HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 1000 Hinesburg Road (2)-COUA)CI 1) 114115 APML ,?-/6 16, �r -------- --- - ------ ---- 7t -/ 51 9 M E M O R A N D U M To: Richard A. Spokes, City Attorney �5 From: David H. Spitz, City Planner and Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Re: Review of New Occupant(s) in Mitel Building ,IA�L Pc© b Date: 6/6/83 �Q The following is our opinion on review requirements for any new occupant(s) U15 of the Mitel building. If there is no addition to existing buildings, parking areas, or other external changes, the key question becomes the new "use" in the building. The two relevant sections of the Zoning Regulations are 16.803 Additional Standards for the IAg District and 19.65 Multiple Use of Lots. In P both sections it must be determined whether new occupant(s) constitute the same "use" or a different "use." rues Ordinarily "uses" are defined according to zoning categories. However, �jfor purposes of simplicity in the Zoning Regulations we have used ."light manufacturing" to cover a fairly wide range of industrial operations. In order to determine whether a new "use" is in the same category as an existing "use" we suggest that there be an administrative review focusing on the follow- ing factors: 1) Traffic generation - types of traffic (e.g. heavy trucks), number of employees, and square footage of building. 2) Environmental impacts - water and air emissions, transport and storage of hazardous materials, noise and performance standards, industrial operations and chemical usage, etc. 3) Impact on municipal services - volume of sewage disposal, type of disposal (e.g. chemicals) into sanitary sewer and landfill, etc. If the administration determines that new occupant(s) create no additional impact above Mitel's level for any of the above factors then they can be con- sidered as the same "use." However, if one new occupant will in any way have a greater impact then it must be'reviewed under section 16.803. The form of review will be PID review by the Planning Commission - a one step revised final approval should be sufficient rather than the full three -step process. If greater impacts by more than one new occupant are involved, review will also be required by the Board of Adjustment under section 19.652 for multiple use of a singly -owned structure. If there will be additional buildings, parking areas, or other external changes then PID review by the Planning Commission will be necessary. Minor.., changes can be handled by a one-step revised final PID review; however, all major additions will require a full three -step review. Several other points also should be noted. Mitel has bonded for various improvements and their maintenace for a specified period of time. That bonding must be picked up by new occupant(s) for the remainder of the maintenance period. Also, any new occupant(s) should be advised of the City's requirements for signs. MITEL Mitel Semiconductor Division of Mitel of Delaware Inc. Air Guard Road, Building 880, So. Burlington, Vermont 05401 Telephone: (802) 658-5039 SUBJECT: 28,500 sq.ft. addition to Mitel's original planned facility. FROM: David R. Martell DATE: August 11, 1981 I. PURPOSE: To do wafer finishing of uncommitted logic arrays (ULA). II. The proposal for handling, storing, pretreatment, reclaiming or disposal will be as follows: 1) Pretreatment of spent D.I. Water and concentrate or concentrated solution will be piped to a neutralization tank. Pretreatment will occur here then final treatment and neutralization will be accomplished in the second tank. (See Attachment #1) The effluent from this pretreatment facility will be monitored and maintained in accordance with City of South Burlington Sewer Regulation ordinance as amended 12/6/76, to have a PH level of greater than 5.5 per sec. 3 para. C and less then 9.5 per sec. 4 para. H. Measurement techniques will be established in accordance with sec.9. 2) All other chemicals not suitable for pretreatment will be handled in accordance with Vermont statutes annotated 1979 Title 10, Chapter 159. The Vermont statutes Title 10 has specific guidelines we must follow. Being a proposed new facility our intent is to follow these regulations by working closely with the State Agency to conform to these regulations. We will be designing our pretreatment per State and Local requirements. Our handling of chemical waste will be -in accordance with Sec. 6605. Treatment and disposal, Sec. 6606 waste certification, Sec. 6608 records, reports & monitoring, Sec. 6609 inspections in the same manner we have operated in our existing Foreign Trade Zone facility. We must notify the hazardous waste department of chemicals used. Those that are feasible to reclaim we will manifest to a reclaim facility. Those that must be disposed