HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/07/2019 CITY COUNCIL 7 JANUARY 2019 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 7 January 2019, at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: H. Riehle, Chair; M. Emery, T. Barritt, T. Chittenden, D. Kaufman Also Present: K. Dorn, City Manager; T. Hubbard, Deputy City Manager; A. Bolduc, City Attorney; D. Kinville, City Clerk; Chief S. Burke, Police Department; Chief T. Francis, Fire Department; P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; I. Blanchard, Project Manager; S. Dory, Finance Officer; J. Rabidoux, Public Works Director; H. Rees, Recreation Director; C. Holm, Community Engagement; J. Murray, Librarian; S. Moore, Human Resources Director; F. Davis, L. McGinnis, other members of the Energy Committee 1. Instructions on exiting building in case of emergency: Mr. Dorn provided instructions on emergency evacuation of the building. 2. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the Agenda. 3. Comments and Questions from the public not related to the agenda: No issues were raised. 4. Announcements and City Manager’s Report: Council members reported on meetings and events they had attended in recent weeks. Mr. Dorn: Interim Zoning committees begin work tomorrow night involving a joint meeting with the Council and Planning Commission. The City Charter Committee meets Wednesday regarding a local option tax proposal. There will be a meeting tomorrow with Joe Esty regarding the unified dispatch program. There will be a meeting with the Snyder-Braverman people to see how City Center developments are going. On Thursday, Mr. Dorn and Ms. Blanchard will meet with a potential roof-top solar vendor. The Community Collaborative group met last week regarding mental health issues. There will be a “check‐in” with the Community Health Council tomorrow. Mr. Dorn met with Linda McGinnis regarding energy efficiency and she was very positive about the city’s plan. Lou Bresee will join the team as Energy Director, 15 hours a week. A former Planning Department person has been hired to do Lou’s prior job of digitizing records. SSBA will hold its minter meeting on 15 January. The Rotary Honors Night will be held on 24 January, 5:30 p.m., at Trader Duke’s. Sarah Belavance and the Police Department's K9 "Rush" were featured in a Free Press article. 5. Consent Agenda: a. Approve and Sign Disbursement b. Review and resolve to file no objection to classification of project proposed at 7 Fayette Dr. as a de minimis modification of telecommunications facility under 30 V.S.A. Section 248a Mr. Barritt questioned whether there are other facilities present at the Fayette Drive site. Mr. Bolduc said Ms. Lafferty did a thorough study and said the project qualifies as a de minimis. Ms. Emery moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mr. Barritt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consider and possibly approve warning a public hearing for the Tuesday, January 22nd City Council Meeting to hear from the public on matters relating to a $525,000 Community Development program grant to support construction of the Allard Square Building: Mr. Dorn explained that this was a routine matter to comply with federal regulations. The city has received the funds and transmitted them to the Allard Square people. Ms. Emery moved to warn a public hearing for 22 January at 7 p.m. to hear from the public on matters related to the $525,000 Community Development program grant to support construction of the Allard Square Building. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Consider and possibly approve warning two public hearings to consider charter amendments for a January 28, 2019 special Council meeting at 7 p.m. and February 4, 2019 regular Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. (NOTE: Council discussion of the actual charter change proposal will occur at a special meeting of the Council on Monday, 14 January 2019): Mr. Kaufman expressed concern that the 2 projects are tied together when one has a sound financial base and the other does not. Mr. Chittenden said he does not support the meetings because the City Charter Committee has not yet met. He said he is also not convinced about an 8% sales tax. He is OK with the 8% Rooms & Meals Tax because Burlington has already done this. Ms. Emery said she is also not decided but feels that there should be a public hearing about it. Mr. Kaufman said he has the same concerns as Mr. Chittenden but agrees with Ms. Emery about hearing from the public. Mr. Barritt said he understands Mr. Chittenden’s position but would like a good discussion. People he talked to were not overly rejecting the added sales tax. Ms. Emery moved to warn two public hearings to consider charter amendments on January 28th at 7 p.m. and February 4th at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Kaufman seconded. Motion passed 4-1 with Mr. Chittenden opposing. 8. Interview and possible appointment to the Dog Park Committee: The Council interviewed Frank Davis for possible appointment to the Dog Park Committee. It was noted that two other people have expressed interest in serving on that Committee but have not yet submitted applications. Members agreed to delay making an appointment until the other possible candidates have had a chance to apply. 9. FY20 Budget Discussion with Department Managers and Staff: Mr. Hubbard noted the proposed budget results in a 2.84% tax rate increase. The General Fund budget is proposed at $24,500,000. With $16,000,000 to be raised by taxes. New positions being funded in the proposed budget include: a. 2 new firefighters (Mr. Hubbard noted this will decrease the amount spent on overtime and will also put less stress on firefighters b. IT support/succession for Al Reed who will be retiring in a year or so c. Additional staff hours at the Library d. $40,000 for a 1/3 to ½ time position for an Energy Coordinator. Part of this funding will come from the stewardship fund and part from Special Projects in the Planning Department budget. There is a 6% health care increase and a 6% pension increase. Workers Compensation is at 5.5% (set by the State). Mr. Hubbard noted that no contracts have yet been approved for the bargaining units. Funding for the Winooski Valley Park District is up a little. Green Mountain Transit is up $10,000. CCTV will potentially double to $10,000. Mr. Hubbard stressed that this is just a presentation of the General Fund budget proposal. The Enterprise accounts will be heard on next Monday’s agenda. The proposed tax increase will result in a $49/year increase for the average home owner and $34/year for the average condo owner. This does not include the extra 1 cent for paths approved by the voters. Department Managers then presented their budget information as follows: Community Engagement: Ms. Holm noted that some salaries had been moved to this account. Major budget elements include branding/outreach (including a portion of the SOBU Life Magazine and banners), Web Site contact, electronic communications to residents, and the digitizing of all records in Laser Fiche. Community Library: Ms. Murray said the major budget increase is for additional personnel hours to accommodate the increased Library traffic. They are now seeing 2,000 people per month and 163 more computer log-ins. It is no longer safe to have just 2 people there. City Clerk: Ms. Kinville noted that budget fluctuations from year to year result from the number of elections in those years. 2019 will have only one election, but 2020 will have at least 3. The proposed budget includes an increase in pay for election workers. All workers will now receive minimum wage, and the presiding officers will receive $15.00 an hour. Ms. Kinville noted that worker’s salaries had not been increased since before she became City Clerk. Police Department: Chief Burke said the proposed budget includes a significant increase in fitness which more accurately reflects expenses. There are also increases in uniforms and supplies and munitions. Community outreach is reflected in its own line item now. There is also a subscription to IHMS, a physical therapy groups for body maintenance (how officers wear equipment, etc.). In-service training will be provided for officers up for promotion and also crisis negotiation training. The records management system will also see an increase. Human Resources: Ms. Moore said the Electronic SDS (Safety Data Sheets) Library will help to keep employees safe. The Department is “going green” with payroll. All benefits vendors will be merged together and