HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Energy Committee - 04/06/2017 South Burlington Energy Commi ee
575 Dorset Street
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 846-4106
Mee ng Minutes
April 6, 2017
Commi ee members present: Karen Mckenny (Chair), Keith Epstein, Marcy Murray, Pa y Tashiro, Jeremy King, James
Mount, Don Cummings (Scribe)
Commi ee members absent: Sam Swanson, Fred Kosnitsky, Linda McGinnis
Community members present: Adam Bortz, Donna Leban
City staff present: Ilona Blanchard
Comments from the Public:
Donna Leban suggested that be er Bus Service serving the SE Quadrant could be an energy saver as many workers and
students could use it to get to UVM & Med Center and downtown Burlington. We should include this and other transit
ideas into our future strategies sessions for the Energy Commi ee’s next steps. The commi ee suggested that Donna also
bring this to the city council as they have a representa ve on the Green Mountain Transit board.
The above lead to an idea from James that perhaps more employers could promote a Flexible Spending Account that
could cover transporta on (bus service, parking, etc). Again, the idea of promo ng this capability can be considered as we
develop our future strategies.
Presenta on on The City’s Efforts to Improve S.B.’s Future Transporta on:
Ilona gave an excellent overview of all the areas that the city (along with CCRPC and other partners) is currently working
to define a transporta on system to meet the current and future needs of all S.B. residents. The commi ee brought up
many ideas – here are a few men oned: improve the bicycle paths along key commu ng routes so people can safely bike
to work, to strengthen the public transit network including the commuter buses within the city, develop Park and Rides in
the city for people commu ng out and Park and Rides served by public transporta on in outside communi es to make it
easier for people to get to work in S.B. & BTV other than by cars. There seem to be a lot of opportuni es here for future
work by the E.C. commi ee that would align with the good work already underway.
Don will forward Ilona’s presenta on to all when he receives it from her.
Project updates
Members reviewed accomplishments, help needed, and plans for the next month – Addi onal project discussions noted
South Burlington Energy Prize:
Keith reports that Georgetown s ll feels they are on track to announce the final is by the end of April.
A mo on was made by Keith and seconded by Don to authorize $250.20 to pay for con nuing to host the SBEP Website. It
was approved unanimously.
Net Zero for City Center:
In addi on to the update provided in the status that was sent out earlier, there was a discussion about how important it is
that key people from the city are involved in the early discussions about this important effort. There was a discussion
about how to most effec vely use architect Bill Maclay, a leader in the Net Zero movement, who has offered to help us.
We discussed having an open session for the general public or perhaps ini ally focusing only on the key stakeholders and
decision makers. We want to be sure that we use Bill’s limited and very valuable me wisely so that he sees that we are a
capable group with a viable opportunity to make something this big happen.
A mo on was made by Don and seconded by Keith to authorize $63.27 to pay for the Net Zero book by Bill Maclay that
Marcy purchased for the library. It was approved unanimously.
Lending Equipment for the Library:
Keith has repaired the thermal imaging camera but needs to purchase a charger before turning it over to the library.
Jeremy offered to write up some instruc ons on its’ effec ve use. Another sugges on was to create a YouTube video.
A mo on was made by Karen and seconded by James to authorize $65 to purchase a charger for the camera. It was
approved unanimously.
Commi ee Officer Elec ons:
A mo on was made by Don to elect Marcy as the commi ee chair. Karen seconded. It was approved unanimously.
A mo on was made by Karen to elect James as the commi ee vice chair. Marcy seconded. It was approved unanimously.
Congratula ons to Marcy and James and a big Thank You to Karen for serving as our most
recent chair.
The mee ng adjourned before 9 p.m.
Next scheduled mee ng:
Thursday, May 4th, at 6:30 p.m. in the upstairs mee ng room at the South Burlington Police Sta on (19 Gregory Drive •
middle entrance)