HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - City Council - 01/28/2019 AGENDA SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL South Burlington City Hall 575 Dorset Street SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Special Meeting 6:30 P.M. Monday, January 28, 2019 1. Pledge of Allegiance. (6:30 – 6:31 PM) 2. Instructions on exiting building in case of emergency. Kevin Dorn (6:31 – 6:32 PM) 3. Consider entering Executive Session to receive legal advice on matters relating to collective bargaining and contracts. (6:32 – 6:58 PM) 4. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items. (6:58 – 7:00 PM) 5. *** Convene Public Hearing to receive comments related to proposed charter amendments to be presented to South Burlington voters for consideration during the City Annual meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 5, 2019. (7:00 – 8:00 PM) 6. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda. (8:00 – 8:10 PM) 7. Consent Agenda: (8:10 – 8:12 PM) A. ***Approve Disbursements 8. Consider and possibly ratify a collective bargaining agreement between the City of South Burlington and the South Burlington Fire Fighters Association. (8:12 – 8:17 PM) 9. Other Business (8:17 - 8:27 PM) 10. Adjourn (8:27 PM) Respectfully Submitted: Kevin Dorn Kevin Dorn, City Manager *** Attachments Included Issues raised by Councilors or the public that have not been on a prior meeting agenda: 1. Cost of development/cost of open space. 2. Examine residential building permit fees. 3. Short term business signage on streets Issues that have been discussed by the Council where further action is pending: 1. Street light policy. 2. Airport noise survey. 3. Evaluate water billing and rate structure. South Burlington City Council Meeting Participation Guidelines City Council meetings are the only time we have to discuss and decide on City matters. We want to be as open and informal as possible; but Council meetings are not town meetings. In an effort to conduct orderly and efficient meetings, we kindly request your cooperation and compliance with the following guidelines. 1. Please be respectful of each other (Council members, staff, and the public). 2. Please raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair. Once recognized please state your name and address. 3. Please address the Chair and not other members of the public, staff, or presenters. 4. Please abide by any time limits that have been set. Time limits will be used to insure everyone is heard and there is sufficient time for the Council to conduct all the business on the agenda. 5. The Chair will make a reasonable effort to allow everyone to speak once before speakers address the Council a second time. 6. The Chair may ask that discussion be limited to the Councilors once the public input has been heard. 7. Please do not interrupt when others are speaking. 8. Please do not repeat the points made by others, except to briefly say whether you agree or disagree with others views. 9. Please use the outside hallway for side conversations. It is difficult to hear speaker remarks when there are other conversations occurring. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. WARNING CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ANNUAL CITY MEETING MARCH 5, 2019 The legal voters of the City of South Burlington are hereby notified and warned to meet at their respective polling places at the Chamberlin School on White Street, the Frederick H. Tuttle Middle School on Dorset Street and the Orchard School on Baldwin Avenue on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 7 o’clock in the forenoon, at which time the polls will open until 7 o’clock in the evening, at which time the polls will close, to vote by Australian Ballot on the following Articles: ARTICLE I ELECTION OF CITY OFFICERS AND CITY COUNCILORS To elect all City Officers and City Councilors required by law. ARTICLE II APPROVAL OF CITY BUDGET Shall the City adopt the City Council’s proposed budget for FY 2020 totaling sixty million, six thousand, seven hundred and sixty six dollars ($60,006,766), of which it is estimated sixteen million, one hundred twenty six thousand, three hundred and thirty dollars ($16,126,330) will be raised by local property taxes? ARTICLE III CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT 1 Shall the voters amend the City of South Burlington Charter to add Section 13-1507 as follows: § 13-1507. Limited purpose sales, rooms, meals, and alcoholic beverages tax (a) Only after voter approval for financing of one or more specific capital projects within the City: The City Council may assess an up to one percent tax, in addition to the rates authorized under the local option tax in section 13-1506 of this chapter, on those transactions in the City subject to sales, rooms, meals, and alcoholic beverages which are subject to taxation by the state of Vermont. The authority of the City Council to impose said tax was approved by the voters on March 5, 2019. Imposition of this tax shall be in accordance with the requirements of sections 138(c) and (d) of Title 24. (b) All tax revenue from this additional source received by the City shall be used to: (1) Service and retire any debt incurred for financing specific capital projects approved by the voters by July 1, 2029. (2) Fund a capital reserve fund for voter-approved City projects under (c)(1) of this section, in an amount not to exceed ten percent of the total voter-approved debt incurred for the specific capital project. (c) The authority of the City Council to assess this tax shall cease after all outstanding debt and capital reserve funding identified in subsection (b) has been retired and fully funded. (d) For purposes of this section, “voter-approved capital project” shall mean voter-approved debt for the construction or improvement of municipal facilities and infrastructure that are intended to encourage economic growth and quality of life in the City and region, such as, an indoor recreation facility, performing arts center, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, or a mixed-use arena facility. ARTICLE IV CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT 2 Shall the voters amend the City of South Burlington Charter to add Section 13-1508 as follows: §13-1508. Short term car rental highway infrastructure and emergency services tax (a) The City Council may impose a half-of-one percent (0.5%) tax on those transactions in the city involving short term car rentals. The authority of the City Council to impose said tax was approved by the voters on March 5, 2019. The tax imposed under this section shall be collected and administered by the City of South Burlington. (b) The City Council shall impose and administer the tax authorized by this section by adopting an ordinance in the manner provided by sections 106-109 of this chapter. (c) For purposes of this section, “short term car rental” shall mean any rental of a pleasure car for a period of less than six months. It shall not mean, rental of motor trucks, motor buses, motorized highway building equipment, road making appliances, school buses, tractors, motor-driven cycles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, agricultural service vehicles, and category I and II special purpose vehicles, as these terms are defined under section 4 of Title 23. In addition, it shall not include membership-based community carsharing services. The term “pleasure car” shall be defined as under section 4 of Title 23. (d) Highway infrastructure and emergency services tax revenue received shall be used to fund city highway maintenance and emergency services expenses in order to reduce the municipal property tax collected on the city grand list and shall not be used to increase total City revenues. The legal voters of the City of South Burlington are further notified that a public hearing on the proposed City and School District budgets will be conducted on March 4, 2019 at 7 P.M. at the Frederick H. Tuttle Middle School Cafeteria, 500 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont. POLLING PLACES FOR VOTING ON THESE ARTICLES ARE THE CHAMBERLIN SCHOOL ON WHITE STREET, THE FREDERICK H. TUTTLE MIDDLE SCHOOL ON DORSET STREET AND THE ORCHARD SCHOOL ON BALDWIN AVENUE. VOTERS ARE TO GO TO THE POLLING PLACE IN THEIR RESPECTIVE DISTRICT. [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW] Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, this ________ day of January, 2019. ______________________ ______________________ Helen Riehle, Chair Meaghan Emery, Vice Chair ______________________ _______________________ Tim Barritt, Clerk Thomas Chittenden _______________________ David Kaufman Received and recorded this ___ day of January, 2019. __________________________________________ Donna Kinville, City Clerk