of we will manifest to an approved disposal facility with the help of the hazardous waste agency. III. Mitel will be involved in manifesting of chemicals to either reclaimers, or disposal facilities. The question of accidental spill may arise. This subject will be handled per my letter to Dave Spitz dated April 2, 1981. See attachment #2. IV. Proper recycling of chemical waste will be a prime concern of Mitel's. Attachment #3 is a letter to Dave Spitz dated April 20 1981 outlining what we are presently doing through Folino Inc. These same procedures will be followed. In respect to disposal, the hazardous waste department has supplied us with a list of twenty-one treatment facilities and sixty-one transporters. We will be selecting one of them. Si cerely, David R. Martell Director of Manufacturing DRM/daa PR1"MA'IVN17 AND RIWVAL ATTACHMENT # 1 D.I. Water Rinse= DIH2O = J 000 gal/day Positive Resist = = 2 gal/week Potassium Hydroxide = = 3 gal/week Fluorinent = C8F10 = 1 gal/week Acidic Acid= CH33ODOII = 7.8 gal/week Nitric Acid= HNO3 = 20.8 gal/week Phosplx)ric Acid= i = 32 gal. /week Sulfuric Acid= 2SO4 = H` 1 gal/week I ivdmg(-n Peroxide = H209- = 4 gal /week IHydorcholoric Acid= ICI, = 55 gal- Net* Sodium Hydroxide = NaOH = 25 gal /week Total Gallons =( 41080 gal/day PH in I 3.5 ± .5 1 Sewer PH our 5.5 - 9.5 PH neutralization pretreat to sewer PH Monitor Microstrip 20 ga1/week Storage Hauted away as hazardous waste Activated Carbon Filter Chlorinated Solvents Trichlorenthane 20 gal/week Freon 20 gal/week Non Chlorinated Solvents Tinglo Brightne'r 5 gal/week Amonium Flouride 15 gal/week Methanol 1 qt/we with Copper Sulphate 1 lb/yr crystals , Storage Sto' age 4Reclaimp-d Hydrofluric iAcid 50 gal/,weeK i Storage Hafled away ae hazardous waste ATTACHMENT MIT L Mitel Semiconductor Division of Mitel of Delaware Inc. Air Guard Road, Budding 880. So. Burlington, Vermont 05401 Telephone (802) 658-5039 April 2, 1981 Mr. David Spitz City Planner City of South Burlington South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Sir. Spitz: Re: Handling of Accidental Spillage The on site accidental spillage will be controlled and handled as follows. The storage of chemicals and the operations of this storage area must meet the standards and requirements of Section 6-609(2) of the Hazardous Waste Management. This includes the use of an impermeable base with sufficient freeboard labeling and dating the containers, inspection, maintaining a diagram of where the wastes are located, and the use of compatible containers. This storage area must have the capability of containing the volume of the largest tank, plus sufficient freeboard to allow for contaim- ation of precipitation resulting from a twenty-four hour, twenty- five year storm. The off site accidental spillage will be controlled as follows. 10 V.S.A. para 6606 requires the secretary of hazardous waste to certify all transporters of hazardous waste, while 10 V.S.A. 6607 states that the Vermont Agency of Transportation is responsible for developing rules concerning The Transportation of Hazardous Waste. Transportors must still follow all applicable. provisions including.the manifest requirements of Section 6-610, the reporting requirements of Section 6-611,. and -emergency clean- up provisions of Section 6-613. Section 6-613 states; In the event of sL spill or.other damage of hazardous waste during transport, the transporter of - such waste must take immediate action to protect human health and the environment -including emergency spill containment measures and clean up aperations. Each transporter has an emergency toll free number, 800-424-9300 (Chemtrec) which he can call to request help to -contain -or clean-up accidental spills. - Whenever there is any unintentional release of a hazardous material during transportation or temporary storage related to transportation, or certain incidents occur during transportation of hazardous materials, the carrier is required to report the incident to the Department of Transportation. (Secs. 171-15, 171-16). Sincerely, David Bartell Production Manager DM/bt MIT L ATTACHMENT Mitel Semiconductor Division of Mitel of Delaware Inc. Air Guard Road, Building 880, So. Burlington, Vermont 05401 Telephone: (802) 658.5039 April 2, 1981 Mr. David Spitz City Planner City of South Burlington South Burlington, Vt. 05401 Dear Mr. Spitz; Re: Ensuring proper recycling of Chemical Waste. The process to ensure proper recycling is controlled by the Hazardous Waste Management Section of the State of Vermont. Vermont Statute; Title 10, Chapter 159. The procedure is as follows: Mitel Semiconductor is registered with this department as a generator of hazardous waste with EPA ID number VTW37370046 assigned. Under the guidelines of Title 10, chapter 159, we are required