HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Steering Committee - 04/22/2019STEERING COMMITTEE 22 APRIL 2019 The South Burlington Steering Commiee held a meeng on Monday, 22 April 2019, at 6:30 p.m., in theConference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: City Council: H. Riehle, Steering Commiee Chair; M. Emery, T. Barri, T. Chienden, D.Kaufman; K. Dorn, City Manager; School Board: E. Fitzgerald, M. Lalonde, A. Henry, B. Burkhardt; D. Young,Superintendent of Schools ALSO PRESENT: Andrew Bolduc, City Aorney; J. Murray, Librarian; H. Rees, Recreaon Department; J.Kochman, S. Dooley, P. Taylor, M. Mitag, M. Ostby, P. Leduc, D. Bugbee, F. Burkhardt, other members of the public 1. Agenda Review: No changes were made to the agenda. 2. Direcons on how to leave the building in case of an emergency: Mr. Dorn provided direcons on leaving the building in an emergency. 3. Comments & Quesons from the public not related to the agenda: There were no comments or quesons. 4. Communicaons and trust between the City and the School District:a. Issues of trust between the Council and School Board b. Communicaons channels and their appropriate usesc. Timingd. General protocolse. Changing of structure of Steering Commiee Ms. Riehle noted that the City Council had asked for this meeng because of communicaons issues betweenthe Council and School Board and also because of the stormwater issue at 180 Market Street. She said that both boards are working on enormous issues that take a lot of me and energy, and miscommunicaons andmisinformaon have pulled the boards in separate direcons. She suggested that the first hour of the meengbe devoted to confronng the communicaon problem and idenfying a process moving forward. The secondhour would address the stormwater issue and possible soluons. To begin the discussion, Ms. Riehle asked what people needed for the conversaon to go well. Mr. Kaufman: Cited the need to remember that “we are all on the same team.” He also cited the need to work together and to focus on the future. Mr. Lalonde: Agreed with Mr. Kaufman. STEERING COMMITTEE 22 APRIL 2019PAGE 2 Ms. Emery: Assumed all members come with good intenons and all have the opon to correct may have been said. Ms. Fitzgerald: Had a disagreement on the scope of the agenda and hoped that can be agreed on. Mr. Barri: Felt this would be the forum for “blunt honesty.” Also cited the need to work jointly. Mr. Burkhardt: Expressed the need for the community not to be “confused.” Mr. Chienden: To idenfy opon and move forward. Mr. Henry: Agreed with what everyone else said then added that Central School has a special place in his heartand he didn’t like it “being toyed around with.” Also spoke of a need for “consistency and clarity” with regard to requests. Ms. Riehle then asked members about issues on how the 2 boards are working together that need to be talkedabout. Ms. Fitzgerald: She said she appreciated the scope of what the Council does and noted the School Board’smission is to provide the best educaon for students. She felt that some of the challenges involve differentpriories and different me-lines. She also saw a lack of clarity on human and economic resources. Ms. Riehle acknowledged that the boards have special areas to respond to but that stressed that they somemes overlap. Mr. Kaufman: felt the boards are “joined at the hip but with ‘speciales.’” He also noted that all other boards of the city are under the City Council. Because the School Board is not, there needs to be communicaon. Ms. Burkhardt: expressed concern that meengs get cancelled, and people who are expected to be at meengs aren’t there. She also felt the boards get together only rarely, then each goes its separate way. She cited theneed for communicaon between meengs. She also felt there is a different understand about what is“confidenal.” Mr. Chienden: felt joint meengs are “polished with restraint.” Ms. Fitzgerald: said people don’t come prepared regarding what the issue or challenge is because informaon is not shared in advance. STEERING COMMITTEE 22 APRIL 2019 PAGE 3 Ms. Riehle quesoned whether this is the result of the senior leadership meengs not achieving their intent. Mr. Barri: noted that the City Council works hard to get the school budget passed. Mr. Henry agreed. Ms. Emery: said the city has never experienced any kind of collaboraon in the past like what is happening nowwith City Center. There has been a strain because of 2 different policy areas. She cited an instance at a joint meeng where Council members asked a queson and there was only silence in response which the Council did not know how to interpret. City Center is a unique situaon which requires careful discussion, and she thoughtthat had happened and was surprised to hear that it wasn’t perceived that way. Ms. Burkhardt: said she felt the School Board was being asked to be excited about City Center, and she wasn’t. She felt the School Board did its best to negoate an agreement. She also felt that if she spoke out, she wouldbe seen as “non-supporve.” Ms. Fitzgerald: said the School Board had come to that parcular meeng with the intent to nail down an agreement but was surprised that there sll no costs done. Ms. Riehle then asked what steps could be taken to improve communicaon, cooperaon, and mutual support. Ms. Burkhardt: said the City gets the community excited about a project that involves school property before there is communicaon with the School Board regarding that project. She felt the City should come to theSchool Board earlier in the process. Ms. Riehle responded that that should work both ways. Ms. Fitzgerald: suggested more frequent Steering Commiee meengs with adequate preparaon, also thepossibility of sub-commiees that can report back. She noted the frequency of meengs between the BoardChairs, City Manager and School Superintendent should increase. Mr. Chienden: felt the two boards should be expanded to 7 members so there are more people to address thechallenges. Ms. Burkhardt: suggested a member from each board should aend the other board’s meengs. Members then addressed the issue of use of social media. STEERING COMMITTEE22 APRIL 2019PAGE 4 Ms. Emery: cited the issue of a city-wide vote in which 74% of voters approved the new Library-City Hall-SeniorCenter building and there then appeared comments on social media that the process should “start over.” Although the School Board has a policy that members not use social media, Ms. Emery said some School Boardmembers used “closely related proxies” to say something false regarding financing and to try to sabotage that City Center project. Mr. Dorn noted that he and Superintendent Young talk very oen and have no reluctance to call each other. Hefelt the key is leadership meengs and finding a day that is convenient for all of them. Ms. Riehle suggested members review the meeng minutes and notes and pick the top threeissues/suggesons to work on and submit these to Mr. Dorn or Supt. Young who will collate the responses. 