HomeMy WebLinkAboutCU-91-0000 - Decision - 0007 Farrell StreetTATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CI TTTENDEN CITY OF SOU "r£ CJJR_,IN'GTON On the 23t.h of October, 1991, the South Burlington Zonin.; Board 6f Adju_."-ment. heard evidence regarding the appeal of Vermont Department of .State Buildings, Chittenden Community Correctional Center, 7 Farrell Street, based on the following facts and find- ing:. . 1) Applicant request to construct 5000 square feet for adminis- tration offices. Proposal was reviewed by the Liaison Committee with concerns forwarded to the Board from the City Manager (.letter dated October 23, 1991 which becomes part of the record). 2) The appiiflant submits that addition will serve as admini.stra- tion offices and that. the inmate population will not. e-xceed 197, therefore no adverse impart is proposed on municipal facilities. 3) That the staff is presently working at the center, no additional personnel will --he addeci . No additional. traffic is antic.ip,.,;4 ­.i. 4) The Committee feels that the center are good ;zeigh- I)ors an,J1 C.Joes not object. r.o the proposed addit.i�­ i . therefore the character of the neighborhood is not ,:�f fected . 5) All other bylaws will be in compliance. Based upon, the above stated fa end findings the appel.lant.'s request fora conditional us is irelw _-_,i6anYed . er,a1rmar' - ' of the South Burl ton Zoning Bcar_d of Adju3tment !r: EMI LINGTON, tit. DEC 9 1991 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE