HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Open Space IZ Committee - 01/08/2019SOUTH BURLINGTON OPEN SPACE INTERIM ZONING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 8, 2019 The South Burlington Open Space Interim Zoning Commiee held its inaugural meeng in the Champlain Room, CityHall, 575 Dorset Street, at beginning at 8:55 pm. Members present: Vince Bolduc, Bey Milizia, Alan Strong, Tammy Zylka, Bernie Gagnon, Duncan Murdoch, AmandaHolland, Sam Swanson, Alyson Chalnyk, Helen Riehle (for Meaghan Emery) Also present: Paul Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; Dan Albrecht; Bob Morway; Sandra Dooley, Lisa Yankowski. 1. Welcome to New Commiee Paul Conner called the meeng to order as no chair had yet been elected. Members introduced themselves and provided a background on their experience, me in South Burlington, and currentand prior volunteer work. Bob Morway asked whether anyone on the commiee have more than 5 acres of land in South Burlington. Vince Bolducreplied that, yes, he has 22.5 acres on 2 lots. Bob Morway asked if it too late to get on this commiee. Helen Riehle replied that while she’s only filling in for Ms.Emery, she would presume that the commiee will allow and encourage public comment and input. She added that theCommiee would be interested, she would hope, with all of the different perspecves and that her experience has beenthat you don’t always have to have a person represenng a sector to understand a perspecve. Bernie Gagnon stated thathe has certainly taken public input to heart, and that he would expect this commiee would incorporate public input. 2. Comments from the public not related to the Agenda Dan Albrecht introduced himself as a resident on Proctor Ave and a planner who works at the Chienden County RegionalPlanning Commission on topics including water quality. He reminded members that the conservaon fund money comesfrom all the residents and that Open Space comes in all shapes and sizes, acve use, passive use. He asked members to beaware of proximity of open spaces to residents and access, and to consider that it is important to not only conserve butalso to manage properes. He Noted that in the past several years properes have been acquired but plans not yetimplemented. 3. Discuss procedures for commiee meengs Mr. Conner provided an overview of the Vermont Open Meeng Law. 4. Discuss commiee meeng schedule The Commiee’s next meeng will be Thursday, January 17th, 7:00 pm at City Hall. Decisions regarding regular meengs’schedule and elected officers will be made at that meeng. 5. Discuss charge of commiee, Sam Swanson asked about the Commi’es charge. Mr. Conner indicated that the Commiee is invited to developpriorizaon of parcels of land for conservaon, first idenfying and then providing recommendaons for how toaccomplish the conservaon. He indicated that he saw it being complementary to the Planning Commission’s work onregulaon of natural resources as discussed at this evening’s presentaon. Ms. Riehle indicated that the Commieeshould start with the Open Space Report from 2014. There is a lot of great work in that and recommendaons for nextsteps. Mr. Conner noted that there is a website for the Commiee and that a series of resources, including this report,have been posted for members and the public. 6. Other business Members indicated that the next meeng would include elected commiee officers, seng regular dates and mes,reviewing commiee charge, discussing final products for delivery, determining how meengs will be run and howdecisions made, and begin review of the 2014 Open Space report next step recommendaons. Members were encouraged to contact Mr. Conner with any criteria they are looking for in a selecng chair, in advance ofthe next meeng. 7. Adjourn With no further business, the meeng was adjourned at 9:55 pm. Sam – charge: - Paul – land priorizaon, complementary to PC work on regulaons- Helen – start with the Open Space Report from 2014. A lot of great work in that and recommendaons for nextsteps Timing – Vince Bolduc – was professor at St Michael’s College for 44 years. Resident of SEQ for 44 years. Bey Milizia – live in dorset park. Have been in SB for 30 years and have served on the NRC for 10 years. Lone dog parkcommiee members. Love that we’re in the middle of the city but have opportunies to experience nature. Helen Riehle. Sing in for Meaghan Emery. Prof of French at UVM. Has lived here for 15 years, children through sb schoolsystem. Passionate about open space and having strong soluons in place and how development happens and looks. Saidshe would be happy to be the clerk. Alan Strong. One of public members of the commiee. Work in Rubenstein school. Wildlife Biologist. Live in Laurel Hill. 20years in SB Tammy Zylka. Have been here for 2 years, moved from Midwest have a parks background and wanted to give backthrough Rec & Parks commiee Bernie. Long es to the area, kids throught he schools. On PC. Big fan of the bike trails in SB Duncan Murdoch. Grew up in Shelburne, moved to NYC, and 3.5 years ago moved to Orchards. Work at Intervale and amnature and forest therapy guide. On NRC and SBLT Amanda Holland. On Bike Ped & Public Arts selecon. Focus on natural resources / water quality. Work as planner. Lovethe proximity to our neighboring communies and walking and biking Sam Swanson. 20 years. Have spent career in energy. Passion is to reconcile and capture’s city’s commiment Alyson Chanik. Moved here 6 months ago from NJ. Excited to raise 2 of four children here.