HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-15-31 DR-15-03 - Decision - 0222 Dorset Street#SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING TESLA MOTORS — 200 & 222 DORSET STREET AND 59 GARDEN STREET SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-15-31 AND DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION #DR-15-03 FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Site plan application #SP-15-31 & design review application #DR-15-03 of Tesla Motors to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of: 1) a 33,733 sq. ft. gfa building with 31,351 sq. ft. (including mezzanine) of retail food establishment use and 2,382 sq. ft. of short-order restaurant use, 2) a 12,800 sq. ft. building for retail food use, and 3) a 14,000 sq. ft. building for retail use. The amendment consists of: 1) the installation of Tesla Motors Supercharging Station on eight (8) existing parking spaces, and 2) the installation the associated support infrastructure, 200 and 222 Dorset Street & 59 Garden Street. The Development Review Board held a public hearing on June 2 & 16, 2015. Jesse Karp represented the applicant. Based on testimony provided at the above mentioned public hearings and the plans and supporting materials contained in the document file for this application, the Development Review Board finds, concludes, and decides the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Site plan application #SP-15-31 & design review application #DR-15-03 of Tesla Motors to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of: 1) a 33,733 sq. ft. gfa building with 31,351 sq. ft. (including mezzanine) of retail food establishment use and 2,382 sq. ft. of short-order restaurant use, 2) a 12,800 sq. ft. building for retail food use, and 3) a 14,000 sq. ft. building for retail use. The amendment consists of: 1) the installation of Tesla Motors Supercharging Station on eight (8) existing parking spaces, and 2) the installation the associated support infrastructure, 200 and 222 Dorset Street & 59 Garden Street. 2. The owner of record of the subject property is Loja Burlington, LLC. 3. The application was received on May 22, 2015. 4. The subject property is located in the Central District 1 Zoning District and the City Center Design Review Overlay District 1. 5. The plans submitted consists of a four (4) page set of plans; page one entitled "VT003_South Burlington 222 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT Overall Site Plan", prepared by Black & Veatch, dated 5/21/15, and last revised on 5/26/15. ZONING DISTRICT & DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS SP_15 31_and_DR_15_03_200&222_DorsetStreet_and_59—Garden—Street LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla ch arging_stations_finalffd.doc 1 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 CD 1 Zoning District Required/Max Existing (PUD) Min. Lot Size none 5.8 acres (^252,648 SF) Max. Building Coverage 40% 19.0 % Max. Overall Coverage 90% *72.6 % / 72.6% proposed Front Setback (Dorset Street) See below 5 ft. Front Setback (New Street) See below 5 ft. Side Setback See below 5ft. Max. Building Height 35 ft. 27 ft. � zoning compliance Note: No rear setbacks; corner property * The proposed utility cabinet (charging pedestals) will be located in a parking island that was completely landscaped and unpaved. The two pedestals will total 10 SF in impervious surface. The proposed transformer also requires a concrete pad of 87.5 SF in size. These installations will increase the total lot coverage by 97.5 SF but the overall increase will be less than 1/10th of 1 percent. 13.18 Utility Cabinets and Similar Structures A. General Requirements. In any district, the Development Review Board may grant site plan approval for the construction of a utility cabinet, according to the following regulations. B. Specific Standards for Utility Cabinets and Similar Structures. (1) The facility shall serve the City of South Burlington and/or immediately adjacent communities. The Board finds that this criterion is met. (2) The minimum required lot for a public utility cabinet, substation, or communication relay station may be reduced from the zoning district requirements, at the discretion of the Development Review Board. In the event that the facility shall be erected on property not owned by the utility, the Development Review Board shall require that the facility be located unobtrusively. The cabinet and charging stations are located unobtrusively as they are relatively low in height and located towards the rear area of the parking area. The Board finds that this criterion is met. (3) If the parcel containing the facility is landlocked, there shall be a recorded easement or permission granting access to the utility or owner of the facility. The parcel is not landlocked. This criterion is not applicable. (4) There shall be sufficient landscaping with evergreens of sufficient height and density to screen effectively the facility from surrounding property. Landscaping may allow for the use of any doors so long as the door -side of the units are visible from an existing or planned public street. The proposed project locates the utility cabinets for the charging stations on a parking island with existing landscaping. The landscaping will help to screen the cabinets. The provided plans show that the proposed transformer cabinet on the southern edge of the parcel is not screened by landscaping. SP_15_31_and- DR_15_03_200&222 DorsetStreet and _59_Garden_Street_LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla_ch arging_stations_final ffd.doc 2 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 The Board finds that the applicant shall revise the plans to add landscaping screening around the transformer cabinet in the form of evergreens of sufficient height and density to screen effectively the facility from surrounding property. (5) There shall be adequate off-street parking for maintenance, service, or other vehicles. The proposed project is located within a parking lot. The Board finds that this criterion is met. (6) The location of the facility shall