managed by ADP for more efficiency. There is an on-line training portal which includes a learning management system, applicants’ tracking system, and on‐boarding portal for new hires. Public Works: Mr. Rabidoux noted a $20,000 increase in winter salt (reflective of actual cost and an increase in cost). There is also $40,000 for a garage bay expansion (a CIP project). About $50,000 worth of ash trees will be removed as part of a 7-year program to replant them with other species due to the Emerald Ash Bore infestation. Some of the work will be done in-house. The Facilities Stewardship Fund has been reduced to help support the new Energy Manager position. Recreation and Parks: Ms. Rees noted that dues and subscriptions are up to cover all staff. Training and travel are also up to allow 3 people to attend the State conference and 2 people to attend the national conference. There will be no gate fee at Red Rocks again this year. (Council members asked for an update on what has been done regarding park management and upkeep). Revenue increases are a result of an increase in adult courses and SOBU night out (vendors, sponsorships, etc.). Fire Department: Chief Francis said 2018 was the busiest year ever with 3700 calls. The Department is addressing the overtime issue with 2 new Firefighters. The Chief noted that December was a very hard month on his staff, including 5 attempted suicides. Time off is very important for people dealing with these incidents. The Chief also noted a change in the type of training required by the State including fire, specialized rescue, EMS and training for events where weapons are involved. That special training cannot be done during the regular work day because of the high volume of calls. The budget also includes uniforms for the increased staff, maintenance of Air Packs and radios (which are now off warranty), recruiting and testing, and fitness equipment. (Mr. Dorn thanked the people at Trader Dukes for donating 6 pieces of excellent fitness equipment.) Chief Francis noted that Engine #2 is now paid off. With regard to maintenance of other vehicles, the Chief noted that road hazards have taken a toll on wheels, which are very expensive to replace. The ambulance service saw 2100 transports to the hospital in 2018. 46% of those were 65 years of age or older, and 62% of those needed some sort of advanced care. The Chief noted there will be some changes coming with regard to Medicare and Medicaid services. These are still an unknown. Planning & Zoning: Mr. Conner said they are projecting a flat budget for next year. He explained the Laser Fiche project and noted that they are one of the companies doing data depository. What is proposed for the coming budget is step one of multiple steps which will ultimately involve human resources, assessors, etc. Ms. Emery said she would like to see an update on who people are and where they work. She also asked about legal expenses. Mr. Hubbard noted the savings resulting from the hiring of a second City Attorney, reducing the need to go out of house for many legal services. Mr. Dorn then updated the Council on action related to the Energy Committee request and noted staff has come up with a way to meet the expectation of the energy plan. Funds from the landfill solar project will be used for energy conservation projects. These will be off the ground by March 1. Ms. McGinnis thanked staff for acting so fast to put together a proposal and said this will be a great investment for the city. 10. Consider and possibly approve FY20 Proposed General Fund Budget: Mr. Chittenden moved to approve the FY 20 proposed General Fund Budget as presented. Mr. Kaufman seconded. Members agreed to delay action on the motion until the Enterprise Fund budgets are presented on 14 January. 11. Councilor reports on Committee assignments: No reports were presented. 12. Other Business: a. Items Held from Consent Agenda b. Other No other business was presented. As there was no further business to come before the Council, Mr. Barritt moved to adjourn. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 01/08/19 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid 1/8/2019 3493 Bevins & Son Inc. 7,750.