to file a manifest for each shippment of hazardous waste to a reclaimer. We will be manifesting to our distributor,Folino Inc. of Essex, Vt. Folino Inc. is registered as a supplier, storage and transportater of hazardous waste an assigned EPA # VTD000790766. Folino Inc. is governed by the Hazardous Waste Management Section of Vermont Statute; Title 10, Chapter 159; also CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 49, parts 100 to 199 and Federal Motor Carrier Regulations Parts 390-399. From Folino Inc. this hazardous waste will be manifested to Anachemia Inc., 11 Butternut St., P.O. Box 87, Champlain N.Y. 12919; under the same strigent guidelines and Regulations. Anachemia's recycling facility is located in Montreal therefore, this waste will be recycled at that facility. To ensure proper handling and reclaiming I have arranged with Folino Inc. to inspect their facility in Essex, the facility at Champlain N.Y. and Anachemia's facility in Montreal. ys Sinfiprel ..: _ David Martell' Production Manager- _ DM/bt M r��7 Oq r �' "��; o�r,��o� sP3 �-s��� �.a�•� ram- - .�-V r r r Pq _3� DHS 5/1-8/81 TRAFFIC ZONING PROVISIONS I. General Types of Review A. All PUDs and major subdivisions shall be evaluated in terms of adequacy of immediate access points and level of service C at nearby inter- sections. B. In specified traffic overlay zones, uses shall be permitted with size restrictions or prohibited. C. Site plans shall be reviewed for number, location and design of access points (including passible turning lanes). II. Traffic Overlay Zones (see map) A. Zane 1: Access to a point within feet of a major in.t rsection (30 `rips per 80,000 _,qu<,re foot lot size) . B. Zone 2: Access via private driveway to a high -volume roadway segment (40 trips per 80,C ; :;quare fo-t lot size). C. Zone 3: Access via unsionalized public road to a high-volLT 2 roadway segment, (50 trips per 80,000 square foot lot size). D. Zone 4: Access via signalized public road to a high -volume roadk---, segment, including any area in a C-1 zone not included in Z.on,- �. (60 trips per 80,000 square foot lot size). F. Zone 5: Access via private driveway to the balance of Shelb; =_ .,3, Williston Road, Dorset Street (north of I-89) , Hino burg Rn id '{- r v White Street and 1-89) , and Kt-rrnedy Drive (90 trips fx�r 80,00') ,-guar f{�ot lot size) . F. Other zones and types of access are not restricted. III. Other Provisions A. Road frontage for any lot accessing onto an arterial or col7_ector (as defined in the Comprehensive Plan) shall be 200 feet. B. Each lot shall have only one curb cut unless special approval is granted, SPOKES, FOLEY 8C ®BUC;HOWSKI ATTORNEYS AT LAW 184 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE P. O. BOX 986 BURLINGTON, VERMONT OS402 RICHARD A. SPOKES JAMES D. FOLEY JOSEPH F. OBUCHOWSKI STEVEN F. STITZEL August 4, 1981 William Szymanski City Manager 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Digital Easement for Mitel Dear Bill: (802) 862-6451 (S02) 863-2857 ISAAC N. P. STOKES COUNSEL Enclosed please find the proposed Digital Easement in duplicate. I frankly remain uncomfortable with the deed and don't under- stand why it is so stringent. Digital's local attorney has not responded to my enquiries, but I have been communicating with Dick Trudell. It would appear that the emergency repair language inserted in paragraph 2 has not been approved by Digital, and ordinarily such language would at least be initialed by the grantor. I also. am disturbed that the signature of one of the witnesses appears to be Digital;s local attorney, but the deed was signed in Massachusetts. Ordinarily, these items are of no consequence, but Digital has been very difficult to deal with on this matter. With Digital being overly cautious, I tend to feel the City should also be overly cautious. In any event, I understand from Mr. Trudell that Digital is unwilling to discuss the situ- ation further. I doubt if the City wishes to jeopardize the Mitel project, and thus I am sending the easements to you for presenta- tion to the Council. If the Council desires to accept the ease- ments, they should authorize you by resolution to sign the deeds for the City. One fully executed deed should be recorded in the Land Records and the other should be returned to me for trans- mittal to Digital. Please note that the Property Transfer Return should also be signed by you and delivered to the City Clerk at the time of recording. Very tr y urs , Richard A. Spokes RAS:mi1 Enclosures cc: David Spitz Richard Trudell February 19, 1982 Attorney Richard Lanq Hoff., Curtis, Bryan, Quinn, and Jenkins 192 Collene Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Lang, Per the City Attorney's instructions I am sending on copy of the P•Iitel offer of dedication to the Cite for various iter.U. The other co�.y hac been re -corded. Please pardon the delay. ISiincerely, David H. .spitz, City Planner DSf mca i8Pi ,El yisuido'j ►?nt,I U rrloiH yon1QJjA arii.