HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/20/2019 CITY COUNCIL 20 MAY 2019 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 20 May 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: H. Riehle, Chair; M. Emery, T. Barritt, T. Chittenden, D. Kaufman Also Present: K. Dorn, City Manager; T. Hubbard, Deputy City Manager; A. Bolduc, City Attorney; A Parker, D. Crawford, M. Ostby, S. Dooley, T. Hess, J. S. Chaulot, M. Simoneau, J. Simson, B. Sirvis, J. Kochman, B. Burkhardt, R. Greco, C. McQuillen, D. Albrecht, D. Marshall, D. Kerwin, R. Gonda, S. Baker, H. Gagne, T. McKenzie 1. Instructions on exiting building in case of emergency: Mr. Dorn provided instructions on emergency evacuation of the building. 2. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the Agenda. 3. Possible executive session to receive legal advice relating to collective bargaining agreements and real estate transactions: Mr. Barritt moved that the Council make a specific finding that premature general public knowledge of labor relations agreements with employees, collective bargaining, and confidential attorney-client communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to the Council would clearly place the Council and the city at a substantial disadvantage. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Barritt then moved that having so found the Council enter into executive sessions for the purpose of discussing the matters identified in the previous motion as well as for matters related to the negotiating or securing of real estate and to invite into the executive session Mr. Dorn, Mr. Hubbard, Mr. Bolduc, Ms. Lafferty, and Mr. Conner. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Council entered into executive session at 7:08 p.m. and resumed open session at 7:42 p.m. 4. Comments and Questions from the public not related to the agenda: Ms. Sirvis noted that her latest water bill totaled $81.71, $30 of which was for water for a period when she had zero water usage. She felt this needed to be addressed. Mr. Chittenden noted that he will be raising this issue with the new CWD Director. 5. Announcements and City Manager’s Report: Council members reported on meetings and events they had attended in recent weeks. Mr. Dorn: Consultants are moving forward to implement regional dispatch consolidation. $100,000 grant has been received from UVM for community outreach for a community health program. The noise exposure maps will be available for the public to see on 29 May, 5 p.m. at the Airport. The final NCP is to be approved on 28 June. The SoBu community leadership workshop will be held on 30 May at 6 p.m. at City Hall. All street lights on Dorset St. have been switched over to LEDs. There is a contract to make the same change for the Police Department. New posts have been placed on the bike path on Dorset Street to protect cyclists. The South Burlington Memorial Day observance will take place on 24 May at Veterans Memorial Park. 6. Consent Agenda: A. Approve and Sign Disbursement B. Consider and possibly award FY20 paving contract and authorize City Manager to sign all pertinent paperwork Mr. Barritt noted the poor condition of Spear St. and asked if it would just be shimmed. Mr. Dorn noted the new UVM athletic complex work has begun, and all that traffic will be coming out onto Spear Street, including a lot of heavy trucks, so that road will be getting worse before it gets better. He suggested possibly putting down a thick coat of asphalt now. Mr. Kaufman moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Council consideration and possible approval of a collective bargaining agreement between the City of South Burlington and the South Burlington Police Officers’ Association: Mr. Bolduc noted the agreement has been ratified by the Police Association. He highlighted some of the terms of the contract including: contribution to health care of 1.5%; for officers, a 2% cost of living increase in year 1 (retroactive) and new pay scale in years 2 and 3; for civilians, a 2% cost of living increase in year 1 (retroactive) and 2.5% in subsequent contract years. Mr. Kaufman moved to approve the collective bargaining agreement between the City of South Burlington and the South Burlington Police Officers’ Association as presented. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Presentation from Common Roots: Ms. McQuillan thanked the Council for contributions through the Social Services funding. She noted that Common Roots is now in its 4th year. The Wheeler House facilitates the organization’s school programs, and the kitchen is now a commercially licensed kitchen. They want to continue to have an on-going lease at the House. They also want to hold events there. They have 4 contracted chefs and will work through the Recreation Department. There will be special rates for South Burlington residents and non-profits. Common Roots will be using 2+ acres of the Underwood property for food production. They will provide fencing and signage. They will work with the city on a lease of that acreage. Ms. McQuillan noted they have formed an agricultural group with local farmers and are planning a “farm hop” on 8 June. They are also taking care of the Marceau property and will be producing apples and cider from that arrangement. Ms. Riehle thanked the group for all they do for the schools and families and for their stewardship of the land. 9. Consider and possibly approve participation in the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership and authorize the City Council Chair to sign the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership Agreement: Ms. Parker noted that South Burlington, Shelburne, Williston and St. George have come together to deal with conservation of lands in the area. Their first project will be a map to include all the municipalities, parcels of land with conservation status, delineation of different conservation statuses, and possibly wildlife corridors and riparian corridors. Mr. Dorn noted that connectivity between communities will be obvious from the maps through the conserved lands. There will also be signage enhancement. This is a voluntary mechanism to promote conserved land. Mr. Dorn added the hope is to take the “weed warrior” project to the group. Ms. Riehle noted there are trails that don’t end at a community’s borders. There will also be parking areas for people to access the trails. Mr. Chittenden moved to adopt the resolution to formalize the Council’s support of the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dorn recognized Ms. Parker’s leadership in this project. 10. Council Discussion on actions related to the fulfillment of the memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City Council and the School Board related to the design of stormwater treatment and storage facilities supporting improvements to the Rick Marcotte Central School parking lot and the easement area supporting the 180 Market Street/Community Center project: Ms. Riehle stressed that the City Council’s intent has always been to be pro‐school and pro‐city. She said the residents expect both bodies to work diligently to get back on track. Ms. Riehle then read a prepared statement (complete text attached) which included the Council’s understanding of the facts, a review of the attempts to resolve outstanding issues, and the Council’s continuing offer to sit down with the School Board to work out these issues. The statement also reviewed the benefits of the proposed project to both the city and the school district. Ms. Riehle expressed particular concern that when the city was given a copy of the school district’s engineering report, that report had been redacted. She questioned what it was that the School Board did not want the city to know and asked that in the interest of transparency the city be given the complete report. Mr. Kaufman cited the need to move forward quickly as further delays will only add to the cost of the building project. He said the city is committed to the project and cited the project’s approval by a large percentage of voters. Mr. Barritt said it would be in everyone’s best interest to understand that all the stormwater has to be dealt with. He also felt that engineers should be present at this meeting. Ms. Riehle noted that a meeting had been set up for Friday to include both counsels in an effort to work out what appears to be a continuing issue. That meeting is now off as it won’t work for the School Board. She stressed that issues have to be addressed and felt that the will of the public is being ignored. Mr. Chittenden also spoke to the need to have engineers present and to get a decision made. He said the School Board is acting in the interest of the schools and is concerned with the taking of more land. Ms. Riehle stressed that no more land is being taken. Ms. Emery noted that the only thing the Memorandum of Understanding discusses regarding stormwater is that the city will pay for it. Ms. Burkhardt of the School Board said that Board needs to do “due diligence,” and they have an engineer looking at the plan. They need to understand the legal and engineering aspects and won’t be rushed into this. She didn’t know when their engineer would get back to them. Ms. Burkhardt felt that Ms. Riehle’s statement was “disrespectful” and contained statements she disagreed with. She declined to specify those statements. Ms. Ostby said the only concern she hears from parents is traffic. She felt there has been mis‐communication and that the two boards are “so close.” Ms. Servis said she doesn’t believe the City Council is being disrespectful and that these are serious issues. Her greatest fear is that there won’t be a Library at all. She added that if the Boards need to meet behind closed doors, so be it, and then come out and tell the public the results. Mr. Dorn noted the City Council has also not seen an engineering plan, but they know how this will be put together consistent with the MOU. He said it is not necessary to see the drawings but to know conceptually where the stormwater will go. Once there is a conceptual agreement, the money can be spent to get the engineering design on paper. He stressed that the conceptual agreement is needed before significant money is spent on that engineering design. Ms. Dooley thanked everyone and noted there are 2 different cultures with a concept of interdependence and many overlapping interests. She said that having City Center succeed is in the pubic interest for tax reasons and better jobs so that young people won’t have to leave the area for employment. She felt that everyone really wants the same thing. 