FEBRUARY 27, 2019
The Transfer of Development Rights Commi ee held a regular mee ng on Wednesday, February 27, 2019, at the Police
Sta on (19 Gregory Drive) beginning at 7:03 pm.
Members Present: Michael Mi ag, Chair, Tom Bailey, Clerk, Tim Barre , Kelly Lord and Monica Ostby
Members Absent: Andrew Chalnick, Economic Development Commi ee representa ve
Staff and Guests: Brandon Bless, from Bread and Bu er Farm who arrived late
1. Direc ons on Emergency Evacua on Procedures from Conference Room
The emergency exit procedures and routes were described.
2. Agenda: Addi ons, Dele ons or Changes in order of agenda items
There were not addi ons, dele ons or changes to the agenda
3. Open to the Public for Items not related to the agenda
There was no public comment.
4. Con nued discussion of use and applicability of Transferable Development Rights:
- Making TDR market viable
- Subs tute zoning to replace TDRs
- How to achieve conserva on value of TDRs
- Fact Sheet on current status of TDRs
It was noted that the City Council had appointed both Kelly and Monica as members of the Commi ee.
The Commi ee turned its a en on to the Memo dated 2/26/19 prepared by Mike and Monica en tled “TDR
Commi ee – Expansion of market of TDRs”.
During a discussion of what cons tutes a “density increase” Tom pointed out the defini on at 24 VSA Sec. 4423(a)(4).
The Commi ee discussed areas outside the SEQ which could become receiving areas, such as Allen Road and Swi
Street areas. Monica noted that the Commi ee should consider the effects of increased density in each suggested
receiving area as it is being considered. It was agreed that a next step would be to pick receiving area zones and
evaluate them.
A er a discussion of how to change sending areas, it was agreed that the Commi ee needed to await the findings
and recommenda ons of the Open Space Commi ee before considering whether and how to change sending areas.
In a discussion about expanding receiving areas, Mike suggested that there should be no receiving areas in the SEQ.
Tim added that the developable areas in the SEQ could con nue to develop with base zoning but without the added
density of TDRs. Tom noted that the City needed addi onal housing and that density should be encouraged along
already constructed water and sewer infrastructure.
Then the Commi ee discussed the possible op ons for use of TDRs, both residen al and commercial, while looking at
the lis ng crea ve used for TDRs set forth in Mike and Monica’s memo. Though the discussion was frui ul, no
conclusions were reached other than that more research would be necessary to develop the ideas.
Kelly pointed to several places that she considers threatened open spaces and noted the tree clearing at the O’Brien
Farms development. Monica expressed concern that the conserva on lawsuits will reduce the purchase of TDRs and
make the TDR market not workable. Tom added that the TDR markets should be considered and the effect on the TDR
values had to be at least taken into account with each proposal for how to u lize them.
Then the Commi ee turned briefly to Tom’s memo dated 2/25 concerning how to terminate the TDR model and
replace it with conven onal zoning.
Brandon objected to the 5 or 10 acre zoning alluded to in Tom’s memo as se ng up a larger version of rural sprawl.
Although he did not favor TDRs as serving a useful development tool, he recommended finding ways to absorb them
quickly so that in five years or so the City would be free to zone the current sending areas (without any quid pro quo
obliga on to TDR holders since the development rights had all been bought up) as necessary to reflect the changing
needs of the City.
It was agreed that Paul Connor should be invited to the next mee ng to enlist his help in evalua ng some of the ideas
in Mike and Monica’s memo and sugges ng good possible markets for TDRs.
5. Review of City A orney’s note on severed development rights
This item was moved to a future agenda
6. Review and approve 2/11/19 Mee ng Minutes
This item was moved to a future agenda
7. Adjourn
Mr. Mi ag announced that the next mee ng would occur on Wednesday, March 6th at the same conference room at
the South Burlington Police Department, 19 Gregory Drive.
The mee ng adjourned at approximately 9:10 PM.
Tom Bailey, Clerk