be shown on all relevant site plans. The plans provided indicated the facility's location. The Board finds that this criterion is met. (7) The Development Review Board may attach conditions in order to prevent any hazard to the public or noise nuisance to surrounding property. Utility cabinets shall be located a minimum of five (5) feet from all existing or planned public roads or rights -of -way. The cabinets are located more than five (5) feet from all existing or planned public roads or rights -of - way. The Board finds that this criterion is met. (8) A facility that would be a nuisance to surrounding properties due to smoke, gas, heat, odor, noise, or vibration shall not be permitted in any district. The Board finds that the proposed project will not be a nuisance to surrounding properties and therefore this criterion is met. Central District Requirements 8.01 General Purpose of the Central District The Central District is hereby formed in order to encourage the location of a balanced and coordinated mixture of residential, commercial, public and private uses adjacent to Dorset Street that support the city center goals and objectives contained in the Comprehensive Plan. It is designed to promote efficient use of land by concentrating mixed uses within a well-defined Central District. This will provide a pedestrian -oriented circulation network that minimizes vehicular traffic. It also encourages the traditional town center pattern of appropriately scaled buildings facing onto a well-defined and active public street. Innovative site planning and master planning are encouraged to maximize uses, shared parking, public open space and pedestrian amenities which create an aesthetically pleasing and socially active community center on and around Dorset Street. To this end, all applications involving ten (10) or more acres of land in any Central District shall require a Master Plan approval pursuant to Article 15 of these Regulations. 8.02 Establishment of Sub -Districts The Central District is divided into four (4) sub -districts - Central District 1, Central District 2, Central District 3 and Central District 4. Permitted and Conditional Uses and dimensional standards vary by sub -district as established in Sections 8.06 through 8.10 of these Regulations. The subject lot is located within Central District 1. SP_15 31_and_DR_15_03_200&222 DorsetStreet and _59_Garden_Street_LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla ch arging_stations_finalffd.doc 3 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 As such, standards are included below for requirements in all districts, as well as specifically for Central District 1. 8.04 Dimensional Requirements in All Districts A. — D. ....................... Not applicable E. Parking Requirements (1) The parking requirements of Table 13 are required in the Central District. These standards may be met on -site or off -site if the parking facility is located within seven hundred (700) feet of the main entrance of the establishment and is approved by the Development Review Board. (2) The Development Review Board may accept a contribution to the parking trust fund to establish a municipal parking lot in lieu of parking spaces. The amount of the contribution shall be based on a per space fee set by the City Council. (3) The Development Review Board may further reduce the amount of parking required, up to a maximum of eighty percent (80%) of the number of spaces required, in conjunction with an approved master plan upon a showing by the applicant that the master plan includes viable provisions for off -site employee parking and transportation and construction of mass transit stops within the master planned area sufficient to further reduce parking demand. (4) Parking lots located in the centers of blocks shall be connected with openings between lots to allow traffic flow between lots. A total of 334 parking spaces are required for the PUD. Existing parking on the property consists of 271 total parking spaces which is a shortfall of 63 spaces, or 18.6%. The Board granted this waiver in a previous decision. The proposed project would install charging stations to provide access for eight (8) vehicles to be charged. Of these, four (4) spaces would be for use solely by users of the proposed charging stations, and four (4) would be "permissive" spaces which could be used by users of the charging stations or the general public. The Board acknowledges that the four (4) dedicated spaces remain on the property but since they will not be available to all users, and given the present proprietary natural of Tesla charging station, the Board will treat this situation conservatively and consider this as though the four (4) dedicated parking spaces were being removed from the total. Noting that this property is serviced by a transportation bus route and recreation path and has the opportunity for shared parking among its current tenants, the Board hereby grants a parking waiver of 20.0% or 67 spaces resulting in 267 total spaces. Eli Lesser -Goldsmith, owner of the Healthy Living Cafe & Market, testified at the meeting that the loss of these four (4) spaces will not create a parking problem for his business. SP_15 31_and DR_15_03_200&222_Dorset5treet_and_59 Garden_Street_LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla_ch arging_stations_final ffd.doc 4 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 This proposal also includes the conversion of four (4) additional spaces with charging stations however these four spaces will be available for general use as well. Three bicycle racks are provided on site. These should be shown of the plans. The Board finds that this criterion is met. F. Density. Height, coverage, setbacks, floor area ratios (F.A.R.) and the maximum size of units will govern the density of the Central District. The F.A.R. is the ratio of building square footage to lot size. N/A 11.01 City Center Design Review Overlay District CCDR A. Purpose ..................... B. Comprehensive Plan ........................ C. City Center Design Review Overlay Districts and Purpose Statements. The CCDR Overlay District is divided into the following three (3) sub -zones as depicted on the South Burlington Overlay Districts Map: Design District 1, Design District 2, and Design District 3. A brief description of the location and proposed design character of each district is provided below: (1) Design District 1- This area is generally located on both sides of Market Street and extends south to San Remo Drive. This area is planned to be the core area of the City Center, with the highest density and greatest mix of uses. It is the intent of this area is to be the main "downtown" for South Burlington, and therefore, should uphold the highest quality of design. Building materials should consist only of natural, indigenous materials (brick or stone) and the buildings themselves should relate directly to the public street. They should be placed upfront on the property line and the main entrance should face the street rather than parking lots. In addition, a pedestrian promenade shall be provided along Market Street in order to promote pedestrian activity and provide cover from inclement weather. The property is located in Design District 1. (2) Design District 2 - (3) Design District 3 - D. Activities Subject to Design Review. (1) In addition to the provisions of any other section(s) of these regulations, the uses allowed in any underlying district in the City Center Design Review Overlay District shall be subject to the standards and procedures in this Section. Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall do or cause to be done any of the following acts with respect to any building or property located within the CCDR Overlay District without first obtaining design plan approval from the Development Review Board: (a) Construction or relocation of a building or structure (b) ....................... SP_15 31_and_DR_15_03_200&222 DorsetStreet and_59_Garden_Street_LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla_ch arging_stations_finalffd.doc 5 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 (c) ................... (d) ............ (e) ............. (f) Construction, enlargement or alteration of any non -landscaped area on the property including, but not limited to, parking areas, access lanes, sidewalks, loading areas or storage areas, or, any removal or change to landscaping on the site. (9) .................... The proposed project involves construction of new utility cabinets and the alteration of parking areas. (2), (3) and (4) Not applicable E. Application and Review Procedures F. Criteria for Approval. Prior to granting design plan approval, the Development Review Board shall find that any development or activity specified in Section (D) above shall conform substantially to the following design criteria: (1) Building Design Not applicable 11.02 Site Design for City Center Design Review District A. Landscape and plantings. Significant trees and vegetation should be preserved in its natural state insofar as practicable. Any grade changes should be in keeping with the general appearance of neighboring developed areas. Landscape plantings and amenities shall be well designed with appropriate variations and shall be included as an integral enhancement of the site and, where needed, for screening purposes. In particular, parking areas shall be well screened by berms, plantings, or other screening methods to minimize their visual impact. Planting islands shall be used to break up larger expanses of paved parking areas. Existing landscaping will be maintained. This criterion will continue to be met. B. Integrate special features with the design. Storage areas, machinery and equipment installation, service areas, truck loading areas, garbage and refuse collection areas, utility connections, meters and structures, mailboxes, and similar accessory structures shall be positioned in such a way to minimize visibility from the public street, existing or planned. Such features shall be incorporated within or designed as part of the building on the site, not added as an afterthought. HVAC equipment should not be pad mounted at grade. Utility connections shall be installed underground and utilities shall co -exist to the greatest extent possible. The proposed charging stations will utilize existing landscaping and other features and will be screened from view from Dorset Street and will be relatively unobtrusive when viewed from Garden Street due to the distance. The Board finds that this criterion will continue to be met. SP_15 31_and_DR_15 03_200&222_DorsetStreet_and_59_Garden_Street LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla_ch arging_stations_finalffd.doc 6 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 C. Not applicable. D. Not applicable. E. — Provide efficient and effective circulation. With respect to vehicular and pedestrian circulation, special attention shall be given to the location and number of access points to public streets and sidewalks, to the separation of vehicles and pedestrians, to the arrangement of parking areas and to service and loading areas, and to the location of accessible routes and ramps for the disabled. Site design shall also provide for interconnections, both vehicular and pedestrian, between adjacent properties. The proposed charging stations will utilize existing parking spaces. Overall circulation will not be affected. The Board finds that this criterion will continue to be met. F. - I. Not applicable. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the followine eeneral review standards for all site plan applications: (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Chapter 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations states the following: Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. ................................................... No changes to the location of parking are proposed. (b) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. (c) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. SP_15 31_and_DR_15_03_200&222_DorsetStreet_and_59_Garden_Street_LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla_ch orging stations_final ffd.doc 7 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 The proposed project indicates that electrical service is located underground. This criterion is met. (d) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. (e) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. Site Dlan applications shall meet the followine specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. The plans provided indicate that electrical service is located underground. This criterion is met. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements. Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PUD review. Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations requires parking facilities to be curbed and landscaped with appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants including ground covers. The provided plans show that the proposed transformer cabinet on the southern edge of the parcel is not screened by landscaping. SP_15 31_and_DR_15_03_200&222_DorsetStreet_and_59_Garden_Street_LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla_ch arging_stations_finalffd.doc 8 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 As noted previously above, the Board finds that the applicant shall revise the plans to add landscaping screening around the transformer cabinet. The plans submitted do not show the previously approved landscaping for the PUD. The plans should be revised to include all the landscaping as previously approved. Snow Storage The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. Snow storage areas should be shown on the plans. DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA The subject property falls within City Center Design Review Overlay District 1. The application has been reviewed by both the City Center Design Review Committee and the Development Review Board. 11.01 (C)(1) Design District 1 - This area is generally located on both sides of Market Street and extends south to San Remo Drive. This area is planned to be the core area of the City Center, with the highest density and greatest mix of uses. It is the intent of this area is to be the main "downtown" for South Burlington, and therefore, should uphold the highest quality of design. Building materials should consist only of natural, indigenous materials (brick or stone) and the buildings themselves should relate directly to the public street. They should be placed upfront on the property line and the main entrance should face the street rather than parking lots. In addition, a pedestrian promenade shall be provided along Market Street in order to promote pedestrian activity and provide cover from inclement weather. Section 11.01(F) Criteria for Approval, states: the Development Review Board shall find that any development or activity specified in Section (D) above [i.e., construction of a buildingl shall conform substantially to the following design criteria (1) Building Design (a) Consistent design. Building design shall promote a consistent organization of major elements; and decorative parts must relate to the character of the design. All sides of a building shall be designed so that they are compatible in terms of material, window treatments, architectural accents, cornice/parapet design, etc. In Design Districts 1 and 3, the design of a building should consider the design features of other structures in the area so as not to be harshly discordinate with other nearby buildings. (b) Materials used. High quality, attractive materials shall be used on all buildings. Natural, indigenous materials of stone and masonry are highly encouraged, if not required. (i) Design District 1. Natural, indigenous materials of stone and masonry shall predominate. Examples of acceptable materials include red brick, indigenous stone (i.e., granite, limestone, and marble), and architectural concrete. Glass may predominate if used in combination with brick or stone. Other materials may be used as an architectural accent provided they are harmonious with the building and site. Examples of unacceptable materials include vinyl siding, metal skin, synthetic stucco and laminated wood (e.g., T-111). SP 15— 31 — and DR— 15— 03— 200&222— DorsetStreet and 59— Garden— Street LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla— ch - - - - - arging_stationsJinal ffd.doc 9 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 (c) Colors and textures used. The color and texture of the building shall be harmonious with the building itself and with other buildings on the site and nearby. Colors naturally occurring from building materials and other traditional, subdued colors are encouraged. More than three (3) predominant colors are discouraged. (d) Windows and doors. Window and door treatment (i.e., the arrangement of windows and doors into a pattern) shall be a careful response to the buildings interior organization as well as the features of the building site. The treatment of windows and doors shall be in a manner that creates a rhythm that gives necessary order and unity to the facade, yet avoids monotony. In Design Districts 1 and 2, for sides of buildings that front or face a public street, existing or planned, the majority of the first floor's facade area shall consist of see -through glass in order to promote pedestrian activity, however, the windows and/or doors should be of a human scale so as to welcome, not overwhelm, the pedestrian. (e) Use of "human -scaled" design elements. Larger buildings shall incorporate the use of design elements, such as pilasters, colored or textured bands, or window and door treatments, in order to reduce the larger building's apparent overall size and, therefore, avoid a large or long monotonous appearance. (f) Roofs as a design element. Roofs shall be part of, or define, the style of a building. They shall be used creatively to break up long facades and potentially long roof lines. Design Districts 1 and 2. For one-story structures, the minimum and maximum slope of a pitched roof shall be 8 on 12 and 12 on 12, respectively. Only a small portion of roof area on one-story buildings may be flat provided it is not