HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0020 East TerraceFirst Copy MOWN OF SOUTH BURLING1' NO. to' A`LICATION IFOR BUILDIP,, PERMIT Zone Classification . .......... Zoning,\dmiii-,s-trator 'Fire Limit . .. ............................. .,i, i 11m iin�tim. erniont. 19 The undersigned hereby applies for T-crmisi,;n to make. certain building imprmcmcw,;c<- rihf�d below (Plans to he submitted if required by Building Trispec!(,r.) n To 1,i c, nipIcted in a(cordance k% 1 1 Is of tilt' , 1,0 1�11,1 ;111�, kcg1l1;11i"l wil of SoatIl 1.1ni-lington and ilic St!llt 1 11111 ("111((I-111 I le Regulations of iii, ii - 1 ii,Tcr%\ritc, ind ;in), and all F(+Ieral now in effect. CONSTRUCTION 3 STREET ,t 15- 1- ' MUMBER OCCUPANCY -FLOORS - LOT SIZE: Ft. Frontage Ft. Depth Lot NO. ;A ell Single Family I B I 1121 3 Two Family cluent I- I i OWNER BUILDER Apartment No. Fam. -Ertli I 1 1 ! WATER SUPPLY: Public M Private D ELEC. WIRING: Uiiderground)50verheAd Store Pine SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Public W *Septic Twik [] *Cesspool [. *Attach layout and descrir Offices Ht Vood I x tion of system, for review by Health Officer, Warehouse Comm. Garage ---r,' ST[ MATED COST Construction to be started A&A11-- lg&. L Res. Garage Attic FV & Strs.__ Plat to scale Lot and Building Impio�ernents, showing width of Front Side and Rear yards. Marl No. Cars --1jct.EJ-A1t-.t--J 14 at Compass point indicating North. j - Gas Station IN fli K I tR 1, INN I S H T 7- *Additiotis-Alterations i, il 1 11 71 J FOUNDATION I Ptne Concrete I X I --ff.—rdwood Concrete Block Plaster -u-n-finished. A Brick or Stone HEATING [lot Forced Air ri�rn.- Steam fro-P(Vai. or Vapor ±�> ) on Tile Veneer xGas Burnet on Tile .1 Oil Burner PLUMBING Bathroom Toilet Room Water Closet Kitchen Sink Std. Wat. Heat i Wcot. 91 Wrnt 0 111� M-0-1 Ii Iff 111MM011 !11100 loll .MONO I inns Signature of Buildi FOR BUILDING INSPECTOR'S USE —Remarks or reasons for rejection. Address of Owner Address ............... Itlitim WWLIPT A plo oved Veil i 4App. No. het Sybor,41 l(w.jr.,14iA I I V1111114 4V4�ViVp ; N-, I I t Itr 10 APPLICATION: REJECTED Ll AITROVED JU ITIWII NO - Id;:s y1- - I-..—Iree Paid— I ---- 13Y ISSUED TO 4 zie Date Date —19— - Biltildin uspoct1) r When constru-tion is completed return this form to Building Insp<-ctor stating AC AL COST. If actual cost ex- 6. ceeded estlma` -d cost st ited in Application, an ADDITIONAL I I-E, proportionate to the increase, is (tic. Refund conatue"on no authorized UMN will )e made i actual c( t is less than estimate DATY FINISIIEI -- ACTUAL 'OSTJ— t,y) Permit is cued. (CONSTRUCT )N 0 '----- . ... . .... .... ... . . ..... wrwnt:'L t•t tstx rcx$ a 'x w Wx t,1. ��ud 'rxt '� \1� r r1' r ti '-+mow r rl'Vfit � It h1 Kt1 � ti r dt tt itlt �f \t �i s J.6 ; r t 1V��r 4 + r+ txt`�64r istulxlaF4 \lM r x rl� rrr t t\it t�rr r� � "rA1 � r 't 5 T� FOR MR. REYNOLDS BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED TO HERBERT DAVIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE - ARTICLE XII - SECTION 12.90 NON -CONFORMING USE, SUBSECTION (6) AS FOLLOWS: Section 12.90 Non -conforming use The lawful use of any building, structure, or land existing at the time of the enactment of this Ordinance may be continued, although such use does not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance, provided the following conditions are met: (6) Restoration Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent the reconstruction, repairing, re'niilding and continued use of any non -conforming building or structure damaged by fire, collapse, explosion, or Acts of God, subsequent to the date of this Ordinance. FOR MR. REYNOLDS BUILDING PLRIAIIT ISSUED TO HERBERT DAVIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE - ARTICLE, XII - SECTION 12.90 NON -CONFORMING USE, SUBSECTION (6) AS FOLLOWS: Section 12.90 Non -conforming:; The lawful use of any T)iiilding, structure, or "lend existing at the time of the enactment of this Ordinance may be continued, although such use does not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance, -provided the following conditions are met: (6) Restoration Nothing in this Ordinance shall pre -vent the reconstruction, repairing, rel7uildin7 and continued use of any non -conforming building or structure damaged by fire, collapse, explosion, or Acts of God, subseqi,ient to the date of this Ordinance. 