11. Continued Public Hearing on Interim Zoning Application #IZ-19-01 of Donald & Lois Kerwin to subdivide a 2.0 acre parcel developed with a single family dwelling into 4 lots ranging in size from 0.27 acres to 1.18 acres, and to construct a single family dwelling on each of the resulting undeveloped lots, 1420 Hinesburg Road: Mr. Chittenden moved to reopen the public hearing. Mr. Barritt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Marshall reviewed the history and noted that the new PUD regulations were the one open issue. He noted that Mr. Kerwin went back to the Planning Commission at its most recent meeting. Mr. Kerwin said the Commission gave the go-ahead for the plan. Mr. Marshall noted that the new PUD standards will apply to only parcels of 4 or more acres, and this is 2 acres. Ms. Emery noted that the Open Space Committee is ranking parcels for their value as natural resources. They reviewed the parcel at their 7 May meeting and decided it was OK to build upon. There is only a tiny sliver of prime ag soil. Mr. Marshall noted that they are creating 3 additional lots. Without using TDRs, they can do a 2-lot subdivision. He understood that the TDRs are “in process.” He stressed that the Kerwins are just trying to sell their house and retire. Mr. Barritt then moved to close IZ-19-01. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Consider applications to City Boards, Committees and Commissions and possibly adjust the size of the Interim Zoning Open Space Committee: The Council interviewed the following candidates for appointment to boards, committees and commissions: Spencer Baker (not present) …………………………………. Pension Advisory Committee Jean-Sebastian Chaulot …………………………………………. Public Art Committee and Natural Resources Committee Timmy Hess …………………………………………………………… Natural Resources Committee Dan Albrecht …………………………………………………………. Natural Resources Committee Ray Gonda …………………………………………………………….. Natural Resources Committee Sandy Dooley ………………………………………………………… Affordable Housing Committee Mike Simoneau ……………………………………………………… Affordable Housing Committee John Simson ………………………………………………………….. Affordable Housing Committee Havaleh Gagne ………………………………………………………. Bike/Ped Committee 13. Council Consideration and Possible Action on a resolution “Strongly Opposing the Basing of Any Nuclear Weapons in South Burlington”: Ms. Emery reviewed the history and noted that the State Senate has passed a similar resolution out of committee with some revisions. She said she has revised the original resolution to add some historical background. She then read the resolution. Mr. Leas said the resolution is consistent with the military’s own laws to keep military equipment and civilians separated. Mr. Barritt then moved to approve the Resolution “Strongly Opposing the Basing of Any Nuclear Weapons in South Burlington.” Mr. Kaufman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Council Reports from Committee Assignments: Ms. Riehle: CCTV is celebrating 35 years with events on 30 May and 3 June. Events will include a lot of archival footage. Ms. Riehle: The Airport Commission encourages the public to attend the presentation of the new noise study. There will be stations where people can ask questions. Ms. Emery: The IZ Open Space Committee is discussing a series of meetings in June and July to show its matrix and explain how it led to certain ratings. They hope to have their work done in July. Parcels are being rated based on such criteria as wetlands, ag soil, wildlife, etc. Mr. Barritt: The IZ TDR Committee has a draft of its final report. Not all members agree, but the report will be the best effort they can give. 15. Council discussion regarding the filling of Councilors’ Committee assignments: Mr. Chittenden noted he is willing to serve again on the Green Mountain Transit Committee but not to serve as its chair. Mr. Kaufman moved to reappoint Mr. Chittenden to the Green Mountain Transit Committee. Mr. Barritt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 16. Consider initiation of acquisition of property pursuant to 24 V.S.A. 4421(5) – Institute proceedings to acquire land or interests in land: Mr. McKenzie said the issue is finding a process to eliminate a road from the Official Map or for the city to purchase the property. This action is needed in order to address stormwater for the following reasons: a. The road would have to cross Potash Brook, which is an impaired waterway b. The Poon property would have to be condemned c. It would prevent City Center development Mr. McKenzie showed a map of the land where stormwater is making its way to their property. He said the wetland adjacent to the city park will remain. A Planning Commission process to address this issue would take months; the Council now has 120 days to make a decision. Mr. McKenzie said he hoped this could be done quicker so they can go ahead with stormwater management. Ms. Emery asked whether the Council can get a preliminary report from the Planning Commission regarding their inclination. It was noted that the Commission meets next Tuesday. They will be requested to add it to their agenda. 17. April Financials: Mr. Hubbard reported that the city is in good shape. Revenues are at 88% of projections and expenses at 78% of projections. There will be a $2,000,000 “hit” in May for pension payments. The local option tax payment was ahead of last year’s. The goal for fire inspections has been met, and the city is ahead in road openings. 18. Other Business: a. Items Held from Consent Agenda b. Other No other business was brought to the Council As there was no further business to come before the Council, Ms. Emery moved to adjourn. Mr. Barritt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. ________________________________ Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 05/21/19 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid 5/21/2019 3562 South Burlington Ace 17.97 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 5/1/2019 VI-14820 816735/3 17.97 17.97 5/21/2019 3563 Champlain Water District 46,629.87 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 4/30/2019 VI-14817 SBWD-349 46,629.87 46,629.87 5/21/2019 3564 Champlain Water District 110,808.80 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 4/30/2019 VI-14815 SBWD-342 155.85 155.85 4/30/2019 VI-14816 APRIL CONSUMPTION 110,652.95 110,652.95 5/21/2019 3565 E.J. Prescott, Inc. 262.58 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 4/30/2019 VI-14821 5529336 262.58 262.58 5/21/2019 3566 Office Essentials 168.16 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 5/13/2019 VI-14819 36103 168.16 168.16 5/21/2019 3567 City Of So. Burlington 840.20 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 5/8/2019 VI-14818 PATCHEN ROAD 612.20 612.20 4/30/2019 VI-14822 HELEN AVE 228.00 228.00 5/21/2019 3568 City Of South Burlington 300,893.09 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 5/2/2019 VI-14813 APRIL SEWER BILLINGS 300,893.09 300,893.09 5/21/2019 3569 City Of South Burlington 250,020.15 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 5/2/2019 VI-14814 APRIL STORMWATER FEES 250,020.15 250,020.15 5/21/2019 3570 USPS 6,500.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 5/15/2019 VI-14823 REPLENISH METER 6,500.00 6,500.00 Printed: May 17, 2019 Page 1 of 2 South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 05/21/19 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid Total Amount Paid: 716,140.82 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Printed: May 17, 2019 Page 2 of 2 MEMO To: Kevin Dorn, City Manager From: Adam Cate, Deputy Director of Operations Date: May 16,2019 Re: Award of FY18-19 Paving Contract to Engineers Construction Inc. SUMMARY The City received and opened bids for the referenced contract on May 16. A brief summary of the results is below: 1. ECI $893,835.25 2. Pike $918,007.30 3. SD Ireland $827,638.08 4. FW Whitcomb $897,813.40 Below is a list of the streets to be paved under this contract. 1. Airport Pkwy: White ST to Kirby RD 2. Brookwood-Dorset ST to Oakwood DR 3. Central AVE 4. Dean ST 5. Dorset ST-Foulsham Hollow to City Line 6. Harborview to Bay Court 7. Oakwood Drive 8. Patchen RD-Williston Road to White ST 9. Patchen RD-I89 Bridge to City Line 10. Sherry RD 11.Spear ST-Jug Handle to Quarry Hill RD 12. Timber Lane 13. West Twin Oaks Terrace-Twin Oakes to Grandview 14. Woodcrest- Hinesburg RD to Dean St The City has looks forward to working with SD Ireland on this project this summer. Additionally, via separate contracts we are repaving Market Street, the streets associated with the Hadley Area Sewer Project (parts or all of Swift, Farrell, Eastwood, Meadow and Proctor) as well as Dorset Street from Williston Road to Market Street this season. FISCAL IMPACT We have $900,000 budgeted in FY’20 funds for this contract. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council award the FY’20 Paving Contract to SD Ireland and authorize the City Manager to sign all paperwork and return to Public Works for final processing. R-2018- RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION TO JOIN THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY CONSERVATION PARTNERSHIP WHEREAS, in the spring of 2019, the City of South Burlington, the Town of Williston, the Town of Shelburne, the Town of Hinesburg, and the Town of St. George (collectively the “Partners”) came together as the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership to demonstrate leadership and action on land conservation issues affecting each community; and, WHEREAS, the Partners acknowledged the importance of working collaboratively to conserve and manage land at a regional scale; and, WHEREAS, the Partners acknowledged the importance of engaging and working with other partners and landowners to achieve land conservation goals; and, WHEREAS, the Partners have agreed to conserve, restore, and enhance important natural resources within and across their municipal boundaries; and, WHEREAS, the Partners have identified the following goals to work on collaboratively with each other, as well as other local, regional, state, and national partners, including:  Prioritize regionally significant parcels for conservation/protection and to identify potential actions that would conserve/protect the parcels identified;  Identify “best practices” for the stewardship of conserved land;  Maintain connectivity and integrity of forest blocks in an effort to promote biological diversity and allow the movement of wildlife in response to climate and land use changes;  Improve the water quality of Lake Champlain by developing a strategy for wetland and riparian protection and/or restoration that can be applied throughout the partnership area;  Understand issues surrounding public access on conserved lands, and develop a plan that improves public access where appropriate and allows for connection throughout the partnership area where it makes sense;  Develop and apply a public engagement strategy that meaningfully involves our communities and other partners;  Share individual strategies currently in use within our own municipality to conserve/protect land, steward land, and engage the public so that the entire partnership can benefit from existing experience and knowledge and pave the way for a shared conservation approach that is employed throughout the region; and, WHEREAS, the Partners have agreed that there will be no initial financial obligation for any participating partner; and, WHEREAS, the Partners have agreed that entities participating in the partnership will need to appoint a representative to attend regular meetings; and, WHEREAS, the Partners are ready to move forward with an agreement to begin working collaboratively on land conservation issues. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Burlington City Council hereby fully supports the Partners and their mission; the City Council authorizes the City Manager to appoint a representative from the City to participate in this partnership; and the City Council hereby authorizes the City Council Chair to sign the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership Agreement. APPROVED this 20th day of May, 2019. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL __________________________________ ________________________________ Helen Riehle, Chair Meaghan Emery, Vice Chair __________________________________ ________________________________ Tim Barritt, Clerk Dave Kaufman __________________________________ Tom Chittenden 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4107 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com To: Kevin Dorn, City Manager From: Ashley Parker, Project Manager Subject: Authorization to Enter into the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership Date: May 20, 2019 Background: Since early 2019, City Staff have been collaborating with other representatives from the Town of Williston, the Town of Shelburne, the Town of Hinesburg, and the Town of St. George on the formation of a regional conservation partnership. This partnership has come together on the principal that the conservation and stewardship of land should happen at a regional scale, and that more conservation work can be achieved by working together. This group of municipal partners, which is calling itself the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership, has produced an agreement that revolves around the premise of a partnership that seeks to conserve, restore, and enhance important natural resources within and across municipal boundaries. More specifically, the partnership will aim to increase the amount of connected conserved land, improve water quality in streams and rivers flowing into Lake Champlain, protect agricultural land, and prevent the fragmentation of wildlife habitat and riparian corridors. City Staff feels that this partnership will further the City’s own conservation goals while also improving regional natural resources. The early partnership meetings have already provided Staff with ideas and information on how to better approach and solve some of the City’s own conservation problems; and Staff only sees this and other benefits continuing as the partnership formalizes and grows. City Staff is recommending that the City Council supports this partnership and authorizes the City Manager to delegate a representative to participate in the partnership. The attached resolution also authorizes the Council Chair to sign the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership Agreement, which would allow the City to actively participate in the partnership. Attachments: A resolution that formalizes Council support of this partnership, authorizes the City Manager to appoint a representative to the partnership, and authorizes the Council Chair to sign off on the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership Agreement. The Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership Agreement for signature by the Council Chair. Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership Agreement Overview – In the spring of 2019, we the undersigned municipalities agree to demonstrate leadership and action on land conservation issues affecting all of our communities. We are committed to working collaboratively to conserve and manage land at a regional scale. We understand that there are numerous other local, regional, state, and national partners that could assist us in our work, and it is a priority for us to engage and work with other partners and landowners to achieve our goals. Vision – Our Vision is of a landscape that provides connected open space for wildlife and humans—and where open spaces are large enough to sustain a wide array of species. We recognize that our natural resources are not confined to political boundaries, and thus require landscape-scale management. Our efforts are collaborative, and the outcome of our efforts will be the improved connection of our shared natural landscape. Mission – The undersigned municipalities seek to conserve, restore, and enhance important natural resources within and across our municipal boundaries. More specifically, the partnership aims to increase the amount of connected conserved land, improve water quality in streams and rivers flowing into Lake Champlain, protect agricultural land, and prevent the fragmentation of wildlife habitat and riparian corridors. Participating municipalities will use various tools, including: purchase of land and rights in land, upland habitat restoration, wetland and stream restoration, community outreach, land use planning, and the sharing of knowledge and experience. Goals – Working together with other numerous local, regional, state, and national partners, we aim to:  Prioritize regionally significant parcels for conservation/protection and to identify potential actions that would conserve/protect the parcels identified.  Identify “best practices” for the stewardship of conserved land.  Maintain the connectivity and integrity of forest blocks in an effort to promote biological diversity and allow for the movement of wildlife in response to climate and land use changes.  Improve the water quality of Lake Champlain by developing a strategy for wetland and riparian protection and/or restoration that can be applied throughout the partnership area.  Understand issues surrounding public access on conserved lands, and develop a plan that improves public access where appropriate and allows for connections throughout the partnership area where it makes sense.  Develop and apply a public engagement strategy that meaningfully involves our communities and other partners.  Share individual strategies currently in use within our own municipality to conserve/protect land, steward land, and engage the public so that the entire partnership can benefit from existing experience and knowledge and pave the way for a shared conservation approach that is employed throughout the region. Partnership Commitments – The undersigned municipalities acknowledge the following:  There is no financial obligation required of any municipality or future partner for participating in this partnership.  Any entity participating in this partnership will need to appoint a representative to attend regular meetings. We, the undersigned, agree to work together on matters of land conservation and stewardship that affect our region’s landscape. ________________________________ Representative of the City of South Burlington ________________________________ Representative of the Town of Williston ________________________________ Representative of the Town of Shelburne ________________________________ Representative of the Town of Hinesburg ________________________________ Representative of the Town of St. George SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION STRONGLY OPPOSING THE BASING OF ANY NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN SOUTH BURLINGTON WHEREAS, State of Vermont has long been a national leader in opposing the spread of nuclear weapons; and, WHEREAS, at Town Meeting in 1982, 88 percent of the 180 municipalities voting on a U.S.- U.S.S.R. bilateral nuclear freeze ballot measure voted in the affirmative; and, WHEREAS, at Town Meeting in 1999, 33 Vermont municipalities voted to “call upon the U.S. government and governments of all nuclear weapons states to secure on an urgent basis a nuclear weapons abolition treaty” that would include a timetable for the early and mutually verifiable elimination of nuclear weapons; and, WHEREAS, shortly after the 33 town approved this town meeting question, the General Assembly adopted Acts and Resolves No. R-120, “Joint resolution relating to urgently requesting the U.S. government to immediately enter into negotiations with all other nuclear nations for the adoption of a verifiable treaty to abolish nuclear weapons”; and, WHEREAS, at its regular meeting of September 17, 2018, the South Burlington City Council unanimously passed the “Resolution Calling for the United States to ‘Pull Back from the Brink’ and Prevent Nuclear War” that directed our state and federal leaders “to embrace the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and make nuclear disarmament the centerpiece of our national security policy” and “to spearhead a global effort to prevent nuclear war by renouncing the option of using nuclear weapons first; ending the president’s sole, unchecked authority to launch a nuclear attack; taking U.S. nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert; cancelling the plan to replace its entire arsenal with enhanced weapons; and actively pursuing a verifiable agreement among nuclear armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals.” NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the South Burlington City Council: That the South Burlington City Council rejects the locating of any nuclear weapons in South Burlington and anywhere in the State of Vermont; And be it further Resolved: That the South Burlington City Council requests that the Governor and the members of the Vermont Congressional Delegation inform the Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan that the City of South Burlington will not support nuclear weapons to be located in this municipality; And be it further Resolved: That the City Manager be directed to send a copy of this resolution to the Governor, to Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, and to the Vermont Congressional Delegation. DATED this day ______ of ____________ , 2019. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL ________________________________________________ Helen Riehle, South Burlington City Council Chair ________________________________________________ Meaghan Emery, South Burlington City Council Vice-Chair ________________________________________________ Tim Barritt, South Burlington City Council Clerk ________________________________________________ Thomas Chittenden ________________________________________________ David Kaufman Revenue Report-April, 2019 General Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2019 Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-April Total PROPERTY TAX REVENUE $15,507,174.00 ($14,381,774.69)92.74%$1,125,399.31 ($125,800.07) Total LOCAL OPTION TAXES $3,697,658.00 ($2,581,201.92)69.81%$1,116,456.08 $0.00 Total TAX REVENUE $19,204,832.00 ($16,962,976.61)88.33%$2,241,855.39 ($125,800.07) Total INTEREST/PENALTY ON TAX $265,000.00 ($258,815.45)97.67%$6,184.55 ($4,293.49) Total CITY MANAGER $412,462.00 ($354,800.84)86.02%$57,661.16 ($3,046.00) Total CITY CLERK $224,400.00 ($162,987.73)72.63%$61,412.27 ($17,632.95) Total PLANNING & ZONING $383,700.00 ($274,126.86)71.44%$109,573.14 ($22,456.74) Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $510,000.00 ($535,295.50)104.96%($25,295.50)($39,723.23) Total ELECTRICAL INSPECTION $50,000.00 ($39,731.52)79.46%$10,268.48 ($4,360.00) Total AMBULANCE $773,000.00 ($761,674.26)98.53%$11,325.74 ($64,884.96) Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $490,588.00 ($362,599.33)73.91%$127,988.67 ($126,901.74) Total PUBLIC SAFETY $1,823,588.00 ($1,699,300.61)93.18%$124,287.39 ($235,869.93) Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $1,169,176.00 ($1,044,334.23)89.32%$124,841.77 ($63,392.02) Total RED ROCKS PARK $13,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$13,000.00 $0.00 Total FACILITIES $10,000.00 ($13,117.00)131.17%($3,117.00)($1,050.00) Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $172,200.00 ($146,384.98)85.01%$25,815.02 ($10,318.00) Total RECREATION $195,200.00 ($159,501.98)81.71%$35,698.02 ($11,368.00) Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $7,740.00 ($5,380.92)69.52%$2,359.08 ($566.51) Total GENERAL FUND $23,686,098.00 ($20,922,225.23)88.33%$2,763,872.77 ($484,425.71) Revenue Report-April, 2019 General Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2019 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-April TAX REVENUE Tax, Current Budget $15,272,174.00 ($14,121,953.18)92.47%$1,150,220.82 ($60,800.07) VT Payment in Lieu of Tax $170,000.00 ($194,821.51)114.60%($24,821.51)$0.00 Taxes, Reappraisal/ACT 60 $65,000.00 ($65,000.00)100.00%$0.00 ($65,000.00) Total TAX REVENUE $15,507,174.00 ($14,381,774.69)92.74%$1,125,399.31 ($125,800.07) LOCAL OPTION TAXES Local Option Tax-Sales $2,750,000.00 ($1,918,177.08)69.75%$831,822.92 $0.00 Local Option Tax-Rooms/Me $947,658.00 ($663,024.84)69.96%$284,633.16 $0.00 Total LOCAL OPTION TAXES $3,697,658.00 ($2,581,201.92)69.81%$1,116,456.08 $0.00 Total TAX REVENUE $19,204,832.00 ($16,962,976.61)88.33%$2,241,855.39 ($125,800.07) INTEREST/PENALTY ON TAX Penalty, Current & Prior $110,000.00 ($171,174.03)155.61%($61,174.03)$976.27 Interest, Current & Prior $45,000.00 ($69,244.87)153.88%($24,244.87)($5,270.83) Abatements/Write-offs $0.00 $1.07 100.00%$1.07 $1.07 Attorney Fees $1,000.00 ($3,625.62)362.56%($2,625.62)$0.00 Fee to Collect State Educ $93,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$93,000.00 $0.00 Current Use $16,000.00 ($14,772.00)92.33%$1,228.00 $0.00 Total INTEREST/PENALTY ON TAX $265,000.00 ($258,815.45)97.67%$6,184.55 ($4,293.49) CITY MANAGER Administrative Services-W $47,500.00 ($47,500.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Estimated Received % Budget FY 2019 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-April Administrative Services-S $134,392.00 ($134,392.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Administrative Services-W $150,336.00 ($150,336.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 From Sewer-Audit & Actuar $6,214.00 ($6,214.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 From SW-Audit & Actuary $3,555.00 ($3,555.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Pension Liab Note-WPC $38,675.00 $0.00 0.00%$38,675.00 $0.00 Pension Liab Note-SW $26,510.00 $0.00 0.00%$26,510.00 $0.00 From Water-Audit $2,100.00 ($2,100.00)100.00%$0.00 ($2,100.00) From WPC-Payroll, Testing $700.00 ($700.00)100.00%$0.00 ($700.00) From SW-Payroll, Testing $480.00 ($480.00)100.00%$0.00 ($480.00) Solar Credits $0.00 ($6,930.54)100.00%($6,930.54)$234.00 Miscellaneous $2,000.00 ($2,593.30)129.67%($593.30)$0.00 Total CITY MANAGER $412,462.00 ($354,800.84)86.02%$57,661.16 ($3,046.00) CITY CLERK Recording Fees $135,000.00 ($83,376.00)61.76%$51,624.00 ($7,530.00) Photocopy Fees $26,000.00 ($16,870.10)64.89%$9,129.90 ($1,582.00) Photocopies-Vital Records $5,300.00 ($3,267.00)61.64%$2,033.00 ($414.00) Pet Licenses $22,000.00 ($22,121.41)100.55%($121.41)($4,292.00) Pet Control Fees $2,000.00 ($1,110.00)55.50%$890.00 ($560.00) Beverage/Cabaret License $9,000.00 ($8,455.00)93.94%$545.00 ($345.00) Entertainment Permits $0.00 ($200.00)100.00%($200.00)($100.00) Marriage Licenses $1,500.00 ($1,030.00)68.67%$470.00 ($40.00) Green Mountain Passports $300.00 ($208.00)69.33%$92.00 ($18.00) Motor Vehicle Renewals $800.00 ($359.00)44.88%$441.00 ($48.00) Election Expenses Reimbur $0.00 ($1,098.18)100.00%($1,098.18)$0.00 School Reimburse-Election $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,500.00 $0.00 Interest on Investments $21,000.00 ($24,893.04)118.54%($3,893.04)($2,703.95) Total CITY CLERK $224,400.00 ($162,987.73)72.63%$61,412.27 ($17,632.95) Estimated Received % Budget FY 2019 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-April PLANNING Building & Sign Permits $250,000.00 ($192,405.02)76.96%$57,594.98 ($15,655.86) Bianchi Ruling $10,000.00 ($10,851.00)108.51%($851.00)($1,566.00) Zoning and Planning $95,000.00 ($67,370.84)70.92%$27,629.16 ($4,904.88) Sewer Inspection Fees $2,500.00 ($2,550.00)102.00%($50.00)($250.00) Peddlers' Permits $1,200.00 ($950.00)79.17%$250.00 ($80.00) Solar Credits-Transfer In $25,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$25,000.00 $0.00 Total PLANNING $383,700.00 ($274,126.86)71.44%$109,573.14 ($22,456.74) FIRE DEPARTMENT Outside Employment $4,000.00 ($1,865.75)46.64%$2,134.25 ($441.00) Misc.Revenue-Fire Dept.$0.00 ($1,759.60)100.00%($1,759.60)$0.00 Fire Inspection Revenue $390,000.00 ($415,670.15)106.58%($25,670.15)($39,282.23) Fire Impact Fees-Fund Tru $116,000.00 ($116,000.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $510,000.00 ($535,295.50)104.96%($25,295.50)($39,723.23) ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Electrical Inspection-Rev $50,000.00 ($39,731.52)79.46%$10,268.48 ($4,360.00) Total ELECTRICAL INSPECTION $50,000.00 ($39,731.52)79.46%$10,268.48 ($4,360.00) AMBULANCE Tax Revenues $155,000.00 ($155,000.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Ambulance Service Billing $600,000.00 ($598,682.70)99.78%$1,317.30 ($63,447.46) Grand Isle Billing $6,000.00 ($4,646.78)77.45%$1,353.22 ($987.50) Miscellaneous Income $12,000.00 ($3,344.78)27.87%$8,655.22 ($450.00) Total AMBULANCE $773,000.00 ($761,674.26)98.53%$11,325.74 ($64,884.96) Estimated Received % Budget FY 2019 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-April POLICE DEPARTMENT Vermont District Court $50,000.00 ($6,639.00)13.28%$43,361.00 ($456.00) Traffic Safety Grant $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$5,000.00 $0.00 Sale of Cruisers/Bequest $4,000.00 ($8,190.00)204.75%($4,190.00)($460.00) Police Reports $7,500.00 ($2,253.69)30.05%$5,246.31 ($7.00) I.C.A.C.$3,500.00 ($9,259.97)264.57%($5,759.97)($1,672.21) SHARP $34,000.00 ($10,739.75)31.59%$23,260.25 ($165.69) Drug Task Force Grant $115,000.00 ($97,848.34)85.09%$17,151.66 ($12,241.94) Parking Tickets $0.00 ($3,334.59)100.00%($3,334.59)($10.00) Alarm Registrations $10,000.00 ($19,125.00)191.25%($9,125.00)($6,990.00) Alarm Fines $2,500.00 ($5,420.00)216.80%($2,920.00)($650.00) Off Duty Police $10,000.00 ($1,953.08)19.53%$8,046.92 ($151.98) Bullet Proof Vest Grant $2,400.00 $0.00 0.00%$2,400.00 $0.00 Police Impact Fees $95,000.00 ($95,000.00)100.00%$0.00 ($95,000.00) 3rd Floor Lease Revenue $101,688.00 ($85,806.70)84.38%$15,881.30 ($8,580.67) Solar Credits $0.00 ($7,042.24)100.00%($7,042.24)$0.00 Miscellaneous - Police $8,000.00 ($4,695.45)58.69%$3,304.55 ($516.25) Xfer In-Fund 207 $42,000.00 ($5,291.52)12.60%$36,708.48 $0.00 Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $490,588.00 ($362,599.33)73.91%$127,988.67 ($126,901.74) HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Road Opening Permits $95,000.00 ($125,640.00)132.25%($30,640.00)($2,201.00) Overweight truck permits $2,000.00 ($1,620.00)81.00%$380.00 ($480.00) Highway State Aid $225,000.00 ($212,008.67)94.23%$12,991.33 ($48,795.24) Fuel Pump Surcharge $6,000.00 ($4,964.62)82.74%$1,035.38 ($459.23) HazMat Facility Lease $24,000.00 ($20,758.80)86.50%$3,241.20 $0.00 School Bus Parts Reimbure $32,500.00 ($22,124.57)68.08%$10,375.43 ($346.12) School gas/diesel reimbur $125,000.00 ($100,480.02)80.38%$24,519.98 ($9,148.68) Salary Reimbursement-WPC $280,454.00 ($280,454.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 FICA Reimbursement-WPC $22,944.00 ($22,944.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Estimated Received % Budget FY 2019 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-April Pension Reimbursement-WPC $85,518.00 ($85,518.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Benefits Reimbursement-WP $78,215.00 ($78,215.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Salary Reimbursement-SW $18,773.00 ($18,773.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Benefits Reimbursement-SW $10,429.00 ($10,429.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Reimburse from Fund 265 $8,343.00 ($8,343.00)100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Highway Impact Fee-RT 2 $85,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$85,000.00 $0.00 Hgwy Misc Revenue $70,000.00 ($52,061.55)74.37%$17,938.45 ($1,961.75) Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $1,169,176.00 ($1,044,334.23)89.32%$124,841.77 ($63,392.02) RECREATION RED ROCKS PARK Red Rocks Gate Receipts $13,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$13,000.00 $0.00 Total RED ROCKS PARK $13,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$13,000.00 $0.00 FACILITIES Donations $10,000.00 ($13,117.00)131.17%($3,117.00)($1,050.00) Total FACILITIES $10,000.00 ($13,117.00)131.17%($3,117.00)($1,050.00) SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Great Escape Ticket Sales $6,500.00 ($7,488.00)115.20%($988.00)$0.00 Aternoon Skiing/Middle Sc $14,450.00 ($18,275.00)126.47%($3,825.00)$0.00 Youth Programs $60,000.00 ($48,507.50)80.85%$11,492.50 ($4,858.00) Adult Evening Classes $22,000.00 ($25,629.48)116.50%($3,629.48)($3,745.00) Community Programs $17,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$17,000.00 $0.00 SoBu Night Out $27,000.00 ($9,735.00)36.06%$17,265.00 ($1,715.00) Mornin Joe with Fido $800.00 $0.00 0.00%$800.00 $0.00 Driver's Education $24,450.00 ($36,750.00)150.31%($12,300.00)$0.00 Estimated Received % Budget FY 2019 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-April Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $172,200.00 ($146,384.98)85.01%$25,815.02 ($10,318.00) Total RECREATION $195,200.00 ($159,501.98)81.71%$35,698.02 ($11,368.00) COMMUNITY LIBRARY Grants $140.00 $0.00 0.00%$140.00 $0.00 Library Lost Books $900.00 ($251.77)27.97%$648.23 $130.54 Fines and Fees $3,800.00 ($1,072.52)28.22%$2,727.48 ($94.65) Non-Resident Fees $700.00 ($1,131.43)161.63%($431.43)($162.00) Libriary Copies and Print $2,200.00 ($1,595.80)72.54%$604.20 ($346.00) LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS $0.00 ($329.40)100.00%($329.40)($94.40) Xfer in-Fund 603 $0.00 ($1,000.00)100.00%($1,000.00)$0.00 Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $7,740.00 ($5,380.92)69.52%$2,359.08 ($566.51) Total GENERAL FUND $23,686,098.00 ($20,922,225.23)88.33%$2,763,872.77 ($484,425.71) Total All Funds $23,686,098.00 ($20,922,225.23)88.33%$2,763,872.77 ($484,425.71) Revenue Report-April, 2019 Sewer Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2019 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-April CHARGES FOR SERVICES W.P.C. User Fees $3,550,000.00 ($2,788,971.71)78.56%$761,028.29 $0.00 W.P.C. Truck Charges $20,000.00 ($70,324.00)351.62%($50,324.00)($5,003.50) Connection Fees $300,000.00 ($447,378.41)149.13%($147,378.41)($14,479.80) Total CHARGES FOR SERVICES $3,870,000.00 ($3,306,674.12)85.44%$563,325.88 ($19,483.30) BOND AND LOAN PROCEEDS Colchester A/P Pkwy Pmt $742,310.00 ($742,310.00)100.00%$0.00 ($742,310.00) Notes and Bond Proceeds $1,895,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,895,000.00 $0.00 GF Note Repay-Solar $0.00 ($12,005.00)100.00%($12,005.00)$0.00 Total BOND AND LOAN PROCEEDS $2,637,310.00 ($754,315.00)28.60%$1,882,995.00 ($742,310.00) MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Rev.