HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Form Based Codes Subcommittee - 03/18/2019SOUTH BURLINGTON FORM BASED CODE SUBCOMMITTEE
18 MARCH 2019
The South Burlington Form Based Code Subcommi ee held a mee ng on Monday, 18 March 2019, at 12:30 p.m., in theChamplain Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: T. Riehle, M. Behr, D. Macdonald, A. Klugo ALSO PRESENT: P. Conner, Director of Planning and Zoning; I. Blanchard, Project Director; K. Dorn, City Manager; T.Mackenzie; K. Braverman
1. Direc ons on emergency evacua on procedures from conference room
Mr. Conner provided instruc ons for evacua ons
2. Agenda: Addi ons, dele ons or changes in order of agenda items
Agenda item #5 was moved to a er #6
3. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda
No comments
4. Introduc on, subcommi ee charge, mee ng schedule
Mr. Conner provided an introduc on and discussed the subcommi ee’s charge as established by the City
Council. Mee ngs will be held on an ad-hoc basis as work demands
5. Staff preliminary overview of requests for subcommi ee considera on [previously #6]
Mr. Conner provided a handout prepared by staff outlining a series of requests. He said that he had grouped the
requests by general topic area as there was significant overlap between requestors and because not all of the
requests had specific proposals a ached to them and were instead iden fying an issue.
En es that have made requests and/or provided input to date include Snyder-Braverman Development
Company, Cathedral Square Corp, Champlain Housing Trust, Planning & Zoning Staff, the City Manager’s Office,
and the Development Review Board.
Members elected to go through each topic individually instead of receiving an overview of all topics.
Height of Windows in the T4 District
Mr. Conner noted that the current requirement is for windows to be 7.5 feet tall on the first story throughout
the T4, regardless of the use on the first story. The request is to allow shorter windows for residen al first story
Members discussed. Mr. Riehle expressed he was ok with this change. Mr. Klugo said maybe we need a
transi on from highest density to lower density areas. Mr. Braverman suggested he would propose to address
via building types. Mr. Behr said a 7.5' storefront is too large for residen al. Mr. Klugo said he would be ok with
a 6' window with a min head height of 7.5'.
He added that in the future the Commi ee/Planning Commission should look at requiring balconies of some
form on upper stories, and, he recommended having a building base for first story entries. Mr. Behr said he
supported a ver cal separa on at the street for residen al.
Staff was asked to dra an amendment that would set a minimum window height of 6’ with a min head height
at 7.5’, and to look into a minimum ver cal separa on for residen al buildings at the street.
Where/how Landscaping can be Used
Mr. Conner described the current requirements, that the minimum landscaping must be used onsite with
limited ability to use offsite. Several en es have expressed concerns, including: there are not sufficient spaces
on site on a property, even including open spaces, to meet the landscaping minimum dollar value, open space is
off-site, much of the landscaping must remain on-site, and that the realm of what can count as landscaping, and
their propor ons, don’t match an urban form.
Mr. Braverman said he would like to have full flexibly on where to use the remaining landscaping budget a er
the project has been landscaped and there is no room to install addi onal landscaping required by the budget.
He’d like to see a standard that required proof that the landscaping is done, then full flexibility on where it could
be used. Ms. Blanchard noted that ornamental grasses currently don’t count, though she thought they should
be, and that soil prepara on should be included as well.
Mr. Behr said he felt that landscape design should include all of the elements.
Ms. Blanchard said that in urban environments, the public realm is where the landscaping is found.
Mr. Behr said he was ok with the diversity in use of the landscaping funds for all elements – vegeta on and
hardscape – so long as the site is properly landscaped with vegeta on. Members concurred.
Mr. Behr said he was not sure on soil amendments.
Staff was asked to prepare a dra that would allow full use of landscaping for “landscape elements”, and that it
could move with allowable offsite open space.
6. Elec on of officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Clerk [previously agenda 5]
Mr. Behr nominated Mr. Klugo as chair. Seconded by Mr. Riehle. Approved 4-0.
The commi ee chose not to elect a vice-chair or clerk given the size and scope of the commi ee.
7. Adjourn
The mee ng was adjourned at 2:07 pm