondays), that Law (Section of fifteen - Also hearing That a legal advertisement are held twice 9 fee which is toy) days Prior to ert.isement a Provisions °ff-Set the the hearing, I must appeal Of zoning cost of the hearing agree to pay a a 9 ordinance in question r( �j The owner or'applicant should Plans, elevations, 1andscapin submit alon any other additional diagrams g with this application Board. informatson which w(drawn to scale) traffic data and ill serve as s, data and uPPort evidence to the Hearing Date -`----------------re ure DO not write below thi APPella - ___ SOUTH BURLINGTON In accordance ZONING NOTICE _---_-- - -_ Title with the South 24 V.S,p,, Burlington Zoning a Public�hearin the South Burlington Zonin Regulations 575 Dorset g at the South Burl' g Board and Chapter 117, Street, South Burlin gtOn Municipal °f Adjustment will hold gton, Vermont on Conference Offices, Conference Room, Month and at Date Time to consider the Day of week Appeal of,�,, �.. following; seeking a from Section /2 • �' a % Of the South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to No Text STATE OF VERMONT Department of State Buildings 2 Governor Aiken Ave. MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 (802) 828-3314 TO JZ WE ARE SENDING YOU X Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings X Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ [LEUTEQ W UMUSEMM DATE / JOB NO. ATTENTI N RE: r rri rz yt H ❑ Samples the following items: ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION > � r THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS /!l&'tom ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS //RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US 4? COPY TO SIGNED: 4 PRODUCT 240-3 Inc., Groton, Mass. 0347t_ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. #S P-06-68 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING STATE OF VERMONT — 7 FARRELL STREET SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-06-68 FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION The State of Vermont, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking to amend a previously approved plan for a 43,021 sq. ft. correctional facility. The amendment consists of constructing a 14' x 18' (11' high) detached accessory structure to house electric equipment for a total square footage of 43,273, 7 Farrell Street. Based on the plans and supporting material contained in the document file for this application, the Administrative Officer finds, concludes, and decides as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. This project consists of site plan approval to amend a previously approved site plan for a 3,021 sq. ft. correctional facility. The amendment consists of constructing a 14' x 18' (11' high) detached accessory structure to house electric equipment for a total square footage of 43,273, 7 Farrell Street. 2. The owner of record of the subject property is The State of Vermont. 3. The subject property is located in the Swift Street Zoning District. 4. The application was received on October 27, 2006. 5. The plan submitted is entitled, "Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Electrical Upgrade New Electrical Building Property Lines And Setbacks South Burlington Vermont", prepared by the State of Vermont Department of Buildings and Services, dated October 2006. DIMENSION REQUIREMENTS 6. Existing building coverage is 16.4%. Proposed is 16.5% (Maximum is 40%). Existing overall coverage is 27.62%. Proposed is 27.70 % (Maximum is 70%). Existing front yard coverage is 9.17 (Maximum is 30%). Front yard coverage will not change. 7. Setback requirements are being met. -1- #SP-06-68 SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Vehicular access 8. Access is provided via a curb cut off Farrell Street. No changes are proposed. Circulation 9. Circulation on the site is adequate. Parking 10. All parking is existing. No changes are proposed. 11. Pursuant to Section 13.01(G)(5) of the Land Development Regulations, bicycle parking shall be provided on the subject property. A bicycle rack is not shown on the site plan. The plan should be amended to note the location of the bicycle rack. 12. Pursuant to Section 13.01(B) of the Land Development Regulations, internal landscaping of the parking area does not apply. Landscaping 13. All landscaping is existing and no changes are proposed. 14. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B)(4) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be shown on the plan. Snow storage areas are not depicted on the plan. The plan should be revised to note the location of the snow storage area(s). Outdoor Lighting 15. No changes to exterior lighting are proposed. Pursuant to Sections 14.06 and 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations, the following review standards shall apply to the site plan applications: Traffic 16. There will be no traffic impacts. -2- #SP-06-68 (a) The relationship of the proposed development to goals and objects set forth in the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. 17. The Comprehensive Plan states that the City should encourage development while protecting natural resources and promoting a healthy and safe environment. The proposed project is in keeping with the recommended actions of the Comprehensive Plan. (b)The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. 18. The proposal is in keeping with this requirement. (c) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. 19. Parking is located on the front and side of the building. No changes are proposed. 20. Section 13.01 of the Land Development Regulations requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities be provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. It has already been noted that a bicycle rack is not cited on the plan. (d) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. 21. The accessory structure complies with the above criteria. (e) Newly installed utility service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 22. The plans do not indicate changes in utility service. (t) The combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to cerate attractive transitions between buildings or different architectural styles shall be encouraged. 23. This project complies with the above criteria. (g) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. 24. The proposed accessory structure meets this criteria. -3- #S P-06-68 In addition, to the above general review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. 25. The reservation of land is not necessary. (b) Electric, telephone, and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. 26. No changes to existing underground utilities. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). 27. Pursuant to Section 13.06(C)(1) of the Land Development Regulations, screened dumpster locations must be shown on the plans. Screened dumpster locations are not noted on the plan. DECISION Based on the above Findings of Fact, the Administrative Officer hereby approves Site Plan #SP-06-68 to amen a plan for a 43,021 sq. ft. correctional facility. The amendment consists of constructing a 14' x 18' (11' high) detached accessory structure to house electric equipment for a total square footage of 43,273, 7 Farrell Street, based on the following conditions: 1) All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2) The plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Administrative Officer. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plan shall be submitted to the Administrative Officer prior to permit issuance. a) The plan shall be revised to note the location of the bicycle rack. b) The plan shall be revised to note the location of the snow storage area(s). IM #S P-06-68 c) The plan shall be revised to note the location of the screened dumpster area(s), if any. 3) This project shall be completed as shown on the plan submitted by the applicant and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. 4) The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 17.04 of the Land Development Regulations, or this approval is null and void. 5) The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to the use of the new accessory structure. 6) Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Administrative Officer or Development Review Board. �.,� � Signed on this � day of OLIOi1 �L , 2006 by 'J'W'9--," � - ZL- Ra Belair, Administrative Officer Please note: Pursuant to 24 VSA § 4465, an interested person may appeal this decision by filing a Notice of Appeal with the secretary of the Development Review Board. This Notice of Appeal must be accompanied with a $110 filing fee and be filed within 15 days of the date of this decision. -5- #S P-06-40 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON FINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON — STATE OF VERMONT 7 FARRELL STREET FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-06-40 FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION The City of South Burlington, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking to amend a previously approved plan for an 8.07 acre parcel development with a correctional facility. The amendment consists of: 1) subdividing the 8.07 acre parcel into two (2) lots of 6.08 acres and 1.99 acres, 2) construct a stormwater treatment pond and expansion of the parking lot o- le 6.08 acre parcel, 3) construction of an infiltration basin on the 1.99 acre lot elated changes to the parking area and site on the 1.99 acre lot, 7 Farrel' levelopment Review Board held a public hearing on June 20, 2006..1, C tor of Planning & Zoning, represented the applicant. \� Based c. mentioned public hearing and the plans and supportin, 'ment file for this application, the Development Review Bo, ,ecides the following: FINDINGS OF FACT The applicant is seeking to amend a previously approved plan for an 8.07 acre parcel development with a correctional facility. The amendment consists of: 1) subdividing the 8.07 acre parcel into two (2) lots of 6.08 acres and 1.99 acres, 2) construct a stormwater treatment pond and expansion of the parking lot on the 6.08 acre parcel, 3) construction of an infiltration basin on the 1.99 acre lot, and 4) related changes to the parking area and site on the 1.99 acre lot, 7 Farrell Street. 2. The owner of record of the subject property is the State of Vermont. 3. The subject property is located in the SW -Swift Street Zoning District. 4. The plans submitted consist of an 11 page set of plans, page one (1) entitled, "Preliminary & Final Subdivision Plat Review for 7 Farrell Street Farrell Street/Potash Brook Stormwater Improvement Project City of South Burlington, Vermont June, 2006 ", prepared by Hoyle Tanner & Associates, dated June 2006. 5. This is a City -sponsored, multi -property stormwater management project that is intended to remedy a major water quality "problem spot" on the main stem of Potash Brook watershed. It is the Stormwater Utility's priority project for the 2006 construction season. - 1 - #SP-06-40 Project Components The project under review consists of the following elements: 1. Subdivision of the property owned by the State of Vermont on the west side of Farrell Street to create two separate parcels: one parcel north of Potash Brook, to be conveyed to the City of South Burlington; and one parcel south of Potash Brook, which is the site of the existing Chittenden Community Correctional Facility. 2. Construction of a large extended detention stormwater pond on the parcel north of Potash Brook, which will treat 40+ acres of impervious surface discharge to State standards. 3. Replacement of the existing deteriorated culvert under Farrell Street with a new, properly sized concrete box culvert. 4. Installation of sub -surface stormwater treatment structures under the parking lot at 10 Farrell Street (Kidstown/Klingers) and under the corner of the Blueprints Etc. property north of the brook to remove sediment; these changes are not the subject of this application. 5. Construction of a bio-retention facility on the site of six (6) existing parking spaces on the Chittenden Community Correctional Facility site, and associated relocation of a utility pole. 6. Installation of streambank stabilization on both sides of Potash Brook downstream of the new culvert. 7. Expansion of the Correctional Facility's auxiliary parking lot on the north parcel to replace the six spaces lost for the bio-retention facility; the State will retain an easement to use the parking lot after the land is conveyed to the City. Background This project is the outgrowth of the City's original Potash Brook Watershed Restoration Plan, completed in 2001. This plan called out the Farrell Street area as a high priority for stormwater management because of multiple uncontrolled stormwater discharges entering in this area. In fact, just upstream of this site, Potash Brook meets the State's standards for a healthy urban stream; as soon as the Brook crosses under Farrell Street, it becomes degraded again. There are nearly 40 acres of impervious surface draining into this location without any treatment or control, which is bad for hydrology and pollutant loading. Combined with the adverse effects of the deteriorated, under -sized culvert under Farrell Street and the extremely poor stream buffer situation at this location, this became the Utility's first priority for a capital upgrade. The City has been working with the State of Vermont and the owners of 10 Farrell Street for nearly two years to design and implement this project. The Correctional Facility's managers have worked with the City to accommodate the new stormwater pond on the parcel north of Potash Brook. They also have been willing to give up six prime parking spaces on the Correctional Facility to create an infiltration or bioretention basin as well as better streambank stabilization. A utility pole needs to be relocated to accommodate -2- #SP-06-40 the infiltration basin, and six new spaces will be added to the auxiliary parking lot on the north parcel to make up for the lost spaces by the brook. Funding The total project cost for this will be $1.3 million. Funding has been secured from multiple sources. First, in the 2004 legislative session, the Vermont Legislature allocated $1.2 million to a new Stormwater Impaired Waters Restoration Fund for high - priority municipal stormwater management projects. This project was one of the first to qualify for funding and will receive $165,000 from the SIWR fund. In addition, Bruce Hoar secured $135,000 from VTrans towards the culvert replacement and we have allocated $600,000 from the City's $909,000 EPA State & Tribal Assistance stormwater grant towards the project. The remainder will come from Stormwater Utility capital funds. Permits The City has secured permits or sign -offs from Act 250, the Army Corps of Engineers (wetlands), the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation (archaeology), the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department (streambank work), Vermont ANR (wetlands, stormwater, and stream alteration), and the House and Senate Institutions Committees of the Vermont Legislature (authorization for transfer of the north parcel from the State to the City). The DRB needs to review and approve subdivision of the north parcel, and associated site plan changes to the Chittenden Community Correctional Facility site. DECISION Motion by f_ A seconded by 0 hQC�4f:�bgnr t to approve Final Plat Application # D-06-40 of the City of South Burlington, subject to the following conditions: All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect, except as amended herein. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plat submitted by the applicant, and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. 3. Any changes to the final plat plan shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 4. The final plat plan (survey plat) shall be recorded in the land records within 180 days or this approval is null and void. The plan shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant shall submit a copy of the survey plat in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the Director of Planning and Zoning. -3- #S P-06-40 Mark Behr — yea/nay/abstai of re Matthew Birmingham — yea/nay/abstain Chuck Bolton — OyAnay/abstain/not present John Dinklage nay/abstain/not present Roger Farley — e nay/abstain/not present Larry Kupferman — ea/nay/abstain/ of r Gayle Quimby -onay/abstain/not present Motion carried by a vote of 4�)-- 0- Signed this - �' day of 2006, by John D nklage, Chair Please note: You have the right to appeal this decision to the Vermont Environmental Court, pursuant to 24 VSA 4471 and VRCP 76 in writing, within 30 days of the date this decision is issued. The fee is $225.00. If you fail to appeal this decision, your right to challenge this decision at some future time may be lost because you waited too long. You will be bound by the decision, pursuant to 24 VSA 4472 (d) (exclusivity of remedy; finality). -4- State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Emvironmental Conservation [Phone] 802-879-5656 Wastewater Management Division [fax] 802-879-3871 Essex Regional Office iii West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 www.septic.vt.gov April 22, 2011 State of Vermont Dept. of Bldgs & Gen Services 2 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier VT 05633 Subject WW-4-0455-1 New Grease Interceptor install a 8500 gallon exterior grease interceptor to kitchen waste line and a new sewer and manhole connecting to municipal wastewater located on 7 Farrell Street in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Ladies & Gentlemen: Our office has received an inspection letter from Carl K. Crawford, P.E. of Otter Creek Engineering, Inc. dated 4/20/2oii and a copy of the record drawings for the completed installation of an exterior grease interceptor to the kitchen waste line, new sewer and manhole connecting to municipal sewer services for the above referenced project. Condition # 3.1 is hereby satisfied and Permit #WW-4-0455-1 is valid. It is recommended that a copy of this letter be filed in the South Burlington Land Records. Thank you for your attention to the permit conditions and please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, W�vI�L�- essanne Wyman Regional Engineer cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Carl Crawford, P. E./Otter Creek Engineering, Inc. Regional Of - Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury OTTER CREEK ENGINEERING, INC. April 20, 2011 Mr. Ernie Christianson VDEC Wastewater Management Division 111 West Street Essex, Junction, VT 05452-4695 Subject: State of Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services WW #4-0455.1 Dear Ernie: We are writing to report the completion of the new grease interceptor, sewer and manhole at the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility. A State of Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit (No. WW-4-0455-1) for the project was issued on August 20, 2010. The wastewater system was constructed in general conformance with the approved drawings prepared by Otter Creek engineering, Inc. dated 7/6/10. As required by the permit, we hereby certify that in the exercise of our reasonable professional judgment, the installation related information submitted is true and correct and that the wastewater system has been installed in accordance with the record drawings and such record drawings are in compliance with the applicable rules, were filed with the Secretary, and are in accordance with all other permit conditions; were inspected; were properly tested; and have successfully met those performance tests. The enclosed Record Drawings, dated 11/24/10, indicate minor modified locations of the facilities. K.R. Adams and their Subcontractor, Piche Excavating, completed the wastewater system construction. During the course of construction, leakage tests were conducted on the grease trap, sewer manhole and sewer lines. These facilities passed their respective tests. Copies of the test reports are included. P.O. Box 712 • 404 East Main Street, East Middlebury, Vermont 05740 Telephone: 802.382-8522 Facsimile: 802.382-8640 E-mail: info@OtterCrk.com 110 Merchants Row, 4th Floor, Suite 15, Rutland, Vermont 05701 Telephone: 802.747-3080 Facsimile: 802.747-4820 E-mail: info@OtterCrk.com K, A OTTER CREEK By copy of this letter, we are providing notification to the City of South Burlington for ENGINEERING its Grease, Oil and Sand Interceptor Permit # 10-76 and Wastewater Connection Permit #10-4103. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me. SincereN*� 64 - Carl K. Crawford, P.I Vice President c: Mike McArdle - VT Dept. of Buildings & General Services Dan Dupras - Lane Associates Justin Rabidoux - City of South Burlington Raymond Belair - City of South Burlington Enclosures /9/ 432.002 P5 OF V \\ NO 7014 ' �o CIVIL 4 OTTER CREEK ENGINEERING Project: CCCF — Grease Trap Owner: Vermont - BGS Contractor: K. R. Adams/ Ray Piche Grease Interceptor Location: Vacuum Testing Log Project Number: 432.002 CI November 16, 2010 Manhole Number Grease Interceptor Manhole Station 3+ 17 Sheet Location C-1 Street: Urease Interceptor Vacuum "lest: Start Time: 1:47:00 P.M. Start Vacuum 5.0 in. of HG Stop Time: 1:49:00 P.M. Stop Vacuum 5.0 in. of FIG Elapsed Time: 2 minutes Vacuum Drop: 0.0 in. of FIG Required Time: 2 minutes Allowable Drop: 1.0 in. of FIG Pass/Fail: Pass Tested by: Kelley Boardman (Camp) Observed by: Bob Harrigan (Contractor's Rep.) (Engr. Kep.) Note: All testing is to be conducted by the contractor or its representative, in accordance with the contract specifications. Grease Interceptor Inspection: Completed By: Notes Cleanliness: Yes Channel and Table: None Rim Set to Grade: Rungs in Place: None Less than 24" Rim to Top Step: None Channel Depth 3/4 pipe (min.): None Lift Holes Mortared: None Record Drawing Information: Date of Activation: Elevation Size Type Rim: Invert Out: 188.07 6" PVC Invert In: 188.37' 4" C.I. Invert In: Invert In: Invert In: Additional notes and sketches on back: Sketch P.O. Box 712 404 East Main Street East Middlebury, Vermont 05740 Telephone: 802-382-8522 Facsimile: 802-382-8640 E-mail: Info(q)0tterC;rk.conz 110 Merchants Row, 4" Floor, Suite 15, Rutland, Vermont 05701 "Telephone: (802) 747-3080 Facsimile: (802) 747-4820 E-mail: lnfo(�OtterCrk.com 'f3,7,Cab11 C i Z VACUUM TEST REPORT DATE: 11 /16/ 10 JOB NAME: Chittenden Correctional Facility JOB LOCATION: South Burlington, VT JOB NUMBER: #433-10 CONTRACTOR: R. J. Piche Excavatinp, ENGINEER: Otter Creek Engineering Item #: 6' x 12' x 7.5' Grease Trap TESTCONDITIONS: Inches of vacuum at start: Duration:' �i f Min. Allowable Drop: TEST RESULTS: Inches of vacuum at start:' S Inches at vacuum at end -- Difference: d Duration Pass: Yes, No ❑ TESTER'S NAME: Kelly Boardman WITNESS: " L- - 0 �gLk � TESTER'S SIGNATURE WITNESS SIGNATURE W3�3 .oa3-- C 12 VACUUM TEST REPORT DATE: JOB NAME: l L .1— JOB LOCATION: CA, 4i=wO-ou ra JOB NUMBER CONTRACTOR i'OR:-- ALkNHOLE #: -5 TEST CONDITIONS: Inches of HG at start: _ Duration: Allowable Drop: n TEST RESULTS: Inches of HG at start: Inches at HG at end: Difference: Duration. Pass: Yes YE No ❑ TESTER'S NAME: Yc,,U WITNESS: •11AIG Y::'.I?,F"SCG jr"- T)/fESTER'S SIGN1jA�/\T]j�U.��REEJ WITNESS SIGNATURE �L OTTER CREEK ENGINEERING Project: CRCF — Grease Trap Owner: Vermont - BGS Contractor: K.R. Adams/ R. Piche Manhole Location: Manhole Testing Log Project Number: 432.002 C)Z Date: November 18, 2010 Manhole Number SMH 1 Manhole Station 2+00 Sheet Location C-1 Street: In parking area, south west side of facility danhole Vacuum Test: Start Time: 3:00:00 Start Vacuum 10.0 in. of HG Stop Time: 3:02:00 Stop Vacuum 9.8 in. of HG Elapsed Time: 0:02:00 Vacuum Drop: 0.2 in. of HG Required Time: 0:02:00 Allowable Drop: 1.0 in. of HG Pass/Fail: Pass Tested by: Kelley Boardman (Camp) Observed by: Linc Prescott (Contractor's Rep.) I � _, , . , -, �Engr. Kep.) Note: All testing is to be conducted by the contractor or its representative, in accordance with the contract specifications. Manhole Inspection: Completed By: Notes Cleanliness: Channel and Table: Rim Set to Grade: Rungs in Place: Yes RIP Less than 24" Rim to Top Step: Yes RfPP Channel Depth 3/4 pipe (min.): Lift Holes Mortared: None Record Drawing Information: Date of Activation: Elevation Size Type Rim: Invert Out: 186.58 6" PVC Invert In: 186.7 6" PVC Invert In: Invert In: Invert In: Additional notes and sketches on back: Sketch P.O. Box 712 404 East Main Street East Middlebury, Vermont 05740 p �c?OtterCrk.cgm Telephone: Facsimile: E-mail: 1nfo, 110 Merchants Row, 4"' Floor, Suite 15, Rutland, Vermont 05701 Telephone: (802)747-3080 Facsimile: (802)747-4820 E-mail: Inf0(a)OtterCrk.con C4_ OTTER CREEK ENGINEERING Project: CRCF - Grease Trap Owner: State of Vermont, BGS Contractor: K.R. Adams/R. Piche Pipe Location: Manhole: Pumon to Manhole: StaSheet No.: C11 Street: Pine Pressure Test: Sewer Pipe Testing Log Project Number: Date: 432.002 CJ Z- November 20, 2010 SMH1 Station: 0+00 to Station: 2+00 Start Time: 13:47:00 Start Pressure: 4.0 psi Stop Time: 13:49:00 Stop Pressure: 4.0 psi Elapsed Time: 00:02:00 Pressure Drop: 0.0 psi Required Time: 00:01:20 Allowable Drop: 1.0 psi Pass/Fail: Pass Tested by: Ray Piche Observed by: Bob Harrigan (Contractor's Rep.) (Engr. Rep.) Note: All testing is to be conducted by the contractor or its representative, in accordance with the contract specifications. Pine Innnection: Completed By Notes Lamped: Yes RLH Mandrel Tested: No Change in grade at Storm Drain crossing prevents this Clean of Debris: Record Drawine Information: Date of Activation: Type: SDR35 PVC Size: 6" Invert Out: 186.58' Invert In: 184.79' Length: 200' Slope: 0.006 Number of Connections: 0 Additional notes and sketches on back: Sketch: P.O. Box 712 404 East Main Street East Middlebury, Vermont 05740 Telephone:802-382-8522 Facsimile:802-382-8640 E-mail: Info_Otter_Crk.com 110 Merchants Row, 4"' Floor, Suite 15, Rutland, Vermont 05701 Telephone: (802)747-3080 Facsimile: (802)747-4820 E-mail: InfoCa_OtterCr_k.com OTTER CREEK ENGINEERING Project: CRCF — Grease Trap Owner: State of Vermont, BGS Contractor: K.R. Adams/R. Piche Pipe Location: Manhole: SMH1 to Manhole: Sheet No.: C-1 Street: Pine Pressure Test: Sewer Pipe Testing Log Project Number: 432.002 C_1-2_ Date: November 20, 2010 Grease Station: 2+00 to Station: 3+11 Trap Start Time: 14:07:00 Start Pressure: 3.5 psi Stop Time: 14:08:00 Stop Pressure: 3.5 psi Elapsed Time: 00:01:00 Pressure Drop: 0.0 psi Required Time: 00:00:48 Allowable Drop: 1.0 psi Pass/Fail: Pass Tested by: Ray Piche Observed by: Bob Harrigan (Contractor's Rep.) (Engr. Kep.) Note: All testing is to be conducted by the contractor or its representative, in accordance with the contract specifications. Pine Inspection: Completed By Notes Lamped: Yes RLH Mandrel Tested: No Change in grade at Storm Drain crossing prevents this Clean of Debris: Record DrawinL- Information: Date of Activation: Type: SDR35 PVC Size: 6" Invert Out: 186.7' Invert In: 188.07 Length: 111' Slope: 0.012 Number of Connections: 0 Additional notes and sketches on back: Sketch: P.O. Box 712 404 East Main Street East Middlebury, Vermont 05740 Telephone:802-382-8522 Facsimile:802-382-8640 E-mail: lnfo(a�OtterCrk.com 110 Merchants Row, 4"' Floor, Suite 15, Rutland, Vermont 05701 Telephone: (802)747.3080 Facsimile: (802)747-4820 E-mail: lnfo(i.xOtterCrk,com OTTER CREEK Hydrostatic T ENGINEERING ydrostat Testing Log Client: Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Project No.: 432-002 C12 Project Name: Grease Interceptor Date: November 23, 2010 Drawing No.: C-1 Contractor: K.R. Adams/R. Piche Location: Building to Grease Interceptor Segment (Describe): 4" cast iron vent Station: 3 + I I to Station: 3+83 Pipe Diameter: 4" Pipe Type: No Hub Cast Iron Pipe Length: 70' Working Pressure: 0 psi Allowable Leakage: 0 Required Test Duration: 5 minutes Pipe leak tested by installing a ten foot water column, filling the pipe with water until runs out of the column, then observed for five minutes to monitor any drop in water level, indicating a leak. Actual Test: Time Test Started: 17:47:00 Time Test Ended: 17:52:00 Actual Test Duration: 5 minutes Actual Gallons Added During Test to Maintain 5± psi of Test Pressure: Test (pass/fail) : Pass Observed By: Contractor's Representative Performing Test: Bob Harrigan Willy (North Country Air Systems) Note: All testing is to be conducted by the contractor or its representative, in accordance with the contract specifications. P.O. Box 712 404 East Main Street East Middlebury, Vermont 05740 Telephone:802-382-8522 Facsimile:802-382-8640 E-mail:InfQ�a.O.tterCrk.coin 110 Merchants Row, 4`h Floor, Suite 15, Rutland, Vermont 05701 Telephone: (802)747-3080 Facsimile: (802)747-4820 E-mail: Info((%QtterCrk.com C5tOTTER CREEK ENGINEERING Hydrostatic Testing Log Client: Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Project No.: 432-002 C12 Project Name: Grease Interceptor Date: November 23, 2010 Drawing No.: C-1 Contractor: K.R. Adams/R. Piche Location: Building to Grease Interceptor Segment (Describe) : 4" cast iron sanitary sewer service Station: 3+24 to Station: 3+83 Pipe Diameter: 4" Pipe Type: No Hub Cast Iron Pipe Length: 60' Working Pressure: 0 psi Allowable Leakage: 0 Required Test Duration: 5 minutes Pipe leak tested by installing a ten foot water column, filling the pipe with water until runs out of the column, then observed for five minutes to monitor any drop in water level, indicating a leak. Actual Test: Time Test Started: 17:28:00 Time Test Ended: 17:33:00 Actual Test Duration: 5 minutes Actual Gallons Added During Test to Maintain 5 - - psi of Test Pressure: Test (pass/fail) : Pass Observed By: Contractor's Representative Performing Test: Bob Harrigan Willy (North Country Air Systems) Note: All testing is to be conducted by the contractor or its representative, in accordance with the contract specifications. P.O. Box 712 404 East Main Street East Middlebury, Vermont 05740 Telephone:802-382-8522 Facsimile:802-382-8640 E-mail: lnfoCcc� terCrk.com 110 Merchants Row, 4`h Floor, Suite 15, Rutland, Vermont 05701 Telephone: (802)747-3080 Facsimile: (802)747-4820 E-mail: Info�cc�OtterCrk.c_.om AGENCY OF NATUR ` RESOURCES (ANR; ANDNATURAL r =SOURCES BOARD httr_://ww�n .an .st v;.us/eie /lead/paiinde):.ntrr / nttl :/ w� 4nrt.-mate .xr;.us; PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TOTAL # OF DEC PERMITS: PRE -APPLICATION REVIEW: RESPONSE DATE; PENDING APPLICATION #: WW-4-0455-1 DISTRICT: TOWN: South Burlington PIN: EJ10-0348 OWNER OF PROJECT SITE: I APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: (Name) State of Vermont / Dept. of Bldgs and Gen Services (Name) (Address) 2 Governor Aiken Avenue (Address) (Town) (State) (Zip) Montpelier VT 05633 (Town) (State) (Zip) (Telephone) 802-826-5650 (Telephone) Project Name: Based on a written or oral request or information provided by Carl Crawford, received on 8/04/2010, a project was reviewed on a tract/tracts of land of 6.02 acres, located on 7 Farrell Street. The project is generally described as: Amend the permit to reflect the installation of a 3500 gallon exterior grease interceptor to kitchen waste line and a new sewer and manhole connecting to municipal wastewater for an existing correctional facility, no changes to flows. Prior permits from this office: PB-4-0012-1 PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION © I hereby request a jurisdictional opinion from the District Coord' ss or t t District Coordinator regarding the jurisdiction of 10 V.S.A. Chapter 151 (Aci 250) over the project described above. ❑ n r/Agent ® Permit Specialist ❑ Other Person ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION, AND A WRITTEN REQUEST 1. FROM THE ANR PERMIT SPECIALIST, THE LANDOWNER/AGENT, OR OTHER PERSON. ANY NOTIFIED PERSON OR ENTITY WILL BE BOUND BY THIS OPINION UNLESS THAT PERSON OR ENTITY FILES A REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION WITH THE DISTRICT COORDINATOR (10 V.S.A. § 6007 (c) AND ACT 250 RULE 3 (b) OR AN APPEAL WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL COURT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (1C, V. S.A. Chapter 220). L#�L7) ** Project: '` 6ommercial ❑ Residential ❑ Municipal Has the landowner subdivided before? ❑ Yes ❑ No When/where: # of lots: AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED: ❑ Yes , 1C o Copies sent to Owner:` es ❑ No; Applicant or Representative: ❑ Yes ❑ No BASIS FOR Dt CISION: ,, / ak 6�"l t _3 SIGNATURE a�txe DATE:!�� ADDRESS: District Environmental Commission istrict Coordinator Telephone: �"' WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRED? %i Yes ❑ No C' Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit (#1 & #2)** ❑ Notice of Permit Requirements (deferral language ) (#2 ❑ Floor Drains (## .2.2) ❑ Campgrounds (#3) ? ❑ Extension of sewer lines #5) REGIONAL ENGINEER, ASSIGNED: Ernest Christianson SIGNATURE: �`'i DATE: 8-30-10 ADDRESS: Dept. of Environmental Conservation F7i EnvironmentakAlsistaNce Office, Permit Specialist Jeff McMahon Telephone: 802-879-5676 ❑ Wastewater Management Division, Telephone: 802-879-5656 OVER »»»»»»» **NOTE: NUMBERS IN PARENTHESES (#) REFER TO PERMIT INFORMATION SHEETS IN THE VERMONT PERMIT HANDBOOK hnp://www.anLstate,vt.usldec/permit hb/index.htm, THIS IS A PRELIMINARY, NON -BIN DETERMINATION REGARDING OTHER P ITS WHICH YOU MAY NEED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPAn , MENTS INDICATED BELOW. 3. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3822) Contact: ❑ Discharge Permits: pretreatment; industrial, municipal (#7_1, 7_2, & 8) ❑ Indirect Discharge Permits (#9 & 9_1) ❑ Residuals Management LI0) 4. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION, ANR (888-520-4879) Contact: ❑ Construction/modification of source (#14) ❑ Open Burning #18) ❑ Wood Chip Burners (>90 HP) #14) ❑ Furnace Boiler Conversion/Installation (#14) ❑ Industrial Process Air Emissions (#14) ❑ Diesel Engines (>450 bHP) (#14) 5. WATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400) (800.823-6500 in VT) Contact: ❑ New Hydrants (#22) ❑ >500' waterline construction (#22) ❑ Community Water System (CWS) ❑ Bottled Water (#20) ❑ Operating permit (#21) ❑ Transient Non -Community water system (TNC) #21) 0 Capacity Review for Non -transient non -community water systems (NTNC) (#21) 6. WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR STORMWATER PERMITS (#6 — 6.5) Contact: Contact: ❑ Flood Plains (241-3759) ❑ Ponds (#32.1) ❑ Construction General Permits >1AC of disturbance (#6.1) ❑ Shoreland Encroachment (241-3777) Steve Hanna (#?8 ❑ Stormwater from new development or redevelopment sites (#6.2 & 6_3) ❑ Wetlands (241-3770) (#29) ❑ Multi -Sector General Permit (MSGP) industrial activities w/ SIC codes #6A) ❑ Stream Alteration / Section 401 Water Quality Certification / Stream Crossing Structures Chris Brunelle 879-5631 (#27 & 32) 7. WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact: Dennis Fekert 241-1493 ❑ Hazardous Waste Handler site ID (241-3888) #36) ❑ Underground Storage Tanks (241-3888) June Reilly (#33) ❑ Lined landfills; transfer stations, recycling facilities drop off (241-3444) (#37,39,40) ❑ Asbestos Disposal (241-3444) ❑ Disposal of inert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) (#41 & 44) r_1 Composting Facilities (241-3444) (#4-3) ❑ Waste oil burning (241-3888) ❑ Waste transporter permit (#35) ❑ Demolition waste 241-3477 ❑ Used septic system components/stone (#41) 8. FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION, ANR Contact: _ ❑ Dam operations (greater than 500,000 cu. ft.) (241-3451) (#45) ❑ State -funded municipal water/sewer extensions/upgrades and Pollution Control Systems (241-3750) 9. POLLUTION PREVENTION & MERCURY DISPOSAL HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) (#46) Contact: SMALL BUSINESS & MUNICIPAL COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE (1-800-974-9559) Contact: RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) Contact: Judy Mirro/John Daly 10. FISH & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT (802-241-3700) Contact : ❑ Nongame & Natural Heritage Program (Threatened & Endangered Species) (#47.4) ❑ Stream Obstruction Approval (#47.5) 0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (802-479-7561) or District Office 879-2300 Contact: Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, accessibility (Americans with Disabilities Act) (#49, 50, 50.1, 50.2) ❑ Storage of flammable liquids, explosives ❑ LP Gas Storage ❑ Hazardous Chemical Use/Tier 11 Reporting (800-347-0488) ❑ Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers #( 50.2) ❑ Boilers and pressure vessels (#50.3) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-8550 in VT) (802-863-7221) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: Andy Chevrifils ❑ Food, lodging, bakeries, food processors (#51, 51.1, 52, 53, 53.1) ® Program for asbestos control & lead certification (#54, 55, 55.1) ❑ Children's camps ❑Hot Tub Installation & Inspection — Commercial 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Contact: ❑ Child care facilities (1-800-649-2642 or 802-241-2159) (#57) ❑ Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept. of Aging & Disabilities) (#59) ❑ Nursing Homes (241-2345) (#59) ❑ Assisted Living and Therapeutic Community Residences (241-2345) (#59) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION ❑ Access to state highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) (#66) ❑ Signs (Travel Information Council) (828-2651) (#63) ❑ Development within 500' of a limited access highway (828-2653) (#61) ❑ Construction within state highway right-of-way (Utilities, Grading, etc.) (828-2653) (#66) Contact: ❑ Junkyards (828-2053) (#62) ❑ Railroad crossings (828-2710) (#64) ❑ Airports and landing strips (828-2833) (#65) ❑ Motor vehicle dealer license (828-2067) (#68) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (800-675-9873 OR 802-828-3429) Contact: ❑ Use/sale of Pesticides (828-3429) (#72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78) ❑ Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-3429) (#81) ❑ Milk Processing Facilities (828-3429) (#83, 83.1, 85, 87) ❑ Animal shelters/pet merchant/livestock dealers (828-3429) #89, 89.1) ❑ Golf Courses (828-2431) (#71) Green Houses/Nurseries (828-2431)(#79) ❑ Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-2436) ##888) ❑ Medium and Large Farm Operations (828-2431) ❑ Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Poultry/Frozen Dessert/Class "C" Pesticides (828-3429) (#75.1, 80, 16. VERMONT ENERGY CODE ASSSISTANCE CENTER TOLL FREE 888-373-2255 ❑ VT Building Energy Standards (#47.2) 17. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3211) ❑ Historic Buildings (#47.1 & 101) ❑ Archeological Sites (#47.1 & 101) 18. DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) ❑ Liquor Licenses (#90) ❑ General Info (1-800-642-3134) 19. SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2386) ❑ Business Registration (#90.1) ❑ Professional Boards (1-800-439-8683) (#90.2) 20. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551 & 828-5787) ❑ Income & business taxes (sales, meals/ rooms, etc) (#91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 26) PDEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2070) ❑ Fuel Taxes; Commercial Vehicle (#69-70) LOCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION, OR PUBLIC WORKS) U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 8 Carmichael St., Ste. 205, Essex Jct., VT 05452 (802) 872-2893 (#97, 98, & 99 24. OTHER: Sections #3424 above have been completed by Permit Specialist Jeff McMahon Date: 8-30-10 1 may be reached at 802-879-5676 Copies have been mailed to: Revised 2/10 ,,00VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.S.A. Chapter 64, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective September 29, 2007 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective April 25, 2005 Permit Number: WW-4-0455-1 Landowner: State of Vermont Dept. of Buildings & General Services 2 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier VT 05633 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # South Burlington: o670-00007 and referenced in deeds recorded in Book 1o8 Pages 370-372 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of installing a 3,500 gallon exterior grease interceptor with a new sewer and manhole to serve only the kitchen wastes line served by municipal water and wastewater disposal systems located at 7 Farrell Street in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. i.GENERAL 1.1 The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans and/or documents prepared by Carl Crawford, P.E. for Otter Creek Engineering, Inc., listed as follows: Sheet Number Title Plan Date C1 Site Plan and Profile 7/06/2010 C2 Details 7/06/2010 1.2 The project shall not deviate from the approved plans in a manner that would change or anect the exterior water supply or wastewater disposal systems, building location, or, the approved use of the building, without prior review and written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. 1.3 This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 25o District Environmental Commission, the Department Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety— telephone (8o2) 879-23oo, and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. 1.4 The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall be responsible for the recording of this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (3o) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.5 By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations. 