-W.P.C.$5,000.00 ($144.53)2.89%$4,855.47 $0.00 Total MISCELLANEOUS $5,000.00 ($144.53)2.89%$4,855.47 $0.00 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS IN $6,512,310.00 ($4,061,133.65)62.36%$2,451,176.35 ($761,793.30) Total ENTERPRISE FUND/W.P.C.$6,512,310.00 ($4,061,133.65)62.36%$2,451,176.35 ($761,793.30) Total All Funds $6,512,310.00 ($4,061,133.65)62.36%$2,451,176.35 ($761,793.30) Revenue Report-April, 2019 General Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2019 Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-April S/WATER UTILITIES REVENUE Intergovernmental Revenue $250,000.00 ($590,476.05)236.19%($340,476.05)($86,166.78) S/W User Fees - Water Bil $2,219,804.00 ($1,726,023.24)77.76%$493,780.76 $0.00 Credit Application Fees $500.00 $0.00 0.00%$500.00 $0.00 Payment from GF re: GIS $38,000.00 ($17,510.00)46.08%$20,490.00 $0.00 Pmts from other towns $50,000.00 ($7,474.40)14.95%$42,525.60 ($7,474.40) Land Owner Payments $0.00 ($93,172.00)100.00%($93,172.00)$0.00 Stormwater Miscellaneous $1,000.00 ($1,200.00)120.00%($200.00)$0.00 Total S/WATER UTILITIES REVENUE $2,559,304.00 ($2,435,855.69)95.18%$123,448.31 ($93,641.18) Total STORM WATER UTILITIES $2,559,304.00 ($2,435,855.69)95.18%$123,448.31 ($93,641.18) Total All Funds $2,559,304.00 ($2,435,855.69)95.18%$123,448.31 ($93,641.18) Expenditure Report-April, 2019 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Total CITY COUNCIL $164,852.00 $123,488.86 74.91%$41,363.14 $2,672.36 Total ADMINISTRATIVE INSURANCE $4,731,801.91 $3,335,796.24 70.50%$1,396,005.67 $280,608.63 Total CITY MANAGER $569,454.87 $501,243.67 88.02%$68,211.20 $48,791.33 Total LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, ACTUARY $292,731.85 $241,577.35 82.53%$51,154.50 $23,907.76 Total ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $728,320.00 $547,828.04 75.22%$180,491.96 $40,268.62 Total INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $137,236.66 $130,635.64 95.19%$6,601.02 $16,286.02 Total CITY CLERK $263,019.54 $208,658.41 79.33%$54,361.13 $13,426.99 Total ASSESSING/TAX/FINANCE $324,465.18 $260,311.38 80.23%$64,153.80 $23,252.65 Total PLANNING/DESIGN REVIEW $459,062.39 $366,857.12 79.91%$92,205.27 $32,712.53 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $448,200.00 $448,200.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXP.$8,119,144.40 $6,164,596.71 75.93%$1,954,547.69 $481,926.89 Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $3,344,103.69 $2,695,878.19 80.62%$648,225.50 $216,466.68 Total ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS $11,100.00 $9,856.05 88.79%$1,243.95 $47.43 Total AMBULANCE $89,750.00 $66,124.36 73.68%$23,625.64 $3,705.24 Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $5,177,760.33 $4,032,943.80 77.89%$1,144,816.53 $376,976.49 Total PUBLIC SAFETY $8,622,714.02 $6,804,802.40 78.92%$1,817,911.62 $597,195.84 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $771,000.00 $742,316.74 96.28%$28,683.26 ($1,933.60) Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $2,464,319.50 $2,211,483.47 89.74%$252,836.03 $238,220.88 Total RECREATION ADMINISTRATION $325,742.64 $254,221.48 78.04%$71,521.16 $22,461.95 Total PROGRAMS $26,200.00 $17,313.54 66.08%$8,886.46 $986.76 Total RED ROCKS PARK $20,886.00 $6,641.80 31.80%$14,244.20 $19.15 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Total FACILITIES $48,913.50 $14,140.74 28.91%$34,772.76 $1,735.20 Total LEISURE ARTS $7,100.00 $5,538.00 78.00%$1,562.00 $292.97 Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $136,360.00 $73,682.47 54.04%$62,677.53 $3,034.23 Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $504,248.89 $415,024.02 82.31%$89,224.87 $31,216.89 Total CAPITAL/PARK MAINTENANCE $232,525.77 $202,771.84 87.20%$29,753.93 $18,780.36 Total CULTURE AND RECREATION $1,301,976.80 $989,333.89 75.99%$312,642.91 $78,527.51 Total OTHER OPERATING ENTITIES $736,298.00 $727,149.86 98.76%$9,148.14 $0.00 Total CURRENT PRINCIPAL $1,068,734.76 $723,589.00 67.71%$345,145.76 $0.00 Total CURRENT INTEREST $601,910.07 $224,996.07 37.38%$376,914.00 $115,027.92 Total All Funds $23,686,097.55 $18,588,268.14 78.48%$5,097,829.41 $1,508,965.44 Expenditure Report-April, 2019 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXP. CITY COUNCIL General Expenses $2,500.00 $3,987.00 159.48%($1,487.00)$0.00 Housing Trust $50,000.00 $50,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Designated Reserve $50,000.00 $2,672.36 5.34%$47,327.64 $2,672.36 Advertising $3,000.00 $3,076.00 102.53%($76.00)$0.00 G.B.I.C.$5,000.00 $5,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 V.L.C.T.$15,397.00 $21,858.00 141.96%($6,461.00)$0.00 Chamber of Commerce $4,035.00 $3,600.00 89.22%$435.00 $0.00 Social Services $15,000.00 $13,000.00 86.67%$2,000.00 $0.00 CCTV-Clickable Meetings $10,000.00 $10,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Councilors $5,480.00 $5,392.50 98.40%$87.50 $0.00 Liquor Control $300.00 $295.00 98.33%$5.00 $0.00 Front Porch Forum $4,140.00 $4,608.00 111.30%($468.00)$0.00 Total CITY COUNCIL $164,852.00 $123,488.86 74.91%$41,363.14 $2,672.36 ADMINISTRATIVE INSURANCE Salaries $195,378.50 $169,974.80 87.00%$25,403.70 $9,529.32 Payment to Sickbank Fund $125,000.00 $125,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Fringe Benefits $14,840.00 $6,215.80 41.89%$8,624.20 $1,048.98 FICA/Medicare $14,946.46 $13,422.74 89.81%$1,523.72 $758.90 Vision Plan $14,005.70 $10,635.88 75.94%$3,369.82 ($0.90) Short Term Disability Pla $28,064.28 $43,690.42 155.68%($15,626.14)$0.00 Group Health Insurance $2,073,173.16 $1,979,967.29 95.50%$93,205.87 $157,246.95 Bank - Benefits $10,000.00 $6,035.04 60.35%$3,964.96 $119.00 Group Life Insurance $16,265.00 $33,571.24 206.40%($17,306.24)$0.00 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Group Dental Insurance $115,418.38 $101,250.35 87.72%$14,168.03 $0.00 Pension $1,333,335.16 $162,098.84 12.16%$1,171,236.32 $57,693.96 ICMA Match $161,278.27 $173,235.09 107.41%($11,956.82)$13,779.42 Workers Comp Insurance $369,598.00 $284,812.21 77.06%$84,785.79 $34,988.00 Property Insurance $235,101.00 $207,687.51 88.34%$27,413.49 $5,445.00 VLCT Unemployment Insuran $15,398.00 $10,708.00 69.54%$4,690.00 $0.00 Deductibles/Coinsurance $10,000.00 $7,491.03 74.91%$2,508.97 $0.00 Total ADMINISTRATIVE INSURANCE $4,731,801.91 $3,335,796.24 70.50%$1,396,005.67 $280,608.63 CITY MANAGER City Mgr.Salaries-Perm.$444,272.91 $381,621.38 85.90%$62,651.53 $41,999.61 Leave Time Turn-In $4,595.08 $4,595.08 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $33,986.88 $30,552.15 89.89%$3,434.73 $3,553.27 Office Supplies $4,200.00 $2,837.38 67.56%$1,362.62 $69.22 Advertising $10,000.00 $9,990.81 99.91%$9.19 $1,406.69 Telephone $2,500.00 $2,895.56 115.82%($395.56)$317.61 Postage $2,100.00 $1,711.85 81.52%$388.15 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $2,800.00 $3,264.58 116.59%($464.58)$29.00 Printing $2,000.00 $2,936.58 146.83%($936.58)$0.00 Consulting Fees $55,000.00 $52,727.58 95.87%$2,272.42 $963.43 Travel & Training $8,000.00 $8,110.72 101.38%($110.72)$452.50 Total CITY MANAGER $569,454.87 $501,243.67 88.02%$68,211.20 $48,791.33 LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, ACTUARY FICA/Medicare $7,597.67 $0.00 0.00%$7,597.67 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $4,618.27 $3,414.87 73.94%$1,203.40 $0.00 Required drug testing $1,200.00 $3,131.00 260.92%($1,931.00)$383.00 Payroll Processing Fees $20,000.00 $26,072.03 130.36%($6,072.03)$3,331.98 Appeals/Abatements $10,000.00 $5,028.68 50.29%$4,971.32 $642.62 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Gen Govt. Actuaries/Pensi $22,000.00 $22,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Gen Govt. Audit/Accountin $28,000.00 $26,000.00 92.86%$2,000.00 $100.00 Legal/Labor/Suits $98,000.00 $40,659.20 41.49%$57,340.80 $35,337.18 Legal Costs $99,315.91 $113,806.57 114.59%($14,490.66)($15,887.02) Professional Development $2,000.00 $1,465.00 73.25%$535.00 $0.00 Total LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, ACTUARY $292,731.85 $241,577.35 82.53%$51,154.50 $23,907.76 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Muni Bld Cleaning Supplie $1,700.00 $639.73 37.63%$1,060.27 $0.00 Vehicle - Maintenance $2,000.00 $1,137.15 56.86%$862.85 $172.52 Office Equipment Fees $12,000.00 $2,706.15 22.55%$9,293.85 $30.00 Muni Bld Cleaning Service $30,000.00 $25,113.38 83.71%$4,886.62 $2,392.80 City Hall Maintenance $20,000.00 $24,037.41 120.19%($4,037.41)$0.00 Contingency Fund-Infrastr $140,000.00 $77,094.36 55.07%$62,905.64 $0.00 HVAC Maintenance $2,400.00 $1,562.50 65.10%$837.50 $0.00 Positive Pay Fee $800.00 $658.48 82.31%$141.52 $62.92 Computer Software/Hardwar $0.00 $2,235.83 100.00%($2,235.83)$0.00 Electricity-City Hall $30,000.00 $23,139.93 77.13%$6,860.07 $0.00 Utilities-City Hall $17,000.00 $12,852.67 75.60%$4,147.33 $0.00 Street Lights $142,000.00 $126,544.48 89.12%$15,455.52 $36,649.57 Stormwater User Rent $312,120.00 $238,360.32 76.37%$73,759.68 $123.12 Urban Art Project Park $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,500.00 $0.00 Emergency Mgmt Center $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,000.00 $0.00 Generator Prevent Maint.