-{n9L Fins , nni L"Q jinyi& t 2l j iuD , lloH yn91fco RPT .[0�`�� �ncxrY9V ,nojpr..cClClri , pnsI , V IF9Q IEi-Pil.l 3rb c, i61oz) r10 pritC )iioa ►u, I anoiJoin:!: im" , 8lvori'�oJJA yJiZ) 9r1l i9q azrl ynco 19fijo 9141.ct:9 f. 'l1 )S t:>J `Sl? V 27 od:� o! noijzo—ibgb In ie'3 to .ysis6 aii nob-mq 3a 91q .ngnio-►,)1 s pom\pkl RICHARD A. SPOKES JAMES D. FOLEY JOSEPH F. OBUCHOWSKI STEVEN F. STITZEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 184 SOUTH WINOOSKI AVENUE P. O. BOX 986 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 July 22, 1981 David Spitz, City Planner 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Mitel Documents Dear David: (802) 862-6451 (802) 863-2857 ISAAC N. P. STOKES COUNSEL In connection with the Mitel project please find enclosed the following: 1. Duplicate originals of Offer of Irrevocable Dedication. Bill Szymanski should sign both offers in the presence of two witnesses who must sign to the left of his signa- ture. Bill should also acknowledge his signature before a Notary Public, and the Notary should sign where in- dicated. Also please note that his name should be inserted in the acknowledgement and the date of the acknowledgement should be changed. One Offer with the Exhibits attached thereto should be recorded in the City Land Records. The other Offer should be sent directly to Attorney Lang at Hoff, Curtis, Bryan, Quinn & Jenkins. 2. Warranty Deed for pumping station, easements, etc. totaling five (5) parcels with transfer return. 3. Warranty Deed for Swift Street Extension along with Vermont Property Transfer Return. 4. Warranty Deed for sewer easements with accompanying Vermont Property 'Transfer Return. 5. Warranty Deed conveying pedestrian easement to City, along with accompanying Transfer Return. All of the above documents are in proper legal form. I notice, David Spitz, City Planner July 22, 1981 Page 2 however, that the deed conveying the five parcels has been changed from the last draft submitted to me. I never received copies of the plans so I have no way of determing whether the new descrip- tions track the plans. Perhaps you can double check and make certain that the descriptions are accurate. You should also make certain that the drawings numbered SP3 and SP19 ar recorded in the City Land Records. None of the deeds should be recorded until the Council accepts the respective Dedications. The Council can accept each deed singly or all together as it desires. I suspect it would not be in order to accept all of the various Dedications at the same time. Please call me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Richard pokes RAS:mi1 Enclosures cc: Richard Lang, Esq. TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, Inc. December 16, 1981 Mr. Dave Spitz City Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 RE: Mitel Dear Mr. Spitz: ROUTE 2A BOX 308 WILLISTON, VT. 05495 879.6331 Transmitted herewith are 2 copies and one reduced mylar of both sheets SP3 and SP19. Very truly yours, TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINE RS, INC. Richard P. Trudell RPT/lad Enclosure TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, Inca November 13, 1981 Mr. David Spitz City Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Dave: ROUTE 2A BOX 308 WILLISTON, VT. 05495 Transmitted herewith are copies of SP3, SP10, SP11, SP19 and SP27 which are the sheets that changed due to Mitels building expansion. Very truly yours, TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Richard P. Trudell RPT/lad Enclosures 879.6331 AGENDA South Burlington Planning Commission City Hall Conference Room 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont Regular Meeting @7:30 P.M. Tuesday, August 18, 1981 1) Minutes 8/11/81. 2) Continuation of revised final plat application by Mitel Semiconductor for an addition of 28,800 square feet to an approved 59,600 square foot in- dustrial building on Hinesburg Road. 3) Other business. Respectfully sutmitted, David H. Spitz, City Planner 6. PLAT,'h.Tf711, CO"� T".SIGN AUGUST 11, 1901 city culvert which is causing the problem. �,, (, "'I'L W11I Mr. Spitz said a E' wide dedication of landAas well as a sidewalk would be rewired. lie wondered whether it was better to put the sidewalk in at t::e e3r;e of the new right of way, which will be a distance from the road, or whether to put it within the right of way. Funds for the sidewalk could be put in escrow. fir. Woolery moved that the final plat application of Harold and Janice Brown for a 4 lot industrial oubdivision on 'Willi !ton and :;hurnike Goads be cc;r:tinued until Aujnist 25 at City Hall Pit 7:30 pm. Mr. Walsh seconded the motion and all were in favor of it. Qt:-er business Mr. Nona moved that the Planninp Commission reouest that the City Council correct the drninr.jYe problem on Hripi.am Road. Ar. Walsh seconded the motion acid all voted for it. AT) licntion b ,,i'.itel Semiconductor for revised finalplat approval t ft. to an w7-r+ ems.. �C sq, ft. industrial building on iiin� ::b err- i:ond south of I-U9. Xr. 