HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 04/11/2019 Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 5:00 p.m. Location: Library meeting room Members Present: Patrick Leduc, Jay Pasackow, MargaretAnn Cross, Linda Darlington, Lee Freeman, Stacey Pape, Penne Tompkins, Diane Bugbee Members Absent: Nancy Fawley, Mark Coel Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray Friends of the Library rep present: Nancy Simson Guests: Penrose Jackson Chair Patrick Leduc called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m., and a quorum was established. Additions or deletions to the posted agenda: None Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the agenda Jay Pasackow introduced Penrose Jackson, the Library Foundation’s new Capital Campaign Coordinator, to the Board of Trustees. And shared how she brings extensive experience in fundraising and community advocacy to the Foundation’s goal of raising money for the new Library located in the building at 180 Center Street. Consent agenda. Approval of regular board minutes of March 14, 2019 and the Director’s Report Upon a motion made by Trustee Lee Freeman and seconded by Trustee Penne Tompkins, the Trustees voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda Chair’s Report Patrick Leduc reported that an upcoming City meeting on 4/22/19 will discuss issues surrounding stormwater runoff concerns regarding the planned construction of the 180 Center Street building. Citizens interested in expediting the construction of the new building are encouraged to attend and advocate for a quick resolution. He also noted that new Board Chair and Committee Chair appointments are to come this summer and will communicate with members about possible position changes/reappointments. Patrick Leduc then shared the results of the Library Board Chair Evaluation 2019. Responses were overwhelmingly positive. Friends of the Library report The Friends of the Library reported $1,605 in sales from their April Book Sale. Committee Reports Advocacy Committee Report Bonnie Finnegan reported on ongoing social media outreach to inform the public about the library’s mission and goals. Finance Committee Report Penne Tompkins reported that the Blanchette Fund’s value is currently $393,719.92 and that Paul Briody, of Wells Fargo, reported out to the Finance Committee at a recent meeting as to the Fund’s profits along with recommendations to re-invest some of the available cash in the account back into laddered investments in addition to setting up a mechanism to invest cash balances into interest baring instruments until the trustees take action. Members then discussed the options. Trustee Penne Tompkins made a motion that “the Board approve the Finance Committee recommends that we reinvest the cash available in the Blanchette fund into the 18 month CD at the 2.45% rate, or the equivalent rate at the time of transaction, and that we instruct Paul to institute a periodic process to move idle cash into the Fidelity Institutional Money Market Fund (FNSXX), on a monthly basis”. The motion was then seconded by Stacey Pape. The Trustees voted unanimously to approve the motion. Penne Tompkins then reported on the Finance Committee’s Statement of Purpose, drafted at their last Finance Committee meeting. She explained the goals, authority, and purpose of the finance committee and answered questions from the Trustees. Upon a motion made by Trustee Penne Tompkins and seconded by Trustee MargaretAnn Cross, the Trustees voted unanimously to approve the Finance Committee Statement of Purpose. SB City Design Committee Jennifer Murray reported that permitting process issues are consuming architect’s time. Discussions regarding building materials will reconvene in May 2019. Penne Tompkins reported that the City Arts committee has narrowed the search down to four proposals for the new building’s site art. There will be a public presentation of the artist’s proposals tentatively scheduled for Thursday, May 16th, 2019. Public feedback will be subsequently welcomed. Director’s Report Jennifer Murray augmented her written report with comments. There will be a Tuesday, May 21st Trustees Friends of the Library Board Conference at the University of Vermont that all trustees are encouraged to attend. The Library will be closed May 22nd for the Vermont Library Association Conference. Following a discussion on the potential cost to Trustees to attend the Trustee and Friends conference it was determined that a small amount of funds should be set aside should a trustee wish to attend without cost. Trustee Lee Freeman made a motion that “the Board reimburse up to three Board members to attend the Trustees Friends of the Library Board Conference”. The motion was then seconded by Stacey Pape. The Trustees voted unanimously to approve the motion. Jennifer Murray reported on ongoing salary, programming, and staffing studies to examine compensation in relation to other Chittenden County libraries. Staff FTE may have to increase in order to safely and effectively serve the public at the larger library. Possible hours of operation changes and staff increases to accommodate public needs are under discussion. She also spoke eloquently about the challenging work that the staff confront every day, including but limited to pure workload and how some patrons present when them come into the library. Additional supports and trainings are always under consideration. The Trustees asked several questions related to how we can best support staff and the public’s access to the resources and services we offer and asked Jennifer to pass on to the staff how much their work is appreciated. Adjourn There being no other business, Chair Patrick