HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Form Based Codes Subcommittee - 04/29/2019SOUTH BURLINGTON FORM BASED CODE SUBCOMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 29 APRIL 2019 The South Burlington Form Based Code Subcommiee held a meeng on Monday, 29 April 2019, at 4 pm p.m., in theChamplain Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: D. Macdonald, A. Klugo, Chair, Ted Riehle ALSO PRESENT: P. Conner, Director of Planning and Zoning; T. Mackenzie; K. Braverman; C. Reid; 1. Direcons on emergency evacuaon procedures from conference room Mr. Conner provided instrucons for evacuaons 2. Agenda: Addions, deleons, or changes in the order of agenda items No changes. 3. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda No comments 4. Minutes Review and approval of minutes were moved to the next meeng 5. Connue review of requests for amendments to the City Center FBC The Commiee did a recap of prior meengs. Ms. Reid asked for an update on the subject of entryways. Mr. Conner noted that there are two paths to addressing the subject, through compliance under the current regulaons and possible amendments, and noted that the amendments the Commiee discussed at a prior meeng were focused on future buildings. Mr. Conner also noted that he and Ms. Reid would be meeng later in the week. Following discussion, the Commiee asked that staff brief them at a future meeng following the meeng with Ms. Reid. Mr. Braverman then presented their desire to construct some of their buildings in locaons not planned to be served by streets. One area would be adjacent to and facing the Potash Brook & its wetlands, and the other would be facing onto a parklet of some form and was shown on the concept plan as facing towards the school property at the north end of the site. Mr. Braverman said these buildings would provide an addional different product to the mix that would otherwise, per the code, encourage large buildings only on planned streets. Mr. Conner confirmed that the FBC requires principal buildings to have frontage on a street. He noted that this was an integral part of the FBC, especially in areas of T4 where there are presently no streets. Mr. Conner suggested that if the Commiee did want to allow some other form a “street type”; it could do so by defining a pedestrian or other small street and allowing it in the T4. Members asked Mr. Braverman to provide a conceptual cross-secon of what such a street would look like, and generally supported the idea of allowing buildings to front on to a different arrangement such as a park or a wetland with this type of “street” forming the boundary and forming a “front” to the buildings. Mr. McKenzie provided a brief overview of their remaining request, to allow addional curb cut flexibility in the T4 and T5. Members agreed to discuss this, as well as lots facing mulple streets and items that staff has idenfied at their next meeng. 6. Adjourn The Commiee set the next meeng date as Friday, May 10th, 4:00 pm. As there was no further business, the Commiee adjourned at 5:30 pm.