HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 11/03/2016 South Burlington Public Art Commiee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.sburl.com facebook.com/SouthBurlington Wednesday, November 3rd, 2016 Champlain Room, 575 Dorset Street DRAFT Meeng Minutes In aendance:Jean-Sebasen Chaulot, Trice Stratmann, Jennifer Kochman, Amanda Holland Absent:Mary Olmsted Others:Elisabeth O’Donnell, Ilona Blanchard (staff), Bradley Day (Staff) 1. Call to Order. The meeng was called to order at 5:42 PM. Ilona Blanchard went over the agenda and no changes were made. 2.Moon to Approve Minutes. Jennifer Kochman made a moon to approve the October meeng minutes and Trice Stratmann seconded the moon. Acon: Moon unanimously passed. 3.Opportunity for Public Comment. No comments were made. 4.Elecons/Nominaons. Jean-Sebasen Chaulot nominated Trice Stratmann for Commiee chair and Jean- Sebaen Chaulot was nominated Vice-Chair. Both accepted the nominaon. Acon: Jennifer Kochman made a moon to approve the slate, and Jean Chaulot seconded the moon. The moon passed unanimously. Trice Stratmann took over the meeng. 5. Market Street Call For Art. Ilona Blanchard reported she had received Jennifer Kochman’s non-substanve edits and will incorporate them into the document. Ilona Blanchard reviewed the calendar in the dra call for art. The commiee discussed the meline and decided to change the RFQ Deadline/Shortlist Finalist dates. The RFQ 6. Deadline was moved up to Thursday, December 14th, and shortlisng the finalists meeng back to January 12th. Staff will send out the submials to the commiee on a CD or thumbdrive with a matrix to fill out for each submial based on the criteria and will compile the results for discussion at the January 12 meeng. Michele Bailey of the Vermont Arts Council would be invited to parcipate in the meeng. Jennifer Kochman: Would the public be able to view/weigh in on the selecon process? Ilona Blanchard: Yes, the public would be able to weigh in on the final proposals. It is important to consider public input in in the Commiee’s recommendaon. The meline proposed includes a display period and open house. The art proposals may also be presented online. The rest of the meline was adjusted, with the modificaon to the Open House as a Vernissage occurring on a Monday before a Council meeng. Ilona Blanchard also explained that while the commiee would recommend that the Council approve the award immediately, the contract execuon would be at the same me as the Market Street bid award. The Commiee agreed that the finalist selected will be paid an honorarium of $500 ($1000 if traveling beyond two hours as the interviews would be in the evening). The language regarding the proposed shortlist was changed to “up to five” finalists. The Commiee listed people and places which should receive the noce of the call for art. They included Art New England, the VT and New England Arts Council, 7 Days, a Press Release, the Fleming, Manchester, Clark (MA), Algonquin museums, the City’s South Burlington Arsts listservs, BCA, UVM, Johnson, Saratoga, the Arsts Retreats in New England and any others which members provide (Trice Stratmann will be providing a list). 7.Other Business. Jennifer Kochman noted that the current exhibit at Fleming is fantasc. Exhibit is made up of alumni collecons. Lecture on Hopper was well aended. Next meeng - January 12th. 8.Adjourn. Jennifer Kochman made a moon to adjourn and Jean-Sebasen Chaulot seconded, and the meeng adjourned at 6:52.