HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - 06/13/2019 Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees Thursday, June 13, 2019 @ 5 p.m. Location: Library Meeting Room Members Present: Lee Freeman, Diane Bugbee, Stacey Pape, Jay Pasackow, Nancy Fawley, MargaretAnn Cross, Bonnie Finnegan Members Absent: Linda Darlington, Patrick Leduc, Mark Coel, Penne Tompkins Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray Friends of the Library Present: Katherine McConnell, Sue Raatikainen, Barbara Harrison Guests: Penrose Jackson Vice Chair Stacy Pape called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m., and a quorum was established. Additions or deletions to the posted agenda: None Comments and questions from the public not related to the items on the agenda: None Consent Agenda. Approval of the May 9, 2019, regular board minutes, the Friends of the Library Report and Director’s Report. Upon a motion made by Trustee lee Freeman and seconded by Trustee Jay Pasackow, the Trustees voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda. Friends of the Library Report: Katherine McConnell reported on election of new officials and notes that the Friends will meet the fourth Thursday of every month at 9 am at Wheeler House. July 27th is the ice cream social. The public is invited to attend. Advocacy Committee Report: Lee Freeman reported that all members concur that ongoing advocacy efforts should continue apace. Design Committee Report: Jennifer Murray reported that construction of the new 180 Market Street building is pending necessary permits. Budgeting and material cost evaluations are ongoing. Stormwater funding issues have been verbally agreed to between the School Board and the City Council as of this time, 5:22 PM on Thursday, June 13th, 2019. Director’s Report: Jennifer Murray reported that the Passport to Vermont Libraries program is in effect. Patrons can collect their passport to be stamped at different Vermont Libraries throughout the state. The Summer Reading Program is also in effect. Young Vermonters can register to record their reading over the summer for chances to win prizes, starting on Saturday, June 8th, 2019. Participants can fill out a raffle ticket for every book that they have read for a chance to win activity-based prizes (e.g., bowling). Collection strategies are also under discussion with staff regarding ongoing acquisitions. Suggested reading panels for the shelves are planned for late August of this year. (An example would be a card on the bookshelves reading “If you liked Alice Walker, you might also like Toni Morrison.”) The City Art committee has met regarding exterior art for the 180 Market Street building. A small number of finalists has been selected. A final decision is pending as of this report’s writing. Other Business Bonnie Finnegan reported that the Director’s evaluation is planned by members of the City Council and the Trustees of the Library Board. A meeting is planned for June 24th. Jennifer Murray reported on the drafting/revision of the Library’s Mission Statement. Revisions are ongoing, with feedback from Trustees and Staff. Adjourn There being no other business, Vice Chair Stacey Pape adjourned the meeting at 6:07 p.m. Next meeting: 7/11/19 at 5:00pm Respectfully submitted by Lee Freeman