1.6 In issuing this permit, the Division has relied solely upon the licensed designer's certification that the design -related information submitted was true and correct, and complies with the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules and the Vermont Water Supply Rules. This permit may be revoked if it is determined that the project does not comply with these Rules. Regional Offices — Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Wastewater System and Potable Wat, apply Permit W W-4-o455-1 Page 2 of 2 1.7 Any person aggrieved by this permit may appeal to the Environmental Court within 3o days of the date of issuance of this permit in accordance with 10 V.S.A. Chapter 22o and the Vermont Rules of Environmental Court Proceedings. 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1 The project is authorized to utilize the existing municipal water supply system. No other means of obtaining potable water shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. .WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3.1 No permit issued by the Secretary shall remain valid after substantial completion of a wastewater system until the Secretary receives a signed and dated certification from a designer or an installer, as specified in the permit, that states: "7 hereby certify that in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment the installation - related information submitted is true and correct and the wastewater system was installed in accordance with: the permitted design and all permit conditions; or record drawings and such record drawings are in compliance with the applicable rules, were filed with the Secretary, and are in accordance with all other permit conditions; was inspected; was properly tested; and has successfully met those performance tests." This certification shall include the wastewater collection and delivery system for the kitchen waste service. Compliance with this condition is required within 10 days of completion of the sewer collection system. Justin Johnson, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By Ernest Christianson, Regional Engineer Dated August 20, 2010 cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Otter Creek Engineering, Inc. 0 �.VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Wastewater Management Division Essex Regional Office u1 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 wwtiv se ptic vt gor August 5, 2010 State of Vermont Dept. of Buildings & General Services 2 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier VT 05633 [phone] 802-879-5656 Agency of Natural Resources [fax] 802-879-3871 RE: WW-4-0455-1, New Grease Interceptor; install a 3500 gallon exterior grease interceptor to kitchen waste line and a new sewer and manhole connecting to municipal wastewater located at 7 Farrell Street in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above referenced project on August 4, 2010 which is exempt from our fees. Under the performance standards for this program, we have a maximum of 3o days of "in- house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 30 in-house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. If you submitted your application electronically through eDEC, your consultant will need to upload any revisions and send an email to Ernestine Chevrier, James Sandberg and the reviewer notifying us that you have resubmitted information. This email should reference both the eDEC number and the WW number for the project. For the Division of Wastewater Management Ernestine Chevrier Regional Office Coordinator cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Carl Crawford/Otter Creek Engineering, Inc. 0 I U.M. C.M.F. 4k4' VR1D UP IG UP 9 46 5WIFf 5TREET WF EA5Y 5Ef 5TORAGE LLC BK. 432IPG. 295 U.Mk 64 5WIFT 5TREET / W B005KA BK. 30M. 349 70 SWIFT STREET NIF KENNY BK. 21 I/PG. 354 U.M. a 1 \ N 7Q 42' 59' E, -- / LOT I STATE F VER BK I G.3 CHITT DEN C AREA s C.02 / STATE OF VERMONT 1-189 a I OT lb ,M�ION OF STATE BUILDING5 I - DECEMBER27, 1972 \\ REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY �- +- (262,406 50. FT.) 11 CHITTENDEN REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 49,760 S.F. PROPOSED 14'x 18' ELECTRICAL BUILDING I -A = 1.99 AG +- (6G,741 it RIPARIAN BUFFER (AVERAGE WID DE ROOK) EMENTT WITH U.S. F15H B WILDLIFE SERVICE 42 ACRES (18,408 \ \ \ v Al.5' R �h O \2 \ 48j�,G32W sr� 64 w Wq1. �-• nro. VERMONT GA5 5Y5TEM5,INC. EA5EMENTLINE Bq I GG/PG. 42 0.03ACRE5+- (1,43350.FT.) U. ((��3 h LEGEND C.M.F. CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND O U.M. UNMONUMENTED POINT 0 I.P. IRON PIN / / 1111A PROJECT LOCATION N.T.5. SURVEY IWO AATIDN TNM FWM R IW= MWFCW SUBDM". PWFWY Cf 5TATE OF VERMCW GM'0N of 5TAM WADWS C"TrD fN COUWY UGOW1 CCRRECIICNAl FICIM P ARft18Y DAM n. IU05ON VtMAW SURVEY AND ENGINEIRNG INC. 79 MM 51R . MONI UM VFWW DAM 5ff7E ER 7. 2005 GRAPHIC 5CALE IN FEET 50 0 25 w 1w 2W 1 "=40 I J Q � m o o J Z O Q Z U w Z W Z 0 U-j Cie C] D- Z tu O U m g O W m m p O 6 CHITTENDEN REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY '.LECTRCAL UPGRADE PROPERTY LINE5 AND 5ETBACK5 I I OF I STATE OF VERMORT I-189 R a N2q 42' 59' E I.P. M.F. 37. 4k4' D \ 1 I U.M. UP I U �---- - 1 �^ 1 / C.M.F. 4k4' VTFID OT I —A up I6' I.99 AC +_ (86,74I / N \\ \\\ E RIPARIAN BUffER, (AVERAGE WID ROCK)MEW WITH U.S. F 5 WILDLIFE SERVICE U.M. 42 ACRES (18,408 46 SWIFT STREET WF EASY SELF STORAGE LLC BK. 432/PG. 255 LOT I STATE VE / ONT�SION OF STATE BUILDINGS BK. I G. 3 3� 7 — DECEM13ER 27, 1972 ICFIITTE DEN CO NjP REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY / w AREA - 6.02 5 +- (262,406 50. FT.) �— x N / / — \N 1 � 64 SWIFT STREET NIF BOOSKA U.M. 11 11 BK. 302JPG. 349 1 1 VERMONT GAS SYSTEMS, INC. EASEMENT LINE / Cf11TTENDEN REGIONAL Bq ICQPG.42 � "��. CORRECTIONAL FACILITY �� �� 0.03ACRE5+- (1,43350.FT.) 00, 70 SWIFT STREET 1 1 ' U' WF KENNY �' 1 $ 49,760 S.F. BK. 21 I/PG. 354 $ 1901+- MKI PROPOSED 14'x 15' YAW ELECTRICAL BUILDING Q/ 11 3 U. \ LEGEND \\ \ ® WC h` / C.M.F. CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND U.M. \ \ NIC o U.M. UNMONUMENTED POINT \ \ � 49.5'R \ 1 101 0 I.P. IRON PIN \ _ � \ � r \t;- 3 �"�p,, y Wq� U.M. i IN PROJECT LOCATION N.T.S. N O N I FIN g gjwV O.OpAATION mm mom F mmm m RAW® 9UmMJ011. FF4"p OF STAR Of VMOM Wa DNGDN Of STAR Al11DWS CMLRNDCNCOIMIYREWp CDRRCCD WFAOM tf 1 Q aC R ApU BY DAND n. MAAN CN(TTENDEN VPIO.IOM SIMYCY AND BlGINHWNG nIC. 79 RiV6t SIM. eaDm vFWW REGIONAL DAM SRTemR 7, 2OD5 CORRECTIONAL FACILITY ELECTRICAL UPGRADE PROPERTY LINES GRAPhIC SCALE IN FEET AND SETBACKS SI 50 0 25 50 I W 200 I °=4a 1 OF I EXISTING BUILDING NEW CONDUIT OIASE TO RUN THRU EXISTING LOUVER OPENING -' WELL SrZ5 LOUVER OPENING WITH STUD CAVITY ANDIN5IXATION NEW ABOVE GROUND -- -= 115LLATED CHA5E WAY THRU WSTNG W IADIIVER DPENMG - EXACT BMLDWG NDCATON AND FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION TO BE OETERMII®tW OWNER ROOF UNE — — — — — — -- — -- — C 5HEAKWNLX-BRACE I� I _ I I = I I _ I I = I - MOBH W5TNG BRICK aRR AND PATER ADRTALi I MAT01 DIETING BRIU'.fXD10R MID MITTEN BIB2'MRCAVTYCONIV2' m1 R,WWD WFATHING 24 GA.V. METAL STUDIP O.C. WNII ROOM 9B BATT IN'HAATON jIa2'RIGID A6MATION tl1G' I�SE ,I FOR EECIRN:,L �T 3,,T— METAL DOOR 3'x PIIb —METAL. ODOR POOUBETIWE CORE WTH I G CA, PANELS POLYUREDWt CORE WITH I G GA PANS MtAMFTOBEWFUDEDDOOR AND PRNAE COLOR I G TO MATCH MAIN ANXMG. DOOR AND RAKE CQORTO MATCH MAIN WILDING. ADAMS 5MRS SO. KIYID BON SM AM." SERIES BO. KEYED BOTH SLOB XI / I IANLPIOR WU WALL WAIL LOUVER I L- — — ——9HFNWNI X-0BRACE — — — — — ROOF UUNE MEMBRANE ROOTING 2 LAY06 2' RIGID 1N51AATMDN 16 CA. GAV. ROOF DELMNG 0.040 AM1A1. GRAVEL ETCP, 3 SLOB I.112' TML. WIDE KID, 3GCOAER 0.610 NUM. WJP EDGE, I SIDE VZ', i,pe BY.36 OR APPROVED Cfl. MATCH M51'ING MAIN BI1LDW SLOPE 10 PER FOOT GREEN TRM COLOR 3B GAV. MET70.C. I0. O.C.3'4' P.T. PLYWOOD PACTA COVER WITH GREEN ALMA. IDIENIBTIaA1NII{I NII IA NounTO MATIai TmneenamnlMALN OUIUDING iRIM Ix ea,p Aw a4-W5OUR FRAME RKA 15T FAN OPENING 12' TYP.w F.T. PLYWOOD SOFFIT rRIWAAS5 DA7 POU ACDVIRWGRE91AUAk SEF 6 MWTO MATCH MNN BUILDING )TENT;= D-IFLIUP TOP EXDN LOCATION AID OCTM 22 GA GAY. MASIKNG 1 C WIDE 24W DEW STORE SPLASH INITRE LENGTH Of BNDNG ON DRr51DE ONLY - -2' AIR CAVITY -I1TTDIPLYWO0DSPRA W AA GAV. MEAL 5111E 1 C O.C. 12 WITH FIBERGLASS BATT WSULATON 2 RIG10 NSUTATOR SB'GYPSUM ALL NTBWR WALLS AND CAING TO KEMW TWIT COATS Or GYP. DO. COMYOMD. PALMED AND FAINTED. COLOR MOWER 12' o a -�� 0 0 o p o o a '-2, TYP 'i 7 BUILDING DETAIL I/2•-1'-0' Zx611 WTRf 1- 5FACER FA5TE3NM FASTENER (2)F.T. 2K6h WITH I'5PACER HOT AIR WELD HOT AIR WED 0.040 ALUM. FLASHING SEAM CAL" SWM CAMAK 0.040 ALUM. GRAVEL STOP GREEN TO MATCH MARL BUILDING TRIM - MEMBRANE MEMBRANE GREEN TO MATCH MAIN BUILDING TRIM 2 LAYE'S 2' RIGID INSULATION 0.050 CENT. Jr �- 0.050 CONT. CUP METAL ROOF DEGUNG 314' P.T. PLYWi]00 FPpA - COVER WITH GREEN ALUM. TO MATCH 2FB METAL ROOF JESTS 2RB METAL ROOF JOISTS / 3M• P.T. PLYWOOD fACM MAN BUILDING TRIM 1 V v COVER WTRI GREET AURA. TO MATCTI MAIN BUILDING TRIM INSTALL 5' LONG A". GUTTER - _ (NO END CMS) OVER DOORWAY / £ M. 3W P.T. PLYWOOD SOFFIT GPfiEN TO MATCH - ' COVER WITH GREEN ALUM. MAIN BUILDING. TRIM = _ TO MATCH 3I4' P.T. PLYWOOD SOPRT MAIN WILDING TRIM COVER WITH GREEN AllM. TO MATCH MAIN BUILDING TRIM DRIP EDGE DETAIL GRAVEL 5TOP DETAIL N.T.5. N.T.5. ROOFING GENERAL NOTES: MAWFACTUREPS ALUJWED INSTALL NEW LOGO MECHANICALLY FASTENED EMM MEMBRANE ROOFING SYSTEM. FIRESTONE WILDING PRODUCTS CO. INSULATION AND MEMBRANE 70 BE FASTENED TO COMPLY WITH ROOFING MANUF. RECOMMENDATIONS. MANALLE WILDING PRODUCTS CORP. NEW E'OM LOGO REINFORCED MEMBRANE 5HAL BE COLOR. AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER.. CARLSLE EXOTIC S GENPLLN ROOFING SYSTE SYSTEMS ALL MOCKING, CAN STRIPS. 4 DUMBER TO BE PRESSURE TREATED, ALL METAL TRIM COLOR TO MATCH MAN WILDING GREEN TRIM. DETAILS ARE EXAMPLES ONLY. ACTUAL INSTALLATION TO BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS RFCOMMENDATNJNS. ODM0 .TOR TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 15 YEAR TOTAL ROOFING SYSTEM WARRANTY INCWQNG: INSULATION, MEMBRANE, PIASHING, AWI6(VE5, FASTENERS, ETC.. WARRANTY TO BE PROVIDED BY PRIMARY MANUFACTI MR. GALV.METALTRACK-\\ _ / sigi B5TIFRNBK WALL ROOF J015T FRAMING N.T.5. 5HEARWALL X-BRACING DETAILS ARE EXAMPLES ONLY. N.TS. ACTUAL INSTAILATION TO BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STEEL STUD MAWPACTURER5 ASSOCIATION, RECOMMEEAATTONS. WILL MI) HEADER TRAM 1EADER MEMBERS - ICK ANCHOR DOLT �./ GALV. META MDO.O.C,WIT WITH H flBERGU55 GATT INSULATION MODULAR SEVERE WEATHER RED BRICK AND MORTAR 2' RIGID INSULATION 3V MORTAR JOINTS TOOLED TO CONCAVED MATCH EXISTING WILDING BRICK COLOR AND PATTER - /_yB•Gyp51RM TYVEK OR EQUAL - - ALL CONCRETE TO BE QA55 B, 3500 F51 BUILDING WRAP ALL REINFORCING STEEL TO BE ASTM GRADE GO, GO,000 PSI OR EQUIVALENT. = ALL REINFORCING STEEL TO HAVE 2' CONC. COVER MINIMUM. I/C CDX PLYWOOD SIEATHNO = NOTE: 2 AR CAVITY CONCRETE PADS, CONDUITS AND EECTRICAL EQUIPMENT- ALREADY OAST PRIOR TO PLACING WILDING FOUNDATION. ADJUSTABLE UNIT TIE - PLED VEPJPY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO SWING. MAXIMUM 5PACTNG = I B' VERE. 24' HOW. VERF. WEEP PNXE COVERS aw.astmlbdproClrxs.com G'PEA STONE_ - _ wvw.n+ddnYldAc.wln PLASHING = ANCHOR BOLT OR APPROVED EQUAL VERT. WEW HOLES 24. O.C. - 04 BAR O 12' O.C. WITHVENTEDCENTRE = CONCRETE SURFACE TO BE 5CRPPDE) LEVEL AND ff"T FINISHED MORTAR FILL UNDER BASTING APPLY 2' TOF501L TO ALL 015YLPM GLA55 AREAS. 2' FINE GRADE, SEED AND MULCH. i' ='• � '.� 24W DEEP STONE 5RA511 ENTIRE LENGTH OF WILDING ° o 0l'8 _ _s°y ________ _ 2'MD INSULATION °_ 3, _ __ ____ __ ON DRIP EWE SIDE ONLY 3' x4 BUR® 12'O.C. GOI WAY COMPACTED BACFPBL =_ _ SUPPORT BARS WITH CONC. BRIM AS NEEDED �o 2 -__ 2'RIGAX INSULATION __ _____ _______ COMPACTED GRAVEL O p UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOR 13' -- A4 BAR 6•AR 5'-1 1' OVERALL LENGTH 6• BA BENDING DETAIL FOUNDATION AND WALL DETAIL 1'-1'dY PROJECT LOCATION GRRPIE STUD TRACK FIECE INSIDE OPENING JAMB IR ANGLE -� CRIPPLE STUD 51TE PLAN Mu EXTENDED TO FLOOR INBL STUD �� MEMBRANE ROOFING (4 SIDES) ADDITIONAL BASE MICHOR9 SW WATERPROOF GYPSUM (4 SIDES) A9f AT MIB DTRACK 2• RIGID INSULATION OUTSIDE STUDS FRNGVCONRUIT LAYOUT AND LOCATIp! To BE DETERMINED BY ENGIN EM CHA5E OPENING BOXED HEADER FlRSSUUPVPORRTTBµEAMSS IG'o.c. AND BACK TO BACK JAMB 2.4 GALV. METAL5TUD IG• O.C. N.T.S. I-10 RIGID INSULATION BETWEEN STUDS CHA5E5ECTION 36CLV.METAL G5'MIBJ01515 N.T.S. MEMBRANE ROOFI!GVMIM G4 SIDES) 50 WATERPROOF I-12' RIGID INSULATION BETWEEN SR05 AND 2 RIGID INSULATION OUTSIDE STUD (2' OURER LAYER NOT 50OWN MR CLAR INSTAL GALV. METAL STRAPPING AS NEEDED TO TOLD INSULATION _ 3' +- SAY WATERPTOOF GYF5UM OVER RIGID INSULATION (4 51DF5) 3' ZA GALV. META 5I1UD 19 O.C. M GALV. META CSW I B JOISTS AT9111 TO META. 5TIA WALL AT NEW WILDING PIPE SUPPORT BEAMS (TWO LEVELS REQUIRED, ONLY ONE LEVEL SHOWN POPE CLARITY) 2M GALV. MEAL 5LLD ICI' O.C. ADJUST CHASE DIMENSIONS TO FIT EXISTING WILDING ROUGH OPENING OF APPROX 3G73S CHASE TO R15T ON SKI. Of EXISTING WILDING LOUVER OPENING AND EXTEND FILBI WITH INTERIOR WALL FV511 AND SEAL N'FATHERVOT BETWEEN! WADING AND CHASE. DETAILS PPE PJWMLE5 ONLY. ACRML INSTALLATION TO BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STEEL 51W MANUFACTURERS A550CIATION RECOMMENDATIONS. CHASE DETAIL N.T.S. GENERAL NOTES: THIS DRAWING 15 A CLOSE REPRESENTATION Of CONDITION5 TO SHOW SLOPE Of WORK. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL ODNDMON5, QUANTITIES AND DIMENSIONS FRIAR TO BIDDING. ALL WORK TO CONFORM WITH APFUCABLE CODES (ADO NEC, MI, NFPA ETC.) CONTRACTOR TO LEGALLY D15PO5E Of ALL UNUSED OR REMDVED MATERW5. CLEAN UP WOW. AREAS LILY. ALL UNATTENDED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT TO BE SECURED AS DIRECTED BY 5bCIJRITY. z - CHITTENDEN REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL PACIUTY 3ECTRICAL UPGRADE ELECTRICAL BUILDING 11 I OF 2 No Text / / / i / NEW PAN[ / EMDP NEW 200A ATS EME GEN( 0 ��/ / CAPS / GENERAL NOTES: A. CONDUIT FEEDING EXISTING PANELS MAY BE REUSED IF INSTALLED PER NEC AND PER DRAWINGS. B. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS REMOVED OR DEMOLISHED AND NOT TO BE REINSTALLED BY THE EC SHALL BE CLASSIFIED EiY THE OWNER AS SALVAGE OR SCRAP. THOSE CLAIMED BY THE OWNER SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THE OWNER BY THE EC WHERE DIRECTED AT THE SITE THOSE NOT CLAIMED BY THE OWNER SHALL BECOME PROPERTY OF THE EC AND SHALL BE LEGALLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND PREMISES. C. ANY PLACE WHERE THE CONTRACTOR PENETRATES, CUTS AND/OR REMOVES WALLS, CEILING% OR WOODWORK, CONTRACTOR IS TO REPLACE, PATCH AND PAINT FINISH SURFACES TO ORIGINAL FINISHES. D. FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY ERRORS. E. ALL UNUSED, DISCONNECTED, AND ABANDONED WIRING AND CONDUIT TO BE REMOVED BACK TO SOURCE. F. STARTERS ARE PROVIDED BY MC, INSTALLED BY EC. EC TO PROVIDE ALL DISCONNECT SWITCHES BY SHOWN OTHERWISE. G. THE EXWINC FACILITY WILL BE OCCUPIED AND FUNCTIONING DURING THE ENTIRE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN WHEN WORKING IN OR AROUND OCCUPIED SPACES. THERE WILL BE NO INTERRUPTION IN POWER, SECURITY, OR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS WITHOUT H. WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE OWNER. I. NOT ALL DEVICES TO BE REMOVED OR DISCONNECTED ARE SHOWN. WHERE ENTIRE WALLS AND ROOMS ARE TO BE DEMOLISHED, ALL ELECTRICAL DEVICES IN THESE AREAS ARE TO BE DISCONNECTED. AND THE BRANCH CIRCUIT TO BE DISCONNECTED BACK TO THE SOURCE ITEMS TO REMAIN AND BE RELOCATED WILL BE SHOWN. / / <E> NATURAL GAS / SERVICE ENTRANC / / / DIESEL ---- --- - _ - TA14K MAIN < E> 1000A T EXISTING F_ — — — 1000A ATS NORMAL 1 KEY FEEDER SCHEDULE- 0 EXISTING TO REMAIN © REUSE EXISTING CONDUIT, 4-#4/0 CU., 1-#4 GR. © (3) NEW 4" CONDUITS, 4-500 MCM CU. EACH & 1 /0 GR. Al NEW 2-1/2" CONDUIT, 4-#4/0 CU., 1-#4 GR. n5 I REFER TO ONE -LINE DIAGRAM EXISTING 300 KW DIESEL GENERATOR / / i / 0 011 / / / / / / i PARTIAL NEW ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/2' = 1'-O' HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET 2 L. 2 4 6 8 KEYED NOTES: O7 EXISTING GENERATOR & EMERGENCY GEAR MUST REMAIN IN SERVICE THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. OPROVIDE NEW J-BDX AT END OF EXISTING CONDUIT, PROVIDE NEW CONDUIT & CABLE TO NEW ATS, REFER TO NEW ONE -LINE DIAGRAM. NEW PAN 'S', & 'G'. RELOCATE EXISTING CIRCUITS LOCATED IN PANELS THE NEW PANELS AS SHOWN IN THE PANEL SCHEDULES. PROVIDE NEW 12" x 6' WIREWAYS BETWEER PANELS TO ROUTE & EXTEND WONG. CIRCUITS DESIGNATED AS EMERGENCY MAY NOT W IN THE SAME RACEWAY AS ?NOfj�ML' CIRCUITS. ALL CIRCUITS FED FROM PANEL 'E1bP ARE CLASSIFIED AS 'EMERGENCY. OPROVIDE NEW PANEL FEEDER TO PANEL 'J' AS SHOWN ON RISER. EXISTING PANELS, FEEDERS. & BRANCH CIRCUITS TO REMAIN TO PANELS 'R'. 'Q'. & 'N'. REFEED FROM NEW MOP. PROVIDE J-BOX & SPLICE TO EXTEND CABLING TO NEW MOP. OEXISTING SWITCHBOARD SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. S EXISTING FEEDERS SHALT. BE REPLACED ONE -AT -A -THE AS DESCRIBED ON THE ONE -LIE DIAGRAMS. PROVIDE A LARGE WIRE TROUGH & J-BOX AS REQUIRED TO SPLICE THE FEEDERS THAT WILL REMAIN, & EXTEND TO THE NEW SWITCHBOARD. OROUTE NEW CONDUITS THROUGH EXISTING LOUVER OPENING. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING B CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BID DATE. FAILURE TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF THIS WORK WILL NOT RESULT IN ADDITIONAL COMPENSARDN. OPROVIDE JUNCTION BOXES & WIRETRAYS AS REQUIRED TO REFEED ALL EXISTING PANELS. SPLICE CONDUCTORS THAT REMAIN TO NEW CONDUCTORS FROM SWITCHBOARD. I� 0 z I� (z In V Iz rTI I _T NEW CONDUITS TO+ EXISTING PANELS Wz PANEL G I -T GENERATOR GENERATOR T 7- / � I i L -- rrl D m ITT z ry m m z M y r O m 0 m n O z D O IANEL IEL E JEL E2 ISSUED FOR BID o/is/o E-R 040a0q +�UQ10 GY, � O O O .aa W1ba0 Q EI 4D U) 5 g a o U) d m CHITTENDEN REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY E-1 OF Sol, to NEW ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/18' - 1'-o' HORIZONTAL SCALE IN PEST 1B A o ip J2 48 Ea O❑ NEW NEW Al KEYED NOTES: O1 NEW EMERGENCY LIGHT FIXTURE, CONNECT TO NEAREST HALLWAY RECEPTACLE CIRCUIT. ONEW EMERGENCY LIGHT FIXTURE ON SECOND FLOOR OF THE HOUSE UNITS, CONNECT TO NEAREST HALLWAY RECEPTACLE CIRCUIT. oEXISTING TUB TO REMAIN. REPLACE INTERIOR OF PANEL WITH NEW. REFEED PANEL WITH NEW FEEDER AS SHOWN ON ONE-UNE DIAGRAM. PROVIDE ALL NEW BREAKERS. EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUITS h BRANCH WIRING TO REMAIN. CONFIRM TUB DIMENSONS. EXISTING TUB IS A GE CDP-4 PANEIBOARD, 225A MLA. OEXISTING TUB TO REMAIN, REPLACE INTERIOR OF PANEL WITH NEW. REFEED PANEL WITH NEW FEEDER AS SHOWN ON ONE-UNE DIAGRAM. PROVIDE ALL NEW BREAKERS. EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUITS k BRANCH WIRING TO REMAIN. CONFIRM TUB DIMENSIONS. EXISTING TUB IS A GE CDP-4 PANEUaWD, TOGA MLO. O NEW EMERGENCY UGHT FIXTURE, CONNECT TO NEAREST KITCHEN RECEPTACLE CIRCUIT. OEXISTING PANEL_ FEEDER, 4 BRANCH CIRCUITS TO REMAIN. REF® FROM NEW MOP. PROVIDE J-BOX 4 SPLICE TO EXTEND CABLING TO NEW MOP. NFLW PANELS. 'E1', 'S'. & 'G'. RELOCATE EXISTING CIRCUITS LOCATED IN PANELS 'E-Y, h 'G' TO THE NEW PANELS AS SHOWN IN THE PANEL SCHEDULES. PROVIDE NEW 12' x I' WIREWAYS BETWEEN PANELS To ROUTE & EXTEND WIRING. CIRCUITS DESIGNATED AS EMERGENCY MAY NOT BE IN THE SAME RACEWAY AS 'NORMW CIRCUITS. ALL CIRCUITS FED FROM PANEL 'EMDP' ARE CLASSIFIED AS "EMERGENCY.' OEXISTING TUBS TO REMAIN, REPLACE INTERIOR OF PANELS WITH NEW. REFEED PANEL WITH B NEW FEEDER AS SHOWN ON ONE-UNE DIAGRAM. PROVIDE ALL NEW BREWERS. EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUITS & BRANCH WINING TO REMAIN. CONFIRM TUB DIMENSIONS. EXISTING TUBS ARE GE CDP-4 PANElBONRDS, 225A MLO. SECTION /1 FEEDS THRU TO SECTION /2 OEXITING LOADCENTER TO BE COMPLETELY REPLACED WITH NEW. REFEED PANEL WITH NEW FEEDER AS SHOW ON ONE -LIFE DIAGRAM. PROVIDE ALL NEW BREWERS. EXISTING BRANCH CIRCUITS h BRANCH)H WIRING TO REMAIN. CONFIRM TUB DIMENSIONS. 10 ED PANTSTING TUB EL WITH NEW FEEDERPANEL AS SHOWNTO ONREPLACE E--UNEINTERIOR DIAGRAM.OPROY®E ALL NEW BREWITH ME*. AKERS. EXISTING BRANCH CIR�UTTS h BRANCH WIRING TO REMAIN. RELOCATE -NORMAL CIRCUITS' INTO NEW PANEL 'F-NORM AS INDICATED ON PANEL SCHEDULES. T- TUB IS A GE COP-4. PANELSOARD, 225A MUM. PANEL T-NORM' IS A NEW FLUSH -MOUNTED PANEL, PROVIDE RECESSED J-BOX d DEMOLITION WORK AS REQUIRED TO INSTALL PANEL IN EXISTING GMU. 11 CONNECT NEW FIRE HARM DEVICES TO EXISTING FIRE ALARM ZONES k ANNUNCIATOR CIRCUITS. EXISTING SYSTEM IS AN FCI 7200 SERIES PANEL. 12 CONNECT TO NEW LIGHTING CIRCUIT. 13 EXISTING PANEL h BRANCH CIRCUITS TO REMAIN. REFED FROM NEW MOP WITH NEW FEEDERS. NEW ELECTRICAL BUILDING PLAN SCALE: 1/4' - 1'-0' HORIZONTAL SCALJI IN PT.E'T 4 2 O 4 B 12 18 E-4 Zo �0�y 40 vi 0 F U 4 O W°qM N O 00w'ij oa G � 60p m �U W rdo ul v � m a 0 U) a� o w �D �a � Wz r�+ Z O U E- 04 o a xo W U U m o 0 3 e O 0 C4 Q to W OU DE V rELECTRICA] ISSUED FOR BID o/is/o II E _ 2 OF OUTSIDE OUTSIDE CRCF 225A _ �DOA� �25A� 11Dw� 12511 ' —1 F.A] F.w 225A F9w1 � OOwj 225A TDOA 225A ,DDA LAJ LBJ LGJ « LGJ LHJ LI <E> LPJ L JE � «> «, 1 I IT I I <E�-' GENERATOR TO PRIMARY POLE TO SEXIER PUMP \\ <E> ATS <E> METER L — 1EPT Moo S<r> <SE MER 2Dw F-1 F2225A�5wl �e DISC. I y I I a c J L-J LFJ I30 ------�-- LJ��-J��-7J --- ELECTRICAL DEUMMON ONE— 1NE DLaG wr To som OUTSIDE NEW BUILDING OUTSIDE CRCF <E> NEW NEW NEW <E1 NEW NEW NEW <E> NEW NEW NEW 215A tOOA t2S4 tOw 121JU 150A 125A m N M P WARE- F-NOR COORD. tALCONDUITS ES AND FROM LOCATIONS, 3 C (3g 2X1 ��PC EL 3j T��CAL(3j OM' /2"C NousE %FIAT <E> GENERATOR NEW J-BOX 20w MOP <E> ATS I NEW SWTCHBOARD IMDP FM 200A TO PRIMARY POLE----� TO SEWER PUMP <E> METER 4 O <E> <E> NEW NEW NEW SEWER SEWER S E1 F_p1 DISC. MNnitraK 1-4/0 AWG 1-4/0 AWG BOND TO EIM +-1/2• PrC GND, 1-1/2• PVC SIDES OF WATER METER(S). wD-WELD TO ::I� BUILDING ". . FRAME k FouNwT1DN Zl 2-xl2-xi/4- COPPER 2" AFF ROUND BUS METER EXOTHERMIC CONNECTION 1-1/2• PVC WITH 1-4/0 AWG GREEN GROUNDING CONDUCTOR. 3/4.4 x 10' LONG COPPERWELD DRNEN GROUND RODS, WITH Top 18• BELOW FlNISH GRADE. ISSUED FOR BID o/is/o KEY z w qd�m Odor y E--I b�0 >n y 4) v _o W C C Q <E> <E> <6 I I <E> 225A tOw 228A 100A R 0 N L r W , � Ww I �D a <1 z a zo 400A U E-, 30 J oF v U O Na 5 MAIL z z 0 5 D: FEEDER SCHEDULE EXISTING TO REMAIN REUSE EXISTING CONDUIT, z N a w 4—#4/0 CU., 1—#4 GR. REUSE EXISTING CONDUIT, a o REUSE EXISTING CONDUIT, 4—#2 CU.. 1—#6 GR. REUSE EXISTING CONDUIT, CHITTENDEN REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL 4—#2/0 CU., 1—#4 GR. NEW 1-1/2" CONDUIT, 4—#2 CU., 1—#6 GR. FACILITY NEW & EXISTINC ONE —LINE NEW 2-1/2" CONDUIT, 4—#4/0 CU., 1—#4 GR. DIAGRAMS NEW 4" CONDUIT, 4-500 MCM CU. & 1/0 GR. _ 3 (3) NEW 4" CONDUITS, i00 MC CU. EACH & 1/0 GR. 3 OF 6 NEW 2-1 2" CONDUIT, 4—#4/0 CU. PANEL DESIGNATION SCHEDULE PAM BM TEDO RD IDIP LOCHM: ZXCTRICAL ROOM MO RTBIG: SOBFACE 10,000 AIC NAM. 30. 4 111M. 120/808Y, 1000 AMP MARE CIRCUIT HR6�E6R CONNECM WAD: EffifDN3 Crf NO. kW LOAD Dl9CRUMON IBMAM BREANIN DE8CFZnM kN LOAD CRY NO. P AMP AMP P I <E) SEWER 3 100 200 3 PANEL K <E> 2 3 4 5 6 7 <E> PANEL G 3 150 125 3 PANIEL P <E> 8 9 10 11 12 13 <E'.> PANEL M 3 225 125 3 PANEL N <E> 14 15 I6 17 I8 19 <E> PANEL D 3 125 125 3 PANEL B <E> 20 21 22 23 24 25 <E> WAREHOUSE PANEL. 3 100 200 3 PANEL S NEW 26 27 28 29 30 31 <E> PANEL A 3 100 100 3 PANEL C <E> 32 33 34 35 36 37 <E> GYM 3 225 400 3 PANEL J <E> 38 39 40 41 42 43 PROVISIONS ONLY 3 20D 200 3 PROHSIONS ONLY 44 45 46 47 4g PANEL DESIGNATION SCHEDULE PANG: C L1CA710111: OUTSIDE Gm MOUN111K1: FLUSH 10,000 AIC NAM: 100 AMP. 30. 120/E0811, MAIN LAGS ONLY CONNECT® LOAD: Im8fD70 CRT NO. IA Lon DEBCWPTION BREAKER wxm= DRSCRWHON kR LOAD CET NO, P AMPAMP P 1 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 2 3 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 4 5 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 8 7 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 8 9 EXISTING 1 20 20• 1 EXISTING 10 11 EXSTNG 1 20 20- 1 EXISTING 12 13 EXSING 1 20 20 2 EXISTING 14 15 DGSTNO 1 20 16 17 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 SPARE 18 19 EXMNG 1 20 20 1 SPARE 20 21 EXSTNG 1 20 20 1 SPARE 22 23 EXISTING 1 20 24 25 EKISiNG 1 20 26 27 EXISTING 1 20 28 29 EXISTING 1 20 30 • DENOTES GFl CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL DESIGNATION SCHEDULE PAN®: A LOCATION: M®07M BECIUM RULWAY MOUM7BG: FLUSH 10,000 AIC MAIM 100 AID°. SA. 180/111M. MAIN LAGS ONLY DOWN$f.1lD LOAD: CII' N0. kR LOAD DESLIMPfION BREA1aR BBEM= DESCRIPMN kM LOAD CRT NO. P 110' AMP P 1 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 2 3 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 4 5 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 6 7 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 8 9 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 10 11 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 12 13 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 14 15 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 16 17 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 18 19 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 20 21 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 22 23 EXISIM 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 24 25 EIOSnNC 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 26 27 DOSTNG 1 20 20• 1 EXISTING 28 29 EXISTING 1 20 20- 1 EXISTING 30 31 20- 1 EXISTING 32 33 20- 1 EXISTING 34 35 20- 1 EXISTING 36 37 20- 1 _ EXISTING 35 39 40 41 42 DENOTES GFl CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL DESIGNATION SCHEDULE PANEL• 3R L1CA7ION.. BLECfRTCAL BOOM MOUNTBIG: SURFACE 10,000 AIC MARS: 100 AMP. 30. 1E0/E0EY. MAIN LUGS. ONLY COIGRY.'!'ED LOAD: ®'lH10 CRT NO. lt* LLD DESCRIPTION 1101ch R BREA= DESC[tff'NON TAT LOAD Cl¢ NO P AMP AMP P 1 CONCUR FROM PANEL C' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 2 3 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 4 5 CIRCUrr FROM PANEL 'G^ 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL •G' 6 7 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'C' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 6 9 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 10 11 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 12 13 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 14 15 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'G' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PIXEL 'G' 16 17 CI CUrr FROM PANEL 'E' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 18 19 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 20 21 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 22 23 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'r 24 25 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 26 27 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 28 29 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 30 31 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 32 33 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 34 35 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 1 20 20 1 I CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 37 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 39 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-241 d.2 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 PANEL DESIGNATION SCHEDULE PANFL: B LOCA710N: M®1U111 MUBISY M ULRAT MOUNIMIG: FIRM 10.000 AEC MANE: 086 AMP, 30, 1E0/808Y, MARL LUGS ONLY COI11111c ID LOAD: ffiS17TIG CRY ML kU LOAD 1E8CHIP770N BF&AM DI acap17O1 kV LOAD CRY NO. P AMP AYP P 1 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 2 3 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 4 5 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 6 7 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 8 9 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 10 11 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 12 13 EXISTING 1 20 30 1 EXISTING 14 15 EXISTING 1 20 40 2 DasnNG 16 17 EXISTING 1 20 18 19 EXISTING 1 20 1 20 1 EXISTING 20 21 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 22 23 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 24 25 EXISTING 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 26 27 EXSrINO 1 20 28 29 EXISnNG 1 20 30 31 EXISTING 1 20 32 33 EXISTING 1 20 34 35 EXISTING 1 20 36 PANEL DESIGNATION SCHEDULE PANEL E-lam LOCATION: NMR VACf10GL ROOM YOUNLHMG: SXBFACE 10,000 AV MAWS: NO AYP, 30. 120/20811. NAM LUGS ONLY CONNLY.TED LOAD: mBMG CRT NO. k7 TOAD DDBCS1PnON BREAEmt B7✓KAX= kW LOAD CSl' NO. P AMP AMP P 1 <E> PANEL F-EM 3 100 100 3 PANEL E1 <E> 2 3 4 5 6 7 ELEC. BUILDING LIGHTS 1 20 20 1 SPARE 8 9 SPARE 1 20 20 1 SPINE 10 11 SPARE 1 20 20 1 SPARE 12 13 SPARE 1 20 20 1 SPARE 14 15 SPINE 1 20 20 1 SPARE 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ISSUED FOR BID o/ia/o N z� o C /�y4 c)�s O Gz.M*'yCl�i � )0 4P W M7 UC �i O1p Mq� Q 6 N ci �8 Qad Atl >r g � CHITTENDEN REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY PANEL SCHEDULES OF 0 N up oil go MINION 111112 444 Q4 b v r t7 ti x �s 19 9 ss N S m� A ♦ N `S m P � � O b b ♦ N O b O ♦ N I �001 ' I I m m � N r t7 U] W N N W N z a cl t7 a O m O � N O b O ♦ N O b ♦ N �� O n# O TpQa a pQTa TAQ� TAQ� � QpT� C � � � pQT C 9jS Z Sa� Z 9SS Z 9yi Z 9sS Z 9y� Z � � 9j� Z Sy� Z P P P P P P P P P P P P P P CrJ b 8 � ,iQ9ya y N N INJ yN ro a N1 �_ Na n fl g N� n t1 x a a C a C 9 P O PPPPPPPPPPPPP V � 9 V V y V 9 V V V 9 N S b" P ♦ N Y 0! O � G' O O Ol ♦ N O b b ♦ N �� w, i a V M 9 "S v tz 7 M x 1 O b ♦ M O O 01 ♦ N �06 ♦ p V N W W m V N W N O V G W O V G G �•JC O to z r t7 M• z �o�aoaooa���0000�o�� o �z N N N b F co m b 9 P v P v P v P P v P P v P v P v P m N m N I N N m N m N m N m T N m N m N N S 0 0 ♦ N O Nb P i G' O b b ♦ N O b b '' N O� n SCALE: AS SHOWN Ky0zx M � DATE: OCT. 2006 A^� 2 DRAWN BY: ASG z APPR. BY: EEP ELECTRICAL UPGRADES CHITTENDEN REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY SOUTH BUMA NGTON VEMONT earson & Associates MECHANICAL t ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS ►.0. EWI E70 SWAT. VERMOK OErn nL (E02) 253-OW7 FAE. (802) 233-IM EMAL p.b.,.�ro.wFaM STATE OF VERMONT Department of Buildings and General Services Agency of Administration Montpelier, Vermont PANEL DESIGNATION SCHEDULE PATM' P LOCATION: MMUM 8EWffiPY RALLWAY MOUNTOIG: FLUSH 10.000 AE KI M: =5 AMP, 30. 190/90SY, MARL LUGS ONLY COffi16C7® LOAD: L mnm CET NO. kW LOAD IMISCIIPIION BRICAEOR IMIMANfB DESCRIPTION kW LOAD CET NO. P AM AM P 1 EXISTING 3 15 30 3 EXISTING 2 3 4 5 6 7 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'F' 3 20 30 3 EXISTING 8 p 10 it 12 13 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'F' 3 20 20 1 EXISTING 14 15 20 1 EXISTING 16 17 20 1 EXISTING 18 19 SPARE 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 20 21 SPARE 1 20 20 1 COSTING 22 23 SPARE 1 20 20 1 EXISTING 24 25 SPARE 1 20 20 3 EXISTING 26 27 EXISTING 1 20 28 29 EXISTING 1 20 30 PANEL DESIGNATION SCHEDULE PANG- S lOCA130W: RUWMCAL BOOK --- KOUNTM. SWAM 10.000 AW XJUNS: 900 AM. 30, 120/808P, MADR LOGS ONLY IID IF11: 1®P CON1RCl® LOAD: E1W9'[Bt0 y CET NO. kW LOAD DMCWUM BRZAM9R BREAM UzScRalTIOfl kW LOAD CET NO. P AM AM P 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 3 15 20 3 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 2 3 4 5 6 7 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 3 40 20 3 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 8 9 10 11 12 13 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL. 'E' 3 40 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 14 15 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 16 17 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 18 19 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 3 40 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 20 21 20 t j CIRCUIT FROM PANEL 'E' 22 23 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL, 'E' 24 25 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 2 20 20 3 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 26 27 28 29 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 2 20 30 31 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 32 33 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 3 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 34 35 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 36 37 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 38 39 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 1 20 20 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 40 41 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 1 1 1 20 20 1 1 CIRCUIT FROM PANEL E-2 42 ELECTRICAL LEGEND C� FLUORESCENT FIXTURE CM CONSTRUCTION MANAGER 0' Q (> LIGHT FIXTURE ES EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER ® our LIGHT TYP. TYPICAL OF ALL 4=-P EMERGENCY LIGHT MOTOR $ SWITCH - SINGLE POLE, SEANCE SNITCH FOR MOTORS SWITCH - 3-WAY 0* aav 120V THERMOSTAT PROVIDED BY MC, INSTALLED BY EC. SAFETY DISCONNECT PROV. AND INSTALLED BY EC. MOM ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANEL AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR EC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR (DIVISION 16) BRANCH CIRCUIT MC MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR (DIVISION 15) e O JUNCTION BOX A DUPLEX( RECEPTACLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE - COUNTER HEKNM I--- 1 ITEMS TO BE REMOVED QUAD RECEPTACLE A° DUPLEX RECEPTACLE-GFCI PROTECTS) I----! I FIRE ALARM HORN m_ EF EXHAUST FAN PROVIDED BY OWNER, INSTALLED A WIRED PLJ FIRE ALARM HORN/STROBE (NUMBER NOTES CANDELA) ® FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL HEATER REELECD BY TIER PROVIDED BY OWNER, INSTALLED A: ECG.. ❑P FIRE ALARM MANUAL PULL STATION - 48-AFF ®� t20V THERMOSTATS PROVIDED At INSTALLED By EC, O SYSTEM SMOKE DETECTOR ONE HEATING T-SLAT, ONE COOLING T-SPIT. PANEL DESIGNATION SCHEDULE PANEL WARZBOUBE (WIT) LOWNk WAR MUM Mouni G: FLUSH 10,000 AIC KAM: 100 AMP, 30. 190/906T, KAM LUGS ONLY CONMZCOGI LOAD: �SHIO CRT NO. kW LOAD D19CFWNON HB6AEER BORAM DICTION kW LOAD CET NO. P AMPAMP P i EISTING 1 20 60 2 EXISTING 2 3 EXISTING 1 20 4 5 EXISTING 1 20 30 2 EXISTING 6 7 EXISTING 1 20 8 9 EXISTING 1 20 30 2 EXISTING 10 11 EXSRNG 2 20 12 13 30 2 EXISTING 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE TYPE KAWUFACWBOR ! MODEL MOUNTING LAMB VOLTS AEMARI® N0. COLUMBN FA KL-8-232-EBB-120-KHC- CHAIN -HUNG (4=2" 120 "SUPER T-8' IAVAPS h BALLAST KL-WG-SUPER-78 RUUD E4405-0-BS-120P SURFACE 50W MH 120 WITH PHOTOCELL //FH�B W YYY DUMAM LXURWE SURFACE LED 120 OUALUTE EZ-2 WITH VRS SHIELD SURFACE LNG 120 TAMPER -PROOF HARDIVARE EMI DUALUTE EZ-2 SURFACE INC. 120 ISSUED FOR BID o/ie/o CHTITENDEN REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY PANEL SCHEDULES E-6 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & 'ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 October 31, 2006 Michael McArdle BGS 2 Governor Aiken Ave. Montpelier, VT 05602 Re: Site Plan Application #SP-06-68 7 Farrell Street Dear Mr. McArdle: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact.and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the Administrative Officer on October 31, 2006 (effective October 31, 2006). If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Cd Betsy McD nough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. Permit Number SP- - 60 CITY OF SOUTH BUP LINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #X-hittenden Regional Correctional Facility, State of Vermont, Department of State Building, 2 Governor Aiken Avenue, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Book 108/Page 370-372 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #)Michael McArdle, BGs 2 Governor Aiken Avenue, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 (802)8286 0 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Michael McArdle. BGS 2 Ov rnnr'Ai1Fan Avan„Ai Mnnt P1iPYpPr.mnn�0�i6A2 (802)828-5650 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: Chi ttenden Regional Correctional Facility, i ty, 7 Farrell Street_,.South Burlington" 05403 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0670-00007 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Correctional Facilitv bProposed Uses f ri��l d1W-ftSt(y) p p�operty (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) 17' x lF' CluthnilAing fnr Flnrtri l equipment existing: 'Correctional Facility to remain as is. i�T 4r A4! -� t 1.J �Y►9i M c) Total building square footage on property (aroaosed buildings and existing buildings to remain) Existing 43,021 Proposed 192 for a 'dotal of 42,213 Square Feet 43,a'7 -3 pn nt d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) Proposed - Single story") 11' height Existing 25' 2 story e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) N/A t) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): No change in employees or parking g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Building is required to meet electrical coded upgrade requirements - Houses Electrical equipment only. 8) LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: 262,406 Sq. Ft. a) Building: Existing 16.4 % / 39 ,114 sq. ft. Proposed 16.5 % / 39 , 306 sq. ft. b) Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) 33,375-Paved Existing 27 , 62 % / 72 , 42()sq. ft. Proposed 27.70 % / 72 , 681 sq. ft. c) Front yard (along each street) Existing _ i 7 % / 24 ,10n sq. ft. Proposed 9.17 % 24,100 sq. ft. d) Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 250 sq. ft. * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations): $ 38,000 b) Landscaping: $ 2,000 c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): N/A 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): 250 b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out): c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 100 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday - Friday 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: February 2007 14) ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) 1)Kenny, 70 Swift Street, South Burlington, Vermont 2)Buska, 64 Swift Street, South Burlington, Vermont 3)Easy Self Storage, 46 Swift Street, South Burlington, Vermont OVT Gas, 1. 67 Swift Street, South Burlington, Vermont 15) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). SEE ATTACHED NOTE: THANK YOU I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowled". 0 �a�ayl� Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I v � I I I" REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: [;'Complete ❑ Incomplete 11 / d N114 of Planning & Zoning or Designee 4 EXHIBIT A SITE PLAN The following information must be shown on the site plan. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. o Lot drawn to scale (20 feet scale if possible) o Survey data (distance and acreage) o Contours (existing and finished) o Proposed landscaping schedule (number, variety and size) as required in Section 26.105 of the zoning regulations o Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping o Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways o Zoning boundaries o Number and location of parking spaces (as required under Section 26.25 of the zoning regulations) o Number and location of handicapped spaces (as required under Section 26.253(a) of the zoning regulations) o Location of septic tanks (if applicable) o Location of any easements o Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard o North arrow o Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date o Exterior lighting details (cut sheets). All lights should be down casting and shielded. o Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened) o Bicycle rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations o If Restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of floor area provided for patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE ❑ Site Plan $ 185 * ❑ Amended Site Plan $ 185 * K Administrative Site Plan $ 85* * Includes $10.00 recording fee SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 August 3, 2006 Roger Tetreault Dept. of Buildings & General Services 2 Governor Aiken Drive, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-5801 Re: DRB Minutes - Farrell Street Stormwater Dear Mr. Tetreault: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved minutes from the June 20, 2006 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Mike Schramm DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 20 JUNE 2006 Stipulation #3 was added to the approval motion as follows: The appellant will install a cluster of cedars that will grow to 8 feet minimum height, minimum height 4-5 feet, to create a visually dense barrier on the southwest corner after review by the City Arborist and Planning Department. Ms. Quimby then moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-06-36 of Magic Hat Brewing Co. subject the stipulations in the draft motion as amended above. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. (4:'Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-06-40 of the Cityof South Burlington gton to: 1) subdivide an 8.07 acre parcel developed with a correctional facility into two lots consisting of 6.08 acres and 1.99 acres, and 2) construct a stormwater treatment pond on the 1.99 acre parcel, 7 Farrell Street: Ms. Hinds explained that the State of Vermont owns the land, and the city has negotiated with the State to use the land for a stormwater facility. The State wants the city to own the north portion of the land. The City will construct a stormwater pond there along the bank of Potash Brook. Six parking spaces on another site will replace those currently along the brook. No issues were raised. Ms. Quimby moved to approve Final Plat Application #SD-06-40 of the City of South Burlington subject to the stipulations in the draft motion. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-06-37 of Edgar Welch to amend a previously approved planning unit development consisting of.. 1) a 12,590 sq. ft. building which includes one (1) dwelling unit, 9996 sq. ft. of retail use and 2594 sq ft. of general office use, 2) an 1800 sq. ft. building used for indoor recreation, and 3) an 1800 sq. ft. accessory building used for seasonal barbeques. The amendment consists of modifying the parking space layout of 114 parking spaces, 340 Dorset St.: Ms. LaRose showed the parking spaces being altered to be at an angle. There are no other issues on the site. -2- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 6 JUNE 2006 Sketch Plan Application #SP-06-32 of the City of South Burlington to: 1) subdivide an 8.07 acre parcel developed with a correctional facility into two lots of 6.08 acres and 1.99 acres, and 2) construct a stormwater treatment pond on the 1.99 acre parcel, 7 Farrell Street: Mr. Schramm of Hoyle -Tanner reviewed the background of the request. He noted they are working on stormwater treatment and replacement of a culvert. The plan is to bring water that discharges into Potash Brook underground. The city wants to subdivide this state-owned parcel into a 6-acre and 2-acre piece. There will be a fence around the pond when it is built. Six paved parking spaces will be replaced with a vegetative piece to address erosion problems due to sheet runoff. No issues were raised. 6. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-06-36 of Magic hat Brewing Co. to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of three commercial and industrial buildings on two parcels totaling 6.73 acres. The amendment consists of allowing overhead utility lines in place of underground lines, 5 Bartlett Bay Road: Mr. Kipp said the price of undergrounding the power lines has tripled and would require digging up the parking lot. Mr. Dinklage noted that the regulations require undergrounding the utilities. Mr. Kipp said they can go overhead through the trees, then underground. He said this won't be visible. Mr. Belair said there are pros and cons, but he said the power lines wouldn't be visible from a public road. The concern is with setting a precedent. Mr. Beaudin, who lives in the area, expressed concern with trailers he has seen on this site with exposed kegs. He suggested getting as much landscaping as possible on the southeast corner. Mr. Dinklage asked if there is outside storage that wasn't approved. Mr. Belair said there is, but the expansion will take care of that. The approved plan shows no outside storage. Mr. Dinklage asked the applicant to consult with the City Arborist about landscaping. Mr. Behr asked if there were any other site constraints, other than cost, with regard to undergrounding utilities. The applicant said no. Mr. Behr said he has a problem going against the standards for just a cost issue. Mr. Bolton, Mr. Birmingham and Ms. Quimby felt what was proposed was OK since it is at the back of the property. Members asked the applicant to bring in a cost differential study. Ms. Quimby moved to continue Final Plat Application #SD-06-36 until 20 June. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion passed unanimously. SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 July 20, 2006 Roger Tetreault Dept. of Buildings & General Services 2 Governor Aiken Ave. Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-5801 Re: 7 Farrell Street Dear Mr. Tetreault: For your records, enclosed is a copy of the approved minutes from the June 6, 2006 Development Review Board meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Mike Schramm �A�!��7/Ror DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 6 JUNE 2006 ;_�,xetcn rlan Application #SP-06-32 of the City of South Burlington to: 1) subdivide an 8.07 acre parcel developed with a correctional facility into two lots of 6.08 acres and 1.99 acres, and 2) construct a stormwater treatment pond on the 1.99 acre parcel, 7 Farrell Street: Mr. Schramm of Hoyle -Tanner reviewed the background of the request. He noted they are working on stormwater treatment and replacement of a culvert. The plan is to bring water that discharges into Potash Brook underground. The city wants to subdivide this state-owned parcel into a 6-acre and 2-acre piece. There will be a fence around the pond when it is built. Six paved parking spaces will be replaced with a vegetative piece to address erosion problems due to sheet runoff. No issues were raised. 6. Public Hearing: Final Plat Application #SD-06-36 of Magic hat Brewing Co. to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of three commercial and industrial buildings on two parcels totaling 6.73 acres. The amendment consists of allowing overhead utility lines in place of underground lines, 5 Bartlett Bay Road: Mr. Kipp said the price of undergrounding the power lines has tripled and would require digging up the parking lot. Mr. Dinklage noted that the regulations require undergrounding the utilities. Mr. Kipp said they can go overhead through the trees, then underground. He said this won't be visible. Mr. Belair said there are pros and cons, but he said the power lines wouldn't be visible from a public road. The concern is with setting a precedent. Mr. Beaudin, who lives in the area, expressed concern with trailers he has seen on this site with exposed kegs. He suggested getting as much landscaping as possible on the southeast corner. Mr. Dinklage asked if there is outside storage that wasn't approved. Mr. Belair said there is, but the expansion will take care of that. The approved plan shows no outside storage. Mr. Dinklage asked the applicant to consult with the City Arborist about landscaping. Mr. Behr asked if there were any other site constraints, other than cost, with regard to undergrounding utilities. The applicant said no. Mr. Behr said he has a problem going against the standards for just a cost issue. Mr. Bolton, Mr. Birmingham and Ms. Quimby felt what was proposed was OK since it is at the back of the property. Members asked the applicant to bring in a cost differential study. Ms. Quimby moved to continue Final Plat Application #SD-06-36 until 20 June. Mr. Bolton seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Rr Consulting I HOYLE, TANNER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 184 South Winooski Avenue * Burlington, Vermont 05401 . Tel 802 860 1331 • Fax 802 860 6499 • www.hoyletanner.com Ms. Marty Lefebvre Senior Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 8 Carmichael Street - Suite 205 Essex Junction, VT 05452 RE: Farrell Street/Potash Brook Culvert Replacement and Stormwater Improvement Project City of South Burlington, VT Dear Ms. Lefebvre: May 30, 2006 HTA Project No. 910901.40 Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (HTA) is working with the City of South Burlington on a stormwater improvement and culvert replacement project on Potash Brook in the Farrell Street vicinity. In our original letters to you dated April 4, 2005, December 21, 2005, and March 8, 2006 we outline the purpose of this project and the planned impacts to the stream and surrounding areas. The March 8, 2006 letter was in response to your letter dated January 4, 2006 requesting additional information about this project. In a phone conversation, we discussed providing you a complete tabulated amount of impacts to both wetlands, and waterways. Here is the amount of impacts for the entire project: The amount of wetland impacts is 1100 sf only at the stormwater detention pond. The amount of waterway impacts is 4,368 sf broken down in the following areas Culvert — 2500 sf Biofiltration basin — 593 sf Stormwater separator system — 475 sf Stormwater detention pond — 800 sf If you have any additional questions or need to meet with us regarding this project please call us at (802) 860-1331. Very truly yours, HOYLE, TANNER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Charles Swanson, P.E. Project Manager Cc: Bruce Hoar, Juli Beth Hinds, Jeff Nelson, April Moulaert, Project File Copyright© 2006 Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 June 21, 2006 Roger Tetreault Department of Buildings & General Services 2 Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-5801 Re: 7 Farrell Street Dear Mr. Tetreault: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the above referenced project approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on June 20, 2006 (effective 6/20/06). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the amended final plat plans must be recorded in the land records within 180 days (must be recorded by 12/15/06) of this approval or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Juli Beth Hinds CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7005 1820 0004 3158 0239 k A0 Permit Number SD- ( CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) State of Vermont, Montpelier, Washington County, VT 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Book 108, page 370, dated 12/27/72 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) State of Vermont, Department of Buildings & General Services 4) CONTACT PERSON (Person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address phone& fax #) Roger Tetreault, Department of Buildings & General Services, 2 Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33, Montpelier, VT 05633- 5801, 802-828-5645, and Juh Beth Hinds, City of South Burlington, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403, 802-846-4106 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS 7 Farrell Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 6) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0670-00007 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Total Parcel 8.01 Ac. Chittenden Community Correctional Center Facility — approx. 6.02 Ac, Remote parking Area and undeveloped land — approx. 1.99 Ac b) Proposed uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Chittenden Community Correctional Center Facility — approx. 6.02 Ac, Remote parking Area and stormwater treatment pond — approx. 1.99 Ac c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) Proposed and Existing are the same — 51,211 SF d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) EXISTING BUILDING: 12 ft - one floor section of building and 25 ft — two floor section of building (house units) e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) None f) Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees) Approximately 125 employees including contract staff. Not all staff are on shift at one time. (First Shift - about 50 employee cars, Second Shift - about 20 employee cars and Third Shift about 12 employee cars). There are three facility transport vans. In addition to employee and facility vehicles there are parking spaces for visitors, i.e. attorneys, police, volunteers, adjunct faculty and inmate visitors. g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) h) List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. 8) LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a) Building Coverage: Existing Parcel 14.7 % Proposed South Parcel 19.5 % Proposed North Parcel 0.0 % b) Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing Parcel 32.8 % Proposed South Parcel 40.2 % Proposed North Parcel 10.7 % c) Front yard Coverage (along each street) Farrell Street: Existing Parcel 31.6 % Proposed South Parcel 45.8 % Proposed North Parcel 19.5 % Swift Street: Existing Parcel 37.7 % Proposed South Parcel 37.7 % Proposed North Parcel NA 9) COST ESTIMATES a) Building (including interior renovations) $ N/A b) Landscaping $20,000 (approximate) c) Other site improvements (please list with cost) Stream bank stabilization - $37,000, expand northern visitor parking lot - $6,000, new pavement in Chittenden Community Correction Center Facility main parking lot - $4,000 (All costs presented above are approximate.) 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out) b) A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out) c) P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out) 240 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 7:30-9:00 AM, 3:00-4:00 PM, and 11:00- 11:45 PM (Shift Changes) 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION Visiting days around the Federal Holidays (ex. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Etc.) 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE Fall 2007 14) PLEASE LIST ABUTTING LANDOWNERS, INCLUDING THOSE ACROSS THE STREET. You may attach a separate sheet. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED TABLE. 15) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11 " x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGN U OF ICANT SIGNATOR OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this preliminary plat application and find it to be: Complete Incomplete Director of Planning & Zoning or Designee Date EXHIBIT A PRELIMINARY PLAT The following information must be shown on the plans. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. Please provide (on separate sheet) a list of all abutters to the project property and mailing addresses. o Complete survey of property by a licensed land surveyor drawn to scale (20 ft. is preferred). o Name, license number, seal, and contact number of licensed land surveyor & date prepared. o Survey data (acreage, property lines, zoning boundaries, watercourse, base flood elevation, etc.) o Location of easements, public lands, r.o.w.s, sidewalks, and public or private street (w/names) o Five foot contours (existing and finished) o Location and size of any existing sewers (including septic tanks) and water mains, culverts and drains on the property to be subdivided. o Location, names and widths of existing and proposed streets, private ways, sidewalks, curb cuts, paths, easements, parks, and other public opens spaces. o Numerical and graphical scale, date last revised, and north arrow. o Details of proposed connection with existing water supply or alternative water supply. o Details of proposed connection with the existing sanitary sewage disposal system or adequate provisions for on -site disposal of septic wastes. o Details of storm water facilities in the form of a drainage plan. o Details of all proposed bridges or culverts. o Location of temporary markers. o All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use and associated conditions. o A list of waivers desired (if any). o Development timetable (including number of phases and start and completion dates). o A report addressing planned residential/unit development criteria of the Zoning Regulations. o Proposed landscaping schedule (number, variety and size). o Location of abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping o Number and location of parking spaces ( see Section 26.25 of the Zoning Regulations) o Number and location of handicapped spaces (see Section 26.253(a) of the Zoning Regulations) o Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard o Exterior lighting details (cut sheets). All lights should be downcasting and shielded. o Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened) o Bicycle rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations o If restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of floor area provided for patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE Preliminary Plat Minor Subdivision $ 260.00* Preliminary Plat Major Subdivision or PUD $ 510.00* *Includes $10.00 recording fee BID SET # ENGINEER PRELIMINARY & FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW FOR FOR 7 FARRELL STREET FARRELL STREET/POTASH BROOK STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 575 DORSET STREET, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 802-846-4106 HOYLE, TANNER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 184 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE, BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 802-860-1331 PIONEER ENVIROMENTAL ASSOCIATES, LLC. 48 GREEN STREET, SUITE 2, VERGENNES VERMONT 05491 802-877-1380 VERMONT SURVEY AND ENGINEERING, INC. 79 RIVER STREET MONTPELIER, VT 05602 802-229-9138 JUNE) 2006 EPA STAG GRANT NO. XP971011-01 a FARRELL STREET F- 0 w w z AB Z m _ PROJEC T T LOCf�ION 'eRoo k, SWIFT STREET 0 0 cr rn LOCUS PLAN NOT TO SCALE c m3 tit o U y W G E 0 a N � � Z 6 � 0 a� 2� o a N F- Z YWO 0&w m�> aw° w q- = F- 0 U) Way w 0 F- a ao� F- _ U) U DRAWING NO. TITLE SHEET 1 OF 11 ENGINEER - TO SHELBURNE ROAD (VT RTE. 7) STATE OF VERMONT - I-189 TO I-89 - SK 3302�PCS349 7G 7- smeET \,\.�' RLEGEND BK. 2 FENNY K / 11 /PG. 354 gpeH, / UCVXd CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND OLR.S. 5/8" REBAR SET WITH CAP U.H. UNMONUMENTED POINT PROPERTY LINE RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE VERMONT GAS SYSTEMS INC. EASEMENT UNE PROPOSED LOT LINE / BE. 1e8 . 42 — AREA 0.03 ACRES* = 1,433 SQ. Fr / / / N/F NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY y STORM DRAIN INLET (DI) DIRECTION OF FLOW ff UTILITY POLE / e GUY WIRE 200 EXISTING CONTOUR (NAVD88—FEET) UH• Oar CHAIN —LINK FENCE LINE �� \ .rrn-vwvvrvv.. WOODS LINE SIGN RO 3 / O DECIDUOUS TREE 'b �lT CONIFEROUS TREE *7F Yq \ / 6 SHRUB GRAPHIC SCALE "e�\ / / nHvaD' Sp / TBIS SURVEY IS BASED ON EVIDENCE FOUND IN ro a m eo lm xuo j� \ / / THE FIELD AND INFORMATION ABSTRACTED FROM HODSON t PERTINENT DEEDS AND RECORDS.IN 1 inch-�sa )n gsl eiq�,, v / '"xord�S�Ri'11s"'"d / Proposed Subdivision — Property of The following information was considered during compilation of this pion: STATE OF VERMONT 1. Those deeds to which reference is made on this plan, and deeds in the chains of title to the parcels shown \\ `ti( /J DIVISION OF STATE BUILDINGS hereon. These deeds are a matter of public record in the City of South Burlington, Vermont. a°M° / \ \ \ CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 2. A map entitled "PROPERTY PLAN, MARTIN—ALLARD INC., 50. BURLINGTON, VERMONT", prepared by Webster —Martin Inc., Located in project no. 5402. dated 4-21-66. u. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 3. A map entitled "GAS LINE EASEMENT, FROM STATE OF VERMONT. DIVISION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS, TO VT. GAS SYSTEMS INC., \ SO. BURLINGTON, VT. prepared by Pinkhom Engineering Associates Inc., dated 10-24-83. recorded in Bk. 166. Pg. 42. VERMONT SURVEY AND ENGINEERING, INC. 4. State of Vermont. Agency of Transportation, Southern Connector Right —Of —Way Plans, Project BURLINGTON M 5000(1) SECT I, \ 79 RIVER STREET, MONTPELIER, VT 05602 Sheets 40-42 of 100. dated 12-15-81. Parcel 18 acquired by Exec. Order dated 3-9-83. recorded in Bk. 186. Pg. 405-406. \ 802-229-9138 vtsurvey0ool.com 5. No attempt has been made to delineate on this plan any easements, rights —of —way, encroachments, etc., PROJECT NO.: SCALE: DATE: except as noted on this plan. � 14505 1 1" = ST1' September 7. 200: O O w 0 GLL E w CD 0)ZX wU 21- a � 8 `o$bgh�b r m °Ecr a0 m O 5 •er u N a gy �r� y O 2 o N 0 `s n a Zoo F I- Z Y'� O m a W LU x~Z V)WO W UJI (L > U) it waz ��m (JWI- z _J QOfO m LL 0U DRAWING NO. SURVEY SHEET 2 OF 11 7 FARRELL STREET (0670-00007) SITE INFORMATION ENGINEER OWNER OF RECORD STATE OF VERMONT MONTPELIER, VT 05602 APPLICANT CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 575 DORSETT STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON. VT 05403 ENGINEER OF WORK: HOYLE, TANNER k ASSOCIATES, Inc. 184 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE BURLINGTON. VT 05401 802-860-1331 SURVEYOR BUTTON PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, PC 20 KIMBALL AVE, SUITE 203N SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 802-663-1812 LITTLE RIVER SURVEY COMPANY, LLC. 3283 PUCKER STREET, ROUTE 100 STOWE, VT 05672 802-2534214 VERMONT SURVEY AND ENGINEERING, INC. 79 RIVER STREET MONTPELIER. VT 05602 802-229-9138 PROJECT DESCRIPTION I PROPOSED START DATE PROPOSED END DATE NUMBER OF PHASES FARRELL STREET / POTASH BROOK STROMWATER IMPROVEMENTS PROIECT SEPTEMBER 1, 20D6 OCTOBER 15, 2007 1 SITE COVERAGE TAX PARCEL ID 0670-00007 AREA (SQ. FT.) PERCENT COVERAGE TOTAL EXISTING PARCEL SIZE 348,916 NA TOTAL PROPOSED SOUTH PARCEL SIZE 262,231 NA TOTAL PROPOSED NORTH PARCEL SIZE 86,685 NA BUILDING COVERAGE EXISTING PARCEL 51,211 14.7% PROPOSED SOUTH PARCEL 51,211 19.5% PROPOSED NORTH PARCEL 0 0.0% OVERALLCOVERAGE EXISTING PARCEL 114,465 32.8% PROPOSED SOUTH PARCEL 105,595 40.3% PROPOSED NORTH PARCEL 9,311 10.7% FRONT YARD COVERAGE FARRELLSTREET EXISTING PARCEL 7,271 31.6% PROPOSED SOUTH PARCEL 4,750 45.6% PROPOSED NORTH PARCEL 2,472 19.5% SWIFT STREET EXISTING PARCEL 10,003 37.7% PROPOSED SOUTH PARCEL 10,003 37.7% PROPOSED NORTH PARCELI NA I NA ABUTTING PROPERTIES TO 7 FARRELL STREET Tax Parcel ID Property Address Owner Name and Address Area (Ac.) 1700-00070 70 Swift Street Kenny, James C Box 1361 Mt Philo Road 0.26 Charlotte, VT 05445 1700-64-66 64 Swift Street Booska, Colleen M 64 Swift Street 0.19 South Burlington, VT 05403 1700-00046 46 Swift Street Easy Self Storage, LLC 61 South W ilia rd St. 1.63 Burlington, VT 05401 0670-00409.00M 409 Farrell Street O'dell Parkway PUD Association, Inc. (Common Land) P.O. Box 1335 1.81 Burlington, VT 05402 0670-00040' 40 Farrell Street 40 Farrell Street Associates 40 Farrell Street 0.55 South Burlington, VT 05403 0670-00030' 30 Farrell Street Vermont TB 8 RD Assoc. Inc. 30 Farrell Street 0.72 South Burlington, VT 05403 0670-00020' 20 Farrell Street Blue Prints Etc. Inc. 20 Farrell St 1.52 South Burlington, VT 05403 0670-00010' 10 Farrell Street Ten Ferrell Street Corporation 431 Pine Street 2.47 Burlington, VT 05401 1700-00085' 85 Swift Street VT Gas Systems, Inc. Box 467 4.10 Burlington, VT 05401 1700-00079' 79 Swift Street Couillard, Jerry 216 Scribner Road 0.59 East Calis, VT 05650 1700-00069' 69 Swift Street North Country Federal Credit Union 69 Swift Street 2.04 South Burlington, VT 05403 N/A Interstate 189 ROW State of Vermont Montpelier, VT N/A N/A Farrell Street ROW City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street NIA South Burlington, VT 05403 N/A Swift Street ROW City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street N/A South Burlington, VT 05403 maicates property iocatec across a street or rignt-or-way Trom T rarren otreet � - PL -7 vn- 0670-00409.COM ..I I d >t Z <o PL �- V lg _ O 01 Z 1 P 0-00040 °o' __ PL PL D a O) 8 PROPOSED Ij SUBDIVISION: CITY OF BURLINGTON / 9sy \ APPROX. 1.99 Ac. \ I PROPOSED SU S �\ 1 STATE OF MONT 1700-00046 I APPROX. 6.0 c. I 0670-00007 ^--- 1 � 0 co CO Q) 4 0^ o0 I Z I OE DO a � I I ld l- - ' • d l�� b _ EET Id Id �� 'Id 1700-00069 o O O I � � I ,d 1700-00085 I � I � I � LPL Pl. IPL PL J PARCEL MAP SCALE 1:100 ppg $3go�Ilio6� xm� 5�hc�a€8 w n�E S$j o$ooSx_'o 2. to m m F Zt- YWO 0 ir Z maW> O = Z Z QLUP QW Z H O tWLI m LL 2 Z -~O LL.I LU r QUO 0)U DRAWING NO. G-1 SHEET 3 OF 11 a N Z 0 3 ENGINEER LANDSCAPING INFORMATION BIO-RETENTION FACILITY AND GENERAL LANDSCAPING PLANTING SCHEDULE QTY KEY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION COMMENTS 2 AR ACER RUBRUM RED MAPLE 2 1/2"-3" B + B MATCHED GROWTH HABIT 24 LC LOBELIA CARDINALIS CARDINAL FLOWER 6" 5 MS MALUS SPECIES FLOWERING CRABAPPLE 4"-6" 2 PP PICEA PUNGENS BLUE SPRUCE 4"-6" 24 RL RUDBECKIA LACINIATA CUTLEAF CONEFLOWER 6" 6 TN THUJA OCCIDENTALIS NIGRA DARK AMERICAN ARBORVITAE 8'-10' HIGH 4 VD VIBURNUM DENTATUM ARROWWOOD 18"-24" HIGH 2 QR QUERCUS RUBRA NORTHERN RED OAK 4"-6" *MATCH EXISTING VARIETY WHERE APPROPRIATE EXTENDED DETENTION POND SLOPE -SEED MIX SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME LBS/1000 SQ. FT. COMMENTS AGROSTIS ALBA RED TOP 0.50 FESTUCA RUBRA CREEPING RED FESCUE 0.30 LOLIUM PERENNE PERENNIAL RYEGRASS 0.50 POA PRATENSIS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS 0.30 TRIFOLIUM REPENS WHITE CLOVER 0.30 TOTAL 1.90 *POND SLOPE PLANTING ZONE EXTENDS FROM EDGE OF SOIL MARSH ZONE -PLANTING SCHEDULE SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME FORM SPACING COMMENTS CAREX LACUSTRIS LAKE SEDGE PEAT POT 2 FT O.C. PONTEDARIA CORDATA PICKERELWEED PEAT POT 2 FT O.C. SAGITTARIA LATIFOLIA BROAD -LEAF ARROWHEAD PEAT POT 2 FT O.C. SCIRPUS ACUTUS HARD -STEM BULRUSH PEAT POT 2 FT O.C. STREET TREE PLANTING SCHEDULE QTY KEY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONDITION COMMENTS 1 RO QUERCUS RUBRA L NORTHERN RED OAK 4" - 4 1/2" B + B MATCHED GROWTH HABIT PARKING INFORMATION APPRnXIMATF NI IMRFR OF PARKING SPACES FOR PARCEL 0670-00007 Parking Area Existing Proposed Universal Handicap Universal Handicap General Lot 48 3 42 3 Visitor Lot 21 0 29 0 Service Yard Lot 11 0 11 0 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES: 1. EXISTING PARCEL 0670-00007 IS COMPLETELY 1MTHIN THE S1MFT STREET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. 2. THERE IS NOADDITIONAL EXTERIOR LIGHTING PROPOSED FOR THIS PROJECT. 3. ALL PARCEL INFORMATION PRESENTED HEREIN IS BASED ON THE BOUNDRY SURVEY CONDUCTED BY VERMONT SURVEY & ENGINEERING, I NC. DATED SEPTEMBER 7, 2005, FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS & GENERAL SERVICES. V w� Z _ �o c~i O z kq D) 0 a 0) w 8 E$5. Yw $1 a Sresge8_ h 6E ��So h' _ao l mm 1!1M. ;E 5-6 `o i Z z O Yw0 Q ma> xZz O �w0 LL 0W(9 Z z P --, (f) 2m O �= W JWj Z waU) Q QW p J LL W °— U U) 0 (n DRAWING NO. G-2 0 i 0 f 1 \ 1 \ Z 1 ` Z � I o 19 �\ 1F \ I 1 ✓� I I 1 Z � �0428�58' E \\ I I — _04�8$8' E o 150.00' 1 IR J M SV0 ��d 1 q fir 0b F� F fzi % 9 1 Y E �v, r r Scill S 4 , k asas�' F ELL de sY "�. /1 d S s —emF_AA ° R2 R - p .. g¢=y \ ;,,,,, ;- •' Mi_: Z."'. `y .::.:... .�. _..�0-t�0 �S WR 433 s�� _ems 'o�° c le I O4J i ggggg '' q A `��.✓// ddy� _.� __ . �r„�, . Q FN'� � �"z�i�4e 'use@ � � R 99 �A�9lg<s \ °Q l 9s Q• 9„qQy ijRAll eT 8 I I cy, r m g se w' "a ei F l ep a g gN 4 88 y F V\ Ail Id Id j i w D ;H�6 'd'� Id F r ` � \ \ li I Z A O FARRELL STREEDPOTASH BROOK Thl. doament le prep«ed o. = STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 184 South Wnooaki Amue, Burlington, Vf 05401 instrument of eer ioe and PROJECT NO. D CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT ��� T+ (auzl seo +ui F� (eo°7 mo-ew° It may not ce u We Pa.. m.h°Il.lnrr.mm E-Yd: �Ra!°-k.oem r Z moo.a, el..en,inet.e « 910901.40 ' Z '7" 11 g' In Consulting Engmeae Induding electrol troll nfor i O c Co ht 2006 Ho e, Tanner & Associates, Inc. onY otheNp«poee a er thi. STORMWATER TREATMENT PK9 �' pf l "of °h° w"tt°" MILE NAME A Z perml.ean a! HTA. o FACILITY PLAN DES. sv oR. By CH co. er 910901C00 SCALE: 1" = 20' DATE: JUNE, 2006 Millis LKW EJF °09C°1E °R•'YN0 REV. DESCRIPTION eY' �, GATE SLAB PROTECTED POND OUTLET GRAVEL SERVICE ROAD SEE DETAIL, DWG C-2 SEE DETAIL, DWG CR 1 INV. 24" CPEP IN = 185.92 SILT FENCE ITEM NO. 649.51 ORDINARY ? HIGH WATER SEE STREAM IMPACT PLAN DWG Cr10 A� 017 Ski G ..�..�....,�, RA IN T2/BE `ti, IN - `•,., �,,....._.......�....,,„ ,LEVEL OF R jt ✓ \ ``'`.• GRAVEL SERVICE ROAD _S€E {iE't aiL, DWG CR-9 1 \ \ RIM -ELEV. _ = 200.6Q.- PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCE INV 24 CPEP IN-=,1 TEM NO62015 . . INV 24QP9Q1JT r .. _.._._• .-.�I ,�:. � AGATE \ i " OUTLET `STRUCTURE SEE DETAIL ON C-2 e07�, 4 �NOF $TONE SEE -DETAIL�ON C-4 �POGO FTFNT/ p0 7g� _ AVp TT - .WETLANDS- \ A/ T/ f / / __........ -ter _........ - 1 NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING {, = - - - - `1`h` 1 ,N ALL ARRANGEMENTS FOR ANCHORING, SUPPORTING j,,• • • • • • • • • • • •'�� AND/OR RELOCATING AND PROTECTING ALL UTILITIES i DURING CONSTRUCTION. ALL COSTS SHALL BED .``a... 4 ILT` FEN WETLANDS - - INCLUDED IN THE UNIT PRICES BID. IN THE CASE OF `- :':• V. I8 'CgEP, N ��., AQlv1 • M�'NO 64�:5'1 DAMAGE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE' ,,; `.;" ,, \ IN 15" P i FOR THE COST OF ALL REPAIRS. '\ �,'j�� " `1 �C ` ci INV. 18" CP P Ow ry 2. ALL WOODY VEGETATION WITHIN 15 FEET OF THE TOE ° `"' """l le ` i OF THE POND EMBANKMENT AND 25 FEET FROM THE ~...........�' PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY STRUCTURE SHALL BE REMOVED. o ., .."' • ~ `'' ,; a ` � EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EL. 193.70 _EXIST. SURFACE _ CHANNEL PROTECTION VOLUME ELEV. = 192.70---_ _ PQND OUTLET STRUCTURE FOXED VERTICAL SEDIMENT WATER QUALITY VOLUME ELEV. = 192.00 DEPTH MARKER - - - - ---- -- -- -- INFLOW - - - - - - - - - - FB - - - -- PERMANENT POND ELEV. = 190.50 v - - - y ELEV. - - * - 190.5 STONE -PROTECTION PAD SEE DETAIL WET POOL r ON C-4 BOTTOM OF POND ELEV = 186 50 SEDIMENT' �- OUTLET -. OREBAY ----1 - DATUM ELEV _ �� L€ .. .. I I T _ ` 4" POND DRAIN _ .... OVERFLOW SPILLWAY W BOTTOM OF FOREBAY ELEV. 186.50 cV m ANTI -SEEP oln (Din �� UNDISTURBED �6 SUBGRADE ao� N O. �, m COLLARS ..,.... SECTION A -A SCALES: HORIZ. 1" = 20' , VERT. 1" 4' PLAN SCALE: 1" = 20' EMBANKMENT M PLACED AS e W / SE7 DETAIL II / R-4 ?� 1 DDITIONAL PARKINGOc .!,1( .SPANS f .,_f i CCI 1 1 INVi 24" CPEP f, IN 1 I IR I ELEV/. = 191.60 j o W o r � RELOCATED UTILITY PO EXISTING PAVED ! Lu PARKING AREA RELOCATE UTILITY POLE � LL c� CATCH BASIN j RIM ELEV.=196.89 m I J" INV. 15" CMP OUT=194.29 STONE PROTECTION PAD' I I SEE DETAIL ON C-4 i i -INV. 18" CPEP ELEV. 19 1. 1 1 IMPERVIOUS CLAY j , I CORE LIMITS ? �- . _ rt t - 97.50 � a rt 91,.75 93. REM E ,r% Qt! l I 91.70 ''�REMAIf�1jdG ,l, /. � 1A'1�, -�' CATCH BASIN TO BE ABANDONED ON: 1 C RIM ELEV.=197.86 CE INV. 15" CMP IN=194.26 INV. 18" CMP OUT=193.32 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING CATCH BASIN PL w NEW CATCH 11ASTM1MOL , b oo RIM ELEV. = 197.49 FL PL _ a ^ 1n' INV. 18" CMP IN = 193.99 INV. 18' CMP IN = 193.89 U o IZ INV. I 4" PE IN = 193.84 I INV. 4" CPEP IN = TBD IN FIELD m INV. 24" CPEP OUT = 191.97 le LOCATE EXISTING 4" 0 PIPE W AND EXTEND LINE INTO o CATCH BASING #7 DIRECTLY ABANDON 18" CMP N IN PLACE NEW CATCH BASIN *7 •' RIM ELEV.=197.40 LINV. 24" CPEP IN = 191.92 INV. 24" CPEP OUT = 191.87 PL - PL _ IP R R Le PAVED DRIVEWAY BLUE PRINTS PARKING AREA d I/RIM ELEV. = 196.20 I INV. 15" CPEP OUT = IGM ABANDON 18" CMP L, IN PLACE ryeb ' %Q a BLUE PRINTS ETC. INC. NSF VOLUME 378, PAGE 620 TAX PARCELID 0670-00020 \ AREA: 1.52 AC. EXISTING BUILDING I ISH Y �rlrt,i!fWNV 15- 2 •CMP -193.6 ELEV. }97�Q0 H T r;�kEV. = 7.00 V CPEP, IN/.*-.i 1]S�T 49y83 I II / I I ..1$," CPEP OUT 1991 4,8 ....... ...... EMBANKMENT MATERIAL, PLACED AS SPECIFIED EXIST. SURFACE -D CHANNEL PROTECTION VOLUME_ ELEV. = 192.70 WATER QUALITY --- VOLUME ELEV. = 192.00 INFLOW I 1 _ FOREBAY ELEV. = 190.50 v r WET POOL STONE PROTECTION PAD _ - SEE DETAIL ON C-4 IMPERVIOUS CLAY CORE rt BOTTOM OF POND EL. 186.50 rr FIXED VERTICAL SEDIMENT SEE PLAN FOR LIMITS - - DEPTH MARKER DATUM ELEV ... _ ...... _.. " I......... rF O' in W N r G O ritC UNDISTURBED (o<C c kq Or rnao rn0 mrn cO�IN SUBGRADE cECTION B-B ' _ES: HORIZ. 1" = 20 VERT. 1' 4' ENGINEER o C) w O z� rn � � a E off" �w ss� Is =BTa my s s8� m � � § N w 0 8� z ��E d ° o ,g 0 �o N 0 N II a 2�a F- z I- Z ywo 0-2 0 w0 0jr Irw mCL> �U F-W 2 Z Z 10 w 0 Q(n LL1 F< 2 I- a>� af od F-Z �X� ofQ w 0- ��Em LLI J �a U)wF w0 jr- �QO Q�0 LL0� �J 0 U co U Cn LLL DRAWING NO. C-1 SHEET 6 OF 11 ENGINEER � F F� NARY HIGH WATER PROTECTION PAD (SIM.) ° SEE DETAIL C-4 RELOCATE UTILITY POLE - PAYMENT LIMITS BID ITEM A-5 8" CPEP S=0.008 INV. 8" CPEP = 187.2S.. CATCH BASIN OUTLET STRUCTURE SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET EXISTING BUILDING (CHITTENDEN COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL CENTER) STONE DIAPHRAGM SEE SECTION A -A PROPOSED PARKING STOP (TYP.) UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM SEE DETAIL ON C-4 SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXIST. N PAVEMENT TO LIMITS SHOWN. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF _ WATERLINE, AS DETERMINED BY CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY 3 UNDERGROUND SWIRL CONCENTRATION DEVICE SEE DETAIL C-4 _PAYMENT LIMITS BID ITEM A-6 PLAN SCALE: 1" = 20' 2"-5" CLEAN WASHED ORNAMENTAL STONE TOP OF BERM ELEV. 192.00 EXISTING GROUND INV. 10" CONC. IN = 188.73 INV. 15" CPEP IN = 188.73 INV. 15" CPEP OUT = 188.73 ELEV. 191.00 APPROXIMATE SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE ELEV. 186.5 001 6" DRAIN PRECAST COVER WITH 24" RECESSED RECTANGULAR TE 26 PINE ELEV.191.5 ,,, ........... WETLAND, WATERTIGHT JOINT USING 1" 4' MIN. WIDTH FLEXIBLE GASKET PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC. SEAL WITH HYDRAULIC C478 CEMENT MORTAR, OR (LATEST ` CAST -IN -PLACE FLEXIBLE EDITION) / MH SLEEVES 6" DRAIN INLET ELEV. = 187.50 -T-Pr-6" 6" MIN. CRUSHED GRAVEL 8" OUTLET ELEV. = 187.45 BIORETENTION FACILITY OUTLET STRUCTURE CATCH BASIN #3 NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING ALL ARRANGEMENTS FOR ANCHORING, SUPPORTING AND/OR RELOCATING AND PROTECTING ALL UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. ALL COSTS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE UNIT PRICES BID. IN THE CASE OF DAMAGE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF ALL REPAIRS. 2. STORM DRAINS CROSSING EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MAINS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH FULL STORM DRAIN PIPE LENGTHS CENTERED ON THE POINT OF CROSSING. 3. THE MAIN COLLECTOR PIPE FOR UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 0.005 FT/FT 4. UNDERDRAINS SHALL BE PLACED ON 3'-0" WIDE SECTION OF FILTER FABRIC. 5. FOR CULVERT DETAILS SEE STRUCTURAL C g -� .2 gat° �8� m � a S w Z y, ai x N rn O N II �5 2�0 V N Z ~ ~ Z 0-2 O&W W (n 2 J LU mF> QMQ mw0 ¢ I- WOW N 0 w O LU O> WmaZ) WJU) �m N j � ''� LL a LL a w ° W O 07 ~ (1) U DRAWING NO. C-3 1 SHEET 7 OF 11 ENGINEER APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF FULL DEPTH EXCAVATION 3" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT TOP OF ROADWAY ITEM 406.25 EL. 197.10 t4'-9° REINFORCING RIB STRUCTURAL ILL 1 ITEMEM 204.30 v STREAM DIVERSION BILIZED BASE7 MIN 28 FT^2 ITEM 310.20 SEE NOTE 1 \EL. 2'-0" 2'-0" 19'-10" X 7'-B" ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT SE -8LIMITS ITEM 511.30 OF STRUCTURBOTTOM OF STREAM NOTE: 185.1845' 1. THE STREAM DIVERSION PIPE (TYP.) SHALL BE CAPPED AND BURIED FOR FUTURE USE. jjj SPAN 19 1___...... IMPROVEMENTS - --- I EL. 182.18 5,-9, LIMITS OF COMMON EXCAVATION 2'-0" DENSE GRADED ) (TYP.GEOTECHNICAL SOIL IMPROVEMENTS ITEM 203.15 CRUSHED STONE, ITEM 301.35 SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET DENSE GRADED CRUSHED STONE ELEVATION AT CENTER LINE OF FARRELL STREET 1 ITEM 301.35 SCALE: 1: 40 N n w d ro cc > > Ki EXISTING CULVERT Z 80'-6" V N W Lr N 00 > 4 > PROPOSED BOX CULVERT z 62'-3" I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3+00 4+00 5+00 POTASH BROOK PROFILE VERTICAL SCALE 1:20 HORIZONTAL SCALE 1:4 1 ITEM 649.31 GEOTECHNICAL SOIL IMPROVEMENTS SCALE: 1: 40 CONCRETE APRON SCALE 1:200 — 8' L-#5 BAR ® 12" O.C. #5 BAR ® 12" O.C. 12" r,2" 4 <. a T 2 5 �' 2.5" CL. CL'. 2" 12" DENSE GRADED CRUSHED STONE ITEM 301.35 SECTION SCALE 1:20 ;HANNEL A o O _ �o W z0. rn rn 8 55sE adS_" m 35 `aV YJ 8 U HNS `M c m3 5�� o p 0 Q ¢ dl G E s E 0 C �O a N z Z 5 0 All _ 0 fir= 0O G� X N 0 O a 0 §O V 41 w O-2 Ir w ma> a U) 0 aw0 Q 0WU >K w wLLZ ��m U) I�� 06 wQO Z O ILL LL0 U mU w cn DRAWING NO. S-1 SHEET 8 of 1 1 ENGINEER PROPOSED RAILING ITEM 525.15 5'-0" 6" SUBBASE OF CRUSHED GRAVEL ITEM 301.26 CORRUGATED ALUMINUM HEADWALL ANCHOR ROD CROWN ARC LENGTH 13'-4" CROWN RIB a M 57'7' 9'-0"t 6" 5" CONCRETE -SIDEWALK ITEM 618.1 7" 36'-0" — 3" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT ITEM 406.25 ITEM 310.20 9" RECLAIMED STABILIZED BASE �! € I-i i i-----i ! i- E i€ I i-i I 1i € t• HAUNCH RIB 3-� 00 SHELL HAUNCH �\ �< RADIUS: 37 3/8" Li w rn Z rn j CORRUGATED SHELL U 9" X 2-1/2" J I_ N SPAN 19'-10" SIDE ANGLE 14.9' BOX CULVERT SHELL CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE FLOW 3" 9" x 2-1/2" CORRUGATED INVERT TYPE IV RIB 2-1/2" RIB GEOMETRY NOT TO SCALE 3/4" BOLTS AT / 19-1/4" O.C. -I : .... 3-1/2" X 3" ANGLE�— ......_._ I .._....._ _. 24" — I —_ SCALLO�..l ATE CLIPS (TYP.) _. ...... ALUMINUM SCALLOP PLATE NOT TO SCALE ALUMINUM FLAT SHEET TOEWALL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE CABLE GUARD RAIL ITEM 621.17 SEE SHEET S-3 ANCHOR ROD CORRUGATED ALUMINUM [ HEADWALL __I RIB SPLICE lJ U ll IJ ll ll ll ll ll ll U ll LI ll ll ll 11 IJ ll tl lJ 7 _g" HAUNCH RIBS TOE WALL 24" (TYP.) LENGTH 62'-3" -� ELEVATION SCALE: 1:40 BOX CULVERT SHELL —PLATE AND RIB DATA (HS-25 LOADING) HAUNCH GAGE: 3=.150" CROWN GAGE: 5=.200" HAUNCH RIB SPACING: 18" CROWN RIB SPACING: 9" MIN. HEIGHT OF COVER: 3.0' MAX. HEIGHT OF COVER: 5.0' NOTES 1. ALLOWABLE COVER (MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM) IS MEASURED FROM THE OUTSIDE VALLEY OF CROWN PLATE TO TOP OF PAVEMENT. MINIMUM COVER IS MEASURED AT THE LOWEST FILL AREA SUBJECTED TO POSSIBLE WHEEL LOADS (TYPICALLY AT THE ROADWAY SHOULDER). THE ROADWAY SURFACE MUST BE MAINTAINED TO ENSURE MINIMUM COVER TO PREVENT HIGH —IMPACT LOADS BEING IMPARTED TO THE STRUCTURE. MAXIMUM COVER IS MEASURED AT HIGHEST FILL AND/OR PAVEMENT ELEVATION. MAXIMUM COVER IS 5'-0". 2. SIDE FILL AND OVERFILL SHALL BE PLACED IN UNIFORM LAYERS NOT EXCEEDING 8 INCHES IN COMPACTED THICKNESS AT NEAR OPTIMUM MOISTURE WITH EQUIPMENT AND METHODS WHICH DO NOT DAMAGE OR DISTORT THE BOX CULVERT, 2'-3" 2'-3" 8 SPACES 0 6'-3" = 50'-0" PROPOSED 2" 0 METAL SECURE POSTS IN 18" OF TUBE HAND RAILING r TOP OF ROADWAY ITEM 525.15� 1 CONCRETE (TYP.) FEL. 197.10 PROPOSED GRADE 2 BOTTOM OF EL. 185.18 13'-9" (TYP.) WINGWALL PANEL REINFORCING RIB 22'-6" (TYP.) HEADWALL GEOTECHNICAL SOIL IMPROVEMENTS CROSS SECTION OF ELEVATION SCALEJ 0 PROPOSED GRADE iF 80TTOM OF BOX I CULVERT — EL. 184.18 13'-9" (TYP.) WINGWALL PANEL o O W Z' rn "6 m y 56sT�sz3.3o E11Vv mW ssa�8;f�; S Z €ix sson U `0 w 0 x0 ma x~ mz aw Oj a0 wx wa w rn a: w w Q �cf �O y DRAWING NO. S2 'm3 0 a w z D 0 0 (n SHEET 9 of 11 ENGINEER . . . . . ....... 05 x >< LLI Ld POPLARS: R 0 0 0 TO K A) RELOCATE UTILITY POLE N REMOVE BOX EL�El VD (4) EXISTING BUILDING (CHITTENDEN COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL CENTER) TBM ELEV=192.00' (BENCH TIE IN UP) p I -b-bggs- AM11 (2 M 1-4 E LC+RL Rim Elev.=196.69 Inv. 7" Conc. Out=194.5 PLAN SCALE: 1: 10 1 RO K 1\j o c CD 4- Ar E LC+RL Rim Elev.=196.69 Inv. 7" Conc. Out=194.5 PLAN SCALE: 1: 10 1 RO K 1\j o c CD 4- Ar CD CD ANHO Rim 19 Inv. 8" C Iron = 1 0 4+ x 18'8"H '185.72 184.64± Rirt,), Elev.=196.65 Inv.'S' CMP=185.70'± o C> 0, z';2 -- --------- ....................... ars ?ZZ gEHEO s". 7 10" CON C.=1 88.17 lL INV.6" PE=1 88.25 7�7 -- -- 7�-�- --------- - - ----------- 0 ........... MPH" I -- I z 0, 0, z Z. Zo < < LL 3: 5. uizo GMP KIDS TOWN PARKING > 0 0< 10 Lu co Z Off 5P u, uj cf) Cwo 0 Ld cn Z�-z <UJ< cr LL x 2 0 _j Of 0 < 0-1 U- 0 co 0 co DRAWING NO. L-1 SHEET 10 OF11 • f Z :i z t , t i 222 s m !# rmp'� D x ��< % 1 �, m �•<� q f m v f0 zz `�� \ :t m \\� zti m pa 0 c:. c a 3 r,r o >n i 0 j9 c Dm �8 r SIDEWALK w1 t EWAL � `L NG 5 WIDE CONCRETE SID p<< _....._.._._.�._._......_.-._.. 00 s A7 Z II 5--'5 � O __ _G 0 + s 17 PL 0 0"'tom PL OHE v , A i ` a CMP PL f O D PL — 7. 1 OHE < 78 CMP ` N 20py0- E PL �PL27.99' mo N 2S'00„ E �� 45.Oi w.a A N D I I 71�j��� v r l 7 ~� � •� �� t/ I I -art c m t - < m ``< i .` l o f m X (r ` < DN r �mz zz 9) G) r .,., D it to �. 4 '• 4 � SI� N ' DEW r �ALK ld L - p G .. �*�& ONCRETE SIDEWAL ""---- >: 0•F00 $—s s A Z =` 0+ 0 Z . s N G • O _...._...., —c — O G > + s PL PL G _' "-.''�� D .� PL v _ n 18 z PL R ' 57•Qi' OH E CMP D N 20'O 0"— PL v F N 05'00" E45.Oi m N OS'( to _ D I 0 y z c� --j x Z m 0 0 c 0 r m m 1 D m r m L = m m m m � 2 r m m • r w n FARRELL STREET/POTASH BROOK mis document is prepared as m STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 84 South ydnooekl Avenue, Budingtan, VT 05�01 neWment of sarvka and PROJECT NO. m v CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT Ta (msI eeo tz�t ra. (eoxl eeo ease ' a11 °'" me property beue of HTA. It may not be used, ~le— > W.b pope eeeJayNa,ne.mn E- : eegftk-N.can r D reproduced, diaceminatetl o m tranefemetl In any manner, 910901.40 ZConsulting Engineers Including electronically, for ©Co i ht 2006 Hoyle, Tanner &Associates, Inc. °"y other purpose than tnie m WET EXTENDED DETENION Px9 '" peml .Itf H the .ri°ten FILE NAME m POND &ROADWAY pennl..ion of HTA 910901L02 A DES. DY DR. BY tlIND. BY SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: JUNE, 2006 LKW LKW CHS 00 N0T0R"0 REV. DESCRIPTION er sr 7' DATE S U P P L E M E N T A L 4`h Na`'*°nal C°nfermce Nonpoint Source and Stormwater NOTES Pollution Education Programs October 17-20, 2005 *Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza �a Twcce(( z� °-h�rr�lifi ` ?6 q45 lO 4 2 5b �� b-bo � - OC6 l -I - CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 . (802)846-4io6 j � _ 1 _ , I-T-. May 31, 2006 Roger Tetreault State of Vermont Buildings & General Services 2 Governor Aiken Drive, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05602 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development on your property. This is being sent to you and the abutting property owners to make aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." Please call our office at 846-4106 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 4117f4 Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant FillpaRl cc: Juli Beth Hinds, City of South Burlington CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 VTrans District 5 PO Box 168 Essex Junction, VT 05452 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, e, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 Vermont TB & RD Assoc. Inc. 30 Farrell Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 1Cek� �; Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 Ten Farrell Street Corp. c/o Pomerleau Real Estate PO Box 6 Burlington, VT 05402-0006 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes ar application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, l Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 Patrick & Therese Ayer PO Box 9451 South Burlington, VT 05407 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, 4&J, iol q *,, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT OS403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 IR Development, LLC 29 Vale Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 Colleen Booska 64 Swift Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 40 Farrell Street Assoc, LLC 40 Farrell Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that"Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the call this office at 846-4106, stop by durin schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. g proposed development, you may regular office hours, or attend the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 Blueprints Etc., Inc. 20 Farrell Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes ar application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, �C Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 Vermont Gas Systems PO Box 467 Burlington, VT 05402 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular schedule public hearing. