HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Form Based Codes Subcommittee - 04/15/2019SOUTH BURLINGTON FORM BASED CODE SUBCOMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 15 APRIL 2019 The South Burlington Form Based Code Subcommiee held a meeng on Monday, 15 April 2019, at 12:30 p.m., in theChamplain Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Behr, D. Macdonald, A. Klugo, Chair, Ted Riehle ALSO PRESENT: P. Conner, Director of Planning and Zoning; T. Mackenzie; K. Braverman; C. Reid; C. Snyder; K. Dorn, CityManager 1. Direcons on emergency evacuaon procedures from conference room Mr. Conner provided instrucons for evacuaons 2. Agenda: Addions, deleons, or changes in the order of agenda items No changes. 3. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda No comments 4. Minutes Review and approval of minutes were moved to the next meeng 5. Connue review of requests for amendments to the City Center FBC The Commiee did a quick recap of prior meengs. Mr. Klugo invited Tim Mackenzie to give an overview of their request. He would like for open space to be allowed to be met across the enre site of a developer or enty, or if not that then within a distance of 900 or 1,000 feet. He also noted that not all areas qualify currently due to requirements of different open space types. Mr. Dorn then spoke from his perspecve about the importance of balancing open space with supporng construcon in a downtown, and assuring that buildings are able to be placed in a manner that creates an acve, urban environment. Mr. Behr said he agreed with the balance of open spaces and buildings, and noted the objecve of having open spaces within a 3-4 minute walk for users / residents. Mr. Mackenzie shared a copy of the design for the enhanced stormwater pond along Market Street. Mr. Conner noted that on the subject of different types of open spaces and how they qualify, that there is a dra that the Planning Commission developed over the winter that includes more opons. Commiee members reviewed a working sheet provided by staff. Mr. Conner highlighted three topic areas: · Purchase of open space credits. He noted that the current language could be made more clear, to allow for off-site purchase of credits on exisng properes of less than 2 areas (or merged, if sll under 2 acres) and that in those cases open space could be fully met with the purchase of credits. Members concurred · Off-site open space. Members asked staff to prepare lamguage that would allow for open space to be located off-site within approximately 800-900 feet of a building for T4 residenal uses. They also requested staff propose language to clarify the term “on site” in this context · “Pods” of planning areas. This would allow for development review to take place over a larger unified area. Commiee members asked staff to propose language if staff finds there would be a planning benefit beyond open space. 6. Adjourn The Commiee set the next meeng date as Monday, April 29th, 4:00 pm. As there was no further business, the Commiee adjourned at 5:30 pm.