HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Steering Committee - 05/08/2019Dra minutes for Steering Commiee Meeng, May 8, 2019 1. Communicaons and trust between the City and the School DistrictConsensus of three top priories and acon points idenfied and approved included:· redesign format and intent of Steering Commiee Meengs· improve communicaon with public· address communicaon gaps and processesDiscussion of possible acon steps followed.Generally there was agreement that clearer purpose and goals for Steering Commiee meengs should aim for(1) understanding impact of decisions by each body, (2) understanding context and priories for each body thatinfluence decisions, (3) earlier and more mely idenficaon of issues Suggesons to improve Redesign of Steering Commiee Meengs included:· Greater frequency, parcularly regarding big issues that impact both city and district, e.g. City Center andnew high school/middle school· Meengs become working sessions versus simple updates· Exchange of pre-meeng materials so that everyone can come prepared and potenal noficaonregarding quesons that might arise that may require addional preparaon by either party· Development of official minutes, to be approved by both bodies, that document key decisions and majorpoints of discussion of agenda items· Greater clarity of agenda items and priories and equal opportunity for both pares to set agenda itemsand determine priories· Inclusion of experts, when appropriate, to help facilitate understanding impacts· Transparency through open and public meengs, ulize execuve session when appropriate Suggesons to Reduce Communicaon Gaps and Improve Processes between meengs included: · Request that City Manager and Superintendent meet regularly and share concerns, agreements,quesons, issues etc. with one another and with council and board through some kind of documentaonthat is approved by both City Manager and Superintendent before it is shared with council and board· Assure that senior leadership/staff communicate sooner and perhaps more frequently[ME1] · Make sure that there is always appropriate and adequate representaon at working meengs betweencity and district· Avoid joining social media conversaons and refrain from electronic communicaons between board andcouncil except for agenda preparaon and scheduling· Rely on improved website posngs by City and District to inform the public and limit social media use tosteering community members to official documents like minutes and agreements· Official minutes of joint meengs approved by both pares and posted quickly· Alert the other body of items on the agenda for regular public meengs that might impact the otherbody and send representaon from one body to the public meengs of the other body when relevanttopics are going to be discussed Suggesons to improve Communicaon with Public included: · Council should review District’s social media policy and develop one· Make available official documents and minutes in mely way· Communicang potenal problems for parents and other public members ahead of me-sharedresponsibility for District through school outreach and City with school personnel 2. 180 Market Street- update and discussion of pending storm water issues The Council Chair relayed a report made by Jusn Rabidoux to the council at its meeng on Monday, May 6, regarding ameeng that took place on Friday, May 3 between two storm water engineers engaged by the City and the District as partof the definive agreement, two independent storm water engineers retained by the District, and Tom DiPietro,Stormwater Superintendent for SB. Jusn was not in aendance at the meeng but relayed his understanding of itsoutcome to the city council. The 5 engineers discussed and concluded that a joint system addressing current and futurestate/local permit requirements located under the grass area to the southeast of the RMCS parking lot is a potenalsoluon for all pares. The Council believed this to be a bona fide opon. The School Board Chair responded that their engineers were not authorized to conclude anything at this stage. TheDistrict’s engineers had been given a scope of work that included meeng with the City to determine its stormwaterobligaons and constraints at 180 Market Street, understanding more fully the needs of the RMCS property both now andin the future, and providing a range of possible soluons including the advantages and disadvantages of each. The Chairalso expressed surprise that the engineer’s meeng took place without anyone from District leadership in aendance and that the meeng was reported out at the city council meeng even though the report was not on the agenda. The Chairlisted six requirements that need to be addressed before any acon can occur. The District’s posion is that any soluonmust address 6 components. 1- minimize land impact, 2-respond to all obligaons from storm water regulaons, 3-include other ideas for migaon, 4-address both storage and treatment requirements, 5-address the drainage pipe and6-address the 25-year hydraulic standards. The School Board will take up the issue at its next meeng, May 15. Several Council members expressed the need for a quick turn around in order to avoid addional cost and disrupon tothe school and a mely compleon of the facility. The meeng adjourned at approximately 9 pm. [ME1]I didn’t hear this.