HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Library Board of Trustees - 08/08/2019Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agenda Thursday, August 8, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. Location: South Burlington Public Library 5:00 p.m. Call to Order 5:02 p.m. Additions and deletions to the posted agenda 5:05 p.m. Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the agenda 5:10 p.m. Consent agenda. Approval of regular board minutes of July 11, 2019 and Friends of the Library Report and Director’s Report Action 5:15 p.m. Chair’s report •Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic planning •Status of permits and progress on the new building •Reminder to hold Sept. 26th in the late afternoon and evening for a “all committee” meeting. Action Annual report – review and potentially accept FY20 work plan – review and potentially accept Action Action Annual report Photo 5:30 p.m. Friends of the Library report Committee Reports 5:35 p.m. Final Fundraising Committee Report 5:45 p.m. Finance Committee Report Action 6:00 p.m. Design Committee Report 6:10 p.m. Director’s Report 6:30 p.m. Other Business 7:00 p.m. Adjourn Recommended to Board on 8/8/17 Mission: The South Burlington Public Library strengthens our community through abundant resources including books, information and opportunities to learn, share and grow. Vision: We envision our library as a community destination that warmly welcomes people of all ages and abilities. We will foster individual inspiration, community connections, self-directed learning, and access to technology and information through our varied programs, services and collections. We look forward to a dynamic and comfortable new library, which will be a vital resource for our growing city. Values: We support a vibrant community in a way that honors these values: • Inclusivity: We welcome everyone to pursue their interests, thoughts and studies in an accessible space. • Equity: We strive to offer services and programs without bias. • Respect: We honor all patrons and celebrate differences. • Helpfulness: We assist our patrons in knowledgeable and friendly ways. • Credibility: We provide our patrons with high quality materials and resources. • Fulfillment: We guide our patrons in the joys of discovery. • Democracy: We support civic engagement and an informed citizenry. • Privacy: We protect patrons’ privacy and confidentiality. DRAFT Annual Report Fiscal 2019. Submitted August 2019 The South Burlington Public Library Board of Trustees Overview The South Burlington Library Board of Trustees is an appointed body that works closely with the Library Director to develop goals and policies ensuring the library is meeting its mission and addressing community needs. The Board meets once a month and Trustees also serve on the following committees: Advocacy, Governance & Nominating, Evaluation, Finance. Members are: Diane Bugbee; Mark Coel; MargaretAnn Cross; Nancy Fawley; Bonnie Finnigan; Lee Freeman (Secretary); Patrick Leduc (Chair); Stacey Pape (Vice Chair); Jay Pasackow; Penelope Tompkins. Nancy Simson, Katherine McConnell and Myke Esposito also serve as committees volunteers. Accomplishments and events In FY 19, the Library Board met the following goals: • In collaboration with the new South Burlington Library foundation we developed fundraising campaign materials for the new library. • The Trustees worked with the City to continue to refine the new library’s design and functional use as well as budget and long-term staffing needs. • Trustees attended City meetings for Board leaders and met with those from other committees. • The Trustees initiated a pay study that will be completed in the upcoming fiscal year • The Trustees worked with the Library Director to update various public facing polices and the library’s mission, vision, and values. This work precedes the strategic planning process that will continue into the next fiscal year. • Reviewed and confirmed understanding of the City of South Burlington’s Conflict of Interest and Ethics Policy for Elected and Appointed Officials (December 2018) • The trustees provided input into and supported library staff in a major update to the library’s website. • Members of the Board attended a statewide training for trustees. Qualitative Summary • Approved the transfer of $35,000 to the Library Foundation to initiate the capital campaign to enhance the library. • Managed the Blanchette Fund account effectively with interest income of: ________ . Library Board of Trustees DRAFT Goal*Objective Strategy Action Items Planned Completion Date Resources Needed Partners Work with other city committees to enhance the new library and help others meet their needs 12,13 28 Ongoing collaboration with other committees as needed and ongoing library and Chair meetings with other City leadership. Ongoing other committees, city council, and city leadership Plan a board retreat 12,13 27-29 Survey trustees for their needs/wants as to their professional development related to the committee's work. Creation of goals of retreat, costs, and possible dates Holding of retreat Survey of trusteess on success/lessons learned. FY20 possible facilitator Develop Strategic Plan 10,12 25,36 Confirm/adjust Mission, Vision, Values Review existing Strategic plan Review environment and analyze community needs/wants Review other innovative directions from forward thinking Libraries in the country Draft and seek input on Strategic plan Confirm and adopt End of FY20 Potentially other Committees Develop public library pay study 10,12 25,29 Complete work in progress Review with City Leadership and Human Resources Determine implications of various implementation strategies Implement Jan-20 City Leadership and HR ANNUAL WORK PLAN F:\LaserFiche\Committee Agendas and Meeting Minutes\Supporting 3 Agenda - Library Board - 08 08 19.xlsx 8/7/2019 DRAFT Annual Report Fiscal 2019 Goals and Priorities Submitted August 2019 The South Burlington Public Library Board of Trustees Goals: Objectives: Strategies: FY 18 FY 19 Finish paperwork for 501C3 12, 13 26 ✔ Develop fundraising campaign materials for the new library 9, 10 23, 28 ✔ Inform the public about the need for a new library and complete an advocacy campaign for the November 2018 vote 12, 13 23, 29 ✔ Work with other city committees to enhance the new library and help others meet their needs 12, 13 28 ✔ Ongoing Complete the update of board bylaws 12,13 25, 27, 31 ✔ Plan a board retreat 12,13 27-29 FY20 Develop Strategic Plan 10,12 25, 36 FY20 Develop public library pay study 10, 12 25, 29 In process