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/18/2018 VI-14713 18273 7,750.00 7,750.00 1/8/2019 3494 Champlain Water District 110,420.19 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/31/2018 VI-14720 DECEMBER 109,840.50 109,840.50 12/31/2018 VI-14721 SBWD-338 579.69 579.69 1/8/2019 3495 E.J. Prescott, Inc. 4,984.08 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/20/2018 VI-14705 5490855 147.39 147.39 12/20/2018 VI-14706 5486922 728.02 728.02 12/17/2018 VI-14708 5489176 104.30 104.30 12/19/2018 VI-14710 5490302 191.83 191.83 12/19/2018 VI-14711 5484014 2,092.50 2,092.50 12/13/2018 VI-14712 5486902 545.39 545.39 12/10/2018 VI-14714 5486554 412.86 412.86 12/7/2018 VI-14715 5485144 376.63 376.63 12/12/2018 VI-14716 5486938 144.20 144.20 12/20/2018 VI-14722 5488445 49.13 49.13 12/14/2018 VI-14723 5488768 191.83 191.83 1/8/2019 3496 FirstLight Fiber 52.06 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/15/2018 VI-14709 4694695 52.06 52.06 1/8/2019 3497 Municipal And Contractor Serv. 1,987.50 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/20/2018 VI-14704 2365 1,987.50 1,987.50 1/8/2019 3498 Office Essentials 1,148.94 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/14/2018 VI-14717 35730 169.34 169.34 12/17/2018 VI-14718 35737 979.60 979.60 1/8/2019 3499 Ti-Sales Inc. 7,264.68 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/14/2018 VI-14707 INV0099707 7,264.68 7,264.68 1/8/2019 3500 James Tourville 90.50 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/18/2018 VI-14719 REFUND 90.50 90.50 Printed: January 02, 2019 Page 1 of 2 South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 01/08/19 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid Total Amount Paid: 133,697.95 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Printed: January 02, 2019 Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 2 MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington City Council FROM: Amanda S. E. Lafferty, South Burlington Deputy City Attorney DATE: 01-07-2019 City Council meeting RE: Application to the Public Utility Commission for a Certificate of Public Good for a de minimis modification of a telecommunications facility Background Pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 248a(a), the construction or installation of telecommunications facilities1 that are to be interconnected with other telecommunications facilities proposed or already in existence, requires a certificate of public good (“CPG”) issued by the Public Utility Commission (“PUC”). An applicant for a de minimis modification of a telecommunications facility in South Burlington must provide to the City Council written notice of its intent to make such a modification, including a description of the de minimis modification, its plans for the de minimis modification, and its certification that the project constitutes a de minimis modification as that term is defined in 30 V.S.A. § 248a(b)(2): . . . [t]he addition, modification, or replacement of telecommunications equipment, antennas, or ancillary improvements[2] on a telecommunications facility or existing support structure, whether or not the structure was constructed as a telecommunications facility, or the reconstruction of such a facility or support structure, provided: (A) the height and width of the facility or support structure, excluding equipment, antennas, or ancillary improvements, are not increased; (B) the total amount of impervious surface, including access roads, surrounding the facility or support structure is not increased by more than 300 square feet; 1 “Telecommunications facility" means a communications facility that transmits and receives signals to and from a local, State, national, or international network used primarily for two-way communications for commercial, industrial, municipal, county, or State purposes and any associated support structure that is proposed for construction or installation which is primarily for communications purposes, and any ancillary improvements that are proposed for construction or installation and are primarily intended to serve the communications facilities or support structure. An applicant may seek approval of construction or installation of a telecommunications facility whether or not the telecommunications facility is attached to an existing structure. 