$1,800.00 $969.17 53.84%$830.83 $0.00 Council/Board Secretary $14,000.00 $10,776.48 76.97%$3,223.52 $837.69 Total ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $728,320.00 $547,828.04 75.22%$180,491.96 $40,268.62 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IT Staff $62,923.05 $64,573.22 102.62%($1,650.17)$10,477.81 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April FICA/Medicare $4,813.61 $5,102.54 106.00%($288.93)$845.12 Computer Software $26,000.00 $24,377.17 93.76%$1,622.83 $4,458.09 IT Utility Services $14,500.00 $10,331.53 71.25%$4,168.47 $505.00 Computer Hardware $24,000.00 $23,643.68 98.52%$356.32 $0.00 IT Service $5,000.00 $2,607.50 52.15%$2,392.50 $0.00 Total INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $137,236.66 $130,635.64 95.19%$6,601.02 $16,286.02 CITY CLERK City Clerk Salaries-Perm.$201,033.80 $167,767.64 83.45%$33,266.16 $15,637.60 Leave Time Turn-In $3,116.30 $0.00 0.00%$3,116.30 $0.00 Overtime $1,000.00 $624.68 62.47%$375.32 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $15,296.44 $13,027.01 85.16%$2,269.43 $1,227.04 General Supplies $2,500.00 $1,607.17 64.29%$892.83 $76.06 Animal Control $5,128.00 $3,622.87 70.65%$1,505.13 $1,383.73 Election Expenses $12,195.00 $8,250.03 67.65%$3,944.97 $0.00 School Election Expenses $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,500.00 $0.00 Telephone $400.00 $148.85 37.21%$251.15 $17.17 Postage $1,200.00 $19.17 1.60%$1,180.83 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $300.00 $355.00 118.33%($55.00)$0.00 Printing $350.00 $266.43 76.12%$83.57 ($976.11) Contractual Services $4,000.00 $3,193.75 79.84%$806.25 ($4,062.50) Board of Civil Authority $3,600.00 $3,020.00 83.89%$580.00 $0.00 Election Workers $3,700.00 $2,911.49 78.69%$788.51 $0.00 BCA Appeals/Abatements $500.00 $170.00 34.00%$330.00 $0.00 Office Equip Maintenance $2,000.00 $845.26 42.26%$1,154.74 $0.00 Travel & Training $3,700.00 $1,713.06 46.30%$1,986.94 $0.00 Photocopier Lease Prin $1,500.00 $1,116.00 74.40%$384.00 $124.00 Total CITY CLERK $263,019.54 $208,658.41 79.33%$54,361.13 $13,426.99 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April ASSESSING/TAX Assessing/Tax Sal.-Perm.$284,304.69 $225,621.74 79.36%$58,682.95 $21,459.22 Overtime $800.00 $612.14 76.52%$187.86 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $21,535.49 $19,040.34 88.41%$2,495.15 $1,770.76 Office Supplies $2,000.00 $3,187.74 159.39%($1,187.74)$0.00 Tax Sales Advertising $500.00 $0.00 0.00%$500.00 $0.00 Telephone $325.00 $196.52 60.47%$128.48 $22.67 Postage $6,000.00 $2,901.03 48.35%$3,098.97 $0.00 Dues and Memberships $600.00 $240.00 40.00%$360.00 $0.00 Printing $3,000.00 $2,118.80 70.63%$881.20 $0.00 NEMRC/APEX $1,400.00 $2,110.38 150.74%($710.38)$0.00 Travel & Training $4,000.00 $4,282.69 107.07%($282.69)$0.00 Total ASSESSING/TAX $324,465.18 $260,311.38 80.23%$64,153.80 $23,252.65 PLANNING/DESIGN REVIEW Planning Salaries-Perm.$326,243.74 $290,456.80 89.03%$35,786.94 $23,825.92 Overtime $0.00 $0.00 0.00%$0.00 ($289.52) FICA/Medicare $22,918.65 $26,267.31 114.61%($3,348.66)$1,847.85 Office Supplies $2,500.00 $2,865.82 114.63%($365.82)$32.98 Public Meeting Advertisin $3,200.00 $1,130.40 35.33%$2,069.60 $192.00 Telephone $300.00 $104.13 34.71%$195.87 $12.01 Postage $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,000.00 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $1,500.00 $891.00 59.40%$609.00 $0.00 Document Printing $1,500.00 $679.48 45.30%$820.52 $0.00 Consultants $55,000.00 $34,069.41 61.94%$20,930.59 $5,829.29 Committee Support $2,900.00 $102.91 3.55%$2,797.09 $0.00 Payment for GIS Services $2,500.00 $0.00 0.00%$2,500.00 $0.00 PC/DRB Stipends $9,000.00 $8,754.17 97.27%$245.83 $0.00 Travel & Training $5,500.00 $1,535.69 27.92%$3,964.31 $1,262.00 Special Projects $25,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$25,000.00 $0.00 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Total PLANNING/DESIGN REVIEW $459,062.39 $366,857.12 79.91%$92,205.27 $32,712.53 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Ambulance Department $155,000.00 $155,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Fuel Pump Reserve Fund $8,200.00 $8,200.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Open Space Reserve Fund $285,000.00 $285,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $448,200.00 $448,200.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXP.$8,119,144.40 $6,164,596.71 75.93%$1,954,547.69 $481,926.89 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Salaries-Permanent $2,002,398.00 $1,515,967.49 75.71%$486,430.51 $147,379.65 Fire Salaries-EMT $83,347.70 $66,073.28 79.27%$17,274.42 $6,206.82 Holiday Pay $186,354.00 $284,369.45 152.60%($98,015.45)$11,437.20 Fair Labor Standard O/T $165,185.77 $0.00 0.00%$165,185.77 $0.00 F/D Overtime - Fill-In $187,000.00 $249,348.48 133.34%($62,348.48)$24,073.50 F/D Overtime - Training $28,000.00 $23,199.28 82.85%$4,800.72 $800.99 F/D Overtime - Emerg Call $7,000.00 $8,576.88 122.53%($1,576.88)$1,069.66 Wellness/Fitness $0.00 $6,483.33 100.00%($6,483.33)$708.33 Fire-Off Duty Outside Emp $3,000.00 $1,100.00 36.67%$1,900.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $206,998.22 $170,128.84 82.19%$36,869.38 $14,638.66 Office Supplies $2,000.00 $1,235.95 61.80%$764.05 $26.58 REHAB Supplies $300.00 $17.94 5.98%$282.06 $0.00 Station Operating Supply $3,000.00 $222.00 7.40%$2,778.00 $0.00 Maintenance Tools $420.00 $474.68 113.02%($54.68)$0.00 Uniforms-Career $15,000.00 $26,270.93 175.14%($11,270.93)$56.00 Firefighting Clothing $8,400.00 $11,885.76 141.50%($3,485.76)$783.27 Vehicle Tools $1,000.00 $1,538.13 153.81%($538.13)$83.29 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Gas Chief's vehicle & rei $2,500.00 $2,317.81 92.71%$182.19 $200.93 Diesel Fuel $15,000.00 $16,195.31 107.97%($1,195.31)$1,670.26 Oil $600.00 $0.00 0.00%$600.00 $0.00 Films and Books $1,000.00 $144.70 14.47%$855.30 $0.00 Fire Prevention Materials $1,500.00 $1,038.59 69.24%$461.41 $81.68 Fire Extinguishers $600.00 $768.00 128.00%($168.00)$0.00 Airpacks Maintenance $4,500.00 $4,819.79 107.11%($319.79)$1,040.66 Telephone $12,000.00 $8,262.12 68.85%$3,737.88 $575.63 Postage-Tool Shipping $450.00 $141.00 31.33%$309.00 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $1,500.00 $805.18 53.68%$694.82 $67.18 Fire Station Maintenance $116,000.00 $14,997.87 12.93%$101,002.13 $929.57 Laundry and Bedding $900.00 $81.15 9.02%$818.85 $0.00 Radio Repair $1,500.00 $2,323.31 154.89%($823.31)$0.00 Vehicle Maintenance $16,000.00 $34,818.11 217.61%($18,818.11)$2,865.40 Vehicle Repair $20,000.00 $20,949.85 104.75%($949.85)$0.00 Equipment R & M $7,500.00 $4,398.55 58.65%$3,101.45 $533.21 Truck Tires $3,000.00 $1,611.94 53.73%$1,388.06 $0.00 Computers Contract ACS $3,000.00 $5,855.43 195.18%($2,855.43)$0.00 Public Safety Equipment $3,400.00 $45.36 1.33%$3,354.64 $0.00 Conferences $1,000.00 $218.67 21.87%$781.33 $0.00 Training Schools $4,500.00 $1,220.94 27.13%$3,279.06 $35.00 Training Equipment $750.00 $0.00 0.00%$750.00 $0.00 Recruiting & Testing $1,000.00 $2,847.24 284.72%($1,847.24)$0.00 Fire Station #2 Heat/Elec $12,500.00 $15,602.10 124.82%($3,102.10)$1,203.21 Fire Safety Equipment $117,000.00 $94,522.75 80.79%$22,477.25 $0.00 F/D Furniture/Equipment $2,500.00 $1,000.00 40.00%$1,500.00 $0.00 Note on Quint Fire Truck $94,000.00 $94,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Capital Leases Prin $500.00 $0.00 0.00%$500.00 $0.00 Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $3,344,103.69 $2,695,878.19 80.62%$648,225.50 $216,466.68 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS Uniforms-Electrical Insp $500.00 $445.67 89.13%$54.33 $0.00 Vehicle-Gas and Repairs $9,600.00 $9,410.38 98.02%$189.62 $47.43 Dues and Subscriptions $250.00 $0.00 0.00%$250.00 $0.00 Training Schools-Electric $500.00 $0.00 0.00%$500.00 $0.00 Equipment Purchase $250.00 $0.00 0.00%$250.00 $0.00 Total ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS $11,100.00 $9,856.05 88.79%$1,243.95 $47.43 AMBULANCE Office Supplies $2,000.00 $49.69 2.48%$1,950.31 $0.00 Medical Supplies-Disposab $29,000.00 $24,646.98 84.99%$4,353.02 $0.00 Medical Supplies-Oxygen $3,500.00 $1,835.01 52.43%$1,664.99 $161.22 Medical Equipment Replace $7,500.00 $10,346.20 137.95%($2,846.20)$2,846.20 Uniforms-Career $6,000.00 $472.00 7.87%$5,528.00 $166.00 Diesel Fuel $6,500.00 $5,159.20 79.37%$1,340.80 $428.82 Training Films and Books $750.00 $0.00 0.00%$750.00 $0.00 Telephone $5,000.00 $4,607.23 92.14%$392.77 $103.00 Billing Postage $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,500.00 $0.00 Dues & Subscriptions $500.00 $0.00 0.00%$500.00 $0.00 Radio Repair $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,000.00 $0.00 Vehicle Maintenance $2,500.00 $28.46 1.14%$2,471.54 $0.00 Vehicle Repair $3,000.00 $3,589.34 119.64%($589.34)$0.00 Equipment R&M $1,250.00 $2,528.76 202.30%($1,278.76)$0.00 Office Equip Maintenance $500.00 $0.00 0.00%$500.00 $0.00 Billing Software/Upgrades $4,000.00 $2,641.49 66.04%$1,358.51 $0.00 Med Equipment Maintenance $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,000.00 $0.00 Training Programs $3,750.00 $220.00 5.87%$3,530.00 $0.00 Training Equipment $500.00 $0.00 0.00%$500.00 $0.00 To Reserve Fund-Training $10,000.00 $10,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Total AMBULANCE $89,750.00 $66,124.36 73.68%$23,625.64 $3,705.24 POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Salaries-Permanent $3,360,434.00 $2,575,098.96 76.63%$785,335.04 $297,536.23 Police Salaries-Other $20,000.00 $15,592.63 77.96%$4,407.37 $0.00 Police Salaries-Overtime $285,000.00 $319,807.94 112.21%($34,807.94)$21,681.99 Holiday Pay $197,275.96 $196,474.35 99.59%$801.61 $0.00 Shift Differential $64,873.80 $38,327.30 59.08%$26,546.50 $3,610.65 Off-Duty Police Salary $10,000.00 $1,720.00 17.20%$8,280.00 $0.00 Fitness $7,200.00 $6,500.00 90.28%$700.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $301,309.57 $240,370.27 79.78%$60,939.30 $20,171.90 Office Supplies $10,500.00 $7,851.66 74.78%$2,648.34 $653.72 Range Supplies $12,000.00 $11,702.18 97.52%$297.82 $0.00 Radio Equipment-Supplies $300.00 $0.00 0.00%$300.00 $0.00 Investigative Supplies $8,120.00 $3,975.10 48.95%$4,144.90 $178.11 Youth Services Supplies $5,000.00 $3,592.17 71.84%$1,407.83 $0.00 Traffic Safety Grant $0.00 $7,894.25 100.00%($7,894.25)$0.00 Traffic Unit Supplies $2,000.00 $528.70 26.44%$1,471.30 $0.00 K-9 Supplies $4,000.00 $3,820.94 95.52%$179.06 $0.00 Janitorial Supplies $3,200.00 $2,816.70 88.02%$383.30 $324.37 Uniform Supplies $35,000.00 $42,364.32 121.04%($7,364.32)$475.14 Tires $9,800.00 $3,045.56 31.08%$6,754.44 $0.00 Gas and Oil $60,000.00 $40,012.59 66.69%$19,987.41 $4,485.51 Telephone $30,000.00 $26,319.32 87.73%$3,680.68 $994.21 Postage $2,200.00 $1,941.51 88.25%$258.49 $20.00 Dues and Subscriptions $2,000.00 $1,785.00 89.25%$215.00 $190.00 Towing Services $1,000.00 $425.00 42.50%$575.00 $0.00 Crime Prevention Supplies $2,000.00 $1,477.35 73.87%$522.65 $0.00 Building Maintenance $15,000.00 $10,791.67 71.94%$4,208.33 $5,039.38 3rd Floor Lease $169,967.00 $7,580.00 4.46%$162,387.00 $758.00 Uniform Cleaning $15,000.00 $10,110.89 67.41%$4,889.11 $999.70 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Office Equip. Contract $6,000.00 $4,243.91 70.73%$1,756.09 ($20.00) Generator Prevent Maint $800.00 $1,259.46 157.43%($459.46)$0.00 Radio Equip. Maintenance $2,000.00 $941.80 47.09%$1,058.20 $0.00 Vehicle Repair $53,500.00 $45,530.80 85.10%$7,969.20 $2,029.56 Computer Connections Syst $8,800.00 $9,018.55 102.48%($218.55)$0.00 Equipment Maintenance $2,000.00 $1,423.00 71.15%$577.00 $0.00 Records Management System $7,600.00 $11,875.00 156.25%($4,275.00)$0.00 Consulting Services $18,000.00 $14,298.20 79.43%$3,701.80 $1,821.20 Animal Control Contracts $24,900.00 $16,789.25 67.43%$8,110.75 $1,589.18 Conferences $6,000.00 $4,642.55 77.38%$1,357.45 $781.93 In-Service Training $28,500.00 $22,106.40 77.57%$6,393.60 $1,146.96 Recruiting & Testing $4,000.00 $4,863.50 121.59%($863.50)$0.00 Electric-Police Dept.