HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Steering Committee - 05/09/2018JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND SCHOOL BOARD 5 SEPTEMBER 2018 The South Burlington City Council and School Board held a joint meeng on Wednesday, 5 September 2018,at 7:10 p.m., in the Library of the Frederick Tule Middle School, Dorset Street. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: H. Riehle, Chair; M. Emery, T. Barri, D. Kaufman SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: E. Fitzgerald, Chair; M. Lalonde, A. Henry, B. Burkhardt, S. Wisloski; A.Husreovic, Student Representave ALSO PRESENT: K. Dorn, City Manager; T. Hubbard, Deputy City Manager; D. Young, Superintendent of Schools;A. Bolduc, City Aorney; D. Ruhe, Aorney for the School District; members of the public 1. Joint meeng of the School Board and City Council to consider and possibly approve anAgreement for the Exchange of Rights and Interests in Real Property: Mr. Ruhe said that he and the City Aorney had worked on this agreement which provides reciprocal benefitsfor the City and School District including: a. Creaon of a new access to Marcoe Central School from Market Street b. Parking to support a new city Library/City Hall/Senior Centerc. Expanded parking at Marcoe Central Schoold. Safe access to Marcoe Central School by liming traffic through school propertye. Expanded turning radius for large traffic f. Having the closest building to the School be a municipal buildingg. Enhanced stormwater treatment for both the School and municipal buildingh. Opportunity for the School District to least the exisng municipal building across from theHigh School and Middle School for administrave offices which will provide space at the schools for addional learning opportuniesi. Access to Mary Street through the Allard Square property Ms. Emery celebrated the collaboraon of the Council and School Board nong that they both represent andlive in the same city and work toward the beerment of the city. She cited the benefits of Marcoe CentralSchool having a “good neighbor.” Ms. Riehle echoed Ms. Emery’s comments and expressed her pleasure at seeing language in the agreementthat talks of cooperaon between the two bodies. Mr. Kaufman hoped the School Board will be a proacve as individuals and as a unit in geng the municipal building project passed by the voters. Mr. Barri noted he had been a dissenng vote because he didn’t feel this was the right locaon for the municipal building and the cost was too high. JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND SCHOOL BOARD5 SEPTEMBER 2018PAGE 2 Ms. Burkhardt said she was very excited about the new municipal building and hoped the two boards couldconnue to collaborate. She noted the document requires a “leap of faith” and that it will be a few yearsbefore the school gets the benefits of the agreement. Ms. Fitzgerald noted that a recommendaon has been made to turn the Steering Commiee meengs into“proacve meengs.” She felt that it would be great for the community to see both bodies working in that way. Mr. Henry felt there are a lot of “up sides” for the School District and parcularly noted that the agreement would eliminate the need to have students in temporary trailers. The unknowns are how the 575 Dorset St.building fits the School District’s needs and how the building would be maintained. He also felt it was greatthat municipal offices would be “downtown.” Ms. Fitzgerald thanked both aorneys for having worked so well to get to this point. Ms. Riehle then moved that the City Council approve the agreement entled Agreement for the Exchange ofRights and Interests in Real Property and to authorize Helen Riehle to sign as Chair of the City Council. Ms. Emery seconded. Moon passed 3-1 with Mr. Barri vong against. Mr. Wisloski moved that the School Board approve the agreement entled Agreement for the Exchange ofRights and Interests in Real Property and to authorize Elizabeth Fitzgerald as Chair of the School Board to sign the Agreement. Mr. Lalonde seconded. Moon passed 5-0. Ms. Emery asked about the possible loss of an acre playing field space. Ms. Burkhardt explained that it isactually less than an acre and involves some roadway and treed areas. As there was no further business to come before the joint meeng, the City Council adjourned its parcipaonby common consent at 7:30 p.m.