2 “Ancillary improvements" means telecommunications equipment and site improvements that are primarily intended to serve a telecommunications facility, including wires or cables and associated poles to connect the facility to an electric or communications grid; fencing; equipment cabinets or shelters; emergency backup generators; and access roads. Page 2 of 2 (C) the addition, modification, or replacement of an antenna or any other equipment on a facility or support structure does not extend vertically more than 10 feet above the facility or support structure and does not extend horizontally more than 10 feet from the facility or support structure; and (D) the additional equipment, antennas, or ancillary improvements on the support structure, excluding cabling, does not increase the aggregate surface area of the faces of the equipment, antennas, or ancillary improvements on the support structure by more than 75 square feet. Unless an objection to the classification of the proposed project as a de minimis modification is filed with the PUC by January 14, 2019, the PUC shall issue a CPG. See 30 V.S.A. § 248a(k)(emphasis added). Project Bell Atlantic Mobil Systems of Allentown, Inc. and Cellco Partnership, each d/b/a Verizon – 7 Fayette Road, filed with PUC on December 13, 2018. In summary and based on the submitted documents in your packet, Verizon proposes to pipe-mount in each of three sectors on the roof of an existing building each of the following: two antennas, one remote radio head and one OVP distribution box. These antennas will connect via co-axial, fiber, electric, and hybrid fiber cables laid across the roof to a raised equipment platform located at the base of the northwesterly portion of the existing building in a proposed fenced 13’ x 19’ enclosure. If Council desires to file an objection to the classification of the proposed project as a de minimis modification, please remove this item from the consent agenda for discussion later in this meeting. EXHIBIT LH-1 .. '· \~ ' ::: \ :.. ENGINEERING• PLANNING • ~ MANAGEMENT• DEVELOPMENT ::,;;.::::::!;'.~~r-~'f~~~E;,,,,J. 6 GREENTREE DRIVE 'IJ.l~J.:;..IS,..~"}' SO. ~~~L;~~~~~ ... 'fse~3 NOTES: 1. PROPERTY OWNER: LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE 2. SITE 911 ADDRESS: 7 FAYETTE DRIVE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 3. APPLICANT: BELL ATLANTIC MOBILE SYSTEMS OF ALLENTOWN, INC. AND CELLCO PARTNERSHIP EACH D/B/A VERIZON WIRELESS C/O BRIAN SULLIVAN, ESQ., MURPHY SULLIVAN KRONK P.O. BOX 4485, 275 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON, VT 05401-4485 802-861-7000 4. ENGINEER: DUBOIS & KING, INC. 6 GREEN TREE DRIVE SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 05403 802-878-7661 5. ADD PROPOSED USE: VERIZON WIRELESS: UNATTENDED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY. (1-2) VISITS PER MONTH BY TECHNICIAN. NO WATER OR SEWER SERVICES REQUIRED. 6. PROPERTY BOUNDARIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AS PROVIDED BY CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON TAX MAPS. DUBOIS & KING, INC. DID NOT PERFORM A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 7. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PERFORMED BY DUBOIS & KING, INC. ON JANUARY 10, 2018. 8. WETLAND DELINEATION PERFORMED BY DUBOIS & KING, INC. ON DECEMBER 2, 2016. 9. ELEVATIONS FROM GPS OBSERVATION. LEGEND --OHE-- --UET-- -x-x- APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE 01/ERHEAD ELEClRIC EROSION CONlROL SILT FENCE CONSTRUCTION FENCE UNDERGROUND ELEC & TEL LINE CHAIN LINK FENCE EXISTING 01/ERHEAD UTILITY POlE EXISTING 2' CONTOUR LINE EXISTING 1 O' CONTOUR LINE STONEWALL EXISTING TREE LINE -~-PROPOSED lREE LINE POSTED SPEED LIM IT = 25 M.P.H. AREA OF CLEARING = AREA OF DISTURBANCE PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA 40 ~ ~-- GRAPIIlC SCALE 20 40 BO I I I ( IN FEET ) 110 S.F. 140 S.F. 0 S.F. inch = 40 ft. AT 22X34 HALF SIZE AT 11Xl? 160 I FAX: (866) 783-7101 ~~~g'~'tfm SPRINGFIELD, VT BEDFORD, NH LAGONIA, NH C Copyright2018 Dubola & King tnc. PROFESSIONAL SEAL "' "' I I w N "',_ --... I I 0 N 0 PROJECT ID; 2D171845e73 PROJECTTYPE: BCDRE LOCATION cooe: 470783 S BURL6 VT 7 FAYETTE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 SHEET TITLE OVERALL SITE PLAN PERMIT PLANS WH 423196L PAOJ. ENG. WH SHEET NUMBER C-1 l ) PROPOSED VERIZON 15'X20' FENCED COMPOUND (2) PROPOSED VERIZON EQUIPMENT CABINETS EXIST! G Tfi'E( LINC PROPOSED- TREE LINE PROPOSED VERIZON - BACKBOARD PROPOSED VERIZON 25KW GENERATOR PROPOSED VERIZON UNDERGROUND NATURAL GAS SERVICE . g :J PROPOSED VERIZON ELECTRICAL SERVICE FROM EXISTING! EXISTING ! TRANSFORMER GARBAGE ENCLOSURE ~ EXISTING\ METAL STAIRCASE EXISTING BUILDING ------------------·---PROPOSED VERIZON DISTRIBUTION BOX MOUNTED ON PIPE -(2) PROPOSED VERIZON JAHH-65A-R.3B PANEL ANTENNAS PER SECTOR. 