HomeMy WebLinkAboutDR-17-01 - Decision - 0344 Dorset Street#DR-17-01 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD ARNCO SIGN CO. - 344 DORSET STREET MASTER SIGNAGE PLAN #DR-17-01 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION Arnco Sign Company, hereafter referred to as the applicant, is requesting design review approval to amend a master sign permit for the subject property within the Dorset Street/City Center (DS/CC) Sign District. The master signage permit would establish the design scheme for the freestanding and wall signs on the property, 344 Dorset Street. The South Burlington Development Review Board (DRB) reviewed the proposal on June 6, 2017. Jeremy Waycott represented the applicant. Based on testimony given at the above mentioned public hearing and on the plans and supporting materials contained in the document file for this application, the DRB finds, concludes and decides as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicant is requesting to amend an existing Master Signage Plan for 344 Dorset Street within the Dorset Street/City Center (DS/CC) Sign District. 2. The existing Master Sign Permit (#DR-08-13) was approved on January 6, 2009. 3. Janet M. Desarno is the record owner of the property (warranty deed in Volume 291, Page 285 of the city land records). The property is identified as Tax Parcel 0570 00344 C. CONCLUSIONS 1. Section 8 of the Sign Ordinance requires all property owners within the DS/CC Sign District to obtain a Master Signage Permit prior to the issuance of any individual sign permit for the subject property. Section 8(b) requires that a Master Signage Permit must be issued prior to the issuance of any individual sign permit for the property. 2. Pursuant to Section 8 of the Sign Ordinance, a Master Signage Permit shall establish consistent design parameters for the property to ensure that all signage is in accordance with goals of the DS/CC Sign District. The Master Signage Permit shall specify size ranges and the graphic elements to be used to relate multiple signs to one another. The current application consists of a request for modification of one existing freestanding sign, seven (7) awnings, and replacement of one wall mounted sign, reflecting a change in company name and associated logos and colors. No other structural changes to the existing signs are proposed. - 1 - FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION 344 DORSET STREET - #DR-17-01 DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA In reviewing an application for signage, the DRB shall consider the following: Consistent Design The design of a sign must be compatible and harmonious with the design of buildings on the subject property and nearby. The application shows one wall mounted sign on the rear of the structure and one free standing sign along the Dorset Street side of the subject property. The signs are currently orange with white lettering and a blue and white logo. The awnings are the same color orange without lettering or logos. The building is white. The applicant is proposing to change the orange awnings and sign background to charcoal gray. The logo will remain blue, and the text will remain white. Promotion of City Center Goals 4. Signs within the DS/CC Sign District should be of high aesthetic quality and pedestrian oriented. The proposed signs are of high aesthetic quality oriented to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Therefore, the signs are in keeping with DS/CC Sign District goals. Color & Texture 5. A maximum of three colors is encouraged. The proposed signs include white text on a charcoal grey background. Blue and white are used in the proposed logo. The sign texture is smooth, which is in keeping with the vinyl siding of the structure. The DRB concludes that the signs are compatible and harmonious with buildings in the vicinity. Materials Used 6. The existing freestanding sign and wall sign are constructed of wood. The applicant proposes to replace the wall sign with an aluminum pan sign. The materials are appropriate and of adequate quality. FREE STANDING SIGNS 7. There is an existing freestanding sign on the subject property which is in compliance with the Sign Ordinance. The only changes proposed as part of this application are with respect to color and text. 8. Section 9(d) stipulates that the free standing signs shall be no closer than 5 ft. to any property line. In addition Section 9(h) stipulates that free standing signs along Dorset Street are to be located within a sign corridor that begins adjacent to the right-of-way and runs 16 ft. from the edge of the right-of-way toward the building face. The existing sign is in compliance. 9. Pursuant to Section 9(e)(4), the total area of the support structure for the free standing -2- C:\Users\BiliMiller\AppData\Local\Temp\Templ_Decisions_for_Signing (3).zip\DR_17_01_344_DorsetSt_Arnco_SignCo_ATT.doc FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION 344 DORSET STREET - ##DR-17-01 signs on the subject property shall not exceed 150% of the area of each sign. The freestanding sign complies with this standard. 10. Pursuant to Section 9(g) (2) of the Sign Ordinance, free standing signs shall have a base condition that is attractively maintained year round. Photographs submitted by the applicant show the free standing sign is attractively landscaped. The DRB concludes that the base conditions of the free standing sign is adequate. 11. Pursuant to Section 9(h) of the Sign Ordinance, for lots in the DS/CC Sign District, the area of each free standing sign shall not exceed 32 sq. ft. The existing sign is in compliance with this criterion. 12. Pursuant to Section 9(h), free standing signs in the DS/CC Sign District shall not exceed 12 ft in height, measured from the average finished grade at the base of the sign to the highest portion of any point of the sign structure. The existing sign is in compliance with this criterion. WALL MOUNTED SIGNS 13. Section 10 of the Sign Ordinance governs the size and location of wall mounted signs. Pursuant to Section 10(b) (1) a wall mounted sign shall not exceed 5% of the area of the principal public fagade or 100 sq. ft., whichever is smaller. In addition, pursuant to Section 10(b) (2), a wall sign may not exceed 15% of the area of the facade to which it is attached. The Code Officer shall ensure this when issuing individual sign permits. 14. Section 10(c) states that a wall mounted sign shall not project above or below the top of any first floor doorway unless permitted by the DRB. Based on the photographs submitted by the applicant, the sign is above the first floor pedestrian doorway. It is lower than the adjacent garage door, but the DRB concludes that this is appropriate and in keeping with the Section 10(c) standard. Pursuant to Section 10(d), a wall mounted sign shall not cover any opening or project beyond the top or end of any wall to which it is attached. Based on the photographs submitted by the applicant, it appears that the sign will not project over any opening or beyond the top or end of the front fagade. GENERAL SIGN STANDARDS 15. Section 20 of the Sign Ordinance requires signs to be of substantial and sturdy construction, kept in good repair, and painted or cleaned as necessary to maintain a clean, safe, and orderly appearance. The signs appear to be of substantial and sturdy construction. 16. There are no changes proposed to the lighting of the freestanding sign. DECISION -3- C:\Users\BiliMiller\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp1_Decisions_for_Signing (3).zip\DR_17_01_344_Dorset5t_Arnco_SignCo_ATT.doc FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION 344 DORSET STREET - #DR-17-01 MOTION by Matt Cota, seconded by Jennifer Smith, to approve Design Review application #DR-17- 01 of Arnco Sign Co, subject to the following conditions: 1. This Master Signage Permit must be issued to Janet M. Desarno by the DRB, prior to the issuance of the necessary individual sign permits for the property. 2. All signs shall be kept in good repair, and painted or cleaned as necessary to maintain a clean, safe, and orderly appearance. 3. Pursuant to Section 9(g) (2) of the Sign Ordinance, free standing signs shall have a base condition that is attractively maintained year round. 4. The colors of the freestanding and wall signs and awnings shall be limited to: charcoal gray; white may be used for lettering and sign posts; logos may be blue or white, or any combination thereof. 5. Prior to installation of the new signage, the applicant shall obtain a sign permit from the Code Officer. Mark Behr Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Matt Cota Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Frank Kochman Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Bill Miller Yea Nay Abstain Not Present David Parsons Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Jennifer Smith Yea Nay Abstain Not Present John Wilking Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Motion carried by a vote of 7-0-0 Signed this 7th day of June 2017, by Bill Miller, Chair Please note: An appeal of this decision may be taken by filing, within 30 days of the date of this decision, a notice of appeal and the required fee by certified mail to the Superior Court, Environmental Division. See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b). A copy of the notice of appeal must also be mailed to the City of South Burlington Planning and Zoning Department at 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403. See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b) (4) (A). Please contact the Environmental Division at -4- C:\Users\BillMiller\AppData\Local\Temp\Templ_Decisions_for_Signing (3).zip\DR_17_01_344_DorsetSt_Arnco_SignCo_ATT.doc FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION 344 DORSET STREET - #DR-17-01 802-828-1660 or http://vermontiudiciary.org/GTC/environmental/default.aspx for more information on filing requirements, deadlines, fees and mailing address. The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call 802.477.2241 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. -s- C:\Users\Bil]Miller\AppData\Local\Temp\Templ_Decisions_for_Signing (3).zip\DR_17_01_344_DorsetSt_Arnco_SignCo_ATT.doc