'oger asked the status of the recently signed agreement among the applicant, State, city and Regional Planning Commission on a study of a(,ricultural soils in the southeast quadrant before any further development. He was told that the city had expected to have the study done by the time of the Act 250 hearing on Friday. It became apparent, however, that while a lot of information would be available by that time, a lot of policy decisio,wl could not be. The city, applicant and Regional Planning Commission therefore signed an agreement that the study did not have to be done now, but that the study requirement would still be in force for any future expansion. Xr. iot,er said he had trouble with being forced into an agreement that the Cu,..-mission had been perturbed about and then being told that it was suddenly "inoperative". lie felt that this pushing around of the Commission was undesirable. Mr. Spitz felt the basic idea of the study had been good and he told the Commission what work had been done so far. ii'r. Poger asked -',r. Thweatt when it had been decided that an expansion was needed. He was told it was on July 15, when Mitel was in the appeal period. The plans were submitted on July 22. .."•,r. Poger asked whether Xitel had been open with the Commission on its plans. Mr. Thweatt said it was unfortunate that they had to come back so soon and that he was embarras3ed to be'here so soon. He felt the company had been open with the city and said that if his boss had known earlier of the expansion, he had not told i,im, fir. Thweatt. Mr. Thweatt said that when the initial plans were sub.-Atted in December, he thought the building would be large enough for an indefinite period of time, but he said the company had continued to grow at about 1V, l:er month and they would need more room for this operation here. He added that another raunfacturing operation would also be added in this location, hence the need for the expansion. Mr. Poger was uncomfortable with, Mital coming in for an expansion before the city had the chance to see what tho first construction innacts would be. Mr. Ewing asked if Mitel foresaw any future expansion in the next year and wiis told they did not. :•:r. Thweatt listed several areas where Mitel was currently expanding and said that ;;ouch Burlington Yaa not bearing the brunt of the expansions. 7. PLAtih,:�G CO`rMISSION AUGUST 11, 1981 Mr. '�nlrh asked if there would be any new chemicals associated with the new :a%nufacturini; process to be brou;.;ht here (wafer finishing). Mr. Thweatt said there would be and Vitel submitted a memo on that subject. Yr. Schner spc ke in frivor of approving the application. Yr. Thweatt u.id that Xite1 would lease all the prime agricultural land that was available to a farmer.. There is a 5 year lease agreement, but it does not preclude any development taking place within that time period. This exps::sion will not consume any of the prime agricultural land. Mr. Thweatt said the farmer would keep Mitel informed of any investment he makes in the land and if the lease is withdrawn within that period. the farmer will be reimbursi,d his investgents on a pro rata basis. Mr. Goodrich also supported the expansion. Yr. Trudell said the confie.uration of the cul-de-sac and the handicappad parking area had been charged. The other parking lot had been expanded. The size of the retention pond has been increased and sewer will be brought to the middle of the building. The location of the access road to the pump station has been changed. There will be a 100 person increase in the work force. Mr. Trudell said the intersection on Hines'r.urg Road would still be OK as far pis traffic with the additional personnel, but the improvements for the liineot,urg Goad/Kennedy Drive intersection in terms of signal timing may have to be -oved up. The geometry of that intersection will still be OK. Mr. initz ridded that Mitel should probably be required to pay for part of the trt:ffic signal. Mr. 