Leduc adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Next meeting: 5/9/19 at 5:00pm Respectfully submitted by Lee Freeman DIRECTOR’S REPORT March 2019 Budget: • Jennifer and Penne will review the Gift Account to date for FY19. The New Library donation line has $1,648.70 in it. The remaining balance in that account is $23,474.90. • The Friends will be consolidating their budget process and are encouraging Kelly to spend a line that was donated specifically in support of Children’s. Kelly will use it for additional materials and summer programs. Staffing: • Jennifer and Kathryn will start interviewing for two substitute positions. The new hire resigned to spend time with family. • Staff responded to an aggressive person out in the couch area and we took staff meeting time to review the scenario. • At a recent staff meeting, one member asked that I make sure the Trustees understand that working the desk can be very stressful. Not only are we both circulating materials and helping the public use the computers, but we also have to handle difficult people. This has always been the case, but there is feeling that the “social worker” element of our jobs has increased. Marketing & Publicity: • The Web Team is schedule for a short workshop on Google Analytics with Eternity. Collections, Programs and Services: • Susan and Verity are trying a variety of new program topics, looking for those that seem to really meet a community need. This month is full of passive poetry activities planned with the Programming Team. • Baby Time and Toddler Time are growing. A recent baby program sported 8 strollers, 12 babies, two older siblings and 14 adults. Many of the attendees are coming from outside of South Burlington, so we are really filling a regional need. • Planning for summer reading is underway around a space theme. One challenge is to figure out the best ways to serve school-age kids. We hope to piggyback on the Rec Department’s plans to offer pop-up programs at low income housing areas. • We have prepared our Kindle Fire for checkout. • James Valastro unveiled his Library Hen banner last Saturday. Administration: • Jennifer and Nancy will be sorting through library policies, starting with the computer use policy. • Data has come in for the salary study and a volunteer has entered it on a spreadsheet for manipulation. • Jennifer has created a hypothetical 4-week calendar rotation for the new library and is now getting feedback from Leadership Team on anticipated staffing and coverage needs. Once this is complete HR will help create an organizational chart for the new library. • Some staff have expressed an observation that they are being asked to do more here than other libraries do, and with fewer staff. Jennifer and Leadership are reviewing 5 years of our own program statistics and those of several libraries nearby. • Coralee has initiated a very useful gathering of City staff who work with committees, and Jennifer has attended two sessions. These link to the classes last year that she led for committee leadership. That training will happen again in May. • Jennifer will be in a mandatory City Leadership training from April 24-26, and then out of town April 27-29. Respectfully submitted by Jennifer Murray Page 1 of 2 FINANCE COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Approved by the Library Board of Trustees April 11, 2019 Nature and Purpose: • Provide general oversight of the Library budget and assist the Library Director in the development of annual budgets • Identify individuals qualified to become members on the committee, Composition: • The Committee shall have not less than three members, a majority of which shall be Trustees. Community volunteers with financial understanding are also eligible to be appointed especially if the current trustees on the committee do not have strong financial backgrounds Goals & Responsibilities: To fulfill its objectives, the Committee shall perform the following activities: • Review the Library’s annual and capital budgets quarterly and aid the Library Director in budget planning. • Oversee the Library Gift, and Capital Campaign Fund accounts held by the City. • Develop and maintain an Investment Policy for the Library Gift and Capital Campaign funds • Report to the full Board as to the Library’s financial position and the committee’s work. • Participate, along with the Director, in the annual budget review with the City Council. Other: • Monitor the function of the committee, understand the skills, experiences, and needs of the Finance Committee and make recommendations as needed to the Board to fill any gaps that may exist in current committee membership skillsets. • Conduct a periodic Committee self-evaluation; and • At least annually, review this Purpose Statement and, if appropriate, recommend changes to the Board. Page 2 of 2 Authority: • The Committee has the authority to obtain advice and assistance, at the Library’s expense, from internal or external advisors, as the Committee deems necessary in the performance of its duties following consultation with the Board Chair. Expenditures anticipated to be in excess of $500 must be pre-approved by the Board. • The Committee also has the authority to approve, reject, or defer to the full Board, recommendations from the Library Director for uses of the library gift account, beyond the Directors individual authority. Meetings: • The Committee shall meet no less than three times a year and anticipates meeting at least quarterly. • The Chair shall designate a Clerk to prepare minutes of each meeting. The Chair or a designee will report to the Board at the Board's next regularly scheduled meeting regarding meetings and activities of the Committee.