HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Energy Committee - 05/05/2016 South Burlington Energy Commiee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.sburl.com facebook.com/SouthBurlington Approved Meeting Minutes Thursday, May 5, 2016 Committee members present: Don Cummings, Karen Mckenny, Keith Epstein (Chair), Linda McGinnis, Marcy Murray (Scribe), Patty Tashiro, Sam Swanson Committee members absent: Fred Kosnitsky, Thor Vue Community members present: Grant Taylor; UVM students: Daniel Busi, James Phillips, Nick Clemens, and Rachel Seigel; Marcelle Dent (UVM teaching assistant); Rosanne Greco; Sophie Quest; and Efficiency Vermont’s Jason Lenihan and Kristan Hatfield City staff present: None Initial business Members approved the agenda after agreeing to move the logo-related discussion to the next meeting. Presentation by UVM NR206 students In a follow-up presentation, the students presented instructions for creating a benchmark of municipal energy usage using Portfolio Manager. They also included suggestions for how staff can input subsequent data. Finding accurate data was the most challenging part of the project for the students. Electric data were input and EVT has agreed to keep it updated going forward. Vermont Gas data were not available in a digital format for the benchmarking effort, so it will need to be entered by a volunteer or city staff personnel. Once complete, the benchmark will enable us to track changes in municipal electric and natural gas usage over time. After all data (including square footage...) have been entered into Portfolio Manager, the software will allow other tools to be used, e.g., pie charts, greenhouse gas calculations. The students agreed to forward a copy of the instructions to Don electronically, and they shared how participating in this project enriched their education. Next steps: Identify a volunteer or city staff member to [1] request and take delivery of the necessary benchmark-related data (in a digital format) from Vermont Gas, and [2] enter the latter into Portfolio Manager. Gain the city’s commitment to update and analyze the data each quarter. Presentation by Efficiency Vermont’s Kristan Hatfield and Jason Lenihan When the next round of Georgetown University Energy Prize (GUEP) data are released, we will know whether they have been weather-normalized. Given that GUEP data are becoming increasingly subjective (because some towns do not include heating-related data), it’s important that we tell Georgetown our story—especially given that it is much harder to cut heating usage than electric consumption. Efficiency Vermont (EVT) is experiencing a steep learning curve related to community data measurement. As part of the update on Opower marketing and digital engagement, Kristan mentioned that current 0power participants in the three GUEP towns would receive statement messaging that differs from non-GUEP towns. The three-town messages will encourage recipients to help their town win the energy prize. Our committee will give input regarding the message, but EVT will make the final decision. There will be click-through measurements. Anecdotally, participants who are more digitally engaged appear to save more money (not statistically significant because of small sample size). The heat pump hot water heater insert mailings are in production and should be sent out within 10 days. Of the 60,000 high-electric-usage customers in Vermont, 8,000 will receive the EVT mailing. The three GUEP towns will have their own inserts. Regarding the neighborhood energy analysis tool for Front Porch Forum areas: once the electric data section is complete, EVT or a committee member will demonstrate the tool to Vermont Gas to show them the importance of such data and to encourage them to share their gas usage data. Instead of just tracking energy usage, the tool may also encourage action (while including the related benefits), e.g., install a heat pump hot water heater. Discussion about group net metering and solar-credit sharing Although Rosanne has not yet determined whether to pursue GMP’s percentage or stacking net-metering method, she is committed to moving forward with the “sharing sunshine” project. The committee (and potentially CVOEO) will be responsible for identifying a GMP customer with low income who is willing to help us test the idea. Other committee involvement could include publicizing the GMP net-metering options and donation procedure, creating an explanatory webpage, asking CVOEO if—assuming the test is successful—they have someone who would be willing to be a point person that donors seeking a recipient could contact, and exploring whether the Public Service Board could make the donation of expiring solar credits easier. South Burlington Energy Prize Updates Members shared key accomplishments, next steps, and requests for assistance as Keith scrolled through the pre- meeting written project update summary. Treasurer’s report: Marcy reported that we have $16,324.29 on hand ($675.38 in the General Fund and $15,648.91 in the Energy Prize Reserve Fund). Motion Keith moved and Karen seconded a motion to approve the April 7th minutes. Approved unanimously. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Next Scheduled Meeting: Thursday, June 2nd, at 6:30 p.m. in the upstairs meeting room at the South Burlington Police Station (19 Gregory Drive • middle entrance)