'roger asked how much landscaping would be increased and was told it would be about b10.WO more. _r. Trudell said the height of the building would not be changed and there would be screens on the top to hide the units on the roof. There will not be more storage tanks and it is expected that there may be different types of materials coming in as a result of the new process being added, but they do not expect as much as a 10,E increase in traffic from the expansion over what they projected before. Mr. Thweatt hoped to be in the building by March 1. Mr. Yartell went through the memo on chemicals. Mr. Poger felt it would be good to let the public have a chance to see it (a copy is on file with the ilanner), and Mr. Mona said he would like to wait a week before making a motion on the application. Mr. Moolery moved to continue the revised finpl plat application of Kitel until August 18 at 7:3,: nm at City hall. Vx. Ewing seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 pm. Clerk DHS 8/11/81 MOTION OF APPROVAL For the Revised Final Plat Application by Mitel Semiconductor for an addition of 28,800 square feet to an approved 59,600 square foot industrial building as depicted on four revised plan sheets entitled "Mitel, Master Site Plan", prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers, last revised July 14, 1981. Stipulations 1) The landscaping bond shall be increased to $66,000 for new plantings. 2) The applicant shall contribute an amount, via taxes or separate payments, as determined by the City Council, towards the installation of a three-phase traffic controller at the corner of Kennedy Drive and Hinesburg Road. The new traffic controller is expected to be installed by 1986, or sooner if warranted by additional development. 3) All pertinent stipulations from planning commission approvals dated May 5 and June 9, 1981 shall remain in effect. 4) Revised legal documents incorporating any changes to the original easements and deeds shall be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit. 5) This approval expires in 15 months. 6) The final plat shall be recorded within 90 days. PUBLIC HEARING SOUZH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, August 11 1981, at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1) Application by Harold and Janice Brown for final plat approval of a 4 lot Lryttistrial subdivision on Williston and Shunpike Roads. Property is kz)unded on the north by Williston Road; on the west by P.J.'s Auto Village, Munson, and Willis; on the south by Willis and Baker; and on the east by Zaichowski, Mayo, Bassett, Lavallee and Shunpike Road. Application by Mitel Semiconductor for revised final plat approval to add 28,800 square feet to an approved 59,600 square foot industrial building on a 110 acre parcel on Hinesburg Road south of I-89. Property is bounded on tho north by Tilley and I-89; on the east and south by Green Acres (Goodrich); and on ttrue west by Wright, Wiles, Painter, Coffin and Hinesburg Road. Copies of the applica+-ions are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Sidney B. Poger, Chairman, South Burlington Planning Cc mission July 25, 1981 HOFF, WILSON, POWELL & LANG, P.C. Lawyers 192 College Street Box 567 Burlington, Vermont 05402 802/658-4300 Philip H. Hoff Bret P. Powell Richard A. Lang, Jr. Thomas B. Bailey Michael Schein Priscilla Bondy July 31, 1981 Richard A. Spokes, Esq. Spokes & Obuchowski P.O. Box 986 184 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05402 Dear Dick: J. Boone Wilson of Counsel Enclosed for your review is a proposed Stipulation as to Condition No. 14 in Mitel's original permit. I am sending a copy of this letter and the Stipulation to Arthur Hogan and Dana Cole - Levesque for their review. As always, I appreciate your cooperation. Very truly you s, Richard A. Lang, Jr. RAL:pmr cc: Arthur Hogan Dana Cole -Levesque Memorandum Next week's 8/6/81 Page 3 5) Mitel agenda items The proposed building addition will be attached to the southerly end of the first approved building and will be within the area bounded by the access road. This is consistent with Mitel's initial statement that the first expansion, to a maximum of 100,000 square feet, would be in the same building Additional parking spaces are also on the same site and are sufficient to handle the employee increase from 300 to 400. All utility and general support service requirements are virtually unchanged from the original application. Same changes must be made in proportion to the increase in building size, e.g. an increased landscaping bonding amount. Possible changes in traffic -related requirements are still being reviewed. I don't anticipate any required changes in the entrance design, but installation of a new Hinesburg Road/Kennedy Drive traffic signal may now be warranted. We have received initial State input on this question, and I hope to discuss the intersection requirements with them prior to Tuesday's meeting. A�/glooa --!