HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-95-0000 - Decision - 0340 Dorset StreetFINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION S�` �jS-0110 STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application of Michael Dugan for a planned unit development consisting of the following: 1) construction of a 6,300 square foot addition into an existing 10,800 square foot building (17,100 square feet total), 2) use of the 17,100 square foot building as a supermarket, and 3) razing a 4200 square foot accessory structure, on a lot which also contains an 1800 square foot building devoted to retail use, 340 Dorset Street. On the 21st of February, 1995, the South Burlington Planning Commission approved the request of Michael Dugan for final plat approval under Section 204 of the South Burlington Subdivision Regulations based on the following findings: This project consists of the following: 1) converting 10,800 square feet of equipment rental use to supermarket use, 2) constructing a 6,300 square foot addition for supermarket use, 3) constructing a 400 square foot covered lift and 4) razing a 4,200 square foot accessory structure on a lot which also contains an 1800 square foot building devoted to retail use. This application is being treated as a planned unit development because there are two (2) principal buildings on the property. The ZBA on 11/21/94 granted the applicant variances to allow alterations to a noncomplying structure 71% greater than the 35% allowed under Section 26.002 of the zoning regulations and to allow expansion of the building footprint which is also not allowed under this section. The ZBA also granted a conditional use permit for multiple use. The sketch plan was reviewed on 12/13/94. 2. This property located at 340 Dorset Street lies within the CD2 District. It is bounded on the north by an equipment repair building and a church, on the south by an industrial building and a retail building, on the east by San Remo Drive and on the west by Dorset Street. 3. Access/circulation: Access is provided via a 30 foot curb cut on Dorset Street, two (2) 24 foot curb cuts on San Remo Drive, and access to the Desarno property to the south. Access is also available across the 23 San Remo Drive property to San Remo Drive which is owned by the applicant. Staff recommended that an access easement be recorded which would reserve future access to San Remo Drive over the Welch property to the north (23 San Remo Drive). The provision of access to abutting properties is a requirement for PUD's in the Central District. Circulation is adequate. 4. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 25.2% (maximum allowed is 40%). Overall coverage is 88.1% (maximum allowed is 90%). Site plan should be revised to reflect the reduced coverage resulting from the conversion of four (4) spaces to green area. 5. The existing building projects outside of the allowable building envelope and is therefore a noncomplying structure. The ZBA on 11/21/94 granted the applicant a variance to allow alterations to a noncomplying structure 71% greater than the 35% allowed under Section 26.002 of the zoning regulations. The small retail building also projects outside of the allowable building envelope along San Remo Drive and is a noncomplying structure. 6. Parking is not allowed in the building envelopes and front yard setback areas along San Remo Drive and Dorset Street unless hidden by a building. Parking and pavement are existing within these envelopes and this proposal will not increase the degree of noncompliance. The applicant revised the plan to eliminate the four (4) spaces closest to Dorset Street. This brings the property closer to compliance with the regulations and enhances the appearance of the property. 7. Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.): The base maximum density of development can not exceed an F.A.R. of 0.5. This project has an F.A.R. of 0.25. 8. Parking: A total of 66 parking spaces are required and 78 spaces including four (4) handicapped spaces are being provided. A bike rack is being provided as required under Section 26.253(b) of the zoning regulations. 9. Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement, based on building costs, is $6,750 which is being met. Plantings include Yews, Juniper, Burning Bush, Arborvitae, Honeylocust, Crabapple, Sugar Maple and Red Maple. 10. Sewer: The sewer allocation needed for this project is 2206 gpd. The applicant will be required to pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. 11. Traffic: ITE estimates that this project will result in 104.8 additional P.M. peak hour trip ends being generated. The applicant should be aware that the road impact fee for this project would be approximately $22,000. 12. Lighting: Exterior lighting will consist of the following: --- seven (7) 250 watt metal halide lamps with cut-off luminaires on 12 foot poles. --- one (1) building mounted 250 watt mercury vapor light with open diffuser. --- one (1) building mounted 175 watt metal halide light with a downcasting and shielded fixture. 2 13. Building height: The applicant has submitted building elevations indicating that the height of the building is 22.5 feet and the proposed addition will not increase the height. 14. Other: --- the applicant has submitted a report addressing the PUD criteria in section 26.151 of the zoning regulations. --- the plan should show the utility easements. DECISION & CONDITIONS Based on the above Findings Fact, the South Burlington Planning Commission approves the revised final plat application of Michael Dugan for a planned unit development consisting of the following: 1) construction of a 6,300 square foot addition to an existing 10,800 square foot building (17,100 square feet total), 2) use of the 17,100 square foot building as a supermarket, and 3) razing a 4200 square foot accessory structure, on a lot which also contains an 1800 square foot building devoted to retail use, 340 Dorset Street, as depicted on a two (2) page set of plans, page 2 entitled "A Specialty Market at 340 Dorset Street" prepared by Michael Dugan, dated 2/10/95, with the following stipulations: 1. Any previous approvals and stipulations affecting the subject property which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The applicant shall post a $6,750 landscape bond prior to issuance of a zoning permit. The bond shall remain in effect for three (3) years to assure that the landscaping takes root and has a good chance of surviving. 3. Any new exterior lighting or change in existing lighting shall consist of downcasting shielded fixtures so as not to cast light beyond the property line. Any change in lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 4. For purpose of calculating required road impact fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Commission estimates that the proposed addition and change in use will generate 104.8 additional vehicle trip ends during the P.M. peak hour. 5. The applicant shall submit for review and approval by the City Attorney an access easement which would allow patrons and employees of 23 San Remo Drive to access San Remo Drive and Dorset Street over the applicant's property. Such an easement would be contingent upon the granting of a similar easement by 23 San Remo Drive allowing patrons and employees of the applicant's property (340 Dorset Street) to access San Remo Drive over the 23 San Remo 3 Drive property. This legal document shall be recorded prior to recording the final plat plans. 6. Prior to recording the final plat plans, the City Engineer shall review the drainage plan for the property, in particular the existing drainage pipe located under the proposed building addition. The plan shall be revised to incorporate the recommendations of the City Engineer. 7. The Planning Commission approves an additional sewer allocation of 2206 gpd. The applicant shall pay the per gallon fee prior to issuance of a zoning permit. 8. The final plat plans shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plans shall be signed by the Planning Commission Chairman or Clerk prior to recording. Chairman or'^Clerk South Burlington Planning Commission Date 4