HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 05/10/2018 South Burlington Public Art Commiee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.SouthBurlingtonVT.gov facebook.com/CityCenterSouthBurlington Thursday, May 10, 2018 7:00 pm Champlain Room, 575 Dorset Street DRAFT Meeng Minutes In Attendance: Trice Stratmann (Chair), Jennifer Kochman, Jean Sebastien Chaulot, Amanda Holland, Michele Bailey (Vermont Council on the Arts), Penne Tompkins Also in Attendance: Ilona Blanchard (Staff) 1. Call to order Trice Stratmann called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. There was some discussion regarding a later item on the agenda, the location of the bike share. 2. Minutes Jennifer Kochman moved that the minutes be approved with minor changes as discussed. Amanda Holland seconded the moon and the moon passed unanimously. 3. Public Comments There were no public comments. 4. City Staff Report Ilona Blanchard provided an update to the Commiee regarding City Center Market Street is out to bid, City Center park is opening on July 25 at 4 PM, the Garden Street/Williston Road intersecon project is currently in the right of way phase but not ancipated to go out to bid this season. She also clarified that the City Center park design team proposal included an arst integrated into the project team. While the arst was unable to complete the project, the project consultants felt they had received enough direcon from her conceptual stage comments to comply with her design intent – to intervene very lightly given the context. The response of the consultants was to use wood from the site for several of the features including a log spiral and to allow for temporary installaons of art in the future. 5. Public Art Selection Process – SoBu Spaces Project The Committee first looked at slides sent by Humphries Poli of public art in libraries, and then several compilations of public library art available online. Additional art was googled and displayed – the sculpture in the Davis Center at UVM, the LED video display at the San Diego airport and the Welcome sign at the Atomium. Ilona provided a status update on the project showing progress drawings for three levels of the proposed Library + Senior Center+ City Hall. Discussion re: Location Opportunities. The Committee discussed walls where there could be places for art – there was general agreement that the wall just after the entrance to the library should be reserved as a gallery for temporary art shows and not a permanent installation. Windows were seen as an opportunity to be stained or etched. The large atrium was seen as an area where items might be hung and where a piece could be experienced differently as you move around it. There might also be room for sculpture on the ground in the lobby area, or a piece on the library open stair. There would also be space outside or space that bridged inside and outside. Maybe between the library entrance and the elevator? There is a need for the auditorium to be designed so that is usable for drama. Ilona noted that South Burlington City Center for the Arts is a stakeholder on the project. Need to look at maintenance issues for any art installation. Should incorporate appropriate mounting equipment to hang rotating shows. Ilona and Trice will coordinate on identifying equipment for use in City facilities. Discussion re: Design. The Committee discussed various ideas while viewing the images and after regarding the design of public art and considerations. These included: · Nice to have something that represents South Burlington · The Atomium Welcome sign is nice because it is bright and people can climb and sit on it · Language is a nice way to embrace people (Atomium Welcome is wrien in many languages) – at a school meeng the other day it was reported that 29 languages are spoken in South Burlington Schools as first languages. · Sculpture that includes light · In the winter it would be nice to have light and greenery · Something that illuminates or is transparent · Potenal goal: bright & colorful · Sculpture that relates to the inside and to the outside or connues from outside to interior. · Should sculpture say library or civic or are aesthecs more important? · Descripon in the Call to Art should say mul-generaonal center · Integrated into windows, either the glass itself (stained) or etching. · Kinec sculpture · Should there be one piece up front and center or mulple pieces? Discussion re: Process. Discussed whether call would be for artist qualifications only or process would include a mock up of the specific installation. Michelle Bailey said that artists should be compensated for producing ideas. Ilona Blanchard noted that the City had provided a stipend in the last call to art. The Committee indicated it would like to make final decision based on a specific piece, not just the artist. The call will include a two-step process – qualifications and then development of a specific art proposal with a stipend provided for the proposal development. Call to Art should include language to the effect of “Here are some possibilities the panel has identified.” Question from Penne Tompkins: Should the Call to Art call for aesthetic goals or emotional goals? Possibility of multiple pieces interesting, Ilona Blanchard to draft language for the Call to Art for consideration. Ilona Blanchard to take discussion observations and use to develop a Call for Art for the project. 6. Adjourn Amanda Holland moved to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.