6 TOTAL. PIPE MOUNTED ON ROOF. ------ ALPHA SECTOR --------------- -PROPOSED VERIZON NATURAL GAS METER '-' (1) PROPOSED VERIZON SAMSUNG RRH BR049 PER SECTOR. .3 TOTAL. PIPE MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS. LAT: 44·-2s·-1a.13• LONG: 73"-12' -42.28" ~EXISTING NATURAL GAS METERS PROPOSED VERIZON 9'X15' ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM WITH ROOF PROPOSED VERIZON FIBER HYBRID MOUNTED ON ROOF PROPOSED VERIZON ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE ROUTED FROM EXISTING SERVICE ROOM IN BUILDING --"El I ,-- ' I __ J1 .. - __ J:i ------ !-- ---q I --_g CONCENTRA URGENT CARE PROPOSED VERIZON MOUNTING FRAMES ON ROOF (2) PROPOSED VERIZON DISTRIBUTION BOXES MOUNTED ON PIPE 0 GAMMA SECTOR I . ,,;;;--- LAT: 44'-26'-17.12" LONG: 7Y-12'-41.75" NOTE: BUILDING PLANS PROVIDED BY WEIMANN LAMPHERE ARCHITECTS, DATED MARCH, 2008. BETA SECTOR LAT: 44'-26'-17.12" LONG: 73"-12'-41.67" 100' .• r -------- -------- /-------- I '--- EXISTING BUILDING Ll --:::;:-----__ ,_ ' ) ---;=-='- ~ I L 15 0 ~-- GRAPHIC SCALE 7.,5 15 I 30 I ( IN FEET ) inch = 15 ft. AT 22X34 HALF SIZE AT 11Xl7 60 I ENGINEERING• PLANNING• MANAGEMENT• DEVELOPMENT 6 GREEN TREE DRIVE SO. BURUNGTON, VT 05403 TEL: (802) 878-7661 FAX: (866) 783-7101 ~~u~~~~m SPRINGFIELD, VT BEDFORD, NH LACONIA. NH 0 Copyright20t8 Dubai• & Kirci Inc. PROFESSIONAL SEAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS II) II) I I w NII) 1---< I I 0 N 0 ~ WNfslwire/ess PROJECT ID: 20171845873 PROJECT TYPE: BC ORE LOCATION CODE: 470783 S BURL 6 VT 7 FAYETTE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT05403 SHEET TITLE DETAIL SITE PLAN PERMIT PLANS JWP OCT. 2018 CHECKED WH PROJ.ENG. WH SHEET NUMBER C-2 / / / (2) PROPOSED VERIZON JAHH-65A-R3B PANEL ANTENNAS PER SECTOR, 6 TOTAL. PIPE MOUNTED ON ROOF. --12:_l' ~.G.L. (232:!' M.S.L.)± ~ TOP OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS ~· ~.G.L. (229.~' M.S.L.)± ~ CENTER OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS NOTE: PROPOSED VERIZON RRH UNIT AND SECTOR DISTRIBUTION BOX MOUNTED ON FRAME BEHIND ANTENNAS (1) PROPOSED VERIZON SAMSUNG RRH BR049 PER SECTOR, 3 TOTAL. PIPE MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS. PROPOSED VERIZON 6-PORT OVP DISTRIBUTION BOX PROPOSED VERIZON ~ MOUNTING FRAMES rF1 PROPOSED VERIZON 23•6' A.G.!,: (225•6' M.:..S~~ ON ROOF • I&?""-/MOUNTING FRAMES ON ROOF / TOP OF EXISTING PARAPET'J' 1.--------~---~-~-----. ~1--1--~--1-1~-1-~~!:J:o:~-,:.,:.:~--:-------------~--1--t-------~--i~~::;;~~~~i;~t~---------------~----------------~--------------------~~' 1 ' ' : I : s-PORT !ovP DISTRIBUTION 1 i 1ToP OF EXISTING ROOF I I i, ' ' • '1· I BOXES i : ' ,I ' ; I i Ii I I i ' ! ! ' ~-. . i ······ ~ ! I j l I ; ! ! -··-·-. ··-·------l i ; _::..:___-=====II '~G·!:: (202.0' ~S~ EXISTING G~ NOTE: BUILDING PLANS PROVIDED BY WEIMANN LAMPHERE ARCHITECTS, DATED MARCH, 2008. - EAST BUILDING ELEVATION I I •· .. '~'3- ----:;-- ·----+ ----;--~·----- ·f ' . . I= ~' l ' .. ' (I= I . ' 4 0 p• -- I GRAPHIC SCALE 2 8 I I ( IN FEET } 1 inch = 4 ft. AT 22X34 HALF SIZE AT 11Xl7 16 I ENGINEERING• PLANNING• MANAGEMENT• DEVELOPMENT 6 GREEN TREE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 TEL: (802) 878-7661 FAX: (866) 78:>-7101 ~~u8gi~J,9vrcom SPRINGFIELD, VT BEDFORD, NH LACONIA. NH CCopyright2D18 Dubais & King Inc. PROFESSIONAL SEAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS \_.:- :c p -, " -' u ""' I I w N «> >---< I I O N 0 W!ft2!!11wireless PROJECT ID: 20171645673 PROJECT TYPE: BC DRE L.OCAllON CODE; 470783 SBURL6VT 7 FAYETTE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT05403 SHEET TITLE EAST BUILDING ELEVATION PERMIT PLANS , •. ~ ..... ~·· JWP OCT. 2018 I r..HECKEDHY ~· "-·· WH 423196L PROJ. ENG. ·--~-.. ~ WH SHEET NUMBER C-3 NOTE: PROPOSED VERIZON RRH UNIT AND SECTOR DISTRIBUTION