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. development, you may office hours, or attend the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 NCFCU 69 Swift Street, #s 1 & 2 South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, -6c�q Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 31, 2006 Easy Self Storage, LLC 61 S. Willard Street Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of a public notice published in Seven Days. It includes an application for development that abuts your property. This is being sent to you to make you aware that a public hearing is being held regarding the proposed development. You will not receive this notice if any subsequent or continued public hearings for the same applications are required. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the schedule public hearing. Sincerely, tBetsyMcDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. k wanted NCED GARDENER )r work in Burlington unding area. Services veeding, pruning, planting, etc. Ftexibte reasonable rate. !s available. 802- 11s BURLINGTON ar Two Thousand Six ante in Relation to K A, ZONING #2006-02 g Front Yard Setbacks aby Ordained by the uiL of the City of in, as follows: That c A, Zoning, of the Code inces of the City of in be and hereby is by amending Sec. thereof to read as fol- .5 Setbacks Required. shalt be provided proposed structures and fie and rear yard proper - in accordance with Table this section: yard. Any yard or open :lending across the Aa4 'the lot along any street dig any walkway. pathway, entry or entry iatt be considered a front rner lots shall be to have more than one rd. Front yard setbacks ential districts shall be tin accordance with D. A front yard setback measured from the edge ubLic Right-cfAM, ronting a parcel to the of the structure closest ROW. at underlined added. !at stricken out deleted. F BURLINGTON (ear Two Thousand Six finance in Relation to ES AND MISCELLANEOUS IONS - Possession/Use of d Arrow, Airguns, etc. ted. weby Ordained by the until of the City of ton, as follows: 4S, there currently exist ices prohibiting the dis- of firearms within the sits (B.C.O. Sec 21-12) tricting the use of air or wered rifles or pistols to pproved by the ment of Parks & don or School Department Sec. 21-10); and CITY OF BURLINGTON In the Year Two Thousand Six An Ordinance in Relation to OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS — Local Sates Tax Enacted It is hereby Ordained by the City Council of Burlington, as follows: That Chapter 21, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington be and hereby is amended by adding Sec. 21-44, Local Sales Tax, thereto to read as follows: Sec. 21-44. Local sales tax enacted. Pursuant to the authority of H. 883 of the 2006 Session of the Vermont General Assembly, a one (1 )percent sales and use tax is imposed upon taxable sales within the City. The tax shall be upon AL sales that are subject to the imposition of the State pf Vermont Sales and Use Tax pur- suant to the authority of T. 32 Vermont Statutes Annotated, Chapter 233 as the same may be amended from time to time. All exemptions from such Vermont Sales and Use Tax shall be appli- cable to this tax The office of The Chief Administrative Officer may promulgate regulations to aid in the assessment, collection and interpretation of the Section so long as such regulations are not inconsistent herewith, This tax shalt be collected and administrated by the State of Vermont Department of Taxes pursuant to the terms of such Act H. 883 This Section shall take effect July 1, 2006 and apply to all sates on and after that date which are subject to the provisions of this section. CITY OF BURLINGTON In the Year Two Thousand Six An Ordinance in Relation to PER- SONNEL - Amendment of Chapter 24 Personnel, Article II, Retirement System Sec. 24-29. Method of financing; funds established. It is hereby Ordained by the City Council of the City of Burlington, as follows: That Chapter 24, Personnel, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington be and hereby is amended by amending Sec. 24- 29 thereof to read as follows: ARTICLE II. RETIREMENT SYSTEM DIVISION I. GENERALLY contribution and the member will not have the option to receive cash in Lieu of the deduction; pfe eod-provided fm#keF that no contribution shall be required of any Class A or Class B member having thirty-five (35) or more years of Class A or Class B cred- itable service. The deductions provided herein shall be made notwithstanding that the minimum compensa- tions provided for by Law for any member shall be reduced there- by. Every Class A and Class B member shall be deemed to con- sent and agree to the deductions herein provided as a condition of his membership. The accumulated contributions of a member withdrawn by him, or paid to his estate or to his designated beneficiary upon his death, shall be paid from the city retirement system fund. (b) The contributions made by the city to the city retirement fund shall be deposited. The contributions of the city for benefits under the retirement system shall consist of a per- centage of the earned compen- sation of members to be known as the "normal contribution," and an additional dollar amount to be known as the "accrued lia- bility contributions." The contri- butions shall be fixed on the basis of the Liabilities of the sys- tem as shown by actuarial valua- tion. Immediately after making each valuation during the period over which the accrued Liability con- tribution is payable, the board shatL determine the percentage normal contribution rate as a percentage of the earned com- pensation of members which is the value of the difference between the benefits accrued for service to the valuation date and the benefit based on service to one (1) year after the valuation date, reduced by required Class A and Class B member contribu- tions. The accrued liability con- tribution, or unfunded past serv- ice contribution, is the differ- ence between the total Liabilities and the assets. Balance of sec- tion as written. *Material underlined added. **Material stricken out deleted. NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Champlain Marina 982 West Lakeshore Dr. Colchester, Vermont 05446 Bruce Uemtng, M r Champlain Marina-658-4034 or info@champLainmarina.com. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD: The South Burlington Development Review Board wilt hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Halt Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Final plat application #SD-06- 37 of Edgar Welch to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of: 1) a 12,590 sq. ft. building which includes one (1) dwelling unit, 9996 sq. ft. of retail use and 2594 sq. ft. of general office use, 2) an 1800 sq. ft. building used for indoor recreation, and 3) an 1800 sq. ft. accessory building used for seasonal bar- becues. The amendment consists of modifying the parking space layout of 14 spaces, 340 Dorset St. 2. Final plat application #SD-06- 40 of the City of So. Burlington to: 1) subdivide an 8.07 acre parcel developed with a correc- tional facility into two (2) Lots consisting of 6.08 acres and 1.99 acres, and 2) construct a stormwater treatment pond on the 1.99 acre parcel, 7 Farrell St. 3. Preliminary Plat Application #SD-06-41 of TimberLane Dental Group to amend a previously approved planned unit develop- ment for an 8,304 sq. ft medical office. The amendment consists of constructing a 1701 sq. ft. addition, 60 Timber Lane. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. May 31, 2006 support groups DON'T SEE A SUPPORT group here that meets your needs? Call Vermont 2-1-1, a program of United Way of Vermont. Within Vermont, dial 2-1-1 or 866-652- 4636 (toll -free) or from outside of Vermont, 802-652-4636. Monday - Friday, 8.30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. SUPPORT GROUP for Ex- Jehovah's Witnesses. A group for people who have Left or are thinking about Leaving Jehovah's Witnesses, you're not alone. Angela, 598-2469. tsyy-54ta. CONCERNED UNITED BIRTH - PARENTS: A group offering sup- port if you have lost a child to adoption or are in reunion or have yet to begin your search. 802-849-2244, EATING DISORDERS PARENTAL SUPPORT GROUP for parents of children with or at risk of anorexia or bulimia. Meetings 7- 9 p.m., third Wednesday of each month at the Covenant Community Church, Rt. 15, Essex Center. We focus on being a resource and providing reference points for old and new ED par- ents. More information, call Peter at 802-899-2554. HEPATITIS C SUPPORT GROUP: Second Wednesday of the month from 6-7:30. Community Health Center, second floor, 617 Riverside Ave., Burlington 802-355-8936. SAVINGS SUPPORT GROUP for aLL low to moderate -income Vermonters who wish to have support around saving, budget- ing, managing or investing money. Call Diane at 802-860- 1417 x104 for information. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Big book text, Mondays, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Overeaters Anonymous, Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Suvivors of Incest Anonymous, Wednes- days, 2:30-3:30 p.m. AL -Anon Family Group, Thursdays, 12,30- 1:30 p.m. "I Love Me", an educa- tional support group on self care for suvivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. Mondays, 5:30-7 p.m. Call AWARE, 802-472-6463, 88 High Street, Hardwick. AUTISM SUPPORT DAILY: Free support group for parents of children with autism. 600 Blair Park Road, Suite 240, Williston. 1st Monday of each month, 7-9 p.m. Call Lynn, 802-660-7240, or visit us at http://www.Autism SupportDaily.com for more info. ARE YOU A CLOSET SINGER? Do you have a good voice (haven't made the dogs howl) but are afraid of fainting in pub- Lic white performing? Join a group to support, sing and per- form in an intimate setting. 802-893-1819. BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF VERMONT: Montpelier day- time support group meets first and third Thursday of the month at the Unitarian Church "ramp entrance" from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Call helpline at 1-877-856-1772. 4 MEMO South Burlington Planning & Zoning To: South Burlington DRB From: Juli Beth Hinds, AICP Director of Planning & Zoning RE: #SD-o6-32 Farrell Street Stormwater Management Project Date: June 2, 20o6 cc: Ray Belair, Cathyann Larose On Tuesday the DRB will review the sketch plan for the Farrell Street stormwater management project. This is a City -sponsored, multi -property stormwater management project that is intended to remedy a major water quality "problem spot" on the main stem of Potash Brook watershed. It is the Stormwater Utility's priority project for the 20o6 construction season and we look forward to reviewing it with you on Tuesday. Project Components The project under review consists of the following elements: 1. Subdivision of the property owned by the State of Vermont on the west side of Farrell Street to create two separate parcels: one parcel north of Potash Brook, to be conveyed to the City of South Burlington; and one parcel south of Potash Brook, which is the site of the existing Chittenden Community Correctional Facility. 2. Construction of a large extended detention stormwater pond on the parcel north of Potash Brook, which will treat 40+ acres of impervious surface discharge to State standards. 3. Replacement of the existing deteriorated culvert under Farrell Street with a new, properly sized concrete box culvert. 4. Installation of sub -surface stormwater treatment structures under the parking lot at to Farrell Street (Kidstown/Klingers) and under the corner of the Blueprints Etc. property north of the brook to remove sediment. 5. Construction of a bio-retention facility on the site of six (6) existing parking spaces on the Chittenden Community Correctional Facility site, and associated relocation of a utility pole. 6. Installation of streambank stabilization on both sides of Potash Brook downstream of the new culvert. 7. Expansion of the Correctional Facility's auxiliary parking lot on the north parcel to replace the six spaces lost for the bio-retention facility; the State will retain an easement to use the parking lot after the land is conveyed to the City. Background This project is the outgrowth of the City's original Potash Brook Watershed Restoration Plan, completed in 20o1. This plan called out the Farrell Street area MEMO South Burlington Planning & Zoning as a high priority for stormwater management because of multiple uncontrolled stormwater discharges entering in this area. In fact, just upstream of this site, Potash Brook meets the State's standards for a healthy urban stream; as soon as the Brook crosses under Farrell Street, it becomes degraded again. There are nearly 4o acres of impervious surface draining into this location without any treatment or control, which is bad for hydrology and pollutant loading. Combined with the adverse effects of the deteriorated, under -sized culvert under Farrell Street and the extremely poor stream buffer situation at this location, this became the Utility's first priority for a capital upgrade. We have been working with the State of Vermont and the owners of 10 Farrell Street for nearly two years to design and implement this project. The Correctional Facility's managers have worked with the City to accommodate the new stormwater pond on the parcel north of Potash Brook. They also have been willing to give up six prime parking spaces on the Correctional Facility to create an infiltration or bioretention basin as well as better streambank stabilization. A utility pole needs to be relocated to accommodate the infiltration basin, and six new spaces will be added to the auxiliary parking lot on the north parcel to make up for the lost spaces by the brook. Funding The total project cost for this will be just over $1.3 million. Funding has been secured from multiple sources. First, in the 2004 legislative session, the Vermont Legislature allocated $1.2 million to a new Stormwater Impaired Waters Restoration Fund for high -priority municipal stormwater management projects. This project was one of the first to qualify for funding and will receive $165,000 from the SIWR fund. In addition, Bruce Hoar secured $135,000 from VTrans towards the culvert replacement and we have allocated $600,00o from the City's $909,000 EPA State & Tribal Assistance stormwater grant towards the project. The remainder will come from Stormwater Utility capital funds. Permits The City has secured permits or sign -offs from Act 250, the Army Corps of Engineers (wetlands), the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation (archaeology), the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department (streambank work), Vermont ANR (wetlands, stormwater, and stream alteration), and the House and Senate Institutions Committees of the Vermont Legislature (authorization for transfer of the north parcel from the State to the City). The DRB needs to review and approve subdivision of the north parcel, and associated site plan changes to the Chittenden Community Correctional Facility site. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 *k�-> -16kK May 24, 20o6 State of Vermont Roger Tetreault, Bldg & General Services 2 Governor Aiken Drive, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05602 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a draft agenda for the June 6, 20o6 Development Review Board Meeting. It includes an application for development on your property. This is being sent to you and the abutting property owners to make aware that a public meeting is being held regarding the proposed development. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, -&*�A R"'4ftADJ Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Juli Beth Hinds, City of South Burlington CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 24, 20o6 VTrans District 5 PO Box 168 Essex Junction, VT 05453 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for .sburl.comthe June 6, 2006 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 May 24, 2oo6 4o Farrell Street Associates, LLC 4o Farrell Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www.sburl.com for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for the June 6, 20o6 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4lo6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Bets Ir y Mc onough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 May 24, 20o6 Vermont TB & RD Assoc. Inc. 30 Farrell Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www.sburl.com for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for the June 6, 20o6 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4lo6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 24, 20o6 Blueprints, Etc. 20 Farrell Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www.sburl.com for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for the June 6, 20o6 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4io6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 May 24, 2006 Ten Farrell St. Corp. c/o Pomerleau Real Estate PO Box 6 Burlington, VT 05402-00o6 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www.sburl.com for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for the June 6, 20o6 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy Mc nough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 May 24, 20o6 Vermont Gas Systems PO Box 467 Burlington, VT 05402 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www.sburl.com for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for the June 6, 20o6 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, - through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4io6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy c onough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 May 24, 2006 Patrick & Therese Ayer PO Box 9451 South Burlington, VT 05407 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www.sburl.com for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for the June 6, 2006 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4io6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, C Bets cDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 May 24, 2006 NCFCU 69 Swift St, Units 1 & 2 South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www.sburl.com for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for the June 6, 20o6 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy McDon ugh Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4io6 May 24, 2006 JR Development, LLC 29 Vale Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www.sburl.com for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for the June 6, 2006 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, C Betsy cDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 (802)846-4106 May 24, 2006 Colleen Booska 64 Swift Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www.sburl.com for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for the June 6, 2006 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, �C Betsy McDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vr 05403 (8o2)846-41o6 May 24, 2oo6 Easy Self Storage, LLC 61 South Willard Street Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of the draft agenda (please check our website www.sburl.com for the official agenda, posted the Friday before the meeting) for the June 6, 20o6 Development Review Board meeting. It includes a proposal that abuts your property. Under Title 24, Section 4471 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-41o6, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, Betsy cDonough Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. Permit Number SD- V t-(' - 3 APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) State of Vermont, Montpelier, Washington County, VT 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Book 108, page 370, dated 12/27/71 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) State of Vermont, Department of Buildings & General Services 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) State of Vermont owns the Property. 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Roger Tetreault, Department of Buildings & General Services, 2 Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33, Montpelier, VT 05633- 5801, 802-828-5645, and Juli Beth Hinds, City of South Burlington, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403, 802-846-4106 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 7 Farrell Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0670-00007 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Total Parcel 8.01 Ac. Chittenden Community Correctional Center Facility — approx. 6.02 Ac, Remote parking Area and undeveloped land — approx. 1.99 Ac b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Chittenden Community Correctional Center Facility — approx. 6.02 Ac, Remote parking Area and stormwater treatment pond — approx. 1.99 Ac c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) Proposed and Existing are the same — 51,211 SF d) Proposed height of building (if applicable) e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) None f) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 14.7 % Proposed South Lot 19.5 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 32.8 % Proposed South Lot 40.2 % c) Front yard (along each street) Farrell Street: Existing 31.6 % Proposed South Lot 45.8 % Swift Street: Existing 37.7 % Proposed South Lot 37.7 % Proposed North Lot 0.0 % Proposed North Lot 10.7 % Proposed North Lot 19.5 % Proposed North Lot NA 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) Existing — Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. Easement Line (Book 166, Page 42), a 25' Wide Riparian Buffer (per Agreement with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services) and as described within the attached Warranty Deed. Proposed — easement for State parking access on the proposed northern subdivided parcel and easement for City stormwater treatment, including ongoing maintenance activities, on the proposed southern subdivided parcel. 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) Storm Drainage — This project includes the addition of approximately 550 linear feet of new storm drain pipe, 4 catch basins, 2 stormdrain manholes, a 1.6 Ac-Ft Wet ED Pond and a 0.05 Ac Bioretention facility. 12) OWNERS OF RECORD OF ALL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES & MAILING ADDRESSES (this may be provided on a separate attached sheet) PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED TABLE. NOTE: The attached table also includes those properties across a street or right-of-way. 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE Fall 2007 2 14) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A sketch subdivision application fee is $125. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. A'TURE Oy��PPLICANT/ SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: 6l0 Jdi I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: 12/Complete 1 1-1 Incomplete of Planning &UZoning or Designee Date 3 EXHIBIT A SKETCH PLAN The following information must be shown on the plans. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. If submitting a plat amendment, please submit only pertinent information. Please provide (on separate sheet) a list of all abutters to the project property and mailing addresses. o Name and address of owner of record and applicant. o Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. o Numerical and graphical scale, date last revised, and north arrow. o Location map showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. o Boundaries and area of all contiguous land belonging to the owner of record. o Boundaries and area of the proposed subdivision. o Existing and proposed layout of property lines. o Type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land (easements, covenants, etc.). o Location, names and widths of existing and proposed streets or private ways. o Existing zoning boundaries. o Existing watercourses, wetlands, floodplains, wooded areas, ledge outcrops, and other natural features. o Location and size of any existing sewers (including septic tanks) and water mains, culverts and drains on the property to be subdivided. o Number and location of parking spaces (see Section 26.25 of the Zoning Regulations). o Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard. o A list of waivers desired (if any). o All applicable information required for a site plan application shall be submitted for subdivisions involving a commercial or industrial complex, multi -family project, planned unit development, or planned residential development (please see site plan application). APPLICATION FEE ❑ Sketch Plan Application $125.00 rd 05/04/2006 Farrell Street Subdivision Application Calculations Total Existing Lot Size 349,147 SF (Per State's Boundary Survey) Proposed North Lot 86,741 SF (Per State's Boundary Survey) Proposed South Lot 262,406 SF (Per State's Boundary Survey) Building Size 51,211 SF (Per BGS) Existing Proposed South Lot Proposed North Lot Building Coverage 14.7% 19.5% 0.0% Overall Coverage Total Existing IA 114,465 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed North Lot IA 9,311 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed South Lot IA 105,595 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Existing Proposed South Lot Proposed North Lot Overall Coverage 32.8% 40.2% 10.7% Front Yard Farrell Street Total Existing Yard Area 23,026 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed North Yard 12,648 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed South Yard 10,376 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Total Existing Yard IA 7,271 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed North Yard IA 2,472 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed South Yard IA 4,750 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Farrell St Yard Coverac Existing Proposed South Lot Proposed North Lot 31.6% 45.8% 19.5% Front Yard Swift Street Total Existing Yard Area 26,550 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed North Yard NA SF Proposed South Yard 26,550 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Total Existing Yard IA 10,003 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed North Yard IA NA SF Proposed South Yard IA 10,003 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Swift St Yard CoveragE Existing Proposed South Lot Proposed North Lot 37.7% 37.7% NA Permit Number SD- 0 � - 3 APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) State of Vermont, Montpelier, Washington County, VT 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Book 108, page 370, dated 12/27/72 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) State of Vermont, Department of Buildings & General Services 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) State_ of Vermont owns the Property. 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Roger Tetreault, Department of Buildings & General Services, 2 Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33, Montpelier, VT 05633 5801, 802-828-5645, and Juh Beth Hinds, City of South Burlington, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403, 802-846-4106 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 7 Farrell Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0670-00007 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) Total Parcel 8.01 Ac. Chittenden Community Correctional Center Facility — approx. 6.02 Ac, Remote parking Area and undeveloped land — approx. 1.99 Ac b) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Chittenden Community Correctional Center Facility — approx. 6.02 Ac, Remote parking Area and stormwater treatment pond — approx. 1.99 Ac c) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) Proposed and Existing are the same — 51,211 SF d) Proposed height of building (if applicable) e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) None f) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 14.7 % Proposed South Lot 19.5 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 32.8 % Proposed South Lot 40.2 % c) Front yard (along each street) Farrell Street: Existing 31.6 % Proposed South Lot 45.8 % Swift Street: Existing 37.7 % Proposed South Lot 37.7 % Proposed North Lot 0.0 % Proposed North Lot 10.7 % Proposed North Lot 19.5 % Proposed North Lot NA 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) Existing — Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. Easement Line (Book 166, Page 42), a 25' Wide Riparian Buffer (per Agreement with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services) and as described within the attached Warranty Deed. Proposed — easement for State parking access on the proposed northern subdivided parcel and easement for City stormwater treatment, including ongoing maintenance activities, on the proposed southern subdivided 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) Storm Drainage — This proiect includes the addition of approximately 550 linear feet of new storm drain pipe, 4 catch basins, 2 stormdrain manholes, a 1.6 Ac-Ft Wet ED Pond and a 0.05 Ac Bioretention facility. 12) OWNERS OF RECORD OF ALL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES & MAILING ADDRESSES (this may be provided on a separate attached sheet) PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED TABLE. NOTE: The attached table also includes those properties across a street or right-of-way. 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE Fall 2007 2 14) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (I I" x 17") of the plans must be submitted. A sketch subdivision application fee is $125. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. IG1�TA'TURE O SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: '57/�4/ I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: Complete U Incomplete 3 EXHIBIT A SKETCH PLAN The following information must be shown on the plans. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. If submitting a plat amendment, please submit only pertinent information. Please provide (on separate sheet) a list of all abutters to the project property and mailing addresses. o Name and address of owner of record and applicant. o Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. o Numerical and graphical scale. date last revised, and north arrow. o Location map showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. o Boundaries and area of all contiguous land belonging to the owner of record. o Boundaries and area of the proposed subdivision. o Existing and proposed layout of property lines. o Type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land (easements, covenants, etc.). o Location, names and widths of existing and proposed streets or private ways. o Existing zoning boundaries. o Existing watercourses, wetlands, floodplains, wooded areas, ledge outcrops, and other natural features. o Location and size of any existing sewers (including septic tanks) and water mains, culverts and drains on the property to be subdivided. o Number and location of parking spaces (see Section 26.25 of the Zoning Regulations). o Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard. o A list of waivers desired (if any). o All applicable information required for a site plan application shall be submitted for subdivisions involving a commercial or industrial complex, multi -family project, planned unit development, or planned residential development (please see site plan application). APPLICATION FEE ❑ Sketch Plan Application $125.00 4 05/04/2006 Farrell Street Subdivision Application Calculations Total Existing Lot Size 349,147 SF (Per State's Boundary Survey) Proposed North Lot 86,741 SF (Per State's Boundary Survey) Proposed South Lot 262,406 SF (Per State's Boundary Survey) Building Size 51,211 SF (Per BGS) Existing Proposed South Lot Proposed North Lot Building Coverage 14.7% 19.5% 0.0% Overall Coverage Total Existing IA 114,465 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed North Lot IA 9,311 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed South Lot IA 105,595 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Existing Proposed South Lot Proposed North Lot Overall Coverage 32.8% 40.2% 10.7% Front Yard Farrell Street Total Existing Yard Area 23,026 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed North Yard 12,648 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed South Yard 10,376 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Total Existing Yard IA 7,271 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed North Yard IA 2,472 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed South Yard IA 4,750 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Farrell St Yard Coverac Existing Proposed South Lot Proposed North Lot 31.6% 45.8% 19.5% Front Yard Swift Street Total Existing Yard Area 26,550 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed North Yard NA SF Proposed South Yard 26,550 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Total Existing Yard IA 10,003 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Proposed North Yard IA NA SF Proposed South Yard IA 10,003 SF (Per HTA Take -off) Swift St Yard Coverage Existing Proposed South Lot Proposed North Lot 37.7% 37.7% NA VERMONT Department of Buildings & General Services Office of the Commissioner [phone] 802-828-3519 2 Governor Aiken Ave. [fax] 802-828-3533 Montpelier, VT 05633 May 4, 2006 Mike Schramm, P.E. Hoyle, Tanner and Associates, Inc. 184 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Schramm: Agency ofAdministration Jeff W. Lively, BGS Counsel Telephone: 802-828-5945 Fax: 802-828-3533 Enclosed please find the signed subdivision application. Please give us a call if you need additional information to process this application. JWL/hj cc: Julie Beth Hinds, AICP encl. Sincerely, e W. ' ely ounsel­ BGS 15�L5Q 1l LS Li MAY 0 8 20K HTA - VT ul Y,4 1A TV - ATH — TO SHELBURNE ROAD (VT RTE. 7) STATE OF VERMONT — I-189 TO I-89 �FRM Y PR N— E N LR.S.1.R.9. N 70%4�OE' ! U.M. N 70'42.59" E Parcel 18 C•M•F• 2d7 43W .y 33.16 277.78' c- 4'UP YjHD TO VTH2 CONC MON. 770-24� D.M. N UP 1z LOT 1—A IARIL ! 1.99 ACRRBt (8e.741 SQ. FT.) (CALOX.A7ED 70 FAIRML STREET ILQVL) ,ro AREA 07M FMREIL R.OAL - OM ACRESt (IZ791 S0, FT.) PARKING LOT TO BE RETAINED THROUGH RABKIENT (SO- K 162') 3 AREA 0.80 ACREst (19,ee0 sQ. FT.) i U.M. N/: 9F di titi � LOT 1 STATZ OF VII ONT. DMZON OF BTATZ HU17DUM DL 109/PIG970-372. DTO 27, 1972 CDTTTIINDRN COUNTY RIMONAL CORI MUNAL FAMITY ARIL - 6.02 AMU (SAB.'AW SQ. FT.) gg ' (CALCULATED TO FM N L STREET • SMFT STREET LOAL) m� AREA MM FMRFLL ! SWT R.O.TL - 451 ACRES* (ZLM SQ FT.) BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO THE VERMONT STATE PLANE GRID-NAD83(1992) 1/4 1 1 4 Y.R.9. Scak in Liles U.M Rs' WIDE RIPARIAN BUFFRR AVRRAGR ROlTE RACE sIDR OF BROOK t; WITH U.S. FIRM & SERVICE U.M. AREA = 0.4E ACRRBt (18.409 sq. FT.) 64 SWIFT STREET N/F BOOSKA BK. 302/PG. 349 70 SWIFTSTREET X.S. LEGEND BK. 211/PG. 354 U.M. OC.M.F. CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND ?LU.s. 5/8" REBAR SET WITH CAP U.M. UNMONUMENTED POINT PROPERTY UNE RIGHT—OF—WAY UNE VERMONT GAR RYBTEMs INC. BABEIRNI' LINR PROPOSED LOT UNE 1!r NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY B& 106. 48 - ARRA 0.93 1CRE8t = 1,433 34. FT. O STORM DRAIN INLET (DI) DIRECTION OF FLOW UTILITY POLE e GUY WIRE 200 ExisnNG CONTOUR (NAVD88—FEET) U-M. CHAIN—UNK FENCE LINE 7p WOODS UNE SIGN U.M. 3 BOLLARD a O DECIDUOUS TREE 1 CONIFEROUS TREE 0 SHRUB GRAPHIC SCALE 1$ THIS SURVEY IS BASED ON EVIDENCE FOUND IN - Sao THE FIELD AND INFORMATION ABSTRACTED FROM PERTINENT DEEDS AND RECORDS. d �tiC� (IN FEET) 1 inch = 50 ft A4r Proposed Subdivision — Property of The following information was considered during compilation of this pion: STATE OF VERMONT 1. Those deeds to which reference is made on this plan, and deeds in the chains of title to the parcels shown DIVISION OF STATE BUILDINGS hereon. These deeds are a matter of public record in the City of South Burlington. Vermont. u°M' CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 2. A map entitled "PROPERTY PLAN, MARTIN—ALLARD INC., SO. BURLINGTON. VERMONT". prepared by Webster —Martin Inc., Located in project no. 5402, dated 4-21-66. CJ.M. SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 3. A map entitled "GAS UNE EASEMENT. FROM STATE OF VERMONT, DIVISION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. TO VT. GAS SYSTEMS INC., SO. BURUNGTON, VT.", prepared by Pinkhom Engineering Associates Inc., dated 10-24-83. recorded in Bk. 166, Pg. 42. VERMONT SURVEY AND ENGINEERING, INC. 4. State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation, Southern Connector Right —Of —Way Plans, Project BURUNGTON M 5000(1) SECT 1, 79 RIVER STREET, MONTPELIER, VT 05602 Sheets 40-42 of 100, dated 12-15-81. Parcel 18 acquired by Exec. Order dated 3-9-83, recorded in Bk. 186, Pg. 405-406. 802-229-9138 vtsurvey0aol.com 5. No attempt has been made to delineate on this plan any easements, rights —of —way, encroachments, etc., PROJECT NO.: SCALE: DATE: except as noted on this plan. 14505 1" = 50' September 7, 2005 RECEIVE[ MAY 1 1 2006 City of So. Burlington C ff,# All Ir XISTING CONCRETE CULVERT INV. ELEV. IN�f9'TMO �``^- .-ow- ^. A.•, •-'•"� ," -180.13 NV, C11P OUT t 71 t $91 TOP ELEV. INSIDE-189.34 . �• "'• �,. .� LEVEL OF,('AA)41-}Y{. I il-V WOE 13' e \--E'ASONO CONCRETE SLAB PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCE NIV.CPEP 1N �197 7/J `` •..,,w PROTECTED POND OUTLET GRAVEL SERVICE ROAD S 1 „ n - INV. 4• CREP T> --ITEM NO. 620.15 DUAL ID(/10I � OCTAL >aNDt '" '� ..... __.. `e NK 71P 1,7Q M � 709L10F r .,.. C�uA` iN r I s CONCNE �\ \ ° o0 90 WNCWALL ., ,,,, WTLET CNRE - w \�t� tI '\ SEE DE T�C-2 ..:..W As �° �. \�\ \\ \ b PR0.TE9TIIS1! M R 6 ` •. \ ., t �� �` OUTLET DETAIL ON C-4 'SILT � - ag � t yTTSi NU � `.� t;.-INV 2L• N7EP PL WET ( N - 191.50 SILT FENCE �.,. \. DOUT1 ITEM NO. 649.51 `` \ IX'1TALL PALL r .. 01(IAIATE UM(TS, aF STR K MORN 1NY T II l -RELOCATE UTILITY ORDINARY OU7F{J.� HIGH WATER � �_J PAVED PARKING AREA W J / SIL� ti� • 1• • � INV. 15' CMP OUT 19429 L ... ....,,„„_„wOUTLET J1U5 , SA 1 ,,.,� SEE DETALOTIONC C-a4 r, ti , .,^' �-• �"•, � "=:, -,. �"~ ._ INV. 15• CPEP IN 191.5� Ft r ,+ ~� •..,� '•t„ -> IMPERVIOUS CLAY CO CORE LIMITS 1 J `^ l S-U. _. _...._ a •,., ... . 't. ,,w,,,••,,,�_� ° 1 RIM 197.50 'P • _ • y'` • MEIlJ1ND5' . _ • ,� '�i `1 V. 18• (PE 1 -. 191 75 ''•� i , INV. I. CM 193.79 ^`.,�� ," •'\ ' i `\ EMOVE REa1AI7-' Nl1� PIIII 18 N P RK P 1918 \4• \ 'SILT FENCE 641.51 i i, `j ..14� CPF?..OUST 1 Iji . 1 RECEIVED r CHAIN MAY 1 1 2006 City of So. Burlington !(NARY HIGH WATER STONE PROTECTION PAD (9M.) SEE DETAIL C 4 ^ ' PAYMENT UMAAS1 l� BID ITEM A-5 8. CPEP S-QOOp NV. 8- CPEP - 187.25, CATCH BASIN V OUTLET STRUCTURE SEE DETAIL j J EXISTNG BUILDING BIORE TION FACU (CHITTENDEN COMMUNITY •�� CORRECTIONAL CENTER) ig 78 REGULAR PARKING SPACES 2 HANIDCAP PARKING SPACES I 7BY ELEV-1 BFNW TE IN UP OBSERVATION WELL/CLEANOUT STONE DIAPHRAGM SEE SECTION A -A REPAY PROPOSED PARNING STOP PARKNG AREA frr (TYP') I UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM SEE DETAIL ON C-4 sT Eg y�� wA�RE� TREATMENT eEJ�LI1LZLl! z SA PAVEMENT AND REMOVE SHOWN. PAVEMENT TO LIMITS SMOMN. &OI�TENTION FACLIIY I CORRECTIONAL FACILITY PARKING LDT i CA12 BA51N W2 RIM EL - 196.25D INV, 15• CPEP OUT - 155.9p CATCH BASIN h RIM EL - 196,25 INV. 15• CPEP IN - 188.81I INV. 15' CPEP OUT - 188.76 PLAN SCALE: 1" = 30' J -J W ir of LL ENGINEER P PL a PL P �_ L PLCATCH BA9N TO B£ ABANDONED RN E15' NP IN8 DURBROW LL01D B k ANN B RDL R INV. 18' CNP OUT-1.26 INV. 18- CNP OUT-19132 TAX PARCEL NU OB]0-GONG REMOVE EXISTING CATCH BASIN A� -u AC. RIM ELIEV. - 197.49 L INV. 18• CMP IN - 193.99 PL J INV. 18• CMP IN - 193.89 PL �- ° a INV. 4• PE IN - 193.84 PL INV. 4• CPEP IN - TBD INV, 24• CPEP OUT - 191,97 LOCATE EXISTING 4' 0 PIPE AND EXTEND LINE INTO CATCH BASING /7 DIRECTLY VERMONT TO t RD ASSOCIATION INC. ABANDON 18• CMP VOLUME 10i PAGE 4s IN PLACE VVWME 104, PAGE 48 VYIUME 93, PAGE IM NEW CATCH BASIN /7 TAX PARCEL ID 0670-OD030 U J AREA:.72 AC. r d RIM E -197.40 INV. 24'CPEP IN - 191.92 INV 24• CPEP OUT - 191.87 r, PL --, PL PL PL PL PAGED DI BLUE PRINTS PARKING AREA FXISTING GATCM BASIN Ni (CORE( RIM ELEV. - 196.20 INV. 15• CPEP OUT - 192.21 r ABANDON 18• CMP i f IN PLACE BLUE PRINTS ETC INC. � $ , N/ VOLUME 37B PAGE 620 } TAX PARCEL ID M70-WO20 tt AREA: 1 52 AC. } i EXISTING BUILDING t, }J t 1 `• CPEP I - 192 Oar ' - •.. __... % ,L i t 1 .'19- EP OUT - 191.95 .....".^._.-� ✓ r tt �} ITEM 613.11) O �N flELL -PIPE NEL POR 70�CONSTRUGTGIN _"'."". THE - --- ,.' - t400 STREAM DIVERSION., ..- / !I°"_ _ ......._, u-'rsm-^•.e . ` f INMY HIGH WA ""- • ,, ' I718625 MANHOLE h ANDON PIPE FUN EL - 797.Q PLACE INV 6 CAST IRON - 193.77 KIDS TOWN PARKING APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF - WATERLINE AS DETERMINED BY \CHAMPIAIN WATER DISTRICT ST��WA�R�F��ENT FA(FA( UNDERGROUND SWRL CONCEN DEVICE SEE DETAIL -PAYMENT UNITS BID ITEM A-6 IT Pa TR 1C 28-PNE ECTION FAD (SM.) i I C-4. il!I i PEP IN - 180.47 '�.,�".,,^ f ]!! HI -0 A! • �� •WE�ANo- - � � ' �i j�.., [tr- LITV 3 PAVED PARKING AREA (RATION INV. 10- CONIC. IN - 158.73 INV. 15• CPEP IN - 188.73 EXISTING BUILDING INV. 15• CPEP OUT - 188.73 10 FARREL STREET CORPORATION N VOLUME 211CPAGE 317 U � 0 0,0 .