HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 07/09/2019 South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee Approved Meeting Minutes Tuesday, July 9, 2019 City Hall, Champlain Room (2nd Floor) City Hall, 575 Dorset Street In Attendance: Trice Stratmann (Chair), Jennifer Kochman, Jean Sebastien Chaulot, Amanda Holland, Penne Tompkins Also in Attendance: Ilona Blanchard (Staff), Ray Gonda 1. Call to order Trice Stratmann called the meeting to order at 5:37 PM. 2. Minutes Jennifer Kochman moved that the minutes be approved Trice Stratmann seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Public Comments Ray Gonda presented to the committee information about the boxy concrete structures which are on his Home Owners Association land in a wetland managed area. He described them as “horrible looking” and was wondering if the committee could do something to them if they are on private land or help in some way. The committee discussed whether art or plantings would be more effective at dissimulating or calling attention to the structures. The committee discussed the utility project and whether it is on private or public land. Ray explained that the city maintains the structure and manages the wetland but the association owns the land. Gonda was wondering if the Public Art committee would be interested in addressing this as one of their projects. The committee discussed that there is a lot of functional infrastructure involved. It would take a lot of time and effort for this group to accomplish and is not something, it could adopt now. The committee suggested it be an HOA project and the HOA could determine if they want screening or public art. Gonda noted that he may go to his own HOA to see what might be done. 4. Draft Annual Report FY2019 Committee discussed this report on the activities that is due August 16. Activities and accomplishments to go into the report were determined, referencing the format previously sent by City staff. Chair Trice Stratmann will prepare the draft Annual Plan, based on the discussion, for the committee’s review before submission. South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee 5. Draft Work Plan FY2020 Committee discussed items to go into the fiscal year work plan for presenting to council, which is a continuation of current projects. Jean Sebastian agreed to take the lead on pulling together the information for the committee’s review. 6. Committee Symposium Plans for the presentation to City Council (September 26, 4:30 – 9:30 PM) were postponed to a future meeting. 7. Nominations and Election of Committee Officers Jennifer Kochman nominated Trice Stratmann as Chair of the committee and Jean-Sebastien Chaulot as Vice-Chair; Penne Tompkins seconded. No discussion. Unanimously approved. The next meeting was confirmed for Tuesday July 30 at 5:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.