5. 180 Market Street – update and discussion of pending issues: Ms. Fitzgerald said the School Board feels that any addional land required from the School District should bevoted on. Mr. Dorn noted that there are 4 issues involving stormwater:1. The City’s building, which will be served by a new stormwater pond behind Pier One2. The easement, which will all be handled on site and will cost the taxpayers $100,000 for an underground system3. The school parking lot for which the School Board has the authority to design a system whichthe City will build4. The school building Ms. Fitzgerald said that at prior meeng, one specific benefit to the school district was that stormwater wouldbe treated on the easement. Mr. Dorn read from the Memorandum of Understanding that the city was not responsible for designing theSchool District’s stormwater facility but was responsible to pay for its construcon. There would be no loss ofparking spaces at Marcoe School. He also read from the ballot item approved by the voters. He stressed thatif something is not in the MOU, it does not exist. He also stressed that the highest authority is the vote of the public. STEERING COMMITTEE22 APRIL 2019 PAGE 5 Ms. Emery also noted that the city will maintain the school’s stormwater treatment facility which, Mr. Dornnoted, needs to be cleaned out periodically. Ms. Fitzgerald said the School Board will discuss that with their legal counsel and at their next meeng on 1May. Mr. Dorn said that both enes should be doing their best to clean up the city’s 4 waterways and LakeChamplain. He reiterated that the city will build and pay for the school’s stormwater treatment facility. Ms. Burkhardt said the School Board was shown a map with 9 parking spaces and a stormwater facility on the easement. They were told there would be parking for the city building offsite. The map in January showed 30parking spaces and no stormwater treatment on the easement. Mr. Dorn said the agreement was that there will be no net loss of parking for the school, 131 spaces. Engineershave now determined how much stormwater treatment is needed. Ms. Emery said that what may have been on the page in June was in no way what was on the final design. That is no longer a concept. The building has now been designed. The agreement clearly says the city will pay forthe School District’s stormwater. Treang the stormwater is state law. Mr. Dorn stressed that the city does not need to own the 4/10 of an acre on which the stormwater facility would be located. That would remain the property of the School District. Ms. Burkhardt said that 4/10 of an acre is used for sports and might be needed if there is a re-arrangement of students from Chamberlin School. It is a school asset. Ms. Riehle responded that it would be an improved asset as a stormwater treatment facility because the School District is no piping impaired water into animpaired brook and into an impaired Lake. Mr. Kaufman asked about the possibility of moving the stormwater facility elsewhere on school property. Mr. Dorn said that could happen. Ms. Riehle noted that the city how has an agreement for off-site parking for the City Center building. She felt it would be good for the School Board to go over the agreement with their legal counsel. There is a mediaon process if there is sll disagreement. STEERING COMMITTEE 22 APRIL 2019 PAGE 6 Mr. Kaufman noted even if the city were not building a building, the School district would sll have to solve the stormwater issue. Now the city is going to pay for it. He asked how that can be a bad deal. He added that all the money comes from the taxpayers’ pockets. Mr. Lalonde said they thought the stormwater would be treated on the easement, and that would be different. Ms. Fitzgerald noted that many school districts are facing the same issue, and there has been no discussionregarding funding. She said this would have to be imbedded in their Master Plan. Ms. Riehle cited thepossibility of some state funding. Mr. Dorn noted the Chamberlin stormwater issues may have been addressed with the facility the City built behind Price Chopper. Superintendent Young said that when the project was laid out, he did not provide the School Board with anymenon of addional property. He felt he should have asked about that, but he didn’t, and he took responsibility for that. Ms. Burkhardt said if the current pipe is going to be shut off when Market St. is finished, that is different fromhaving 4 years to deal with the issue. Mr. Kaufman encouraged the School Board to meet with their engineers regarding opons so the City buildingcan move forward this year. He hoped issues could be solved in the next few weeks with a good compromise. 6. Create and set date for next Steering Commiee meeng: Ms. Riehle suggested possibly having a stormwater engineer present at that meeng. Members agreedtentavely to meet on 8 May, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Ms. Riehle then asked for public comment regarding beer collaboraon. Ms. Kochman: Suggested that at the end of meengs there be a summary of what has gone on at the meeng. She very much wants to see City Center built. Ms. Ostby: Suggested pung more informaon into the agendas, including where the public can finddocuments. STEERING COMMITTEE 22 APRIL 2019PAGE 7 Shannon: Wasn’t sure people would have voted for the ballot item if they knew more land would be needed for stormwater. Candace: At the pre-vote meeng, it was said parking was 100% handled and it was all set up for stormwater. Needs to be more clarity on wording, more transparency. Mr. Burkhardt: It is a surprise that more land needs to be used. He asked if the School Board could find adifferent piece of land to pipe stormwater to. Mr. Dorn said yes, if it works. Mr. Kaufman stressed that people are as transparent as they can be with the knowledge that is available at theme. There is no intent to misdirect or misinform. As there was no further business to come before the Boards, the meeng was adjourned by common consent at 9:25 p.m. ___________________________________ Clerk