� 4,WAt A-a� 7o a73 �3 zS0 �SI)A - DHS 7/21,✓81 MOTION OF APPROVAL For the Preliminary Plat Application by Robert Ryan et al for an 84 unit multi -family development on Hinesburg Road and Kennedy Drive as depicted on a plan entitled "Site Plan, Winding Brook", prepared by Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers: Stipulations: 1) Parking spaces shall be relocated so that each dwelling unit shall have 2 spaces within a reasonably convenient distance to the dwelling unit. 2) Requirements for drainage improvements in the vicinity of the existing Church of Cod driveway shall be reviewed during the final plat stage. If necessary, the existing driveway shall be relocated. 3) Elevations and distances to Potash Brook shall be provided. 4) A sidewalk, approximately 600 feet in length, shall be constructed along the west side of Hinesburg Road in front of this proposed development. 5) All internal walkways shall be shown. They shall be sufficiently separated from parking spaces so that no bumpers shall overhang onto the walkways. 6) The water line shall complete the Kennedy Drive loop. 7) Traffic impacts, including adequacy of the Hinesburg Road access point and the Hinesburg Road/Kennedy Drive intersection, shall be reviewed at the final plat stage. 8) The eastern access over City property shall be submitted to the City Council for right-of-way approval. 9) Landscaping information for final plat shall include the area around the detention pond. 10) Building 8 shall be reoriented to improve access for fire control. TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, Inc. July 21, 1981 Mr. David H. Spitz City Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 RE: Mitel Dear Mr. Spitz: ROUTE 2A BOX 308 WILLISTON, VT. 05495 879.6331 Transmitted herewith are four set of revised plans for review of the Mitel project. We are submitting these plans concurrently with our Act 250 submission. As such, I am considering that two of the four sets submitted meet our obligation under Title 10 VSA, Section 6084 to provide a full copy of the Act 250 submission to the Council and Planning Commission of South Burlington. The major changes shown on these plans are: 1. Increase in building size from 59,600ft2 to 88,400 ft2. 2. Increase in parking spaces from 218 to 274. 3. Increase in retention pond to handle increased storm flow. 4. Change in sewer location leaving building and the access road to the pumping station. 5. Change in configuration of cul de sac and parking areas. Very truly yours, T L ONSUTTJNG EN NEERS, INC. G Richard P. Trudell, P.E. RPT/lad Enclosures TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, Inc. July 27, 1981 Mr. David Spitz City Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 RE: Mitel Dear Dave: ROUTE 2A BOX 308 WILLISTON, VT. 05495 879.6331 Transmitted herewith are the items you requested for the new Mitel application. 1. Final plat subdivision application. 2. Check for $25.00 fee. 3. New employee level - 400 1st shift - 250 2nd shift - 100 3rd shift - 50 If there is further information that you need don't hesitate to call. Very truly yours, TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEE S, INC. Richard P. Trudell, P.E. RPT/lad Enclosures 3 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - FINAL PLAT I Name of Applicant Mitel Semiconductor II Name of Subdivision Mountain View Industrial Park III Indicate any cihangeslto name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, sur- veyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application: No change since April 4, 1981 submission. IV Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application 1) Increase in building size from 59,600 ft2 to 88,400 ft2. 2) Increase in parking spaces from 218 to 274. 3) Increase in retention pond 4) Change in building sewer location and access road to pump station. 5) Change in configuration of cul-de-sec and parking areas. V' Attach a final plat drawing (originals not needed) showing the following information: (1) Proposed subdivision name or identifying title, the name and address of the record owner and subdivider, the name, license number and seal of the licensed land surveyor, the boundaries of the subdivision and its general location in relation to existing streets or other land marks, scale (numerical and graphic), date and true north arrow. (2) Street names and lines, pedestrial ways, lots, reservations, easements, and areas to be dedicated to public use. (3) Sufficient data acceptable to the City Engineer to determine readily the location, bearing and lenoth of every street line, lot line, boudary line and to reproduce such lines upon the around. 