19 East Terrace South Burlington, Vt. August 11, 1967 Mr. Henry LeClair, Manager Town of South Burlington Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont Dear Mr. LeClair: This will confirm my telephone conversation of August 10th in regard to the zoning meeting notice published in the August 10, 1967 edition of The Burlington Free Press. Neither my wife nor I authorized the use of our names in connection with said notice, and we wish all records con- cerning this notice to be corrected to this effect. I assume that you have contacted Mr. Reynolds of the Zoning Board of Adjustment relative to this fact, and that at the meeting to be held on August 16, 1967 Mr. Reynolds will read the notice with this correction made, and also that the official minutes of the Zoning Board meeting will reflect this correction. GP:p V Gordon Paterson cc: Albert I. Reynolds, Chairman South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment io ,\ of s. SURLiNGTON �I.OR'S oFFinp- August 10, 1967 Mr. Evan C. Archer, Jr., Attorney 18 East Terrace South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: This is to notify you rthat the *aut4i Burlingt Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold e hearing kt the Town Office Building, 555 Dor" t St 't, South Burlington, Vermont on Wednesday, Augu "16,, 19 7 at 7:30 P.M. to consider your appeal. b Please plan to attend the mee Ve truly yours, Henry LeClair Town Manager HL/h August 11# 1967 Mr. Herbert T. Davis 8 Tanglewood Drive South Burlington, Vermont Dear Mr. Davis: - L This is to notify you. that the Sou-ith Burling Toning Board of Adjustment will hold 9�] c hearing at the Town Office Building, 555 Do 9/) t, South Burlington, rr st Vermont on Wednesday, Aujus 6, 196 at 7:30 P.M. to \ yo consider an appeal in raga to Ivo property at 20 East C Terrace. Please Em. Very truly yours, Henry LeClair Town Manager from EVAN C. ARCHER ................... ...... d. to... A ....... ................................................... date.....?.. R E C TE-1 ,LTOW ' '- '-. BURLJNGTO�N MIGFZ'�I��rFIC, QUEEN CITY PRINTERS INC. 0 701 PINE ST. e 802.864-4566 0 BU'kL-MGTOK,—VV No Text August 8, 1967 Burlington Free Press Association College Street Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: Please insert the following le ice In cisified displey form in yoijr issue o ra yp August 10, 1967. g SOUTH BUR TON NOTICE The South Burlington Zoning of Adjustment will hold a Off public hearing at the Town Off Building, 555 Dorset Street, o Ji South Burlington, Vermont on W 'Iffiday, August 16, 1967 at 700 P.M. to consider the followin An appeal pursuant to Section 13.70 of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance by Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Evan C. Archer and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Paterson, from an interpretation by the South Burlington Zoning Administrator of the Zoning Ordinance permitting the restoration by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Davis of a dwelling house at 20 East Terrace within five (5) feet of the property line. Albert I. Reynolds, Chairman Zoning Board of Adjustment Please send bill and two tear shoots to this office. Very truly yours, Henry LeClair HL/h Town Manager a August 4, 1967 Mr. Evan C. Archer, Jr.0 Attorney Wick, Dinse and Allen 16 East Terrace Sotith Burlington, Veryr;nnt 051,,01 Door Mir. Archor: After a-cinding appro x1oi ate]. y two e on the k 10 0 ,041 days of "M East Terrace probler with rospi * Herbsrr�*Davls house I find no solution t)ut'i�ste*t�4 permit straid as is. I have discussed this thoroOWY WWthe Town Attorney 9Ls of this date and cc not find ,,*� substantial evidence cl to warrant rac-Inding mr, Davj�.nw."