$62,000.00 $42,041.74 67.81%$19,958.26 $0.00 Heat/Hot Water $5,500.00 $4,464.42 81.17%$1,035.58 $0.00 Radio Installation Utilit $500.00 $0.00 0.00%$500.00 $0.00 Building Common Area Fees $65,000.00 $47,895.32 73.69%$17,104.68 $0.00 Cleaning/Building Service $34,200.00 $26,950.00 78.80%$7,250.00 $2,695.00 Vehicles and Equipment $108,000.00 $111,712.46 103.44%($3,712.46)$0.00 Vehicle Equipment $5,000.00 $4,249.16 84.98%$750.84 $0.00 Office Equipment $5,000.00 $2,579.62 51.59%$2,420.38 $207.76 Taser Replacement $3,500.00 $3,473.65 99.25%$26.35 $0.00 Police Computerization $93,780.00 $70,658.65 75.35%$23,121.35 $9,605.99 Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $5,177,760.33 $4,032,943.80 77.89%$1,144,816.53 $376,976.49 Total PUBLIC SAFETY $8,622,714.02 $6,804,802.40 78.92%$1,817,911.62 $597,195.84 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT To undesignated reserve f $21,000.00 ($7,683.26)-36.59%$28,683.26 ($1,933.60) To Capital Improvements $750,000.00 $750,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $771,000.00 $742,316.74 96.28%$28,683.26 ($1,933.60) STREETS & HIGHWAYS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Highway Salaries-Perm.$720,753.31 $683,076.02 94.77%$37,677.29 $54,755.48 Highway Salaries-Overtime $25,000.00 $48,550.78 194.20%($23,550.78)$959.05 FICA/Medicare $53,566.19 $56,468.43 105.42%($2,902.24)$4,668.85 Office Supplies $1,800.00 $1,536.24 85.35%$263.76 $158.00 Traffic Light Supplies $25,000.00 $26,150.31 104.60%($1,150.31)$266.40 Sign Supplies $6,500.00 $4,929.16 75.83%$1,570.84 $81.15 City Highways Material $31,000.00 $35,186.31 113.50%($4,186.31)$421.37 Road Striping $20,000.00 $4,491.27 22.46%$15,508.73 $0.00 Winter Salt $100,000.00 $155,279.36 155.28%($55,279.36)$0.00 Winter Sand $300.00 $525.28 175.09%($225.28)$0.00 Winter Liquid Deicer Addi $13,500.00 $17,039.88 126.22%($3,539.88)$0.00 Building Supplies $1,400.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,400.00 $0.00 Uniforms $20,000.00 $15,604.38 78.02%$4,395.62 $657.07 Vehicle Repair Parts $75,000.00 $59,094.37 78.79%$15,905.63 $4,956.26 School Bus Parts $32,500.00 $22,684.76 69.80%$9,815.24 $561.82 Gasoline $20,000.00 $11,324.30 56.62%$8,675.70 ($1,778.73) Oil $6,000.00 $4,687.06 78.12%$1,312.94 $183.77 Diesel Fuel $27,500.00 $6,798.63 24.72%$20,701.37 ($4,217.05) Diesel/Gasoline Non City $125,000.00 $121,593.82 97.28%$3,406.18 $10,747.66 Fuel Station Maintenance $2,000.00 $100.00 5.00%$1,900.00 $0.00 Telephone/Internet $7,500.00 $4,379.45 58.39%$3,120.55 $467.09 Building Maintenance $31,000.00 $27,041.09 87.23%$3,958.91 $1,325.93 HVAC Maintenance $3,500.00 $3,907.62 111.65%($407.62)$0.00 Generator Prevent Maint $1,500.00 $3,882.23 258.82%($2,382.23)$0.00 Tree Care $8,500.00 $7,164.71 84.29%$1,335.29 $0.00 Consulting Services $17,500.00 $2,355.22 13.46%$15,144.78 $1,062.72 Equipment Rental/Purchase $1,750.00 $848.26 48.47%$901.74 $0.00 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Office Equipment Maintnce $1,750.00 $414.12 23.66%$1,335.88 $11.68 Travel & Training $9,000.00 $5,166.50 57.41%$3,833.50 $2,034.00 Utilities - Garage $18,500.00 $10,401.72 56.23%$8,098.28 $1,053.87 Utilities-Garage Heat $13,500.00 $12,270.47 90.89%$1,229.53 $0.00 Traffic Lights $23,500.00 $15,436.20 65.69%$8,063.80 $1,532.49 Vehicle Replacement $255,000.00 $234,124.70 91.81%$20,875.30 $158,312.00 Highway Paving $600,000.00 $608,003.18 101.33%($8,003.18)$0.00 Curbs and Sidewalks $5,000.00 $967.64 19.35%$4,032.36 $0.00 Facilities Stewardship $75,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$75,000.00 $0.00 Spc Prjcts/C Beautifictn $85,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$85,000.00 $0.00 Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $2,464,319.50 $2,211,483.47 89.74%$252,836.03 $238,220.88 Total STREETS & HIGHWAYS $2,464,319.50 $2,211,483.47 89.74%$252,836.03 $238,220.88 CULTURE AND RECREATION RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Rec.Admin.Salaries-Perm.$251,324.00 $197,700.84 78.66%$53,623.16 $20,444.61 FICA/Medicare $19,689.64 $15,836.12 80.43%$3,853.52 $1,598.20 Office Supplies $3,000.00 $940.15 31.34%$2,059.85 $113.32 Telephone $3,733.00 $724.22 19.40%$3,008.78 $81.23 Postage $350.00 $0.00 0.00%$350.00 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $600.00 $1,400.00 233.33%($800.00)$0.00 Scholarships $1,000.00 $1,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Printing $32,000.00 $27,445.68 85.77%$4,554.32 $0.00 Software/Printer Contract $5,000.00 $4,527.30 90.55%$472.70 $0.00 Travel & Training $4,000.00 $2,015.44 50.39%$1,984.56 $224.59 Lease Printer and Copier $5,046.00 $2,631.73 52.15%$2,414.27 $0.00 Total RECREATION ADMINISTRATION $325,742.64 $254,221.48 78.04%$71,521.16 $22,461.95 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April PROGRAMS General Supplies $10,200.00 $6,585.54 64.56%$3,614.46 $352.90 Advertising $5,000.00 $2,524.00 50.48%$2,476.00 $600.30 Special Events $8,000.00 $8,204.00 102.55%($204.00)$33.56 School Use $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$3,000.00 $0.00 Total PROGRAMS $26,200.00 $17,313.54 66.08%$8,886.46 $986.76 RED ROCKS PARK Red Rocks Park Salaries $15,000.00 $5,367.00 35.78%$9,633.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $1,766.00 $289.16 16.37%$1,476.84 $0.00 General Supplies $2,000.00 $586.78 29.34%$1,413.22 $0.00 Clothing $375.00 $184.00 49.07%$191.00 $0.00 Telephone $245.00 $0.00 0.00%$245.00 $0.00 Printing $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,000.00 $0.00 Utilities $500.00 $214.86 42.97%$285.14 $19.15 Total RED ROCKS PARK $20,886.00 $6,641.80 31.80%$14,244.20 $19.15 FACILITIES Park Salaries $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$3,000.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $229.50 $0.00 0.00%$229.50 $0.00 Supplies $6,484.00 $1,902.98 29.35%$4,581.02 $1,387.97 Vehicle Maintenance $3,000.00 $2,609.79 86.99%$390.21 $147.59 Fuel-Gas $1,250.00 $1,118.28 89.46%$131.72 $0.00 Facilities Maintenance $2,825.00 $1,440.00 50.97%$1,385.00 $0.00 Port-O-Lets $4,600.00 $3,662.93 79.63%$937.07 $0.00 Electric-Jaycee Park $1,600.00 $1,283.12 80.20%$316.88 $0.00 Electric-Dorset Park $2,000.00 $1,735.18 86.76%$264.82 $160.19 Electric-Overlook Park $375.00 $193.28 51.54%$181.72 $20.47 Electric-Tennis Courts $550.00 $195.18 35.49%$354.82 $18.98 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Facilities Improvements $23,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$23,000.00 $0.00 Total FACILITIES $48,913.50 $14,140.74 28.91%$34,772.76 $1,735.20 LEISURE ARTS Senior Club Contract $3,500.00 $3,738.00 106.80%($238.00)$292.97 Chorus Directors $3,600.00 $1,800.00 50.00%$1,800.00 $0.00 Total LEISURE ARTS $7,100.00 $5,538.00 78.00%$1,562.00 $292.97 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Adult Programs $22,700.00 $11,339.93 49.96%$11,360.07 $386.51 Swim Lessons-Sport/Fit Ed $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$3,000.00 $0.00 Youth Programs $25,000.00 $14,696.01 58.78%$10,303.99 $2,554.35 Driver's Education $23,400.00 $26,000.00 111.11%($2,600.00)$0.00 Great Escape Tickets $6,500.00 $8,356.00 128.55%($1,856.00)$0.00 Afternoon Skiing-Middle S $10,000.00 $10,760.00 107.60%($760.00)$0.00 City Fest $17,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$17,000.00 $0.00 SoBu Night Out $27,000.00 $1,807.89 6.70%$25,192.11 $0.00 Mornin Joe with Fido $800.00 $0.00 0.00%$800.00 $0.00 Telephone $960.00 $722.64 75.28%$237.36 $93.37 Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $136,360.00 $73,682.47 54.04%$62,677.53 $3,034.23 COMMUNITY LIBRARY Library Salaries $332,443.00 $268,218.58 80.68%$64,224.42 $25,179.15 FICA/Medicare $24,360.89 $22,164.74 90.98%$2,196.15 $2,051.19 Library Supplies $5,800.00 $3,515.24 60.61%$2,284.76 $0.00 Books - Adult $19,000.00 $13,855.36 72.92%$5,144.64 $965.82 Books - Children $9,550.00 $9,613.44 100.66%($63.44)$0.00 DVDs/CDs-Adult $6,500.00 $4,152.26 63.88%$2,347.74 $123.73 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April DVDs/CDs-Children $2,300.00 $843.16 36.66%$1,456.84 $44.23 Program Supplies-Arts/Cra $2,000.00 $1,451.64 72.58%$548.36 $45.00 Young Adult/Graphic Nov $2,500.00 $2,945.91 117.84%($445.91)$124.94 Bookmobile Maintenance $500.00 $50.00 10.00%$450.00 $0.00 Postage $1,000.00 $1,101.12 110.11%($101.12)$300.21 Inter-Library Delivery $1,560.00 $495.00 31.73%$1,065.00 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $800.00 $5,163.72 645.47%($4,363.72)$0.00 Online & Print Subscripti $11,000.00 $7,187.15 65.34%$3,812.85 $148.00 Community Programs $6,000.00 $1,958.90 32.65%$4,041.10 ($289.70) Custodial Services $16,335.00 $13,739.48 84.11%$2,595.52 $1,361.25 Repair/Maintenance Librar $9,000.00 $11,404.72 126.72%($2,404.72)$629.34 Building Lease $45,000.00 $38,500.00 85.56%$6,500.00 $0.00 Computer Operations $600.00 $2,716.99 452.83%($2,116.99)$0.00 Travel & Training $2,000.00 $718.27 35.91%$1,281.73 $105.00 Computer Improvements $3,600.00 $2,644.00 73.44%$956.00 $0.00 C/L Photocopier Lease Pri $2,400.00 $2,584.34 107.68%($184.34)$428.73 Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $504,248.89 $415,024.02 82.31%$89,224.87 $31,216.89 CAPITAL/PARK MAINTENANCE Park Maint.Salaries-Perm.$189,248.28 $164,661.15 87.01%$24,587.13 $16,268.11 Park Maint.Sal.-Overtime $0.00 $9,759.18 100.00%($9,759.18)$80.52 FICA/Medicare $14,477.49 $13,886.16 95.92%$591.33 $1,282.19 Park Supplies $28,500.00 $11,896.46 41.74%$16,603.54 $1,435.79 Cemetery Supplies $300.00 $0.00 0.00%$300.00 $0.00 Homestead at Wheeler Park $0.00 $2,568.89 100.00%($2,568.89)($286.25) Total CAPITAL/PARK MAINTENANCE $232,525.77 $202,771.84 87.20%$29,753.93 $18,780.36 Total CULTURE AND RECREATION $1,301,976.80 $989,333.89 75.99%$312,642.91 $78,527.51 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April OTHER OPERATING ENTITIES County Court $150,000.00 $140,851.86 93.90%$9,148.14 $0.00 Winooski Valley Park $56,592.00 $56,592.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 C.C.T.A.$494,631.00 $494,631.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Regional Planning $35,075.00 $35,075.