1-.'her-e applicable these should be tied to reference points previously established by the city. -2- (4) The length of all straight lines, the deflection angles, radii, length of curves and central angles of all curves, tangent distances and tangent bearings for each street. (5) By property designation on such Plat, all public space for which offers of cession are made by the subdivider and those spaces title to .which is reserved by him. (6) Lots within the subdivision nu-abered in numerical order within blocks, and blocks lettered in alphabetical order. (7) The location of all o.L' the i;:,provem--2nts referred to in Section 301.1-'and in adcition�thereto the location of all ut?l-ity poles, s`::cge disposal syste<<s, `.rater supply systems and rough grading and other eevices and ;lethOdS of draining the area affecting the suer-ivision.-may =oak 0oet.- svENDN►`A0r4 :-=--� (8) Permanent reference :nonunents sbo.-.n thus: "V" a -id lot corner markers sho,Jn thus: "O" . (9) Construction drawings of all :.equired im-orove��ents. VI Inclose supporting cocuimants listed below or request that they be recTuirec as a condition of final plat api,,roval: (1) Copies of proposed deeds, agreements or other cocu-.,ants showing the manner in which open space, including park and recreational areas and school site areas, are to be dedicated, reserved and maintained and a certificate of the City Attorney that these co=i nts are satisfactory. (2) A certificate of the City :Incineer as to the satisfactory co-pletion of all ir:-)rove,-,,ents required by the Co.-nission, or, in lieu of any required immrovaments not so completed, a performance bond to secure completion of such improvements and their �aaintenance for a period of two years, and written evidence that the City Council is satisfied either with the bonding or surety company or with security furnished by the subdivider. I (3) A copy of such covenants or dead restrictions as are in- tended to cover all or part of the tract. (4) A prospectus describing the management organization if one is required. (5) In the case of a subdivision or development served by a privately o:.;ned and/or maintained street:. (a) a copy of all proposed deeds, agreements, or other docum_nts which convey or relate to the use of a privately owned street or right-of-way, and a certi- fic-,te of the City Attorney that these docu_-�ents are satisfactory. -3- (b) a completed contract between the lanoo•;mer and the city regarding the number of lots or dwelling units to be served by the proposed right-of-way or private street and the responsibility for the roadway maint- enance, along with a certificate of the At-orney that the contract is satisfactory. -nature) 2pplic<2nt or contact person cite MITEL SEMICONDUCTOR ��� 1000 Hinesburg Road -Plant site only(ares�} South Burlington, Vermont, USA 05401 (802) 658-5500 Postal address:Bldg.880,Airguard Rd. June 29, 1984 State..Of Vermont Agency Of Environmental Conservation Vt. De'pt. of Water Resources and Environmental, Engineering Montpelier, Vt. 05602 Mr. Harold T. Garabedian, Acting Chief Hazardous Waste Management Program Dear Sir: Enclosed please find the annual report of Hazardous Waste activity at the*Mitel plant in South Burlington for calendar year 1983. There is no excuse for it being late except for the fact that I am the only one here left to do all administrative functions since the plant closed officially on Sept.l, 1983. Your Hazardous Waste Engineer, Brian J. Fitzgerald, visited me on June 27, 1984, and did a review and verification of our present non -operational status. He stated that our EPA numbers would be cn nce1.1(-d and temporary ones issued if the need arose. Since we have no more Hazardous Waste J.n storage excerpt hydraulic uil and used compressor oil, we shouldn't need a number. He stated he would supply me with info on where to get rid of the oil. It is safely stored in the meantime! Our EPA #Vt-D039229901 was assigned to 1000 Hinesburg Road, So.Bur.l. EPA #VT-D037370046 was assigned to our plant at B1dg.880, Airguard Road, So. Burlington. The Airguard Road facility is still our current mailing address for both plants. That facility has not been used for. Hazardous Waste generation or handling since we moved into the Hinesburg Road new facility in 1982, and. was so stated in ( Ile 1"sLiYludl ti. Y' . Rt:,,)v. t of _tV�- 5tti)1ii14 Left iil 1`Jti3. 1 am i nere- fore returning the forms for that facility as addressed to Dave Martell, who was that facility contact initially. Mr. Martell is now working for Mitel in Canada. Regarding the letter from Mrs. Virginia D. Little dated June 20, 1984, regarding Notice of Violation of Permit 3-0380 re: Non - submittal of Discharge Monitoring Reports for period Jan.1-Mar.31 1984, I trust this letter and accompanying Annual Report for 1983 will answer her concerns. Should you or Mrs. Little have any questions regarding this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to call me at 658-5500 Monday through Friday. Sin erely, , j xv .1 S)k4��� William S. Duncan, Mgr. Facilities and Security cc:William Szymanski, City Manager, So.Burl; Mrs.V.D.LitLle-Permits Sect.