HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Dog Park Committee - 05/06/2019 South Burlington Dog Park Commiee DRAFT Meeng Minutes May 6, 2019 Present: Barb Sirvis (at large), Elizabeth (Bey) Milizia (at-large), Linda Chiasson (NRC), Mike Simoneau (RPC), Maggie Leugers, (staff) Members of the public: Kate Lukas, Muriel More, and Janice Baaline 1. Safety Procedures: Maggie directed the group to rear doors and outdoor meeng area in case of an emergency. 2. Introducons: All members and visitors present introduced themselves. 3. Clerk: Maggie Leugers (staff) 4. Agenda changes: none 5. Minutes: 4/24/2019 approved adopted with change of spelling Muriel More (last name) 6. Locaon: Barb reviewed the NEW map of Wheeler Homestead locaon including the change with “berm” design, allowing for addion 6-8 parking spaces in the Swi Extension lot, and review of wet areas. a. Discussion. Linda Chiasson asked about possible push back from other users. Barb will be talking with Carol McQuillen, Director of Common Roots, about this proposal to try to work together collaboravely. Commiee will consider closing Dog Park during SoBu Nite Out events due to high traffic on these bi- weekly evening summer events. Bey Milizia wanted to make sure in phase II presentaon to City Council would include appropriate vegetaon around some of the fencing. Muriel More expressed concern about parking due to acvies at Veterans Memorial Park. She was also concerned about appropriate shade. Bey Milizia commented about the need of accessible parking. Mike Simoneau reminded the group about segregang parking. He also commented about Common Roots and sharing with the community and community needs. Bey Milizia suggested consideraon of the triangle grassy area next to parking lot as opportunity for addional parking. This will need to be discussed with DPW & R&P. b. Moon: Recommend Wheeler Homestead locaon as the site for a new dog park. Moved by Linda, seconded by Bey. Moon unanimous. 7. Amenies were reviewed for Wheeler Homestead & Farrell Park Upgrades, using the list generated at earlier meengs. There was general agreement that Wheeler and Farrell both need shade opons, water, and benches. Wheeler will have “in-kind play structures,” e.g., culvert pipe, provided by DPW. 8. Rules were discussed with reference to the review provided earlier by Jusn Rabidoux. a. Access. All will be welcome, whether or not residents of South Burlington. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. b. Dog Restricons. Two dogs maximum/human friend Small dog area limited to dogs less than 20 pounds Dogs should not be In heat Injured or sick Dogs should be Licensed Vaccinated against rabies At least six months old Removed for aggressive behavior No digging c. Owner Responsibilies. Dogs must be under owner control Pick up aer their dogs Bring dogs to park under leash control Carry a leash while in the dog park Fill in any holes created by digging d. Facility. Hours of operaon will be dawn to dusk Gate to be secured at all mes No animals other than dogs No food or glass containers Alcohol- and smoke-free zone No skateboards, bicycles, skates, or motorized vehicles · (except wheelchairs and walkers) No commercial or professional use (unless otherwise authorized) 9. Operaonal rules: Discussed. Agreed that rules should be distributed to each person who registers a dog and published annually in The Other Paper. 10. Signage Discussed: Aer discussion, the DPC agreed the following rules would be posted at each dog park: · Use Park at your own risk. · Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult · Two dogs/person limit · Small dog area limited to dogs less than 20 pounds · One dog at a me in the entrance area · Stand back 5 feet from gate when another dog is entering or exing entrance · Dogs must be on a leash when approaching the dog park · Owners must carry a leash while in the dog park · Owners will be asked to leave if they do not control their dog · Dogs must wear collar with license at all me · Clean up aer your dog · No food or glass containers · Alcohol- and smoke-free zone · No skateboards, bicycles, skates, strollers, or motorized vehicles (except wheelchairs and walkers) · No pets other than dogs · No puppies under 6 months · No dogs with injuries or illness or in heat. · All rules and ordinances governing the City of South Burlington are applicable. 11. Fee Structure: Barb presented informaon about the current fee use ($5 to the State and remainder to City Clerk’s Office). The DPC agreed to recommend an addional $4/license to be designated to a separate fund specifically for dog parks. 12. Budget. Barb, Bey, and Maggie met with Jusn Rabidoux and developed a two-phase dra budget for Wheeler and Farrell. The Commiee recognized the new dog park must be in keeping with historical house and land at Wheeler Homestead. 13. Organizaonal Structure. The Dog Park Commiee will connue as a free-standing commiee of the City Council. For the inial phase, the DPC will recommend that staffing be from the Department of Public Works for the design and construcon. Aer compleon, the DPC recommends staffing should come from Recreaon and Parks. 14. Friends of the Dog Park: Discussion to establish under Dog Park Commiee. 15. Community Forum preparaon: Bey suggested inclusion of total budget proposal, so the community is informed about what the dog park entails. Barb Sirvis thought it was important to include how commiee got to this point. Bey will do a short presentaon need for Dog Park. 16. External Funding: Beginning discussion on process and funding sources. More details at next meeng. 17. Milton’s NEW Dog Park (Muriel More): She talked about NEW 3 acre Dog Park and their Grand Opening May 18th. 10:00 a.m. Cost approximately = $44,000 Miriam noted a concern about the lack of water; the water source is a great distance from park. Park open only May-October. Shade is available in the large dog area but not small dog area. 18. Commiee was encouraged to take Community Forum Flyer and put informaon in all SoBu Front Porch Forums. 19. Barb noted that there will be an arcle in The Other Paper aer Community Forum next week. 20. Moon to adjourn at 6:25PM First by Linda Chiasson, Second by Mike Simoneau 21. Meeng schedule: 5/15: 5-6:30 DPC Meeng 5.15: 7-8:30 Community Forum (both meengs in downstairs meeng room) 6/3: 5-6:30 DPC meeng before Council presentaon 7:00 City Council Presentaon Dra report to Council by the May 30 before the June 3rd meeng so that materials are in their packets. Respecvely submied by Clerk: Maggie Leugers