HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Dog Park Committee - 06/03/2019 South Burlington Dog Park Commiee DRAFT Meeng Minutes June 3, 2019 Present: Barb Sirvis (at large), Linda Chiasson (NRC), Mike Simoneau (RPC), Larry Kupferman, (at large), Bey Milizia (at large), Maggie Leugers, (staff), Members of the public: Muriel More, Molly Bezio, and Kate Lukas 1. Safety Procedures: Maggie directed group to exit door and directed group to back of administraon offices, down stairs to parking lot in case of an emergency. 2. Appoint Clerk: Molly Bezio 3. Adopt Agenda: Adopted 4. Agenda changes: None other than addion of SoBu Commiee Chairs Meeng to next steps 5. Minutes: May 6 and May 29 Approved 6. Review PPT for DPC report to SBCC 1. Acon Item: Encourage licensed dogs at park, need a mechanism for reporng unlicensed dog 7. Next steps 1. SoBu Commiee Chairs Meeng i. Annual Report – Due August 16th a. October 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 b. Used by City Council c. Annual Report approved by DPC during meeng ii. 2019-2020 Annual Work Plan for Comprehensive Plan a. Due August 16th b. Template created where goals are ed into document tled “Vision & Goals” iii. September 26 Commiee Symposium (4:30 – 9:00) a. Each commiee has 15 minutes to tell city council everything they need to know as to what commiee is currently working on 2. Leadership transion i. Bey Milizia to run Friends of the Dog Park ii. Jusn remains as staff unl opening of dog park, then staff responsibilies transion to Holly iii. Next commiee should select new Chair iv. Barb Sirvis last day on commiee is June 3, 2019 v. Commiee approved Larry Kupferman to be interim Chair 3. Schedule meengs i. Open items for discussion at future meengs: a. Adopt the Rules b. Create Work Plan (due August 16) ii. Next meeng scheduled for June 24th at 6PM a. Suggest walkthrough of new proposed dog park area during next meeng 4. External funding opons i. Account created with city for tracking donaons (no creaon of 501(c)(3)) 5. “Friends” i. Kick-off aer approval by City Council 8. Updates: 1. Milton Dog Park (Muriel) 2. Interim Zoning Open Space Commiee (Bey) 3. NRC (Linda) 4. RPC (Mike) 9. Future Agenda Items: 1. Plan for design & construcon phases Wheeler Dog Park 2. DRAFT proposal “rules”, regulaons and operaonal guidelines a. Park rules b. Operaons/management/maintenance 3. Implementaon of funding strategies 4. Plan for “Friends of Dog Parks” 5. On-leash park ordinance expansion 6. Future site planning Respecvely submied by Clerk: Molly Bezio