`l D_ m (n Z ILL, 1 1 1 0 LU a0 ' F wa c J /,.., J Q Lu LLD UBIV-MWI P1 1 CP0 t se°a AOI N,11 Cdlape N/F F- (n Vd aro 1ID Pg,1700 574 001 T9X P9raK ID 1700-00100 DRAWING NO. CO SHEET X OF m 0 N 0 AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WATERSHED MANAGEMENT DIVISION 103 SOUTH MAIN STREET WATERBURY, VERMONT 05671-0408 NOTICE: DRAFT STORMWATER OFFSET PROJECT PERMIT PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: June 29, 2012 - July 30, 2012 PERMITTEE INFORMATION PERMITTEE NAME PERMITTEE ADDRESS: PERMIT NUMBER: PROJECT ID NUMBER: DISCHARGE INFORMATION NATURE: Treated stormwater VOLUME: As necessary City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 5080-INDO.R EJ08-0138 RECEIVING WATER: Potash Brook EXPIRATION DATE: Five years from issuance date of final permit DESCRIPTION: This is a draft discharge permit proposed for issuance to the City of South Burlington for the discharge of stormwater runoff from the Farrell Street/ Potash Brook Stormwater Improvement Project located on Farrell Street in South Burlington, Vermont to Potash Brook. The means of stormwater offset includes a bioretention facility, stormwater swirl separator, wet extended detention pond and a culvert replacement and bank stabilization project at the Farrell Street stream crossing over Potash Brook. Stormwater Offset Project Permit #5080-INDO.R renews and replaces previously authorized Stormwater Offset Project Permit 5080-INDO for the same offset project. TENTATIVE DETERMINATIONS Tentative determinations regarding effluent limitations and otherconditions to be imposed on the pending Vermont permit have been made by the State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (VANR). The limitations imposed will assure that the Vermont Water Quality Standards and applicable provisions of the Federal Clean Water Act, PL 92-500, as amended, will be met. -2- FURTHER INFORMATION The complete application, proposed permit, and other information are on file and may be inspected at the VANR, Winooski Office. Copies, obtained by calling (802) 338-4835, will be made at a cost based upon the current Secretary of State Official Fee Schedule for Copying Public Records from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. PUBLIC COMMENTS/PUBLIC HEARINGS Written public comments on the proposed permit are invited and must be received on or before the close of business day (7:45 am - 4:30 pm) July 30, 2012, by the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Watershed Management Division, Building 10 North, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont 05671-0408 or send via email to Stormwater@state.vt.us. If sending by mail, the permit number should appear next to the VANR address on the envelope and on the first page of any submitted comments. If sending by e-mail, the permit number should appear on the subject line. All comments received by the above date will be considered in formulation of the final determinations. During the notice period, any person may submit a written request to this office for a public hearing to consider the proposed permit. The request must state the interest of the party filing such request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. A hearing will be held if there is a significant public interest (including the filing of requests or petitions for such hearing) in holding such a hearing. RIGHTS TO APPEAL TO ENVIRONMENTAL COURT At the conclusion of the public notice period and after consideration of additional information received during the public notice period, the VANR will make a final determination to issue or to deny the permit. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $250.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontjudiciar .Yore. The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (Tel. # 802-828-1660). David K. Mears, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation #SP-00-22 STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON FINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION Re: Findings of Fact, application of Roger Tetreault to amend a previously approved site plan for a 197 bed correctional facility. The amendment consists of adding landscaping to screen a fence, 7 Farrell Street. On the f( / �� day of May, 2000, the South Burlington Director of Planning & Zoning approved the request of Roger Tetreault for site plan review under Section 26.10 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations based on the following findings: 1. This project consists of amending a previously approved plan for a 197 bed correctional facility. The amendment consists of adding landscaping to screen a fence. The only issue affected by this application is landscaping. This application constitutes a reapproval of a site plan granted on 5/7/99. The applicant failed to obtain a zoning permit within 6 months, therefore rendering the 5/7/99 approval null and void. 2. The owner of record of this particular property is the State of Vermont. 3. This property located at 7 Farrell Street lies within the Commercial 2 District. It is bounded on the west by a single-family dwelling, a duplex and moving company (Booska's) and another duplex and mini -warehouse operation, on the north by I-189, on the east by Farrell Street and on the south by Swift Street. 4. Landscaping: The applicant at the City's request, is adding a substantial amount of additional landscaping in the front yard along Farrell and Swift Streets to screen a recently installed twelve (12) foot chain line fence. Additional plantings will include Shadblow, Serviceberry, False Cypress, Honeylocust, Crabapple, Oak, Pine, Arborvitae, Juniper, and Yew. DECISION & CONDITIONS Based on the above Findings of Fact, the South Burlington Director of Planning & Zoning approves the site plan application of Roger Tetreault to amend a previously approved plan for a 197 bed correctional facility. The amendment consists of adding landscaping to screen a fence, 7 Farrell Street, as depicted on a four (4) page set of plans, page two (2) entitled, "Landscaping, Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility," prepared by T.J. Boyle and Associates, dated 2/99 , last revised on 6/99, with the following stipulations: l . All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 3. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer after all the new landscaping has been installed. 4. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. South Burlington Director of Planning & Zoning 0U ate #SP-99-17 FINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application of David E. Burley to amend a previously approved site plan for a 197 bed correctional facility. The amendment consists of adding landscaping to screen a fence, 7 Farrell Street. On the __I4 day of May, 1999, the South Burlington Director of Planning roved the request of David E. Burley for site plan review under Section 26.10 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations based on the following findings: 1. This project consists of amending a previously approved plan for a 197 bed correctional facility. The amendment consists of adding landscaping to screen a fence. The only issue affected by this application is landscaping. 2. The owner of record of this particular property is the State of Vermont. 3. This property located at 7 Farrell Street lies within the Commercial 2 District. It is bounded on the west by a single-family dwelling, a duplex and moving company (Booska's) and another duplex and mini -warehouse operation, on the north by I-189, on the east by Farrell Street and on the south by Swift Street. 4. Landscaping: The applicant at the City's request, is adding a substantial amount of additional landscaping in the front yard along Farrell and Swift Streets to screen a recently installed e' foot chain line fence. Additional plantings will include Shadblow, False Cypress, Honeyllo us8t, Crabapple, Oak, Pine, Arborvitae, Juniper, and Yew. DECISION & CONDITIONS Based on the above Findings of Fact, the South Burlington Director of Planning & Zoning approves the site plan application of David E. Burley to amend a previously approved plan for a 197 bed correctional facility. The amendment consists of adding landscaping to screen a fence, 7 Farrell Street, as depicted on a four (4) page set of plans, page two (2) entitled, "Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Demolition and Maintenance Plan," prepared by T.J. Boyle and Associates, dated 2/2/99, last revised on 3/22/99, with the following stipulations: l . All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 3. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer after all the new landscaping has been installed. 4. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. South Burlington Director of Planning & Zoning Date `A 11MIlk L(Kc; QE FACT & DECISIO STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application of State of Vermont Department of State Buildings for construction of a 5,000 square foot addi- tion to the Chittenden Community COrrectional ("'enter, 7 Farrell Street. On the 29th of October, 1991 the South Burlington Planning Com- mission approved the request of State of Vermont Buildings for site Plan review under Section 19. 10 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations based on the following findings: 1. This project consists of the construction of a 5,000 square foot administration addition to the Chittenden Community Correc-, tional Facility including upgrading outside recreation yard fence from one (1) row Of 10 foot high chain link fence with razor ribbon to two (2) rows, 12 feet high with razor ribbon. This addition will not result in any additional employees or inmates. 2. This property is located at 7 Farrell Street within the Commercial 2 District. It is bounded on the west by a Single- Ec-Imily dwelling, a duplex and moving company (Booskals) and another duplex and mini -warehouse operation, on the north by 1-189, on the east by Farrell Street and on the South by Swift Street. 3. Ac cesses The current access to the facility is Provided by a 40 foot curb cut. on Farrell Street. No changes are proposed to this access. Emergency access to fenced in Portion of building will be Provided by new sliding gate. 4. Parki The site currently has 78 parking spaces -including a 21 Space visitor parking area located approxi- mately 200 feet to the north.` No additional parking spaces Proposed or required since no additional employees will be added to the facility. A Portion of the main parking area is to be designated for contractors use during construction. The circulation Pattern as it Presently exists is acceptable. 5. Qg) Zs - Building coverage will be 13.5% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage will be 26.5% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is 37.4% (maximum allowed is 30%). The Proposed addition will not increase the degree of nonconform- ity. The Proposed addition will meet the setback requirements but the existing building does not meet the setback requirement from Potash Brook. This building is therefore a noncomplying struc- ture. The State has submitted evidence that the addition will be 19% of the value of the existing building. This is within the limitations of Section 19.002. 6. LaJrda�� The landscaping requirement for this Project is $13,200 and the applicant is Proposing to spend $9,50o to relo- cate existing landscaping. The Planning Commission recommended that the $3,700 difference should be used to add additional Plantings at the visitor Parking area to enhance its appearance and better screen the parking lot from Public view. 7. Seure No additional sewer demand will be generated since there will be no additional employees or inmates. 8- L!9b_t_i_nz_._ No additional exterior lighting Proposed. Exist- ing sidewalk lights and attached canopy lights will be relocated to accommodate the addition. 9* CO!1­serY-a—tiQ_11 Zone: A Portion of the new fence will be Placed within the 1.50 foot Interstate buffer. The State must maintain a 20 foot clear strip between fences and plantings. 10. The Chittenden Community Correctional Center Liaison Commit- tee reviewed the proposal and submitted comments to the Planning Commission by letter dated October 23, 1991. DECTSIDIV &.9-ONDITIQN, 9 Based on the above Findings of Fact, the Planning Commission approves the site Plan application of State of Vermont Department Of State Buildings for construction of a 5000 square foot addi- tion to the Chittenden Community Correctional Center for adminis- trative Purposes as depicted on a six page set of Plans, Page one entitled "State of Vermont Chittenden Center, Administrative Addition,tt Community Correctional prepared by Freeman, French, Freeman and dated 10/22/91 with the .following stipulations: 1. The landscaping Plan shall be revised por to permit to show additional evergreen plantings around the visriitor parkinlot il-I order to bet -ter screen the lot from Farrell Street. Theg value of additional landscaping shall equal the $3,700 shortfall in re- cD,iired landscaping. The revised Plan shall be approved by the City Planner. 2. During the construction period, there shall be no Parking Farrell Street. Employees, on visitors and contractors shall be required -to park on -site at the main parking lot and/or visitor parking lot. 3. This approval is conditional on a maximum of 197 semi -Permanent beds. Any .increase. permanent or in Permanent beds shall require Planning COMMission approvar semi -permanent l. oThe applicant shall Provide to the City a semi-annual report of the number of such beds at the correctional fElcility- These reports shall be due on January I and July 1 of each calendar year. 4. All construction related traffic shall. access the site via Swift. Street. No traffic shall go through the East Woods neigh- borhood (i.e., Hadley Road, Meadow Road, Proctor Avenue). 5. All lighting to be relocated shall remain downshielded lumi- nares. 6. Any removal of vegetation within the 1-189 or Potash Brook conservation zones shall require approval from the City Manager. 7. The height of the fence shall not exceed 1.4 feet including the razor wire as represented by the applicant. 8. A zoning/building Permit snail be obtained within 6 months or this approval is null and void. CK"a­I­ A--aor South Burlington Planning Commission CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURUNGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 October 12 , 1999 Roger A. Tetreault Facilities Division Two Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-5801 Re: Re -roofing Project for Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Dear Mr. Tetreault: I have reviewed the drawings and specifications submitted for the above referenced project. I find no problems with the proposal. Prior to commencement of the work, please complete and return to me the enclosed zoning Permit application. The fee is $5.00 per $1,000 of the estimated cost plus a $10.00 recording fee. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, { Raymond 1. Belair, Administrative Officer RW/mcp u� State of Vermont DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS & GENERAL SERVICES Facilities Division AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION Two Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33 Montpelier, Vermont 05633-5801 Telephone: 802-828-3314 Fax: 802-828-3533 Web Site Address: htlp://www.bps.state.vt.us/ October 4, 1999 Mr. Ray Belair, Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 RE: Re -roof Project for Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Dear Mr. Belair: Enclosed please find drawings and specifications for the above captioned project. Please forward any permit application required for this project. Per our discussion we intend to use a forest green color for the standing seam roof. If you have any questions please call me at 828-5645. Sincerely, Roger B. Tetreault Engineering Consultant RBT/ pn C David E. Burley, Chief of Engineering Robert J. Rea, Jr., Chief of Construction CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 May 11, 2000 Roger Tetreault 2 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier, VT 05602 Re: Site Plan - State Correction Facility — 7 Farrell Street Dear Mr. Tetreault: Enclosed please find a copy of Finding of Facts for the above referenced project dated May 11, 2000. Please note the conditions of approval, including that a zoning permit be obtained within six (6) months or this approval is null and void.. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Sarah MacCallum Planning & Zoning Assistant Enclosure CITE" OF SOUTH BURLI[NGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW MAY p 2 20W All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (dame as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) 2) APPLICANT (Dame, mailing address, phone and fax #) 3) CONTACT PERSON (Dame, mailing address phone and fax #) Ap-c�.- 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 1 57 S) TAX MAP NUMBER (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) S) PROJECT DESCRIPTION 00 ) Existing Irises on Pope (including descnptionnd size of each separate use) ' /i'�'Cfi•'�� `�-c�y � ��fi` fin b) Proposed Uses (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) _/' t0 C/i0-,,." c) Total building square footage (proposed buildings and existin buildin /1/C) t' �e �� g C s t� remain) d) Height of building & number ,o f floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) v a) Number of residential units (if" applicable, new units and existing units to remain) n Number of employees (existing and proposed): _ 6/g+ !Ie"y e n g) Other (gist any ether it pertinent to this application not specifically requested aboVPve): :f"oil - l ai r�'G9�ft�s 7) LOT COVERAGE Proposed = ° �� % a) Building: Existing /° � b) Overall (building, parking, ou side storage, etc) Proposed -11114 -- % Existing -!�;�% p /�"� % Proposed �� c) Front yard (along each street) Existing — 8) COST ESTIMATES a) Building: $ b) Landscaping: /> dd`) c) Other site improvements (please list Frith cost): 9) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic (in and out): b) A.M. Weak hour (in and out): 41 c) P.M. Peak hour (in and out): `- 10) PEAK FOURS OF OPERATION: Afle.r 11) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: . ZLL 12) ES71MATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: C10 13) SITE 'PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the informat:onfl�e site planExhibit ust be submitted. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11 x 17 ) of site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certifij that all the information requested as part cf this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. IGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF CO -APPLICANT Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: El Development .Review Board 0 'Director, Planning & Zoning I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be. - ElComplete El Incomplete Director of Planning & Zoning or Designee Date (Apfrmsp)� C l j X1 f 7&c e r 7`�iCsrce-Arlo ���•► (A-e kd QAle awe �p���.�./ri� �� vs rev&l ,,,/4.2 r 2,42 �%j . �� �i.e✓r? 6z'r3� ��r ui e s �y �Sc� �v s �ri.�� n S dr�i 109— i�s /fit EXHIBIT A SITE PLAN The following information must be shown on the site plan. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. * Lot drawn to scale (20 feet scale if possible) * Survey data (distance and acreage) Contours (existing and finished) Proposed landscaping schedule (number, variety and size) as required in Section 26.105 of the zoning regulations Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways Zoning and location boundaries Numben of parking spaces (as ,equired under Section 26.25 of the zoning r regulations) Number and location of handicapped spaces (as required under Section 26.253(a) of the zoning regulations) Location of septic tanks (if applicable) Location of any easements Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard North arrow site plan and date Name of person or firm preparingcasting and shielded) Exterior lighting details (must be down Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened) Bicycle rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations If Restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of floor area provided for patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE E] New Application $ 60.00* [D Amendment $ 35-00* * Includes $10.00 recording fee (Apfrmsp) SITE PLAN APPLICATION TO BE REVIEWED BY THE SOUTH BURLINGTON DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & ZONING The following site plan application will be reviewed by the South Burlington Director of Planning and Zoning as authorized under Section 26.10 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. The Director shall issue a decision no sooner than two (2) days from the date of this notice. A decision of the Director may be appealed by an interested party to the Development Review Board within 15 days of the Director's decision. Notice of an appeal shall comply with the provisions of 24 VSA, Section 4465. I. Site plan application by the State of Vermont to undertake a landscaping project at 7 Farrell Street. Site plan applications may be reviewed at the Planning Department offices, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 May 2, 2000 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 April 26, 2000 Roger B. Tetreault Engineering Consultant Department of Buildings & General Services Facilities Division Two Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-5801 Re: Landscaping, 7 Farrell Street Dear Mr. Tetreault: Please be advised that the site plan approval granted on 5/7/99 has expired for failure to obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months of the approval (see condition #2). Therefore, reapproval will be necessary before a zoning permit can be issued for this work. Please complete the enclosed Site Plan Review application together with the $60.00 filing fee. No additional plans are necessary. Since this is a reapproval with no changes, we can issue the reapproval in a short amount of time. If you have any questions, please give me a call Sincerely; 'v Ra and J. Belair, Administrative Officer RIB/mcp Encis State of Vermont Facilities ivision DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS & GENERAL SERVICES Two Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33 AGENCY" OF ADMINISTRATION Montpelier, VT 05633-5801 Telephone: 802-828-3314 FAX: 802-828-3533 March 14, 2000 City of South Burlington Grrr✓�r.�,.`�S Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 ATTN: Joe Weith, Director of Planning & Zoning RE: Landscaping Plan at Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility 7 Farrell Street, South Burlington, VT SECOND NOTICE Dear Mr. Weith: As per your letter to David Burley dated May 11, 1999 and Decision & Conditions, Page Two, Item #4, please find attached revised drawings LA2 and LA3 on the above - captioned project for your review and approval. Please note that on Page One (1) of the same letter FINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION, Item #4, should be corrected. The recently installed fence is a 12' chain link fence, not an 8' chain line fence. If you have any questions please call me at 828-5645. Sincerely, CO Roger B. Tetreault Engineering Consultant RBT/pn C James A. Richardson, Director of Facilities David E. Burley, Chief of Engineering John Murphy, Superintendent, CRCF Terry Boyle & Associates, Landscape Architect Roger A. Tetreault Facilities Division 2 Gov. Aiken Avenue Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-5801 November 3, 1999 Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Mr. Belair: I have received your letter requesting the appropriate form and fee for a zoning permit for the re -roofing of the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility. I am unclear as to why such a permit is necessary given the specifications of the project. The re -roofing does not affect either the size, height, bulk, yards, courts, setbacks, density of buildings, off-street parking and loading facilities or landscaping or screening requirements, which are the only aspects of an existing state facility that a municipal zoning ordinance may regulate as per 24 V.S.A. §4409(a). Since the re -roofing does not change the specifications of the elements listed above for this facility, I fail to see why a zoning permit is necessary. If you have any additional information as to why a permit would be required I would be happy to review it. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely; Roger B Tetreault cc: Thomas W. Torti, Commissioner Stacy A. Butler, Attorney Dave Burley, Chief of Engineering Jim Richardson, Director of Facilities State of Vermont Facilities Division ^nf ' DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS & GENERAL SERVICES Two Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33 AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION Montpelier, VT 05633-5801 Telephone: 802-828-3314 FAX: 802-828-3533 May 19, 1999 City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 ATTN: Joe Weith, Director of Planning & Zoning RE: Landscaping Plan at Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility 7 Farrell Street, South Burlington, VT Dear Mr. Weith: As per your letter to David Burley dated May 11, 1999 and Decision & Conditions, Page Two, Item #4, please find attached revised drawings LA2 and LA3 on the above -captioned project for your review and approval. Please note that on Page One (1) of the same letter FINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION, Item #4, should be corrected. The recently installed fence is a 12' chain link fence, not an 8' chain line fence. If you have any questions please call me at 828-5645. Sincerely, Roger B. Tetreault Engineering Consultant RBT/pn C James A. Richardson, Director of Facilities David E. Burley, Chief of Engineering John Murphy, Superintendent, CRCF Terry Boyle & Associates, Landscape Architect CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 May 11, 1999 David E. Burley Buildings & General Services 2 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Re: Landscaping Amendment, 7 Farrell Street Dear Mr. Burley: Enclosed is a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project approved by the Director of Planning & Zoning on May 7, 1999. Please note the conditions of approval including the requirement that a zoning permit be obtained within six (6) months or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Jo� Weith, Director Planning and Zoning JW/mcp 1 Encl ig SP - 17— /' CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. 1) OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) STATE OF VERMONT, Book 108, Pots 370-372 Buildings & General Services 2 Governor. Aiken Ave-, Mon nP1;Pr, VT 05602 Phone: (802) 828-3314 FAX: (802) 828-3533 2) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) David E. Burley Buildings & General Services, 2 Governor Aiken Ave Montpelier, V`t' 05602 Phone: (802) 828-5643 FAX: (802) 828-3533 3) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Roger Tetreault Buildings & General Services, 2 Governor Aiken Ave., Montpelier, VT 05602 Phone: (802) 828-5645 FAX: (802) 828-3533 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: Swift & Farrell Streets 5) TAX MAP NUMBER (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) Y6-1-1 6) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) _ State (Regional) Correctional Facility b) Proposed Uses (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) Same c) Total building square footage (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) No change (51,A11 s.f.) d) Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine) No change e) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) 197 Beds (No change) f) Number of employees (existing and proposed): No chan g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above): This is a landscaping project only 7) LOT COVERAGE 8 Acres± parcel a) Building: Existing 15 % Proposed N. C. % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 6 0 ± % Proposed N . c . % c) Front yard (along each street) 8) COST ESTIMATES a) Building: $ Existing % Proposed N.C. % b)Landscaping: $ 22,000 + Fees c) Other site improvements (please list with cost): None 9) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a) Average daily traffic (in and out): + 4 vehicles for 5 weeks b) A.M. Peak hour (in and out): c) P.M. Peak hour (In and out): 10) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7 : 0 0 a.m. - 4 : 0 0 P.m. 11) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday - Friday 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: June 25, 19 9 9 13) SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE 9FAWICANT SIGNATURE OF CO -APPLICANT Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: �� c REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Planning Commission have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Complete fjLifs/ �-- 11 Director, Planning & Zoning Incomplete Directoyof Planning & Zoning or Designee (Apfrmsp) Date EXHIBIT A SITE PLAN The following information must be shown on the site plan. Please submit five (5) copies and one reduced copy (11 x 17) of the site plan. Failure to provide the following information will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Planning Commission. • Lot drawn to scale (20 feet scale if possible) • Survey data (distance and acreage) • Contours (existing and finished) • Proposed landscaping schedule (number, variety and size) as required in Section 26.105 of the zoning regulations • Location of streets, abutting properties, era hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping • Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways Zoning boundaries • Number and location of parking spaces (as required under Section 26.25 of the zoning regulations) • Number and location of handicapped spaces (as required under Section 26.253(a) of the zoning regulations) • Location of septic tanks (if applicable) Location of any easements Lot coverage information: Building footprint, total lot, and front yard • North arrow Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date Exterior lighting details (must be down casting and shielded) Dumpster locations (dumpsters must be screened) Bicycle rack as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations If Restaurant is proposed, provide number seats and square footage of floor area provided for patron use but not containing fixed seats APPLICATION FEE 0 New Application $ 60.00* Q' Amendment $ 35.00* * Includes $10.00 recording fee (Apfrmsp) State of Vermont DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS & GENERAL SERVICES AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION April 6, 1999 Ray Belair CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Mr. Belair: Facilities Division Two Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-5801 Telephone: 802-828-3314 Fax: 802-828-3533 Enclosed is our application and payment for site plan review for the landscaping at the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility. Included is one reduced size site plan (LA 2) and four full sized copies of LA 2 plus one full sized complete set of construction documents. Please advise if you require additional information. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for your cooperation. Sincerely, DAVID E. BURLEY Chief of Engineering DEB:cml Enclosures I i \ r- - - -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- '\ Plant List I ` I ` I ` I ' i—x x x x x x\ \ X--x x x x x----- + \ � + + \ + \\+ + \ ` G'1�,7�oE�E�G"I MIRrr.....I M�MM el �1MMl � x x / \ < \ Legend Existing Propo-d � x� \ Groundcover o°� \ Deciduous Shrubs x 6r \ x x / \ + ® 001 Deciduous Trees x \ x \\ Q Deciduous Multistem Tree 9 Coniferous Shrubs Note: x v /�j�\ \ � Jt---j' ® coniferous trees 1. plantings. Provide mulch beds for new . I and existing planti 2 I Existing Property Line 2. See maintenance plan for \ pruning and mulching A' instructions for existing plant \ material. \ \ uwa, to o.p.at at e�w 3. Plant flogging by Landscape \ e.i 't 3 f amp Architect, using wire survey \ (n „ ArOONtw }lags RECEIVED —h \ (n \ r+ 2vw \ N z a,wrw.n me \ ® A Oa NIM \ 4 1 ; l nO crvtl ul \\ City Of So. BUfllpaif, _ 2 -I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 lTTTTT1 I IA I ITI I 1 11 \ n.plou .HMYp crvOapplOw RMnOv1 s let pOOO \ pIOO�I Lpa N1F 9'aOOMta300 A oOd mllcn trO 13 9argwll JunWOr •_1 �/ - \ BAN" Sam~ ROOM, 10 ss.,p..•1 •b.bo. \ One om \ I ----.-- .G: —. ® ® lxNtMO pb,tAl 7 A pOMt0OI I OnA odO mule ihtl Ooutl. rw• 9 ^. , �wO I Farrell Street I I State of Vermont T.J. Bo a and Associates °pertinent JBufldingsbGen Services Fani]iUes DivisionAm&0tokhiteeks planning consultonts Twr Governor Aiken Avenue, Draw-33 301 college street budington • verrnont • O5401 MontpcliQ, VP 05633 SW —E) r" Chittenden Regional Correctional 1..= 30' 1 Landscape Plan Boy ie • • Associates landscape architects • planning consultants David Burley .- Buildings Division 2 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier, Vermont 05633-5801 RE: South Burlington Correction Center Landscape Plan Dear Dave: 301 college street* Burlington •vermont 05401 phone (802) 658-3555 fax (802) 863-1562 February 24,1999 The enclosed plans dated 02-24-99 show the proposed demolition and landscaping for the south and east sides of the site. The south side we discuss at the meeting of 02/12/99. It was at this meeting that it was expressed that I should proceed with developing a landscape/maintenance plan for the east side of the site. I am sending the plans for everyone's review before the March 5 meeting. The following is a brief description of the landscape plan. At the southeast comer around the pump station, replace the existing cedar with the same arborvitae that are proposed along the south side. The existing plantings are getting leggy and no longer provide the screening that they once did. Thin out the smaller junipers from the bed in front of the cedar planting and mulch. Replace the next two juniper beds with two plantings of doubled rowed arborvitae. On the south side of the entry keep the juniper at the back of the sign and replace the rest and mulch. On the north side of the entry, replace the over -grown juniper bed with a lower form of juniper. Keep the next five shrubs and then add two single rows of arborvitae separated by three existing quince. Fill in around the existing planting and arborvitae with a groundcover. The groundcover will fill in the bank and help to stabilize it. In the lawn area next to the buildings main entry remove the four locusts and replace with a row of five cypress. The cypress will provide screening for southbound travelers on Farrell Street, have narrow form and allow for visibility to the parking lot and fence area from the offices. The plan calls for removing the end plants from the yew hedge next to the build; the exposed yews will fill-in over time. All of the crab apples are overgrown or poorly formed and should be removed or replaced. The plan calls for replacing the three in front of the flagpoles and adds a crushed gravel wall behind the trees to the poles. The rest of the crab on the east side are removed. We added crushed gravel paths in place of the existing dirt path for access to the fence. We have tried to address the need for screening, security, maintenance, cost and aesthetics in a balance way. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about the enclosed plans or plant list. Sincerely, Steph n E. Davis c.c. Joe Weith John Murphy Enc. Plant list Proposed landscape plan 02-24-99 Proposed demolition plan 02-24-99 Draft of planting specifications Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Preliminary Plant List Qty. Scientific Name Common Name Size Spec Trees 2 Amelanchier canadensis Shadblow serviceberry 5-63-stern B&B 8 Chamaecyparis pisifera'Filiferd Green Thread -leaf Falsecypress 3.5-4' B&B 3 Gleditsia t. I. 'Shademaster Shademaster Honeylocust 2.5-3" Street Tree B&B 4 Malus sargentii Sargent Crabapple 1.5-2" B&B 6 Quercus rubra Red Oak 2.5-3" Street Tree B&B 8 Pinus nigra Austrian Pine 6-7' B&B 74 Thuja occidentalis 'Nigra' Dark American Arborvitae 4-5' B&B Shrubs 80 Juniperus chinensis 'Sargenti Green Sargent Juniper 18" -24" 3 G 2 Taxus media'Densiformis' Dario spreading yew 15-18" B&B Groundcover 700 1,Nuga reptans 'Metallica Crispa' Carpet bugleweed Pint 60 Ivinca minor Periwinkle I Pint T. J. Boyle and Associates 02/24/99 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02936: SEEDING Draft PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. Seeding, mulching and fertilizer shall be installed as shown on drawings as specified herein, and as needed to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to perform the work of this section. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02923 - Landscape Grading: Preparation of subsoil and placement of topsoil in preparation for the work of this Section. B. Section 02950 — Trees, Plants, and Ground Cover. 1.05 DEFINITIONS A. Weeds: Include Dandelion, Jimsonweed, Quackgrass, Horsetail, Morning Glory, Rush Grass, Mustard, Lambsquarter, Chickweed, Cress, Crabgrass, Canadian Thistle, Nutgrass, Blackberry, Tansy Ragwort, Bermuda Grass, Johnson Grass, Poison Ivy, Nut Sedge, Nimble Will, Bindweed, Bent Grass, Wild Garlic, Perennial Sorrel, and Brome Grass. B. A satisfactory stand is defined as a seeded area or section of seeded area 1000 SF or larger that has: 1. No bare spots larger than 1 SF. 2. Not more than 10 percent of total area with bare spots larger than 12 inches square. 1.06 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit under provisions of this contract. B. Maintenance Data: Include maintenance instructions, cutting method and maximum grass height; types, application frequency, and recommended coverage of fertilizer. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide seed mixture in containers showing percentage of seed mix, year of production, net weight, date of packaging, and location of packaging. 1.08 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with regulatory agencies for fertilizer and herbicide composition. 03/05/99 SECTION 02936 SEEDING I of5 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02936: SEEDING B. Provide certificate of compliance from authority having jurisdiction indicating approval of seed mixture. 1.09 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site under provisions of this contract. B. Deliver grass seed mixture in sealed containers. Seed in damaged packaging is not acceptable. C. Deliver dry, free flowing fertilizer in original, unopened waterproof bags showing weight, chemical analysis, and name of manufacturer 1.10 COORDINATION A. Coordinate work under provisions of this contract. 1.11 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Maintain seeded areas immediately after placement for three cuttings or as long as is necessary to establish a uniform, healthy stand of specified grasses in all required areas until final acceptance. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SEED SUPPLIERS (Not used ) 2.02 SEED MIXTURE (Lawn Areas) A. General Seed Mixture: 1. Nassau Kentucky Bluegrass: 60 percent. 2. Jamestown Chewings Fescue: 20 percent. 3. Perennial Ryegrass: 20 percent. Or equal mixture approved by Landscape Architect 2.03 SOIL MATERIALS A. Topsoil: As specified in section 02955. 2.04 ACCESSORIES A. Mulching Material: Penn Mulch (R) or equal water absorbing based mulch pellets, Dry oat or wheat straw free from weeds and foreign matter detrimental to plant life. Hay or chopped cornstalks are not acceptable in lawn areas. B. Fertilizer: FS 0-F-241, Type I, Grade A; recommended for grass, with fifty percent of the elements derived from organic sources; of proportion necessary to eliminate any deficiencies of topsoil, as indicated in analysis. 03/05/99 SECTION 02936 SEEDING 2 o175 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02936: SEEDING C. Water: Clean, fresh and free of substances or matter that could inhibit vigorous growth of grass. D. Erosion Control Fabric: North American Green DS150, or approved equal biodegradable erosion control netting on slopes greater than 1 on 2 or as indicated on the plans. E. Lime: Ground limestone, dolomite type minimum 95 percent carbonates 2.05 TESTS A. Provide analysis of topsoil under provisions of section 02955. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that prepared soil base is ready to receive the work of this Section. 3.02 PREPARATION OF SUBSOIL A. Refer to Section 02923 landscape grading. 3.03 PLACING TOPSOIL A. Refer to Section 02923 landscape grading. 3.04 FERTILIZING and LIMING A. Apply fertilizer and limestone in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and in accordance with testing recommendations. B. Apply after smooth raking of topsoil. C. Do not apply fertilizer at same time or with same machine as will be used to apply seed. D. Mix thoroughly into upper 2 inches (50 mm) of topsoil. E. Lightly water to aid the dissipation of fertilizer. 3.05 SEEDING A. Within 20 calendar days of receipt of signed contract for the work, submit to the Landscape Architect a proposed time schedule indicating dates for beginning and completion of the following operations: 1. Preparation of lawn bed for seeding 2. Seeding 3. Maintenance B. Apply seed at the following rates: 1. General Mixture: 4 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft C. Apply evenly in two intersecting directions. Rake in lightly. 