HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Open Space IZ Committee - 06/19/2019 - Public ForumIZ Open Space Public Forum of Wednesday, June 19, 2019 Commiee Members present: Vince Bolduc, Meaghan Emery, Amanda Holland, Duncan Murdoch, Allan Strong, TamiZylka. Members of the public: Andrew Chaulk, Rob Chienden, Sandy Dooley, Nancy Hell, Corie Pierce, Helen Riehle, andKaren Ryder. Also present: Paul Conner. Allan Strong opened the public forum. He explained the background of interim zoning, the Commiee’s charge, and theoverall tasks within the interim zoning process. The charge includes the priorizaon for conservaon of exisng openspaces, forest blocks, and working landscapes in South Burlington in the sustenance of our natural ecosystems, scenicviewsheds, and river corridors. He also presented the planning documents the Commiee has had at its disposal. With regard to the Commiee’s methodology, Mr. Strong explained that we have been looking at five criteria: water,wildlife, forests, aesthecs, and agriculture. He also explained the online maps and map overlays the Commiee has beenusing to evaluate the different parcels regarding these criteria. Mr. Strong then showed the public five different parcels within Technology Park in order to provide an example of therange of our findings. Riparian connecvity (a buffer along a stream corridor); wetlands; forest blocks; high prioritywildlife road crossings; prime agricultural soils. By looking at all of these layers of data, the Commiee can see parcelsthat consistently score higher. He also covered other consideraons, such as large-scale connecvity and communityvalues: passive recreaon, formal recreaon, proximity to other facilies, proximity to a populaon area it could service,historical/archaeological resources, and accessibility. Mr. Strong then opened the conversaon up to the public for input. Rob Chienden asked how the City wouldcompensate property owners for land they deem opmal for conservaon or community use as open space. Mr. Strongexplained that this queson was outside of the Commiee’s charge but offered some suggesons that the City Councilmight consider. Mr. Chienden expressed his fear that his property with a 30-year mortgage might lose its value due toany forthcoming zoning changes. Developers have warned him that they would hesitate to develop his property due toInterim Zoning. Andrew Chaulk, a member of the TDR Commiee, explained that the use of TDRs is to protect alandowner’s investment in a parcel of land. Sandy Dooley asked whether conservaon goals necessarily follow parcel lines. Paul Conner explained that our LDRsprotect paral parcels, and Mr. Strong explained that the Commiee looked at parcels as whole parcels. He also explainedthat commiee members’ comments refer to the poron of the parcel idenfied as sensive. Ms. Dooley asked whatnumber of parcels the Commiee was considering. Mr. Strong responded that the number of parcels -- greater than 4acres and less than 10% impervious surface (used as a threshold) -- was around 180. Ms. Dooley also asked whether theCommiee was looking at Airport land, and Mr. Strong said that we are looking at it and that the Commiee will have todetermine whether or not to ulmately include it. Ms. Dooley asked whether the Commiee looked at compability ofdevelopment. Mr. Strong responded that we were looking at land for conservaon with an eye to other land features thatmight affect its development potenal, such as slope. Vince Bolduc explained that the Commiee is essenally doing an inventory and argued that it would help potenallandowners and developers by allowing them to see the City’s priories for their land in a transparent way. That way,landowners could know beer what they wish to do with their land: sell it, develop it, or something else. Mr. Chiendenasked whether Mr. Bolduc has land that is developable. Mr. Bolduc replied yes and acknowledged that this process couldaffect his property values. He shared that, as a landowner, he would be concerned to see something on a map that hedidn’t know when he had bought the property, but that zoning changes are not a decision that the Open SpaceCommiee would make. The City Council’s public process, the development review process, and the appeals process givelandowners the opportunity to argue for their interests. Mr. Chienden asked whether a nice view is enough to determine the aesthecs of a parcel that should be conserved. Mr.Strong explained that the Commiee has used an exisng map that specifies viewsheds. Meaghan Emery also explainedthe DRB process and the role of DRB board members to follow the law and established rules. Amanda Holland shared thehandout that gives instrucons for how individual parcels can be evaluated for the different criteria, in case members ofthe public wish to see how their parcel scores. Mr. Conner explained that any conservaon interest leads to a discussion with the landowner(s) in queson and thatlandowners somemes approach the City to ask if there would be interest in the public use of their land. Mr. Chienden also expressed concerns over legal suits that discourage developers from developing next to a parcularlandowner’s parcel. Ms. Emery expressed confidence in the Council, the DRB, and the Planning Commission and statedthat city government does not operate that way. Mr. Chaulk asked about wildlife linkages. Ms. Emery explained that it had to do with road infrastructure, and Mr. Strongsaid that we will confirm that we are talking about the same data layer. Mr. Chaulk then asked about farmlands, and Mr.Strong explained that the Commiee looked at prime agricultural soil. Mr. Chaulk noted that primary ag has gradaonsand encouraged the Commiee to look at it, and Mr. Strong asked for the source. Ms. Dooley asked about the scoring for the Tier 3 criteria. Ms. Holland stated that this sll needs to be finalized. Mr.Strong said that the point values for Tier 3 will be decided aer the Commiee has completed their work on theinventory. Ms. Dooley also asked the relaon of Tier 3 to Tier 2, and Mr. Strong responded that prior input hasencouraged the Commiee to look at other Community values in addion conservaon criteria. Ms. Emery asked for general feedback regarding the framework: is it clear? has anything been overlooked? Mr. Chaulkresponded that the framework is clear, and Ms. Dooley responded that the goal of producing an inventory is very helpfulto the public. Others noted the need to focus on percentages of parcels meeng conservaon standards. Mr. Bolduc alsosaid that our report would include caveats and the Commiee’s limitaons. Ms. Dooley then asked whether the Commiee had looked at connecvity. Mr. Strong referred to the City’sComprehensive Plan, and the map indicang areas according to our zoning regulaons. He also stated that Commieemembers have used a Google map to determine possible areas important for connecvity, independent of regulaons. Tothat point, Mr. Strong announced that Jens Hilke was arriving for the Commiee’s regular meeng at 7pm in order to walkthe Commiee through these criteria, as kinks connue to be worked out. Mr. Strong suggested that watersheds may bea good way to determine connecvity. Nancy Hell said that Jens Hilke’s last presentaon in January was very helpful inthis regard. Ms. Dooley asked about the high priority wildlife road crossings along the Interstate, and Mr. Strong talked about how ourinfrastructure designers have been using culverts in order to allow for crossings. Duncan Murdoch stated that Vermont isa leader in the naon on this point. Mr. Strong asked for other comments. Mr. Chienden asked whether or not there were upcoming meengs, and Ms.Emery cited the meeng on Saturday (on the same topics) as well as upcoming public forums in July that would cover theCommiee’s dra findings. Ms. Dooley asked how the Commiee was conceiving of those findings. Mr. Strong responded that the Commiee wouldlook for parcels that could be combined and that the Commiee would come up with a final list represenng 10-15% ofthe parcels. Ms. Emery added that the Commiee has been talking about a “top ten.” Ms. Dooley asked whether distribuon in the city would be considered. Mr. Strong noted that Potash Brook in the northand Centennial Brook also in the northern quadrant of the city are highly rated. Mr. Bolduc noted that this inventory will allow the City to plan and idenfy the level of investment required. Mr.Chienden also said that a top ten list would allow landowners to be able to approach the city. The Public Forum adjourned shortly before 7pm.