�.. Definit-A"on of tcrms in the til NOlington Zoning Ordinance ".1 1� lcviive t4t C, :s unti- � vbted. eas for a m'ion, therefore if v . *u To,, tarns y John T. Lwina. wish jou may do so vit -h Very truly yours, Henry LeClair Tbun XarwWer cc*. Mrs. Wilbur Bull Mr. John T. Ewing, Town Attorney Mr. 4orbert T. Davis Mr. Vincent D'Acuti* Chairson Noard of Solectmel-i 21 N11r. He.-mq LeClair Town Uianazer C, Souti Purli (��-tcn, Vermont Re: Herl-;ezt Davis !.)car Mr. LeClair: It ippeat.rs that IMIr. Davis and his neighbors disagree as to all .=1 overhang on the north end of his house. lhotographs which 1 h-'v-- indicate only that the roof overhaags, perhaps .30 inches. The p0ople with Who-m I have -,--oken remeniher no ovexhali_r.' Other di,an the roof. her fore, I beli,evc that hc- is nolc to truct ho use such ,as the one preserntly beir, built. a I bcli�ave that the propia-r procedare, would be. for him to se-ek a variance. It would be- pre-fori'.ibie if you would relvoke his buildill'g, permit and tell hiti-i to go for the vart',ince. if Lilis course Of action is not acce',.)table to you, please considi:r 'diis an appe"A fton, YoUr decision as Zonin.-Administrator to issue a buildin,'..'y permit. Would you please forward to alie ti-le necessary forms for an appeal to thae Zoning Board. V,,--,::y truly Yours, eca,4--/c ,��.GMe a fir k.�i ac fv� Two c ��1 ��' i�k.k' lz�e4 /u pus I� �am AV 7`7 7 Vq H I. LTONM A. WICK JOHN M- DINSE FREDERIC W- ALLEN ROBERT H- EROMANN RICHARD H_THOMAS,III EVAN C.ARCHER.JR_ AREA 802-864-5751 WICK, DINSE & ALLEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW 186 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON. VERMONT 05401 August 1, 1967 Mr. Henry LeClair Town Manager South Burlington, Vermont Re: Herbert Davis Dear Mr. LeClair: It appears that Mr. Davis and his neighbors disagree as to an overhang on the north end of his house. Photographs which I have seen indicate only that the roof overhangs, perhaps 30 inches. The people with whom I have spoken remember no overhang other than the roof. Therefore, I believe that he is not entitled to construct a house such as the one presently being built. WILLIAM H-EDMUNDS 1922- 1961 WARREN R.AUSTIN,JR. COUNSEL I believe that the proper procedure would be for him to seek a variance. It would be preferable if you would revoke his building permit and tell him to go for the variance. If this course of action is not acceptable to you, please consider this an appeal from your decision as Zoning Administrator to issue a building permit. Would you please forward to me the necessary forms for an appeal to the Zoning Board. ecajr/s RECEIVED AU G 3 1967 Very truly yours, Evan C . Archer, Jr. TOWN OF S. BURLINGTON August 4, 1967 Mr. Evan C. Arsher, Jr.* Attorney Wick, Dina* wW Allen 18 Uast Torras* Soil tip %.rlington, Vermont 0,5401 DeQr Mr. Archer: After spending approximately two full day as on the Beat Terraes, problem with reap* a lox I house, I find no solution but the HerbO4 Davis )4,%1ONto porwit stand an is. I have dis"sxod this tho of this date and asonot r to errant rescinding Mr. Y WIAWtho Town Attorney ns can Rn/substentl&l evidenge ermit. Definition of urmn-," jl [5T�217 Ith - V r'411ag'%'.orj, 7-oxxing Ordinanco Iiml 4� 17 undoubtedly T t-43 ',SOUS onj, thorofore, If you wish you may do so ttorney John T. Lwing. RL/h cc: Very truly yours, Henry L*ClalLr Town Manager Kra - wilvilf- bull Mr. Jobn T. Ewing, Town Attorney Mr. Herbert T. Dovi.,j Mr. Vincent :)tA4utj1 Chairman Xos,rd of Soleatmen June 9, 1966 Mr, Herbert T. Davis 106 Church Street Burlington, Vermont Dear Mr. Davis: This is to inform you