03/05/99 SECTION 02936 SEEDING 3 of5 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02936: SEEDING D. Do not seed areas in excess of that which can be mulched on same day. E. Planting Season: May 1 — June 15, F. Do not sow immediately following rain, when ground is too dry, or during windy periods. G. Roll seeded area with roller not exceeding 120 lbs. H. Immediately following seeding, apply mulch to a thickness of 1/8 inches. Maintain clear of shrubs and trees. I. Apply water with a fine spray immediately after each area has been mulched. Saturate to 4 inches of soil. 3.06 HYDROSEEDING A. Apply seeded slurry with a hydraulic seeder at a rate of 4 1 bs per 1000 sq ft evenly in two intersecting directions. B. Do not hydroseed area in excess of that which can be mulched on same day. C. Immediately following seeding, apply mulch to a thickness of 1/8 inches. Maintain clear of shrubs and trees. D. Apply water with a fine spray immediately after each area has been mulched saturate to 4 inches of soil. 3.07 EROSION CONTROL A. Cover seeded slopes where grade is 6 inches per foot or greater with biodegradable erosion fabric. Roll fabric onto slopes without stretching or pulling. B. Lay fabric smoothly on surface, bury top end of each section in 6 inch deep excavated topsoil trench. Provide 12 inch overlap of adjacent rolls. Backfill trench and rake smooth, level with adjacent soil. C. Secure outside edges and overlaps at 36 inch intervals with stakes. D. Lightly dress slopes with topsoil to ensure close contact between fabric and soil. E. At sides of ditches, lay fabric laps in direction of water flow. Lap ends and edges minimum 6 inches. 3.08 MAINTENANCE A. Maintenance shall include but not be limited to: proper and all necessary watering, mowing, raking, refertilizing, edging, repairing sunken areas or washes, reseeding and disease, insect and weed control. Areas which fail to meet Landscape Architect's approval shall be resodded or reseeded as directed and such areas, and parts of areas, reworked repeatedly until all areas are properly graded and established with a satisfactory stand of specified grass. B. Watering: Water as necessary to prevent any wilting or dry -out until termination of Contract. Water as not to create a nuisance or cause damage of any kind. 03/05/99 SECTION 02936 SEEDING 4 of 5 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02936: SEEDING C. Mowing and clipping: The first mowing shall not be attempted until the seed has sprouted. and reached a height of three inches. Not more than 1 /3 of the grass leaf shall be removed by the initial or subsequent cuttings. Grass shall be maintained at a height between 1-1/2 inches and 2-1/2 inches by cutting with a sharp mower. Rake after cutting if required. Three mowings are required. (See inspection and acceptance) D. Refertilizing: Fertilize as specified above after first clipping and mowing. E. Weeding: Keep all grass areas relatively free from weeds and undesirable grasses by methods and with materials approved by Landscape Architect. F. Repair: If at any time before completing and acceptance of the entire work covered by this contract, any portion of the surface becomes gullied or otherwise damaged following seeding, or the seed has been winter killed or otherwise destroyed, the affected portion shall be repaired to re-establish the condition and grade of the soil prior to sodding or seeding and shall be resodded or reseeded as specified. G. Protection: Provide temporary protective barriers and warning signs of seeded area during maintenance period where required or directed by the landscape architect 3.09 GUARANTEE A. If at the end of three weeks a satisfactory stand of grass has not been produced, the contractor shall renovate and reseed the lawn or unsatisfactory portions thereof immediately or, if after July 15, during the next planting season following the requirements of this specification, ie. September 1, 1998. B. Satisfactory stand is defined in item 1.0513. 3.10 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE A. Inspection: Notify and confirm all appointments with Landscape Architect at least 5 days prior to anticipated inspection dates. Payment will not be made without Landscape Architect's written approval. 1. Semi-final Inspection: Site shall be inspected by Landscape Architect upon completion of all work included herein, exclusive of maintenance. Coordinate with tree planting. 2. Inspection and Final Acceptance: After the minimum three mowings, and upon written application from the contractor, the Landscape Architect shall determine the acceptability of the grass. No lawn area shall have bare spots, weeds, or unacceptable cover totaling more than 2 percent of each individual area and these areas shall be repaired as directed. If substantial areas are unsatisfactory, responsibility for maintenance will be extended until this work is satisfactorily corrected and completed. The Landscape Architect will be the sole judge of the acceptability of the work. END OF SECTION 03/05/99 SECTION 02936 SEEDING 5 of 5 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02955: TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER Draft PART 1 GENERAL 1.04 Scope A. Preparation of work under this section shall be as shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to perform the work of this section including. l . Preparation of subsoil and topsoil. 2. Topsoil bedding. 3. New trees, plants and groundcover. 4. Mulch and fertilizer. 5. Maintenance. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02923 - Landscape Grading: Preparation and placement of subsoil and topsoil in preparation for the work of this Section. B. Section 02936 - Seeding. 1.05 REFERENCES A. FS 0-F-241 — Fertilizers, Mixed, Commercial. B. ANSI Z60.1 —Nursery Stock. C. ASNS — American Standard for Nursery Stock, 1990 or latest edition, American Association of Nurserymen. 1.06 DEFINITIONS A. Weeds: Include Dandelion, Jimsonweed, Quackgrass, Horsetail, Morning Glory, Rush Grass, Mustard, Lambsquarter, Chickweed, Cress, Crabgrass, Canadian Thistle, Nutgrass, Blackberry, Tansy Ragwort, Bermuda Grass, Johnson Grass, Poison Ivy, Nut Sedge, Nimble Will, Bindweed, Bent Grass, Wild Garlic, Perennial Sorrel, and Brome Grass. B. Plants: Living trees, plants, and ground cover specified in this Section, and described in ANSI Z60.1. 1.07 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit under provisions of this contract. B. Operation data: Submit for continuing Owner maintenance. 03/05/99 SECTION 02955 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER I of 10 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02955: TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER C. Maintenance Data: Include cutting and trimming method; types, application, frequency and recommended coverage of fertilizer. 1.08 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide inspection and testing for verifying acceptability of plants and adequacy of topsoil. 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS A. Nursery: Company specializing in growing and cultivating the plants with three years experience. B. Installer: Company specializing in installing and planting the plants. C. Maintenance Services: Performed by installer. 1.10 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with regulatory agencies for fertilizer and herbicide composition. B. Provide certificate of compliance from authority having jurisdiction indicating approval of plants, fertilizer and herbicide mixture. C. Plant Materials: Certified by federal department of agriculture Described by ASTM Z60.1; free of disease or hazardous insects. 1.11 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site under provisions of this contract. B. Deliver dry, free flowing, fertilizer in original, unopened waterproof bags showing weight, chemical analysis, and name of manufacturer. C. Deliver plant materials immediately prior to placement. Keep plants moist and protected. D. If deciduous trees or shrubs are moved in full leaf, spray with anti -desiccant at nursery before moving and spray again two weeks after planting. Apply anti — desiccant using power spray to provide adequate film over trunks, branches, stems, twigs and foliage. E. Plants in containers shall meet the standards set forth in ASNS. Plants will be grown or established in containers in which they will be delivered for at least eight (8) months but not more than twenty-four (24) months prior to final planting. Plants shall have well established root systems but shall not be root bound. Plants with cracked or broken balls of earth when taken from containers shall not be planted unless approved by the Landscape Architect. Do not lift or carry container plants by the tops, stems, or trunks at any time. F. Bare root plants shall meet the standards set forth in ASNS. Plants shall be moved only when dormant and will be handled at all times to prevent drying of roots. G. Balled and Burlapped plants shall meet the standards set forth in ASNS. Balls will be firmly wrapped with burlap and bound with twine, cord, or wire mesh. Where necessary to prevent cracking of ball during planting, or where tree exceeds 4" caliper, secure ball to platform. 03/05/99 SECTION 02955 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 2 of 10 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02955: TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 1.12 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not install plants when ambient temperatures may drop below 35 degrees F or above 90 degrees F. B. Do not install plants when wind velocity exceeds 30 mph. 1.13 COORDINATION A. Coordinate work under provisions of this contract. B. Coordinate with installation of underground utilities, piping and watering heads. 1.14 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee all plants for a minimum of one (1) year to be alive and in a vigorous growing condition at the end of the guarantee period. B. Remove unsatisfactory plants and replace with plants of the same kind, quality, and size as specified in the Schedule of Plant Materials. C. Guarantee all plant replacements to be alive and in vigorous condition one year after replacement. D. Costs shall be borne by Contractor, except for possible replacements resulting from (1) removal, (2) loss or damage due to occupancy of project in any part or (3) vandalism. E. Make plant replacements under the guarantee as required. Replace plants that die during a season unfavorable for planting during the first month of the next favorable planting season. 1.15 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Begin maintenance immediately after each plant is installed and continue to maintain until the end of the one (1) year guarantee period. Guarantee starts at the completion of planting and when authorized in writing by the Landscape Architect. B. Maintenance to include: 1. Cultivation and weeding plant beds and tree pits. 2. Applying herbicides for weed control in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Remedy damage resulting from use of herbicides. 3. Remedy damage from use of insecticides. 4. Irrigating sufficient to saturate root system. 5. Pruning, including removal of dead or broken branches and treatment of pruned areas or other wounds. 6. Disease control. 7. Maintaining tree ties, and stakes. Adjust tree ties to keep tight. Repair or replace accessories when required. 03/05/99 SECTION 02955 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 3 of 10 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02955: TREES, PLAINTS AND GROUND COVER 1.16 ABBREVIATIONS A. The following abbreviations as used in this specification shall mean: 1. B&B balled and burlapped 2. BR bare root 3. CG container grown 4. BP balled, burlapped, and fixed to platform 5. Cal. the caliper of the main trunk in inches measured as in ASNS 6. CY cubic yard, not compacted PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE NURSERIES (Not used) 2.02 TREES, PLANTS, AND GROUND COVER A. Trees Plants and Ground Cover: Species and size identifiable in plant schedule, grown n climatic conditions similar to those in locality of the Work. B. Nomenclature: Names of plants required under this contract conform to those given in Hortus III, 1976. C. Quality and size: Nursery grown, habit of growth that is normal for the species, sound, healthy, vigorous and free from insects, diseases and injuries; equal to or exceeding measurements specified in plant list. Plants measured before pruning with branches in normal position. Sizes and methods of handling according to the code of standards recommended by ASNS; ball sizes as indicated in the Schedule of Plant Materials on Drawings. D. Substitutions: Upon submission of proof that a plant is not obtainable, the Landscape Architect will specify a substitute plant of the nearest equivalent size and variety having the essential characteristics of the original item. 2.03 SOIL MATERIALS A. Topsoil: Fertile, agricultural soil, typical for locality, capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth, taken from drained site; free of subsoil, clay or impurities, plants, weeds and roots; minimum pH value of 5.5 and maximum 6.5,minimum organic content 4%, and conforming to AASHTO M 145. 03/05/99 SECTION 02955 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 4 of 10 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02955: TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 2.04 SOIL AMENDMENT AND OTHER MATERIALS A. Fertilizer: FS 0-F-241, Type I, Grade A; with fifty percent of the elements derived from organic sources; of proportion necessary to eliminate any deficiencies of topsoil, as indicated in analysis by testing facility. B. Peat Moss: Commercially produced, shredded, loose, sphagnum moss; free of toxic substances, insects, diseases, fungi, weedy grasses, lumps, roots, inorganic material or acidic materials; minimum of 85 percent organic material measured by oven dry weight, pH range of 4 to 5; moisture content of 30 percent. C. Manure: Commercially produced dehydrated cow manure free from insects, diseases, fungi and weeds. D. Lime: Ground limestone, dolomite type, and minimum 95 percent carbonates. E. Superphosphate: Granular, dry, free flowing, normal superphosphate (18-20 percent P205), delivered in original, unopened bags. F. Anti — desiccant: Emulsion type, film forming agent designed to permit transpiration, but retard excessive loss of moisture from plants such as "Foligard" or approved equal. G. Water: Clean, fresh and free of substances or matter that could inhibit vigorous growth of plants. H. Herbicide: All herbicides shall be used as approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Interior and the Vermont Pesticide Advisory Board. 1. Treflan by Elanco; granular form or approved equal 2. Dacthol by Diamond Shamrock; granular form or approved equal 3. Enide by Duco;granular form or approved equal Compost: All GroO- or approved equal (800)-662-2440. Compost shall contain organic matter, or material of a generally humus nature capable of sustaining the growth of vegetation, with no admixture or refuse or material toxic to plant growth. It shall be free from stones, lumps or similar objects larger than 1" or greater in diameter, roots and brush. Composts that have been derived from organic wastes such as food and agricultural residues, animal manure and sewage sludge that meet the above requirements and are approved by the Safe Environmental Agency, are acceptable sources of compost. 2.05 MULCH MATERIALS A. Mulching Material: Finely ground bark, particles generally 1-1/2 to 2 inch in size, free of growth or germination inhibiting ingredients. 2.06 ACCESSORIES A. Wrapping Materials: Reusable perforated plastic tree wrap . B. Stakes: 2" X 2" X 72" minimum rough sawn hardwood stakes, pointed end. 03/05/99 SECTION 02955 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 5 of 10 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02955: TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER C. Wide belt type tree tie, non -corrosive, of sufficient strength to withstand wind pressure and resultant movement of plant life. 2.07 TESTS AND SAMPLES A. Provide analysis of imported and existing topsoil under provisions of this contract. B. Analyze to ascertain percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, soluble salt and organic matter; pH value and organic content. C. Submit minimum 10-oz sample of topsoil proposed. Forward sample to testing laboratory in sealed containers to prevent contamination. D. Testing is not required if recent tests are available for imported topsoil. Submit these test results to the testing laboratory for approval. Indicate, by test results, information necessary to determine suitability. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Within twenty (20) calendar days of receipt of signed contract for the work, submit to the Landscape Architect a proposed time schedule indicating dates for commencement and completion of the following operations. — Purchase of plant material(s) — Preparation of topsoil — Survey and staking of plant locations — Delivery of topsoil and other materials — Digging and preparation of plant pits and beds — Delivery of trees to the site — Delivery of other plants to the site — Planting of trees — Planting of other plants — Guying, staking and mulching — Completion of Project for start of guarantee period B. Purchase of Major Materials: Within twenty (20) calendar days of receipt of signed contract for the landscape work submit to the Landscape Architect a list of plant material sources. All material shall be of specified standard and size. C. Verify that prepared subsoil is ready to receive work. D. Verify that required underground utilities are not present in areas to be planted. 3.02 PREPARATION of SUBSOIL A. As specified on Section 02923 — Landscape Grading 3.03 PLACING TOPSOIL A. As specified on Section 02923 - Landscape Grading 03/05/99 SECTION 02955 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 6 of 10 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02955: TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 3.04 FERTILIZING A. Apply fertilizer in accordance with lab test results near end of guarantee period and during appropriate season. B. Do not fertilizes at the time of planting. C. Mix thoroughly into the upper 2 inches of topsoil. D. Lightly water to aid the dissipation of fertilizer. E. Replace and replenish mulch as required. 3.05 PLANTING A. Prepare amended backfll for plant pits and beds. Backfill shall be conditioned by shredding or layering. Backfill generally shall be mixed as follows with adjustment as required for specific plants. 1. Topsoil and compost mix as described in item 2.03A and 2.041, plus 1-inch manure and 1/3 cup superphosphate for each cubic foot of soil. 2. Fertilizer, limestone or sulfur to comply with soil test recommendations when tested near the end of the guarantee period. B. Time of Planting: Begin to prepare topsoil for plant pits according to approved schedule. Thereafter conduct planting operations under favorable weather conditions during seasons which are normal for such work, as determined by accepted practice in locality of the project. At the option and on the full responsibility of the Contractor, planting operations may be conducted under unseasonable conditions without additional compensation. Deciduous plant material shall be planted during the dormant period unless approved by the landscape architect. C. Location of Plants: Locate new planting by flagging where shown on plans except where obstructions below ground are encountered or where changes have been made in the construction; then make necessary adjustments as approved by Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect to approve final flagging and location of all plant material. Plant no planting, except groundcover, closer than 18 inches to pavements and structures. Necessary changes in location must be approved in writing prior to planting. D. Finished Grades: 1. Topsoil depths are as indicated on drawings. 2. Set all plant material in relation to proposed finished grades. E. Planting — General: 1. Dig tree pits and have soil mixture for planting ready before plants are delivered. Excavate circular pits. Remove excess excavated material from site. Diameter of pits for all trees equals (3) three times the diameter of the root ball. Depth of pits for trees shall be sufficient to accommodate base or roots when tree is set to one 03/05/99 SECTION 02955 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 7 of 10 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02955: TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER inch above finished grade allowing six inches of undisturbed subsoil or compacted soil mix in the bottom of pit as shown in planting details. 2. Set plants upright and faced to give the best appearance or relationship to adjacent structures or walks. 3. Balled and burlapped (BRB) plants: Remove or roll back and cover with soil natural fiber burlap from the top 1 /3 of the root ball. Cut and remove all but that which is under the root ball when burlap is of a synthetic or treated fiber. Leave no burlap above soil surface. Cut and remove all of the wire baskets; except that which is under the rootball's lower portion and flat. 4. Bare root plants: Spread roots in a normal position. Cut all broken or frayed roots off cleanly. 5. Container grown: Remove plant from container and tease roots. Inspect for roots which are beginning to circle the root ball and tease out or sever completely. When slow release pellets are present, remove the pellets and mix into backfill. Do not let them fall into the planting hole. After plant is installed but before mulch is applied, scatter pellets evenly on top of the soil. Remove non -biodegradable root containers. 6. Test soil pH and adjust backfill as required, mixing lime with dry soil. Prevent lime from contacting roots of acid loving plants. 7. Eliminate all sods and clods from backfill. Amend backfill with manure compost, and superphosphate, as directed in these specifications (3.05A). 8. For pit and trench type backfill, mix planting soil prior to backfilling and stockpile on site. 9. Water the bottom of the plant pit before installing the plant. Backfill with amended soil and water in well as the hole is being filled, being sure to work out any air pockets and being careful to avoid injury to roots. After ground settles, fill with additional backfill to almost level of finished grade, but leave a slight depression to hold water as shown on tree planting detail. F. Planting Trees; Where applicable, plant trees before surrounding smaller plants and groundcover are in place. Position trees as indicated on the drawings. Notify the Landscape Architect for approval of location before installing. G. Planting Shrubs: Remove existing materials as required and dispose of in accordance with local codes and ordinances. Plant on centers as indicated with spacing adjusted if necessary to evenly fill bed using specified quantity of plants. H. Planting Groundcover: Remove existing materials as required and dispose of in accordance with local codes and ordinances. Plant on centers as indicated with spacing adjusted if necessary to evenly fill bed using specified quantity of plants. I. Apply anti - desiccant using power spray to provide adequate film over trunks, branches, stems, twigs and foliage. If deciduous trees or shrubs are moved in full leaf, spray with anti -desiccant at nursery before moving and spray again two weeks after planting. 03/05/99 SECTION 02955 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 8 of 10 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02955: TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 3.06 PLANT RELOCATION AND RE -PLANTING (Not used) 3.07 INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES (Not used) 3.08 PLANT SUPPORT — At Discretion of Contractor A. Support trees immediately after planting. Brace plants vertically with tree ties and stakes as shown in the drawings to the following schedule: Tree Caliper Tree Support Method 1 inch 1 stake with one tie 195- 1 3/4" 2 stakes with two ties 2 "— 3-1/2" 3 stakes with tree ties B. Wrapping — promptly after planting wrap trunks of deciduous trees spirally from ground line to height of second branches. Make all wrappings neat and snug. 3.09 PRUNING AND REPAIR A. Upon completion of work under this Contract, prune and repair injuries to all trees. Limit amount of pruning to minimum necessary to remove dead or injured twigs Prune in such a manner as not to change natural habit or shape of plant. Make cuts flush with outermost edge of branch collar leaving no stubs. On all cuts over 3/4 inch in diameter and bruises or scars on bark, trace the injured cambium back to living tissue and remove; smooth and shape wounds so as not to retain water, do not coat with wound dressing. 3.10 INSPECTIONS FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK A. Acceptance of start of maintenance: The Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect in writing of completion of construction. Within 15 days after completion of work an inspection for acceptance to start the maintenance period will begin and continue until final acceptance. B. Final Acceptance: The Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect within 20 days of the date for final inspection at the end of the maintenance period and an inspection will be arranged within 15 days of this date. Before final acceptance, the terms of the Plant Guarantee must be met and the project site must be in the condition stipulated under Maintenance Operations. 3.11 MAINTENANCE A. At least twenty (20) days before start of the guarantee period submit a schedule of proposed maintenance operations indicating the number of staff hours contemplated for each operation by season during autumn, winter, spring and summer. B. Neatly trim plants where necessary, immediately remove clippings after trimming. 03/05/99 SECTION 02955 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 9 of 10 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02955: TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER C. Water as often as required to maintain capillary water within 2 inches of the soil surface around plants. D. Control growth of weeds by hand weeding, replenishing mulch and/or the application of herbicides in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Remedy damage resulting from improper use of herbicides. E. Tighten and/or repair tree ties to keep trees erect and supported without damage to bark reset plants at proper grades or upright position if necessary. F. Apply anti - desiccant as required to retard transpiration. G. Apply pesticides in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Remedy damage resulting from improper use of pesticides. H. Replacement of plants required by the Plant Guarantee on a regular monthly basis under favorable weather conditions normal for such work as determined by accepted practice in the locality of the project. 1. Submit representative soil test to testing laboratory and notify landscape architect of the results and a schedule for application of fertilizer prior to final acceptance. J. Remove all staking, guying apparatus, and tree wrap at end of maintenance and guarantee period. 3.12 SCHEDULE - PLANT LIST A. As shown on drawings END OF SECTION 03/05/99 SECTION 02955 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER 10 of 10 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02923: GRADING Draft PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. Subgrade preparation and final grade topsoil for finish landscaping shall be installed as shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Placement of topsoil from stockpiles on site. C. Furnishing and placing additional topsoil as required to complete the lawn construction. D. Furnish and install dripstrip adjacent to buildings. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02936 — Seeding: Finish ground cover. B. Section 02955 — Trees, Plants and Ground Cover: Topsoil fill for trees, plants and ground cover. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIAL A. Subsoil: as specified in Section 02955 B. Topsoil: as specified in Section 02955. 2.02 UNDERDRAIN PIPE (Not used) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION (Not used) 3.02 PLACING SUBSOIL A. Use subsoil for fill below areas to be topsoiled and planted only. B. Fill areas to contours and elevations with unfrozen materials, in continuous layers and compact in accordance with Schedule at end of Section. 03/05/99 SECTION 02923 — GRADING 1 of2 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02923: GRADING C. Eliminate uneven areas and low spots. D. Remove debris, roots, branches, and stones, in excess of 1 inch in size. Remove subsoil contaminated with petroleum products. E. Scarify subgrade to depth of 4 inches where topsoil is scheduled and where equipment is used for hauling and spreading topsoil and has compacted subsoil. 3.03 PLACING TOPSOIL A. Place topsoil in areas where seeding and planting to thickness as scheduled. Place topsoil during dry weather. B. Fine grade topsoil eliminating rough or low areas. Maintain profiles and contour of subgrade. C. Remove roots, weeds, rocks and foreign material while spreading. D. Manually spread topsoil close to trees plants and building to prevent damage. E. Lightly compact placed topsoil. F. Remove surplus subsoil and topsoil from site. G. Leave stockpile area and site clean and raked, ready to receive landscaping. 3.04 TOLERANCES A. Top of Subsoil: Plus or minus 1-1/2 inch. B. Top of Topsoil: Plus or minus 1 /2 inch. 3.05 PROTECTION A. Protect landscaping and other features remaining as final work. B. Protect existing structures, fences, sidewalks, utilities, paving and curbs. 3.06 SCHEDULES A. Compacted topsoil thickness at the following areas: 1. Groundcover areas: 6 inches topsoil and 3" compost mixed. 2. Lawn areas: 6 inches of topsoil. END OF SECTION 03/05/99 SECTION 02923 - GRADING 2 U2 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02110: DEMOLITION AND SITE PREPARATION Draft PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. Preparation of work under this section shall be as shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as needed to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to perform the work of this section. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02923 - Landscape Grading: Preparation of subsoil and placement of topsoil in preparation for the work of this Section. PART 2 PRODUCTS (Not used) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. Trees, shrubs and other vegetation within the limits of work not indicated on the drawings or designated in the field by landscape architect to remain shall be cleared and grubbed. 3.02 PROTECTION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES A. Existing structures and utilities shall be suitably protected from damage, including but not limited to buildings paved areas, trees to remain and utility structures and lines both underground and aboveground. 3.03 LOAM AND TOPSOIL A. Loam and topsoil shall be stripped to their full depth from areas o be excavated, filled, regraded or resurface. B. Loam and topsoil shall be stockpiled on -site and protected. No loam and topsoil shall be removed from site without written permission of the landscape architect. C. Stockpiled loam and topsoil, which conforms to the specifications, may be used for fill and finish grading. 3.04 REMOVAL OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT 03/05/99 SECTION 02110 DEMOLITION AND SITE PREPARATION I of2 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility South Burlington, VT Excerpt of T. J. Boyle and Associates Standard Planting Specifications SECTION 02110: DEMOLITION AND SITE PREPARATION Not used 3.05 REMOVAL OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Not used 3.06 SALVAGEABLE MATERIALS A. Materials indicated on the drawings or designated by the Engineer in the field to be salvaged, shall be carefully removed, protected from damage, and put in temporary storage as directed by Owner. 3.07 DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS A. Material resulting from the site preparation work and not scheduled to be salvaged and which is unsuitable for reuse on the project shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be legally disposed of off -site. B. Debris, rubbish, and other material shall be disposed of promptly and shall not be left until final cleanup of site. END OF SECTION 03/05/99 SECTION 02110 DEMOLITION AND SITE PREPARATION 2 of2 L LR 0 Pine Fline r- had gr I path N Plant List 01Y. Scientific Nam Cannon Nam W. Sp- T7 2 Amh..hW —d%,.W si-bb.—bM." ss3 Bw a rW— 0— TW-d-" Fd,"p— 3,54 eee 3 064M. t I. Wdemrl. M.S...w H—*—t 2-5-r Street T— B&B 4 MWw wr" I.&r B&B a 0— k. liedask zsnr SMIM T— B&B o Pk.. nW. Aufti- Pl- B&B 74 Th*.=oddwdRkW 13.1k A-1— M.A.. B&B Shrubs 0— SVM Jnk.- lr-2,r 3G 2 Deck is -is, Elm GZ=,W�7mllncrispa !GwW&�gwwaed P", I N jvl—mw 1P.Mwd. P" Existing Proposed Groundcover co 0 "Miulch bad -- , Note: Provide mulch bec,15 for Deciduous Shrubs new and c.151 9 plantings. C(D coDeciduous Trees + 2 ye" --I — --- 0 .2 5hadbu-sh and 60 VInco Deciduous Multi -stem Tree C(D­ ,-A 11 Arborvitae In crushed gravel path In a mulch bed Rernovmonde row e Coniferous Shrubs 5 F.15a GtpBacheeat Coniferous Trees E) Existing Property Line2 Oak IVT V I \-100 Aj a cyl cust II Arborvitae /mulch bedI 60 Juniper -7 Juniper Y I Replace existing crabapples Remove .1eti g crabapples with 5 scir-gent crabs, and Add 5 fa sec e55 Replace exist" cedar 300 Ajucici with q arborvitae 0, 10, add mulch bed 15 Sargent Juniper Hon"locust i I I 6M6=m===w1 Sargent crab Existing lonq materlai 5 20, ((D- 10 Sargent Juniper 7- 1 -71T-2-7 Existing planting and add mulch bed cl Arborvitae Oak Arborvitae Remove back ro double row w -1 Arbor" 0 plantings s of Juniper pl' Urnos Arborvitae Farrell Sfreef Aro., Oak sIngle, roP4 -------- --- State of Vermont T.J. Boyle and Awoclates Lllhggq Buildings Department kTXboope anchftect e pkffw*V cornulta its -SEA [-_M99I Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility LZI �L-FEA2 .301 COWW sheet *burhVlon e Verrrion! *05401 802*use. 3555 W�X" :h.q.0W1Vq.WWVM-A. — I— .4(D' Preliminary Landscape Plan root ball • Prune damaged or broken branches. Install trees and stakes plumb. -Use wide belt -like tree tie- 5-do not use rope or wlre in dose sleeves. -Reusable plastic tree wrap. -3 - 2" x 2" hardwood stakes 1/3 heigqht of tree or min. of 6'. Allow for a depth of 18-2-4" below grade. -Plant tree I" above final grade. -2"- 3" fine chipped bark mulch, not more. -3" earth saucer. Amend backfill as specified, break up clods and remove debris and stones. -Gut $ remove al I of the wire basket, except that which is under the root ball. Leave no burlap exposed above the soil surface. Remove burlap from the to 1/3 of root ball if burlap is made of jute. If burlap is plastic or treated, cut and remove all but that which is under the root ball. eciduous plonting < or = 3" coliper. Scale: Not To Scale Prune to remove deadwood d crossing branches. Top of rootball to be at some height as It previously grew. 2" Fine chipped bark mulch, not more. 2" earth saucer Amended backfill. WE 18" t< 24" Remove burlap from top 1/3 of rootball. -A, Never leave burlap exposed above soil. If container grown, remove pot completely. Loosen root mass to preven girdling. Undisturbed soil mound. 3 Shrub Planting SGALE: "NOT SGALE TP- 14 T O M 7 w Prune damaged or broken branches. Install trees and stakes plumb. Use wide belt -like tree ties. Do not use rope or wire in hose sleeves. Attach at 2/3 height of tree. 3 - 2" x 2" hardwood stakes 1/3 hei ht of tree or min. of 6'. Allow for a depth of IS-74" below grade. Plant tree I" above final grade. 2"- 3" fine chipped bark mulch, not more. 3" earth saucer. Amend backfill as specified, break up clods and remove debris and stones. Gut d remove all of the wire basket, except that which is under the root ball. Leave no burlap exposed above the soil surface. Remove burlap from the to 1/3 of root ball If burlap Is made of jute. If burlap is pplastic or treated, cut and remove all but that which Is under the root ball. 2 Goniferous plonting > C ' TP- I Scale: Not To Scale TP-11 Prune damaged or broken branches. Install trees and stakes plumb. Plant tree I" above final grade. 2"- 3" fine chipped bark mulch, not more. 3" earth saucer. Amend backfill as specified, break up clods and remove debris and stones. Gut t remove all of the wire basket, except that which is under the root ball. Leave no burlap exposed above the soil surface. Remove burlap from the top 1/3 of root ball if burlap is made of jute. If burlap is plastic or treated, cut and remove all but that which Is under the root ball. Goniferous plonting < 6 Scale: Not To Scale TP-10 Shrub Bed or Ground Cover 2" Mulch 6" Topsoil Undisturbed or compated soil. Typicol 6roundcover Plonting SGALE: NOT TO SGALE TP-1 S State of Vermont T.J. Boyle and Associates oxtays Buildings Department bndSCC a OmhHeds. plonr*V consuhorts Sf=0 ,,, Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility T /� `� ror caeee sheer . bu6 glon . ve rn«N . osaor saz. ase.3sss l ro:r .arr ..� v�vn+ "moo+. in ru -t- � Planting Details l �V General Maintenance Spring Boyle • • Associates landscape architects • planning consultants 301 college street* burlington •vermont 05401 phone (802) 658-3555 fax (802) 863-1562 Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Maintenance Plan Prune deciduous plants of all dead and broken branches whenever they occur. Crabapples — remove sucker growth and remove branches to let light and air into interior of the tree (mid March to April) as required. Prune all plants to maintain size and form in early spring if required. Prune yews after new growth forms until size approaches desired height and width. Three after prune before growth starts. Inspect all plants for insects and diseases and control as required. Add mulch to beds to replace decomposed mulch, keep away from trunk. Fertilize all beds in mid March to mid May with 10-10-10 at a rate of '/2 manufacturer's recommended amount. Rhododendron be should have 0-20-20 fertilizer plus ammonium sulfate at rate recommended by manufacturer. Summer Fall Winter Remove suckers and waterspouts and prune hedges to keep in bounds and Inspect all plants for insects and diseases and control as required. Prune all plants to maintain size and form if required. • Page 1 of 2 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 October 1, 1997 Mr. Roger Tetreault State of Vermont Department of Buildings 2 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier, Vermont 05633-5801 Dear Mr. Tetreault: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 / This office has reviewed your plans to erect a 12 foot chain link fence with razor ribbon at the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility. Be advised that South Burlington does not include fences within it's structure definition, therefore, no permit would be required. Since the proposed fence will be erected on a lot corner we also are concerned about traffic visibility. A review of the location has confirmed that the fence is in compliance. You may want to check Title 24 V.S.A. Section 3817. If you have any questions, please call me at 658-7955. Very truly, n Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp State of Vermont DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS & GENERAL SERVICES Facilities Division AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION Two Governor Aiken Avenue, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-5801 Telephone: 802-828-3314 FAX: 802-828-3533 September 26, 1997 Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Planning Commission City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington VT 05403 Dear Mr. Ward: Enclosed please find a drawing of the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Fence Replacement Project. We are proposing to remove the existing 8' high wood fence and install a new 12, high chain link fence with razor ribbon. Due to the life safety codes and security requirements we need to proceed with this project as soon as possible. Please review and let me know if any permits are required. If you have any questions please call me at 828-5645. Sincerel Roger B. Tetreault Buildings Project Engineer RBT/pn Enclosure cc: James Richardson Bob Rea /ua 2/patn/wp/ward.crc£rbt 09/26/1997 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 ,January 28. 1992 Mr. Michael Kuhn Department. of :state Buildings Two Governor Aiken Avenue. Montpelier, Vermont 05633-5801 Re: Chittender. Community Correctional Center Dear Mr. Kuhn: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 I reviewed your letter dated January 22, 1992 and revised land- scape plan for the visitor paiki.ng lot.. I suggest that since the Locust trees, coffee tree and crab apples currently existing around the visitor parking lot will be relocated once the addi- tion is complete, additional planting:, should be installed on the north and south sides. of the lot.. The placement of landscaping, in these locations will t�ette,.• screen: the lot from view. Enclosed is a ;.�ug`ested landscape plan. I suggest that several Colorado Spruce: or Austrian Pine be planted on the north ,and south of the int as shown. Thirteen (13) new arborvitea and five (5) new Colorado B-1-ue. Spruce/Austrian Pine will meet. the $3, 700 value require to be installed. If you have any questions Jw/mcp please do not hesitate to :: • nr..ez•ely, oe Weith, City Planner contact me. PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT05403 FAX 658-4748 January 2 Ci , 19 9 1 Mr. Stewart K. Robinson, Superintendent. Chittenden Community Correctional Center 7 Farrell Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Correspondence of January 6, 1992 Dear Mr. Robinson: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Per your request, enclosed please find copies of minutes from both the Zoning Board of Adjustment. and Planning Commission ! minutes relating to the approval for an addition to the correc- tional facility. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Joe We:ith , City Planner Encls JW/mcp City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7955 658-7958 January 14, 1.992 Michael J. Kuhn Department of State Buildings 1 Governor Aiken Avenue M,,-)ntpelie-r,, Vermont 05602 Re: Correctional Facility Addition, 7 Farrell Street Dear Mr. Kuhn: Enclosed please find -3t copy of the Findings of Fact & Decision oil the above referenced project. Please note that you must obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months of approval date or the approval is nW] and void. If you have any questions, please give me a call. J e Weith, C ty Planner 1 Enci Jw/nAcp 0 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 65&7955 December 19, 1991 Michael J. Kuhn Department. of State Buildings 1 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Re: Correctional Facility Addition, 7 Farrell. Street. Dear Mr. Kuhn: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 6507958 Enclosed please find a copy of the October 29, 1991 Planning Commission meeting minutes. Please note that you must obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months of approval or the approval is null and void. If -you have any questions, please give me a call. C rcerely, oe Weith, City Planner I Encl JWlmcp CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 Charles E. Hafter City Manager PHONE NUMBER: (802) 658-7953 FAX NUMBER: (802) 658-4748 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES(S) TO: NAME: IV ( � HAI � FIRM: w��T• D F- STA1r-- < TELECOPIER NO: b a g - 3S3 3 DATE: 1O - Q*i TIME: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover sheet): FROM: _ L)�E UE.IT IF YOU DO NOT RECIEVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL-(802) 658-7953_ TRANSMITTED BY: COMMENTS: 0 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 October 25, 1991 Michael J. Kuhn Department of State Buildings 2 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Re: Correctional Facility Addition, 7 Farell Street Dear Mr. Kuhn: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is an agenda for next. Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Goddette and myself. Please be sure someone is present. on I Tuesday, October 29, 1991 at 7:30 P.M. to present your request.. If you have any questions, please give me a call. i erel , �l J e Weith, ity Planner Encls JW/mcp City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 October 16, 1991 Michael Kuhn Department of State Buildings 2 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Re: Correctional Facility Addition, 7 Farrell Street. Dear Mr. Kuhn: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find some preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Jim Goddette and myself. Please address these comments and submit revised plans or the additional information requested no later than October 21, 1991. Please note that there have been some changes made to my memo from the one you were given the other day. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sin erely, 1 J e Weith, ity Planner JW/mcp Encls lol;z qlq 4�� lt�rkk Q ♦ ♦ / • ���7 � w r Gi ���iC-'tom �jj'I'%� e:!5�.9 10/29/91 JW MOTION OF APPROVAL I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of State of Vermont Department of State Build- ings for construction of a 5,000 square foot addition to the Chittenden Community Correctional Center for administrative purposes as depicted on a six (6) page set of plans, page one entitled "State of Vermont Chittenden Community Correctional Center, Administrative Addition," prepared by Freeman, French, Freeman and dated 10/22/91 with the following stipulations: 1. m�ut shall p _ ,ond d zoning The landscaping plan shall be revised prior to permit to show additional ever- green plantings around the visitor parking lot in order to better screen the lot from Farrell Street. The value of additional landscaping shall equal the $3,700 shortfall in required. land- scaping. The revised plan shall be approved by the City Planner. 2. During the construction period, there shall be no parking on Farrell Street. Employees, visitors and contractors shall he required to park on -site at the main parking lot and/or visitor parking lot. OP&*�. e..1 Or "', - 3 . This appro-a is conditional on a maximum of 197 inmates. 00--., Any increase in (4ftnm-t_-� shall require Planning Commission approv- al. The applicant shall. provide to the City a semi-annual report. of the number of inmates at the correctional facility. These re- ports shall be due on January 1 and July 1 of each calender year. 4. All construction related traffic shall access the site via Swift Street. No traffic shall go through the East Woods neigh- borhood (i.e., Hadley Road, Meadow Road, Proctor Avenue). 5. All lighting to be relocated shall remain downshielded lumi- nares. 6. Any removal of vegetation within the I-189 or Potash Prook conservation zones shall require approval from the City Manager. A zoning/building permit shall. be obtained within 6 months or, this approval is null and void. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 TEL. (802) 658-7953 FAX (802) 658-4748 OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER CHARLES E. HAFTER October 23, 1991 Mr. William Burgess, Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission City of South Burlington South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Application from Chittenden Community Correctional Center; Comments from Liaison Committee Dear Bill: The City Council has established a Chittenden Community Correctional Center Liaison Committee to represent and advise the city in matters relating to the state facility on Farrell Street. The Liaison Committee has met several times to review the plans for the administrative expansion of the facility, including a meeting on -site with the facility supervisor, and a tour of the center. This letter addresses the expansion plans through the following comments: 1. Any additional traffic created by the construction process should be required to travel via Shelburne Road and Swift Street and not through the residential neighborhood of East Woods. This should include workers coming to or from the site. 2. There is no proposed net increase in population or beds. This should be a requirement. Since the original facility was permitted for 77 inmates but grew rapidly above that number, it is incumbent upon the city to monitor the level of population. The permit should require a census count at least semi-annually. It should be noted that the conditional use application to the Zoning Board lists 197 as the maximum inmate population. We believe this is exceeded on a .regular basis. 3. The landscaping requirement should be implemented as with other developers. Any new landscaping would improve the visitors parking lot on Farrell Street. Correctional Center Liaison Committee October 23, 1991 Page 2 4. During construction parking will be restricted in the usual lot. Overflow should be required to park in the visitors' lot on Farrell Street. 5. The height of the new fence should not exceed 12' including the razor wire. 6. Any outside lighting should be reviewed to insure compatibility with the neighborhood and nearby roads. 6. The plans show that construction is for a new administrative area only. This should be followed. Overall the Liaison Committee feels that the Correctional Center has been a good neighbor and does not object to these plans. However, all plans should be reviewed with the understanding of the impacts on the nearby residential neighborhoods. A representative of the committee will be at your meeting to discuss these and/or other issues. Sincerely, Chuck Hafte City Manager CH/peh cc: Joe Weith, Planning Administrator Chittenden County Correctional Liaison Committee South Burlington City Council Planning Commission 29 October 1991 page 2 cate that more work in development review should be delegated to administration or that there shouldn't be more frequent meetings with the Council, so this will be done. Mr. Burgess said that the City Planner has been directed that the Commission will delegate much of the details of the review process to him and that the Commission will have to support what the Planner does. Mr. Weith suggested that administration can review applications to see that all that needs to be in a plan is there and that all that is in the plan is legal. Mr. Sheahan felt this would save time for both sides. 2. Site Plan Application of State of Vermont Department of State Buildings for construction of a 5,000 sq. ft. addition to the Chittenden County Correctional Center for administrative purposes, 7 Farrell Street: Mr. Kuhn said the entrance will be from Farrell St. via a 40 ft. curb cut. 78 parking spaces will be provided. There will be no additional inmates or employees, so that no more parking is being added. There will be a new fire hydrant near the loading dock and two gates into the recreation area. There is presently a 12 ft. high fence which will be removed and replaced with two rows of 12 ft. high fencing with 2 feet of razor wire on top. These rows will be 12 ft. apart. The addition will include additional counseling rooms, interview rooms, toilet facilities and non -contact meeting facilities. Ms. Pugh asked if any of the inmates living in the gym will be relocated. Mr. Kuhn said no but they are hoping to redistribute inmates to other facilities in the state which are being renova- ted. Trees and shrubs will be transplanted to enhance the entrance. Mr. Kuhn said they have been assured there will be a good survival rate, and they will replace any that don't survive. Mr. Weith suggested adding evergreen plants at the visitor parking area. Mr. Craig asked about the posting of a bond. Mrs. Maher said the State doesn't have to post bonds. Mr. Craig asked for a legal opinion on this. Mr. Hafter, representing the Correctional Facility Liaison Comm- ittee, complimented the State for its cooperation with the city. He noted the Committee had gotten a tour of the facility and has seen the plans. The city has been assured that construction traffic will not go through the East Woods area and that there will be no increase in inmates or beds. He said he would like the city to get a periodic count of inmates which is needed for sewer capacity information. He questioned whether it is real- -2- PLANNING COMMISSION 29 October 1991 page - istic to place a 197 ILumate "cap". Ms. Peacock moved the Planning Commission approve the site plan application of State of Vermont Department of State Buildings for construction of a 5000 sq. ft. addition to the Chittenden Commun- ity Correctional Center for administrative purposes as depicted on a six page set of plans, page one entitled "State of Vermont Chittenden Community Correctional Center, Administrative Addi- tion," prepared by Freeman, French, Freeman and dated 10/22/91 with the following stipulations: 1. The landscaping plan shall be revised prior to permit to show additional evergreen plantings around the visitor parking lot in order to better screen the lot from Farrell Street. The value of additional landscaping shall equal the $3,700 shortfall in required landscaping. The revised plan shall be approved by the Citv Planner. 2. During the construction period, there shall be no parking on Farrell St. Employees, visitors and contractors shall be required to park on -site at the main parking_ lot and/or visitor parking lot. 3. This approval is conditional on a maximum of 197 permanent or semi -permanent beds. Any increase in permanent or semi -permanent beds shall require Planning Commission approval. The applicant shall provide to the City a semi-annual report of the number of such beds at the correctional facility. These reports shall be due on January and July 1 of each calendar year. 4. All construction related traffic shall access the site via Swift St. No traffic shall go through the East Woods neighborhood (i.e., Hadley Rd, Meadow Rd., Proctor Avenue). 5. All liqhtinq to be relocated shall remain downshielded iuminares. 6. Anv removal of veqetation within the I-189 or Potash Brook conservation zones shall require approval from the City Manager. 7. The height of the fence shall not exceed 14 feet including the razor wire as represented by the applicant. 8. A zoning/building permit shall be obtained within 6.months or this approval is null and void. Ms. Puah seconded. The motion passed 5-0 with Mr. Craiq abstaining. 3. Public Hearing: Continue Preliminary Plat application of -3- Mr. Chuck Hafter City Manager 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Dear Mr. Hafter, State of Vermont Agency of Human Services DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Chittenden Community Correctional Center 7 Farrell Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Telephone: (802) 863-7356 May 17, 1993 VT. 05403 A summary of average daily population at the Chittenden Community Correctional Center for the first half of Fiscal Year 1993 is: Operating Close Medium Minimum Total Seg Hold Totals ---------------------------------------------------------- FI 0 14.4 10.1 24.5 1.6 .1 26.2 MI .5 99.5 63.9 163.4 5.5 7.2 176.1 ---------------------------------------------------------- 187.9 202.3 Sincerely, stcwart o inson Superin endent cc: Jacqueline Kotkin NWAM State of Vermont Agency of Human Services DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Chittenden Community Correctional Center 7 Farrell Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Telephone: (802) 863-7356 September 8, 1992 Mr. Chuck Rafter City Manager 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT, 05403 Dear Mr. Hafter, A summary of average daily population at the Chittenden Community Correctional Center for the months of February through July 1992 is: Operating Close Medium Minimum Total Seg Hold Totals FI ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 14.7 10.9 25.6 1.9 .3 27.8 MI 0 100.7 64.1 164.8 ---------------------------------------------------------- 5.5 8.2 178.5 190.4 206.3 Sincerely, ewar K. Robinson, Super' tendent cc: Jacqueline Kotkin NWAM Mr. Chuck Hafter City Manager 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Dear Mr. Hafter, State of Vermont Agency of Human Services DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Chittenden Community Correctional Center 7 Farrell Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Telephone: (802) 863-7356 February 26, 1992 VT. 05403 �)� I . �K Vk A summary of average daily population at the Chittenden Community Correctional Center for the month of January 1992 is: Operating Close Medium Minimum Total Seg Hold Totals ---------------------------------------------------------- FI 0 13.6 11.8 25.4 3.2 0 28.6 MI 0 102.6 63.8 166.4 5.8 9.5 181.7 ---------------------------------------------------------- 193.8 210.3 Since I have not heard from you since my letter of January 6 I will assume that the information I proposed to provide meets your need. I did receive minutes of the meetings which I requested, Thanks. Please give me a call if you have questions or concerns. Sincereyy, Stewa "--- Robinson, SuD6r' intendent cc: Jackie Kotkin, NWAM STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUILDINGS TWO GOVERNOR AIKEN AVENUE MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05633-5801 TEL: (802) 828.3314 FAX: (802) 828.3533 February 11, 1992 Mr. Joe Weith, City Planner City of South Burlington 57b Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 RE: Chittenden Community Correctional Center Dear Mr. Weith: Enclosed is a copy of the landscaping around the Visitor's Parking Lot revised per your suggestion. I trust this satifies the Planning Commission's requirements and that I may pick up our Building/Zoning Permit. If this is not the case, please contact me. Sincerely, Michael J. Kuhn Project Architect MJK / beb cc: Edgar M. Weed, DSB James A. Richardson, DSB p U. TI. 7 — S4 2 Fes' I LT ARCHITECTS C-PLA ?o� FCC UANTtj7 0 :B -- 4 1 P R E: F' M f--4 H P R 1—= H C H F F.' E r-1 U4 - proloct C-C-C*4 p . 0 � Prai No, A4 I I Date Drawn By 20XA Shoe No. AQ 1, ",l C-2 WTI LAVY nA�4 0 k% CA 7W� 4 r' I"L7 A GIA EFeo, State of Vermont Agency of Human Services DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Chittenden Community Correctional Center 7 Farrell Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Telephone: (802) 863-7356 January 6, 1992 Chuck Hafter, City Manager City of South Burlington 575 Dorsett Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Chuck, I am writing for two reasons, both stemming from the hearings held in November by the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Planning Commission. First, I am wondering if it would be possible to obtain minutes of the meetings, particularly that of the Planning Commission, for our files ? At the time of the meetings an interest was expressed in obtaining population figures for the facility on a regular basis, perhaps quarterly. This should be an easy request to comply with depending on the format you require. Data is routinely gathered and analyzed for our own planning needs. For example, we are provided monthly averages by our own research dividsion. these averages are broken down by custody level, legal status, presence in the facility or on furlough, etc. Your requirements may be met simply by summarizing that report. I have included a copy of the summary for November for your information. The column most relevant for your purpooses is the one labelled "OpCont Total." The figures represent the daily in-house average for both males and females. ( Please do not disseminate this form as it may lead to faulty interpretation without definitions of the categories.) Please let me know what your needs are in this area and we will make every attempt to comply. Hope your holidays were happy and safe. Best wishes for the New Year. Since ely, =� N cc: Dick Turner, Director Jackie Kotkin, NWAM -Stew rt K. Robinson, Superintendent i�A flf AT �T _N"C' "T 22, Vt-m f 11-4 1 11 Al 1p, �11 V 11 1 ,40 P-, will I I t f I L.-Vift.: Li 1 97 6 1 il 1, 7; 176. 11 s q-A fit .3 I .-! -,.Jci p. U U Z L I- f L f , 1-116.11 A.- 15, -. At f fj i 4 I tif 2. 8! 2" 3 f4 i IJI -U.I. f 10 ro fit L f C WIP M! 0." 't; Z-f. I-C, aLI i 14 L i t L ! s-1 71 U f -1 . A A it . I Ai' r N i --------------------------------------- T- ---------------------------------- r 10. --------- fc. E Ot. ------------------------- --------------- 4-1 i. Z. i u4, t-I t-T. ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ — ----------- To t t-i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I:V*� A! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31- 07 ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ; ---------- - V E JAN 6 199" CHITTENDEN COMM'' CORRECTIONAL CEI STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUILDINGS TWO GOVERNOR AIKEN AVENUE MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05633-5801 TEL: (802) 828.3314 FAX: (802) 828-3533 October 23, 1991 Mr. Joe Weith, City Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorsat Strcet South Burlington, Vermont 05403 RE: Chittenden Community Correctional Center Dear Mr. Weith: As requested yesterday, the following is the additional information for Item #2 of my letter to you of October 21, 1991: 2. The insured value of the building in 1986 was $3,407,013. The estimated replacement value in January 1991 was $4,839,501. Assuming fair market value is somewhere between these figures, I will use the lower of the two for calculation: value of new construction ($652,500) divided by value of existing building ($3,407,013) equals 0.19 or 19%. Finally regarding Chief Goddette's request for a fire hydrant, we have been in touch with him. He was aware of the hydrant located down Swift Street and still required one on site. Therefore, we will add one near the loading dock as requested. Revised drawings reflecting this change will be forthcoming from Freeman French Freeman. If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to call rue at (302) 828-3314. Sincerely, Michael Kuhn Project Architect MJK:beb cc: Ed Weed, DSB Jim Richardson, DSB Fred Senftleber, FFF Tricia Rocheleau, FFF Dices Turner, DOC Stewart Robinson, CCCC STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUILDINGS TWO GOVERNOR AIKEN AVENUE MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05633-5801 TEL: (802) 828.3314 FAX: (802) 828-3533 October 21, 1991 Mr. Joe Weith, City Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 RE: Chittenden Community Correctional Center Dear Mr. Weith: I am in receipt of your comments on the above referenced project and I will respond in the same order they were received. 1. The existing lights are McPhilben shoebox style down lights. The parking lot and drive lights are 250 watt mercury vapor lamps with prismatic symmetric lenses mounted on 15 ft poles. These lights will not change. The sidewalk lights are the same style with 175 watt mercury vapor lamps with prismatic asymmetric lens, mounted on 10 ft poles. These fixtures will be relocated to the new sidewalk location. Additionally, the existing 75 watt canopy lights will be relocated to the new entry canopy. 2. The existing building consists of approximately 48,600 S.F. we are adding approximately 4,965 square feet or 10.2% of the area of the existing building, well within the 25% rule. 3. The existing security fence is 10 ft high and is in reasonable shape. For security purposes, this fence is required to be in two rows of 12 ft high fence therefore we are proposing to remove the existing fencing fabric and framework and give it to the City Public Works Department for their use. This has been agreed to with the City Manager. 4. The current Zoning Regulations limit parking and drive in the front yards setback to 30% of the _front yard area. While this is presently exceeded by existing conditions, this project will not increase the area currently covered. Mr. Joe Weith October 21, 1991 Page 2 5. Landscaping requirement is for $13,200. We did a preliminary estimate for transplanting of existing trees. We are in the process of obtaining a budget price for this transplanting from a Landscape Contractor. If additional work is required to reach the $13,200 requirement, we will add evergreen trees infront of the visitor's parking as requested. 6. We do not plan to remove any vegetation along the interstate. However, security requires us to maintain a 20 ft clear strip between fences and plantings. If we find it necessary to do any cutting, we wiii get approval from the City Manager prior to removal of vegetation. In reference to Chief Goddette' s request for a fire hydrant at the southeast end of the site, we have found that a hydrant exists along Swift Street approximately 110 ft west of the corner of our property. I will be contacting Chief Goddette to determine if this is acceptable. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 828-3314. Sincerely, 1 Michael J. Kuhn Project Architect MJK:beb cc: Ed Weed, DSB Jim Richardson, DSB Fred Senftleber, FFF Tricia Rocheleau, FFF Dick Turner, DOC Stuart Robinson, CCCC State of Vermont z" WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL PERMIT CASE NO. WW-4-0455 APPLICANT State of Vermont Dept. of State Bldgs. ADDRESS 2 Governor Aiken Avenue Montpelier, VT 05602 r-G-c-��o •. r l LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED Environmental Protection Rules Chapter 4, Public Buildings This project, consisting of constructing a 4,965 square foot addition to the existing Chittenden County Community Correctional Center for new administrative offices (no increase in the number of inmates or employees) located off Farrell Street in the City of South Burlington, Vermont is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above, subject to the following conditions. GENERAL (1) The project shall be completed as shown on the plans Project A9115 "Site & Utility Plan" dated 9/30/91 prepared by Freeman, French, Freeman Architects and which have been stamped "approved" by the Division of Protection. The project shall not deviate from the approved plans without prior written approval from the Division of Protection. (2) No alterations to the existing building other than those indicated on the approved plan or Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permit, which would change or affect the exterior water supply or wastewater disposal or the approved use of the building shall be allowed without prior review and approval from the Agency of Natural Resources. (3) A copy of the approved plans and this Permit shall remain on the project during all phases of construction and, upon request, shall be made available for inspection by State or local personnel. (4) All conditions set forth in Subdivision Permit #PB-4-0012-1 dated June 3, 1987 shall remain in effect except as modified or amended herein. Dated at Essex Jct., Vermont this 13th day of November, 1991. Elizabeth A. McLain, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation Ernest P. Christianson Regional Engineer cc: Donald Robisky City of South Burlington Department of Labor and Industry Department of Health Freeman , French & Freeman State of Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Department of Environmental Conservation State Geologist Natural Resources Conservation Council State of Vermont Dept. of State Buildings 2 Governor Aiken Ave. Montpelier, VT 05602 RE: WW-4-0455 Chitt. Cty. Comm. Correct. Ctr 4965 sf add to exist correct. ctr, no increase in flows mun. water/sewer 15,960 gpd Dear Applicant: AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Department of Environmental Conservation 111 West Street Essex Jct.,Vermont 05452 Telephone # 879-6563 October 16, 1991 We received your completed application for the referenced permit on 10/10/91, including a fee of $25 paid for by Check Number paid by transfer of funds . This application falls under the Water/Wastewater: Greater than 1000 GPD Program Area, and under the Performance Standards for this program area, we have 45 days of 'in-house' time for our review of your application. If we need further information from you in order to reach a decision on your application, the time we wait for your submittal of that information does not count against the allowable in-house time specified in the performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 45 days in-house, please contact this office at 879-6563. Please note that this does not constitute receipt of your application under the requirements of Act 250. If you have questions relating to Act 250 jurisdiction, a District Coordinator may be reached at 879-6563. Fqp the Divisionn� of Protection, Irdne L. Roberge Administrative Secretary CC: Michael Kuhn So. Burlington Planning Commission Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Pittsford/N. Springfield/St. Johnshury M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Joe Weith, City Planner Re: October 29, 1991 agenda items Date: October 25, 1991 2) CORRECTIONAL FACILITY ADDITION - 7 FARRELL STREET This project consists of the construction of a 5,000 square foot administration addition to the Chit.tenden Community Correctional Facility including upgrading outside recreation yard fence from one (1) row of 10 foot high chain link fence with razor ribbon to two (2) rows, 12 feet high with razor ribbon. This addition will not result in any additional employees or inmates. This property is located at 7 Farrell Street within the Commer- cial 2 District. It is bounded on the west by a single-family dwelling, a duplex and moving company (Booska's) and another duplex and mini -warehouse operation, on the north by I-189, on the east by Farrell Street and on the south by Swift Street. Access: The current access to the facility is provided by a 40 foot curb cut. on Farrell Street. No changes are proposed to this access. Emergency access to fenced in portion of building will be provided by new sliding gate. Parking/Circulation: The site currently has 78 parking spaces including a 21 space visitor parking area located approximately 200 feet to the north. No additional parking spaces proposed or required since no additional employees will be added to the facility. A portion of the main parking area is to be designated for contractors use during construction. This may result in a tight parking situation and parking along Farrell Street. A condition should be attached to the approval prohibiting any on - street parking during construction. The circulation pattern as it presently exists is acceptable. Coverage/Setbacks: Building coverage will be 13.5'% (maximum allowed is 30%). Overall coverage will be 26.5% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is 37.4% (maximum allowed is 30%). The proposed addition will not. increase the degree of nonconform- ity. The proposed addition will meet the setback requirements but the existing building does not meet the setback requirement from; Potash Brook. This building is therefore a noncomplying struc- ture. It has been determined that the addition will not exceed the 25% rule provided for in Section 19.002. 1 Memorandum - Planning October 29, 1991 agenda items October 25, 1991 Page 2 Landscaping: The landscaping requirement for this project is $13,200 and the applicant is proposing to spend $9,500 to relo- cate existing landscaping. Staff feels that the $3,700 differ- ence should be used to add additional plantings at the visitor parking area to enhance its appearance and better screen the parking lot from public view. Staff recommends evergreen. A bond in the amount. of $13,200 should be required to be certain that the relocated plantings and any new plantings survive. Sewer: No additional sewer demand will be generated since there will be no additional employees or inmates. Stipulation should state that this approval is for a maximum of 197 inmate-, as indicated on the application form. This is important since the Bartlett Bay Treatment facility is already at capacity. Lighting: No additional exterior lighting proposed. Existing sidewalk lights and attached canopy lights will be relocated to accommodate the addition. Conservation Zone: A portion of the new fence will be placed within the 150 feet Interstate buffer. The State must maintain a 20 foot clear strip between fences and plantings. If they find it necessary to do any cutting they will get approval from the City Manager as required under Section 3.305. Other: --- see enclosed letter from City Manager Chuck Hafter. 3) DORSET LAND COMPANY - GENERAL/MEDICAL OFFICE COMPLEX - 421 DORSET STREET This project consists of the construction of an 180,200 square foot general and medical office complex on an eleven (11) acre parcel in five (5) buildings. This project was originally warned as a 218,800 square foot complex with cafe/deli, pharmacy and two shops on a 12.4 acre parcel. The plan has been revised over the last few months to address concerns raised by neighbors and the Commission. The result is a smaller development. (i.e., 180,200 square feet in 5 buildings) and only general and medical office (i.e., no cafe/del-i, pharmacy or two shops). In addition, the applicant is proposing this development on a smaller lot (11 acres) than before. Approximately one acre was sold from this lot last summer to Veve Associates to the north. This issue is presently unresolved. 2 HE.KaR&HaU_M To: Project. Files From: Joe Weith, City Planner Re: Preliminary Comments - October 29, 1991 agenda items Date: October 10, 1991 VERMONT CORRECTIONAL FACILITY ADDITION - 7 FARRELL STREET -- submit additional information on exterior lighting such as height of poles, type and wattage of lights, indicate if any new exterior lights are proposed, if so provide details. -- existing structure does not meet setback requirement from Potash Brook, this building is therefore a noncomplying structure. Amount of improvements are limited to the 25% rule specified in Section 19.002 of the zoning regulations. -- a note on the site and utilities plan states "to be turned over to the City existing fence to be removed". Please explain what is to be turned over to the City. -- front yard coverage is currently being exceeded, the pro- posed addition will not increase the degree of nonconformi- ty. -- landscaping requirement for this project is $13,200 and the applicant is proposing to spend $9,500 to relocate existing landscaping. Staff feels that the $3,700 difference should be used to add additional plantings at the visitor parking area to enhance its appearance and better screen the parking lot from public view. Staff recommends evergreen. -- indicate whether any existing vegetation will be removed between the existing fence and the Interstate. Section 3.305 of zoning regulations does not allow the cutting of trees within the 150 foot conservation zone along I-189 unless approved by City Manager. DORSET LAND COMPANY - MEDICAL OFFICE COMPLEX - 421 DORSET STREET Additional information needed on plans. -- zoning boundaries and designations. -- designate locations of handicapped parking spaces. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer Re: October 29, 1991 agenda items Date: October 15, 1991 CORRECTION'S CENTER, FARRELL STREET 1. Plan of proposed expansion dated 9/30/91 prepared by Freeman, French, Freeman is acceptable. DORSET LAND COMPANY, DORSET STREET -SHERRY ROAD 1. Sherry Road serving this development should be upgraded to City standards. This to include curbs, sidewalks, and repaving. Road base should be checked to determine if it is adequate. 2. The building entrance from Sherry Road should be eliminated. 3. Plan should show the Dorset Street land taking. 4. The Dorset Street entrance should be wide enough for three lanes (40+). 5. Existing footing drains should connect to new drainage or pipes extended to headwalls. 6. Oakwood Drive should be provided with an adequate turnaround. The turnaround as exists will be eliminated by this development.. If lot D is to be developed Oakwood must be extended to serve this lot. 7. Storm sewer pipe material shall be plastic or concrete. 8. There should be more sidewalks along the parking lots. N TO: FROM: RE: DATE: 1. 2. -�§nutb T�uriingttin Yire T epartmeut ; 575 Darset street nutlt i6tirtingum, Vermont [i-5403 SO. BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION CHIEF GODDETTE TUESDAY OCTOBER 27,1991 AJENDA ITEMS FRIDAY OCTOBER 11,1991 DORSET LAND CO. INC. PROJECT # 86090 Revised 10-1-91 Plans have been reviewed by this department and the following was found which must be corrected if we are to give proper emergency protection if needed; A. Main road way around complex should be at least 30' wide. B. Access road for emergency equipment for building at Dorset Street and Sherry Road in parking lot is not adaquate. C. There must be at least 6 hydrants on the property located by the department on the plan because of the size of the buildings. D. Access loop in front of two of the buildings must be at least 18' wide. Chittenden County Correctional Center Farrell Road Addition At this time because of the building use and size of the building a hydrant should be installed in the back of the building by the loading ramp. I wmwom F� �,d=4axqv5. �o A g i } a I' o : 4 j J c7-1a 5-cl> 5z, x tA A/76 3 >0 , 17 c AW No Text t� CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON SITE PLAN APPLICATION Stafe of 1/eanonf" 1) OWNER OF RECORD (name, address, phone #) 1 / / -7 . / �gC>Z) 8z�-331"¢ 2) APPLICANT (name, address, phone #) _Samar-P- a s �•/rv�� 3) CONTACT PERSON (name, address, phone #) 4) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS:. 7 Farm 5) LOT NUMBER (if applicable) 0 f GaCJr/�' Nsrizuo7�ory vF CZ geoc• a, FT ADM INI.Sr2�Ar ?V ADl7/T/©lV 6 ) PROPOSED USE (S) To THEGHI77EV r-tu o G Rr-NoY,C1TINey EXISTING, SPACES 1d PI�CrR,°► s gGES. /4l..SO ttPefF-Avi C4Tsip� IZf C.TZC,4TION YARD FENCE H1414 CHAIN /iNk 6EfVe-- wITtl F,A0CP- %IWIV 0 7ta0 Rot,vs, 12 - KiC,-H WITH ,A70,E Rt F5 Re7) N. 7) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e. total building square footage, # units, maximum height and # floors, square feet per floor)ad��Tr�/`r 4.4r,1U SFxI�'L_'�RrNTi, 4.J SF�,Y15T SE1oN� F/gyp-)'%nX/rNs ,M /��, Gfi/ p -- 8) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 9) LOT COVERAGE: building %; landscaped areas23=5 building, parking, outside storage_% 10) COST ESTIMATES: Buildings $ 5 7p.eljl-), Landscaping $ Sd0 .Other Site Improvements (please list with cost) $ Z5/7,c cage-ry FC/y�IN� 11) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: p�Mp,�je 12) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC rsr1e- 1, NUN�w ( in and out) �r�vpFrc- 1Tp Estimated trip ends (in and out) during the follows following hours : h, Monday through Friday 1S /'q,T,W,F 15 h'(, rwF 11-12 noon_; 12-lp.m. TL-; 1-2 p.m. 2-3 3-4 p.m._ 0; 4-5 p.m 5-6 m. 6-7 p.m•� 13) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: %:,�Ih'I 14) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION:- ' Al DATE OF SUBMISSION DATE OF HEARING SIGNA` URE OF APPLICANT d PLEASE SUBMIT FIVE COPIES AND ONE REDUCED COPY (11 X 17) OF THE SITE PLAN WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Lot drawn to scale (20 foot scale if possible.) Location of streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings, existing landscaping. Existing and proposed curb cuts, pavement, walkways. Proposed landscaping plan (number, variety and.size) equal to of greater than the required amount in the Zoning Regulations. Number and location of Parking Spaces: (9' x 18') with 22 or 24 foot aisles as required. Number and location of compact car spaces. (This requires sepa- rate Planning Commission approval). Number and location of handicapped spaces as required. (13 feet by 20 feet in size, one per every fifty spaces). Location of septic tanks (if applicable). Location of any easements. Lot coverage information: Building footprint, building, parking and outside storage, and landscaped areas. Location of site (Street # and lot U . North arrow Name of person or firm preparing site plan and date. 0 K FFF WE ARE SENDING HEREWITH �w�+�esR-=i7ci`c mwTr�cwrE4=r. THE FOLLOWING: ARCHITECTS ❑ORIGINALS ❑SAMPLES BURLINGTON,VERMONT ❑ SPECIFICATIONS PRINTS ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ PHOTOSTATS DATE �� �L �- Z-15 PROJECT NUMBER _ NUMBER OF COPIES DRAWING OR SPEC. NO. REVISED DATE �O S J � � � r 110, J �' � ' '�a it w . �I w% .9 OCT 2 2 1991 City of So. Burlington SENT VIA: ❑ AIR MAIL ❑ FIRST CLASS MAIL ❑ PARCEL POST ❑ EXPRESS XOUR MESSENGER FREEMAN • FRENCH • FREEMAN BY ❑ YOUR MESSENGER 1M SETS QCP 490 / GI4-17Y �, Pee, � Af 0 rm K-,t Gin- � v1rA14 More, to, I, UAL t L,(f U v ('k IAJ 0 t A 28 41, is i \ I 4 2 {I • o tr to {0 j 2dK Z 21, I 1 Ii}} I , � 2 I � 4 Jf I � � r roYz 7rM1q It STATE OF VERMONT __ 11 h, I - I I MA • a I 10 . • :.a ,---- PRO ITE LOCATION ^Vf pV 6r AMR / f / i , / tir�6 AIyR�t "�. j9�• WAPEICIM 0� ORRECTIONAL-j' CENTER ADMIN ISTATIV E ADDITION OWNER. AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION - DIVISION OF STATE BUILDINGS — JOFN 1 ZAMPERI, COMMISSIONER ARCHITECT: FREEMAN FRENCH FREEMAN 81 MAPEE STREET BURLNGTON, VERMONT 05401 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: n55SOCAITES UR W ( a -Os 61.IG1►14 4 W STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 _� _ / _ 7aOIL Tnu.Fn MECHANICAL & N. F. LAURENCE &ASSOCIATES - - '' ✓ . To�i�f FI-IG pA.ILe / / ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: 113 WEST MAN STREET NORTHBOROUGH, MASS. 01532 i DRAWING INDEX AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS IOSEPH j PATRLSSI, COMMISSIONER 802 864-6844 FAX: 802 860-1815 802 862-9381 FAX: 802 862-7450 508 393-3654 FAX: 508 393-5226 F/ilk I -- \\�/ _ � RECEIVED �, <I i� LI�UT� i 1 1 � VIVITM rx=w4 , it City. of So. Burlington c � Wa Ln P - � o rn Q ZZ o " 0 a. U Q > w Z Z z F= W O O J ZU Z) W W F- CL m I"— OC = =0 o H UV 0 N u N P/f I..IILI.,hH* 4 GAVIY Co. I4 p Tb{. Rd A5j0LIAlt?9. NG. f Q.I.06.1, L 8}ANtil6 � I I FFF ARCHITECTS BURLINGTON, VERMONT WE ARE SENDING HEREWITH UNDER SEPARATE COVER. THE FOLLOWING: ❑ ORIGINALS ❑ SAMPLES ❑ SPECIFICATIONS ;PRINTS ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ PHOTOSTATS DATE- !� / %/ PROJECT NUMBER �/�/z NUMBER OF COPIES DRAWING OR SPEC. NO. REVISED DATE p�q �s.% p r ram`. RECEIVED k#lty of So. sullifflitull SENT VIA: ❑ AIR MAIL ❑%FIRST CLASS MAIL ❑ PARCEL POST ❑ EXPRESS ❑ OUR MESSENGER ❑ YOUR MESSENGER FREEMAN • FRENCH • FREEMAN BY 7M SETS QCP 490 STATE OF VERMONT Department of State Buildings 2 Governor Aiken Ave. MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 (802) 828-3314 TO ©e e 5,,lg,, r- I 1 tv P/0 I,, v- 5 75- Dcr- 5C WE ARE SENDING YOU XAttached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter Prints ❑ Change order ❑ Plans ❑■ LIEUTEQ OF MUSEWURL DATE // 1V JOB NO. 1 ; ATTENTION RE: � a ❑ Samples the following items: ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION G C1O a C Idh Re vile THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: /K For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return colfrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: OOF PRODUCT 24D3 ees Inc., Grown, sea 01471. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 Mr. Richard Ward Zoning Administrator City of South Burlington City Hall South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Ward: DIVISION OF STATE BUILDINGS IRVING A. BATES, Director March 26, 1973 Upon review of your Town of South Burlington's proposed revised zoning map for which your community is conducting a hear- ing this date, we, the State of Vermont, owner of the commonly known Community Correctional Center site located at the corner of Swift Street and Farrell Street, object to any proposed land use classification change as is indicated on your newly published zoning map. After obtaining an option for the Swift Street -Farrell Street site, the intended use of said property was publicized October 27, 1972 by local media. On November I, 1972, our Division made known to the State Emergency Board our site selection at Swift and Farrell Streets and related plans for its development. As we have stated in our letter to your office January 4, 1973, when we forwarded an application for Site Plan Approval, our intentions for development of a Community Correctional Program located at the Swift -Farrell Streets Site was based on your newly proposed South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map published and received by our Agency of Development and Community Affairs on November 16, 1972. Seeing that our plans for development of the Swift -Farrell Street site were clearly indentified prior to November 16, 1972, it would not appear appropriate at this time to change the use classi- fication for any portion of this parcel. Very truly yours, IRV . ATES irecto of State Buildings IAB:EMW:mjh January 15,, 1973 Mr, Irving A. Bates Division of State '.FAiildings State of Vermont 2 7!,Iestern Avenue Montpelier, VT 01,602 Dear Mr. Rates: Enclosed is a draft copy of the minutes for the Jamiaxw 9, 1973 South Biirlinrton Planning Commission MeetinV. These minutes frill be reviewed for approval qt the next regiilar Meetin.ff of Tuesdny., TanuarG7 30,, 1973. Any corrections ya,;de w-Ill be -"'onuarded to you. Very tnily., Richard Ward Zoning Adninistrative Of-11"icer Im/1 Enclosure •' . .t to;tt�l„�:T�)�V i'1,;�1JNIN CUi;iiL�.�.COiV i�1,;:;`I'lIVG aokod - --- - s:ir. :•:arvin what guarantee there from Zac liGating on the nearby the lighting is 12' high and is y the building, and therefore the residences. Jh1V wtic� 9, 19-[S would be that there would bo no reflection residences. Mr. Rosen replied twat not placed on the residential side of building would shield the light from the Krapcho asked where the location of the access to the parking area was. Mr. Rosen replied on Farrell St. She then asked 'now close the access was to the road leading from Farrell St. to Grandway. He replied 300'. She asked that consideration be given that Mutual Tennis use the existing road, which is at present a private road. She Also questioned if the City was interested in having a sidewalk along the property.line bordering Farrell St. Mr. Szymanski said 5t will be reserved for this purpose. . . r,rs. Maher asked if there were any other changes to the site plan other than what was mentioned by Mr. Rosen. Mr. Rosen said none other than that the parking will be set back 20' more because of the increased front yard. She asked what signs will be used. Mr. Rosen said no facade, but a small free standing sign on Farrell St, which will not be lighted. .Xr. Szymanski said the plan will comply with all requirements for sewerage, water and sidewalks. ::r. Tudhope said that a landscapping plan must be filed showing location, height and type of trees to be planted. 2;r. Szymanski reminded the Commission and Mir. Rosen that according to the opinion of the City Attorney, that the City cannot issue a building permit which does not satisfy conditions of duly warned proposed regulations, except with written consent of the City Council after a Public hearing. '••:rs. ,aher moved that the Plannin[� Commission recommend to the City Counci that -he Plans of Mutual Tennis, Inc. be accepted With the understanding that a bond be posted for sidewalks, utilities, landscapping, and se erase. Mr. Marvin seconded the motion. The motion was passed Unanimously, _SITE PI, �:d REVIE'T FOR C-HIT^lENDEN COUNTY CO U4UNITY CORPLEOTIONAL CENTER Acting Chairman Tudhope introduced Mr. Irving Bates of the State Correctional Dept. Mrs. Maher asked Mr. Bates to explain for the benefit of everyone present the intent of the State in its submission of plans to the Commission. Mr. Bates said that plans are being submitted for informational purposes only, and that specifications were in regards to size, height, yard, landscapping, and parking only. Mr. Tudhope asked if the State did -not have to comply with location requirements of the City. Mr. Klevaaa, legal council representing the State,said state statutes did not require that the State had to comply with requirements of local communities other than height, size, yard, landscapping and parking. Mr. Tudhope advised Mr. Klevana and Xr. Bates that Rep. Crane indicated to him that the opening olause of Sao. 4409 A of Title 24 V.S.A. Chapter 91 was designed to give local communities some say over location of public institutionao 4 J• U'1'il N.C._T0 N 011ANN (Nul Cuiit--IC .;- cU:l'�'1'11G il�,wA;cY 9, 197 5 F;ir. Klcvana said that if the location of institutions are enumerated In the plan of a community, then t'ic State may be bo-and. Mr. Blais, Chairman of tac City Council, said that the duly warned proposed zonin7 designates Farrell St. as commercial which excludes governmental uses. He further said, however, C, g that the proposed zoning designates theovernmental uses are allowed in Planned Unit Developments. Mr. :levana said that his review of the plan did not indicate location of governmental uses. Mrs. Xaher said that the proposed zoning designates that Planned Unit Developments are allowed in the districts of Agricultural Residential, Residential 2 and 41 Planned Residential 10 and 20, and Campus Town, Mr. Jonathan Hall, architect for the State, deSerlbed : the* site :-plan'.as follows: setback of building from Farrell St.-75' setback of building from center of Potash Brook-50' triple row of coniferous trees to screen Interstate 189 from the facility Xr. Tudhope said that the Interstate was on higher ground than the facility and suggested that the roars of trees would not have an effect of screening the building from travelers on the Interstate. Mr. Hall said the height of the newly planted trees would be 7-8' high, and he said the tripe rot-r of coniferous trees would have a sound absorptive quality for the benefit of shielding noise of moving traffic. Mr. Hall said that trees on the site would be preserved and supplemented with new plantings. Mr. Hall further described the site: one curb out off Farrell St, to serve as an entrance for visitors and servicing recreational area between two streams parking near small. watercourse Mr. Hall said the plan is a statement of intent and that it is not completed. Firs. Maher asked for the distance from the building to the Interstate. It was determined from the drawing that it was approximately 340'. Mr. Tudhope asked if the streams in the drawing were relocated. Mr. Hall replied that the watercourse on the left would be changed from a straight ditch to a more natural winding course. Mr. Marvin asked if changing the course would worsen the water backing up on Swift St. Mr. Weed informed the Commission that a hydrologist, consultant for the State, had reviewed the site for two hours several weeks ago and determined that the present problem -of water back' rL; up on Swift St. was caused by construction. His opinion was thai"iroposed change Of the watercourse on the correctional site would incrpase.:•the:.cours0':s caPacity'to carry `water. He further stated that the recreational area would be lower than the building and would be able to impound water during heavy run-off. Mr. Marvin asked if the added curves in the watercourse would slow the ability of the stream to carry water,thereby causing backup. Mr. Need replied it would not. Mrs. Maher asked why the parking is so close to the brook, which does not meet the stream setback requirements for construction as provided in the City's warned zoning ordinance. Mr. Weed replied that he did not see on the City Map any designation of major or minor stream differen- tiations, Mr. Szymanski pointed out that the ]Pap th6wed:the watercourse as being an R00 district upstream, and that the.."dowristilaam ,would.:have an 4, I 3URLINGTON , IINNING 201',TSSION XSET1 JAilu 'LRY 9, 1973 even greater flow.. Mr. geed reiterated the map did not designate R.C.O. for the site in question. Mr. Tudhope asked if Potash Brook would be relocated. Mr. ;teed explained sections would be terraced and rechanneled, and that low shrubbery Would be planted near the loi-T section to handle different stac;es of run-off. He said the present course of the brook meanders due to log Jams and silting. He said it is difficult to determine where R.C.O. districts are located on the city map, and since it does not seem to be indicated on the map for the site in question Is acceptable. , he believes a 50' setback Mr. Tudhope clarified the philosophy of the city re arding stream setback requirements for construction. He said South Burlington is a rapidly growing urban area and it was the consensus of the Natural Resource Committee that the community should guard green areas for the future well being of its citizens and that land adjacent to streams should be preserved. Mr. Klevana reiterated that only where the map indicated R.C,O, zones would the requirements of the district apply. rurtiiermore, he said that the map did not differentiate between major and minor streams, which poses the question of how to determine whether a watercourse Would be subject to the 50' setback for a minor stream or the 100' setback for a major stream. Mr. Brown said that at a meeting of the Winooski Park District several months amo nition of a maor stream was said to be any stream dumpininto eLake iChamplain ba kjto where the stream was indicated as a line on the map, Mrs..Krapcho said she was disturbed to hear the State quarelling over local requirements concerning watercourses. She said we all know the drainage problems South Burlington has and the condition of its soil, and that the intent of the city is to preserve areas along 7 eways so there is a Place for water to be absorbed, as well as todsarvabother purposes `.such:.as recreation -.at the same time. She said this is stated in the City's 1969 Master Plan, and it is unfortunate to have it challenged in this way. N.r. Tudhope asked Mr. Klevana, representative from the Attorney General's Office, if tdid. he Office :77 .,.:represents replied it the people of the State. He Mrs. Daher asked Mr. Bates if it would be Possible without changing the course of the streamsandt with100'isetbacksld on efrome the centerlines of the. streams, He said Probably, be difficult and more expensive. He said itwouldhave utoibewould studied in greater detail. rJr. Klevana said that the State acknowledges streams, but the City map fails to indicate R.C.O. for the site. Mr. Szymanski said that at the hearing in Novermber 1972 information sheets were passed out indicating stream setback requirements for the streams located on the site. Mr. Klevana askednif y lots //3 and #8 on General Properties were given M pproval which did include setback requirements. Mr. Tudhope said that it was prior to the Public warning of the zoning regulations. 5. _° SOUTcI BURLINC,TON PLINNING COMMISSION R1�ETI1NG Ji i;U��RY 9. 1973 I.rs. i.aher asked Mr. Bates if the State would be willing to construct sidewalks along its property lines; 700' on Farrell St. and 400' along SWIft St. Mr. Bates said they would coorporate with the city, but it must be established what the cost would be, prior to approval. Returning to the issue of stream protection Xr. Tudhope summarized the site plan as asking for: 1. Zoning variance on use 2. Zoning variance on parking and building setbacks from streams 3. Relocation of one stream completely and relocation of portions of another Mr. Xlevana said he did not believe they were asking the city ,for any variances, but were only:.-Anformingc;th.q cit.V to-:,what-sextent,. the cState will comply to City regulations. Mr. Tudhope expressed his concern that the site -:plan�'.was deficient on the above three mentioned points. Mr. Brown commented that moving the stream would change the evaluation of adjacent properties and might infringe on someone else's rights. :.r. 3rown said the normal procedure was to ask for the recommendation of the Natural Resource Committee concerning altering of natural resources, such as streams. ;r. Xlevana said every move is costin tax dollars. He said he would like to knoW:all points that are issues. :.r. Tudhope said the above men Uoned areas of concern should give the State some idea. Mr. Bailey asked Mr Bates if a copy of the minutes of this meeting would suffice so•: that all parties would be talking the same thing. Mr. Bates agreed. Mr. Jard informed Mr. Bates that the minutes are not available to the public until after approved by the Commission, but that a draft copy could be sent tilth the understanding that it is not an approved copy. Mr. Bates agreed as long as any corrections to the minutes be forwarded to him. Mr. Szymanski said there has been no discussion on sewerage disposal with the State. X.r. Gee asked that the total cost be made a part of the record, and that it be reiterated publicly. The total appropriation is '2,500,000 (with 2,00,000 for the facility, 125,000 for the site, 175,000-for site development, and 200,000 for engineering). Mr. Tudhope asked Pir. Bates if the Corrections Dept. still had to get approval for the building from the Legislature. He replied that site approval has already been given by the Emergency Board, acting for the Legislature when it is not in session, but that the building nastnot;:yet received approval from the Legislature which is now in session. :r. Marvin moved that the site plan presentation be referred to the Xatural Resources Committee for an earl review and reply to the _�' Planning commission as soon as possible. 2-Ire Brown seconded the motion. 11.1 Nei la)ill iIfw Iii;,;'.l'li!�1 Bates was asked if representatives of the State mould be willing to MOO t with the Natural Resources Committee. He replied yes. The motion was passed unanimously. 1•:rs. ;iaaer moved to direct the City 14an.afTer to get an oni_n5_on from the City Attorney as to leRal'.ramifications of errors or omissions on the DrODOSed city Inap, specifically related to streams. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously Mrs. jiaher moved to direct the City Nana Her to yet an opinicn from the Citv lttorney as to the legal interpretation of the opening; clause of Section 4 Og i of Title 2 � V.S.A. CAaDter 91. motion. The motion was Mr. Brown seconded the passed unanimously. Tudhope said the..normal procedure for a zoning chan,c(i.c,: public,i. fa.cilty is ;Mot at -allowed use in a. -commercial zone on Farrell St.) is for a public hearing. 2,Irs. Maher asked what was the need for a public hearin if it is tha State's contention that it does not have to conform to use desgnations. Mr:.Tudhope replied that the approval r iven by the Emergency Board does not necessarily govern our own ordinances. Mr. Klevana suggested that the Commission await advice from the City Attorney which will have a direct bearing on wheter or not to have a public hearing. A member of tiie audience asked if the drawings of the site plan were drawn to scale. Mr. Hall said yes. The member of the audience taen asked what portion of the brook was going to be moved. 1,1r. Tudhope said the building would be placed on top of the present course. ti1r. :Marvin asked what assurance there Would be that the water level would not be raised on adjacent properties. Mr. Weed said the State law requires them to comply to regulations that water level will not be raised. :Mr. Weed said the intent is upgrade the present status of the drainage in the area. Mr. Tudhope asked if there had been previous testimony by the State that site preparation costs might run as high as $170,0002 and he asked if this figure included moving of streams. Mr.Bates replied yes to both questions. Mr. Tudhope taanked the gentlemen representing the State for coming �- to the Commission. REVIE,I OF FIN1,A-L SUBDIVISION PLAN OF NATIOillkL LIFE 1-Ir. Curtis from National Life explained that Lots 2 into Lot r`#1. He said he had an agreement with Fairvie Motorsefor nasolidated 40 right-of-way for a frontage road. He said National Life will construct a road running from Shelburne Rd. easterly, then northerly, intarsectingy Horticultural:Rd; -;He said they would not construct the frontage road. Mr. Szymanski suggested that the road intersecting the -Horticultural Rd. be straightened for a safer intersection. Mrs. Maher now -is the time to straighten out the details of the roads before the lots are sold. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT M E M O R A N D U M TO: SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: WILLIAM J. SZYMANSKI, CITY MANAGER RE: CORRECTIONS CENTER DATE: JANUARY 9, 1973 1. A stream location should not be altered especially when the flow characteristics are impaired. This has been done especially with the streem crossing Swift Street which is to be altered from a straight stream to a meandering type. This could result in adjacent property damage. 2. Sidewalks must be constructed along Farrell Road and Swift Street to Shelburne Road. 3. City sewerage disposal plans call for a sewage lift station in the proximity of this site. This station should be designed for a pumping capacity of 600 gallons per minute. William J. Szymanski, City Manager (1) STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 January 4, 1973 City Manager's Office 1175 Williston Road So. Burlington, Vermont 05401 Attn: Mr. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator South Burlington Planning Commission DIVISION OF STATE BUILDINGS IRVING A. BATES, Director Re: Chittenden County Community Correctional Facility Located at Swift & Farrell Street, So. Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: Enclosed please find copy of your Application for Building Permit (as revised); Outline of Construction Procedures for Correctional Facil- ity Project; Progress Schedule; Planting Specifications, Jonathan Hall, Architect's correspondence dated January 4, 1973; Property Map; and Site Plan Proposal dated 1/5/73. As we have stated on your Application Permit, the State intends to comply with your newly proposed South Burlington Zoning Regulations, pub- lished and received by our Agency of Development & Community Affairs on November 16, 1972 to the extent required by 24 V.S.A. Section 4409. This application is not to be construed a waiver of the State's common law im- munity from local use district or other zoning and building code restric- tions not enumerated in said Section 4409. As you can see our plans make reference to the proposed South Burling- ton Zoning Regulations even though the 1964 South Burlington Zoning Regu- lation Bylaws are presently in force and effect. We have done this to display our good faith in conformance with the overall intent of your planning to promote health, safety and general welfare of the community. As per our conversation with iir. Richard Ward, we will plan to attend your regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting, Tuesday, January 9th, to present for your information our site plans. ,, ery truly yours, ���yIAIC- BATES ,, irect i IAB : E: cid CHITTENDEN COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY OUTLINE OF CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES FOR CORRECTIONAL FACILITY PROJECT TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,500,000.00 Estimated Building Cost . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,000,000 Land Aquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,000 Site Development (Including landscaping, sewage, etc.) . . . . . 175,000 Architectural & Engineering, Equipment, Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 Approximate Building Area - 30,000 sq. ft. Approximate Total Floor Area - 40,000 sq. ft. Structure Height to be within thirty-five feet The proposed project shall be completed under a Design/Build method. Qualified Architectural and Construction firms will present building pro- posals as teams, which will be evaluated and the best team effort will be selected by the State. A basic program schematic will be presented to all teams, but until a design and specification is presented and selected, the exact building shape, size and materials cannot be determined. 0 C, C(M t -/ 4. SUmrltikl C-Q�j JONATHAN Al. HALL ARCHITECT - WILLI M IIILNLCKE, ASSOCIATE BOX 375, WAITSFIELD, VER\IONT, 0 5673 - TELEPHONE 802-496-3865 January 4, 1973 Mr. Ed Weed State of Vermont State Buildings Division Montpelier, Vermont Re: BURLINGTON CO�L%I 11TY CORRECTIONS CENTER PLANTING I. TREES A. Along Interstate: three staggered rows of red pine, six feet high, ten feet apart. B. Along steep bank near existing houses: leave existing trees and plants, thin selectively to allow healthy specimens to grow, intersperse with new plantings of six foot red pines. C. Trees around building: red maple. D. Ornamental specimen trees: flowering crab, plum and hawthorne, twelve feet high, balled. II. GRASS A. high area near Interstate: smooth out, apply 6" of topsoil, fertilize and seed with a mixture of red clover, timothy and alfalfa, B. Outdoor recreation areas: seed with a mixture of blue grass, fescue and bent grasses. C. Lai;Tns around building: similar to outdoor recreation areas. aF - ::•:....: . ' ,/ ham' r • •x • a d Ln . A MEMORANDUM TO: SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMIMISSION FROM: RICHARD WARD, ZONING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER RE: CORRECTIONAL CENTER, STATE OF VERMONT DATE: JANUARY 9, 1973 1. Area presently zoned Business District A - proposed zone Business Planned Development. Proposed use not allowed. Under proposed zoning use allowed in Planned Unit Development. 2. Lot size present zoning and proposed zoning met minimum. - 5 acre minimum under BPD 3. Set backs i.e. side, rear and front yards meet minimum requirements under provisions of present and proposed zoning. Parking area is located within 25 feet from center line of seasonal brook. Proposed minimum set back is 100 feet from center line. Fuilding as proposed has nearest point within 40 feet of Potash Brook. Parking required under Business District A - one space per 200 feet of floor area - 40,000 square feet proposed. Same requirements applied under proposed ordinance. Plan shows 45 car parking lot. Submitted by, Richard Ward 4777 Zoning Adminigtrative Officer RW/j 2. DUTd BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING asked JANUARY 9, 1973 Mr. Marvin what guarantee there would be that there would be no reflection from the lighting on the nearby residences. Mr. Rosen replied that the lighting is 12' high and is not placed on the residential side of the building, and therefore the building would shield the light from the residences. Mrs. Krapcho asked where the location of the access to the parking area was. Mr. Rosen replied on Farrell St. She then asked how close the access was to the road leading from Farrell St. t0 Gra Tway;..`:He replied 3001. She asked that consideration be given that Mutual Tennis use the existing road, which is at present a private road. She &Iso questioned if the City was interested in having a sidewalk along the property line bordering Farrell St. Mr. Szymanski said 5' will be reserved for this purpose. Mrs. Maher asked if there were any other changes to the site plan other than what was mentioned by Mr. Rosen. Mr. Rosen said none otner than that the parking will be set back 20' more because of the increased front yard. She asked what signs will be used. Mr. Rosen said no facade, but a small free standing sign on Farrell St. which will not be lighted. Mr. Szymanski said the plan will comply with all requirements for sewerage, water and sidewalks. Mr. Tudhope said that a landscapping plan must be .filed showing location, heignt and type of trees to be planted. Mr. Szymanski reminded the Commission and Mr. Rosen that according to the opinion of the City Attorney, that the City cannot issue a building permit which does not satisfy conditions of duly warned proposed regulations, except with written consent of the City Council after a public hearing. Mrs. Maher moved that the Plannin Commission recommend to the Cit.Y Council that the Plans of Mutual Tennis Inc. be accepted with the understands ng that a bond be posted for sidewalks. utilities, landscapping, and sewerage. Mr. Marvin seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. - SITE PLAN REVIEei FOR CdITTENDEN COUNTY COMMUNITY 00RREOTIONAL CENTER Acting Chairman Tu dope ntro uce Mr. Irving Bates of the State Correctional Dept. Mrs. Maher asked Mr. Bates to explain for the benefit Of everyone present the intent of the State in its submission of plans to the Commission. Mr. Bates said that plans are being submitted for informational purposes only, and that specifications were in regards to size, height, yard, landscapping, and parking only. Mr. Tudhope asked if the State did.aot have to comply with location requirements of the City. Mr. Klevaaa, legal council representing the State,said state statutes did not require that the State had to comply, with requirements of local communities other than height, size, yard, landscapping and parking. Mr. Tudhope advised Mr. Kleva na and Mr. Bates that Rep. Crane indicated to him that the opening clause of Sec. 4409 A of Title 24 V.S.A. Chapter 91 was designed to 71.ve local communities some say over location of pubUcInstitutions* ,OUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 9, 1973 Mr. Klevana said that if the location of institutions are enumerated in the plan of a community, then the State may be bound. Mr. Blais, Chairman of the City Council, said that the duly warned proposed zoning designates Farrell St, as commercial which excludes governmental uses. He further said, however, that the proposed zoning designates that governmental uses are allowed in Planned Unit Developments. Mr. Llevana said that his review of the plan did not indicate location of governmental uses. Mrs. Maher said that the proposed zoning designates that Planned.. Unit.. Developments are allowed in the districts of Agricultural Residential, Residential 2 and 4, Planned Residential 10 and 20, and Campus Town, Mr. Jonathan Hall, architect for the State, deS oribed:the.site plan' -.as f6l1ows: setback of building from Farrell St.-751 setback of building from center of Potash Brook-50' triple row of coniferous trees to screen Interstate 189 from the facility Mr. Tudhope said that the Interstate was on higher ground tnan the facility and suggested that the rows of trees would not have an effect of screening the building from travelers on the Interstate. Mr. Hall said the height of the newly planted trees would be 7-8' high, and he said the triple row of coniferous trees would have a. sound absorptive quality for the benefit of shielding noise of moving traffic. Mr. Hall said that trees on the site would be preserved and supplemented with new plantings. Mr. Hall further described the site: one curb cut off Farrell St. to serve as an entrance for visitors and servicing recreational area between two streams parking near small. watercourse Mr. Hall said the plan is a statement of intent and that it is not completed. Mrs. Maher asked for the distance from the building to the Interstate. It was determined from the drawing that it was approximately 540'. Mr. Tudnope asked if tae streams in the drawing were relocated. Mr. Hall replied that the watercourse on the left would be changed from a straight ditch to a more natural winding course. Mr. Marvin asked if changing the course would worsen the water backing up on Swift St. Mr. dead informed the Commission that a hydrologist, consultant for tae State, had reviewed the site for two hours several weeks ago and determined that the present problem of water bac ng up on Swift St. was caused by construction. His opinion was tha oposed change bf the watercourse on the correctional site would incrgaser•the_oours6�p eapaeityLto aarX7 water. He further stated that the recreational area would be lower than the building and would oe able to impound water during heavy, run-off. Mr. Marvin asked if the added carves in the watercourse would slow the ability of the stream to carry water,thereby causing backup. Mr. need replied it would not. Mrs. Maher asked why the parking is so close to the brook, which does not meet the stream setback requirements for construction as provided In the City's warned zoning ordinance. Mr. need replied tnat he did not see on the City Map any designation of major or minor stream differen- tiations. Mr. Szymanski pointed out that tae map Ahowed.the watercourse as being an ROO district upstream, and that, the 'downstream would. have an ,OUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JANULRY 9. 1973 even greater flow.. Mr. Weed reiterated the map did not designate R.C.O. for the site in question. Mr. Tudnope asked if Potash Brook would be relocated. Mr. Weed explained sections would be terraced and rechanneled, and that low shrubbery would be planted near the low section to handle different stages of run-off. He said the present course of the brook meanders due to log jams and silting. He said it is difficult to determine where R.C.O. districts are located on the city map, and since it does not seem to be indicated on the map for the site in question, he believes'"d 50''setback is acceptable. Mr. Tudhope clarified the philosophy of the city, regarding stream setback requirements for construction. He said South Burlington is a rapidly growing urban area and it was the consensus of the Natural Resource Committee that the community should guard green areas for the future well being of its citizens and that land adjacent to streams should be preserved. Mr. Klevana reiterated that only where the map indicated R.0.0, zones would the requirements of the district apply. Furthermore, he said that the map did not differentiate between major and minor streams, which poses the question of how to determine whether a watercourse would be subject to the 50' setback for a minor stream or the 100' setback for a major stream. Mr. Brown said that at a meeting of the Winooski Park District several months ago, the definition of a major stream was said to be any stream dumping into Lake Champlain back to where the stream was indicated as a line on the map. Mrs..Krappho said she was disturbed to hear the State quarelling over local requirements concerning watercourses. She said we all know the drainage problems South Burlington has and the condition of its soil, and that the intent of the city is to preserve areas along drainageways so there is a place for water to be ausorbed, as well as to serve.:other purposes such_�.as r6creation at the same time. She said this goal is stated in the City's 1969 Master Plan, and it is unfortunate to have it challenged in this way. Mr. Tudhope asked Mr. Klevana, representative from the Attorney General's Office, if the office represents the people of the State. He replied it did. Mrs. Maher asked Mr. Bates if it would be possible to build on the site without changing the course of the streams and with 100' setbacks from the centerlines of the streams. He said probably, but it would be difficult and more expensive. He said it would have to be studied in greater detail. Sr. Klevana said that tae State acknowledges streams, but the City, map fails to indicate R.C.O. for the site. Mr. Szymanski said that at the hearing in Novermber 1972 information sheets were passed out indicating stream setback requirements for the streams located on the site. Mr. Klevana askedn6�y lots #3 and #8 on General Properties were given approval which did include setback requirements. Mr. Tudhope said that it was prior to the public warning of the zoning regulations. aOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION METING JANUARY 9, 1 Mrs. Maher asked Mr. Bates if the State would be willing to construct sidewalks along its property lines; 700' on Farrell St. and 400' along Swift St. Mr. Bates said they would coorporate with the city, but it must be established what the cost would be, prior to approval. Returning to the issue of stream protection Mr. Tudhope summarized the site plan as asking for: l...Zoning variance on use w 2, Zoning variance on��pat'rking and building setbacks from et h 3. Relocation of one stream completely and relocation of portions of another Mr. Klevana said he did not believe they were asking the city for any variances, but were ©n1J-aJnformingAhq oity tQ »whattextenttth6Q8t►dlte will comply to City regulations. Mr. Tudhope expressed his concern that the sit®<:plan-was deficient on the above three mentioned points. Mr. Brown aommented that moving the stream would change the evaluation of adjacent properties and might infringe on someone else's rights. Mr. Brown said the normal procedure was to ask for the recommendation of the Natural Resource Committee concerning altering of natural resources, such as streams. - Mr. Klevana said every move is costing tax dollars. He said he would like irto know:.all points that are issues. Mr. Tudhope said the above mentioned areas of concern should give the State some idea. Mr. Bailey asked Mr. Bates if a copy of the minutes of this meeting would suffice, se that all parties would be talking the same thing. Mr. Hates agreed. Mr. lard informed Mr. Bates that the minutes are not available to the public until after approved by the Commission, but that a draft copy could be sent iWith the understanding that it is not an approved copy. Mr. Bates agreed as long as any corrections to the minutes be forwarded to aim. Mr. Szymanski said there inas been no discussion on sewerage disposal with the State. Mr. Gee asked that the total cost be made a part of the record, and that it be reiterated publicly. The total appropriation is $2,500,000 (with 2,00,000 for the facility, 125,000 for the site, 175,000.for site development, and 200,000 for engineering). Mr. Tudhope asked Mr. Bates if the Corrections Dept. still had to get approval for the building from the Legislature. He replied that site approval has already been given by the Emergency Board, acting for the Legislature when it is not in session, but that the building hastnot.40t received approval from the Legislature which is now in session. Mr. Marvin moved Natural Resources Planning omm ss that the site plan Committee for an on as soon as poss presentation be early review and ib e. Mr. Brown referred to the reply to the seconded the motion. lJ . .SOUTH 3URLINGTON PLANNING Coi-LAISSION MEETING JAAUARY 9. 1973 Mr. Bates was asked if representatives of the State would be willing to meet with the Natural Resources Committee. He replied yes. The motion was passed unanimously. Mrs. Maher moved to direct the Olt City Attorney as to le al'_ramifica proposed city map, specifically re the motion. The motion passed una Mrs. Maher moved to direct the Olt City Attorney as to the le al ante Section 09 A of Title 24 V.S.A. motion. The motion was passed una Manager to get an opinion from the ons of errors or _omissions on the ted to streams. Mr. Bailey seconded' mousl . Manager to get an opinion from the retation of the opening clause of .aater 91. Mr. Brown seconded the mously. Mr. Tudhope said the normal procedure for a zoning cnange(i.e. public facilty Js not-a3 allowed use in a.commercial zone on Farrell St.) is for a public hearing. Mrs. Maher asked what was the need for a public hearing if it is th:� State's contention that it does not have to conform to use desgnations. Mr..Tudhope replied that the approval given by the Emergency Board does not necessarily govern our own ordinances. Mr. Klevana suggested that the Commission await advice from the City Attorney which will have a direct bearing on waeter or not to have a public hearing. A member of the audience asked if the drawings of the site plan were drawn to scale. Mr. Hall said yes. The member of the audience trien asked what portion of the brook was going to be moved. i,ir. Tudnope said the building would be placed on top of the present course. Mr. Marvin asked what assurance there would be that the water level would not be raised on adjacent properties. Mr. deed said tune State law requires them to comply to regulations that water level will not be raised. Mr. geed said the intent is upgrade the present status of the drainage in the area. Mr. Tudnope asked if there had been previous testimony oy the State that site preparation costs migat run as high as 4970,000, and he asked if this figure included moving of streams. rir.Bates replied yes to 4, both questions. Mr. Tudhope tnanked the gentlemen representing the State for coming to the Commission. REVIE4 OF FIiJAL SUBDIVISION Pi,&J4 OF iJATIONAL LIFE Mr. Curtis from National Life explained that Lots ,/2,5,1,6 were consolidated Into Lot #1. He said he had an agreement with Fairview Motors for a 40' ri�nt-of-way for a frontage road. He said National Life will construct a road running from Shelburne Rd. easterly, tnen northerly, intersecting" Horticultural Rd. He said taey would not construct tae frontage road. Mr. Szymans&i suggested tnat the ro•id intersecting the iiorticuiturai Hd. be straightened for a safer intersection. Mrs. Maher now is tiie time to straighten out the details of the roads before the lots are sold. STATE OF VERMONT AAGENCY OF ADMINISTRATION L MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 January 3, 1973 South Burlington City Planning Commission 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Gentlemen: DIVISION OF STATE BUILDINGS IRVING A. BATES, Director On behalf of the State of Vermont we would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to you and your townspeople for all the time and tremendous effort exerted in performing the ardous task of selecting a site for the proposed Chittenden County Community Correctional Facility. It is extremely unfortunate that with the expenditure of all of this time and effort during the last month we were unable to acquire a mutually acceptable site. It should be stated here and now that it appears everyone acted in good faith in this searching for a site. We would certainly appreciate your continued cooperation in assisting us in the development of the facility and the implemen- tation of the Department of Corrections' proposed programs. Very truly yours, Irving A. Bates Director By: " , 2 Edgar M. Weed, Jr. Project Coordinator IAB:EMW:cid l OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER STATE OF VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS MONTPELIER 05602 December 7, 1972 Irving Bates State Buildings Director Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Dear Mr. Bates: We have reviewed the present status of this Department's proposed Burlington Beltline facility to determine how it would be affected by cons- truction of the Regional Correctional Facility on the site fronting Queen City Park Road opposite the foot of Pine Street. We would advise as follows: The Department is presently involved in studies leading to a location and design concept for the beltline between I 189 and Main Street. The funds for design and acquisition of Right -of -Way are included in our 7-Year Program. At present, we have two concepts under consideration, as depicted on the 200-scale layout furnished you on November 27, 1972. One envisions extending the beltline westerly from the present I 189-Shelburne Road Interchange and continuing northerly between South Crest Drive and the railroad tracks. With this concept, we would construct additional ramps at the interchange, as required for traffic service. The layout we furnished is somewhat conceptualized and does not necessarily show all ramps in exact location. The second alternate, indicated in dashes, would leave 1189 east of Farrell Street, then turn to the south, and cross Farrell, Swift and Shelburne Streets before heading northerly, between South Crest Drive and the railroad. Again, the depicted location of ramps is conceptual. We would also note that South Burlington has in the past proposed a highway extending southerly from the intersection of Pine Street and Queen City Park Road, swinging westerly near the quarry and continuing southerly parallel to the railroad. Our concept does not indicate what provisions we would make for grade separation structures at the crossing of this street and the beltline. This will be developed later in coordination with South Burlington. Constructing the Correctional Facility in this location would threaten the viability of both of these concepts. With the first plan, the beltline would occupy the portion of this lot fronting on Queen City Park Road, extending back a distance which would be determined when a firm line and grade is developed. The second alternate would extend through the middle of this site, J d' Irving Bates Page 2 December 7, 1972 occupying a right-of-way of from 100 to 200 feet in width. These are the only concepts.which we presently have under consideration. Frank Gerred, Burlington City Planner has suggested to us that the beltline be located westerly of the railroad. This does not seem feasible, due to the design constraints we would encounter further north, but if we should adopt this plan, we would still be affected by the Correction Center, in extending westerly from I 189. If you desire further information, please contact us. Sincerely, E. H. Stickney Acting Commissioner r, D41S VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUILDING CHITTENDEN COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL CENTER 7 Farrell Street Area zoned C-2 District. Section 12.20 Conditional uses. sub sect. -Ion 12.207 State and municipal facilities. Section 19.05 Conditional uses subs section 19.056 alteration or extension. Proposed 4965 square feet administration office addition. Lot contains 7.6 acres, 763 feet frontage.