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Total OTHER OPERATING ENTITIES $736,298.00 $727,149.86 98.76%$9,148.14 $0.00 Total OTHER ENTITIES $736,298.00 $727,149.86 98.76%$9,148.14 $0.00 CURRENT PRINCIPAL, BONDS Public Works Facility $98,549.83 $98,568.00 100.02%($18.17)$0.00 Kennedy Dr Reconstrction $22,493.70 $22,508.00 100.06%($14.30)$0.00 Lime Kiln Bridge $22,493.70 $22,508.00 100.06%($14.30)$0.00 PENSION LIABILITY-PRINCIP $345,205.93 $0.00 0.00%$345,205.93 $0.00 F/D Building Improvements $29,991.60 $30,005.00 100.04%($13.40)$0.00 Police Headquarters $360,000.00 $360,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Communication Equip-CB $190,000.00 $190,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Total CURRENT PRINCIPAL, BONDS $1,068,734.76 $723,589.00 67.71%$345,145.76 $0.00 CURRENT INTEREST, BONDS Public Works Facility $13,858.66 ($8,558.58)-61.76%$22,417.24 $5,553.32 Kennedy Dr Recnstrction $7,132.55 $5,714.94 80.12%$1,417.61 $3,315.43 Lime Kiln Bridge $7,132.55 $5,714.94 80.12%$1,417.61 $3,315.43 PENSION LIABILITY-INTERES $315,742.20 $0.00 0.00%$315,742.20 $0.00 Sewer Note-Solar Array $12,005.00 $12,005.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 F/D Building Improvements $9,564.11 $7,618.48 79.66%$1,945.63 $4,419.74 Police Headquarters $203,472.00 $169,537.20 83.32%$33,934.80 $98,424.00 Parkland, 1992 $0.00 ($450.82)100.00%$450.82 $0.00 Communication Equip-CB $33,003.00 $33,414.91 101.25%($411.91)$0.00 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Total CURRENT INTEREST, BONDS $601,910.07 $224,996.07 37.38%$376,914.00 $115,027.92 Total GENERAL FUND $23,686,097.55 $18,588,268.14 78.48%$5,097,829.41 $1,508,965.44 Total All Funds $23,686,097.55 $18,588,268.14 78.48%$5,097,829.41 $1,508,965.44 Expenditure Report-April, 2019 Sewer Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April W/POLLUTION CONTROL EXPS. Salaries-Permanent $497,041.29 $385,196.34 77.50%$111,844.95 $32,855.17 Payment to Highway-wages $280,454.00 $290,734.22 103.67%($10,280.22)$1,061.48 Leave Time Turn-In $7,194.25 $0.00 0.00%$7,194.25 $0.00 Salaries-Overtime $38,594.40 $55,973.54 145.03%($17,379.14)$5,950.29 Payment to Sick Bank Fund $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$5,000.00 $0.00 PAFO Certification $9,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$9,000.00 $0.00 Sick Bank Payouts $10,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$10,000.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $35,646.24 $36,002.97 101.00%($356.73)$3,177.91 Payment to Highway-FICA/M $22,944.00 $22,944.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Vision Plan $888.07 $823.30 92.71%$64.77 $0.00 Disability Income $1,624.91 $5,710.43 351.43%($4,085.52)$0.00 Long Term Disability Insu $2,925.00 $0.00 0.00%$2,925.00 $0.00 Group Health Insurance $146,364.71 $110,034.06 75.18%$36,330.65 $8,556.32 Benefit Reimbursed to Hig $78,215.00 $78,215.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Group Life Insurance $918.00 $1,611.83 175.58%($693.83)$0.00 Group Dental Insurance $5,109.38 $6,716.24 131.45%($1,606.86)$0.00 Pension $49,860.67 $45,664.58 91.58%$4,196.09 $14,457.52 ICMA Match $15,968.58 $14,949.20 93.62%$1,019.38 $1,441.72 Pension Payment to Highwa $85,518.00 $85,518.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Pension Note Payment $38,675.00 $0.00 0.00%$38,675.00 $0.00 Office Supplies $1,250.00 $1,918.75 153.50%($668.75)$95.26 Plant Supplies $85,000.00 $75,184.96 88.45%$9,815.04 $2,631.41 Ferrous Chloride $200.00 $0.00 0.00%$200.00 $0.00 Polymer $75,000.00 $56,679.00 75.57%$18,321.00 $9,591.00 Sewer Line Maint/Supplies $15,000.00 $123,863.23 825.75%($108,863.23)$353.35 Pumping Station Supplies $25,000.00 $20,040.64 80.16%$4,959.36 $0.00 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Laboratory Supplies $11,000.00 $8,751.83 79.56%$2,248.17 $1,904.42 Caustic Soda and Lime $80,000.00 $82,863.34 103.58%($2,863.34)$0.00 Alum $90,000.00 $87,787.59 97.54%$2,212.41 $7,411.73 Water-Airport-B/B-Pump $1,400.00 $1,049.91 74.99%$350.09 $59.52 Generator Preventive Main $7,000.00 $8,444.59 120.64%($1,444.59)$0.00 Clothing Supplies $3,750.00 $2,302.65 61.40%$1,447.35 $350.16 Truck Parts $6,500.00 $6,622.63 101.89%($122.63)$569.14 Gas - Diesel Fuel - Oil $9,000.00 $9,046.65 100.52%($46.65)$873.20 Fuel - Airport Parkway $60,000.00 $44,505.74 74.18%$15,494.26 $0.00 Fuel - Bartlett Bay $5,500.00 $5,870.22 106.73%($370.22)$0.00 Telephone and Alarms $6,500.00 $5,285.06 81.31%$1,214.94 $375.85 Postage $50.00 $0.00 0.00%$50.00 $0.00 Memberships/Dues $650.00 $1,070.00 164.62%($420.00)$0.00 Discharge Permits $14,000.00 $13,650.00 97.50%$350.00 $0.00 Workers Comp Insurance $17,100.00 $39,996.13 233.90%($22,896.13)$0.00 Property Insurance $45,000.00 $36,725.21 81.61%$8,274.79 $0.00 Unemployment Insurance $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,500.00 $0.00 Insurance Claim $0.00 $2,500.00 100.00%($2,500.00)$0.00 Safety $7,500.00 $17,765.08 236.87%($10,265.08)$595.85 Billing Payment to CWD $43,500.00 $25,000.00 57.47%$18,500.00 $0.00 Soil/Sludge Management $140,000.00 $94,277.41 67.34%$45,722.59 $11,561.26 Discharge Water Testing $600.00 $0.00 0.00%$600.00 $0.00 Landfill Fees $1,500.00 ($257.30)-17.15%$1,757.30 $0.00 HVAC Maintenance $18,000.00 $16,698.78 92.77%$1,301.22 $1,772.58 Auditing $6,214.00 $6,214.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Engineering/Consulting $80,000.00 $5,410.03 6.76%$74,589.97 $0.00 Landfill Engineering $25,000.00 $18,246.85 72.99%$6,753.15 $0.00 PMT TO STORMWATER-GIS $4,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$4,000.00 $0.00 Office Equipment Contract $750.00 $0.00 0.00%$750.00 $0.00 Wireless Communication $2,000.00 $547.62 27.38%$1,452.38 $0.00 Administrative Services $150,336.00 $150,336.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April IT Service $4,500.00 $0.00 0.00%$4,500.00 $0.00 Burlington Sewer Lines $240,000.00 $220,559.13 91.90%$19,440.87 $0.00 Travel & Training $7,000.00 $2,803.11 40.04%$4,196.89 $739.00 Utilities-Pumping Station $65,000.00 $57,959.96 89.17%$7,040.04 $6,757.92 Utilities--L/Fill Station $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$3,000.00 $0.00 Electric-Airport Parkway $180,000.00 $128,165.12 71.20%$51,834.88 $14,041.43 Electric-Bartlett Bay $110,000.00 $88,660.87 80.60%$21,339.13 $10,016.60 Replacement-Vehicles $65,000.00 $72,721.73 111.88%($7,721.73)$0.00 Building Improvements $10,000.00 $5,411.91 54.12%$4,588.09 $497.99 Pumps Replacements $50,000.00 $7,356.98 14.71%$42,643.02 $1,531.18 Pump Repairs $40,000.00 $39,010.76 97.53%$989.24 $0.00 Bartlett Bay Upgrades $40,000.00 $37,456.05 93.64%$2,543.95 $0.00 Loan for Airport Parkway $1,272,059.74 $0.00 0.00%$1,272,059.74 $0.00 Bartlett Bay Bond Replace $245,000.00 $245,000.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Scope BTV/SB Sewer $75,000.00 $2,124,651.42 2832.87%($2,049,651.42)$0.00 Capital Improvements-CIP $1,895,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,895,000.00 $0.00 Total W/POLLUTION CONTROL EXPS.$6,673,301.24 $5,138,247.35 77.00%$1,535,053.89 $139,229.26 Total ENTERPRISE FUND/W.P.C.$6,673,301.24 $5,138,247.35 77.00%$1,535,053.89 $139,229.26 Total All Funds $6,673,301.24 $5,138,247.35 77.00%$1,535,053.89 $139,229.26 Expenditure Report-April, 2019 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April S/WATER UTILITIES EXPS Salaries-Permanent $525,912.20 $377,372.25 71.76%$148,539.95 $37,279.68 Salaries-Overtime $0.00 $22,319.54 100.00%($22,319.54)$525.32 Payroll Svc & Testing to $880.00 $480.00 54.55%$400.00 $480.00 FICA/Medicare $38,652.65 $33,899.03 87.70%$4,753.62 $3,063.79 Vision Plan $941.66 $480.50 51.03%$461.16 $0.00 Disability Income Insuran $1,624.91 $6,374.63 392.31%($4,749.72)$0.00 Group Health Insurance $116,104.80 $124,135.15 106.92%($8,030.35)$11,337.72 Reimburse to Highway Bene $10,429.00 $10,429.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Health Insurance FICA $3,187.05 $0.00 0.00%$3,187.05 $0.00 Group Life Insurance $893.25 $1,749.55 195.86%($856.30)$0.00 Group Dental Insurance $6,621.91 $3,933.62 59.40%$2,688.29 $0.00 Pension $63,623.21 $0.00 0.00%$63,623.21 $0.00 ICMA Match $25,417.19 $29,527.45 116.17%($4,110.26)$1,785.92 Pension Note Payment $26,510.00 $0.00 0.00%$26,510.00 $0.00 Office Supplies $1,750.00 $860.18 49.15%$889.82 $108.82 Small Equipment/Tools $3,000.00 $2,530.28 84.34%$469.72 $0.00 Uniforms/Supplies $6,500.00 $5,297.21 81.50%$1,202.79 $34.99 Gasoline $2,500.00 $2,433.07 97.32%$66.93 $195.50 Oil $300.00 $125.32 41.77%$174.68 $28.00 Diesel Fuel $5,200.00 $3,342.15 64.27%$1,857.85 $867.12 Permit Requirement-Educat $10,000.00 $5,500.00 55.00%$4,500.00 $0.00 Advertising-Public Relati $0.00 ($226.50)100.00%$226.50 $0.00 Telephone $2,300.00 $1,544.23 67.14%$755.77 $147.38 Postage $125.00 $0.00 0.00%$125.00 $0.00 Membership/Dues $300.00 $255.00 85.00%$45.00 $0.00 Discharge Permits Renewal $30,000.00 $16,150.40 53.83%$13,849.60 $0.00 Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2019 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid April Workers Comp Insurance $5,100.00 $11,928.66 233.90%($6,828.66)$0.00 Property Insurance $12,300.00 $10,038.28 81.61%$2,261.72 $0.00 Unemployment Insurance $2,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$2,000.00 $0.00 GIS-Fees/Software $12,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$12,000.00 $0.00 Sediment & Depris Disposa $750.00 $185.00 24.67%$565.00 $0.00 Water Quality Monitoring $35,000.00 $24,055.45 68.73%$10,944.55 $0.00 Building/Grounds Maint $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$1,000.00 $0.00 Vehicle Maintenance $6,000.00 $7,853.67 130.89%($1,853.67)$754.60 Storm System Maint Materi $45,000.00 $46,557.16 103.46%($1,557.16)$132.65 Printing $100.00 $522.00 522.00%($422.00)$0.00 Legal Services $15,000.00 $8,556.08 57.04%$6,443.92 $1,320.50 To GF-Audit and Actuary $0.00 $3,555.00 100.00%($3,555.00)$0.00 Engineering-Watershed $60,000.00 $4,446.59 7.41%$55,553.41 $0.00 Billing Payment CWD $48,000.00 $25,000.00 52.08%$23,000.00 $0.00 Office Equipment Maintena $2,000.00 $446.45 22.32%$1,553.55 $0.00 Equipment Rental $750.00 $1,103.68 147.16%($353.68)$0.00 Conference/Training Expen $5,000.00 $2,645.70 52.91%$2,354.30 $23.00 S/W Bldg Utilities $3,500.00 $2,596.82 74.19%$903.18 $115.14 Stormwater Pumps Electric $300.00 $179.05 59.68%$120.95 $20.18 Vehicles/Equipment $200,000.00 $66,049.02 33.02%$133,950.98 $0.00 Stormwater Capital Projec $1,120,000.00 $578,581.47 51.66%$541,418.53 $12,440.19 Office Furniture/Equipmen $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00%$5,000.00 $0.00 Flow Restoration Plan Ana $15,000.00 $3,008.75 20.06%$11,991.25 $0.00 Reimbursement to Highway $18,773.00 $18,773.00 100.00%$0.00 $0.00 Total S/WATER UTILITIES EXPS $2,495,345.83 $1,464,593.89 58.69%$1,030,751.94 $70,660.50 Total STORM WATER UTILITIES $2,495,345.83 $1,464,593.89 58.69%$1,030,751.94 $70,660.50 Total All Funds $2,495,345.83 $1,464,593.89 58.69%$1,030,751.94 $70,660.50