that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment, at their meeting held June 8, 1966p approved your request for a variance, Please bear in mind that this approval does not negate the need of obtaining a building permit. Very truly, yours, Henry LeClair Town Manager L/h . ERT T. DAVIS UN 4-7146 OPTICAL HEARING CENTER OF BURLINGTON 106 CHURCH ST. BURLINGTON, VT. Mav 20th. 01Q66 Tolgn Manager South Burlington, Vt. DearSir; ,4 dd 14 67 / Appropos to our conversation pertaining to my desire to receive per- mission from the South Burlington Zoning Board to erect a semi- encl- osed garage perpendicular to my existing car -port at 20 E. Terrace S. Burlington, I am encl&sing two diagrams -(not drawn t o scale) to indicate w request. As discussed and detailed, the proposed addition would be 12 feet long by fourteen feet wide, enclosed front and sided but attached to exist- ing -car -port- which is open to rear. Since :tkzxpx".wrj;yxJtxzxzf my home is situated four feet back from either homes on both sides, I would only have to extenj this proposed addition eight feet in front of these existing homes, his addit&onal eight feet upon serious examination, would in my opinion in no way mar or obstruct the view of these neighboring dwellings. The structure would begin twenty-two feet back from the existing town property line that is parallel to the paved street, and ten feet from the edge of my property line that is adjacent to the property line of my neighbor to the Sough. At. present, mr existing car -port precludes functional. use or alteration because of its Thysical lavout. Tt is not feasible to extend rear -ward because of the sharp drop-off of the terrain from the edge of the rear of now standing car -port. Fence, may I at this time request the consideration of the Zoning board to grant me permission to construct this addition as desc-l^fbed. A check for thirty dollats is enclosed per instructions to cover the costs that may be involved. Thanking you for your consideration in this matter, I remain, Very truly yo ; Herbert T. Davfs, aERT T. DAVIS UN 4-7146 OPTICAL HEARING CENTER OF 13URLINGTON 106 CHURCH ST. BURLINGTON, VT. J, T l e Aj0 7- r 4,7p 0- /�O-fr' o'v %tlwti l�Ao�ERTj� - �( 1�- ✓OU G' -- /=`O iP w sy If ,1 0 Ay / f 1i /'l�/� D /A 1 Al E S' J .cRT T. DAVIS OPTICAL HEARING CENTER OF BURLINGTON 106 CHURCH ST. BURLINGTON, VT. e l �tJ UN 4-7146 HT%3v R h __-- ST-ikc- c-- 1 Jv l W6 'rYj S a "ri lV�) � � ii' JQ.uA-) 7-0 i� /J�r� eta .9,"d A-,. May 26, 1966 Mr. Iferbert T. Davis 20 East Terrace South Burlin{,ton, Vermont Dear Nor. Davis: This is to notify you that the .South Burlington Zoning Hoard of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the Town Office Building,!''555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Wednesday,' June 8, 1966 to consider your request for a variance. Please plan to attend Very truly yours, Henry LeClair Town Manager HL/h May 26, 1966 Burl in,,-, ton Free Press Association Collc;-,e Street Burl lngton, 1,exTnont Gentlemen: Will you. please insert the followl41'.- Classified Display In your Issue of 1,,'cdnesday, June 1, 1966: ­011"!' F)TURLI; G'C"'; LE".,IL J,01'21C"",.�" The 3u-rl-lnton Zoning i,'orrkc1 of Adju-stment will hold a v)i,,blic hearin;,; at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Wednesday, June 8, !966 at 7:30 P-M. to hear the followin,.-;: Appeal of Herbert T. Davis seekin,; to variance of 3 feet from Section 6-40, Front Yard Reqi'iirements, at 20 Easto Terrace in order to construct a semi -enclosed -arage. Albert 1. of no'da, Chairnan Ton-' xi" o.L' ikdjustment Please send bill and two tear shoets to 555 Dorset Straot. I , very truly yours, Henry LeClair Town '1-11ana3er �..,,•-.um'ncXS.aONlri2.c.MYw�'Mr..::.,.. ,w .t'. ;i, _ lWM%M!'�y�Mlq�MnnVarfJ.x. p�..Y.._.......®....r.. �....a.P.<..�.-a.. ... +rnr;:.S __ .. ......c �.v..-.uaa., a.... �..,r......--^ Y J C- .,i t i S j i I r 3 S }