visible from the public street, existing or planned, and does not detract from the overall design and harmony of the building. For structures of two (2) or more stories, the minimum and maximum slope of a pitched roof shall be 5 on 12 and 12 on 12, respectively. Where flat roofs are used, particularly on structures of two (2) or more stories, architectural elements such as cornices and parapets shall be included to improve the appearance and provide interest. Large, low -slope (i.e., less than 5 on 12) gable forms are discouraged. (g) Orient buildings to the public street. Buildings shall be designed in a manner that relates the building to the public street in order to protect the integrity of city blocks, present an inviting street front and promote traditional street patterns. In Design Districts 1 and 2, new buildings shall be built to the street property line. The Development Review Board may approve building locations, or portions thereof, that are set back from the street property line, provided, the Development Review Board finds the overall site layout to be in conformance with the City Center goals. The primary entrance to buildings shall be designed as such and shall be oriented directly on the public street rather than facing parking lots. The upper floors of taller buildings (i.e., floors four (4) and up) may need to be "stepped back" or otherwise sited to avoid creating a "canyon" effect and to maintain a pedestrian friendly public edge. In all Design Districts, for existing buildings undergoing renovation, improvements shall be done to relate the building better to the public street. Such improvements could include the installation of doors and windows along the sides of the building facing the public street, or the construction of walkways between the building and street. (h) Conceal rooftop devices. Rooftop mechanical equipment and appurtenances to be used in the operation or maintenance of a structure shall be arranged so as to minimize visibility from any SP— 15— 31 — and— DR— 15— 03— 200&222— DorsetStreet and 59— Garden— Street LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla— ch - - - arging_stationsfinalffd.doc 10 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 point at or below the roof level of the subject structure. Such features, in excess of one foot in height, shall be either enclosed by outer building walls or parapets, or grouped and screened in a suitable manner, or designed in themselves so that they are balanced and integrated with respect to the design and materials of the building. (i) Promote energy efficiency. Where feasible, the design of a building should consider solar energy and the use of natural daylight by capturing the sun's energy during the winter and providing shade during the summer. (j) Pedestrian promenade along Market Street. The proposed project has no effect on these criteria. These criteria continue to be met. 11.02 Site Design for City Center Design Review District A. Landscape and plantings. Significant trees and vegetation should be preserved in its natural state insofar as practicable. Any grade changes should be in keeping with the general appearance of neighboring developed areas. Landscape plantings and amenities shall be well designed with appropriate variations and shall be included as an integral enhancement of the site and, where needed, for screening purposes. In particular, parking areas shall be well screened by berms, plantings, or other screening methods to minimize their visual impact. Planting islands shall be used to break up larger expanses of paved parking areas. The proposed project locates the utility cabinets for the charging stations on a parking island with existing landscaping. The landscaping will help to screen the cabinets. The provided plans show that the proposed transformer cabinet on the southern edge of the parcel is not screened by landscaping. The Board finds that the applicant shall revise the plans to add landscaping screening around the transformer cabinet. B. Integrate special features with the design. Storage areas, machinery and equipment installation, service areas, truck loading areas, garbage and refuse collection areas, utility connections, meters and structures, mailboxes, and similar accessory structures shall be positioned in such a way to minimize visibility from the public street, existing or planned. Such features shall be incorporated within or designed as part of the building on the site, not added as an afterthought. HVAC equipment should not be pad mounted at grade. Utility connections shall be installed underground and utilities shall co -exist to the greatest extent possible. The proposed project locates the utility cabinets for the charging stations on a parking island with existing landscaping. The landscaping will help to screen the cabinets. The provided plans show that the proposed transformer cabinet on the southern edge of the parcel is not screened by landscaping. As noted above, the Board finds that the applicant shall revise the plans to add landscaping screening around the transformer cabinet. The proposed cabinets and charging stations will not be visible from Dorset Street and only partially visible from Garden Street if there were no cars in the parking lot. SP_15 31_and_DR_15_03_200&222_DorsetStreet_and_59_Garden_Street_LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla_ch arging_stations_ inalffd.doc 11 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 The Board finds this criterion continues to be met. D. Accessible open space. When providing open space on a site, it shall be designed to be visually and physically accessible from the public street. Open space should add to the visual amenities of the vicinity by maximizing its visibility for persons passing by or overlooking the site from neighboring properties. If open space is intended for active use, it should include such elements as benches, shade trees, and refuse containers and be so designed to maximize its accessibility for all individuals, including the disabled, and encourage social interaction. The siting of open space on a