HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Steering Committee - 06/18/2018STEERING COMMITTEE 18 JUNE 2019 The South Burlington Steering Commiee held a meeng on Tuesday, 18 June 2019 in the 2nd Floor Conference Room of the Police Staon, 19 Gregory Drive. MEMBERS PRESENT: City Council: H. Riehle, Steering Commiee Chair; T. Barri, M. Emery, D. Kaufman; K.Dorn, City Manager; School Board: E. Fitzgerald, A. Henry, B. Burkhardt, B. Minier, A. McHenry; David Young, Superintendent of Schools 1. Direcons on How to Leave the Building in Case of an Emergency: Mr. Dorn provided direcons on how to proceed in case of an emergency. 2. Agenda Review: Addions, deleons or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the Agenda. 3. Comments & Quesons from the public not related to the Agenda: There were no public comments and quesons. 4. Minutes of 8 May 2019: Ms. Emery moved to approve the minutes or 8 May 2019 as wrien. Mr. Barri seconded. Moon passedunanimously. 5. Market Street Update: Mr. Dorn said that engineering is connuing. It is expected that stormwater and parking lot design work will becompleted by the end of this week or next. Design work on the building is almost complete, and bids from sub-contractors are in. The plans are in the subdivision process now. Both the subdivision and site plan will have an administrave review process. The city will be applying at the same me for the stormwater permits from theState. Mr. Dorn advised that the School District will have to sign off on about half a dozen documents including the stormwater design. It will be good to get those documents signed by mid-July. Supt. Young noted that the only School Board meeng in July is on the 10th, but, if needed, a special meeng could be convened. Mr. Kaufman asked what would be next for the School Board aer that. Supt. Young said connuing access andsafety concerns. Ms. Fitzgerald said they would also like to see aSTEERING COMMITTEE18 JUNE 2019 PAGE 2 schedule. Mr. Dorn then provided a sequencing as follows: access to the school (the new road will get roughedin), access to Allard Square underground parking, the City Hall/Library/Senior Center building, parking lot and stormwater (aer school is out). The hope is to be in the ground in November. Supt. Young cited the need to be sensive to parents’ concerns although they know it will be beer in the end. Mr. Dorn noted that once the contract is signed with the contractor, it is their show. There will be a Clerk of the Works. Ms. Riehle said that person will have to know whom to contact at the school. Mr. Kaufman addedthere will also have to be communicaon with the Market St. contractor. Mr. Dorn said there are weeklyconstrucon meengs. Ms. Fitzgerald was concerned that there may not be enough informaon at thosemeengs. Ms. Riehle said the city will try to impress “flexibility” on the contractor. Mr. Dorn said that if ground isn’t broken by November, Market St. will be done, and the road will be passable by then with just theamenies to be completed (e.g., trees, sidewalk, etc.). 6. Master Planning & Visioning: Supt. Young noted that at the 6 June School Board meeng, members voted to go with “opon 8” which includes the building of a new High School and Middle School. A more defined plan is being put together, andthe School District will keep the city informed as the plans develop. The projects will have to go to the voters, and the thought is to have a bonding vote in March. Supt. Young noted there is no state aid for construcon in Vermont (Massachuses and New York provide 80%). The cost isborne in the school’s operang budget. Supt. Young added that Vermont is going to see more and moreproblems around school infrastructure. Ms. Riehle asked about the process for geng feedback from the public. Supt. Young said communicaon willbe very important. They are now in the process of laying out the needs. He also noted that the stewardshipplan will connue with the elementary schools. The locaon of the new buildings has not yet been decided, but there will be a connecon between them. Theexisng buildings will come down. Ms. Burkhardt said if the public doesn’t support a new Middle School, thereare some other opons, parcularly in the way of infrastructure. Ms. Riehle asked if there is a budget figure. Supt. Young said opon 8 was in the vicinity of over $100,000,000. Ms. Fitzgerald cited the cost of maintaining buildings that are over 60 years old.STEERING COMMITTEE 18 JUNE 2019 PAGE 3 Mr. Kaufman asked how many years they can bond for. Supt. Young said 30 years. He added that only about 30% of the South Burlington households have children in the schools. Mr. Kaufman said there may also be many households where the children have already gone through the schools. Supt. Young cited the exit polldone at the recent elecon, parcularly why people chose to live in South Burlington. Ms. Emery noted the city has a new web site called “Consensus” which can do surveys and inform people of opons, etc. Ms. Fitzgerald suggested that the Council may be interested in a tour of the schools. She noted a concern withthe level of supervision due to the configuraon of the buildings. Mr. Kaufman strongly recommended that the School Board build its case before giving people the cost. Mr. Barri stressed the importance of the Grand List in this. New housing starts will help. Supt. Young noted they will be having one of the largest High School classes entering this coming year. Ms.Burkhardt added that they are already over capacity there. Supt. Young said that renovaons will not addressthe issues. 7. Follow up on Communicaons and Transparency Between Council and Board: Ms. Riehle noted that the Council had some brief discussions. Ms. Fitzgerald said the School Board has cited the need for mely communicaon of issues. She expressed concern that the School Board was not invited tomeengs where there might be School District interest. She added that Councilor aendance at 2 recentSchool Board meengs was appreciated. Ms. Emery said she would prefer to work out issues at Steering Commiee meengs. She noted one requestfrom Supt. Young to be on the Council agenda (re: “Black Lives Maer”) and felt that should be a model as itwas very effecve and respecve each board’s me. It was suggested that at the end of meengs each board consider any things the other board may need toknow. STEERING COMMITTEE8 MAY 2019PAGE 4 8. Council proposal for a forum(s) on domesc violence and sexual assault: Ms. Riehle said the Council had reached out to Gar Smith to join a group that has goen together following the domesc violence murder last May. The group cited the need to have some outreach in the community. Anevent related to domesc violence is being scheduled for October and a second event related to sexual assaultin April. Ms. Emery added they are looking for allies in the community to develop a system of support to letteenagers know there are people who care. Supt. Young said the schools have added layers of complexity to instrucon (e.g. drug-related, etc.) This, too, isimportant, but they have to be careful of stretching resources. Ms. Fitzgerlad noted they had leveraged somestudent leadership around “healthy relaonships.” Ms. Emery asked if the school auditorium can be used for the events. Supt. Young said they are happy to talkabout it. 9. Future Agenda Topics: Ms. Fitzgerald suggests “Potenal Ballot Items.” Ms. Riehle suggested what each board recommends for restructuring communicaons. 10. Confirm Next Meeng Date: Members agreed to meet again on 28 August, at 6:30 p.m. Locaon to be determined. 11. Other Business: No other business was presented. As there was no further business to come before the Commiee, Mr. McHenry moved to adjourn. Mr. Barriseconded. Moon passed unanimously. The meeng was adjourned at 8:21 p.m. ______________________________________, Clerk