BOX MOUNTED ON FRAME BEHIND ANTENNAS L~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 i I II II ENTRANCE TO PARKING GARAGE NOTE: II BUILDING PLANS PROVIDED BY WEIMANN LAMPHERE ARCHITECTS, DATED MARCH, 2008. I II SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATION s30.1' A.G.!:; (232.1' M..:.S~ TOP OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS ~27.8' A.G.!:; {229.8' M..:.S~ CENTER OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS (1) PROPOSED VERIZON SAMSUNG RRH BR049 PER SECTOR, 3 TOTAL. PIPE MOUNTED BEHIND ANTENNAS. (2) PROPOSED VERIZON \ JAHH-65A-R3B PANEL ANTENNAS PER SECTOR, 6 TOTAL. PIPE MOUNTED ON ROOF. ~~6 _ A.G.L. (225...:_6 M.S.L.)± _ MOUNTING FRAMES , , PROPOSED VERIZON \ ~ ~ OF EXISTING PARAPET \ ON ROOF ----1--~--~-.-"----t--i--i--l-1 __ _::=_ ::_~_:-t--~-~--f_ji ·~~1'·~4~ 'M.S.L:)±/ ' (1) PROPO~ED VERIZON i ; I ~;OF E)<ISTl~G ROOF 6-PORT OVP DISTRIBUTION ' : ; : , . I BOXES i i ! >-~~~~~~~~~-JI .;;.. 4 0 ~-~ -- GRAPHIC SCALE 2 4, a ' ' ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 4 ft. AT 22X34 HALF SIZE AT 11Xl7 16 I ENGINEERING• PLANNING• MANAGEMENT• DEVELOPMENT 6 GREEN TREE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 TEL: (802) 878-7661 FAX: (86S) 783-7101 ~.4Y8<31~W'" SPRINGFIELD, VT BEDFORD, NH LACONIA, NH O Copyrlght2018 Dubois & l<ing Inc. PROFESSIONAL SEAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS mm I I I!! ~ ~ < I I O ~ e N -g \---:: venartwireless PROJECT ID: 20171645673 PROJECT lYPE: BC DRE LOCATION CODE: 4707&3 S BURLS VT 7 FAYETTE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT05403 SHEET TITLE SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATION PERMIT PLANS ''""""'"" -·· JWP OCT. 2018 '""~""' .. WH 423196L PROJ.ENG. '" WH SHEET NUMBER C-4 PROPOSED VERIZON ~ CHAIN LINK FENCE ·-. PROPOSED VERIZON ~ ELECTRICAL BACKBOARD PROPOSED VERIZON ---.....__ 25KW GENERATOR "I~ PROPOSED VERIZON ----..,_ 9'X15' ELEVATED "'- EQUIPMENT PLATFORM ~ WITH ROOF \ ~ ----\ -.. II I II I II I ~ I 11 I /II I 11 I / 11 I (> (2) PROPOSED VERIZO' EQUIPMENT CABINETS I L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---' - II /<...-II // .,.....,,,,,.. II .,.....,.,.. u..--IL-- 4--~~~~-~~~~·f--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ I PROPOSED VERIZON ----- 9'X15' ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM WITH ROOF PROPOSED VERIZON ------...____ 25KW GENERATOR ------ EQUIPMENT PLAN VIEW (2) PROPOSED VERIZON ~i-:_.1• 0 :: •• Iii.. .. EQUIPMENT CABINETS ~I •• -.:--.-1.__ l!I • r-..r------.. EQUIPMENT LAYOUT 2 0 ~ I ----GRAPHIC SCALE 1 2 4 I I I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 2 ft. AT 22X34 HALF SIZE AT 11Xl. 7 8 I ENGINEERING• PLANNING• MANAGEMENT• DEVELOPMENT 6 GREEN TREE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 TEL: (802) 878.7661 FAX: (866) 783-7101 ~~u8g~wm SPRINGFIELD, VT BEDFORD, NH LACONIA. NH 0Copyright2018 Dubois & King Inc. PROFESSIONAL SEAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS ~ lt&ISJwire/ess PROJECT ID: 20171645673 PROJECT TYPE; BC DRE LOCATION CODE: 470763 S BURL 6 VT 7 FAYETTE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, Vf 05403 SHEET TITLE EQUIPMENT DETAILS PERMIT PLANS ·-.... '""'" JWP OCT.2018 1i.;H .......... o11n 1~•c"-~' LJH 423196L PROJ.ENG. 1 ................... :• LJH SHEET NUMBER C-5 GRAVEL SURFACE VARIES • SUITABLE MATERIAL 12" SAND PIPE DIA.=D 6" NOTES: FILTER FABRIC STAKES (lYP .) FILTER FABRIC EXCAVATE 4" X 4" TRENCH UPSLOPE FROM AND ALONG THE LINE OF POSTS NQIES;_ EXISTING GRADE ' .~ / · SILT FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 1. SEED AND MULCH AU. EXPOSED SOILS >S SOON >S FE>SIBLE. 2. CONTRACTOR TO FOLLOW STATE OF VERMONT LOW RISK HANDBOOK FOR EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL. OTHER SANO MINIMUM BURIAL QEPTH FINISH GRADE TO TOP OF PIPE HAND PLACED & COMPACTED I 1. WHERE BACKFILL IS DESIGNATED "COMPACTED", THIS MEANS 90:ir; TO 95:ir; STANDARD PROCTOR, AASHTO T-99. AU. FILL PLACED BELOW PIPES MUST MEET THIS REQUIREMENT. 2. SUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL CONTAIN NO STONES GREATER THAN 4" IN DIAMETER, NO FROZEN LUMPS, AND ONLY MINOR AMOUNTS OF CLAY OR ORGANIC MATERIAL. ALL MATERtAL TD BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM OF 12" LIFTS AND COMPACTED BEFORE PLACING NEXT LIFT. 3. SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR QUANTITY OF CONDUITS. TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE -· I I ~ CONCRETE FOOTING ~ ~.t:=:).c:==:t.c:==:t.