HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Recreation and Parks Committee - 05/22/2017
South Burlington Recrea on & Parks Commi ee
May 22nd, 2017
Present: Jennifer Kochman, Mike Simoneau, Glenn Sproul, Paul Steinman, Naa Aku Addo, Rebecca Poque e, Liz
Robitaille and George Donovan and Maggie Leugers Director Recrea on and Parks
Mee ng was called to order at 4:57pm
George Donovan and Mike Simoneau reviewed the Safety Procedures.
Addi ons to the agenda: Jennifer men oned that it would be helpful to include the Recrea on and Parks retreat
to the agenda.
There were no comments from the public.
Approval of minutes from April 17th mee ng: There were no changes or discussion of the mee ng minutes. Mike
made a mo on to approve the minutes, George seconded. With this the minutes were unanimously approved.
Director’s reports: Maggie shared that she and Holly went to Washington DC to present on the grant that was
received last year. The presenta on was for 88 new recipients of the Commitment to Health Grant. Maggie and
Holly explained to the new recipients how the South Burlington junior recrea on camp was carried out. The
presenta on also highlighted what was going to be done in the future. Maggie also men oned that the
Recrea on Department intends to offer FREE programming at the O’Dell, Grand Way and Lime Kiln Apartments.
There are three pop-ups happening this summer at O’Dell. The hope is to secure funding from United Way,
Champlain Housing Trust and the City for this programming. Recrea on and Parks will be talking with Champlain
Housing Trust and Grand about funding. Maggie will share the dates of these pop-ups. Jennifer encouraged
Maggie write an ar cle to Seven Days, The Other Paper or a press release to highlight this extraordinary work.
SOBU life magazine will have three magazines published.
Maggie also reported that last Friday was Tu lefest. This gave the kids from Tu le Middle School an opportunity
to go out to Dumont Park. The kids were able to learn about what invasive species were and what to pull out
during their me at the park. There were 10 people at Dumont Park on Saturday who came in to pull invasive
species. Maggie advised that in June VYCC will be working on pulling out buckthorne and honeysuckle in Dumont
Park. VYCC will also be at Red Rocks this summer for 8 weeks.
Maggie men oned that The O’Brien house is gone! Maggie advised that the current dog park is not on city
property, therefore it has to be moved. There are discussions to place a temporary dog park where the O’Brien
house used to be. The hope is to have the permanent dog park at Farrell park. Maggie men oned that there will
be a mee ng to keep the Jaycee Park residents abreast of what is happening with the property and the dog park.
Glenn asked whether this change will increase pressure on the other parks? Glenn suggested that there is the
need to look at this sooner rather than later since visioning will begin soon. Maggie also men oned that T=the
Wheeler Homestead now has an ADA portable restrooms available. The Underwood master plan, has been sent
to Mark Kane of the SC group. Maggie also received the quotes on the Veteran’s Memorial electricity update.
The quotes are es mated at $35,000. With regards to the visioning process, Maggie discussed that there will be
vigne es put up at Underwood Park during the visioning process. Maggie emphasized that it will build on what
the Underwood taskforce put together, and the hope is to have public input throughout this process. Mike asked
if it will be a good idea for the commi ee to revisit the Underwood master plan and come to a consensus with
the recommenda ons of the commi ee. Glenn asked that the recrea on commi ee be able to see the details of
the process. Maggie advised that the overall Underwood master plan comple on cost is set at $45,000 with a
con ngency of $3,000 should there be the need for more. Finally, Maggie men oned that the lights at Jaycee
Park should be up and ready to go by the first week in June.
Orienta on Package: The commi ee agrees that the orienta on package is comprehensive. It includes the by-
laws, and a document describing Who We Are and What We Do. Jennifer asked that the commi ee review for
the next mee ng the Who We Are and What We Do document.
Leadership mee ng: Jennifer men oned that leadership has requested that commi ees work on a matrix of
experience/skills for appointees’. Mike advised that the list was adapted from the Howard Center. The commi ee
suggested some changes for the list. The commi ee advised that they would like to see the defini on for es to
the community defined be er. Rebecca suggested that there be two columns that highlight skills, experiences
and interests. Glenn suggested adding edi ng as a skill. Glenn also suggested that S.B history skill/experience
reflect not just only in the community but also other parts of local government. Rebecca suggested that a ends
commi ee events have two parts that highlights par cipa on and volunteering. Glenn also suggested including
number of years in SB as part of the matrix. Rebecca suggested that Advocacy and PR be separated into two skills
and experiences. Glenn suggested that we approach the matrix as something that the commi ee hopes to have
and not every single member is required to have these skills and experiences. Jennifer and Rebecca advised that
prior a endance at commi ee mee ngs be included. Jennifer will work on this in me for the leadership
mee ng on the 25th.
NRPA Performance Review: Maggie advised that the volunteer hours men oned in the NRPA Performance
Review report is inaccurate. Maggie men oned that the actual numbers should be about 10,000. The
commi ee agreed that the NRPA Performance Review document is a comprehensive document. Glenn
volunteered to create a one-page synopsis of the document, that will provide a summary to the report. Once the
synopsis is complete, Glenn will present this to the commi ee and hopefully there will be a discussion of this
PUD’s: Maggie has contacted Paul Connors and hasn’t heard back yet. Maggie men oned that there is work that
needs to be done with the LDR’s.
Reports and Updates
Bike and Ped: Rebecca reported that there is a development of a purchasing program for bike racks for local
developers and builders.
City Council: Nothing to report
Natural Resources: Naa reported that there was a discussion about the Invasive species pull-up event. at Dumont
SB Land Trust: Paul reported that the Land Trust commi ee discussed highlights of the year. These include 28
acres added to the Wheeler property, involvement in open space discussions, Green Up Day sponsorship, input
to the regional planning board on proper es, involvement in several commi ees that align with the commi ees
goals, and the discussion of land conserva on. Commi ee highlighted that there has been improved
coordina on with Recrea on and Parks!
Library Board: Nothing new to report
School Board: Liz men oned that the school now has a new name; Wolves. However, there is a school budget
vote happening on the 6th of June.
Winooski Valley park: Nothing new to report.
Planning commission: Jennifer plans to follow up on the PUD report.
Design Commi ee: Jennifer reported that a design has finally been selected.
DRB: Nothing to report
Energy: Nothing to report
Retreat: Jennifer men oned that the summer retreat was a great thing to have and it would be great to have
another especially when new members join the commi ee.
Mee ng was adjourned at 7:15
Next regular mee ng is June 19th at 5pm
Respec ully Submi ed,
Naa Aku Addo, Secretary