lot shall also consider the potential impact of buildings, both existing and potential, on shadow casting and solar access. The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. E. Provide efficient and effective circulation. With respect to vehicular and pedestrian circulation, special attention shall be given to the location and number of access points to public streets and sidewalks, to the separation of vehicles and pedestrians, to the arrangement of parking areas and to service and loading areas, and to the location of accessible routes and ramps for the disabled. Site design shall also provide for interconnections, both vehicular and pedestrian, between adjacent properties. The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. F. Outdoor Lighting. Outdoor lighting shall be designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and functional. The lighting type or types shall be metal halide, compact fluorescent and/or induction lamps and shall be of a white color with a Color Rendering Index (CRI) of seventy (70) or greater recommended. Light fixtures shall be appropriately shielded to preclude glare and overall illumination levels should be evenly distributed. The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. G. Provide for nature's events. Attention shall be accorded to design features which address the affects of rain, snow and ice at building entrances and on sidewalks, and to provisions for snow and ice removal from circulation areas. The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. H. Make spaces secure and safe. With respect to personal safety, all open and enclosed spaces should be designed to facilitate building evacuation, and provide reasonable accessibility by fire, police or other emergency personnel and equipment. The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. 1. Streetscape improvements. An applicant for new development shall be responsible for implementing streetscape improvements (e.g., sidewalks, street lighting, street trees, etc.) within the portion of the public street ROW directly fronting the parcel of land for which development is SP_15 31_and_DR_15_03_200&222_DorsetStreet_and_59_Garden_Street_LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla_ch arging_stations_finalffd.doc 12 #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 proposed. Such streetscape improvements shall be in accord with the specifications contained in the City Center Streetscape Design Guidelines. The proposed project has no effect on this criterion. This criterion continues to be met. DECISION Motion by Mark Behr, seconded by David Parsons, to approve site plan application #SP-15-31 & design review application #DR-15-03 of Loja Burlington, LLC, subject to the following conditions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect except as amended herein. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plans and final plat plan submitted by the applicant and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. 3. The plans shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Administrative Officer. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plans shall be submitted to the Administrative Officer prior to recording the final plat plans. a. The plans shall be revised to add evergreens of sufficient height and density to screen effectively the utility cabinet from surrounding property. b. The plans shall be revised to include all the landscaping as previously approved for the entire PUD. c. The plans shall be revised to include the three (3) bike racks previously approved. d. The plans shall be revised to include the snow storage areas. 4. The Board approves the following waivers of the Land Development Regulations pursuant to this application: a. Allow a parking waiver of 20.0% or 67 spaces from the 334 spaces required for a total number of spaces provided to be 267. 5. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. 6. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit for the project, the applicant shall submit to the Administrative Officer a final set of project plans as approved in digital (PDF) format. 7. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 17.04 of the Land Development Regulations or this approval is null and void. 8. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Administrative Officer prior to the use of the charging stations. 9. Any changes to the site plans shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. SP_15 31_and_DR_15_03_200&222_DorsetStreet_and_59 Garden_Street_LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla_ch arging_stations_finalffd.doc 13 I #SP-15-31 and #DR-15-03 Tim Barritt Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Mark Behr Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Brian Breslend Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Bill Miller Yea Nay Abstain Not Present David Parsons Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Jennifer Smith Yea Nay Abstain Not Present John Wilking Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Motion carried by a vote of 6 — 0 - 0. CA Signed this LO day of c Tim Barritt, Chair 2015, by Please note: An appeal of this decision may be taken by filing, within 30 days of the date of this decision, a notice of appeal and the required fee by certified mail to the Superior Court, Environmental Division. See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b). A copy of the notice of appeal must also be mailed to the City of South Burlington Planning and Zoning Department at 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403. See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b)(4)(A). Please contact the Environmental Division at 802-828-1660 or http://vermont*udiciarV.org/GTC/environmental/default.aspx for more information on filing requirements, deadlines, fees and mailing address. The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call 802.879.5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. SP_15 31_and_DR_15_03_200&222_DorsetStreet_and_59 Garden_Street_LojaBurlingtonLLC Tesla_ch arging_stations_final ffd.doc 14