~.i=:::. ~.c=:::::i.c:::::::::::i..c=:::t..c=:i.~ ~~c:::::::::::i.c:==:t.c:::::::::::i..i=:::. .:=:i.~c:::::::::::i..c=:::t..c=:i.c:::::::::::i. .=:i..c=:::::i.c:::::::::::i..c=:::t..c=:::::i.~ .c=:::t.l=:lc:::::::::::i..c=:::t.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i. c::::::::l c::::::::l c:::::::::::i. .c=:::t. c::::::::l c:::::::::::i. llC::::llc::::::ll.c=:::t.c:::::::::::i..c=:::t..t=:::!o c::::::ll ~ .c=:::t. . .c=:::t. .c=:::t. .c=:::t. c::::::llc:::::::::l.c=:::t.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i. c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.~ c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i. c::::::ll .c=:::t. c:::::::::::i. c:::::::::::i. c:::::::::::i. .c=:::t. c::::::::l~.c=:::t.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i. c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.~ c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i..c=:i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i.c:::::::::::i. === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ol = = = = = = = = = = = = = I 0 25KW AC NG-LPV STANDARD ENCLOSURE GENERATOR DETAIL LINE (TYP.) ~ PROPOSED FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE -PROPOSED FABRIC SCREENING I MATERIAL TO MATCH EXISTING I V END POST , POST TIES / "..~ ·'-~>:y~ ~ NOT TO SCALE 12' -0" GATE OPENING 1-1/2 PAIR INDUSTRIAL~~ MALLEABLE IRON OFFSET l PIN HINGE (PAGE-WILSON M-6 OR EQUAL) lYPICAL .---.....::'!',..:.>-;-..,..-----------, . 0 I -i"i-1-1/2" •. LOCKS- I 2" (!IN.) CLEARANCE CONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.) _/ PROPOSED DOUBLE SWING GATE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE r GATEPOST 4"0.0. GALVANIZED STEEL 0 I ., 'b I ;, ENGINEERING • PLANNING• MANAGEMENT• DEVELOPMENT 6 GREEN TREE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 TEL: (802) 878-7661 FAX: (866) 783-7101 ~.4rJg~:t,-oom SPRINGFIELD, VT BEDFORD, NH LACONIA. NH CCopyright2!0t8 Dubola & Kin; Inc. PROFESSIONAL SEAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS ~ F < "' l) :::l z <> i: c;: z 'i z 0 L) "' 0 ~ F I-!!, z i5 "' .., "' ... ~ a. a 0 0 .., .., iil 0 !!! ~ 5 .., "' ., ~ ~ I !!! "' i i < 0 ~ e 0 z \...---:-11-ert.zgnwire/ess PROJECT ID: 20171645673 PROJECT TYPE: BCORE LOCAllON CODE: 470783 S BURLS VT 7 FAYETTE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT05403 SHEET TITLE CIVIL DETAILS PERMIT PLANS LJH 423196~ PROJ. ENG. LJH SHEET NUMBER C-6 /,'\ I ' I I I ' \ ' '"--, DESCRIPTION ANTENNA: JAHH-65A-R3B PROPOSED PIPE MOUNT BRACKETS ANTENNA MOUNT DETAILS NOT TO SCALE 113.8"1 FRONT ELEVATION SIDE VIEW JAHH-65A-R3B PANEL ANTENNA DETAILS NOT TO SCALE ANTENNA FACIAL SURFACE AREA SURFACE HEIGHT WIDTH AREA NUMBER (in) (in) (sq. ft.) OF UNITS 55.10 13.80 5.28 6 SAMSUNG RRH BR049 (B2/B66A) 15.00 15.00 1.56 3 6-PORT OVP 25.66 15.73 2.80 3 TOTAL EXPOSED SURFACE SURFACE AREA AREA (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) 31 .68 31.68 4.68 0.00 8.40 8.40 TOTAL = 40.08 6-PORT OVP \ DISTRIBUTION BOX DIMS: 5.66"Hx15.73"Wx10.25"D BOTIOM VIEW ISOMETRIC 6-PORT OVP DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL NOT TO SCALE t-----15" ----- PROPOSED SAMSUNG ~ RRH BR049 B2/B66A / H15" X W15" X D10" (TYP. OF 3) SAMSUNG RRH BR049 B2/B66A DETAIL NOT TO SCALE COAX JUMPERS FROM - RRH TO ANTENNA JUMPER SUPPORT """' STAND-OFF WITH CUSHION HANGERS OR STEEL BRACKET WITH SNAP-IN HANGER --2 1/2" O.D. PIPE 0 0 RRH PANEL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ANTENNA DOWNTILT BRACKET -(2) ANTENNAS RRH 6 AWG GREEN INSULATED GROUND CABLE FROM RRU TO GROUND BAR ENGINEERING• PLANNING• MANAGEMENT• DEVELOPMENT 6 GREEN TREE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 TEL: (802) 878-7661 FAX: (866) 783-7101 ~~~g~~!{,,-oom SPRINGFIELD, VT BEDFORD. NH LACONIA, NH C Copyright2018 Dubola & IGl\Q Inc. PROFESSIONAL SEAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS ~ vefl2!Plwire/ess PROJECT ID: 20171645613 PROJECT TYPE: BC DRE LOCA1TON CODE: 470783 S BURL6VT 7 FAYETTE DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT05403 SHEET TITLE ANTENNA DETAILS PERMIT PLANS WH SHEET NUMBER C-7